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五十度灰英文版 - Part III Chapter Twelve
  Chapter Twelve
  “I thought you were born here in Seattle,” I murmur. My mind races. What
  does this have to do with Jack? Christian raises the arm covering his face,
  reaches behind him, and grabs one of the pillows. Placing it under his head,
  he settles back and gazes at me, his expression wary. After a moment he
  shakes his head.
  “No. Elliot and I were both adopted in Detroit. We moved here shortly after
  my adoption. Grace wanted to be on the west coast, away from the urban
  sprawl, and she got a job at Northwest Hospital. I have very little memory of
  that time. Mia was adopted here.”
  “So Jack is from Detroit?”
  Oh . . . “How do you know?”
  “I ran a background check when you went to work for him.”
  Of course he did. “Do you have a manila file on him, too?” I smirk up at him.
  Christian’s mouth twists as he hides his amusement. “I think it’s pale blue.”
  His fingers continue to run through my hair. It’s soothing.
  “What does it say in his file?”
  Christian blinks. Reaching down he strokes my cheek. “You really want to
  “Is it that bad?”
  He shrugs. “I’ve known worse,” he whispers.
  No! Is he referring to himself? And the image I have of Christian as a small,
  dirty, fearful, lost boy comes to mind. I curl around him, holding him tighter,
  pulling the sheet over him, and I lay my cheek against his chest.
  “What?” he asks, puzzled by my reaction.
  “Nothing,” I murmur.
  “No, no. This works both ways, Ana. What is it?”
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  I glance up assessing his apprehensive expression. Resting my cheek upon
  his chest once more, I decide to tell him. “Sometimes I picture you as a child
  . . . before you came to live with the Greys.”
  Christian stiffens. “I wasn’t talking about me. I don’t want your pity, Anastasia.
  That part of my life is done. Gone.”
  “It’s not pity,” I whisper, appalled. “It’s sympathy and sorrow—
  sorrow that anyone could do that to a child.” I take a deep steadying breath
  as my stomach twists and tears prick my eyes anew. “That part of your life is
  not done, Christian—how can you say that? You live every day with your past.
  You told me yourself—Fifty Shades, remember?” My voice is barely audible.
  Christian snorts and runs his free hand through his hair, though he remains
  silent and tense beneath me.
  “I know it’s why you feel the need to control me. Keep me safe.”
  “And yet you choose to defy me,” he murmurs baffled, his hand stilling in my
  I frown. Holy cow! Do I do that deliberately? My subconscious removes her
  half-moon glasses and chews the end, pursing her lips and nodding. I ignore
  her. This is confusing—I’m his wife, not his submissive, not some company
  he’s acquired. I’m not the crack whore who was his mother . . . Fuck. The
  thought is sickening. Dr. Flynn’s words come back to me:
  “Just keep doing what you’re doing. Christian is head over heels . . . It’s a
  delight to see.”
  That’s it. I’m just doing what I’ve always done. Isn’t that what Christian found
  attractive in the first place?
  Oh, this man is so confusing.
  “Dr. Flynn said I should give you the benefit of the doubt. I think I do—I’m not
  sure. Perhaps it’s my way of bringing you into the here and now—away from
  your past,” I whisper. “I don’t know. I just can’t seem to get a handle on how
  far you’ll overreact.”
  He’s silent for a moment. “Fucking Flynn,” he mutters to himself.
  “He said I should continue to behave the way I’ve always behaved with you.”
  “Did he now?” Christian says dryly.
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  Okay. Here goes nothing. “Christian, I know you loved your mom, and you
  couldn’t save her. It wasn’t your job to do that. But I’m not her.”
  He freezes again. “Don’t,” he whispers.
  “No, listen. Please.” I raise my head to stare into gray eyes that are paralyzed
  with fear. He’s holding his breath. Oh, Christian . . . my heart constricts. “I’m
  not her. I’m much stronger than she was. I have you, and you’re so much
  stronger now, and I know you love me. I love you, too,” I whisper.
  His brow creases as if my words were not what he expected. “Do you still
  love me?” he asks.
  “Of course I do. Christian, I will always love you. No matter what you do to
  me.” Is this the reassurance he wants?
  He exhales and closes his eyes, placing his arm over his face again, but
  hugging me closer, too.
  “Don’t hide from me.” Reaching up, I grasp his hand and pull his arm away
  from his face. “You’ve spent your life hiding. Please don’t, not from me.”
  He blinks down at me with incredulity and frowns. “Hiding?”
  He shifts suddenly, rolling over onto his side and moving me so that I am
  lying beside him on the bed. He reaches up, smoothes my hair off my face
  and tucks it behind my ear.
  “You asked me earlier today if I hated you. I didn’t understand why, and now
  —” He stops, staring down at me as if I’m a complete conundrum.
  “You still think I hate you?” Now my voice is incredulous.
  “No.” He shakes his head. “Not now.” He looks relieved. “But I need to know
  —why did you safe word, Ana?”
  I blanch. What can I tell him? That he frightened me. That I didn’t know if he’d
  stop. That I begged him—and he didn’t stop. That I didn’t want things to
  escalate . . . like—like that one time in here. I shudder as I recall him
  whipping me with his belt.
  I swallow. “Because . . . because you were so angry and distant and . . . cold.
  I didn’t know how far you’d go.”
  His expression is unreadable.
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  “Were you going to let me come?” My voice is barely a whisper, and I feel a
  blush steal over my cheeks, but I hold his gaze.
  “No,” he says eventually.
  Holy crap. “That’s . . . harsh.”
  His knuckle gently grazes my cheek. “But effective,” he murmurs. He gazes
  down at me as if he’s trying to see into my soul, his eyes darkening. After an
  eternity, he murmurs, “I’m glad you did.”
  Oh! “Really?” I don’t understand.
  His lips twist in a sad smile. “Yes. I don’t want to hurt you. I got carried away.”
  He reaches down and kisses me. “Lost in the moment.”
  He kisses me again. “Happens a lot with you.”
  Oh? And for some bizarre reason the thought pleases me . . . I grin. Why
  does that make me happy? He grins, too.
  “I don’t know why you’re grinning, Mrs. Grey.”
  “Me neither.”
  He wraps himself around me and places his head on my chest. We are a
  tangle of naked and denim-clad limbs, and satin red sheets. I stroke his back
  with one hand and run the fingers of my other hand through his hair. He sighs
  and relaxes in my arms.
  “It means I can trust you . . . to stop me. I never want to hurt you,”
  he murmurs. “I need—” He halts.
  “You need what?”
  “I need control, Ana. Like I need you. It’s the only way I can function. I can’t let
  go of it. I can’t. I’ve tried . . . And yet, with you . . .” He shakes his head in
  I swallow. This is the heart of our dilemma—his need for control and his need
  for me. I refuse to believe these are mutually exclusive.
  “I need you, too,” I whisper, hugging him tighter. “I’ll try, Christian. I’ll try to be
  more considerate.”
  “I want you to need me,” he murmurs.
  Holy cow. Of course I need him!
  “I do.” My voice is impassioned. I need him so much. I love him so much.
  “I want to look after you.”
  “You do. All the time. I missed you so much while you were away.”
  “You did?” He sounds so surprised.
  “Yes, of course. I hate you going away.”
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  I sense his smile. “You could have come with me.”
  “Christian, please. Let’s not rehash that argument. I want to work.”
  He sighs as I work my fingers gently through his hair.
  “I love you, Ana.”
  “I love you, too, Christian. I will always love you.”
  We both lie still in the calm, quiet after our storm. Listening to the steady beat
  of his heart, I drift exhausted into sleep.
  I wake with a start, disorientated. Where am I? The playroom. The lights are
  still on, softly illuminating the bloodred walls. Christian moans again, and I
  realize this is what woke me.
  “No,” he groans. He’s sprawled out beside me, his head back, his eyes
  screwed shut, his face contorted in anguish.
  Holy shit. He’s having a nightmare.
  “No!” he cries out again.
  “Christian, wake up.” I struggle to sit up, kicking off the sheet. Kneeling
  beside him, I grab his shoulders and shake him as tears spring to my eyes.
  “Christian, please. Wake up!”
  His eyes spring open, gray and wild, his pupils enlarged with fear. He stares
  vacantly up at me.
  “Christian, you’re having a nightmare. You’re home. You’re safe.”
  He blinks, looks around frantically, and frowns as he takes in our
  surroundings. Then his eyes are back on mine. “Ana,” he breathes, and with

  no preamble whatsoever he reaches up with both hands, grabbing my face,
  and pulls me down onto his chest and kisses me. Hard. His tongue invades
  my mouth, and he tastes of desperation and need. Barely giving me a
  chance to breathe, he rolls over, his lips locked to mine, so that he’s pressing
  me into the four-poster’s hard mattress. One of his hands clasps my jaw, the
  other spreads out on top of my head, keeping me still as his knee parts my
  legs and he nestles, still clothed in his jeans, between my thighs.
  “Ana,” he gasps, as if he can’t believe I’m there with him. He gazes down at
  me for a split second, allowing me a moment to breathe. Then his lips are on
  mine again, plundering my mouth, taking all I have to give. He groans loudly,
  flexing his hips into me. His erection sheathed 241 | P a g e
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  in denim pushes into my soft flesh. Oh . . . I moan, and all the pent-up sexual
  tension of earlier erupts, resurfacing with a vengeance, flushing my system
  with desire and need. Driven by his demons, he urgently kisses my face, my
  eyes, my cheeks, along my jaw.
  “I’m here,” I whisper, trying to calm him, our heated, panting breath mingling. I
  wrap my arms around his shoulders, as I grind my pelvis against his in
  “Oh, Ana,” he pants, his voice rough and low. “I need you.”
  “Me, too,” I whisper urgently, my body desperate for his touch. I want him. I
  want him now. I want to heal him. I want to heal me . . . I need this. His hand
  reaches down and tugs on the button of his fly, fumbling momentarily, then
  freeing his erection.
  Holy shit. My heart lurches as I fleetingly think I was asleep less than a
  minute ago. He shifts, staring down at me for a split second, suspended
  above me.
  “Yes. Please,” I breathe, my voice hoarse and needy. And in one swift move
  he buries himself inside me.
  “Ah!” I cry out, not from any pain, but from surprise at his alacrity. He groans,
  and his lips find mine again as he pushes into me, over and over, his tongue
  possessing me, too. He moves frantically, compelled by his fear, his lust, his
  desire, his—love? I don’t know, but I meet him thrust for thrust, welcoming
  “Ana,” he growls almost inarticulately, and he comes powerfully, pouring
  himself into me, his face strained, his body rigid, before he collapses with his
  full weight onto me, panting, and he leaves me hanging . . . again.
  Holy shit. This is not my night. My inner goddess is preparing to disembowel
  herself. I hold him, drawing in a lungful of air and practically writhing with need
  beneath him. He eases out of me and holds me for minutes . . . many
  minutes. Finally he shakes his head and leans up on his elbows, taking some
  of his weight. He gazes down at me as if seeing me for the first time.
  “Oh, Ana. Sweet Jesus.” He bends and kisses me tenderly.
  “You okay?” I breathe, reaching up and caressing his lovely face. He blinks
  and nods. He looks shaken and most definitely stirred; my own lost boy. He
  frowns and stares intently into my eyes as if finally registering where he is.
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  “You?” he asks, concern evident in his voice.
  “Um . . .” I wriggle beneath him and after a moment he smiles, a slow carnal
  “Mrs. Grey, you have needs,” he murmurs. He kisses me swiftly, then scoots
  off the bed.
  Kneeling on the floor at the end of the bed, he reaches up, grabs me just
  above the knees and pulls me toward him so my behind is on the edge of the
  “Sit up,” he murmurs. I struggle into a sitting position, my hair falling like a veil
  around me, down to my breasts. His gray gaze holds mine as he gently
  pushes my legs apart as far as they’ll go. I lean back on my hands—knowing
  full well what he’s going to do. But . . . he’s just . . . um . . .
  “You are so fucking beautiful, Ana,” he breathes, and I watch his copperhaired
  head dip and plant a trail of kisses up my right thigh, heading north.
  My whole body clenches in anticipation. He glances up at me, his eyes
  darkening through long lashes.
  “Watch,” he rasps then his mouth is on me.
  Oh my. I cry out as the world is concentrated at the apex of my thighs, and
  it’s so erotic— Fuck—watching him. Watching his tongue against what feels
  like the most sensitive part of my body. And he shows no mercy, teasing and
  taunting, worshipping me. My body tenses and my arms start to tremble from
  the strain of staying upright.
  “No . . . ah,” I murmur. Gently, he eases one long finger inside me and I can
  bear it no more, collapsing back onto the bed, relishing this mouth and
  fingers on and in me. Slowly and gently, he massages that sweet, sweet spot
  deep inside me. And that’s it—I’m gone. I explode around him, crying out an
  incoherent rendition of his name as my intense orgasm arches my back off
  the bed. I think I see stars it’s such a visceral primal feeling . . . Vaguely I’m
  aware that he’s nuzzling my belly, giving me soft, sweet kisses. Reaching
  down, I caress his hair.
  “I’m not finished with you yet,” he murmurs. And before I’ve fully come back to
  Seattle, Planet Earth, he’s reaching for me, grasping my hips and pulling me
  off the bed to where’s he’s kneeling, and into his waiting lap and onto his
  waiting erection.
  I gasp as he fills me. Holy cow . . .
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  “Oh, baby,” he breathes as he wraps his arms around me and stills, cradling
  my head and kissing my face. He flexes his hips, and pleasure spikes hot
  and hard from deep within me. He reaches for my behind and lifts me,
  rocking his groin upward.
  “Ah,” I moan, and his lips are on mine again as he slowly, oh so slowly, lifts
  and rocks . . . lifts and rocks. I throw my arms around his neck, surrendering
  to his gentle rhythm and to wherever he’ll take me. I flex my thighs, riding him
  . . . he feels so good. Leaning backward, I tilt my head back, my mouth open
  wide in a silent expression of my pleasure, reveling in his sweet lovemaking.
  “Ana,” he breathes, and he leans down, kissing my throat. Holding me tight,
  slowly easing in and out, pushing me . . . higher and higher . . . so exquisitely
  timed—a fluid carnal force. Blissful pleasure radiates outward from deep,
  deep inside me as he holds me so intimately.
  “I love you, Ana,” he whispers close to my ear, his voice low and harsh, and
  he lifts me again—up, down, up, down. I curl my hands back around his neck
  into his hair.
  “I love you, too, Christian.” Opening my eyes, I find he’s gazing at me, and all I
  see is his love, shining bright and bold in the soft glow of the playroom light,
  his nightmare seemingly forgotten. And as I feel my body build toward my
  release, I realize this is what I wanted—this connection, this demonstration of
  our love.
  “Come for me, baby,” he whispers, his voice low. I screw my eyes shut as my
  body tightens at the low sound of his voice, and I come loudly, spiraling into
  an intense climax. He stills, his forehead against mine, as he softly whispers
  my name, wraps his arms around me and finds his own release.
  He lifts me gently and lays me on the bed. I lie in his arms, wrung out and
  finally sated. He nuzzles my neck.
  “Better now?” he whispers.
  “Shall we go to bed, or do you want to sleep here?”
  “Mrs. Grey, talk to me.” He sounds amused.
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  “Is that the best you can do?”
  “Come. Let me put you to bed. I don’t like sleeping here.”
  Reluctantly, I shift and turn to face him. “Wait,” I whisper. He blinks at me,
  looking all wide-eyed and innocent, and at the same time thoroughly fucked
  and pleased with himself.
  “Are you okay?” I ask.
  He nods, smiling smugly like an adolescent boy. “I am now.”
  “Oh, Christian,” I scold and reach up to gently stroke his lovely face. “I was
  talking about your nightmare.”
  His expression freezes momentarily, then he closes his eyes and tightens his
  arms around me, burying his face in my neck.
  “Don’t,” he whispers, his voice hoarse and raw. My heart lurches and twists
  once more in my chest, and I clutch him tightly, running my hands down his
  back and through his hair.
  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, alarmed by his reaction. Holy fuck—how can I keep up
  with these mood swings? What the hell was his nightmare about? I don’t
  want to cause him any more pain by making him relive the details. “It’s okay,”
  I murmur softly, desperate to bring him back to the playful boy of a moment
  ago. “It’s okay,” I repeat over and over soothingly.
  “Let’s go to bed,” he says quietly after a while, and he pulls away from me,
  leaving me empty and aching as he rises from the bed. I scramble after him,
  keeping the satin sheet wrapped around me, and bend to pick up my
  “Leave those,” he says, and before I know it, he scoops me up in his arms. “I
  don’t want you to trip over this sheet and break your neck.” I put my arms
  around him marveling that he’s recovered his composure, and nuzzle him as
  he carries me downstairs to our bedroom.
  My eyes spring open. Something is wrong. Christian is not in bed, though it’s
  still dark. Glancing at the radio alarm, I see it’s three twenty in the morning.
  Where’s Christian? Then I hear the piano. Quickly slipping out of bed, I grab

  my robe and run down the hallway to the great room. The tune he’s playing is
  so sad—a mournful 245 | P a g e
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  lament that I’ve heard him play before. I pause in the doorway and watch him
  in his pool of light while the achingly sorrowful music fills the room. He
  finishes then starts the piece again. Why such a plaintive tune? I wrap my
  arms around myself and listen spellbound as he plays. But my heart aches;
  Christian, why so sad? Is it because of me? Did I do this? When he finishes,
  only to start a third time, I can bear it no longer. He doesn’t look up as I near
  the piano, but shifts to one side so I can sit beside him on the piano stool. He
  continues to play, and I put my head on his shoulder. He kisses my hair but
  doesn’t stop playing until he’s finished the piece. I peek up at him and he’s
  staring down at me, warily.
  “Did I wake you?” he asks.
  “Only because you were gone. What’s that piece called?”
  “It’s Chopin. It’s one of his preludes in E minor.” Christian pauses.
  “It’s called Suffocation . . .”
  Reaching over I take his hand. “You’re really shaken by all this, aren’t you?”
  He snorts. “A deranged asshole gets into my apartment to kidnap my wife.
  She won’t do as she’s told. She drives me crazy. She safe words on me.” He
  closes his eyes briefly and when he opens them again, they are stark and
  raw. “Yeah, I’m pretty shaken up.”
  I squeeze his hand. “I’m sorry.”
  He bends and presses his forehead against mine. “I dreamed you were
  dead,” he whispers.
  “Lying on the floor—so cold—and you wouldn’t wake up.”
  Oh, Fifty.
  “Hey—it was just a bad dream.” Reaching up, I clasp his head in my hands.
  His eyes burn into mine and the anguish in them is sobering.
  “I’m here and I’m cold without you in the bed. Come back to bed, please.” I
  take his hand and stand, waiting to see if he’ll follow me. Finally he stands,
  too. He’s wearing his pajama bottoms, and they hang in that way he has, and
  I want to run my fingers along the inside of his waistband, but I resist and lead
  him back to the bedroom.
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  When I wake he’s curled around me, sleeping peacefully. I relax and enjoy his
  enveloping heat, his skin on my skin. I lie very still, not wanting to disturb him.
  Boy, what an evening. I feel like I’ve been run over by a train—the freight train
  that is my husband. Hard to believe that the man lying beside me, looking so
  serene and young in his sleep, was so tortured last night . . . and so tortured
  me last night. I gaze up at the ceiling, and it occurs to me that I always think of
  Christian as strong and dominating—yet the reality is he’s so fragile, my lost
  boy. And the irony is that he looks upon me as fragile—and I don’t think I am.
  Compared to him I’m strong.
  But am I strong enough for both of us? Strong enough to do what I’m told and
  give him some peace of mind? I sigh. He’s not asking that much of me. I flit
  through our conversation of last night. Did we decide anything other than to
  both try harder? The bottom line is that I love this man, and I need to chart a
  course for both of us. One that lets me keep my integrity and independence
  but still be more for him. I am his more, and he is mine. I resolve to make a
  special effort this weekend not to give him cause for concern.
  Christian stirs and lifts his head off my chest, blinking sleepily at me.
  “Good morning, Mr. Grey.” I smile.
  “Good morning, Mrs. Grey. Did you sleep well?” He stretches out beside me.
  “Once my husband stopped making that terrible racket on the piano, yes, I
  He smiles his shy smile, and I melt. “Terrible racket? I’ll be sure to e-mail
  Miss Kathie and let her know.”
  “Miss Kathie?”
  “My piano teacher.”
  I giggle.
  “That’s a lovely sound,” he says. “Shall we have a better day today?”
  “Okay,” I agree. “What do you want to do?”
  “After I have made love to my wife, and she’s cooked me breakfast, I’d like to
  take her to Aspen.”
  I gape at him. “Aspen?”
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  “Aspen, Colorado?”
  “The very same. Unless they’ve moved it. After all, you did pay twenty-four
  thousand dollars for the experience.”
  I grin at him. “ That was your money.”
  “Our money.”
  “It was your money when I made the bid.” I roll my eyes.
  “Oh, Mrs. Grey, you and your eye rolling,” he whispers as he runs his hand up
  my thigh.
  “Won’t it take hours to get to Colorado?” I ask to distract him.
  “Not by jet,” he says silkily as his hand reaches my behind. Of course—my
  husband has a jet. How could I forget? His hand continues to skim up my
  body, lifting my nightdress as it goes, and soon I’ve forgotten everything.
  Taylor drives us onto the tarmac at Sea-Tac and around to where the GEH
  jet is waiting. It’s a gray day in Seattle, but I refuse to let the weather dampen
  my soaring spirits. Christian is in a much better mood—he’s excited about
  something; lit up like Christmas, and twitching like a small boy with a big
  secret. I wonder what scheme he’s dreamed up. He looks dreamy—all
  tousled hair, white T-shirt and black jeans—not CEO-like at all today. He
  takes my hand as Taylor glides to a stop at the foot of the jet steps.
  “I have a surprise for you,” he murmurs and kisses my knuckles. I grin at him.
  “Good surprise?”
  “I hope so.” He smiles warmly.
  Hmm . . . what can it be?
  Sawyer leaps out from the front and opens my door. Taylor opens Christian’s
  then retrieves our cases from the trunk. Stephan is waiting at the top of the
  stairs when we enter the aircraft. I glance into the cockpit to see First Officer
  Beighley flipping switches on the imposing instrument panel.
  Christian and Stephan shake hands. “Good morning, sir.” Stephan beams at
  “Thanks for doing this at such short notice.” Christian grins back at him. “Our
  guests here?”
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  “Yes sir,” Stephan replies.
  Guests? I turn and gasp. Kate, Elliot, Mia, and Ethan are all seated in the
  cream leather seats, smiling at us. Wow! My eyes whip to Christian’s.
  “Surprise!” he says.
  “How? When? Who?” I mumble inarticulately, trying to contain my delight and
  “You said you didn’t see enough of your friends.” He shrugs and gives me a
  lopsided, apologetic smile.
  “Oh, Christian, thank you.” I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him hard
  in front of everyone. He puts his hands on my hips, hooking his thumbs
  through the belt loops of my jeans, and deepens the kiss.
  Oh my.
  “Keep this up and I’ll drag you into the bedroom,” he murmurs.
  “You wouldn’t dare,” I whisper against his lips.
  “Oh, Anastasia.” He grins, shaking his head. He releases me and without
  further preamble, stoops down, grabs my thighs, and lifts me over his
  “Christian, put me down!” I smack his behind.
  I briefly catch Stephan’s smile as he turns and heads into the cockpit. Taylor
  is standing at the doorway trying to stifle his grin. Ignoring my pleas and my
  futile struggles, Christian strides through the narrow cabin past Mia and
  Ethan who are facing each other in the single seats, past Kate and Elliot,
  who is whooping like a demented gibbon.
  “If you’ll excuse me,” he says to our four guests. “I need to have a word with
  my wife in private.”
  “Christian!” I shout. “Put me down!”
  “All in good time, baby.”
  I have a brief view of Mia, Kate, and Elliot laughing. Damn it! This is not funny
  —it’s embarrassing. Ethan gawks at us, mouth open and utterly shocked, as
  we disappear into the cabin.
  Christian closes the cabin door behind him and releases me, letting me slide
  down his body—slowly, so that I feel every hard sinew and muscle. He gives
  me his boyish grin, thoroughly pleased with himself. 249 | P a g e
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  “That was quite a show, Mr. Grey,” I murmur, crossing my arms and
  regarding him with faux indignation.
  “That was fun, Mrs. Grey.” And his grin widens . . . oh boy. He looks so young.
  “Are you going to follow through?” I arch a brow, unsure how I feel about this. I
  mean, the others will hear us, for heaven’s sake. Suddenly, I feel shy.
  Glancing anxiously at the bed, I feel a blush steal across my cheeks as I
  recall our wedding night. We talked so much yesterday, did so much
  yesterday . . . I feel as if we leaped some unknown hurdle—
  but that’s the problem. It’s unknown. My eyes find Christian’s intense but
  amused gaze, and I’m unable to keep a straight face—his grin is too
  “I think it might be rude to keep our guests waiting,” he says silkily as he
  steps toward me. When did he start to care what people think? I step back
  against the cabin wall and he imprisons me, the heat from his body holding
  me in place. He leans down and runs his nose along mine.
  “Good surprise?” he whispers, and there’s a hint of anxiety in his voice.
  “Oh, Christian, fantastic surprise.” I run my hands up his chest, curl them
  around his neck and kiss him.
  “When did you organize this?” I ask when I pull away from him, stroking his

  “Last night, when I couldn’t sleep. I e-mailed Elliot and Mia, and here they
  “It’s very thoughtful—thank you. I’m sure we’ll have a great time.”
  “I hope so. I thought it would be easier to avoid the press in Aspen than at
  The paparazzi! He’s right. If we’d stayed in Escala, we’d have been
  imprisoned. A shiver runs down my spine as I recollect the snapping
  cameras and dazzling flashguns of the few photographers Taylor sped
  through this morning.
  “Come. We’d better take our seats—Stephan will be taking off shortly.” He
  offers me his hand and together we walk back into the cabin.
  Elliot cheers as we enter. “That sure was speedy in-flight service!”
  he calls mockingly.
  Christian ignores him.
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  “Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen, as we’ll shortly begin taxiing for
  takeoff.” Stephan’s voice echoes calmly and authoritatively around the cabin.
  The brunette woman— um . . . Natalie? —who was on the flight for our
  wedding night appears from the galley and gathers up the discarded coffee
  cups. Natalia . . . Her name’s Natalia.
  “Good morning Mr. Grey, Mrs. Grey,” she says with a purr. Why does she
  make me uncomfortable? Maybe it’s that she’s a brunette. By his own
  admission, Christian doesn’t usually employ brunettes because he finds
  them attractive. He gives Natalia a polite smile as he slides in behind the
  table and sits down facing Elliot and Kate. I swiftly hug Kate and Mia and
  give Ethan and Elliot a wave before sitting down and buckling up beside
  Christian. He puts his hand on my knee and gives it an affectionate squeeze.
  He seems relaxed and happy, even though we’re in company. Idly, I wonder
  why he can’t always be like this—not controlling at all.
  “Hope you packed your hiking boots,” he says, his voice warm.
  “We’re not going skiing?”
  “That would be a challenge, in August,” he says, amused. Oh—of course.
  “Do you ski, Ana?” Elliot interrupts us.
  Christian moves his hand from my knee to clasp my hand.
  “I’m sure my little brother can teach you.” Elliot winks at me. “He’s pretty fast
  on the slopes, too.”
  And I can’t help my blush. When I glance up at Christian, he’s gazing
  impassively at Elliot, but I think he’s trying to suppress his mirth. The plane
  surges forward and starts taxiing toward the runway. Efficiently, Natalia runs
  through the plane’s safety procedures in a clear, ringing voice. She’s
  dressed in a neat navy short-sleeved shirt and matching pencil skirt. Her
  makeup is immaculate—she really is quite pretty. My subconscious raises a
  plucked-to-within-an-inch-of-itslife eyebrow at me.
  “You okay?” Kate asks me pointedly. “I mean, following the Hyde business?”
  I nod. I don’t want to think or talk about Hyde, but Kate seems to have other
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  Fifty Shades Freed
  “So why did he go postal?” she asks, cutting to the heart of the matter in her
  inimitable style. She tosses her hair behind her as she prepares to
  investigate the matter.
  Eyeing her coolly, Christian shrugs. “I fired his ass,” he says bluntly.
  “Oh? Why?” Kate tilts her head to one side, and I know she’s in full Nancy
  Drew mode.
  “He made at pass at me,” I mutter. I try to kick Kate’s ankle beneath the table,
  and miss. Shit!
  “When?” Kate glares at me.
  “Ages ago.”
  “You never told me he made a pass at you!” she splutters. I shrug,
  “It can’t just be a grudge about that, surely. I mean his reaction is way too
  extreme,” Kate continues, but now she directs her questions at Christian. “Is
  he mentally stable? What about all the information he has on you Greys?” Her
  grilling Christian this way makes my hackles rise, but she’s already
  established I know nothing so she can’t ask me. The thought is annoying.
  “We think there’s a connection with Detroit,” Christian says mildly. Too mildly.
  Oh no, Kate —please give it up for now.
  “Hyde is from Detroit, too?”
  Christian nods.
  The plane accelerates, and I tighten my grip on Christian’s hand. He glances
  at me reassuringly. He knows I hate takeoffs and landings. He squeezes my
  hand and his thumb strokes my knuckles, calming me.
  “What do you know about him?” Elliot asks, oblivious to the fact we are
  hurtling down the runway in a small jet about to launch itself into the sky, and
  equally oblivious to Christian’s growing exasperation with Kate. Kate leans
  forward, listening attentively.
  “This is off the record,” Christian says directly to her. Kate’s mouth sets in a
  subtle but thin line. I swallow. Oh shit.
  “We know a little about him,” Christian continues. “His dad died in a brawl in
  a bar. His mother drank herself into oblivion. He was in and out of foster
  homes as a kid; in and out of trouble, too—mainly boosting cars. Spent time
  in juvie. His mom got back on track through 252 | P a g e
  some outreach program, and Hyde turned himself around. Won a
  scholarship to Princeton.”
  “Princeton?” Kate’s curiosity is piqued.
  “Yep. He’s a bright boy.” Christian shrugs.
  “Not that bright. He got caught,” Elliot mutters.
  “But surely he can’t have pulled this stunt alone?” Kate asks. Christian
  stiffens beside me. “We don’t know yet.” His voice is very quiet. Holy crap.
  There could be someone working with him? I turn and gape in horror at
  Christian. He squeezes my hand once more but doesn’t look me in the eye.
  The plane lifts smoothly into the air, and I get that horrible sinking feeling in
  my stomach.
  “How old is he?” I ask Christian, leaning close so only he can hear. Much as
  I’d like to know what’s going on, I don’t want to encourage Kate’s questions. I
  know they’re irritating Christian, and I’m sure she’s on his shit list since
  “Thirty-two. Why?”
  “Curious, that’s all.”
  Christian’s jaw tightens. “Don’t be curious about Hyde. I’m just glad the
  fucker’s locked up.” It’s almost a reprimand, but I choose to ignore his tone.
  “Do you think he’s working with someone?” The thought that someone else
  might be involved makes me sick. It would mean this isn’t over.
  “I don’t know,” Christian answers, and his jaw tightens once more.
  “Maybe someone who has a grudge against you?” I suggest. Holy shit. I hope
  it’s not the bitch troll. “Like Elena?” I whisper. I realize I’ve muttered her name
  out loud—but only he can hear. I glance anxiously at Kate, but she’s deep in
  conversation with Elliot. Elliot looks pissed at her. Hmm.
  “You do like to demonize her, don’t you?” Christian rolls his eyes and shakes
  his head in disgust. “She may hold a grudge, but she wouldn’t do this kind of
  thing.” He pins me with a steady gray gaze.
  “Let’s not discuss her. I know she’s not your favorite topic of conversation.”
  “Have you confronted her?” I whisper, not sure if I really want to know.
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  Fifty Shades Freed
  “Ana, I haven’t spoken to her since my birthday party. Please, drop it. I don’t
  want to talk about her.” He raises my hand and brushes my knuckles with his
  lips. His eyes burn into mine, and I know this is not a line of questioning I
  should pursue right now.
  “Get a room,” Elliot teases. “Oh right—you already have, but you didn’t need
  it for long.” He smirks.
  Christian glances up and pins Elliot with a cool glare. “Fuck off, Elliot,” he
  says without malice.
  “Dude, just telling you how it is.” Elliot’s eyes light up with mirth.
  “Like you’d know,” Christian murmurs sardonically, raising an eyebrow.
  Elliot grins, enjoying the banter. “You married your first girlfriend.”
  Elliot gestures at me.
  Oh shit. Where is this going? I flush.
  “Can you blame me?” Christian kisses my hand again.
  “No.” Elliot laughs and shakes his head.
  I flush, and Kate slaps Elliot’s thigh.
  “Stop being an ass,” she scolds him.
  “Listen to your girlfriend,” Christian says to Elliot, grinning, his earlier concern
  no longer evident. My ears pop as we gain altitude, and the tension in the
  cabin dissipates as the plane levels out. Kate scowls at Elliot. Hmm . . . is
  something up between them? I’m not sure. Elliot is right. I snort at the irony. I
  am—was—Christian’s first girlfriend, and now I’m his wife. The fifteen and
  the evil Mrs. Robinson—they don’t count. But then Elliot doesn’t know about
  them, and clearly Kate hasn’t told him. I smile at her, and she gives me a
  conspiratorial wink. My secrets are safe with Kate.
  “Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be cruising at an altitude of approximately
  thirty-two thousand feet, and our estimated flight time is one hour and fifty-six
  minutes,” Stephan announces. “You are now free to move about the cabin.”
  Natalia appears abruptly from the galley.
  “May I offer anyone coffee?” she asks.
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章节:32 人气:0
摘要:胡绳60年前,侵华日军制造的南京大屠杀惨案,是日本法西斯在中国所犯严重罪行之一,是中国现代史上极其惨痛的一页。虽然日本当时当权者和以后当权者中的许多人竭力否认有这样的惨案,企图隐瞒事实真相,但事实就是事实,不断有身经这个惨案的人(包括当时的日本军人)提供了揭露惨案真相的材料。最近,江苏人民出版社和江苏教育出版社共同翻译出版了《拉贝日记》。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:0
摘要:编者语我们为什么选择村上春树?不是因为他连获日本文艺界的奖项:也不是因为他的作品高居日本畅销书榜首:更不是因为他的作品掀起年轻一代的抢购热潮,突破四百万部的销量!那么,为什么?答案是:他和他的作品带给我们思想的特异空间,而轻描淡写的日常生活片断唤起的生活气氛令我们有所共鸣。更重要的是他以六十年代的背景道出九十年代,甚至世世代代的年轻心声。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:前言阿瑟·米勒,美国剧作家,1915年出生在纽约一个犹太人中产阶级家庭,父亲是一个时装商人,他在哈莱姆上小学,布鲁克林上中学,中学毕业以后工作了两年,后来进入密执根大学,大学期间开始戏剧创作,写了4部剧本,并两次获奖。他第一部在百老汇上演的剧作是《鸿运高照的人》(1944),成名作是1947年创作的《全是我的儿子》,作品获当年度的纽约剧评界奖。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:1明明那是别人说过的话,而且我还记得别人说那些话时的情景;可是,我总觉得那才是发自我灵魂深处的话。不过,既然语言得有两个人参与才能成立,也就不能不说是由于我的存在才成为别人的语言的真正的源泉了。有一回,那位核电站的原工程师,也就是和我相互排斥的那个人,他既想让我听见,却又装做自言自语似地说:“没有比选上救场跑垒员①更令人胆战心惊而又最雄心勃勃的了!那是为业余棒球殉难啊。 [点击阅读]
章节:37 人气:0
摘要:第1章序近来,世人颇感兴趣于长篇小说和浪漫故事,而对个人经历很难信以为真,以致对此人的真名及其它情况都予以隐瞒;鉴于此,对于后面的文字,读者如何看待均随其所愿。可以认为,笔者在本书中写出了她自身的经历,从一开始她就讲述自己为何认为最好隐瞒自己的真名,对此我们毋须多言。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:九月十日,星期二的放学后。头顶上方传来“砰”的一声,我反射动作的抬起头,见到三楼窗户丢出某黑色物体,正好在我的上方,我慌忙避开。黑色物体落在我刚才站的地点后,破碎了。那是天竺葵的盆栽!那时放学后,我走在教室大楼旁时发生的事。不知从何处飘来的钢琴声。我呆然凝视那破碎的陶盆,一瞬,无法理解发生什么事,直到腋下的汗珠沿手臂滴落,我才忽然清醒过来。紧接的瞬间,我拔腿往前跑。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:0
摘要:丹·布朗(DanBrown)是美国当今最著名的畅销书作家之一。2003年3月出版的《达·芬奇密码》创造了一个书市奇迹,旋风般地横扫了美国各大畅销书榜,至今全球销量已超过800万册。丹·布朗也凭这部小说而大红大紫。丹·布朗出生于美国一个中产阶级家庭,从小在美国新罕布什尔州的埃克塞特镇长大,在阿默斯特学院和菲利普·埃克塞特学院度过了大学生涯,毕业之后留在菲利普·埃克塞特学院教授英语。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:布尔纳比少校穿上皮靴,扣好围颈的大衣领,在门旁的架子上拿下一盏避风灯,轻轻地打开小平房的正门,从缝隙向外探视。映入眼帘的是一派典型的英国乡村的景色,就象圣诞卡片和旧式情节剧的节目单上所描绘的一样——白雪茫茫,堆银砌玉。四天来整个英格兰一直大雪飞舞。在达尔特莫尔边缘的高地上,积雪深达数英所。全英格兰的户主都在为水管破裂而哀叹。只需个铝管工友(哪怕是个副手)也是人们求之不得的救星了。寒冬是严峻的。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:曾经轰动一时,在公众中引起强烈兴趣的“斯泰尔斯庄园案”,现在已经有点冷落下来了。然而,由于随之产生的种种流言蜚语广为流传,我的朋友波洛和那一家的人。都要求我把整个故事写出来。我们相信,这将有效地驳倒那些迄今为止仍在流传的耸人听闻的谣言。因此,我决定把我和这一事件有关的一些情况简略地记下来。我是作为伤病员从前线给遣送回家的;在一所令人相当沮丧的疗养院里挨过了几个月之后,总算给了我一个月的病假。 [点击阅读]
章节:4 人气:0
摘要:去国外旅行时,因为工作上的关系,我经常要在国外生活一段时间。每次做这种旅行时,我都像一棵无根之草,在陌生的国度里设法处理可能出现的困难。为此我都要做一点准备,至少可以保持心理平衡。实际上,我不过是在旅行时带上出发前一直在读的一系列丛书,不久我将独自一人生活在异国他乡,可是一读到在东京时读的这些书,胆战心惊、急躁、沉靡的我就会得到鼓舞。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:侯维瑞赫-乔-威尔斯与另两位作家约翰-高尔斯华绥和阿诺德-贝内持并称为本世纪初英国小说中的现实主义三杰。19世纪中叶,英国的批判现实主义小说在狄更斯和萨克雷等大师手中达到了灿烂辉煌的高峰。19世纪末、20纪初英国进入帝国主义阶段以后,现实主义小说依然发挥着它的批判作用,从道德、文化、经济、政治等各个方面暴露与抨击资本主义社会的罪恶。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:01鲛岛脱下牛仔裤与POLO衫,正要迭好,忽然听见一阵惨叫。鲛岛停顿了一会儿,随后关上储物柜,上了锁。钥匙吊在手环上,而手环则用尼龙搭扣绑在手腕上。他用浴巾裹住下身,走出更衣室。这时又听见了一声惨叫。更衣室外是一条走廊。走到尽头,就是桑拿房了。桑拿房前,还有休息室与小睡室。惨叫,就是从小睡室里传来的。小睡室大概二十畳①大,里头只有一个灯泡亮着,特别昏暗。 [点击阅读]
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