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五十度灰英文版 - Part III Chapter Fourteen
  Chapter Fourteen
  The attention of the entire restaurant is trained on Kate and Elliot, waiting as
  one with bated breath. The anticipation is unbearable. Silence stretches like
  a taut rubber band. The atmosphere is oppressive, apprehensive and yet
  hopeful throughout the room.
  Kate stares blankly at Elliot as he gazes up at her, his eyes wide with longing
  —fear even. Holy crap, Kate! Put him out of his misery. Please. Jeez—he
  could have asked her privately. A single tear trickles down her cheek, though
  she remains expressionless. Shit! Kate crying? Then she smiles, a slow
  disbelieving I-think-I’ve-discovered-the-fabled-lost-city-of-El-Dorado smile.
  “Yes,” she whispers, a breathy, sweet acceptance—not Kate-like at all. For
  one nanosecond there’s a pause as the entire restaurant exhales a collective
  sigh of relief—and then the noise is deafening. Spontaneous applause,
  cheering, catcalls, whooping—and suddenly I have tears rolling down my
  face, smudging my Barbie-meets-Joan-Jett makeup.
  Oblivious to the commotion around them, the two are locked in their own
  bubble. From his pocket Elliot produces a small box, opens it and presents it
  to Kate. A ring . . . and from what I can see, an exquisite ring, but I need a
  closer look. Oh no—Is that what he was doing with Gia? Choosing a ring?
  Shit! Oh, I’m so glad I didn’t tell Kate. Kate looks from the ring to Elliot then
  throws her arms around his neck. They kiss, remarkably chaste for them, and
  the crowd goes wild. Elliot stands and acknowledges the approbation with a
  surprisingly graceful bow then, wearing a huge self-satisfied grin, sits back
  down. I can’t take my eyes off them. Taking the ring out of its box, Elliot gently
  slides it onto Kate’s finger, and they kiss once more. Christian squeezes my
  hand—I didn’t realize I’d been gripping his so tightly. I release him, a little
  embarrassed, and he shakes his hand, mouthing, “Ow. ”
  “Sorry. Did you know about this?” I whisper.
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  Christian smiles, and I know that he did. He summons the waiter.
  “Two bottles of the Cristal please. The 2002 if you have it.”
  I smirk at him.
  “What?” he asks.
  “Because the 2002 is so much better than the 2003,” I tease. He laughs. “To
  the discerning palate, Anastasia.”
  “You have a very discerning palate, Mr. Grey, and singular tastes.” I smile.
  “That I do, Mrs. Grey.” He leans in close. “You taste best,” he whispers, and
  he kisses a certain spot behind my ear, sending little shivers down my spine.
  I blush scarlet and fondly remember his earlier demonstration of the quite
  literal shortcomings of my dress. Mia is the first up to hug Kate and Elliot,
  and we all take turns congratulating the happy couple. I clutch Kate in a fierce
  “See? He was just worried about his proposal,” I whisper.
  “Oh, Ana.” She giggle-sobs.
  “Kate, I am so happy for you. Congratulations.”
  Christian is behind me. He shakes Elliot’s hand, then—surprising both Elliot
  and me—pulls him into a hug. I can only just catch what he says.
  “Way to go, Lelliot,” he murmurs. Elliot says nothing—for once stunned into
  silence—then cautiously returns his brother’s hug. Lelliot?
  “Thanks, Christian,” Elliot chokes out.
  Christian gives Kate a brief, if awkward, almost arm’s-length hug. I know that
  Christian’s attitude to Kate is tolerant, at best, and ambivalent most of the
  time, so this is progress. Releasing her, he says so quietly only she and I can
  hear, “I hope you are as happy in your marriage as I am in mine.”
  “Thank you, Christian. I hope so, too,” she says graciously. The waiter has
  returned with the champagne, which he proceeds to open with an
  understated flourish.
  Christian holds his champagne flute aloft.
  “To Kate and my dear brother, Elliot—congratulations.”
  We all sip, well, I glug. Hmmm—Cristal tastes so good, and I’m reminded of
  the first time I drank it at Christian’s club and later, our eventful elevator
  journey to the first floor.
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  Christian frowns at me. “What are you thinking about?” he whispers.
  “The first time I drank this champagne.”
  His frown becomes more quizzical.
  “We were at your club.” I prompt.
  He grins. “Oh yes. I remember.” He winks at me.
  “Elliot, have you set a date?” Mia pipes up.
  Elliot gives his sister an exasperated stare. “I’ve only just asked Kate, so
  we’ll get back to you on that, ’kay?”
  “Oh, make it a Christmas wedding. That would be so romantic, and you’d
  have no trouble remembering your anniversary.” Mia claps her hands.
  “I’ll take that under advisement,” Elliot smirks at her.
  “After the champagne, please can we go clubbing?” Mia turns and gives
  Christian her biggest, brown-eyed look.
  “I think we should ask Elliot and Kate what they’d like to do.”
  As one, we turn expectantly to them. Elliot shrugs and Kate turns puce. Her
  carnal intent toward her fiancé is so clear I nearly spit fourhundred-dollar
  champagne all over the table.
  Zax is the most exclusive nightclub in Aspen—or so says Mia. Christian
  strolls, his arm wrapped around my waist, to the front of the short line and is
  immediately granted access. I wonder briefly if he owns the place. I glance at
  my watch—eleven thirty in the evening, and I’m feeling fuzzy. The two glasses
  of champagne and several glasses of Pouilly-Fumé during our meal are
  starting to have an effect, and I’m grateful Christian has his arm around me.
  “Mr. Grey, welcome back,” says a very attractive, leggy blonde in black satin
  hot pants, matching sleeveless shirt, and a little red bowtie. She smiles
  broadly, revealing perfect all-American teeth between scarlet lips that match
  her bowtie. “Max will take your coat.”
  A young man dressed entirely in black, fortunately not satin, smiles as he
  offers to take my coat. His dark eyes are warm and inviting. I am the only one
  wearing a coat—Christian insisted I take Mia’s trench coat to cover my
  behind—so Max only has to deal with me.
  “Nice coat,” he says, gazing at me intently.
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  Beside me Christian bristles and fixes Max with a back-off-now glare. He
  reddens and quickly hands Christian my coat check ticket.
  “Let me show you to your table.” Miss Satin Hot Pants flutters her eyelashes
  at my husband, flicks her long blond hair, and sashays through the entryway. I
  tighten my grip around Christian, and he gazes down at me questioningly for
  a moment, then smirks as we follow Miss Satin Hot Pants into the bar.
  The lighting is muted, the walls are black, I think, and the furnishings deep
  red. There are booths flanking two sides of the walls and a large U-shaped
  bar in the middle. It’s busy, given that we’re here off-season, but not too
  crowded with the well-heeled of Aspen out for a good time on a Saturday
  night. The dress code is relaxed, and for the first time I feel a little over . . .
  um, underdressed. I’m not sure which. The floor and walls vibrate with the

  music pulsing from the dance floor behind the bar and lights are whirling and
  flashing on and off. In my heady state I idly think it’s an epileptic’s nightmare.
  Satin Hot Pants leads us to a corner booth that’s been roped off. It’s near the
  bar with access to the dance floor. Clearly the best seats in the house.
  “There’ll be someone along to take your order shortly.” She gives us her full
  megawatt smile and, with a final flutter of eyelashes at my husband, sashays
  back from where she came. Mia is already jigging from foot to foot, itching to
  get onto the dance floor, and Ethan takes pity on her.
  “Champagne?” Christian asks as they head off hand in hand toward the
  dance floor. Ethan gives him a thumbs-up and Mia nods enthusiastically.
  Kate and Elliot sit back on the soft velvet seating, hand in hand. They look so
  happy, their features soft and radiant in the glow from the tea lights flickering
  in crystal holders on the low table. Christian gestures for me to sit, and I
  scoot in beside Kate. He takes a seat beside me and anxiously scans the
  “Show me your ring.” I raise my voice over the music. I will be hoarse by the
  time we leave. Kate beams at me and holds up her hand. The ring is
  exquisite—a single solitaire in a fine elaborate claw with tiny diamonds on
  either side. It has a retro Victorian look to it.
  “It’s beautiful.”
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  She nods in delight and, reaching over, squeezes Elliot’s thigh. He leans
  down and kisses her.
  “Get a room,” I call out.
  Elliot grins.
  A young woman with short dark hair and a mischievous smile, wearing
  regulation, black satin, hot pants, comes to take our order.
  “What do you want to drink?” Christian asks.
  “You’re not picking up the tab for this, too,” Elliot grumbles.
  “Don’t start that shit, Elliot,” Christian says mildly. Despite the objections of
  Kate, Elliot and Ethan, Christian has paid for the meal we just consumed. He
  simply waved them aside and would not hear of anyone else paying. I gaze
  at him lovingly. My Fifty Shades . . . always in control.
  Elliot opens his mouth to say something but, wisely perhaps, closes it again.
  “I’ll have a beer,” he says.
  “Kate?” Christian asks.
  “More champagne, please. The Cristal is delicious. But I’m sure Ethan would
  prefer a beer.” She smiles sweetly— yes, sweetly—at Christian. She is
  incandescent with happiness. I feel it radiating off her, and it’s a pleasure to
  bask in her joy.
  “Champagne, please.”
  “Bottle of Cristal, three Peronis, and a bottle of iced mineral water, six
  glasses,” he says in his usual authoritative, no-nonsense manner. It’s kinda
  “Thank you, sir. Coming right up.” Miss Hot Pants Number Two gives him a
  gracious smile, but he’s spared the fluttering of eyelashes though her cheeks
  redden a little.
  I shake my head in resignation. He’s mine, girlfriend.
  “What?” he asks me.
  “She didn’t flutter her eyelashes at you.” I smirk. He blinks at me. “Oh. Was
  she supposed to?” he asks, and I can tell he’s amused.
  “Women usually do.” My tone is ironic.
  He grins. “Mrs. Grey, are you jealous?”
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  “Not in the slightest.” I pout at him. And I realize in that moment that I am
  beginning to tolerate women ogling my husband. Almost. Christian clasps my
  hand and kisses my knuckles.
  “You have nothing to be jealous of, Mrs. Grey,” he murmurs close to my ear,
  his breath tickling me.
  “I know.”
  The waitress returns, and moments later I’m sipping another glass of
  “Here.” Christian hands me a glass of water. “Drink this.”
  I frown at him and see, rather than hear, his sigh.
  “Three glasses of white wine at dinner and two of champagne, after a
  strawberry daiquiri and two glasses of Frascati at lunchtime. Drink. Now,
  How does he know about the cocktails this afternoon? I scowl at him. But
  actually he does have a point. Taking the glass of water, I down it in a most
  unladylike manner to register my protest at being told what to do . . . again. I
  wipe my hand across the back of my mouth.
  “Good girl,” he says, smirking. “You’ve vomited on me once already. I don’t
  wish to experience that again in a hurry.”
  “I don’t know what you’re complaining about. You got to sleep with me.”
  He smiles and his eyes soften. “Yeah, I did.”
  Ethan and Mia are back.
  “Ethan’s had enough, for now. Come on, girls—let’s hit the floor. Strike a
  pose, throw some shapes, work off the calories from the chocolate mousse.”
  Kate stands immediately. “Coming?” she asks Elliot.
  “Let me watch you,” he says. And I have to look away quickly, blushing at the
  look he gives her. She grins as I stand.
  “I’m going to burn some calories,” I say, and leaning down I whisper in
  Christian’s ear, “You can watch me.”
  “Don’t bend over,” he growls.
  “Okay.” I stand abruptly. Whoa! Head rush and I clutch Christian’s shoulder
  as the room shifts and tilts a little.
  “Perhaps you should have some more water,” Christian murmurs, a warning
  clear in his voice.
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  “I’m fine. These seats are low and my heels are high.”
  Kate takes my hand, and taking a deep breath I follow her and Mia, perfectly
  poised, onto the dance floor.
  The music is pulsing, a techno beat with a thumping bass line. The dance
  floor isn’t crowded, which means we have some space. The mix is eclectic—
  young and old alike dancing the night away. I have never been a good
  dancer. In fact, it’s only since I’ve been with Christian that I dance at all. Kate
  hugs me.
  “I’m so happy,” she shouts over the music, and she starts to dance. Mia is
  doing what Mia does, grinning at the pair of us, throwing herself around.
  Jeez, she’s taking up a lot of room on the dance floor. I glance back toward
  the table. Our men are watching us. I start to move. It’s a pulsing rhythm. I
  close my eyes and surrender to it. I open my eyes to find the dance floor
  close my eyes and surrender to it. I open my eyes to find the dance floor
  filling up. Kate, Mia and I are forced closer together. And to my surprise I find
  I’m actually enjoying myself. I begin to move a little more . . . a little more
  bravely. Kate gives me two thumbs up, and I beam back at her.
  I close my eyes. Why did I spend the first twenty years of my life not doing
  this? I chose reading over dancing. Jane Austen didn’t have great music to
  move to and Thomas Hardy . . . jeez, he’d have felt guilty as sin that he
  wasn’t dancing with his first wife. I giggle at the thought.
  It’s Christian. Christian has given me this confidence in my body and how I
  can move it.
  Suddenly, there are two hands on my hips. I grin. Christian has joined me. I

  wiggle, and his hands move to my behind and squeeze, then back to my
  I open my eyes. And Mia is gaping at me in horror. Shit . . . Am I that bad? I
  reach down to hold Christian’s hands. They’re hairy. Fuck!
  They’re not his. I whirl around, and towering over me is a blond giant with
  more teeth than is natural and a leering smile to showcase them.
  “Get your hands off me!” I scream over the pounding music, apoplectic with
  “Come on, sugar, it’s just some fun.” He smiles, holding his apelike hands
  up, his blue eyes gleaming under the pulsing ultraviolet lights. Before I know
  what I’m doing, I slap him hard around the face. 281 | P a g e
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  Ow! Shit . . . my hand. It stings. “Get away from me!” I shout. He gazes down
  at me, cupping his red cheek. I thrust my uninjured hand in front of his face,
  spreading my fingers to show him my rings.
  “I’m married, you asshole!”
  “I’m married, you asshole!”
  He shrugs rather arrogantly and gives me a halfhearted, apologetic smile.
  I glance around frantically. Mia is at my right, glaring at Blond Giant. Kate is
  lost in the moment doing her thing. Christian is not at the table. Oh, I hope
  he’s gone to the restroom. I step back— oh shit—into a front I know well.
  Christian puts his arm around my waist and moves me to his side.
  “Keep your fucking hands off my wife,” he says. He’s not shouting, but
  somehow he can be heard over the music.
  Holy shit!
  “She can take care of herself,” Blond Giant shouts. His hand moves from his
  cheek where I’ve slapped him, and Christian hits him. It’s like I’m watching it
  in slow motion. A perfectly timed punch to the chin that moves at such speed,
  but with so little wasted energy, Blond Giant doesn’t see it coming. He
  crumples to the floor like the scumbag he is. Fuck.
  “Christian, no!” I gasp in panic, standing in front of him to hold him back. Shit,
  he’ll kill him. “I already hit him,” I shout over the music. Christian doesn’t look
  at me. He’s glaring at my assailant with a malevolence I’ve not seen before
  flaring in his eyes. Well, maybe once before—outside SIP after Jack Hyde’s
  pass at me.
  The other dancers move outward like a ripple in a pond, clearing space
  around us, keeping a safe distance. Blond Giant scrambles to his feet as
  Elliot joins us.
  Oh no! Kate is with me, gaping at all of us. Elliot grasps Christian’s arm as
  Ethan appears, too.
  “Take it easy, okay? Didn’t mean any harm.” Blond Giant holds his hands up
  in defeat, beating a hasty retreat. Christian’s eyes follow him off the dance
  floor. He does not look at me.
  The song changes from the explicit lyrics of “Sexy Bitch” to a pulsing techno
  dance number where a woman sings with an impassioned voice. Elliot looks
  down at me, then across at Christian, and releasing Christian, pulls Kate into
  a dance. I put my arms around 282 | P a g e
  Christian’s neck until he finally makes eye contact, his eyes still blazing—
  primal and feral, a glimpse of a brawling adolescent. Holy shit. He
  scrutinizes my face. What is he thinking?
  “Are you okay?” he asks finally.
  “Yes.” I rub my palm, trying to dispel the sting, and bring my hands down to
  his chest. My hand is throbbing. I have never slapped anyone before. What
  possessed me? Touching me wasn’t the worst crime against humanity. Was
  Yet deep down I know why I hit him. It’s because I instinctively knew how
  Christian would react seeing some stranger pawing me. I knew he’d lose his
  precious self-control. And the thought that some stupid nobody could derail
  my husband, my love, well, it makes me mad. Really mad.
  “Do you want to sit down?” Christian asks over the pulsing beat. Oh, come
  back to me, please.
  “No. Dance with me.”
  He gazes down at me impassively, saying nothing.
  Touch me . . . the woman sings.
  “Dance with me.” He’s still mad. “Dance. Christian, please.” I take his hands.
  Christian glares after the guy, but I start to move against him, weaving myself
  around him.
  The throng of dancers has circled us once more, although there’s now a twofoot
  exclusion zone around us.
  “You hit him?” Christian asks, standing stock-still. I take his fisted hands.
  “Of course I did. I thought it was you, but his hands were hairier. Please
  dance with me.”
  As Christian gazes at me the fire in his eyes slowly changes, evolves into
  something else, something darker, something hotter. Suddenly, he grabs my
  wrists and pulls me flush against him, pinning my hands behind my back.
  “You wanna dance? Let’s dance,” he growls close to my ear, and as he rolls
  his hips around into me, I can do nothing but follow, his hands holding mine
  against my backside.
  Oh . . . Christian can move, really move. He keeps me close, not letting me
  go, but his hands gradually relax on mine, freeing me. My hands creep
  around, up his arms, feeling his bunched muscles through 283 | P a g e
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  his jacket, up to his shoulders. He presses me against him, and I follow his
  moves as he slowly, sensually dances with me in time to the pulsing beat of
  the club music.
  The moment he grabs my hand and spins me first one way, then the other, I
  know he’s back with me. I grin. He grins.
  We dance together and it’s liberating—fun. His anger forgotten, or
  suppressed, he whirls me around with consummate skill in our small space
  on the dance floor, never letting go. He makes me graceful, that’s his skill. He
  makes me sexy, because that’s what he is. He makes me feel loved,
  because in spite of his fifty shades, he has a wealth of love to give. Watching
  him now, enjoying himself . . . one could be forgiven for thinking he doesn’t
  have a care in the world. But I know his love is clouded with issues of
  have a care in the world. But I know his love is clouded with issues of
  overprotectiveness and control, but it doesn’t make me love him any less.
  I am breathless when the song morphs to another.
  “Can we sit?” I gasp.
  “Sure.” He leads me off the dance floor.
  “You’ve made me rather hot and sweaty,” I whisper as we return to the table.
  He pulls me into his arms. “I like you hot and sweaty. Though I prefer to make
  you hot and sweaty in private,” he purrs, and a lascivious smile tugs at his
  As I sit, it’s as if the incident on the dance floor never happened. I’m vaguely
  surprised we haven’t been thrown out. I glance around the bar. No one is
  looking at us, and I can’t see Blond Giant. Maybe he left, or maybe he’s been
  thrown out. Kate and Elliot are being indecent on the dance floor, Ethan and
  Mia less so. I take another sip of champagne.
  “Here.” Christian puts another glass of water before me and regards me
  intently. His expression is expectant— drink it. Drink it now. I do as I’m told.
  Besides, I’m thirsty.
  Reaching over, he lifts a bottle of Peroni from the ice bucket on the table and
  takes a long drink.
  “What if there had been press here?” I ask.

  Christian knows immediately that I’m referring to him knocking Blonde Giant
  on his ass.
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  “I have expensive lawyers,” he says coolly, all at once arrogance personified.
  I frown at him. “But you’re not above the law, Christian. I did have the situation
  under control.”
  His eyes frost. “No one touches what’s mine,” he says with chilling finality, as
  if I’m missing the obvious. Oh . . . I take another sip of my champagne. All of
  a sudden I feel overwhelmed. The music is loud, pounding, my head and feet
  are aching, and I feel woozy. He grasps my hand. “Come, let’s go. I want to
  get you home,” he says. Kate and Elliot join us.
  “You going?” Kate asks and her voice is hopeful.
  “Yes,” Christian says.
  “Good, we’ll come with you.”
  As we wait at the coat check for Christian to retrieve my trench coat, Kate
  quizzes me.
  “What happened with that guy on the dance floor?”
  “He was feeling me up.”
  “I opened my eyes and you’d hit him.”
  I shrug. “Well, I knew Christian would go thermonuclear, and that could
  potentially ruin your evening.” I haven’t really processed how I feel about
  Christian’s behavior. I was worried that it would be worse.
  “Our evening,” she clarifies. “He is rather hot-headed, isn’t he?”
  Kate adds dryly, staring at Christian as he collects my coat. I snort and smile.
  “You could say that.”
  “I think you handle him well.”
  “Handle?” I frown. Do I handle Christian?
  “Here.” Christian holds my coat open for me so that I can put it on.
  “Wake up, Ana.” Christian is shaking me gently. We’ve arrived back at the
  house. Reluctantly I open my eyes and stagger from the minivan. Kate and
  Elliot have disappeared, and Taylor is standing patiently beside the vehicle.
  “Do I need to carry you?” Christian asks.
  I shake my head.
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  “I’ll fetch Miss Grey and Mr. Kavanagh,” Taylor says. Christian nods then
  leads me to the front door. My feet are throbbing, and I stumble after him. At
  the front door he bends down, grasps my ankle, and gently pries off first one
  shoe, then the other. Oh, the relief. He straightens and gazes down at me,
  holding my Manolos.
  “Better?” he asks, amused.
  I nod.
  “I had delightful visions of these around my ears,” he murmurs, staring down
  wistfully at my shoes. He shakes his head and, taking my hand once more,
  leads me through the darkened house, and up the stairs to our bedroom.
  “You’re wrecked, aren’t you?” he says softly, staring down at me. I nod. He
  starts to unbuckle the belt on my trench coat.
  “I’ll do it,” I mutter, making a halfhearted attempt to brush him off.
  “Let me.”
  I sigh. I had no idea I was this tired.
  “It’s the altitude. You’re not used to it. And the drinking, of course.” He smirks
  and pests me of my coat and throws it on one of the bedroom chairs.
  Taking my hand, he leads me into the bathroom. What? Why are we going in
  “Sit,” he says.
  I sit on the chair and close my eyes. I hear him messing around with bottles
  on the vanity unit. I am too tired to open my eyes to find out what he’s doing.
  A moment later he tips my head back. Now I open my eyes, in surprise.
  “Eyes closed,” Christian says . Holy crap, he’s holding a cotton ball!
  Gently, he wipes it over my right eye. I sit stunned as he methodically
  removes my makeup.
  “Ah. There’s the woman I married,” he says after a few wipes.
  “You don’t like makeup?”
  “I like it well enough, but I prefer what’s beneath it.” He kisses my forehead.
  “Here. Take these.” He puts some Advil into my palm and hands me a glass
  of water.
  I look up at him, pouting.
  “Take them,” he orders.
  I roll my eyes, but do as I’m told.
  “Good. Do you need a private moment?” he asks sardonically. 286 | P a g e
  I snort. “So coy, Mr. Grey. Yes, I need to pee.”
  He laughs. “You expect me to leave?”
  I giggle. “You want to stay?”
  He cocks his head to one side, his expression amused.
  “You are one kinky son of a bitch. Out. I don’t want you to watch me pee.
  That’s a step too far.” I stand and wave him out of the bathroom.
  When I emerge from the bathroom, he’s changed into his pajama bottoms.
  Hmm . . . Christian in PJs. I gaze mesmerized at his abdomen, his muscles,
  his happy trail. It’s distracting. He strides over to me.
  “Enjoying the view?” he asks wryly.
  “I think you’re slightly drunk, Mrs. Grey.”
  “I think, for once, I have to agree with you, Mr. Grey.”
  “Let me help you out of what little there is of this dress. It really should come
  with a health warning.” He turns me around and undoes the single button at
  the neck.
  “You were so mad,” I murmur.
  “Yes. I was.”
  “At me?”
  “No. Not at you.” He kisses my shoulder. “For once.”
  I smile. Not mad at me. This is progress. “Makes a nice change.”
  “Yes. It does.” He kisses my other shoulder then tugs my dress down over my
  backside and onto the floor. He removes my panties at the same time,
  leaving me naked. Reaching up, he takes my hand.
  “Step,” he commands, and I step out of the dress, holding his hand for
  He stands, and my dress and panties join Mia’s trench coat on the chair.
  “Arms up,” he says softly. He slips his T-shirt over me and pulls it down,
  covering me up. I am ready for bed.
  He pulls me into his arms and kisses me, my minty breath mingling with his.
  “As much as I’d love to bury myself in you, Mrs. Grey—you’ve had too much
  to drink, you’re at nearly eight thousand feet, and you didn’t 287 | P a g e
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  sleep well yesterday. Come. Get into bed.” He pulls back the duvet and I
  climb in. He covers me up and kisses my forehead once more.
  “Close your eyes. When I come back to bed, I’ll expect you to be asleep.” It’s
  a threat, a command . . . it’s Christian.
  “Don’t go,” I plead.
  “I have some calls to make, Ana.”
  “It’s Saturday. It’s late. Please.”
  He runs his hands through his hair. “Ana, if I come to bed with you now, you
  won’t get any rest. Sleep.” He’s adamant. I close my eyes and his lips brush
  my forehead once more.
  “Goodnight, baby,” he breathes.
  Images of the day flash through my mind . . . Christian hauling me over his
  shoulder in the plane. His anxiety as to whether or not I’d like the house.
  Making love this afternoon. The bath. His reaction to my dress. Decking
  Blond Giant—my palm tingles at the memory. And then Christian putting me
  to bed.
  Who would have thought? I grin widely, the word progress running around my
  brain as I drift.
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章节:18 人气:2
摘要:第一章马可·波罗描述他旅途上经过的城市的时候,忽必烈汗不一定完全相信他的每一句话,但是鞑靼皇帝听取这个威尼斯青年的报告,的确比听别些使者或考察员的报告更专心而且更有兴趣。在帝王的生活中,征服别人的土地而使版图不断扩大,除了带来骄傲之外,跟着又会感觉寂寞而又松弛,因为觉悟到不久便会放弃认识和了解新领土的念头。 [点击阅读]
章节:29 人气:2
摘要:你那时还觉得我的探险之旅会凶多吉少,但是现在看来开端良好、一帆风顺,你对此一定会深感宽慰吧。我是昨天抵达这里的,所做的第一件事就是要写信给你,让我亲爱的姐姐放心,而且请你对我的探险事业增加成功的信心。我现在位于距离伦敦千里之遥的北方,当我漫步在圣彼得堡的街头,微风带着一丝寒气迎面而来,不觉令我精神一振,一种快意不禁涌上心头。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:2
摘要:星期五的早晨,六点十三分,露西.安格卡特尔睁开了她那蓝色的大眼睛,新的一天开始了。同往常一样,她立刻就完全清醒了,并且开始思考从她那活跃得令人难以置信的头脑中冒出来的问题。她感到迫切需要同别人商量,于是想到了自己年轻的表妹米奇.哈德卡斯尔,昨天晚上才来到空幻庄园的年轻人。安格卡特尔夫人迅速地溜下床,往她那依然优雅的肩头披上一件便服后,就来到了米奇的房间。 [点击阅读]
章节:57 人气:2
摘要:握住门把。手心如握寒冰。那种冰冷,仿佛在宣告已无退路。希和子知道平日上午八点十分左右,这间屋子会有大约二十分钟没锁门。她知道只有婴儿被留在屋里,无人在家。就在刚才,希和子躲在自动贩卖机后面目送妻子与丈夫一同出门。希和子毫不犹豫,转动冰冷的门把。门一开,烤焦的面包皮皮、油、廉价粉底、柔软精、尼古丁、湿抹布……那些混杂在一起的味道扑面而来,稍微缓和了室外的寒意。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:2
摘要:“那苹果树、那歌声和那金子。”墨雷译《攸里披底斯的〈希波勒特斯〉》在他们的银婚日,艾舍斯特和妻子坐着汽车,行驶在荒原的外边,要到托尔基去过夜,圆满地结束这个节日,因为那里是他们初次相遇的地方。这是斯苔拉·艾舍斯特的主意,在她的性格里是有点儿多情色彩的。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:2
摘要:战争爆发前十年,我有一回在里维耶拉度假期,住在一所小公寓里。一天,饭桌上发生了一场激烈的辩论,渐渐转变成忿怒的争吵,几乎闹到结怨动武的地步,这真是万没料到的。世上的人大多数幻想能力十分迟钝,不论什么事情,若不直接牵涉到自己,若不象尖刺般狼狠地扎迸头脑里,他们决不会昂奋激动的,可是,一旦有点什么,哪怕十分微不足道,只要是明摆在眼前,直截了当地触动感觉,便立刻会使他们大动感情,往往超出应有的限度。 [点击阅读]
章节:39 人气:2
摘要:影片从梦中的女主人公---第一人称的'我'回忆往事开始。夜里,我又梦回曼陀丽。面对这堆被焚的中世纪建筑废墟,我又想起很多过去……那是从法国开始的。做为'陪伴'的我随范霍夫太太来到蒙特卡洛。一天,在海边我看到一个在陡崖边徘徊的男子。我以为他要投海,就叫出了声。他向我投来愤怒的一瞥。我知道我想错了,他可真是一个怪人。很巧,他竟同我们住在同一个饭店里。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:2
摘要:爱丽丝·德拉·罗卡讨厌滑雪学校。她讨厌在圣诞假期也要一大早七点半就起床,她讨厌在吃早餐时父亲目不转睛地盯着她,同时一条腿在餐桌下面焦躁地抖个不停,仿佛在催促她说:“快吃!”她讨厌那条会扎她大腿的羊毛连裤袜,讨厌那双让她手指不能动弹的滑雪手套,讨厌那顶勒住她的面颊、同时又用铁带扣卡住她下巴的头盔,也讨厌那双特别挤脚、让她走起路来像只大猩猩的滑雪靴。“你到底喝不喝这杯奶?”父亲再一次逼问她。 [点击阅读]
章节:104 人气:2
摘要:“喂??…喂????”…嘟嘟…嘟嘟嘟…二零零三年,成南。…又来了…又来了,该死的骚扰电话,今天是十八岁的我的第十七个生日…是我喝海带汤的日子没错了,偏偏接到这狗屎味儿的无声电话…^=_=已经一个星期了,“喂…嘟,喂…嘟”(?誄每次都是一样)那边也不说话,就是偷听我的声音然后就断了…今天早晨我居然在生日餐桌上又被涮了一次…^-_-凭我出神入化的第六感, [点击阅读]
章节:129 人气:2
摘要:《追忆逝水年华》是一部与传统小说不同的长篇小说。全书以叙述者“我”为主体,将其所见所闻所思所感融合一体,既有对社会生活,人情世态的真实描写,又是一份作者自我追求,自我认识的内心经历的记录。除叙事以外,还包含有大量的感想和议论。整部作品没有中心人物,没有完整的故事,没有波澜起伏,贯穿始终的情节线索。 [点击阅读]
章节:32 人气:2
摘要:一谈及巴尔扎克,人们首先会想到他的《高老头》、《欧叶妮·格朗台》、《幻灭》,而《邦斯舅舅》恐怕就要稍逊一筹了。然而,我们却读到了也许会令中国读者意外的评论。安德烈·纪德曾这样写道:“这也许是巴尔扎克众多杰作中我最喜欢的一部;不管怎么说,它是我阅读最勤的一部……我欣喜、迷醉……”他还写道:“不同凡响的《邦斯舅舅》,我先后读了三、四遍,现在我可以离开巴尔扎克了,因为再也没有比这本书更精彩的作品了。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:2
摘要:1我以为,人生最大的幸福莫过于有一个幸福的童年。我的童年幸福快乐。我有一个可爱的家庭和宅院,一位聪颖耐心的保姆;父母情意甚笃,是一对恩爱夫妻和称职的家长。回首往事,我感到家庭里充满了欢乐。这要归功于父亲,他为人随和。如今,人们不大看重随和的品性,注重的大多是某个男人是否机敏、勤奋,是否有益于社会,并且说话算数。至于父亲,公正地说,他是一位非常随和的人。这种随和给与他相处的人带来无尽的欢愉。 [点击阅读]
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