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五十度灰英文版 - Part III Chapter Twenty-five(1)
  Chapter Twenty-five
  I can barely breathe. Do I want to hear this? Christian closes his eyes and
  swallows. When he opens them again, they are bright but diffident, full of
  disquieting memories.
  “It was a hot summer day. I was working hard.” He snorts and shakes his
  head, suddenly amused. “It was backbreaking work shifting that rubble. I was
  on my own, and Ele—Mrs. Lincoln appeared out of nowhere and brought me
  some lemonade. We exchanged small talk, and I made some smart-ass
  remark . . . and she slapped me. She slapped me so hard.” Unconsciously,
  his hand moves to his face and he caresses his cheek, his eyes clouding at
  the memory. Holy shit!
  “But then she kissed me. And when she finished, she slapped me again.” He
  blinks, seemingly still confounded even after all this time.
  “I’d never been kissed before or hit like that.”
  Oh. She pounced. On a kid.
  “Do you want to hear this?” Christians asks.
  Yes . . . No . . .
  “Only if you want to tell me.” My voice is small as I lie facing him, my mind
  “I’m trying to give you some context.”
  I nod in what I hope is an encouraging manner. But I suspect I may look like a
  statue, frozen and wide-eyed with shock. He frowns, his eyes searching
  mine, trying to gauge my reaction. Then he turns onto his back and stares up
  at the ceiling.
  “Well, naturally, I was confused and angry and horny as hell. I mean, a hot
  older woman comes on to you like that—” He shakes his head as if he still
  can’t believe it.
  Hot? I feel queasy.
  “She went back into the house, leaving me in the backyard. She acted as if
  nothing had happened. I was at a total loss. So I went back to work, loading
  the rubble into the dumpster. When I left that evening, she asked me to come
  back the next day. She didn’t mention what had 467 | P a g e
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  happened. So the next day I went back. I couldn’t wait to see her again,” he
  whispers as if it’s a dark confession . . . because frankly it is.
  “She didn’t touch me when she kissed me,” he murmurs and turns his head
  to gaze at me. “You have to understand . . . my life was hell on earth. I was a
  walking hard-on, fifteen years old, tall for my age, hormones raging. The girls
  at school—” He stops, but I’ve got the picture: a scared, lonely, but attractive
  adolescent. My heart twists.
  “I was angry, so fucking angry at everyone; at myself, my folks. I had no
  friends. My therapist at the time was a total asshole. My folks, they kept me
  on a tight leash; they didn’t understand.” He stares back up at the ceiling and
  runs a hand through his hair. I itch to run my fingers through his hair, too, but I
  stay still.
  “I just couldn’t bear anyone to touch me. I couldn’t. Couldn’t bear anyone near
  me. I used to fight . . . fuck, did I fight. I got into some god-awful brawls. I was
  expelled from a couple of schools. But it was a way to let off steam. To
  tolerate some kind of physical contact.” He stops again. “Well, you get the
  idea. And when she kissed me, she only grabbed my face. She didn’t touch
  me.” His voice is barely audible. She must have known. Perhaps Grace had
  told her. Oh, my poor Fifty. I have to fold my hands beneath my pillow and
  rest my head on it in order to resist the urge to hold him.
  “Well, the next day I went back to the house, not knowing what to expect. And
  I’ll spare you the gory details, but there was more of the same. And that’s
  how our relationship started.”
  Oh fuck, this is painful to hear.
  He shifts again onto his side so he’s facing me.
  “And you know something, Ana? My world came into focus. Sharp and clear.
  Everything. It was exactly what I needed. She was a breath of fresh air.
  Making the decisions, taking all that shit away from me, letting me breathe.”
  Holy shit.
  “And even when it all finished, my world stayed in focus because of her. And
  it stayed that way until I met you.”
  What the hell am I supposed to say to that? Tentatively, he smoothes a stray
  lock of my hair behind my ear.
  “You turned my world on its head.” He closes his eyes, and when he opens
  them again, they are raw. “My world was ordered, calm and 468 | P a g e
  controlled, then you came into my life with your smart mouth, your innocence,
  your beauty, and your quiet temerity . . . and everything before you was just
  dull, empty, mediocre . . . it was nothing.”
  Oh my.
  “I fell in love,” he whispers.
  I stop breathing. He caresses my cheek.
  “So did I,” I murmur with the little breath I have left. His eyes soften. “I know,”
  he mouths.
  “You do?”
  Hallelujah! I smile shyly at him. “Finally,” I whisper. He nods.
  “And it’s put everything into perspective for me. When I was younger, Elena
  was the center of my world. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for her. And she
  did a lot for me. She stopped my drinking. Made me work hard at school . . .
  You know, she gave me a coping mechanism I hadn’t had before, allowed
  me to experience things that I never thought I could.”
  “Touch,” I whisper.
  He nods. “After a fashion.”
  I frown, wondering what he means.
  He hesitates at my reaction.
  Tell me! I will him.
  “If you grow up with a wholly negative self-image, thinking you’re some kind
  of reject, an unlovable savage, you think you deserve to be beaten.”
  Christian . . . you are none of those things.
  He pauses and runs his hand through his hair. “Ana, it’s much easier to wear
  your pain on the outside . . .” Again, it’s a confession. Oh.
  “She channeled my anger.” His mouth presses together in a bleak line.
  “Mostly inward—I realize that now. Dr. Flynn’s been on and on about this for
  some time. It was only recently that I saw our relationship for what it was. You
  know . . . on my birthday.”
  I shudder as the unwelcome memory of Elena and Christian verbally
  eviscerating each other at Christian’s birthday party surfaces unwelcome in
  my mind.
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  “For her that side of our relationship was about sex and control and a lonely
  woman finding some kind of comfort with her boy toy.”
  “But you like control,” I whisper.
  “Yes. I do. I always will, Ana. It’s who I am. I surrendered it for a brief while.
  Let someone make all my decisions for me. I couldn’t do it myself—I wasn’t
  in a fit state. But through my submission to her, I found myself and found the
  strength to take charge of my life . . . take control and make my own
  “Become a Dom?”
  “Your decision?”
  “Dropping out of Harvard?”
  “My decision, and it was the best decision I ever made. Until I met you.”
  “Yes.” His lips quirk up in a soft smile. “The best decision I ever made was
  marrying you.”
  Oh my. “Not starting your company?”
  He shakes his head.
  “Not learning to fly?”
  He shakes his head. “You,” he mouths. He caresses my cheek with his
  knuckles. “She knew,” he whispers.
  I frown. “She knew what?”
  “That I was head over heels in love with you. She encouraged me to go down
  to Georgia to see you, and I’m glad she did. She thought you’d freak out and
  leave. Which you did.”
  I pale. I’d rather not think about that.
  “She thought I needed all the trappings of the lifestyle I enjoyed.”
  “The Dom?” I whisper.
  He nods. “It enabled me to keep everyone at arm’s length, gave me control,
  and kept me detached, or so I thought. I’m sure you’ve worked out why,” he
  adds softly.
  “Your birth mom?”
  “I didn’t want to be hurt again. And then you left me.” His words are barely
  audible. “And I was a mess.”
  Oh no.
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  “I’ve avoided intimacy for so long—I don’t know how to do this.”
  “You’re doing fine,” I murmur. I trace his lips with my index finger. He purses
  them into a kiss. You’re talking to me.
  “Do you miss it?” I whisper.
  “Miss it?”
  “That lifestyle.”
  “Yes, I do.”
  “But only insofar as I miss the control it brings. And frankly, your stupid
  stunt”—he stops—“that saved my sister,” he whispers, his words full of relief,
  awe, and disbelief. “That’s how I know.”
  “Really know that you love me.”
  I frown. “What?”
  “Because you risked so much . . . for me, for my family.”
  My frown deepens. He reaches over and traces his finger over the middle of
  my brow above my nose.
  “You have a V here when you frown,” he murmurs. “It’s very soft to kiss. I can
  behave so badly . . . and yet you’re still here.”
  “Why are you surprised I’m still here? I told you I wasn’t going to leave you.”
  “Because of the way that I behaved when you told me you were pregnant.” He
  runs his finger down my cheek. “You were right. I am an adolescent.”
  Oh shit . . . I did say that. My subconscious glares at me. His doctor said
  “Christian, I said some awful things.” He puts his index finger over my lips.
  “Hush. I deserved to hear them. Besides this is my bedtime story.”
  He rolls onto his back again.
  “When you told me you were pregnant—” He stops. “I’d thought it would be
  just you and me for a while. I’d considered children, but only in the abstract. I
  had this vague idea we’d have a child sometime in the future.”
  Just one? No . . . Not an only child. Not like me. Perhaps now’s not the best
  time to bring that up.
  “You are still so young, and I know you’re quietly ambitious.”
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  Ambitious? Me?
  “Well, you pulled the rug from under me. Christ, was that unexpected. Never
  in a million years, when I asked you what was wrong, did I expect you to be
  pregnant.” He sighs. “I was so mad. Mad at you. Mad at myself. Mad at
  everyone. And it took me back, that feeling of nothing being in my control. I
  had to get out. I went to see Flynn, but he was at some school parents’
  evening.” Christian pauses and arches an eyebrow.
  “Ironic,” I whisper. Christian smirks in agreement.
  “So I walked and walked and walked, and I just . . . found myself at the salon.
  Elena was leaving. She was surprised to see me. And, truth be told, I was
  surprised to find myself there. She could tell I was mad and asked me if I
  wanted a drink.”
  Oh shit. We’ve cut to the chase. My heart doubles in speed. Do I really want
  to know this? My subconscious glares at me, a plucked eyebrow raised in
  “We went to a quiet bar I know and had a bottle of wine. She apologized for
  the way she behaved the last time she saw us. She’s hurt that my mom will
  have nothing to do with her any more—it’s narrowed her social circle—but
  she understands. We talked about the business, which is doing fine, in spite
  of the recession . . . I mentioned that you wanted kids.”
  I frown. What? “I thought you let her know I was pregnant.”
  He regards me, his face guileless. “No, I didn’t.”
  “Why didn’t you tell me that?”
  He shrugs. “I never got the chance.”
  “Yes, you did.”
  “I couldn’t find you the next morning, Ana. And when I did, you were so mad at
  me . . .”
  Oh, yes. “I was.”
  “Anyway, at some point in the evening—about halfway through the second
  bottle—she leaned over to touch me. And I froze,” he whispers, throwing his
  arm over his eyes.
  My scalp tingles. What’s this?
  “She saw that I recoiled from her. It shocked both of us.” His voice is low, too
  Why won’t he look at me? I tug at his arm and he lowers it, turning 472 | P a g
  to gaze into my eyes. Shit. His face is pale, his eyes wide.
  “What?” I breathe.
  He frowns, and swallows.
  Oh . . . what isn’t he telling me? Do I want to know?
  “She made a pass at me.” He’s shocked, I can tell.
  All the breath is sucked from my body. I feel winded, and I think my heart has
  stopped. That fucking bitch troll!
  “It was a moment, suspended in time. She saw my expression, and she
  realized how far she’d crossed the line. I said . . . no. I haven’t thought of her
  like that for years, and besides”—he swallows—“I love you. I told her, I love
  my wife.”
  I gaze at him. I don’t know what to say.
  “She backed right off. Apologized again, made it seem like a joke. I mean,
  she said she’s happy with Isaac and with the business and she doesn’t bear
  either of us any ill will. She said she missed my friendship, but she could see
  that my life was with you now. And how awkward that was, given what
  happened last time we were all in the same room. I couldn’t have agreed with
  her more. We said our goodbyes—our final goodbyes. I said I wouldn’t see
  her again, and she went on her way.”
  I swallow, fear gripping my heart. “Did you kiss?”
  “No!” he snorts. “I couldn’t bear to be that close to her.”
  Oh. Good.
  “I was miserable. I wanted to come home to you. But . . . I knew I’d behaved
  badly. I stayed and finished the bottle, then started on the bourbon. While I
  was drinking, I remember you saying to me some time ago, ‘If that was my
  son . . .’ And I got to thinking about Junior and about how Elena and I started.
  And it made me feel . . . uncomfortable. I’d never thought of it like that
  A memory blossoms in my mind—a whispered conversation from when I was
  half conscious—Christian’s voice: “But seeing her finally put it all in
  perspective for me. You know . . . with the child. For the first time I felt . . .
  What we did . . . it was wrong.” He’d been speaking to Grace.
  “That’s it?”
  “Pretty much.”
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  “It’s over?”
  “Yes. It’s been over since I laid eyes on you. I finally realized it that night and
  so did she.”
  “I’m sorry,” I mutter.
  He frowns. “What for?”
  “Being so angry the next day.”
  He snorts. “Baby, I understand angry.” He pauses then sighs. “You see, Ana, I
  want you to myself. I don’t want to share you. What we have, I’ve never had
  before. I want to be the center of your universe, for a while at least.”
  Oh, Christian. “You are. That’s not going to change.”
  He gives me an indulgent, sad, resigned smile. “Ana,” he whispers.
  “That’s just not true.”
  Tears prick my eyes.
  “How can it be?” he murmurs.
  Oh no.
  “Shit—don’t cry, Ana. Please, don’t cry.” He caresses my face.
  “I’m sorry.” My lower lip trembles, and he brushes his thumb over it, soothing
  “No, Ana, no. Don’t be sorry. You’ll have someone else to love as well. And
  you’re right. That’s how it should be.”
  “Blip will love you, too. You’ll be the center of Blip’s—Junior’s world,” I
  whisper. “Children love their parents unconditionally, Christian. That’s how

  they come into the world. Programmed to love. All babies . . . even you. Think
  about that children’s book you liked when you were small. You still wanted
  your mom. You loved her.”
  He furrows his brow and withdraws his hand, fisting it against his chin.
  “No,” he whispers.
  “Yes. You did.” My tears flow freely now. “Of course you did. It wasn’t an
  option. That’s why you’re so hurt.”
  He stares at me, his expression raw.
  “That’s why you’re able to love me,” I murmur. “Forgive her. She had her own
  world of pain to deal with. She was a shitty mother, and you loved her.”
  He gazes at me, saying nothing, eyes haunted—by memories I can’t 474 | P
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  begin to fathom.
  Oh, please don’t stop talking.
  Eventually he says, “I used to brush her hair. She was pretty.”
  “One look at you and no one would doubt that.”
  “She was a shitty mother.” His voice is barely audible. I nod and he closes
  his eyes. “I’m scared I’ll be a shitty father.”
  I stroke his dear face. Oh my Fifty, Fifty, Fifty. “Christian, do you think for one
  minute I’d let you be a shitty father?”
  He opens his eyes and gazes at me for what feels like an eternity. He smiles
  as relief slowly illuminates his face. “No, I don’t think you would.” He caresses
  my face with the back of his knuckles, gazing at me in wonder. “God, you’re
  strong, Mrs. Grey. I love you so much.”
  He leans forward and kisses my forehead. “I didn’t know I could.”
  “Oh, Christian,” I whisper, trying to contain my emotions.
  “Now, that’s the end of your bedtime story.”
  “That’s some bedside story . . . ”
  He smiles wistfully, but I think he’s relieved. “How’s your head?”
  “My head?” Actually, it’s about to explode with all you’ve told me!
  “Does it hurt?”
  “Good. I think you should sleep now.”
  Sleep! How can I sleep after all that?
  “Sleep,” he says sternly. “You need it.”
  I pout. “I have one question.”
  “Oh? What?” He eyes me warily.
  “Why have you suddenly become all . . . forthcoming, for want of a better
  He frowns.
  “You’re telling me all this, when getting information out of you is normally a
  pretty harrowing and trying experience.”
  “It is?
  “You know it is.”
  “Why am I being forthcoming? I can’t say. Seeing you practically dead on the
  cold concrete, maybe. The fact I’m going to be a father. I don’t know. You
  said you wanted to know, and I don’t want Elena to come between us. She
  can’t. She’s the past, and I’ve said that to you so many times.”
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  “If she hadn’t made a pass at you . . . would you still be friends?”
  “That’s more than one question.”
  “Sorry. You don’t have to tell me.” I flush. “You’ve already volunteered more
  than I ever thought you would.”
  His gaze softens. “No, I don’t think so, but she’s felt like unfinished business
  since my birthday. She stepped over the line, and I’m done. Please, believe
  me. I’m not going to see her again. You said she’s a hard limit for you. That’s
  a term I understand,” he says with quiet sincerity.
  Okay. I’m going to let this go now. My subconscious sags into her armchair.
  “Goodnight, Christian. Thank you for the enlightening bedtime story.” I lean
  over to kiss him, and our lips touch briefly, but he pulls back when I try to
  deepen the kiss.
  “Don’t,” he whispers. “I am desperate to make love to you.”
  “Then do.”
  “No, you need to rest, and it’s late. Go to sleep.” He leans over and switches
  off the bedside light, plunging us into darkness.
  “I love you unconditionally, Christian,” I murmur as I cuddle into his side.
  “I know,” he whispers, and I sense his shy smile.
  I wake with a start. Light is flooding the room, and Christian is not in bed. I
  glance at the clock and see it’s seven fifty-three. I take a deep breath and
  wince as my ribs smart though not as badly as yesterday. I think I could go to
  work. Work—Yes. I want to go to work. It’s Monday, and I spent all of
  yesterday lounging about in bed. Christian only let me go out briefly to see
  Ray. Honestly, he’s still such a control freak. I smile fondly. My control freak.
  He’s been attentive and loving and chatty . . . and hands-off since I arrived
  home. I scowl. I am going to have to do something about this. My head
  doesn’t hurt, the pain around my ribs has eased—though, admittedly,
  laughing has to be undertaken with caution—but I’m frustrated. I think this is
  the longest I’ve gone without sex since . . . well, since the first time. I think
  we’ve both recovered our equilibrium. Christian is much 476 | P a g e
  more relaxed; his long bedtime story seems to have laid some ghosts to
  rest, for him and for me. We’ll see.
  I shower quickly, and once I’m dry, I browse carefully through my clothes. I
  want something sexy. Something that might galvanize Christian into action.
  Who would have thought such an insatiable man could actually exercise so
  much self-control? I don’t really want to dwell on how Christian learned such
  discipline over his body. We haven’t spoken of the Bitch Troll once since his
  confessional. I hope we never do. To me she’s dead and buried.
  I choose an almost indecently short black skirt and a white silk blouse with a
  frill. I slide on thigh-highs with lacy tops and my black Louboutin pumps. A
  little mascara and lip gloss for a natural look, and after a ferocious brushing, I
  leave my hair loose. Yes. This should do it. Christian is eating at the
  breakfast bar. His forkful of omelet stops in midair when he sees me. He
  “Good morning, Mrs. Grey. Going somewhere?”
  “Work.” I smile sweetly.
  “I don’t think so.” Christian snorts with amused derision. “Dr. Singh said a
  week off.”
  “Christian, I am not spending the day lounging in bed on my own. So I may as
  well go to work. Good morning, Gail.”
  “Mrs. Grey.” Mrs. Jones tries to hide a smile. “Would you like some
  “I’d prefer scrambled eggs with whole wheat toast.”
  Mrs. Jones beams and Christian registers his surprise.
  “Very good, Mrs. Grey,” Mrs. Jones says.
  “Ana, you are not going to work.”
  “No. It’s simple. Don’t argue.” Christian is adamant. I glare at him, and only
  then do I notice that he’s in the same pajama bottoms and Tshirt he was
  wearing last night.
  “Are you going to work?” I ask.
  Am I going crazy? “It is Monday, right?”
  He smiles. “Last time I looked.”
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  I narrow my eyes. “Are you playing hooky?”
  “I’m not leaving you here on your own to get into trouble. And Dr. Singh said it
  would be a week before you could go back to work. Remember?”
  I slide onto a bar stool beside him and hoist my skirt up a little. Mrs. Jones
  places a cup of tea in front of me.
  “You look good,” Christian says. I cross my legs. “Very good. Especially
  here.” He traces a finger over the bare flesh that shows above my thighhighs.
  My pulse quickens as his finger runs across my skin. “This skirt is very
  short,” he murmurs, vague disapproval in his voice as his eyes follow his
  “Is it? I hadn’t noticed.”
  Christian gazes at me, mouth twisted in an amused yet exasperated smirk.
  “Really, Mrs. Grey?”
  I blush.
  “I’m not sure this look is suitable for the workplace,” he murmurs.
  “Well, since I’m not going to work, that’s a moot point.”
  “Moot,” I mouth.
  Christian smirks again and resumes eating his omelet. “I have a better idea.”
  “You do?”
  He glances at me through long lashes, gray eyes darkening. I inhale sharply.
  Oh my. About time.
  “We can go see how Elliot’s getting on with the house.”
  What? Oh! Tease! I vaguely remember we were supposed to do that before
  Ray was injured.
  “I’d love to.”
  “Good.” he grins.
  “Don’t you have to work?”
  “No. Ros is back from Taiwan. That all went well. Today, everything’s fine.”
  “I thought you were going to Taiwan.”
  He snorts again. “Ana, you were in the hospital.”
  “Yeah—oh. So today I’m spending some quality time with my 478 | P a g e
  wife.” He smacks his lips together as he takes a sip of coffee.
  “Quality time?” I can’t disguise the hope in my voice. Mrs. Jones places my
  scrambled eggs in front of me, again failing to hide her smile.
  Christian smirks. “Quality time.” He nods.
  I am too hungry to flirt anymore with my husband.
  “It’s good to see you eat,” he murmurs. Rising, he leans over and kisses my
  hair. “I’m going to shower.”
  “Um . . . can I come and scrub your back?” I mumble through a mouth full of
  toast and scrambled egg.
  “No. Eat.”
  Leaving the breakfast bar, he tugs his T-shirt over his head, treating me to
  the sight of his finely sculptured shoulders and naked back as he saunters
  out of the great room. I stop mid-chew. He’s doing this on purpose. Why?
  Ray is in good spirits. Mr. Rodriguez is visiting, too, and they’ve both settled
  down in front of the large new flat-screen TV in Ray’s room. I suspect
  Christian had something to do with that. We leave them watching the sports
  highlights from the previous weekend.
  Christian is relaxed on the drive north. He’s been this way ever since
  “the talk.” It’s as if a weight has been lifted; Mrs. Robinson’s shadow no
  longer looms so large over us, maybe because I’ve decided to let it go—or
  because he has, I don’t know. But I feel closer to him now than I ever have
  before. Perhaps because he’s finally confided in me. I hope he continues to
  do so. And he’s more accepting of the baby, too. He hasn’t gone out and
  bought a crib yet, but I have high hopes. I gaze at him, drinking him in as he
  drives. He looks casual, cool . . . sexy with his tousled hair, Ray-Bans,
  pinstripe jacket, white linen shirt, and jeans.
  He glances at me, reaches over, and clasps my leg above the knee, his
  fingers stroking gently. “I’m glad you didn’t change.”
  I did slip on a denim jacket and change to flats, but I’m still wearing the short
  skirt. His hand lingers above my knee. I put my hand on his. 479 | P a g e
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  “Are you going to continue to tease me?”
  “Maybe.” Christian smiles.
  “Because I can.” He grins, boyish as ever.
  “Two can play at that game,” I whisper.
  His fingers move tantalizingly up my thigh. “Bring it on, Mrs. Grey.” His grin
  I pick up his hand and put it back on his knee. “Well, you can keep your
  hands to yourself.”
  He smirks. “As you wish, Mrs. Grey.”
  Dammit. This game is going to backfire on me.
  Christian turns into the driveway of our new house. He stops at the keypad
  and punches in a number, and the ornate white metal gates swing open. We
  roar up the tree-lined lane, under leaves that are a blend of green, yellow,
  and burnished copper. The tall grass in the meadow is turning gold, but there
  are still a few yellow wildflowers dotted among the grass. It’s a beautiful day.
  The sun is shining, and the salty tang of the Sound is in the air mixed with the
  scent of the coming fall. This is such a tranquil and beautiful place. And to
  think we’re going to make our home here.
  The lane curves around, and our house comes into view. Several large
  trucks, sides emblazoned with GREY CONSTRUCTION, are parked out
  front. The house is decked in scaffolding, and several workmen in hard hats
  are busy on the roof.
  Christian pulls up outside the portico and switches off the engine. I can sense
  his excitement.
  “Let’s go find Elliot.”
  “Is he here?”
  “I hope so. I’m paying him enough.”
  I snort, and Christian grins as we get out of the car.
  “Yo, Bro!” Elliot shouts from somewhere. We both glance around.
  “Up here!” He’s up on the roof, waving down at us and beaming from ear to
  ear. “About time we saw you here. Stay where you are. I’ll be right down.”
  I glance at Christian, who shrugs. A few minutes later, Elliot 480 | P a g e
  appears at the front door.
  “Hey, Bro.” He shakes Christian’s hand. “And how are you, little lady?” He
  picks me up and swings me around.
  “Better, thanks,” I giggle breathlessly, my ribs protesting. Christian frowns at
  him, but Elliot ignores him.
  “Let’s head over to the site office. You’ll need one of these.” He taps his hard
  The house is a shell. The floors are covered in a hard fibrous material that
  looks like burlap; some of the original walls have disappeared and new ones
  have taken their place. Elliot leads us through, explaining what’s happening,
  while men—and a few women—work everywhere around us. I’m relieved to
  see the stone staircase with its intricate iron balustrade is still in place and
  draped completely in white dustsheets. In the main living area, the back wall
  has been removed to make way for Gia’s glass wall, and work is beginning
  on the terrace. In spite of the mess, the view is still stunning. The new work is
  sympathetic and in keeping with the old-world charm of the house . . . Gia’s
  done well. Elliot patiently explains the processes and gives us a rough
  timeframe for each. He’s hoping we can be in by Christmas, although
  Christian thinks this is optimistic.
  Holy cow—Christmas overlooking the Sound. I can’t wait. A bubble of
  excitement blooms inside me. I have visions of us trimming an enormous
  tree while a copper-haired little boy looks on in wonder. Elliot finishes our
  tour in the kitchen.
  “I’ll leave you two to roam. Be careful. This is a building site.”
  “Sure. Thanks, Elliot,” Christian murmurs, taking my hand.
  “Happy?” he asks once Elliot has left us alone. I am gazing at this empty shell
  of a room and wondering where I will hang the pepper pictures that we
  bought in France.
  “Very. I love it. You?”
  “Ditto.” He grins.
  “Good. I was thinking of the pepper pictures in here.”
  Christian nods. “I want to put up José’s portraits of you in this house. You
  need to decide where they should go.”
  I flush. “Somewhere I won’t see them often.”
  481 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  “Don’t be like that,” he scolds, brushing his thumb across my bottom lip.
  “They’re my favorite pictures. I love the one in my office.”
  “I have no idea why,” I murmur and kiss the pad of his thumb.
  “Worse things to do than look at your beautiful smiling face all day. Hungry?”
  he asks.
  “Hungry for what?” I whisper.
  He smirks, his eyes darkening. Hope and desire unfurl in my veins.
  “Food, Mrs. Grey,” he murmurs, and he plants a swift kiss on my lips. I give

  him my faux pout and sigh.
  “Yes. These days I’m always hungry.”
  “The three of us can have a picnic.”
  “Three of us? Is someone joining us?”
  Christian cocks his head to one side. “In about seven or eight months.”
  Oh . . . Blip. I grin goofily at him.
  “I thought you might like to eat al fresco.”
  “In the meadow?” I ask.
  He nods.
  “Sure.” I grin.
  “This will be a great place to raise a family,” he murmurs, gazing down at me.
  Family! More than one? Dare I mention this now?
  He spreads his fingers over my belly. Holy shit. I hold my breath and place
  my hand over his.
  “It’s hard to believe,” he whispers, and for the first time I hear wonder in his
  “I know. Oh—here, I have evidence. A picture.”
  “You do? Baby’s first smile?”
  I pull out the ultrasound of Blip from my wallet.
  Christian examines it closely, staring for several seconds.
  “Oh . . . Blip. Yeah, I see.” He sounds distracted, awed.
  “Your child,” I whisper.
  “Our child,” he counters.
  “First of many.”
  “Many?” Christian’s eyes widen with alarm.
  “At least two.”
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  “Two?” He tests the word. “Can we just take this one child at a time?”
  I grin. “Sure.”
  We head back outside into the warm fall afternoon.
  “When are you going to tell your folks?” Christian asks.
  “Soon,” I murmur. “I thought about telling Ray this morning, but Mr. Rodriguez
  was there.” I shrug.
  Christian nods and opens the hood of the R8. Inside are a wicker picnic
  basket and the tartan blanket we bought in London.
  “Come,” he says, taking the basket and blanket in one hand and holding the
  other out to me. Together we walk into the meadow.
  “Sure, Ros, go for it.” Christian hangs up. That’s the third call he’s taken
  during our picnic. He’s kicked off his shoes and socks, and is watching me,
  arms on his raised knees. His jacket lies discarded on top of mine, as we’re
  warm in the sun. I lie beside him, stretched out on the tartan picnic blanket,
  both of us surrounded by tall golden and green grass, far, far from the noise
  at the house and hidden from the prying eyes of the construction workers.
  We are in our own bucolic haven. He feeds me another strawberry, and I
  chew and suck it gratefully, gazing at his darkening eyes.
  “Tasty?” he whispers.
  “Had enough?”
  “Of strawberries, yes.”
  His eyes glitter dangerously, and he grins down at me. “Mrs. Jones packs a
  mighty fine picnic,” he says.
  “That she does,” I whisper.
  Shifting suddenly, he lies down so his head is resting on my belly. He closes
  his eyes and seems content. I tangle my fingers in his hair. He sighs heavily,
  then scowls and checks the number on the screen of his buzzing BlackBerry.
  He rolls his eyes and takes the call.
  “Welch,” he snaps. He tenses, listens for a second or two, then suddenly
  bolts upright.
  “24-7 . . . Thanks,” he says through gritted teeth and hangs up. The change in
  his mood is instant. Gone is my teasing, flirtatious husband, 483 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  replaced by a cold, calculating master of the universe. He narrows his eyes
  for a moment then gives me a cool, chilling smile. A shiver runs down my
  back. He picks up his BlackBerry and presses a speed dial.
  “Ros, how much stock do we own in Lincoln Timber?” He kneels up.
  My scalp prickles. Oh no, what’s this?
  “So, consolidate the shares into GEH, then fire the board . . . except the
  CEO. . . . I don’t give a fuck . . . I hear you, just do it . . . thank you . . . keep me
  informed.” He hangs up, and gazes at me impassively for a moment.
  Holy shit! Christian is mad.
  “What’s happened?”
  “Linc,” he murmurs.
  “Linc? Elena’s ex?”
  “The same. He’s the one who posted Hyde’s bail.”
  What? Why? I gape at Christian in shock. His mouth is pressed in a hard
  “Well—he’ll look like an idiot,” I murmur, dismayed. “I mean, Hyde committed
  another crime while out on bail.”
  Christian’s eyes narrow and he smirks. “Fair point well made, Mrs. Grey.”
  “What did you just do?” I kneel up, facing him.
  “I fucked him over.”
  Oh! “Um . . . that seems a little impulsive,” I murmur.
  “I’m an in-the-moment kind of guy.”
  “I’m aware of that.”
  His eyes narrow and his lips thin. “I’ve had this plan in my back pocket for a
  while,” he says dryly.
  I frown. “Oh?”
  He pauses, seeming to weigh up something in his mind, then takes a deep
  “Several years back, when I was twenty-one, Linc beat his wife to a pulp. He
  broke her jaw, her left arm, and four of her ribs because she was fucking
  me.” His eyes harden. “And now I learn he posted bail for a man who tried to
  kill me, kidnapped my sister, and fractured my wife’s skull. I’ve had enough. I
  think it’s payback time.”
  I blanch. Holy shit. “Fair point well made, Mr. Grey,” I whisper. 484 | P a g e
  “Ana, this is what I do. I’m not usually motivated by revenge, but I cannot let
  him get away with this. What he did to Elena . . . well, she should have
  pressed charges, but she didn’t. That was her prerogative.
  “But he’s seriously crossed the line with Hyde. Linc’s made this personal by
  going after my family. I’m going to crush him, break up his company right
  under his nose, and sell the pieces to the highest bidder. I am going to
  bankrupt him.”
  Oh . . .
  “Besides,” Christian smirks. “We’ll make good money out of the deal.”
  I stare into blazing gray eyes that soften suddenly.
  “I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he whispers.
  “You didn’t,” I lie.
  He arches a brow, amused.
  “You just took me by surprise,” I whisper, then swallow. Christian is really
  quite scary sometimes.
  Leaning down he brushes his lips against mine. “I will do anything to keep
  you safe. Keep my family safe. Keep this little one safe,” he murmurs and
  splays his hand out over my belly in a gentle caress. Oh . . . I stop breathing.
  Christian gazes down at me, his eyes darkening. His lips part as he inhales
  and, in a deliberate move, the tips of his fingers brush against my sex.
  Holy shit. Desire detonates like an incendiary device igniting my
  bloodstream. I grasp his head, my fingers weaving into his hair, and tug hard
  so my lips find his. He gasps, surprised by my assault, giving my tongue free
  passage into his mouth. He groans and kisses me back, his lips and tongue
  hungry for mine, and for a moment we consume each other, lost in tongues
  and lips and breaths and sweet, sweet sensation as we rediscover each
  Oh, I want this man. It’s been too long. I want him here, now, in the open air, in
  our meadow.
  “Ana,” he breathes, entranced, and his hand skims over my backside to the
  hem of my skirt. I scramble to unbutton his shirt, all fingers and thumbs.
  “Whoa, Ana—stop.” He pulls back, his jaw clenched, and grabs my hands.
  “No.” My teeth clamp gently around his lower lip and I tug. “No,” I 485 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  murmur again, gazing at him. I release him. “I want you.”
  He inhales sharply. He’s torn, his indecision writ large in luminous gray eyes.
  “Please, I need you.” Every pore of my being is begging. This is what we do.
  He groans in defeat as his mouth finds mine, molding my lips to his. One
  hand cradles my head while the other skims down my body to my waist, and
  he eases me onto my back and stretches out beside me, never breaking
  contact with my mouth.
  He pulls back, hovering over me and gazing down. “You are so beautiful,
  Mrs. Grey.”
  I caress his lovely face. “So are you, Mr. Grey. Inside and out.”
  He frowns, and my fingers trace the furrow in his brow.
  “Don’t frown. You are to me, even when you’re angry,” I whisper. He groans
  once more, and his mouth captures mine, pushing me into the soft grass
  beneath the blanket.
  “I’ve missed you,” he whispers, and his teeth graze my jaw. My heart soars.
  “I’ve missed you, too. Oh, Christian.” I fist one hand in his hair and clutch his
  shoulder with the other.
  His lips move to my throat, leaving tender kisses in their wake, and his
  fingers follow, deftly undoing each button of my blouse. Tugging my blouse
  apart, he kisses the soft swell of my breasts. He murmurs appreciatively, low
  in his throat, and the sound echoes through my body to my deep dark places.
  “Your body’s changing,” he whispers. His thumb teases my nipple until it’s
  erect and straining against my bra. “I like,” he adds. I watch his tongue taste
  and trace the line between my bra and my breast, tantalizing and teasing me.
  Taking my bra cup delicately between his teeth, he pulls it down, freeing my
  breast and nuzzling my nipple with his nose in the process. It puckers at his
  touch and from the chill of the gentle fall breeze. His lips close around me,
  and he sucks long and hard.
  “Ah!” I groan, inhaling sharply then wincing as pain radiates outward from my
  bruised ribs.
  “Ana!” Christian exclaims and glares down at me, concern etched on his
  face. “This is what I’m talking about,” he admonishes. “Your 486 | P a g e
  lack of self-preservation. I don’t want to hurt you.”
  “No . . . don’t stop,” I whimper. He stares at me, warring with himself.
  “Here.” Abruptly he moves, and I’m sitting astride him, my short skirt now
  bunched up around my hips. His hands glide over the top of my thigh-highs.
  “There. That’s better, and I can enjoy the view.” He reaches up and hooks his
  long index finger into my other bra cup, freeing that breast, too. He grasps
  both of my breasts, and I throw my head back, pushing them into his
  welcome, expert hands. He teases me, tugging and rolling my nipples until I
  cry out, then sits up so we’re nose to nose, his greedy gray eyes on mine. He
  kisses me, his fingers still teasing me. I scramble for his shirt, undoing the
  first two buttons, and it’s like sensory overload—I want to be kissing him
  everywhere, undressing him, making love with him all at once.
  “Hey—” He gently grasps my head and pulls back, eyes dark and full of
  sensual promise. “There’s no rush. Take it slow. I want to savor you.”
  “Christian, it’s been so long.” I’m panting.
  “Slow,” he whispers, and it’s a command. He kisses the right corner of my
  mouth. “Slow.” He kisses the left corner. “Slow, baby.” He tugs my bottom lip
  with his teeth. “Let’s take this slow.” He unfurls his fingers in my hair, keeping
  me in place as his tongue invades my mouth, seeking, tasting, calming . . .
  inflaming. Oh, my man can kiss. I caress his face, my fingers moving
  tentatively down to his chin then to his throat, and I start again on the buttons
  of his shirt, taking my time, as he continues to kiss me. Slowly I pull his shirt
  of his shirt, taking my time, as he continues to kiss me. Slowly I pull his shirt
  apart, my fingers trailing over his clavicles, feeling their way across his warm,
  silky skin. I push him gently back until he’s lying beneath me. Sitting up, I
  gaze down at him, aware that I’m squirming against his growing erection.
  Hmm. I trace my fingers across his lips to his jaw then down his neck, over
  his Adam’s apple to that little dip at the base of his throat. My beautiful man.
  I lean down, and my kisses follow the tips of my fingers. My teeth graze his
  jaw and kiss his throat. He closes his eyes.
  “Ah.” He groans and tilts his head back, giving me easier access to the base
  of his throat, his mouth slack and open in silent veneration. 487 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  Christian lost and aroused is just so exhilarating . . . and so arousing to me.
  My tongue trails down his sternum, twirling through his chest hair. Hmm. He
  tastes so good. He smells so good. Intoxicating. I kiss first one, then two of
  his small round scars, and he grasps my hips, so my fingers halt on his chest
  as I gaze down at him. His breathing is harsh.
  “You want this? Here?” he breathes, his eyes hooded with a heady
  combination of love and lust.
  “Yes,” I murmur, and my lips and tongue graze across his chest to his nipple. I
  pull and roll it gently with my teeth.
  “Oh, Ana,” he whispers and circling my waist he lifts me, tugging at his button
  and fly so he springs free. He sits me down again, and I push against him,
  delighting in the feel of him hot and hard beneath me. He runs his hands up
  my thighs, pausing where my thigh-highs stop and my flesh begins, his hands
  running small teasing circles at the top of my thighs so that the tips of his
  thumbs touch me . . . touch me where I want to be touched. I gasp.
  “I hope you’re not attached to your underwear,” he murmurs, his eyes wild
  and bright. His fingers trace the elastic along my belly then slide inside,
  teasing me, before grabbing my panties tightly and pushing his thumbs
  through the delicate material. My panties disintegrate. His hands splay out on
  my thighs, and his thumbs brush against my sex once more. He flexes his
  hips so his erection rubs against me.
  “I can feel how wet you are.” His voice is tinged with carnal appreciation, and
  he suddenly sits up, his arm around my waist again, so we’re nose to nose.
  He rubs his nose against mine.
  “We’re going to take this slow, Mrs. Grey. I want to feel all of you.”
  He lifts me, and with exquisite, frustrating, slow ease, lowers me onto him. I
  feel each blessed inch of him fill me.
  “Ah—” I moan incoherently as I reach out to clasp his arms. I try to lift myself
  off him for some welcome friction, but he holds me in place.
  “All of me,” he whispers, and tilts his pelvis, pushing himself into me all the
  way. I throw my head back and let out a strangled cry of pure pleasure.
  “Let me hear you,” he murmurs. “No—don’t move, just feel.”
  I open my eyes, my mouth frozen in a silent Ah! And he’s gazing at me,
  hooded, licentious gray eyes into dazed blue. He shifts, rolling his 488 | P a g
  hips, but holds me in place.
  I groan. His lips are at my throat, kissing me.
  “This is my favorite place. Buried in you,” he murmurs against my skin.
  “Please, move,” I plead.
  “Slow, Mrs. Grey.” He flexes his hips again and pleasure radiates through
  me. I cup his face and kiss him, consuming him.
  “Love me. Please, Christian.”
  His teeth skim my jaw up to my ear. “Go,” he whispers, and he lifts me up and
  down. My inner goddess is unleashed, and I push him down on the ground
  and start to move, savoring the feeling of him inside me . . . riding him . . .
  riding him hard. With his hands around my waist he matches my rhythm. I
  have missed this . . . the heady feeling of him beneath me, inside me . . . the
  sun on my back, the sweet smell of fall in the air, the gentle autumnal breeze.
  It’s a heady fusion of senses: touch, taste, smell, and the sight of my beloved
  husband beneath me.
  “Oh, Ana,” he groans. Eyes closed, head back, mouth open. Ah . . . I love
  this. And inside, I’m building . . . building . . . climbing . . . higher. Christian’s
  hands move to my thighs, and delicately his thumbs press at their apex, and I

  explode around him over and over and over and over, and I collapse,
  sprawled on his chest as he cries out in turn, letting go and calling out my
  name with love and joy.
  He cuddles me against his chest, cradling my head. Hmm. Closing my eyes,
  I savor the feel of his arms around me. My hand is on his chest, feeling the
  steady beat of his heart as it slows and calms. I kiss and nuzzle him, and
  marvel briefly that not long ago he would not have let me do this.
  “Better?” he whispers. I raise my head. He’s grinning broadly.
  “Much. You?” My answering grin reflects his.
  “I’ve missed you, Mrs. Grey.” He’s serious for a moment.
  “Me, too.”
  “No more heroics, eh?”
  “No,” I promise.
  “You should always talk to me,” he whispers.
  “Back at you, Grey.”
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  Fifty Shades Freed
  He smirks. “Fair point well made. I’ll try.” He kisses my hair.
  “I think we’re going to be happy here,” I whisper, closing my eyes again.
  “Yep. You, me and . . . Blip. How do you feel, incidentally?”
  “Fine. Relaxed. Happy.”
  “Yeah, all those things,” he murmurs.
  I look up at him, trying to gauge his expression.
  “What?” he asks.
  “You know, you’re very bossy when we have sex.”
  “Are you complaining?”
  “No. I’m just wondering . . . you said you missed it.”
  He stills, gazing at me. “Sometimes,” he whispers.
  Oh. “Well, we’ll have to see what we can do about that,” I murmur and kiss
  him lightly on his lips, curling around him like a vine. Images of us together, in
  the playroom; the Tallis, the table, on the cross, shackled to the bed . . . I love
  his kinky fuckery—our kinky fuckery. Yes. I can do that stuff. I can do that for
  him, with him. I can do that for me. My skin tingles as I remember the riding
  “I like to play, too,” I murmur, and glancing up, I’m treated to his shy smile.
  “You know, I’d really like to test your limits,” he whispers.
  “My limits for what?”
  “Oh, I think I’d like that.” My inner goddess drops into a dead faint.
  “Well, maybe when we get home,” he whispers, leaving that promise hanging
  between us.
  I nuzzle him once more. I love him so.
  It’s been two days since our picnic. Two days since the promise of well,
  maybe when we get home was made. Christian is still treating me like I’m
  made of glass. He still won’t let me go to work, so I have been working from
  home. I put the stack of query letters I’ve been reading aside on my desk and
  sigh. Christian and I haven’t been back in the 490 | P a g e
  playroom since I safe worded. And he’s said he misses it. Well, so do I . . .
  especially now that he wants to explore my limits. I flush, thinking what that
  could possibly entail. I glance at the billiard table . . . Yes I can’t wait to
  explore those.
  My thoughts are interrupted by soft, lyrical music that fills the apartment.
  Christian is playing the piano; not one of his usual laments but a sweet
  melody, a hopeful melody—one that I recognize, but have never heard him
  I tiptoe to the archway of the great room and watch Christian at the piano. It’s
  dusk. The sky is an opulent pink, and the light is reflected off his burnished
  copper hair. He looks his beautiful breathtaking self, concentrating as he
  plays, unaware of my presence. He’s been so forthcoming over the last few
  days, so attentive—offering small insights into his day, his thoughts, his
  plans. It’s as if he’s breached a dam and started talking.
  I know he’ll come to check on me in a few minutes, and it gives me an idea.
  Excited, I steal away, hoping that he still hasn’t noticed me, and race to our
  room, stripping off my clothes as I go, until I’m wearing nothing but pale blue
  lace panties. I find a pale blue camisole and slip into it quickly. It will hide my
  bruise. ping into the closet, I pull out Christian’s faded jeans—his playroom
  jeans, my favorite jeans—from the drawer. From my bedside table I pick up
  my BlackBerry, fold the jeans neatly, and kneel by the bedroom door. The
  door is ajar, and I can hear the strains of another piece, one I don’t know. But
  it’s another hopeful tune; it’s lovely. Quickly I type an email.
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: My Husband’s Pleasure
  Date: September 21, 2011 20:45
  To: Christian Grey
  I await your instructions.
  Yours always
  491 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  Mrs. G x
  I press send.
  A few moments later the music stops abruptly. My heart lurches and starts
  pounding. I wait and wait and eventually my BlackBerry buzzes.
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: My Husband’s Pleasure
  21, 2011 20:48
  To: Anastasia Grey
  Mrs. G
  I’m intrigued. I’l come find you.
  Be ready.
  Christian Grey
  Anticipative CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  Be ready! My heart starts to pound and I begin to count. Thirtyseven seconds
  later the door opens. I’m looking down at his bare feet as they pause on the
  threshold. Hmm. He says nothing. For ages he says nothing. Oh shit. I resist
  the urge to look up at him and keep my eyes downcast.
  Finally, he reaches down and picks up his jeans. He stays silent but heads
  into the walk-in closet while I remain stock-still. Oh my . . . this is it. My heart
  is thundering, and I relish the rush of adrenaline that spikes through my body.
  I squirm as my excitement builds. What will he do to me? A few moments
  later he’s back, wearing the jeans.
  “So you want to play?” he murmurs.
  He says nothing, and I risk a quick glance . . . up his jeans, his denim clad
  thighs, the soft bulge at his fly, the open button at the waist, his happy trail, his
  navel, his chiseled abdomen, his chest hair, his gray eyes blazing, and his
  head cocked to one side. He’s arching an 492 | P a g e
  eyebrow. Oh shit.
  “Yes what?” he whispers.
  “Yes, Sir.”
  His eyes soften. “Good girl,” he murmurs, and he caresses my head.
  “I think we’d better get you upstairs now,” he adds. My insides liquefy, and my
  belly clenches in that delicious way.
  He takes my hand and I follow him through the apartment and up the stairs.
  Outside the playroom door, he halts and bends and kisses me gently before
  grasping my hair hard.
  “You know, you’re topping from the bottom,” he murmurs against my lips.
  “What?” I don’t understand what he’s talking about.
  “Don’t worry. I’ll live with it,” he whispers, amused, and he runs his nose along
  my jaw and gently bites my ear. “Once inside, kneel, like I’ve shown you.”
  “Yes . . . Sir.”
  He gazes down at me, eyes shining with love, wonder, and wicked thoughts.
  Jeez . . . Life is never going to be boring with Christian, and I’m in this for the
  long haul. I love this man: my husband, my lover, father of my child, my
  sometimes Dominant . . . my Fifty Shades.
  493 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  The Big House, May 2014
  I lie on our tartan picnic blanket and gaze up at the clear, blue, summer sky,
  my view framed by meadow flowers and tall green grasses. The heat of the
  afternoon summer sun warms my skin, my bones and my belly, and I relax,
  my body turning to Jell-O. This is comfortable. Hell no . . . this is wonderful. I
  savor the moment, a moment of peace, a moment of pure and utter
  contentment. I should feel guilty for feeling this joy, this completeness, but I
  don’t. Life right here right now is good, and I’ve learned to appreciate it and
  live in the moment like my husband. I smile and squirm as my mind drifts to
  the delicious memory of last night at our home in Escala . . .
  The strands of the flogger skim across my swollen belly at an aching,
  languorous pace.
  “Have you had enough yet, Ana?” Christian whispers in my ear.
  “Oh, please.” I beg, pulling on the restraints above my head as I stand
  blindfolded and tethered to the grid in the playroom. The flogger’s sweet
  sting bites into my behind.
  “Please what?”
  I gasp. “Please, Sir.”
  Christian places his hand over my ringing skin and rubs gently.
  “There. There. There.” His words are soft. His hand moves south and around,
  and his fingers slide inside me.
  I groan.
  I groan.
  “Mrs. Grey,” he breathes, and his teeth pull at my earlobe. “You’re so ready.”
  His fingers slide in and out of me, hitting that spot, that sweet, sweet spot
  again. The flogger clatters onto the floor and his hand moves over 494 | P a
  g e
  my belly and up to my breasts. I tense. They are sensitive.
  “Hush,” Christian says, cupping one, and he gently brushes his thumb over
  my nipple.
  His fingers are gentle and enticing, and pleasure spirals out from my breast,
  down, down . . . deep down. I tilt my head back, pushing my nipple into his
  palm, and moan once more.
  “I like to hear you,” Christian whispers. His erection is at my hip, the buttons
  of his fly pressing into my flesh as his fingers continue their relentless assault:
  in, out, in, out—keeping a rhythm. “Shall I make you come like this?” he asks.
  His fingers stop moving inside me.
  “Really, Mrs. Grey? Is it up to you?” His fingers tighten around my nipple.
  “No . . . No, Sir.”
  “That’s better.”
  “Ah. Please,” I beg.
  “What do you want, Anastasia?”
  “You. Always.”
  He inhales sharply.
  “All of you,” I add, breathless.
  He eases his fingers out of me, pulls me around to face him, and removes
  the blindfold. I blink up into darkening gray eyes that burn into mine. His index
  fingers trace my bottom lip, and he pushes his index and middle fingers into
  my mouth, letting me taste the salty tang of my arousal.
  “Suck,” he whispers. I swirl my tongue around and between his fingers.
  Hmm . . . even I taste good on his fingers.
  His hands skim up my arms to the cuffs above my head, and he unclips them,
  freeing me. Turning me around so I’m facing the wall, he tugs on my braid,
  pulling me into his arms. He angles my head to one side and skims his lips
  up my throat to my ear while holding me flush against him.
  “I want in your mouth.” His voice is soft and seductive. My body, ripe and
  ready, clenches deep inside. The pleasure is sweet and sharp. 495 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  I moan. Turning to face him, I pull his head down to mine and kiss him hard,
  my tongue invading his mouth, tasting and savoring him. He groans, places
  his hands on my behind and tugs me against him, but only my pregnant belly
  touches him. I bite his jaw and trail kisses down his throat and run my fingers
  down to his jeans. He tilts his head back, exposing more of his throat to me,
  and I run my tongue down to his chest and through his chest hair.
  I tug the waistband of his jeans, the buttons popping, and he grasps my
  shoulders as I sink to my knees in front of him. As I gaze up at him through
  my lashes, he stares down at me. His eyes are dark, his lips parted, and he
  inhales deeply when I free him and ensnare him with my mouth. I love doing
  this to Christian. Watching him come apart, hearing his breath hitch, and the
  soft moans he makes deep in his throat. I close my eyes and suck hard,
  pressing down on him, relishing his taste and his breathless gasp. He
  grasps my head, stilling me, and I sheath my teeth with my lips and push him
  deeper into my mouth.
  “Open your eyes and look at me,” he orders, his voice low. Blazing eyes
  meet mine and he flexes his hips, filling my mouth to the back of my throat
  then withdrawing quickly. He pushes into me again and I reach up to grab
  him. He stops and holds me in place.
  “Don’t touch or I’ll cuff you again. I just want your mouth,” he growls.
  Oh my. Like that is it? I put my hands behind my back and gaze up at him
  innocently, his cock in my mouth.
  “Good girl,” he says, smirking down at me, his voice hoarse. He eases back,
  and holding me gently but firmly, he pushes into me again.
  “You have such a fuckable mouth, Mrs. Grey.” He closes his eyes and eases
  into my mouth as I squeeze him between my lips, running my tongue over and
  around him. I take him deeper and withdraw, again and again and again, the
  air hissing between his teeth.
  “Ah! Stop,” he says, and he pulls out of me, leaving me wanting more. He
  grasps my shoulders and pulls me to my feet. Grabbing my braid, he kisses
  me hard, his persistent tongue greedy and giving at once. Suddenly he
  releases me, and before I know it, he’s lifted me into his arms and moved
  over to the four-poster. Gently, he lays me down 496 | P a g e
  so that my behind is just on the edge of the bed.
  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he orders. I do as I’m bid and pull him
  toward me. He leans down, hands either side of my head, and still standing,
  very slowly eases himself into me.
  Oh, that feels so good. I close my eyes and revel in his slow possession.
  “Okay?” he asks, his concern evident in his tone.
  “Oh, God, Christian. Yes. Yes. Please.” I tighten my legs around him and
  push against him. He groans. I clasp his arms, and he flexes his hips slowly
  at first, in, out.
  “Christian, please. Harder—I won’t break.”
  He groans and starts to move, really move, pounding into me again and
  again. Oh, it’s heavenly.
  “Yes,” I gasp, tightening my hold on him as I start to build . . . He moans,
  grinding into me with renewed determination . . . and I’m close. Oh, please.
  Don’t stop.
  “Come on, Ana,” he groans through gritted teeth, and I explode around him,
  my orgasm going on and on and on. I call out his name and Christian stills,
  groaning loudly, as he climaxes inside me.
  “Ana,” he cries.
  Christian lies beside me, his hand caressing my belly, his long fingers
  splayed out wide.
  “How’s my daughter?”
  “She’s dancing.” I laugh.
  “Dancing? Oh yes! Wow. I can feel her.” He grins as Blip Two somersaults
  inside me.
  “I think she likes sex already.”
  Christian frowns. “Really?” he says dryly. He moves so his lips are against
  my bump. “There’ll be none of that until you’re thirty, young lady.”
  I giggle. “Oh, Christian, you are such a hypocrite.”
  “No, I’m an anxious father.” He gazes up at me, his brow furrowed betraying
  his anxiety.
  “You’re a wonderful father, as I knew you would be.” I caress his lovely face,
  and he gives me his shy smile.
  497 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  “I like this,” he murmurs stroking then kissing my belly. “There’s more of you.”
  I pout. “I don’t like more of me.”
  “It’s great when you come.”
  “And I’m looking forward to the taste of breast milk again.”
  “Christian! You are such a kinky—”
  He swoops on me suddenly, kissing me hard, throwing his leg over mine,
  and grabbing my hands so they are above my head. “You love the kinky
  fuckery,” he whispers, and he runs his nose down mine. I grin, caught in his
  infectious, wicked smile. “Yes, I love the kinky fuckery. And I love you. Very
  I jerk awake, woken by a high-pitched squeal of delight from my son, and
章节:38 人气:2
摘要:记不得哪位哲人曾经这样说过:对艺术而言,人类的两种基本欲望只需极小的代价便可以挑动起来,那就是恐惧与性欲。对后者,非本文所涉及的话题,姑且略去。但是把恐惧带进我们的生活,却真的不难。最简单的方法:你可以躲在暗处,出奇不意地向某个路过此地的人大吼一声,你的目的就能达到。当然,前提是他不知道你要玩这个游戏。换句话说,就是对他要保证两个字——悬念。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:2
摘要:秋天,经人做媒,板根祯子和鹈原宪一订了婚。祯子二十六岁,鹈原三十六岁。年龄倒很相配,但社会上看来,结婚似乎晚了点。“三十六岁还打光棍,不知过去有过什么事?”提亲时,祯子的母亲最为介意。也许有过什么事,三十六岁还没有碰过女人,似乎说不过去。但媒人说绝对没有。好像是在撒谎。作为一男人,也太懦弱了。工作已经多年,置身于男人世界里的份子是这样想的。事实上,和女人完全没交往的男人,会叫人瞧不起。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:2
摘要:郑克鲁莫里斯·梅特林克(MauriceMaeterlinck,1862—1949),比利时象征派戏剧家。出生于公证人家庭,早年学习法律,毕业后随即到巴黎小住,结识了一些崇尚象征派诗歌的朋友,从此决定了他的文学生涯和创作倾向。他的第一部作品《温室》(1889)是象征派诗歌集。同年发表的剧本《玛莱娜公主》得到了法国评论界的重视,这个剧本第一次把象征主义手法运用到戏剧创作中。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:2
摘要:喜欢听人讲陌生的地方,近乎病态地喜欢。有一段时间——10年前的事了——我不管三七二十一,逢人就问自己生身故乡和成长期间住过的地方的事。那个时代似乎极端缺乏愿意听人讲话那一类型的人,所以无论哪一个都对我讲得十分投入。甚至有素不相识的人在哪里听说我这个嗜好而特意跑来一吐为快。他们简直像往枯井里扔石子一样向我说各种各样——委实各种各样——的事,说罢全都心满意足地离去了。 [点击阅读]
1Q84 BOOK2
章节:34 人气:2
摘要:&nbs;《1Q84BOOK2(7月-9月)》写一对十岁时相遇后便各奔东西的三十岁男女,相互寻觅对方的故事,并将这个简单故事变成复杂的长篇。我想将这个时代所有世态立体地写出,成为我独有的“综合小说”。超越纯文学这一类型,采取多种尝试。在当今时代的空气中嵌入人类的生命。 [点击阅读]
章节:21 人气:2
摘要:《人间失格》(又名《丧失为人的资格》)日本著名小说家太宰治最具影响力的小说作品,发表于1948年,是一部自传体的小说。纤细的自传体中透露出极致的颓废,毁灭式的绝笔之作。太宰治巧妙地将自己的人生与思想,隐藏于主角叶藏的人生遭遇,藉由叶藏的独白,窥探太宰治的内心世界,一个“充满了可耻的一生”。在发表这部作品的同年,太宰治就自杀身亡。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:2
摘要:接听电话的是波洛的能干秘书李蒙小姐。她把速记簿摆到一边去,拎起话筒,平淡的说,“屈拉法加8137。”赫邱里-波洛躺回直立的椅背上,闭起双眼。他的手指在桌缘上轻敲着,脑子里继续构思着原先正在口述的信文的优美段落。李蒙小姐手掩话筒,低声问说:“你要不要接听德文郡纳瑟坎伯打来的叫人电话?”波洛皱起眉头。这个地名对他毫无意义。“打电话的人叫什么名字?”他谨慎地问。李蒙小姐对着话筒讲话。 [点击阅读]
章节:73 人气:2
摘要:人味在夜空中飘荡。狼灵停在一棵树下,嗅了嗅,灰棕色毛皮上洒满了斑驳阴影。松林的风为他送来人味,里面混合着更淡的狐狸、兔子、海豹、鹿,甚至狼的气味。其实这些东西的气味也是人味:旧皮的臭气,死亡和酸败的气息,且被更浓烈的烟、血和腐物的味道所覆盖。只有人类才会剥取其他动物的毛皮毛发,穿戴起来。狼灵不怕人,就和狼一样。他腹中充满饥饿与仇恨,于是他发出一声低吼,呼唤他的独眼兄弟,呼唤他的狡猾小妹。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:2
摘要:南非洲历险记--第一章在奥兰治河边第一章在奥兰治河边1854年2月27日,有两个人躺在奥兰治河边一棵高大的垂柳下,一边闲谈一边全神贯注地观察着河面。这条被荷兰殖民者称作格鲁特河,被土著霍顿督人称作加列普的奥兰治河,可以与非洲大陆的三大动脉:尼罗河、尼日尔河和赞比西河相提并论。像这三大河流一样,它也有自己的高水位、急流和瀑布。 [点击阅读]
章节:134 人气:2
摘要:【一】乍看似乎荒诞不经.实则隐含作者对西班牙现实深刻的理解.作者采用讽刺夸张的艺术手法.把现实与幻想结合起来.表达他对时代的见解.现实主义的描写在中占主导地位.在环境描写方面.与旧骑士小说的装饰性*风景描写截然不同.作者以史诗般的宏伟规模.以农村为主要舞台.出场以平民为主.人数近700多人.在这广阔的社会背景中.绘出一幅幅各具特色*又互相联系的社会画面.作者塑造人物的方法也是虚实结合的. [点击阅读]
章节:86 人气:2
摘要:清晨五点,哈佛大学的宗教艺术史教授罗伯特.兰登在睡梦中被一阵急促的电话铃声吵醒。电话里的人自称是欧洲原子核研究组织的首领,名叫马克西米利安.科勒,他是在互联网上找到兰登的电话号码的。科勒急欲向他了解一个名为“光照派”的神秘组织。他告诉兰登他们那里刚刚发生了一起谋杀案。他把死者的照片传真给兰登,照片把兰登惊得目瞪口呆。 [点击阅读]
章节:192 人气:2
摘要:Frank and Mirjam Pressler Translated by Susan MassottyBOOK FLAPAnne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl is among the most enduring documents of the twentieth century. [点击阅读]
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