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五十度灰英文版 - Part III Chapter Twenty-two
  Chapter Twenty-two
  “Jack.” My voice has disappeared, choked by fear. What does he want?
  How is he out of jail? Why does he have Mia’s phone? The blood drains from
  my face, and I feel dizzy.
  “You do remember me,” he says, his tone soft. I sense his bitter smile.
  “Yes. Of course.” My answer is automatic as my mind races.
  “You’re probably wondering why I called you.”
  Hang up.
  “Don’t hang up. I’ve been having a chat with your little sister-inlaw.”
  What? Mia! No! “What have you done?” I whisper, trying to quell my fear.
  “Listen here, you prick-teasing, gold-digging whore. You fucked up my life.
  Grey fucked up my life. You owe me. I have the little bitch with me now. And
  you, that cock-sucker you married, and his whole fucking family are going to
  Hyde’s contempt and bile shock me. His family? What the hell?
  “What do you want?”
  “I want his money. I really want his fucking money. If things had been different,
  it could have been me. So you’re going to get it for me. I want five million
  dollars, today.”
  “Jack, I don’t have access to that kind of money.”
  He snorts his derision. “You have two hours to get it. That’s it—two hours. Tell
  no one or this little bitch gets it. Not the cops. Not your prick of a husband.
  Not his security team. I will know if you do. Understand?” He pauses and I try
  to respond, but my panic and fear seal my throat.
  “You understand!” he shouts.
  “Yes,” I whisper.
  “Or I will kill her.”
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  I gasp.
  “Keep your phone with you. Tell no one or I’ll fuck her up before I kill her. You
  have two hours.”
  “Jack, I need longer. Three hours. How do I know that you have her?”
  The line goes dead. I gape in horror at the phone my mouth parched with
  fear, leaving the nasty metallic taste of terror. Mia , he has Mia. Or does he?
  My mind whirrs at the obscene possibility, and my stomach roils again. I think
  I’m going to be sick, but I inhale deeply, trying to steady my panic, and the
  nausea passes. My mind rockets through the possibilities. Tell Christian?
  Tell Taylor? Call the police? How will Jack know? Does he actually have
  Mia? I need time, time to think—but I can only accomplish that by following
  his instructions. I grab my purse and head for the door.
  “Hannah, I have to go out. I am not sure how long I’ll be. Cancel my
  appointments this afternoon. Let Elizabeth know I have to deal with an
  “Sure, Ana. Everything okay?” Hannah frowns, concern etched on her face as
  she watches me flee.
  “Yes,” I call back distractedly, hurrying toward reception where Sawyer is
  “Sawyer.” He leaps up from the armchair at the sound of my voice, and
  frowns when he sees my face.
  “I’m not feeling well. Please take me home.”
  “Sure, ma’am. Do you want to wait here while I get the car?”
  “No, I’ll come with you. I’m in a hurry to get home.”
  I gaze out the window in stark terror, running through my plan. Get home.
  Change. Find checkbook. Escape from Ryan and Sawyer somehow. Go to
  bank. Hell, how much room does five million dollars take up? What will it
  weigh? Will I need a suitcase? Should I telephone the bank in advance? Mia.
  Mia. What if he doesn’t have Mia? How can I check? If I call Grace it will
  raise her suspicions, and possibly endanger Mia. He said he would know. I
  glance out the back of the SUV. Am I being followed? My heart races as I
  examine the cars following us. They look innocuous enough. Oh, Sawyer,
  drive faster. 414 | P a g e
  Please. My eyes flicker to meet his in the rearview mirror and his brow
  Sawyer presses a button on his Bluetooth headset to answer a call.
  “T . . . I wanted to let you know Mrs. Grey is with me.” Sawyer’s eyes meet
  mine once more before he looks back at the road and continues.
  “She’s unwell. I’m taking her back to Escala . . . I see . . . sir.”
  Sawyer’s eyes flick from the road to mine in the rearview mirror again.
  “Yes,” he agrees, and hangs up.
  “Taylor?” I whisper.
  He nods.
  “He’s with Mr. Grey?”
  “Yes, ma’am.” Sawyer’s look softens in sympathy.
  “Are they still in Portland?”
  “Yes, ma’am.”
  Good. I have to keep Christian safe. My hand strays down to my belly, and I
  rub it consciously. And you, Little Blip. Keep you both safe.
  “Can we hurry please? I’m not feeling well.”
  “Yes, ma’am.” Sawyer presses the accelerator and our car glides through the
  Mrs. Jones is nowhere to be seen when Sawyer and I arrive at the
  apartment. Since her car is missing from the garage, I assume she’s running
  errands with Ryan. Sawyer heads for Taylor’s office while I bolt to Christian’s
  study. Scuttling in panic around his desk, I wrench open the drawer to find the
  checkbooks. Leila’s gun slides forward into view. I feel an incongruous
  twinge of annoyance that Christian has not secured this weapon. He knows
  nothing about guns—jeez, he could get hurt.
  After a moment’s hesitation, I grab the pistol, check to ensure it’s loaded,
  and tuck it into the waistband of my black slacks. I may need it. I swallow
  hard. I’ve only ever practiced on targets. I’ve never fired a gun at anyone; I
  hope Ray will forgive me . I turn my attention to tracking down the right
  checkbook. There are five, and only one is in the names of C. Grey and Mrs.
  A. Grey. I have about fifty-four thousand dollars in my own account. I have no
  idea how much money 415 | P a g e
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  is in this one. But Christian must be good for five million dollars, surely.
  Perhaps there’s money in the safe? Crap. I have no idea of the number.
  Didn’t he mention the combination was it his filing cabinet? I try the cabinet,
  but it’s locked. Shit. I’ll have to stick to plan A. I take a deep breath and, in a
  more composed but determined manner, stride to our bedroom. The bed
  has been made, and for a moment, I feel a pang. Perhaps I should have slept
  here last night. What is the point of arguing with someone who, by their own
  admission, is fifty shades? He’s not even talking to me now. No—I do not
  have time to think about this.
  Quickly, I change out of my slacks, pulling on jeans, a hooded sweatshirt, and
  a pair of sneakers and put the gun in the waistband of my jeans, at my back.
  From the closet I fish out a large soft duffle bag. Will five million dollars fit into
  this? Christian’s gym bag is lying there on the floor. I open it, expecting to
  find it full of dirty laundry, but no—
  his gym kit is clean and fresh. Mrs. Jones does indeed get everywhere. I
  dump the contents onto the floor and stuff his gym bag into my duffle. There,
  that should do it. I check that I have my driver’s license as identification for
  the bank and check the time. It’s been thirty-one minutes since Jack called.
  Now I just have to get out of Escala without Sawyer seeing me.
  I make my way slowly and quietly to the foyer, aware of the CCTV
  camera which is trained on the elevator. I think Sawyer’s still in Taylor’s
  office. Cautiously, I open the foyer door, making as little noise as possible.
  Shutting it quietly behind me, I stand on the very threshold, up against the

  door, out of the view of the CCTV lens. I fish my cell phone out of my purse
  and call Sawyer.
  “Mrs. Grey.”
  “Sawyer, I’m in the room upstairs, will you give me a hand with something?” I
  keep my voice low, knowing he’s just down the hallway on the other side of
  this door.
  “I’ll be right with you, ma’am,” he says, and I hear his confusion. I’ve never
  telephoned him for help before. My heart is in my throat, pounding in a
  jarring, frenetic rhythm. Will this work? I hang up and listen as his footsteps
  cross the hallway and go up the stairs. I take another deep steadying breath
  and briefly contemplate the irony of escaping from my own home like a felon.
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  Once Sawyer’s reached the upstairs landing, I race to the elevator and punch
  the call button. The doors slide open with the too-loud ping that announces
  the elevator is ready. I dash inside and frantically stab the button for the
  basement garage. After an agonizing pause, the doors slowly start to slide
  shut, and as they do I hear Sawyer’s cries.
  “Mrs. Grey!” Just as the elevator doors close, I see him skid into the foyer.
  “Ana!” he shouts in disbelief. But he’s too late, and he disappears from view.
  The elevator sinks smoothly down to the garage level. I have a couple of
  minutes’ start on Sawyer, and I know he’ll try to stop me. I glance longingly at
  my R8 as I rush to the Saab, open the door, toss the duffel bag onto the
  passenger seat, and slide into the driver’s seat. I start the Saab, and the tires
  squeal as I race to the entrance and wait eleven agonizing seconds for the
  barrier to lift. The instant it’s clear I drive out, catching sight of Sawyer in my
  rearview mirror as he dashes out of service elevator into the garage. His
  bewildered, injured expression haunts me as I turn off the ramp onto Fourth
  Avenue. I let out my long held breath. I know Sawyer will call Christian or
  Taylor, but I’ll deal with that when I have to—I don’t have time to dwell on it
  now. I squirm uncomfortably in my seat, knowing in my heart of hearts that
  Sawyer’s probably lost his job. Don’t dwell. I have to save Mia. I have to get
  to the bank and collect five million dollars. I glance in the rearview mirror,
  nervously anticipating the sight of the SUV bursting forth from the garage, but
  as I drive away, there’s no sign of Sawyer.
  The bank is sleek, modern, and understated. There are hushed tones,
  echoing floors, and pale green etched glass everywhere. I stride to the
  information desk.
  “Can I help you, ma’am?” The young woman gives me a bright, insincere
  smile, and for a moment I regret changing into jeans.
  “I’d like to withdraw a large sum of money.”
  Ms. Insincere Smile arches an even more insincere eyebrow.
  “You have an account with us?” She fails to hide her sarcasm.
  “Yes,” I snap. “My husband and I have several accounts here. His name is
  Christian Grey.”
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  Her eyes widen fractionally and insincerity gives way to shock. Her eyes
  sweep up and down me once more, this time with a combination of disbelief
  and awe.
  “This way, ma’am,” she whispers, and leads me to a small, sparsely
  furnished office walled with more green-etched glass.
  “Please take a seat.” She gestures to a black leather chair by a glass desk
  bearing a state-of-the-art computer and phone. “How much will you be
  withdrawing today, Mrs. Grey?” she asks pleasantly.
  “Five million dollars.” I look her straight in the eye as if I ask for this amount of
  cash every day.
  She blanches. “I see. I’ll fetch the manager. Oh, forgive me for asking, but do
  you have ID?”
  “I do. But I’d like to speak to the manager.”
  “Of course, Mrs. Grey.” She scurries out. I sink into the seat, and a wave of
  nausea washes over me as the gun presses uncomfortably into the small of
  my back . Not now. I can’t be sick now. I take a deep cleansing breath, and
  the wave passes. Nervously, I check my watch. Twenty-five past two.
  A middle-aged man enters the room. He has a receding hairline, but wears a
  sharp, expensive charcoal suit and matching tie. He holds out his hand.
  “Mrs. Grey. I’m Troy Whelan.” He smiles, we shake, and he sits down at the
  desk opposite me.
  “My colleague tells me you’d like to withdraw a large amount of money.”
  “That’s correct. Five million dollars.”
  He turns to his sleek computer and taps in a few numbers.
  “We normally ask for some notice for large amounts of money.” He pauses,
  and flashes me a reassuring but supercilious smile.
  “Fortunately, however, we hold the cash reserve for the entire Pacific
  Northwest,” he boasts. Jeez, is he trying to impress me?
  “Mr. Whelan, I’m in a hurry. What do I need to do? I have my driver’s license,
  and our joint account checkbook. Do I just write a check?”
  “First things first, Mrs. Grey. May I see the ID?” He switches from jovial showoff
  to serious banker.
  “Here.” I hand over my license.
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  “Mrs. Grey . . . this says Anastasia Steele.”
  Oh shit.
  “Oh . . . yes. Um.”
  “I’ll call Mr. Grey.”
  “Oh no, that won’t be necessary.” Shit! “I must have something with my
  married name.” I rifle through my purse. What do I have with my name on it? I
  pull out my wallet, open it and find a photograph of Christian and me, on the
  bed in Fair Lady’s cabin. I can’t show him that! I dig out my black Amex.
  “Mrs. Anastasia Grey,” Whelan reads. “Yes, that should do.” He frowns. “This
  is highly irregular, Mrs. Grey.
  “Do you want me to let my husband know that your bank has been less than
  cooperative?” I square my shoulders and give him my most forbidding stare.
  He pauses, momentarily reassessing me, I think. “You’ll need to write a
  check, Mrs. Grey.”
  “Sure. This account?” I show him my checkbook, trying to quell my pounding
  “That’ll be fine. I’ll also need you to complete some additional paperwork. If
  you’ll excuse me for a moment?”
  I nod, and he rises and stalks out of the office. Again, I release my held
  breath. I had no idea this would be so difficult. Clumsily, I open my
  checkbook and pull a pen out of my purse. Do I just make it out to cash? I
  have no idea. With shaking fingers I write: Five million dollars.
  Oh God, I hope I’m doing the right thing. Mia, think of Mia. I can’t tell
  Jack’s chilling, repugnant words haunt me. “Tell no one or I’ll fuck her up
  before I kill her.”
  Mr. Whelan returns, pale-faced and sheepish.
  “Mrs. Grey? Your husband wants to speak with you,” he murmurs and points
  to the phone on the glass table between us. What? No.
  “He’s on line one. Just press the button. I’ll be outside.” He has the grace to
  look embarrassed. Benedict Arnold has nothing on Whelan. I scowl at him,
  feeling the blood drain from my face again as he shuffles 419 | P a g e
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  out of the office.
  Shit! Shit! Shit! What am I going to say to Christian? He’ll know. He’ll
  intervene. He’s a danger to his sister. My hand trembles as I reach for the

  phone. I hold it against my ear, trying to calm my erratic breathing, and press
  the button for line one.
  “Hi,” I murmur, trying in vain to steady my nerves.
  “You’re leaving me?” Christian’s words are an agonized, breathless whisper.
  “No!” My voice mirrors his. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no—how can he think that?
  The money? He thinks I’m going because of the money?
  And in moment of horrific clarity, I realize the only way I’m going to keep
  Christian at arm’s length, out of harm’s way, and to save his sister . . . is to
  “Yes,” I whisper. And searing pain lances through me, tears springing to my
  He gasps, almost a sob. “Ana, I—” He chokes.
  No! My hand clutches my mouth as I stifle my warring emotions.
  “Christian, please. Don’t.” I fight back tears.
  “You’re going?” he says.
  “But why the cash? Was it always the money?” His tortured voice is barely
  No! Tears roll down my face. “No,” I whisper.
  “Is five million enough?”
  Oh please, stop!
  “And the baby?” His voice is a breathless echo.
  What? My hand moves from my mouth to my belly. “I’ll take care of the baby,”
  I murmur. My Little Blip . . . our Little Blip.
  “This is what you want?”
  He inhales sharply. “Take it all,” he hisses.
  “Christian,” I sob. “It’s for you. For your family. Please. Don’t.”
  “Take it all, Anastasia.”
  “Christian—” And I nearly cave. Nearly tell him—about Jack, about 420 | P a
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  Mia, about the ransom. Just trust me, please! I silently beg him.
  “I’ll always love you.” His voice is hoarse. He hangs up.
  “Christian! No . . . I love you, too.” And all the stupid shit that we put each
  other through over the last few days fades into insignificance. I promised I’d
  never leave him. I am not leaving you. I am saving your sister. I slump into the
  chair, weeping copiously into my hands. I am interrupted by a timid knock on
  the door. Whelan enters, though I haven’t acknowledged him. He looks
  everywhere but at me. He’s mortified.
  You called him, you bastard! I glare at him.
  “You have carte blanche, Mrs. Grey,” he says. “Mr. Grey has agreed to liquefy
  some of his assets. He says you can have whatever you need.”
  “I just need five million dollars,” I mutter through gritted teeth.
  “Yes ma’am. Are you all right?”
  “Do I look all right?” I snap.
  “I’m sorry, ma’am. Some water?”
  I nod, sullenly. I have just left my husband. Well, Christian thinks I have. My
  subconscious purses her lips. Because you told him so. But I don’t want to
  leave him. I love him.
  “I’ll have my colleague bring you some while I prepare the money. If you could
  just sign here, ma’am . . . and make the check out to cash and sign that, too.”
  He places a form on the table. I scrawl my signature along the dotted line of
  the check, then the form. Anastasia Grey. Teardrops fall on the desk,
  narrowly missing the paperwork.
  “I’ll take those, ma’am. It will take us about half an hour to prepare the
  I quickly check my watch. Jack said two hours—that should take us to two
  hours. I nod to Whelan, and he tiptoes out of the office, leaving me to my
  A few moments, minutes, hours later—I don’t know—Miss Insincere Smile
  reenters with a carafe of water and a glass.
  “Mrs. Grey,” she says softly as she places the glass on the desk and fills it.
  “Thank you.” I take the glass and drink gratefully. She exits, leaving me with
  my jumbled, frightened thoughts. I will fix things with 421 | P a g e
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  Christian somehow . . . if it’s not too late. At least he’s out of the picture.
  Right now I have to concentrate on Mia. Suppose Jack is lying?
  Suppose he doesn’t have her? Surely I should call the police.
  “Tell no one or I’ll fuck her up before I kill her.” I can’t. I sit back in the chair,
  feeling the reassuring presence of Leila’s pistol at my waist, digging into my
  back. Who would have thought I’d ever feel grateful that Leila once pulled a
  gun on me? Oh, Ray, I’m so glad you taught me how to shoot.
  Ray! I gasp. He’ll be expecting me to visit this evening. Perhaps I can simply
  dump the money with Jack. He can run while I take Mia home. Oh, this
  sounds absurd!
  My BlackBerry jumps to life, “Your Love is King” filling the room. Oh no! What
  does Christian want? To twist the knife in my wounds?
  “Was it always the money?”
  Oh, Christian—how could you think that? Anger flares in my gut. Yes, anger. It
  helps. I send the call to voice mail. I’ll deal with my husband later.
  There’s a knock on the door.
  “Mrs. Grey.” It’s Whelan. “The money is ready.”
  “Thank you.” I stand up and the room spins momentarily. I clutch the chair.
  “Mrs. Grey, are you feeling okay?”
  I nod and give him a back-off-now-mister stare. I take another deep calming
  breath. I have to do this. I have to do this. I must save Mia. I pull the hem of
  my hooded sweatshirt down, concealing the butt of the pistol in the back of
  my jeans.
  Mr. Whelan frowns but holds open the door, and I propel myself forward on
  my shaking limbs.
  Sawyer is waiting at the entrance, scanning the public area. Shit!
  Our eyes meet, and he frowns at me, gauging my reaction. Oh, he’s mad. I
  hold up my index finger in a with-you-in-a-minute gesture. He nods and
  answers a call on his cell phone. Shit! I bet that’s Christian. I turn abruptly,
  almost colliding with Whelan right behind me, and bolt back into the little
  “Mrs. Grey?” Whelan sounds confused as he follows me back in. Sawyer
  could blow this whole plan. I gaze up at Whelan.
  “There’s someone out there I don’t want to see. Someone following 422 | P a
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  Whelan’s eyes widen.
  “Do you want me to call the police?”
  “No!” Holy fuck, no. What am I going to do? I glance at my watch. It’s nearly
  three fifteen. Jack will call any moment. Think, Ana, think!
  Whelan gazes at me in growing desperation and bewilderment. He must
  think I’m crazy. You are crazy, my subconscious snaps.
  “I need to make a call. Could you give me some privacy, please?”
  “Certainly,” Whelan answers—grateful, I think, to leave the room. When he’s
  closed the door, I call Mia’s cell phone with trembling fingers.
  “Well, if it isn’t my paycheck,” Jack answers scornfully. I don’t have time for
  his bullshit. “I have a problem.”
  “I know. Your security followed you to the bank.”
  What? How the hell does he know?
  “You’ll have to lose him. I have a car waiting at the back of the bank. Black
  SUV, a Dodge. You have three minutes to get there.” The Dodge!
  “It may take longer than three minutes.” My heart leaps into my throat once
  “You’re bright for a gold-digging whore, Grey. You figure it out. And dump
  your cell phone once you reach the vehicle. Got it, bitch?”

  “Say it!” he snaps.
  “I’ve got it.”
  He hangs up.
  Shit! I open the door to find Whelan waiting patiently outside.
  “Mr. Whelan, I’ll need some help taking the bags to my car. It’s parked
  outside, at the back of the bank. Do you have an exit at the rear?”
  He frowns.
  “We do, yes. For staff.”
  “Can we leave that way? I can avoid the unwelcome attention at the door.”
  “As you wish, Mrs. Grey. I’ll have two clerks help with the bags and two
  security guards to supervise. If you could follow me?”
  “I have one more favor to ask you.”
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  “By all means, Mrs. Grey.”
  Two minutes later my entourage and I are out on the street, heading over to
  the Dodge. Its windows are blacked out, and I can’t tell who’s at the wheel.
  But as we approach, the driver’s door swings open, and a woman clad in
  black with a black cap pulled low over her face climbs gracefully out of the
  car. Elizabeth! She moves to the rear of the SUV
  and opens the trunk. The two young bank clerks carrying the money sling the
  heavy bags into the back.
  “Mrs. Grey.” She has the nerve to smile as if we are off on a friendly jaunt.
  “Elizabeth.” My greeting is arctic. “Nice to see you outside work.”
  Mr. Whelan clears this throat.
  “Well, it’s been an interesting afternoon, Mrs. Grey,” he says. And I am forced
  to observe the social niceties of shaking his hand and thanking him while my
  mind reels. Elizabeth? What the hell? Why is she mixed up with Jack?
  Whelan and his team disappear back into the bank, leaving me alone with
  the head of personnel at SIP who’s involved in kidnapping, extortion, and
  very possibly other felonies. Why?
  Elizabeth opens the rear passenger door and ushers me in.
  “Your phone, Mrs. Grey?” she asks, watching me warily. I hand it to her, and
  she tosses it into a nearby trashcan.
  “That will throw the dogs off the scent,” she says smugly. Who is this woman?
  Elizabeth slams my door shut and climbs into the driver’s seat. I glance
  anxiously behind me as she pulls out into the traffic, going east. Sawyer is
  nowhere to be seen.
  “Elizabeth, you have the money. Call Jack. Tell him to let Mia go.”
  “I think he wants to thank you in person.”
  Shit! I glare at her stonily in the rearview mirror. She pales and an anxious
  scowl mars her otherwise lovely face.
  “Why are you doing this, Elizabeth? I thought you didn’t like Jack.”
  She glances at me again briefly in the mirror, and I see a fleeting look of pain
  in her eyes.
  “Ana, we’ll get along just fine if you keep your mouth shut.”
  “But you can’t do this. This is so wrong.”
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  “Quiet,” she says, but I sense her unease.
  “Does he have some kind of hold on you?” I ask. Her eyes shoot to mine and
  she slams on the brakes, throwing me forward so hard I hit my face against
  the headrest of the front seat.
  “I said be quiet,” she snarls. “And I suggest you put on your seatbelt.”
  And in that moment I know that he does. Something so awful that she’s
  prepared to do this for him. I wonder briefly what that could be. Theft from the
  company? Something from her private life? Something sexual? I shudder at
  the thought. Christian said that none of Jack’s PAs would talk. Perhaps it’s
  the same story with all of them. That’s why he wanted to fuck me, too. Bile
  rises in my throat with revulsion at the thought.
  Elizabeth heads away from downtown Seattle and up into the hills to the east.
  Before long we’re driving through residential streets. I catch sight of one of
  the street signs: SOUTH IRVING STREET. She turns sharp left at a junction
  into a deserted street with a dilapidated children’s playground on one side
  and a large concrete parking lot flanked by a row of squat, empty brick
  buildings on the other. Elizabeth pulls into the parking lot and stops outside
  the last of the brick units. She turns to me. “Showtime,” she murmurs. My
  scalp prickles as fear and adrenaline course through my body.
  “You don’t have to do this,” I whisper back. Her mouth flattens into a grim line,
  and she climbs out of the car . This is for Mia. This is for Mia. I quickly pray,
  Please let her be okay, please let her be okay.
  “Get out,” Elizabeth snaps, yanking the rear passenger door open. Shit.
  As I clamber out, my legs are shaking so hard I wonder if I can stand. The
  cool late-afternoon breeze carries the scent of the coming fall and the chalky,
  dusty smell of derelict buildings.
  “Well, lookie here.” Jack emerges from a small, boarded-up doorway on the
  left of the building. His hair is short. He’s removed his earrings and he’s
  wearing a suit. A suit? He ambles toward me, oozing arrogance and hate.
  My heart rate spikes.
  “Where’s Mia?” I stammer, my mouth so dry I can hardly form the words.
  “First things first, bitch,” Jack sneers, coming to a halt in front of 425 | P a g e
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  me. I can practically taste his contempt. “The money?”
  Elizabeth is checking the bags in the trunk.
  “There’s a hell of a lot of cash here,” she says in awe, zipping and unzipping
  each bag.
  “And her cell?”
  “In the trash.”
  “Good,” Jack snarls, and from nowhere he lashes out, backhanding me hard
  across the face. The ferocious, unprovoked blow knocks me to the ground,
  and my head bounces with a sickening thud off the concrete. Pain explodes
  in my head, my eyes fill with tears, and my vision blurs as the shock of the
  impact resonates, unleashing agony that pulses through my skull.
  I scream a silent cry of suffering and shocked terror. Oh no— Little Blip. Jack
  follows through with a swift, vicious kick to my ribs, and my breath is blasted
  from my lungs by the force of the blow. Scrunching my eyes tightly, I try to fight
  the nausea and pain, to fight for a precious breath. Little Blip, Little Blip, oh
  my Little Blip—
  “That’s for SIP, you fucking bitch!” Jack screams.
  I pull my legs up, huddling into a ball and anticipating the next blow. No. No.
  “Jack!” Elizabeth screeches. “Not here. Not in broad daylight for fuck’s
  He pauses.
  “The bitch deserves it!” he gloats to Elizabeth. And it gives me one precious
  second to reach around and pull the gun from the waistband of my jeans.
  Shakily, I aim at him, squeeze the trigger, and fire. The bullet hits him just
  above the knee, and he collapses in front of me, crying out in agony,
  clutching his thigh as his fingers redden with his blood.
  “Fuck! ” Jack bellows. I turn to face Elizabeth, and she’s gaping at me in
  horror and raising her hands above her head. She blurs . . . darkness closes
  in. Shit . . . She’s at the end of a tunnel. Darkness consuming her.
  Consuming me. From far away, all hell breaks loose. Cars screeching . . .
  brakes . . . doors . . . shouting . . . running . . . footsteps. The gun drops from
  my hand.
  “Ana! ” Christian’s voice . . . Christian’s voice . . . Christian’s agonized voice.
  Mia . . . save Mia.
  426 | P a g e
  Darkness . . . peace.
  427 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
章节:72 人气:0
摘要:我尝试在本书中描述“梦的解析”;相信在这么做的时候,我并没有超越神经病理学的范围。因为心理学上的探讨显示梦是许多病态心理现象的第一种;它如歇斯底里性恐惧、强迫性思想、妄想亦是属于此现象,并且因为实际的理由,很为医生们所看重。由后遗症看来,梦并没有实际上的重要性;不过由它成为一种范例的理论价值来看,其重要性却相对地增加不少。 [点击阅读]
章节:46 人气:0
摘要:1996年9月12日。直到事情过去很久以后,塚田真一还能从头到尾想起自己那天早上的每一个活动。那时在想些什么,起床时是什么样的心情,在散步常走的小道上看到了什么,和谁擦肩而过,公园的花坛开着什么样的花等等这样的细节仍然历历在目。把所有事情的细节都深深地印在脑子里,这种习惯是他在这一年左右的时间里养成的。每天经历的一个瞬间接一个瞬间,就像拍照片一样详细地留存在记忆中。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:1块8毛7,就这么些钱,其中六毛是一分一分的铜板,一个子儿一个子儿在杂货店老板、菜贩子和肉店老板那儿硬赖来的,每次闹得脸发臊,深感这种掂斤播两的交易实在丢人现眼。德拉反复数了三次,还是一元八角七,而第二天就是圣诞节了。除了扑倒在那破旧的小睡椅上哭嚎之外,显然别无他途。德拉这样做了,可精神上的感慨油然而生,生活就是哭泣、抽噎和微笑,尤以抽噎占统治地位。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:歌剧魅影作者:卡斯顿·勒鲁引子:这本奇书异著讲述的是作者如何追踪调查,最后终于证实歌剧幽灵并非子虚乌有的经过。歌剧幽灵的确存在,而非如人们长期以来所臆测的只是艺术家的奇想,剧院经理的迷信,或者是芭蕾舞团女演员、她们的老母亲、剧院女工、衣帽间和门房职员这些人凭空捏造的谣传。是的,它也曾有血有肉地生活在这个世界上,虽然只是个影子而已。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:“终了也就是开始”……这句话我常常听见人家说。听起来挺不错的——但它真正的意思是什么?假如有这么一处地方,一个人可以用手指头指下去说道:“那天一切一切都是打从这开始的吗?就在这么个时候,这么个地点,有了这么回事吗?”或许,我的遭遇开始时,在“乔治与孽龙”公司的墙上,见到了那份贴着的出售海报,说要拍卖高贵邸宅“古堡”,列出了面积多少公顷、多少平方米的细目,还有“古堡”极其理想的图片, [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:1我第一次知道这件事情,是从美国报社的通讯记者威廉-皮-瑞安那儿听来的。就在他准备回纽约的前夕,我和他在伦敦一起吃饭,碰巧我告诉了他,次日我要到福尔布里奇去。他抬起头来,尖叫一声:“福尔布里奇?在康沃尔的福尔布里奇?”现在已经很少有人知道,在康沃尔有一个福尔布里奇了。人们总觉得福尔布里奇在汉普郡。所以瑞安的话引起了我的好奇。“是的,”我说道,“你也知道那个地方?”他仅仅回答说,他讨厌那个地方。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:约翰·史密斯大学毕业时,已经完全忘记了1953年1月那天他在冰上重重地摔了一跤的事。实际上,他高中毕业时已不太记得那件事了。而他的母亲和父亲则根本不知道有那么一回事。那天,他们在杜尔海姆一个结冰的水塘上溜冰,大一点的男孩们用两个土豆筐做球门,在打曲棍球,小一些的孩子则很笨拙可笑地在水塘边缘溜冰,水塘角落处有两个橡胶轮胎在呼呼地烧着,冒出黑烟,几个家长坐在旁边,看着他们的孩子,那时还没有摩托雪车, [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:“怎样,非把她杀掉不行吧?”这句话流进寂静的暗夜,在附近回响片刻,旋即在黑暗中向死海消逝。赫邱里·白罗手搁窗环上,迟疑了一阵。随即双眉紧皱,猛然关起窗子,仿佛要把有害的夜气全部关在外头一样,白罗自幼就相信,外头的空气最好不要让它流进房间,尤其夜晚的空气对身体更是有害。放下窗帘,紧紧挡住窗户,他向床铺走去,微微一笑。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:这本书的故事是发生在公元前二○○○年埃及尼罗河西岸的底比斯,时间和地点对这个故事来说都是附带的,任何时间任何地点都无妨,但是由于这个故事的人物和情节、灵感是来自纽约市立艺术馆埃及探险队一九二○年至一九二一年间在勒克瑟对岸的一个石墓里所发现,并由巴帝斯坎.顾恩教授翻译发表在艺术馆公报上的埃及第十一王朝的两、三封信,所以我还是以这种方式写出。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:“碍…”美也子不知不觉地小声叫了起来(这本书,好像在哪里见过!)。这是专门陈列古典文学、学术专著之类的书架。进书店的时候,虽说多少带有一线期待,可是会有这样心如雀跃的感觉,却是万万没有想到。美也子每次出门旅行的时候,都要去当地的书店逛逛。地方上的书店,几乎全部都只卖新版的书刊杂志和图书。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:“不解之谜。”雷蒙德-韦思特吐出一圈烟云,用一种自我欣赏,不紧不慢的腔调重复道:“不解之谜呀。”他很满意地环顾着四周。这房子已经有些年头了,屋顶的房梁已经变黑。房间里陈设着属于那个年代的家具,做工考究。雷蒙德-韦斯特露出了赞许的目光。作为一名作家,他喜欢完美。他在简姑姑的房间里总能找到那种舒适的感觉,因为她把房间布置得很有个性。他一眼望过去,她直直地坐在壁炉边祖父留下来的那把椅子上。 [点击阅读]
章节:44 人气:0
摘要:气球上的五星期--第一章第一章演讲在热烈的掌声中结束——介绍弗格森-弗格森博士——“Excelsior”——博士的风貌——彻头彻尾的宿命论者——“旅行者俱乐部”的晚宴——不失时机的频频祝酒1862年1月14日,滑铁卢广场13号,轮敦皇家地理学会的一次会议上,听众如云。学会主席弗朗西斯-M××爵士在向他可敬的同行们作一场重要的学术报告。他的话常常被阵阵掌声打断。 [点击阅读]
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