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五十度灰英文版 - Part III Chapter Sixteen
  Chapter Sixteen
  “Do you want me to send her away?” Hanna asks, alarmed at my expression.
  “Um, no. Where is she?”
  “In reception. She’s not alone. She’s accompanied by another young
  “And Miss Prescott wants to talk to you,” Hanna adds. I’m sure she does.
  “Send her in.”
  Hanna stands aside and Prescott enters my office. She’s on a mission,
  bristling with professional efficiency.
  “Give me a moment, Hanna. Prescott, take a seat.”
  Hanna closes the door, leaving Prescott and me alone.
  “Mrs. Grey, Leila Williams is on your proscribed list of visitors.”
  “What!” I have a proscribed list?
  “On our watch list, ma’am. Taylor and Welch have been quite specific about
  not letting her come into contact with you.”
  I frown, not understanding. “Is she dangerous?”
  “I can’t say, ma’am.”
  “Why do I even know that she’s here?”
  Prescott swallows and for a moment looks awkward. “I was on a restroom
  break. She came in, spoke directly to Claire, and Claire called Hanna.”
  “Oh. I see.” I realize that even Prescott has to pee, and I laugh. “Oh dear.”
  “Yes ma’am.” Prescott gives me an embarrassed grin, and it’s the first time
  I’ve seen a chink in her armor. She has a lovely smile.
  “I need to talk to Claire about protocol, again,” she says, her tone weary.
  “Sure. Does Taylor know she’s here?” I cross my fingers unconsciously,
  hoping she hasn’t told Christian.
  “I left a brief voice message for him.”
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  “Then I only have a short time. I’d like to know what she wants.”
  Prescott gazes at me for a moment. “I must advise against it, ma’am.”
  “She’s here to see me for a reason.”
  “I’m supposed to prevent that, ma’am.” Her voice is soft but resigned.
  “I really want to hear what she has to say.” My tone is more forceful than I
  Prescott stifles her sigh. “I’d like to search them both before you do.”
  “Okay. Can you do that?”
  “I’m here to protect you, Mrs. Grey, so yes, I can. I’d also like to stay with you
  while you talk.”
  “Okay.” I’ll grant her this concession. Besides, last time I met Leila she was
  armed. “Go ahead.”
  Prescott rises.
  “Hanna,” I call.
  Hanna opens the door too quickly. She must have been hovering outside.
  “Can you check to see if the meeting room is free, please?”
  “I already have, and it’s good to go.”
  “Prescott, can you search them in there? Is it private enough?”
  “Yes ma’am.”
  “I’ll be there in five minutes, then. Hanna, show Mrs. Williams and whomever
  she’s with into the meeting room.”
  “Will do.” Hanna looks anxiously from Prescott to me. “Shall I cancel your next
  meeting? It’s at four, but it’s across town.”
  “Yes,” I murmur, distracted. Hanna nods then leaves. What the hell does Leila
  want? I don’t think she’s here to do me any harm. She didn’t in the past when
  she had the opportunity. Christian is going to go nuts. My subconscious
  purses her lips, primly crosses her legs, and nods. I need to tell him that I am
  doing this. I type a quick email, then pause, checking the time. I feel a
  momentary pang of regret. We’ve been getting along so well since Aspen. I
  press send.
  309 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: Visitors
  Date: September 6, 2011 15:27
  To: Christian Grey
  Leila is here to see me. I will see her with Prescott. I’l use my newly acquired
  slapping skil s with my now healed hand should I need to.
  Try, and I mean try, not to worry.
  I am a big girl.
  Wil cal once we’ve spoken.
  A x
  Anastasia Grey
  Commissioning Editor, SIP
  Hurriedly, I hide my BlackBerry in my desk drawer. I stand, smoothing my
  gray pencil skirt over my hips, pinch my cheeks to give them some color, and
  undo the next button on my gray silk blouse. Okay, I’m ready. After taking a
  deep breath, I head out of my office to meet Mrs. Leila Williams, ignoring
  “Your Love is King” humming gently from inside my desk.
  Leila looks much better. More than better—she’s very attractive. There’s a
  rosy bloom to her cheeks, and her hazel eyes are bright, her hair clean and
  shiny. She’s dressed in a pale pink blouse and white pants. She stands as
  soon as I enter the meeting room, as does her friend—another dark-haired
  young woman with soft brown eyes, the color of brandy. Prescott hovers in
  the corner, not taking her eyes off Leila.
  “Mrs. Grey, thank you so much for seeing me.” Leila’s voice is soft but clear.
  “Um . . . Sorry about the security,” I mutter because I cannot think what else to
  say. I wave a hand distractedly at Prescott.
  “This is my friend Susi.”
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  “Hi.” I nod at Susi. She looks like Leila. She looks like me. Oh no. Another
  “Yes,” Leila says, as if reading my thoughts. “Susi knows Mr. Grey, too.”
  What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I give her a polite smile.
  “Please, sit,” I murmur.
  There’s a knock on the door. It’s Hanna. I motion her in, knowing full well why
  she’s disturbing us.
  “Sorry to interrupt, Ana. I have Mr. Grey on the line?”
  “Tell him I’m busy.”
  “He was quite insistent,” she says fearfully.
  “I am sure he was. Would you apologize to him, and say I’ll call him back very
  Hanna hesitates.
  “Hanna, please.”
  She nods and scuttles out of the room. I turn back to the two women sitting in
  front of me. They are both staring at me in awe. It’s uncomfortable.
  “What can I do for you?” I ask.
  Susi speaks. “I know this is all kinds of weird, but I wanted to meet you, too.
  The woman who captured Chris—”
  I hold up my hand, stopping her in mid-flow. I do not want to hear this.
  “Um . . . I get the picture,” I mutter.
  “We call ourselves the sub club.” She grins at me, her eyes shining with mirth.
  Oh my God.
  Leila gasps and gapes at Susi, at once amused and appalled. Susi winces. I
  suspect Leila’s kicked her under the table. What the hell am I supposed to
  say to that? I glance nervously at Prescott, who remains impassive, her eyes
  never leaving Leila. Susi seems to remember herself. She blushes, then
  nods and stands.
  “I’ll wait in reception. This is Lulu’s show.” I can tell she’s embarrassed.
  “You’ll be okay?” she asks Leila, who smiles up at her. Susi gives me a
  large, open, genuine smile and exits the room. 311 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  Susi and Christian . . . it’s not a thought I wish to dwell on. Prescott takes her
  phone out of her pocket and answers it. I didn’t hear it ring.
  “Mr. Grey,” she says. Leila and I turn to look at her. Prescott closes her eyes
  as if in pain.
  “Yes, sir,” she says and stepping forward hands me the phone. I roll my eyes.
  “Christian,” I murmur, trying to contain my exasperation. I stand and stride
  briskly out of the room.
  “What the fuck are you playing at?” he shouts. He’s seething.
  “Don’t shout at me.”
  “What do you mean don’t shout at you?” he shouts, louder this time.
  “I gave specific instructions which you have completely disregarded—
  again. Hell, Ana, I am fucking furious.”
  “When you are calmer, we will talk about this.”
  “Don’t you hang up on me,” he hisses.
  “Goodbye, Christian.” I hang up and switch off Prescott’s phone. Holy shit. I
  don’t have long with Leila. Taking a deep breath, I reenter the meeting room.
  Both Leila and Prescott look up at me expectantly, and I hand Prescott her
  “Where were we?” I ask Leila as I sit back down opposite her. Her eyes
  widen slightly.
  Yes—apparently I handle him, I want to say to her. But I don’t think she wants
  to hear that.
  Leila fiddles nervously with the ends of her hair. “First, I wanted to apologize,”
  she says softly.
  Oh . . .
  She glances up and registers my surprise. “Yes,” she says quickly.
  “And to thank you for not pressing charges. You know—for your car and in
  your apartment.”
  “I know you weren’t . . . um, well,” I murmur, reeling. I hadn’t expected an
  “No, I wasn’t.”
  “You’re feeling better now?” I ask gently.
  “Much. Thank you.”
  “Does your doctor know you’re here?”
  She shakes her head.
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  She nods, looking suitably guilty. “I know I’ll have to deal with the fallout from

  that later. But I had to get some things, and I wanted to see Susi, and you,
  and . . . Mr. Grey.”
  “You want to see Christian?” My stomach free-falls to the floor. That’s why
  she’s here.
  “Yes. I wanted to ask you if that would be okay.”
  Holy fuck. I gape at her, and I want to tell her that it’s not okay. I don’t want
  her anywhere near my husband. Why is she here? To assess the
  opposition? To unsettle me? Or perhaps she needs this as some sort of
  “Leila.” I flounder, exasperated. “It’s not up to me, it’s up to Christian. You’ll
  need to ask him. He doesn’t need my permission. He’s a grown man . . .
  most of the time.”
  She gazes at me for a fraction of a beat, as if surprised by my reaction then
  laughs softly, nervously twiddling the end of her hair.
  “He’s repeatedly refused all my requests to see him,” she says quietly.
  Oh shit. I’m in more trouble than I thought.
  “Why is it so important for you to see him?” I ask gently.
  “To thank him. I’d be rotting in a stinking prison psychiatric facility if it wasn’t
  for him. I know that.” She glances down, and runs her finger along the edge of
  the table. “I suffered a serious psychotic episode, and without Mr. Grey and
  John—Dr. Flynn . . .” She shrugs and gazes up at me once more, her face full
  of gratitude. Once again I’m speechless. What does she expect me to say?
  Surely she should be saying these things to Christian, not me.
  “And for art school. I can’t thank him enough for that.”
  I knew it! Christian is funding her classes. I remain expressionless, tentatively
  exploring my feelings for this woman now that she’s confirmed my suspicions
  about Christian’s generosity. To my surprise, I feel no ill will toward her. It’s a
  revelation—I’m glad she’s better. Now, hopefully, she can move on with her
  life and out of ours.
  “Are you missing classes being here?” I ask, because I’m interested.
  “Only two. I head home tomorrow.”
  Oh good. “What are your plans, while you’re here?”
  “Pick up my belongings from Susi, return to Hamden. Continue painting and
  learning. Mr. Grey already has a couple of my paintings.”
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  What? My stomach plunges into the basement once more. What the hell . . .
  ? Are they hanging in my living room? I bridle at the thought.
  “What sort of painting do you do?”
  “Abstracts, mainly.”
  “I see.” My mind flits through the now-familiar paintings in the great room.
  Two by Mrs. Leila Williams . . . possibly. Jeez.
  “Mrs. Grey, can I speak frankly?” she asks, completely oblivious to my
  warring emotions.
  “By all means,” I mutter, glancing at Prescott, who looks like she’s relaxed a
  little. Leila leans forward as if to impart a long-held secret.
  “I loved Geoff, my boyfriend who died earlier this year.” Her voice drops to a
  sad whisper.
  Holy shit, she’s getting personal.
  “I’m so sorry,” I mutter automatically, but she continues as if she hasn’t heard
  “I loved my husband . . . and one other,” she murmurs.
  “My husband.” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.
  “Yes.” She mouths the word.
  This is not news to me. When she lifts her hazel eyes to mine, they are wide
  with conflicting emotions, and the overriding one seems to be apprehension.
  Apprehension of my reaction, perhaps? But my overwhelming response to
  this poor young woman is . . . compassion. Mentally I run through all the
  classical literature I can think of that deals with unrequited love. Swallowing
  hard, I clutch the moral high ground.
  “I know. He’s very easy to love,” I whisper.
  Her wide eyes widen further in surprise, and she smiles. “Yes. He is. Was.”
  She corrects herself quickly and blushes. Then she giggles so sweetly that I
  can’t help myself. I giggle, too. Yes, Christian Grey makes us giggly. My
  subconscious rolls her eyes at me in despair and goes back to reading her
  dog-eared copy of Jane Eyre. I glance at my watch. Deep down I know
  Christian will be here soon.
  “You’ll get your chance to see Christian.”
  “I thought I would. I know how protective he can be.” She smiles. So this is
  her scheme. She’s very shrewd. Or manipulative, whispers my
  subconscious. “This is why you’re here to see me?”
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  “I see.” And Christian is playing into her hands. Reluctantly, I have to
  acknowledge that she knows him well.
  “He seemed very happy. With you,” she says.
  What? “How would you know?”
  “From when I was in the apartment.” She adds cautiously. Oh hell . . . how
  could I forget that?
  “Were you there often?”
  “No. But he was very different with you.”
  Do I want to hear this? A shudder runs through me. My scalp prickles as I
  recall my fear when she was the unseen shadow in our apartment.
  “You know it’s against the law. Trespassing.”
  She nods, gazing down at the table. She runs a fingernail along the edge. “It
  was only a few times, and I was lucky not to get caught. Again, I need to
  thank Mr. Grey for that. He could have had me thrown in jail.”
  “I don’t think he’d do that,” I murmur.
  Suddenly there is a flurry of activity outside the meeting room, and
  instinctively I know that Christian is in the building. A moment later he bursts
  through the door, and before he closes it, I catch Taylor’s eye as he stands
  patiently outside. Taylor’s mouth is set in a grim line, and he doesn’t return
  my tight smile. Oh hell, even he’s mad at me. Christian’s burning gray gaze
  pins first me then Leila to our chairs. His demeanor is quietly determined, but
  I know better, and I suspect Leila does, too. The menacing cool glint in his
  eyes reveals the truth—
  he’s emanating rage, though he hides it well. In his gray suit, with his dark tie
  loosened and the top button of his white shirt undone, he looks at once
  businesslike and casual . . . and hot. His hair is in disarray—no doubt
  because he’s been running his hands through it in exasperation. Leila looks
  nervously down at the edge of the table, running her index finger along the
  edge again, as Christian looks from me to her and then to Prescott.
  “You,” he says to Prescott in a soft tone. “You’re fired. Get out now.”
  I blanch. Oh no—this isn’t fair.
  “Christian—” I make to stand up.
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  He holds his index finger up at me in warning.
  “Don’t,” he says. His voice so ominously quiet that I’m immediately silenced
  and rooted to my seat. Bowing her head, Prescott walks briskly out of the
  room to join Taylor. Christian shuts the door behind her and walks to the
  edge of the table. Crap! Crap! Crap! That was my fault. Christian stands
  opposite Leila, and placing both hands on the wooden surface, he leans
  “What the fuck are you doing here?” he growls at her.
  “Christian!” I gasp. Christian ignores me.
  “Well?” he demands.
  Leila peeks up at him through long lashes, her eyes wide, her face ashen,
  her rosy glow gone.
  “I wanted to see you, and you wouldn’t let me,” she whispers.
  “So you came here to harass my wife?” His voice is quiet. Too quiet.
  Leila looks down at the table again.
  Christian stands glowering at her. “Leila, if you come anywhere near my wife
  again, I will cut off all support. Doctors, art school, medical insurance—all of it
  —gone. Do you understand?”
  “Christian—” I try again. But he silences me with a chilling look. Why is he
  being so unreasonable? My compassion for this sad woman blooms.
  “Yes,” she says, her voice just audible.
  “What’s Susannah doing in reception?”
  “She came with me.”
  He runs a hand through his hair, glaring at her.
  “Christian, please,” I beg him. “Leila just wants to say thank you. That’s all.”
  He ignores me, concentrating his wrath on Leila. “Did you stay with
  Susannah while you were sick?”
  “Did she know what you were doing while you were staying with her?”
  “No. She was away on vacation.”
  He strokes his index finger over his lower lip. “Why do you need to see me?
  You know you should route any requests through Flynn. Do you need
  something?” His tone has softened, maybe by a fraction. 316 | P a g e
  Leila runs her finger along the edge of the table again. Stop bullying her,
  “I had to know.” And for the first time she looks up directly at him.
  “Had to know what?” he snaps.
  “That you’re okay.”
  He gapes at her. “That I’m okay?” he scoffs, disbelieving.

  “I’m fine. There, question answered. Now Taylor will run you to Sea-Tac so
  you can go back to the East Coast. And if you take one step west of the
  Mississippi it’s all gone. Understand?”
  Holy fuck . . . Christian! I gape at him. What the fuck is eating him?
  He cannot confine her to one side of the country.
  “Yes. I understand,” Leila says quietly.
  “Good.” Christian’s tone is more conciliatory.
  “It might not be convenient for Leila to go back now. She has plans,” I object,
  outraged on her behalf.
  Christian glares at me. “Anastasia,” he warns, his voice icy, “this does not
  concern you.”
  I scowl at him. Of course it concerns me—she’s in my office. There must be
  more to this than I know. He’s not being rational. Fifty Shades, my
  subconscious hisses at me.
  “Leila came to see me, not you,” I murmur petulantly. Leila turns to me, her
  eyes impossibly wide.
  “I had my instructions, Mrs. Grey. I disobeyed them.” She glances nervously
  at my husband, then back at me.
  “This is the Christian Grey I know,” she says, her tone sad and wistful.
  Christian frowns at her, while all the breath evaporates from my lungs. I can’t
  breathe. Was Christian like this with her all the time?
  Was he like this with me, at first? I find it hard to remember. Giving me a
  forlorn smile, Leila rises from the table.
  “I’d like to stay until tomorrow. My flight is at noon,” she says quietly to
  “I’ll have someone collect you at ten to take you to the airport.”
  “Thank you.”
  “You’re at Susannah’s?”
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  Fifty Shades Freed
  I glare at Christian. He can’t dictate to her like this . . . and how does he know
  where Susannah lives?
  “Goodbye, Mrs. Grey. Thank you for seeing me.”
  I stand and hold out my hand. She takes it gratefully and we shake.
  “Um . . . goodbye. Good luck,” I mutter, because I’m not sure what the
  protocol is for saying farewell to my husband’s ex-submissive. She nods and
  turns to him. “Goodbye, Christian.”
  Christian’s eyes soften a little. “Goodbye, Leila.” His is voice low.
  “Dr. Flynn, remember.”
  “Yes, Sir.”
  He opens the door to usher her out, but she halts in front of him and looks up.
  He stills, watching her warily.
  “I’m glad you’re happy. You deserve to be,” she says and leaves before he
  can reply. He frowns after her, bemused, then nods to Taylor, who follows
  Leila toward the reception area. Closing the door, Christian gazes
  uncertainly at me.
  “Don’t even think about being angry with me,” I hiss. “Call Claude Bastille and
  kick the shit out of him or go see Flynn.”
  His mouth drops open; he’s so surprised by my outburst, and his brow
  creases once more.
  “You promised you wouldn’t do this.” Now his tone is accusatory.
  “Do what?”
  “Defy me.”
  “No I didn’t. I said I’d be more considerate. I told you she was here. I had
  Prescott search her, and your other little friend, too. Prescott was with me the
  entire time. Now you’ve fired the poor woman, when she was only doing what
  I asked. I told you not to worry, yet here you are. I don’t remember receiving
  your papal bull decreeing that I couldn’t see Leila. I didn’t know that my
  visitors were subject to a proscribed list.”
  My voice rises with indignation as I warm to my cause. Christian regards me,
  bemused once more. After a moment his mouth twists.
  “Papal bull?” he says, amused, and he visibly relaxes. I wasn’t aiming to
  lighten our conversation, yet here he is smirking at me, and that makes me
  madder. The exchange between him and his ex was painful to witness. How
  could he be so cold with her?
  “What?” he asks, exasperated, as my face remains resolutely straight.
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  “You. Why were you so callous toward her?”
  He sighs and shifts, stepping toward me and perching on the table.
  “Anastasia,” he says as if to a child. “You don’t understand. Leila, Susannah
  —all of them—they were a pleasant, perting pastime. But that’s all. You are
  the center of my universe. And the last time you two were in a room together,
  she had you at gunpoint. I don’t want her anywhere near you.”
  “But, Christian, she was ill.”
  “I know that, and I know she’s better now, but I’m not giving her the benefit of
  the doubt any more. What she did was unforgivable.”
  “But you’ve just played right into her hands. She wanted to see you again,
  and she knew you’d come running if she came to see me.”
  Christian shrugs as if he doesn’t care. “I don’t want you tainted with my old
  “Christian . . . you are who you are because of your old life, your new life,
  whatever. What touches you, touches me. I accepted that when I agreed to
  marry you, because I love you.”
  He stills. I know he finds it hard to hear this.
  “She didn’t hurt me. She loves you, too.”
  “I don’t give a fuck.”
  I gape at him, shocked. And I’m shocked that he still has the capacity to
  shock me. This is the Christian Grey I know. Leila’s words rattle around my
  head. His reaction to her was so cold, so much at odds with the man I’ve
  come to know and love. I frown, recalling the remorse he felt when she had
  her breakdown, when he thought he might in some way be responsible for
  her pain. I swallow, remembering, too, that he bathed her. My stomach twists
  painfully at the thought, and bile rises in my throat. How can he say he
  doesn’t care about her? He did back then. What’s changed? Sometimes,
  like now, I just don’t understand him. He operates on a level far, far removed
  from mine.
  “Why are you championing her cause all of a sudden?” he asks, mystified
  and irritable.
  “Look, Christian, I don’t think Leila and I will be swapping recipes and knitting
  patterns anytime soon. But I didn’t think you’d be so heartless to her.”
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  His eyes frost. “I told you once, I don’t have a heart,” he mutters. I roll my eyes
  —oh, now he is being adolescent.
  “That’s just not true, Christian. You’re being ridiculous. You do care about
  her. You wouldn’t be paying for art classes and the rest of that stuff if you
  Suddenly, it’s my lifetime ambition to make him realize this. It’s painstakingly
  obvious that he cares. Why does he deny it? It’s like his feelings for his birth
  mother. Oh shit—of course. His feelings for Leila and his other submissives
  are tangled up with his feelings for his mother . I like to whip little brownhaired
  girls like you because you all look like the crack whore. No wonder
  he’s so mad. I sigh and shake my head. Paging Dr. Flynn, please. How can
  he not see this?
  My heart swells for him momentarily. My lost boy . . . Why is it so hard for him
  to get back in touch with the humanity, the compassion he showed Leila
  when she had her breakdown?
  He glares at me, his eyes glittering with anger. “This discussion is over. Let’s
  go home.”
  I glance at my watch. It’s four twenty-three. I have work to do. “It’s too early,” I
  “Home,” he insists.
  “Christian.” My voice is weary. “I’m tired of having the same argument with
  He frowns as if he doesn’t understand.
  “You know,” I elucidate, “I do something you don’t like, and you think of some
  way to get back at me. Usually involving some of your kinky fuckery, which is
  either mind-blowing or cruel.” I shrug, resigned. This is exhausting and
  “Mind-blowing?” he asks.
  “Usually, yes.”
  “What was mind-blowing?” he asks, his eyes now shimmering with amused
  sensual curiosity. And I know he’s trying to distract me. Crap! I do not want to
  discuss this in SIP’s meeting room. My subconscious examines her finely
  manicured nails with disdain. Shouldn’t have brought the subject up, then.
  “You know.” I blush, irritated with both him and myself.
  “I can guess,” he whispers.
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  Holy crap. I’m trying to castigate him and he’s confounding me.
  “Christian, I—”
  “I like to please you.”
  He delicately traces his thumb over my bottom lip.
  “You do,” I acknowledge, my voice a whisper.
  “I know,” he says softly. He leans forward and whispers in my ear,
  “It’s the one thing I do know.” Oh, he smells good. He leans back and gazes
  down at me, his lips curled in an arrogant, I-so-own-you smile. Pursing my
  lips, I strive to appear unaffected by his touch. He is so artful at perting me

  from anything painful, or anything he doesn’t want to address. And you let
  him, my subconscious pipes up unhelpfully, gazing over her copy of Jane
  “What was mind-blowing, Anastasia?” he prompts, a wicked gleam in his
  “You want the list?” I ask.
  “There’s a list?” He’s pleased.
  Oh, this man is exhausting. “Well, the handcuffs,” I mumble, my mind
  catapulted back to our honeymoon.
  He furrows his brow and grasps my hand, tracing the pulse point on my wrist
  with his thumb.
  “I don’t want to mark you.”
  Oh . . .
  His lips curl in a slow carnal smile.
  “Come home.” His tone is seductive.
  “I have work to do.”
  “Home,” he says, more insistent.
  We gaze at each other, molten gray into bewildered blue, testing each other,
  testing our boundaries and our wills. I search his eyes for some
  understanding, trying to fathom how this man can go from raging control
  freak to seductive lover in one breath. His eyes grow larger and darker, his
  intention clear. Softly, he caresses my cheek.
  “We could stay here.” His is voice low and husky.
  Oh no. My inner goddess gazes longingly down at the wooden table. No. No.
  No. Not in the office.
  “Christian, I don’t want to have sex here. Your mistress has just been in this
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  “She was never my mistress,” he growls, his mouth flattening into a grim line.
  “That’s just semantics, Christian.”
  He frowns, his expression puzzled. The seductive lover has gone.
  “Don’t overthink this, Ana. She’s history,” he says dismissively. I sigh . . .
  maybe he’s right. I just want him to admit to himself that he cares for her. A
  chill grips my heart. Oh no. This is why it’s important to me. Suppose I do
  something unforgivable. Suppose I don’t conform. Will I be history, too? If he
  can turn like this, when he was so concerned and upset when Leila was ill . . .
  could he turn against me? I gasp, recalling the fragments of a dream: gilt
  mirrors and the sound of his heels clicking on the marbled floor as he leaves
  me standing alone in opulent splendor.
  “No . . .” The words are out of my mouth in whispered horror before I can stop
  “Yes,” he says, and grasping my chin he leans down and plants a tender kiss
  on my lips.
  “Oh, Christian, you scare me sometimes.” I grasp his head in my hands, twist
  my fingers into his hair, and pull his lips to mine. He stills for a moment as his
  arms fold around me.
  “You could turn away from her so easily . . .”
  He frowns. “And you think I might turn away from you, Ana? Why the hell
  would you think that? What’s brought this on?”
  “Nothing. Kiss me. Take me home,” I plead. And as his lips touch mine, I am
  “Oh please,” I beg, as Christian blows gently on my sex.
  “All in good time,” he murmurs.
  I pull on my restraints and groan loudly in protest from his carnal assault. I’m
  trussed up in soft leather cuffs, each elbow bound to each knee, and
  Christian’s head bobs and weaves between my legs, his masterful tongue
  teasing me, relentless. I open my eyes and gaze unseeing at our bedroom
  ceiling bathed in the soft late afternoon light. His tongue moves round and
  round, swirling and curling over and 322 | P a g e
  around the center of my universe. I want to straighten my legs and struggle in
  a vain attempt to control the pleasure. But I can’t. My fingers fist in his hair
  and I tug hard to fight his sublime torture.
  “Don’t come,” he murmurs in warning against me, his soft breath on my
  warm, wet flesh as he resists my fingers. “I will spank you if you come.”
  I moan.
  “Control, Ana. It’s all about control.” His tongue renews its erotic incursion.
  Oh, he knows what he’s doing. I am helpless to resist or stop my slavish
  reaction, and I try—really try—but my body detonates under his merciless
  ministrations, and his tongue doesn’t stop as he wrings every last ounce of
  debilitating pleasure from me.
  “Oh, Ana,” he scolds. “You came.” His voice is soft with his triumphant
  reprimand. He flips me onto my front, and I shakily support myself on my
  forearms. He smacks me hard on my behind.
  “Ah!” I cry out.
  “Control,” he admonishes, and grabbing my hips he thrusts himself into me. I
  cry out again, my flesh still quivering from the aftershocks of my orgasm. He
  stills while deep inside me and, leaning over, unclips first one, then the
  second cuff. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his lap, his front
  to my back, and his hand curls beneath my chin around my throat. I revel in
  the feeling of fullness.
  “Move,” he orders.
  I moan and rise up and down on his lap.
  “Faster,” he whispers.
  And I move faster and faster. He groans and his hand tips my head back as
  he nibbles my neck. His other hand travels leisurely across my body, from my
  hip, down to my sex, down to my clitoris . . . still sensitive from his earlier
  lavish attention. I whimper as his fingers close around me, teasing me once
  “Yes, Ana,” he rasps softly in my ear. “You are mine. Only you.”
  “Yes,” I breathe as my body tightens again, closing around him, cradling him
  in the most intimate way.
  “Come for me,” he demands.
  And I let go, my body obediently following his command. He holds me still as
  my climax rips through me and I call out his name. 323 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  “Oh, Ana, I love you,” he groans and follows my lead as he bucks into me,
  finding his own release.
  He kisses my shoulder and smoothes my hair from my face. “Does that
  make the list, Mrs. Grey?” he murmurs. I am lying, barely conscious, flat on
  my belly on our bed. Christian gently kneads my backside. He’s propped up
  beside me on one elbow.
  “Is that a yes?”
  “Hmm.” I smile.
  He grins and kisses me again, and reluctantly I roll on my side to face him.
  “Well?” he asks.
  “Yes. It makes the list. But it’s a long list.”
  His face nearly splits in two, and he leans forward to kiss me gently.
  “Good. Shall we have dinner?” His eyes glow with love and humor. I nod. I am
  famished. I reach over to gently pull the little hairs on his chest.
  “I want you to tell me something,” I whisper.
  “Don’t get mad.”
  “What is it, Ana?”
  “You do care.”
  His eyes widen, and all trace of his good humor vanishes.
  “I want you to admit that you care. Because the Christian I know and love
  would care.”
  He stills, his eyes not leaving mine, and I’m witness to his internal struggle as
  if he’s about to make the judgment of Solomon. He opens his mouth to say
  something then closes it again as some fleeting emotion crosses his face . .
  . pain, maybe.
  Say it, I will him.
  “Yes. Yes, I care. Happy?” His voice is barely a whisper. Oh, thank fuck for
  that. It’s a relief. “Yes. Very.”
  He frowns. “I can’t believe I’m talking to you now, here in our bed, about—”
  I put my finger to his lips.
  324 | P a g e
  “We’re not. Let’s eat. I’m hungry.”
  He sighs and shakes his head. “You beguile and bewilder me, Mrs. Grey.”
  “Good.” I lean up and kiss him.
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: The List
  Date: September 9, 2011 09:33
  To: Christian Grey
  That’s definitely at the top.
  A x
  Anastasia Grey
  Commissioning Editor, SIP
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Tell Me Something New
  Date: September 9, 2011 09:42
  To: Anastasia Grey
  You’ve said that for the last three days.
  Make your mind up.
  Or . . . we could try something else.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Enjoying this Game, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  I grin at my screen. The last few evenings have been . . . entertaining. We
  have relaxed again, Leila’s brief interruption forgotten. I haven’t quite worked
  up the courage to ask if any of her 325 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  paintings hang on the walls—and frankly, I don’t really care. My BlackBerry
  buzzes and I answer, expecting Christian.
  Who is this?
  “Ana, honey. It’s José Senior.”
  “Mr. Rodriguez! Hi!” My scalp prickles. What does José’s dad want with me?
  “Honey, I’m sorry to call you at work. It’s Ray.” His voice falters.
  “What is it? What’s happened?” My heart leaps into my throat.
  “Ray’s been in an accident.”
  Oh No. Daddy. I stop breathing.
  “He’s in the hospital. You’d better get here quick.”
  326 | P a g e
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:胡绳60年前,侵华日军制造的南京大屠杀惨案,是日本法西斯在中国所犯严重罪行之一,是中国现代史上极其惨痛的一页。虽然日本当时当权者和以后当权者中的许多人竭力否认有这样的惨案,企图隐瞒事实真相,但事实就是事实,不断有身经这个惨案的人(包括当时的日本军人)提供了揭露惨案真相的材料。最近,江苏人民出版社和江苏教育出版社共同翻译出版了《拉贝日记》。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:0
摘要:编者语我们为什么选择村上春树?不是因为他连获日本文艺界的奖项:也不是因为他的作品高居日本畅销书榜首:更不是因为他的作品掀起年轻一代的抢购热潮,突破四百万部的销量!那么,为什么?答案是:他和他的作品带给我们思想的特异空间,而轻描淡写的日常生活片断唤起的生活气氛令我们有所共鸣。更重要的是他以六十年代的背景道出九十年代,甚至世世代代的年轻心声。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:前言阿瑟·米勒,美国剧作家,1915年出生在纽约一个犹太人中产阶级家庭,父亲是一个时装商人,他在哈莱姆上小学,布鲁克林上中学,中学毕业以后工作了两年,后来进入密执根大学,大学期间开始戏剧创作,写了4部剧本,并两次获奖。他第一部在百老汇上演的剧作是《鸿运高照的人》(1944),成名作是1947年创作的《全是我的儿子》,作品获当年度的纽约剧评界奖。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:1明明那是别人说过的话,而且我还记得别人说那些话时的情景;可是,我总觉得那才是发自我灵魂深处的话。不过,既然语言得有两个人参与才能成立,也就不能不说是由于我的存在才成为别人的语言的真正的源泉了。有一回,那位核电站的原工程师,也就是和我相互排斥的那个人,他既想让我听见,却又装做自言自语似地说:“没有比选上救场跑垒员①更令人胆战心惊而又最雄心勃勃的了!那是为业余棒球殉难啊。 [点击阅读]
章节:37 人气:0
摘要:第1章序近来,世人颇感兴趣于长篇小说和浪漫故事,而对个人经历很难信以为真,以致对此人的真名及其它情况都予以隐瞒;鉴于此,对于后面的文字,读者如何看待均随其所愿。可以认为,笔者在本书中写出了她自身的经历,从一开始她就讲述自己为何认为最好隐瞒自己的真名,对此我们毋须多言。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:九月十日,星期二的放学后。头顶上方传来“砰”的一声,我反射动作的抬起头,见到三楼窗户丢出某黑色物体,正好在我的上方,我慌忙避开。黑色物体落在我刚才站的地点后,破碎了。那是天竺葵的盆栽!那时放学后,我走在教室大楼旁时发生的事。不知从何处飘来的钢琴声。我呆然凝视那破碎的陶盆,一瞬,无法理解发生什么事,直到腋下的汗珠沿手臂滴落,我才忽然清醒过来。紧接的瞬间,我拔腿往前跑。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:0
摘要:丹·布朗(DanBrown)是美国当今最著名的畅销书作家之一。2003年3月出版的《达·芬奇密码》创造了一个书市奇迹,旋风般地横扫了美国各大畅销书榜,至今全球销量已超过800万册。丹·布朗也凭这部小说而大红大紫。丹·布朗出生于美国一个中产阶级家庭,从小在美国新罕布什尔州的埃克塞特镇长大,在阿默斯特学院和菲利普·埃克塞特学院度过了大学生涯,毕业之后留在菲利普·埃克塞特学院教授英语。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:布尔纳比少校穿上皮靴,扣好围颈的大衣领,在门旁的架子上拿下一盏避风灯,轻轻地打开小平房的正门,从缝隙向外探视。映入眼帘的是一派典型的英国乡村的景色,就象圣诞卡片和旧式情节剧的节目单上所描绘的一样——白雪茫茫,堆银砌玉。四天来整个英格兰一直大雪飞舞。在达尔特莫尔边缘的高地上,积雪深达数英所。全英格兰的户主都在为水管破裂而哀叹。只需个铝管工友(哪怕是个副手)也是人们求之不得的救星了。寒冬是严峻的。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:曾经轰动一时,在公众中引起强烈兴趣的“斯泰尔斯庄园案”,现在已经有点冷落下来了。然而,由于随之产生的种种流言蜚语广为流传,我的朋友波洛和那一家的人。都要求我把整个故事写出来。我们相信,这将有效地驳倒那些迄今为止仍在流传的耸人听闻的谣言。因此,我决定把我和这一事件有关的一些情况简略地记下来。我是作为伤病员从前线给遣送回家的;在一所令人相当沮丧的疗养院里挨过了几个月之后,总算给了我一个月的病假。 [点击阅读]
章节:4 人气:0
摘要:去国外旅行时,因为工作上的关系,我经常要在国外生活一段时间。每次做这种旅行时,我都像一棵无根之草,在陌生的国度里设法处理可能出现的困难。为此我都要做一点准备,至少可以保持心理平衡。实际上,我不过是在旅行时带上出发前一直在读的一系列丛书,不久我将独自一人生活在异国他乡,可是一读到在东京时读的这些书,胆战心惊、急躁、沉靡的我就会得到鼓舞。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:侯维瑞赫-乔-威尔斯与另两位作家约翰-高尔斯华绥和阿诺德-贝内持并称为本世纪初英国小说中的现实主义三杰。19世纪中叶,英国的批判现实主义小说在狄更斯和萨克雷等大师手中达到了灿烂辉煌的高峰。19世纪末、20纪初英国进入帝国主义阶段以后,现实主义小说依然发挥着它的批判作用,从道德、文化、经济、政治等各个方面暴露与抨击资本主义社会的罪恶。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:01鲛岛脱下牛仔裤与POLO衫,正要迭好,忽然听见一阵惨叫。鲛岛停顿了一会儿,随后关上储物柜,上了锁。钥匙吊在手环上,而手环则用尼龙搭扣绑在手腕上。他用浴巾裹住下身,走出更衣室。这时又听见了一声惨叫。更衣室外是一条走廊。走到尽头,就是桑拿房了。桑拿房前,还有休息室与小睡室。惨叫,就是从小睡室里传来的。小睡室大概二十畳①大,里头只有一个灯泡亮着,特别昏暗。 [点击阅读]
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