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五十度灰英文版 - Part III Chapter Fifteen
  Chapter Fifteen
  I am too warm. Christian warm. His head is on my shoulder, and he’s
  breathing softly on my neck while he sleeps, his legs threaded through mine,
  his arm around my waist. I linger on the edge of consciousness, aware that if
  I wake fully I’ll wake him, too, and he doesn’t sleep enough. Hazily my mind
  wanders through the events of yesterday evening. I drank too much—boy did
  I drink too much. I’m amazed Christian let me. I smile as I remember him
  putting me to bed. That was sweet, real sweet, and unexpected. I conduct a
  quick mental inventory of how I’m feeling. Stomach? Fine. Head?
  Surprisingly, fine, but fuzzy. My palm is still red from last night. Sheesh. Idly I
  think about Christian’s palms when he’s spanked me. I squirm and he
  “What’s wrong?” Sleepy gray eyes search mine.
  “Nothing. Good morning.” I run the fingers of my uninjured hand through his
  “Mrs. Grey, you look lovely this morning,” he says, kissing my cheek, and I
  light up from within.
  “Thank you for taking care of me last night.”
  “I like taking care of you. It’s what I want to do,” he says quietly, but his eyes
  betray him as triumph flares in their gray depths. It’s like he’s won the World
  Series or the Super Bowl.
  Oh, my Fifty.
  “You make me feel cherished.”
  “That’s because you are,” he murmurs and my heart clenches. He reaches up
  to clasp my hand.
  I wince. Christian releases me immediately, alarmed. “The punch?”
  he asks. His eyes frost as he scrutinizes mine, and his voice is laced with
  sudden anger.
  “I slapped him. I didn’t punch him.”
  “That fucker!”
  I thought we’d dealt with this last night.
  “I can’t bear that he touched you.”
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  Fifty Shades Freed
  “He didn’t hurt me, he was just inappropriate. Christian, I’m okay. My hand’s
  a little red, that’s all. Surely you know what that’s like?” I smirk, and his
  expression changes to one of amused surprise.
  “Why, Mrs. Grey, I am very familiar with that.” His lips twist in amusement. “I
  could reacquaint myself with that feeling this minute, should you so wish.”
  “Oh, stow your twitching palm, Mr. Grey.” I stroke his face with the injured
  hand, my fingers caressing his sideburn. Gently I tug the little hairs. It
  distracts him, and he takes my hand and plants a tender kiss in my palm.
  Miraculously, the pain disappears.
  “Why didn’t you tell me this hurt last night?”
  “Um . . . I didn’t really feel it last night. It’s okay now.”
  His eyes soften and his mouth twists. “How are you feeling?”
  “Better than I deserve.”
  “That’s quite a right arm you have there, Mrs. Grey.”
  “You’d do well to remember that, Mr. Grey.”
  “Oh really?” He rolls suddenly so that he’s fully on top of me, pressing me into
  the mattress, holding my wrists above my head. He gazes down at me.
  “I’d fight you any day, Mrs. Grey. In fact, subduing you in bed is a fantasy of
  mine.” He kisses my throat.
  “I thought you subdued me all the time.” I gasp as he nibbles my earlobe.
  “Hmm . . . but I’d like some resistance,” he murmurs, his nose skirting my jaw.
  Resistance? I still. He stops, releasing my hands, and leans up on his
  “You want me to fight you? Here?” I whisper, trying to contain my surprise.
  Okay—my shock. He nods, his eyes hooded but wary as he gauges my
  He shrugs, and I see the idea flit through his mind. He gives me his shy smile
  and nods again, slowly.
  Oh my . . . He’s tensed, lying on top of me, his growing erection digging
  tantalizingly into my soft, willing flesh, distracting me. What’s this about?
  Brawling? Fantasy? Will he hurt me? My inner goddess 290 | P a g e
  shakes her head— Never. She’s got her karate suit on and she’s limbering
  up. Claude would be pleased.
  “Is this what you meant about coming to bed angry?”
  He nods once more, his eyes still wary.
  Hmm . . . my Fifty wants to rumble.
  “Don’t bite your lip,” he warns.
  Compliantly, I release my lip. “I think you have me at a disadvantage, Mr.
  Grey.” I bat my lashes and squirm provocatively beneath him. This could be
  “Surely you’ve already got me where you want me?”
  He smirks and presses his groin into mine once more.
  “Good point well made, Mrs. Grey,” he whispers and quickly kisses my lips.
  Abruptly he shifts and takes me with him, rolling over so I’m straddling him. I
  grab his hands, pinning them to the side of his head, and ignore the
  protesting ache from my hand. My hair falls in a chestnut veil around us, and I
  move my head so that the strands tickle his face. He jerks his face away but
  doesn’t try to stop me.
  “So, you want to play rough?” I ask, skimming my crotch over his. His mouth
  opens and he inhales sharply.
  “Yes.” He hisses, and I release him.
  “Wait.” I reach over for the glass of water beside the bed. Christian must
  have left it here. It’s cool and sparkling—too cool to have been sitting here for
  long. Briefly, I wonder when he came to bed. As I take a long draught,
  Christian reaches forward and runs his hands up from my knees. His fingers
  trail in small circles over my thighs, leaving tingling skin in their wake as they
  travel to my naked behind. He cups and squeezes me. Hmm. Taking a leaf
  from his impressive repertoire, I lean forward and kiss him, pouring clear
  cool water into his mouth. He drinks.
  “Very tasty, Mrs. Grey,” he murmurs and grins up at me, boyish and playful.
  Placing the glass back on the bedside table, I then remove his hands from
  my backside and pin them by his head once more.
  “So I’m supposed to be unwilling?” I smirk.
  “I’m not much of an actress.”
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  He grins. “Try.”
  I lean down and kiss him chastely. “Okay, I’ll play,” I whisper, trailing my teeth
  along his jaw, feeling his prickly stubble beneath my teeth and my tongue.
  Christian makes a low, sexy sound in his throat and moves, tossing me onto
  the bed beside him. I cry out in surprise, then he’s on top of me, and I start to
  struggle as he makes a grab for my hands. Roughly, I place my hands on his
  chest, pushing with all my might, trying to shift him, while he endeavors to pry
  my legs apart with his knee. I continue pushing at his chest— jeez he’s
  heavy—but he doesn’t flinch, doesn’t freeze as he once might have. He’s
  enjoying this! He attempts to grab my wrists, and finally captures one,
  despite my valiant attempts to twist it free. It’s my sore hand, so I surrender it
  to him, but grab his hair with my other hand and pull hard.
  “Ah!” He yanks his head free and gazes down at me, his eyes wild and
  “Savage,” he whispers, his voice laced with salacious delight. In response to
  this one whispered word my libido explodes, and I stop acting. Again I
  struggle in vain to wrest my hand out of his hold. At the same time I try to
  hook my ankles together, and attempt to buck him off me. He’s too heavy.
  Gah— it’s frustrating and hot. With a groan, Christian captures my other
  hand. He holds both my wrists in his left hand, and his right travels leisurely—
  insolently, almost—down my body, fondling and feeling as it goes, tweaking
  my nipple on the way.
  I yelp in response, pleasure spiking short, sharp, and hot from my nipple to
  my groin. I make another fruitless attempt to buck him off, but he’s just too on

  When he tries to kiss me I jerk my head to the side so he can’t. Promptly his
  insolent hand moves from the hem of my T-shirt up to my chin, holding me in
  place as he runs his teeth along my jaw, mirroring what I did to him earlier.
  “Oh, baby, fight me,” he murmurs.
  I twist and writhe, trying to free myself from his merciless hold, but it’s
  hopeless. He’s much stronger than me. He’s gently biting at my lower lip as
  his tongue tries to invade my mouth. And I realize I don’t want to resist him. I
  want him—I want him now, like I always do. I 292 | P a g e
  stop fighting and fervently return his kiss. I don’t care that I haven’t brushed
  my teeth. I don’t care that we’re supposed to be playing some game. Desire
  hot and hard surges through my bloodstream, and I’m lost, lost to him.
  Unhooking my ankles, I wrap my legs around his hips and use my heels to
  push his pajamas down over his behind.
  “Ana,” he breathes, and he kisses me everywhere. And we’re no longer
  wrestling, but quick and urgent, all hands and tongues and touch and taste.
  “Skin,” he murmurs hoarsely, his breathing labored. He drags me up and
  drags off my T-shirt in one swift move.
  “You,” I whisper while I’m upright, because it’s all I can think of to say. I seize
  the front his pajamas and yank them down, freeing his erection. I grab and
  squeeze him. He’s hard. The air whistles through his teeth as he inhales
  sharply, and I revel in his response.
  “Fuck,” he murmurs. He leans back, lifting my thighs, tipping me down onto
  the bed as I pull and squeeze him tightly, running my hand up and down him.
  Feeling a bead of moisture on his tip, I swirl it around with my thumb. As he
  lowers me to the mattress, I slip my thumb in my mouth to taste him while his
  hands travel up my body, caressing my hips, my stomach, my breasts.
  “Taste good?” he asks as he hovers over me, eyes blazing.
  “Yes. Here.” I push my thumb into his mouth and he sucks and bites the pad. I
  groan, grasp his head and pull him down to me so I can kiss him. Wrapping
  my legs around him, I push his pajamas off his legs with my feet, then cradle
  him with my legs around his waist. His lips trail from across my jaw to my
  chin, nipping softly.
  “You’re so beautiful.” He dips his head lower to the base of my throat. “Such
  beautiful skin.” His breath is soft as his lips glide down to my breasts.
  What? I am panting, confused—wanting, now waiting. I thought this was
  going to be quick.
  “Christian.” I hear the quiet plea in my voice and reach down, fisting my
  hands in his hair.
  “Hush,” he whispers and circles my nipple with his tongue before pulling it
  into his mouth and tugging hard.
  “Ah!” I moan and squirm, tilting my pelvis up to tempt him. He grins against
  my skin and turns his attention to my other breast. 293 | P a g e
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  “Impatient, Mrs. Grey?” He then sucks hard on my nipple. I tug his hair. He
  groans and peers up. “I’ll restrain you,” he warns.
  “Take me,” I beg.
  “All in good time,” he murmurs against my skin. His hand travels down at an
  infuriatingly slow speed to my hip as he worships my nipple with his mouth. I
  moan loudly, my breath short and shallow, and try once more to entice him
  into me, rocking against him. He’s thick and heavy and close, but he’s taking
  his own sweet leisurely time with me.
  Fuck this. I struggle and twist, determined to buck him off me again.
  “What the—”
  Grabbing my hands, Christian pins them down on the bed, my arms spread
  wide, and rests his full bodyweight on me, completely subduing me. I am
  breathless, wild.
  “You wanted resistance,” I say, panting. He rears up over me and gazes
  down, his hands still locked around my wrists. I place my heels under his
  behind and push. He doesn’t move. Gah!
  “You don’t want to play nice?” he asks astonished, his eyes alight with
  “I just want you to make love to me, Christian.” Could he be any more
  obtuse? First we’re fighting and wrestling then he’s all tender and sweet. It’s
  confusing. I’m in bed with Mr. Mercurial.
  “Please.” I press my heels against his backside once more. Burning gray
  eyes search mine. Oh, what is he thinking? He looks momentarily bewildered
  and confused. He releases my hands and sits back on his heels, pulling me
  into his lap.
  “Okay, Mrs. Grey, we’ll do this your way.” He reaches around my waist, lifts,
  and slowly lowers me on to him so I’m straddling him.
  “Ah!” This is it. This is what I want. This is what I need. Curling my arms
  around his neck, I twist my fingers in his hair, glorying in the feeling of him
  inside me. I start to move. Taking control, taking him at my pace, at my
  speed. He moans, and his lips find mine and we’re lost.
  I trail my fingers through the hair on Christian’s chest. He lies on his back, still
  and quiet beside me as we both catch our breath. His hand thrums
  rhythmically down my back.
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  “You’re quiet,” I whisper and kiss his shoulder. He turns and looks down at
  me, his expression giving nothing away. “That was fun.” I add. Shit, is
  something wrong?
  “You confound me, Mrs. Grey.”
  “Confound you?”
  He shifts so that we’re face to face. “Yes. You. Calling the shots. It’s . . .
  “Good different? Or bad different?” I reach up and trail a finger over his lips.
  His brow furrows, as if he doesn’t quite understand the question.
  Absentmindedly, he purses his lips to kiss my finger.
  “Good different,” he says, but he doesn’t sound convinced.
  “You’ve never indulged this little fantasy before?” I blush as I say it. Do I really
  want to know any more about my husband’s colorful . . . um, kaleidoscopic,
  sex life before me? My subconscious eyes me warily over her tortoiseshell
  half-moon specs. Do you really want to go there?
  “No, Anastasia, you can touch me.” It’s a simple explanation that speaks
  volumes. Of course, the fifteen couldn’t.
  “Mrs. Robinson could touch you.” I murmur the words before my brain
  registers what I’ve said. Shit.
  He stills. His eyes widen with his oh-no-where’s-she-going-withthis?
  expression. “That was different,” he whispers. Suddenly I want to know.
  “Good different or bad different?”
  He gazes at me. Doubt and possibly pain flit across his face, and fleetingly
  he looks like a man drowning. Why did I mention her?
  “Bad, I think.” His words are barely audible.
  Holy shit!
  “I thought you liked it.”
  “I did. At the time.”
  “Not now?”
  He gazes at me, eyes wide, then slowly shakes his head. Oh my . . . “Oh,
  Christian.” I’m overwhelmed by the feelings that swamp me. My lost boy. I
  launch myself at him and kiss his face, his throat, his chest, his little round
  scars. He groans, pulls me to him, and kisses me passionately. And very
  slowly, and tenderly, at his pace, he makes love to me once more.
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  “Ana Tyson. Punching above your weight!” Ethan applauds as I head into the
  kitchen for breakfast. He, Mia, and Kate are sitting at the breakfast bar while
  Mrs. Bentley cooks waffles. Christian is nowhere to be seen.
  “Good morning, Mrs. Grey.” Mrs. Bentley smiles. “What would you like for
  “Good Morning. Whatever’s going, thank you. Where’s Christian?”
  “Outside.” Kate gestures with her head toward the backyard. I wander over to
  the window that looks out onto the yard and the mountains beyond. It’s a

  clear, powder-blue summer day, and my beautiful husband is about twenty
  feet away in deep discussion with some guy.
  “That’s Mr. Bentley he’s talking to,” calls Mia from the breakfast bar. I turn to
  look at her, distracted by her sulky tone. She looks venomously at Ethan. Oh
  dear. I wonder once more what’s going on between them. Frowning I turn my
  attention back to my husband and Mr. Bentley.
  Mrs. Bentley’s husband is fair-haired, dark eyed and wiry, dressed in work
  pants and an Aspen Fire Department T-shirt. Christian is dressed in his
  black jeans and T-shirt. As the two men amble across the lawn toward the
  house lost in their conversation, Christian casually bends to pick up what
  looks like a bamboo cane that must have been blown over or discarded in
  the flowerbed. Pausing, Christian absentmindedly holds out the cane at
  arm’s length as if weighing it carefully and swipes it through the air, just once.
  Oh . . .
  Mr. Bentley appears to see nothing odd in his behavior. They continue their
  discussion, nearer the house this time, then pause once more, and Christian
  repeats the gesture. The tip of the cane hits the ground. Glancing up,
  Christian sees me standing at the window. Suddenly I feel as if I’m spying on
  him. He blinks. I give him an embarrassed wave then turn and walk back to
  the breakfast bar.
  “What were you doing?” asks Kate.
  “Just watching Christian.”
  “You have got it bad.” She snorts.
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  “And you don’t, oh soon-to-be sister-in-law?” I reply, grinning at her and trying
  to bury the disquieting visual of Christian wielding a cane. I am startled when
  Kate leaps up and hugs me.
  “Sister!” she exclaims, and it’s hard not to be swept up in her joy.
  “Hey, sleepyhead.” Christian wakes me. “We’re coming in to land. Buckle
  I fumble sleepily for my seat belt, but Christian leans over and fastens it for
  me. He kisses my forehead before settling back into his seat. I lean my head
  on his shoulder again and close my eyes. An impossibly long walk, followed
  by a picnic lunch on top of a spectacular mountain, has exhausted me. The
  rest of our party is quiet, too—even Mia. She looks despondent, as she has
  all day. I wonder how her campaign with Ethan is going. I don’t even know
  where they slept last night. My eyes catch hers and I give a small are-youokay?
  smile. She gives me a brief sad smile in return and goes back to her
  book. I peek up at Christian through my lashes. He’s working on a contract or
  something, reading it through and annotating the margins. But he seems
  relaxed. Elliot is snoring softly beside Kate.
  I have yet to corner Elliot and quiz him about Gia, but it’s been impossible to
  pry him away from Kate. Christian isn’t interested enough to ask, which is
  irritating, but I haven’t pressed him. We’ve been enjoying ourselves too
  much. Elliot rests his hand possessively on Kate’s knee. She’s looking
  radiant, and to think that only yesterday afternoon she was so unsure of him.
  What did Christian call him?
  Lelliot. Perhaps that’s a family nickname? It was sweet, better than
  manwhore. Abruptly, Elliot opens his eyes and gazes straight at me. I blush,
  caught staring.
  He grins. “I sure love your blush, Ana,” he teases, stretching. Kate gives me
  her self-satisfied, cat-ate-the-canary smile. Officer Beighley announces our
  approach to Sea-Tac, and Christian clasps my hand.
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  “How was your weekend, Mrs. Grey?” Christian asks once we’re in the Audi
  heading back to Escala. Taylor and Ryan are up front.
  “Good, thank you.” I smile, feeling shy all of a sudden.
  “We can go anytime. Take anyone you wish to take.”
  “We should take Ray. He’d like the fishing.”
  “That’s a good idea.”
  “How was it for you?” I ask.
  “Good,” he says after a moment, surprised I think, by my question.
  “Real good.”
  “You seemed to relax.”
  He shrugs. “I knew you were safe.”
  I frown. “Christian, I’m safe most of the time. I’ve told you before, you’ll keel
  over at forty if you keep up this level of anxiety. And I want to grow old and
  gray with you.” I reach over and grasp his hand. He looks at me as if he can’t
  comprehend what I’m saying. Gently taking my hand, he kisses my knuckles
  and changes the subject.
  “How’s your hand?”
  “It’s better, thank you.”
  He smiles. “Very good, Mrs. Grey. You ready to face Gia again?”
  Oh crap. I’d forgotten we were seeing her this evening to go over the final
  plans. I roll my eyes. “I might want to keep you out of the way, keep you safe.”
  I smirk.
  “Protecting me?” Christian is laughing at me.
  “As ever, Mr. Grey. From all sexual predators,” I whisper.
  “As ever, Mr. Grey. From all sexual predators,” I whisper.
  Christian is brushing his teeth when I crawl into bed. Tomorrow we go back
  to reality—back to work, the paparazzi, and to Jack in custody but with the
  possibility that he has an accomplice. Hmm . . . Christian was vague about
  that. Does he know? And if he did know, would he tell me? I sigh. Getting
  information out of Christian is like pulling teeth, and we’ve had such a lovely
  weekend. Do I want to ruin the feel-good moment by trying to drag the
  information out of him?
  It’s been a revelation to see him out of his normal environment, outside this
  apartment, relaxed and happy with his family. I wonder vaguely if it’s because
  we’re here in this apartment—with all its 298 | P a g e
  memories and associations—that he gets wound up. Maybe we should
  I snort. We are moving—we’re having a huge house refurbished on the
  coast. Gia’s plans are complete and approved, and Elliot’s team starts
  building next week. I chuckle as I recall Gia’s shocked expression when I told
  her that I’d seen her in Aspen. Turns out it was nothing but co-incidence.
  She’d camped out at her holiday place to work solely on our plans. For one
  awful moment I’d thought she’d had a hand in choosing the ring, but
  apparently not. But I still don’t trust Gia; I want to hear the same story from
  Elliot. At least she kept her distance from Christian this time.
  I look out at the night sky. I will miss this view. This panoramic vista . . .
  Seattle at our feet, so full of possibilities, yet so far removed. Maybe that’s
  Christian’s problem—he’s been too isolated from real life for too long, thanks
  to his self-imposed exile. Yet with his family around him, he is less
  controlling, less anxious—freer, happier. I wonder what Flynn would make of
  all that. Holy crap! Maybe that’s the answer. Maybe he needs his own family. I
  shake my head in denial—
  we’re too young, too new to all this. Christian strides into the room, looking
  his usual gorgeous but pensive self.
  “Everything okay?” I ask.
  He nods distractedly as he climbs into bed.
  “I’m not looking forward to going back to reality,” I murmur.
  I shake my head and reach up to caress his lovely face. “I had a wonderful
  weekend. Thank you.”
  He smiles softly. “You’re my reality, Ana,” he murmurs, leans forward, and
  kisses me.
  “Do you miss it?”
  “Miss what?” he asks, perplexed.
  “You know. The caning . . . and stuff,” I whisper, embarrassed. He stares at
  me, his gaze impassive. Then doubt crosses his face, his where-is-shegoing-
  with-this look.
  “No Anastasia, I don’t.” His voice is steady and quiet. He caresses my

  cheek. “Dr. Flynn said something to me when you left, something that’s
  stayed with me. He said I couldn’t be that way, if you weren’t so 299 | P a g e
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  inclined. It was a revelation.” He stops, and frowns. “I didn’t know any other
  way, Ana. Now I do. It’s been educational.”
  “Me, educate you?” I scoff.
  His eyes soften. “Do you miss it?” he asks.
  “I don’t want you to hurt me, but I like to play, Christian. You know that. If you
  wanted to do something . . .” I shrug, gazing at him.
  “You know, with a flogger or your crop—” I stop, blushing. He raises his brow,
  surprised. “Well . . . we’ll see. Right now, I’d like some good old-fashioned
  vanilla.” His thumb skirts my bottom lip, and he kisses me once more.
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: Good Morning
  Date: August 29, 2011 09:14
  To: Christian Grey
  Mr. Grey
  I just wanted to tell you that I love you.
  That is all.
  Yours Always
  A x
  Anastasia Grey
  Commissioning Editor, SIP
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Banishing Monday Blues
  Date: August 29, 2011 09:18
  To: Anastasia Grey
  Mrs. Grey
  300 | P a g e
  What gratifying words to hear from one’s wife (errant or not) on a Monday
  Let me assure you that I feel exactly the same way. Sorry about the dinner
  this evening. I hope it won’t be too tedious for you.
  Christian Grey,
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  Oh yes. The American Shipbuilding Association dinner. I roll my eyes . . .
  more stuffed shirts. Christian really does take me to the most fascinating
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: Ships that pass in the night
  Date: August 29, 2011 09:26
  To: Christian Grey
  Dear Mr. Grey
  I am sure you can think of a way to spice up the dinner . . . Yours in
  Mrs. G. x
  Anastasia (non-errant) Grey
  Commissioning Editor, SIP
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Variety is the Spice of Life
  Date: August 29, 2011 09:35
  To: Anastasia Grey
  Mrs. Grey
  I have a few ideas . . .
  301 | P a g e
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  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Now Impatient for the ASA Dinner Inc.
  All the muscles in my belly clench. Hmm . . . I wonder what he’ll dream up.
  Hanna knocks on the door, interrupting my reverie.
  “Ready to go through your schedule for this week, Ana?”
  “Sure. Sit.” I smile, recovering my equilibrium, and minimize my email
  program. “I’ve had to move a couple of appointments. Mr. Fox next week and
  My phone rings, interrupting her. It’s Roach. He asks me up to his office.
  “Can we pick this up in twenty minutes?”
  “Of course.”
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Last night
  Date: August 30, 2011 09:24
  To: Anastasia Grey
  Was . . . fun.
  Who would have thought the ASA annual dinner could be so stimulating?
  As ever, you never disappoint, Mrs. Grey.
  I love you.
  Christian Grey
  In awe, CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  From: Anastasia Grey
  302 | P a g e
  Subject: I love a good ball game . . .
  Date: August 30, 2011 09:33
  To: Christian Grey
  Dear Mr. Grey
  I have missed the silver balls.
  You never disappoint.
  That is all.
  Mrs. G. x
  Anastasia Grey
  Commissioning Editor, SIP
  Hannah taps on my door, interrupting my erotic thoughts of the previous
  evening. Christian’s hands . . . his mouth.
  “Come in.”
  “Ana, Mr. Roach’s PA just called. He’d like you to attend a meeting this
  morning. It means I have to move some of your appointments again. Is that
  His tongue.
  “Sure. Yes,” I mutter trying to halt my wayward thoughts. She grins and ducks
  out of my office . . . leaving me with my delicious memory of last night.
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Hyde
  Date: September 1, 2011 15:24
  To: Anastasia Grey
  For your information, Hyde has been refused bail and remanded in custody.
  He’s charged with attempted kidnap and arson. As yet no date has been set
  for the trial.
  303 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: Hyde
  Date: September 1, 2011 15:53
  To: Christian Grey
  That’s good news.
  Does this mean you’l lighten up on security?
  I real y don’t see eye to eye with Prescott.
  Ana x
  Anastasia Grey
  Commissioning Editor, SIP
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Hyde
  Date: September 1, 2011 15:59
  To: Anastasia Grey
  No. Security will remain in place. No arguments.
  What’s wrong with Prescott? If you don’t like her, we’l replace her.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  I scowl at his high-handed e-mail. Prescott isn’t that bad.
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: Keep your hair on!
  304 | P a g e
  Date: September 1, 2011 16:03
  To: Christian Grey
  I was just asking (rol s eyes). And I’l think about Prescott. Stow that twitchy
  Ana x
  Anastasia Grey
  Commissioning Editor, SIP
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Don’t tempt me.
  Date: September 1, 2011 16:11
  To: Anastasia Grey
  I can assure you, Mrs. Grey, that my hair is very firmly attached—has this not
  been demonstrated often enough by your good self?
  My palm, however, is twitching.
  I might do something about that tonight.
  Christian Grey
  Not bald yet CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: Squirm
  Date: September 1, 2011 16:20
  To: Christian Grey
  Promises, promises . . .
  Now stop pestering me. I am trying to work; I have an impromptu meeting
  with an author. Will try not to be distracted by thoughts of you during the
  A x
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  Fifty Shades Freed
  Anastasia Grey
  Commissioning Editor, SIP
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: Sailing & Soaring & Spanking Date: September 5, 2011 09:18
  To: Christian Grey
  You sure know how to show a girl a good time.
  I shall of course be expecting this kind of treatment every weekend.
  You are spoiling me. I love it.
  Your wife
  Anastasia Grey
  Commissioning Editor, SIP
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: My life’s mission . . .
  Date: September 5, 2011 09:25
  To: Anastasia Grey
  Is to spoil you, Mrs. Grey.
  And keep you safe because I love you.
  Christian Grey
  Smitten CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  Oh my. Could he be any more romantic?
  306 | P a g e
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: My life’s mission . . .
  Date: September 5, 2011 09:33
  To: Christian Grey
  Is to let you—because I love you, too.
  Now stop being so sappy.
  You are making me cry.
  Anastasia Grey
  Equally Smitten Commissioning Editor, SIP
  The following day, I gaze at the calendar on my desk. Only five days until
  September 10—my birthday. I know we are driving out to the house to see
  how Elliot and his crew are progressing. Hmm . . . I wonder if Christian has
  any other plans? I smile at the thought. Hanna taps on my door.
  “Come in.”
  Prescott is hovering outside . Odd . . .
  “Hi, Ana,” says Hanna. “There’s a Leila Williams here to see you?
  She says it’s personal.”
  “Leila Williams? I don’t know a . . .” My mouth goes dry, and Hanna’s eyes
  widen at my expression.
  Leila? Fuck. What does she want?
  307 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:我正站在波洛房间的窗户旁悠闲地望着下面的大街。“奇怪呀!”我突然脱口而出。“怎么啦,我的朋友?”波洛端坐在他舒适的摇椅里,语调平静地问。“波洛,请推求如下事实!——位年轻女人衣着华贵——头戴时髦的帽子,身穿富丽的裘皮大衣。她正慢慢地走过来。边走边看两旁的房子。二个男子和一个中年女人正盯捎尾随着她,而她一无所知。突然又来了一个男孩在她身后指指点点,打着手势。 [点击阅读]
章节:46 人气:0
摘要:那人用弹簧锁钥匙开门走了进去,后面跟着一个年轻人。年轻人笨拙地脱下了便帽。他穿一身粗布衣服,带着海洋的咸味。来到这宽阔的大汀他显然感到拘束,连帽子也不知道怎么处置。正想塞进外衣口袋,那人却接了过去。接得自然,一声不响,那笨拙的青年心里不禁感激,“他明白我,”他心想,“他会帮我到底的。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:马普尔小姐的故事——我亲爱的,我想我没告诉过你们——你,雷蒙德,还有你,琼——有关几年前发生的一桩奇特的小案子。不管怎样,我不想让人们觉得我很自负——当然了,我也知道和你们年轻人比起来我根本算不上聪明——雷蒙德会写那些关于令人讨厌的男男女女们的非常现代的书——琼会画那些出众的图画,上面全是一些四四方方的人,身上有的地方非常奇怪地凸了出来——你们都很聪明,我亲爱的, [点击阅读]
章节:19 人气:0
摘要:《骗局》简介:陨石、冰架、空军一号、三角洲部队、性丑闻、政治黑幕……美国悬疑惊悚小说大师丹·布朗凭借高超地想象将这些元素有机的糅合在《骗局》中。整个故事围绕着一起科学大骗局展开,讲述了48小时内美国政界发生的一系列重大事件。小说以一桩神秘的谋杀案开篇:在人迹罕见的北极圈,加拿大地质学家查尔斯·布罗菲和他的几只北极狗被两个彪形大汉劫持到一架军用直升机上。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:第一章伏盖公寓一个夫家姓伏盖,娘家姓龚弗冷的老妇人,四十年来在巴黎开着一所兼包皮容饭的公寓,坐落在拉丁区与圣·玛梭城关之间的圣·日内维新街上。大家称为伏盖家的这所寄宿舍,男女老少,一律招留,从来没有为了风化问题受过飞短流长的攻击,可是三十年间也不曾有姑娘们寄宿;而且非要家庭给曲生活费少得可怜,才能使一个青年男子住到这儿来。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:天下精灵铸三戒,地底矮人得七戒,寿定凡人持九戒,魔多妖境暗影伏,闇王坐拥至尊戒。至尊戒,驭众戒;至尊戒,寻众戒,魔戒至尊引众戒,禁锢众戒黑暗中,魔多妖境暗影伏。※※※当袋底洞的比尔博·巴金斯先生宣布不久后会为自己一百一十一岁大寿举行盛大宴会时,哈比屯的居民都兴奋的议论纷纷。比尔博不但非常富有,更是个特立独行的奇人。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:0
摘要:在首部曲《魔戒远征队》中,记述了灰袍甘道夫发现哈比人佛罗多所拥有的戒指,其实正是至尊魔戒,统御所有权能之戒的魔戒之王。因此,佛罗多和伙伴们从夏尔一路被魔多的黑骑士追杀,最后,在伊利雅德的游侠亚拉冈的帮助下,他们终于克服万难,逃到了瑞文戴尔的爱隆居所。爱隆在该处慎重地举行了一场会议,决定将魔戒摧毁,佛罗多也被指派为魔戒持有者。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:这是魔戒三部曲的第二部分。在首部曲“魔戒现身”中,记述了灰袍甘道夫发现哈比人佛罗多所拥有的戒指其实正是至尊魔戒,统御所有权能之戒的魔戒之王。因此,佛罗多和伙伴们从夏尔一路被魔多的黑骑士追杀,最后,在伊利雅德的游侠亚拉冈的帮助下,他们终于克服万难,逃到了瑞文戴尔的爱隆居所去。爱隆在该处慎重的举行了一场会议,决定将魔戒摧毁;佛罗多也被指派为魔戒的持有者。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:我经常回想起收到第一封匿名信的那个早晨。信是早餐时分送来的,当时,时间对我来说过得非常慢,所以我做任何事都是慢条斯理,不慌不忙。我慢吞吞地拿起信,发现是本地寄出的,地址是用打字机打的。除了这封信之外,另外还有两封信,一封显然地帐单,另一封看得出是我那个无聊的堂兄写来的,所以我先看手上的这封。现在回想起来,乔安娜和我会对那封信特别感兴趣,倒是有点奇怪。 [点击阅读]
章节:21 人气:0
摘要:你干得汗流满面,才能维持可怜生计,长年劳动,精疲力竭,如今死神召唤着你。这用古法文写成的四行诗,题在霍尔拜因①的一幅版画下面,朴实中蕴含着深沉的忧愁。这幅版画描绘一个农夫扶着犁把犁田。广袤的原野伸展到远方,在那边可以看到一些可怜的木板屋,太阳沉落到山丘后面。这是一天艰辛劳动的结尾。农夫虽然年老,却很粗壮,衣衫褴褛。他往前赶的四匹套在一起的马儿瘦骨嶙峋,有气没力;犁刀铲进高低不平的坚硬的泥土里。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:0
摘要:威尔拉着他母亲的手说:“快点,来吧……”但他的母亲畏缩不前,她还是害怕。威尔在暮色中打量着这条狭长的街道,街边是成排的房子,房前是小花园和方形篱笆,阳光在房子一侧的窗户上闪耀着,却将另一侧置于一片阴影之中。没有多少时间了,人们现在大概正在吃晚饭,周围很快就会出现别的孩子,会注意到他们,议论纷纷地盯着他们看。等待很危险,但他所能做的还是像往常那样劝她。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:1九月四日。重宗祐下午两点准时离开银行。银行座落在新宿第一百货大楼对面,位居繁华街道一角。重宗徒步朝歌舞伎町走去。他是去歌舞伎町那家叫吉野的餐厅出席定期的银行支店长会议的。这种宴会带有和睦的性质。聚会下午七时才开始。现在的时间尚早,重宗便拐进了一家电动弹子游艺室。他每月都要玩几次这种电子游戏。虽然他十分喜爱这项游乐,但怕别人笑话。 [点击阅读]
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