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五十度灰英文版 - Part III Chapter Four
  Chapter Four
  I’m restless. Christian has been holed up in the onboard study for over an
  hour. I have tried reading, watching TV, sunbathing—fully dressed
  sunbathing!—but I can’t relax and I can’t rid myself of this edgy feeling. After
  changing into shorts and a T-shirt, I remove the ludicrously expensive bangle
  and go to find Taylor.
  “Mrs. Grey,” he says, startled from his Anthony Burgess novel. He’s sitting in
  the small salon outside Christian’s study.
  “I’d like to go shopping.”
  “Yes ma’am.” He stands.
  “I’d like to take the Jet Ski.”
  His mouth drops open. “Erm.” He frowns, lost for words.
  “I don’t want to bother Christian with this.”
  He flushes. “Mrs. Grey . . . um . . . I don’t think Mr. Grey would be very
  comfortable with that, and I’d like to keep my job.”
  Oh, for heaven’s sake! I want to roll my eyes at him, but I narrow them
  instead, sighing heavily and expressing, I think, the right amount of frustrated
  indignation that I am not mistress of my own destiny. Then again, I don’t want
  Christian mad at Taylor—or me, for that matter. Striding confidently past him,
  I knock on the study door and enter. Christian is on his BlackBerry, leaning
  against the mahogany desk. He gazes at me.
  “Andrea, hold please,” he mutters down the phone, his expression serious.
  He gazes at me, politely expectant. Shit. Why do I feel like I’ve entered the
  principal’s office? This man had me in handcuffs yesterday. I refuse to be
  intimidated by him, he’s my husband damn it. I square my shoulders and give
  him a broad smile.
  “I’m going shopping. I’ll take security with me.”
  “Sure, take one of the twins and Taylor, too,” he says. And I know that
  whatever’s happening is serious because he doesn’t question me further. I
  stand staring at him, wondering if I can help.
  “Anything else?” he asks. He wants me gone. Crap.
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  “Can I get you anything?” I ask. He smiles his sweet shy smile.
  “No, baby, I’m good,” he says. “The crew will look after me.”
  “Okay.” I want to kiss him. Hell, I can—he’s my husband. Strolling purposefully
  forward, I plant a kiss on his lips, surprising him.
  “Andrea, I’ll call you back,” he mutters. He puts the BlackBerry down on the
  desk behind him, pulls me into his embrace, and kisses me passionately. I
  am breathless when he releases me. His eyes are dark and needy.
  “You’re distracting me. I need to sort this, so I can get back to my
  honeymoon.” He runs an index finger down my face and caresses my chin,
  tilting my face up.
  “Okay. I’m sorry.”
  “Please don’t apologize, Mrs. Grey. I love your distractions.” He kisses the
  corner of my mouth.
  “Go spend some money.” He releases me.
  “Will do.” I smirk at him as I exit his study. My subconscious shakes her head
  and purses her lips. You didn’t tell him you were going on the Jet Ski, she
  chastises me in her singsong voice. I ignore her . . . Harpy.
  Taylor is patiently waiting.
  “That’s all cleared with high command . . . can we go?” I smile, trying to keep
  the sarcasm out of my voice. Taylor doesn’t hide his admiring smile.
  “Mrs. Grey, after you.”
  Taylor patiently talks me through the controls on the Jet Ski and how to ride it.
  He has a calm, gentle authority about him; he’s a good teacher. We are in
  the motor launch, bobbing and weaving on the calm waters of the harbor
  beside the Fair Lady. Gaston looks on, his expression hidden by his shades,
  and one of the Fair Lady’s crew is at the controls of the motor launch. Jeez—
  three people with me, just because I want to go shopping. It’s ridiculous.
  Zipping up my life jacket, I give Taylor a beaming grin. He holds out his hand
  to assist me as I climb onto the Jet Ski.
  “Fasten the strap of the ignition key around your wrist, Mrs. Grey. If you fall
  off, the engine will cut out automatically,” he explains.
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  I nod enthusiastically.
  “Press the ignition when you’ve drifted about four feet away from the boat.
  We’ll follow you.”
  He pushes the Jet Ski away from the launch, and it floats gently into the main
  harbor. When he gives me the okay sign, I press the ignition button and the
  engine roars into life.
  “Okay, Mrs. Grey, easy does it!” Taylor shouts. I squeeze the accelerator.
  The Jet Ski lurches forward then stalls. Crap! How does Christian make it
  look so easy? I try again, and once again, I stall. Double crap!
  “Just steady on the gas, Mrs. Grey,” Taylor calls.
  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I mutter under my breath. I try once more, very gently
  squeezing the lever, and the Jet Ski lurches forward—but this time it keeps
  going. Yes! It goes some more. Ha ha! It still keeps going!
  I want to shout and squeal in excitement, but I resist. I cruise gently away from
  the yacht into the main harbor. Behind me, I hear the throaty roar of the motor
  launch. When I squeeze the gas further, the Jet Ski leaps forward, skating
  across the water. With the warm breeze in my hair and a fine sea spray on
  either side of me, I feel free. This rocks! No wonder Christian never lets me
  Rather than head for the shore and curtail the fun, I veer around to do a circuit
  of the stately Fair Lady. Wow—this is so much fun. I ignore Taylor and the
  crew behind me and speed around the yacht for a second time. As I
  complete the circuit, I spot Christian on deck. I think he’s gaping at me,
  though it’s difficult to tell. Bravely, I lift one hand from the handlebars and
  wave enthusiastically at him. He looks like he’s made of stone, but finally he
  raises his hand in the semblance of a stiff wave. I can’t work out his
  expression, and something tells me I don’t want to, so I head to the marina,
  speeding across the blue water of the Mediterranean that shimmers in the
  late afternoon sun. At the dock, I wait and let Taylor pull up ahead of me. His
  expression is bleak, and my heart sinks, though Gaston looks vaguely
  amused. I wonder briefly if something has happened to chill GallicAmerican
  relations, but deep down I suspect the problem is probably
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  me. Gaston leaps out of the motorboat and ties it to the moorings while
  Taylor directs me to come alongside. Very gently I ease the Jet Ski into
  position beside the boat and line up beside him. His expression softens a
  “Just switch off the ignition, Mrs. Grey,” he says calmly, reaching for the
  handlebars and holding out a hand to help me into the motorboat. I nimbly
  climb aboard, impressed that I don’t fall in.
  “Mrs. Grey,” Taylor blinks nervously, his cheeks pink once more.
  “Mr. Grey is not entirely comfortable with you riding on the Jet Ski.”
  He’s practically squirming with embarrassment, and I realize he’s had an
  irate call from Christian. Oh my poor, pathologically overprotective
  husband, what am I going to do with you?
  I smile serenely at Taylor. “I see. Well, Taylor, Mr. Grey is not here, and if he’s
  not entirely comfortable, I’m sure he’ll give me the courtesy of telling me
  himself when I’m back on board.”
  Taylor winces. “Very good, Mrs. Grey,” he says quietly, handing me my
  As I climb out of the boat, I catch a glimpse of his reluctant smile, and it
  makes me want to smile, too. I cannot believe how fond I am of Taylor, but I
  really don’t appreciate being scolded by him—he’s not my father or my
  Crap, Christian’s mad—and he has enough to worry about at the moment.
  What was I thinking? As I stand on the dock waiting for Taylor to climb up, I
  feel my BlackBerry vibrate in my purse and fish it out. Sadé’s “Your Love is
  King” is my ring tone for Christian—only for Christian.
  “Hi,” I murmur.
  “Hi,” he says.
  “I’ll come back on the boat. Don’t be mad.”
  I hear his small gasp of surprise. “Um . . .”
  “It was fun, though,” I whisper.
  He sighs. “Well, far be it for me to curtail your fun, Mrs. Grey. Just be careful.
  Oh my! Permission to have fun! “I will. Anything you want from town?”
  “Just you, back in one piece.”
  “I’ll do my best to comply, Mr. Grey.”
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  “I’m glad to hear it, Mrs. Grey.”
  “We aim to please,” I respond with a giggle.
  I hear his smile in his voice. “I have another call—laters, baby.”
  “Laters, Christian.”
  He hangs up. Jet Ski crisis averted, I think. The car is waiting, and Taylor
  holds the door open for me. I wink at him as I climb in, and he shakes his
  head in amusement.
  In the car, I fire up the e-mail on my BlackBerry.
  From: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: Thank You
  Date: August 17, 2011 16:55??
  To: Christian Grey
  For not being too grouchy.
  Your loving wife
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Trying to Stay Calm
  Date: August 17, 2011 16:59
  To: Anastasia Grey
  You’re welcome.
  Come back in one piece.
  This is not a request.
  Christian Grey
  CEO & Overprotective Husband, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  His response makes me smile. My control freak.
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  Why did I want to come shopping? I hate shopping. But deep down I know
  why, and I walk determinedly past Chanel, Gucci, Dior, and the other
  designer boutiques and eventually find the antidote to what ails me in a
  small, overstocked, touristy store. It’s a little silver ankle bracelet with small
  hearts and little bells. It tinkles sweetly and it costs five euros. As soon as I’ve

  bought it, I put it on. This is me—this is what I like. Immediately I feel more
  comfortable. I don’t want to lose touch with the girl who likes this, ever. Deep
  down I know that I’m not only overwhelmed by Christian himself but also by
  his wealth. Will I ever get used to it?
  Taylor and Gaston follow me dutifully through the late afternoon crowds, and I
  soon forget they are there. I want to buy something for Christian, something
  to take his mind off what’s happening in Seattle. But what do I buy for the
  man who has everything? I pause in a small modern square surrounded by
  stores and gaze at each one in turn. When I spy an electronics store, our visit
  to the gallery earlier today and our visit to the Louvre come back to me. We
  were looking at the Venus de Milo at the time . . . Christian’s words echo in
  my head, “We can all appreciate the female form. We love to look whether
  in marble or oils or satin or film.”
  It gives me an idea, a daring idea. I just need help choosing the right one,
  and there’s only one person who can help me. I wrestle my BlackBerry out of
  my purse and call José.
  “Who . . . ?” he mumbles sleepily.
  “José, it’s Ana.”
  “Ana? Do you have any idea what time it is?” he says grumpily. Holy crap— I
  thought I had a better handle on the time zones.
  “Where are you? You okay?” He sounds more alert now, concerned.
  “I’m in Cannes in the South of France, and I’m fine.”
  “South of France, huh? You in some fancy hotel?”
  “Um . . . no. We’re staying on a boat.”
  “A boat?”
  “A big boat.” I clarify, sighing.
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  “I see.” His tone chills. . . Shit, I should not have called him. I don’t need this
  right now.
  “José, I need your advice.”
  “My advice?” He sounds stunned. “Sure,” he says, and this time he’s much
  more friendly. I tell him my plan.
  Two hours later, Taylor helps me out of the motor launch onto the steps up to
  the deck. Gaston is helping the deckhand with the Jet Ski. Christian is
  nowhere to be seen, and I scurry down to our cabin to wrap his present,
  feeling a childish sense of delight.
  “You were gone some time.” Christian startles me just as I am applying the
  last piece of tape. I turn to find him standing in the doorway to the cabin,
  watching me intently. Holy shit! Am I still in trouble over the Jet Ski? Or is it
  the fire at his office?
  “Everything in control at your office?” I ask tentatively.
  “More or less,” he says, an annoyed frown flitting across his face.
  “I did a little shopping,” I murmur, hoping to lighten his mood, and praying his
  annoyance is not directed at me. He smiles warmly, and I know we’re okay.
  “What did you buy?”
  “This,” I put my foot up on the bed and show him my ankle chain.
  “Very nice,” he says. He steps over to me and fondles the tiny bells so that
  they jingle sweetly around my ankle. He frowns again at the mark left by the
  cuffs and runs his fingers lightly along the line, sending tingles up my leg.
  “And this.” I hold out the box, hoping to distract him.
  “For me?” he asks in surprise. I nod shyly. He takes the box and shakes it
  gently. He grins his boyish, dazzling smile and sits down beside me on the
  bed. Leaning over, he grasps my chin and kisses me.
  “Thank you,” he says with shy delight.
  “You haven’t opened it yet.”
  “I’ll love it, whatever it is.” He gazes down at me, his eyes glowing.
  “I don’t get many presents.”
  “It’s hard to buy you things. You have everything.”
  “I have you.”
  “You do.” I grin at him. Oh, you so do, Christian.
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  He makes short work of the wrapping paper. “A Nikon?” He glances up at
  me, puzzled.
  “I know you have your compact digital camera but this is for . . . um . . .
  portraits and the like. It comes with two lenses.”
  He blinks at me, still not understanding.
  “Today in the gallery you liked the Florence D’elle photographs. And I
  remember what you said in the Louvre. And of course, there were those
  other photographs.” I swallow, trying my best not to recall the images I found
  in his closet.
  He stops breathing, his eyes widening as realization dawns, and I continue
  hurriedly before I lose my nerve.
  “I thought you might, um . . . like to take pictures of . . . me.”
  “Pictures. Of you?” He gapes at me ignoring the box on his lap. I nod,
  desperately trying to gauge his reaction. Finally he gazes back down at the
  box, his fingers tracing over the illustration of the camera on the front with
  fascinated reverence.
  What is he thinking? Oh, this is not the reaction I was expecting, and my
  subconscious glares at me like I’m a dumb domesticated farm animal.
  Christian never reacts the way I expect. He looks back up at me, his eyes
  filled with what, pain? Shit . . . what now?
  “Why do you think I want this?” he asks, bemused.
  No, no, no! You said you’d love it . . .
  “Don’t you?” I ask, refusing to acknowledge my subconscious who is
  questioning why anyone would want erotic photographs of me. Christian
  swallows and runs a hand through his hair, and he looks so lost, so confused.
  He takes a deep breath.
  “For me, photos like those have usually been an insurance policy, Ana. I
  know I’ve objectified women for so long,” he says and pauses awkwardly.
  What? Where the fuck is this going?
  “And you think taking pictures of me is . . . um, objectifying me?
  Oh.” All the air leaves my body, and the blood drains from my face. He
  scrunches up his eyes. “I am so confused,” he whispers. When he opens his
  eyes again, they are wide and wary, full of some raw emotion.
  Shit. What has brought this on—Me? My questions earlier about his birth
  mom? The fire at his office?
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  “Why do you say that?” I whisper, panic rising in my throat. I thought he was
  happy. I thought we were happy. I thought I made him happy. I don’t want to
  confuse him. Do I? My mind starts racing. What’s brought about this sea
  change? He hasn’t seen Flynn in nearly three weeks. Is that it? Is that the
  reason he’s unraveling? Shit, should I call Flynn? And in a possibly unique
  moment of extraordinary depth and clarity, it comes to me—the fire, Charlie
  Tango, the Jet Ski . . . He’s scared, he’s scared for me, and seeing these
  marks on my skin must bring that home. He’s been fussing about them all
  day, confusing himself because he’s not used to feeling uncomfortable about
  inflicting pain. The thought chills me.
  He shrugs and once more his eyes move down to my wrist where the bangle
  he bought me this afternoon used to be. Bingo!
  “Christian, these don’t matter.” I hold up my wrist, revealing the fading welt.
  “You gave me a safe word. Shit—yesterday was fun. I enjoyed it. Stop
  brooding about it—I like rough sex, I’ve told you that before.” I flush scarlet as
  I try to quash my rising panic. He gazes at me intently, and I have no idea
  what he’s thinking. Maybe he’s measuring my words. I stumble on.
  “Is this about the fire? Do you think it’s connected somehow to Charlie
  Tango? Is this why you’re worried? Talk to me, Christian—
  He stares at me, saying nothing and the silence expands between us again
  like it did this afternoon. Holy fucking crap! He’s not going to talk to me, I
  “Don’t overthink this Christian,” I scold quietly, and the words echo, disturbing
  a memory from the recent past—his words to me about his stupid contract. I
  reach over, take the box from his lap, and open it. He watches me passively
  as if I’m a fascinating alien creature. Knowing that the camera is prepped by
  the overly helpful salesman in the store, and ready to go, I fish it out of the box
  and remove the lens cap. I point the camera at him so his beautiful anxious
  face fills the frame. I press the button and keep it pressed, and ten pictures of
  Christian’s alarmed expression are captured digitally for posterity.
  “I’ll objectify you then,” I murmur, pressing the shutter again. On the final still
  his lips twitch almost imperceptibly. I press again, and this time he smiles . . .
  a small smile, but a smile nevertheless. I hold
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  down the button once more and see him physically relax in front of me and
  pout—a full-on, posed, ridiculous, “blue steel” pout, and it makes me giggle.
  Oh, thank heavens. Mr. Mercurial is back—and I’ve never been so pleased
  to see him.
  “I thought it was my present,” he mutters sulkily, but I think he’s teasing.
  “Well, it was supposed to be fun, but it’s ended up as a symbol of women’s
  oppression.” I snap away, taking more pictures of him, and watch the
  amusement grow on his face in super close-up. Then his eyes darken, and
  his expression changes to predatory.
  “You want to be oppressed?” he murmurs silkily.
  “Not oppressed. No,” I murmur back, snapping again.
  “I could oppress you big time, Mrs. Grey,” he threatens, his voice husky.
  “I know you can, Mr. Grey. And you do, frequently.”
  He blinks at me as his face falls. Shit. I lower the camera and stare at him.
  “What’s wrong, Christian?” My voice oozes frustration. Tell me!
  He says nothing. Gah! He’s so infuriating. I lift the camera to my eye again.
  “Tell me,” I insist.
  “Nothing,” he says and abruptly disappears from the viewfinder. In one swift,
  smooth move, he reaches over, sweeps the camera box onto the cabin floor,

  and grabs me, pushing me down onto the bed. He sits astride me.
  “Hey!” I exclaim and take more photographs of him, smiling down at me with
  dark intent. He grabs the camera by the lens, and the photographer
  becomes the subject as he points the Nikon at me and presses the shutter
  “So, you want me to take pictures of you, Mrs. Grey?” he says, amused. All I
  can see of his face is his unruly hair and a broad grin on his sculptured
  mouth. “Well, for a start, I think you should be laughing,” he says, and he
  tickles me ruthlessly under my ribs, making me squeal and giggle and squirm
  beneath him until I grasp his wrist in a vain attempt to make him stop. His
  grin widens, and he renews his efforts while snapping pictures.
  “No! Stop!” I scream.
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  “Are you kidding?” he growls and puts the camera down beside us so that he
  can torture me with both hands.
  “Christian!” I splutter and gasp my laughing protest. He has never, ever
  tickled me before. Fuck—stop! I thrash my head from side to side, trying to
  wiggle out from under him, giggling and pushing both of his hands away, but
  he’s unrelenting—grinning down at me, enjoying my torment.
  “Christian, stop!” I plead and he stops suddenly. Grabbing both of my hands,
  he holds them down on either side of my head while looming over me. I am
  panting and breathless with laughter. His breathing mirrors mine, and he
  gazes down at me with . . . what? My lungs stop functioning. Wonder? Love?
  gazes down at me with . . . what? My lungs stop functioning. Wonder? Love?
  Reverence? Holy cow. That look!
  “You. Are. So. Beautiful,” he breathes.
  I stare up at him, at his dear, dear pine face; bathed in the intensity of his
  gaze, and it’s as if he’s seeing me for the first time. Leaning down, he closes
  his eyes and kisses me, enraptured. His response is a wake-up call to my
  libido . . . seeing him like this, undone, by me. Oh my. He releases my hands
  and curls his fingers around my head and into my hair, holding me gently in
  place, and my body rises and fills with my arousal, responding to his kiss.
  And suddenly the nature of his kiss alters, no longer sweet, reverential and
  admiring, but carnal, deep and devouring—his tongue invading my mouth,
  taking not giving, his kiss possessing a desperate needy edge. As desire
  courses through my blood, awakening every muscle and sinew in its wake, I
  feel a frisson of alarm.
  Oh Fifty, what’s wrong?
  He inhales sharply and groans. “Oh, what you do to me,” he murmurs, lost
  and raw. He moves suddenly, lying down on top of me, pressing me into the
  mattress—one hand cupping my chin, the other skimming over my body, my
  breast, my waist, my hip, and around my behind. He kisses me again,
  pushing his leg between mine, raising my knee, and grinding against me, his
  erection straining against our clothes and my sex. I gasp and moan against
  his lips, losing myself to his fervent passion. I dismiss the distant alarm bells
  in the back of my mind, knowing that he wants me, that he needs me, and
  that when it comes to communicating with me, this is his favorite form of
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  expression. I kiss him with renewed abandon, running my fingers through his
  hair, fisting my hands, holding tight. He tastes so good and smells of
  Christian, my Christian.
  Abruptly, he stops, stands up, and pulls me off the bed so that I am standing
  in front of him, dazed. He undoes the button on my shorts and kneels quickly,
  yanking them and my panties down, and before I can breathe again, I am
  back on the bed beneath him and he’s unbuttoning his fly. Holy cow, he’s not
  taking off his clothes or my T-shirt. He holds my head and with no preamble
  whatsoever he thrusts himself inside me, making me cry out—more in
  surprise than anything else—
  but I can still hear the hiss of his breath forced through his clenched teeth.
  “Yessss,” he breathes close to my ear. He stills, then swivels his hips once,
  pushing deeper, making me groan.
  “I need you,” he growls, his voice low and husky. He runs his teeth along my
  jaw, nipping and sucking, and then he’s kissing me again, hard. I wrap my
  legs and arms around him, cradling and holding him hard against me,
  determined to wipe out whatever’s worrying him, and he starts to move . . .
  move like he’s trying to climb inside me. Over and over, frantic, primal,
  desperate, and before I lose myself in the insane rhythm and pace he’s
  setting, I briefly wonder once more what’s driving him, worrying him. But my
  body takes over, obliterating the thought, climbing and building so I am
  awash with sensation, meeting him thrust for thrust. Listening to his harsh
  breathing, labored and fierce at my ear. Knowing that he’s lost in me. . . I
  groan loudly, panting. It’s so erotic—his need, his need for me. I am reaching
  . . . reaching . . . and he’s driving me higher, overwhelming me, taking me,
  and I want this. I want this so much . . . for him and for me.
  “Come with me,” he gasps, and he rears up over me so I have to break my
  hold around him.
  “Open your eyes,” he orders. “I need to see you.” His voice is urgent,
  implacable. My eyes flicker open momentarily, and the sight of him above
  me—his face taut with ardor, his eyes raw and glowing with need. His
  passion and his love is my undoing, and on cue I come, throwing my head
  back as my body pulses around him.
  “Oh, Ana,” he cries and he joins my climax, driving into me, then stilling and
  collapsing onto me. He rolls over so that I’m sprawled on
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  top of him, and he’s still inside me. As I surface from my orgasm and my
  body steadies and calms, I want to make some quip about being objectified
  and oppressed, but hold my tongue, uncertain of his mood. I glance up from
  Christian’s chest to examine his face. His eyes are closed and his arms are
  wrapped around me, clinging tight. I kiss his chest through the thin fabric of
  his linen shirt.
  “Tell me, Christian, what’s wrong?” I ask softly and wait anxiously to see if
  even now, sated by sex, he’ll tell me. I feel his arms tighten around me further,
  but it’s his only response. He’s not going to talk. Inspiration hits me.
  “I give you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health,
  to stand by your side in good times and in bad, to share your joy as well as
  your sorrow,” I murmur.
  He freezes. His only movement is to open wide his fathomless eyes and
  gaze at me as I continue my wedding vows.
  “I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals and
  dreams, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, to
  share my hopes and dreams with you, and bring you solace in times of
  need.” I pause, willing him to talk to me. He watches me, his lips parted, but
  says nothing.
  “And to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.” I sigh.
  “Oh, Ana,” he whispers and moves again, breaking our precious contact so
  that we’re lying side by side. He strokes my face with the back of his
  “I solemnly vow that I will safeguard and hold dear and deep in my heart our
  union and you,” he whispers, his voice hoarse . “I promise to love you
  faithfully, forsaking all others, through the good times and the bad, in
  sickness or in health, regardless of where life takes us. I will protect you, trust
  you, and respect you. I will share your joys and sorrows and comfort you in
  times of need. I promise to cherish you and uphold your hopes and dreams
  and keep you safe at my side. All that is mine is now yours. I give you my
  hand, my heart, and my love from this moment on for as long as we both shall
  Tears spring to my eyes. His face softens as he gazes at me.
  “Don’t cry,” he murmurs, his thumb catching and dispatching a stray tear.
  “Why won’t you talk to me? Please, Christian.”
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  He closes his eyes as if in pain.
  “I vowed I would bring you solace in times of need. Please don’t make me
  break my vows.”
  He sighs and opens his eyes, his expression bleak. “It’s arson,” he says
  simply, and he looks suddenly so young and vulnerable. Oh fuck.
  “And my biggest worry is that they are after me. And if they are after me—”
  He stops, unable to continue.
  “. . . They might get me,” I whisper. He blanches and I know that I have finally
  uncovered the root of his anxiety. Reaching up, I caress his face.
  “Thank you,” I murmur.
  He frowns. “What for?”
  “For telling me.”
  He shakes his head and a ghost of a smile touches his lips. “You can be very
  persuasive, Mrs. Grey.”
  “And you can brood and internalize all your feelings and worry yourself to
  death. You’ll probably die of a heart attack before you’re forty, and I want you
  around far longer than that.”
  “Mrs. Grey, you’ll be the death of me. The sight of you on the Jet Ski—I nearly
  had a coronary.” He flops back on the bed and puts his hand over his eyes,
  and I feel him shudder.
  “Christian, it’s a Jet Ski. Even kids ride Jet Skis. Can you imagine what you’ll
  be like when we visit your place in Aspen and I go skiing for the first time?”
  He gasps and turns to face me, and I want to laugh at the horror on his face.
  “Our place,” he says eventually.
  I ignore him. “I’m a grown-up, Christian, and much tougher than I look. When
  are you going to learn this?”
  He shrugs and his mouth thins. I decide to change the subject.
  “So, the fire. Do the police know about the arson?”
  “Yes.” His expression is serious.
  “Security is going to get tighter,” he says matter-of-factly.

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  “I understand.” I glance down his body. He’s still wearing his shorts and his
  shirt, and I still have my T-shirt on. Jeez—talk about wham, bam, thank you
  ma’am. The thought makes me giggle.
  “What?” Christian asks, bemused.
  “Yes. You. Still dressed.”
  “Oh.” He glances down at himself, then back at me, and his face erupts into
  an enormous smile.
  “Well, you know how hard it is for me to keep my hands off you, Mrs. Grey—
  especially when you’re giggling like a schoolgirl.”
  Oh yes—the tickling. Gah! The tickling. I move quickly so that I’m straddling
  him, but immediately understanding my evil intent, he grabs both of my
  “No,” he says and he means it.
  I pout at him but decide that he’s not ready for this.
  “Please don’t,” he whispers. “I couldn’t bear it. I was never tickled as a child.”
  He pauses and I relax my hands so he doesn’t have to restrain me.
  “I used to watch Carrick with Elliot and Mia, tickling them, and it looked like
  such fun, but I . . . I . . .”
  I place my index finger on his lips.
  “Hush, I know,” I murmur and plant a soft kiss on his lips where my finger has
  just been, then curl up on his chest. The familiar painful ache swells inside
  me, and the profound sadness that I hold in my heart for Christian as a little
  boy seizes me once more. I know I would do anything for this man because I
  love him so.
  He puts his arms around me and presses his nose into my hair, inhaling
  deeply as he gently strokes my back. I don’t know how long we lie there, but
  eventually I break the comfortable silence between us.
  “What is the longest you’ve gone without seeing Dr. Flynn?”
  “Two weeks. Why? Do you have an incorrigible urge to tickle me?”
  “No.” I chuckle. “I think he helps you.”
  Christian snorts. “He should; I pay him enough.” He pulls my hair gently,
  turning my face to look up at him. I lift my head and he gazes at me.
  “Are you concerned for my well-being, Mrs. Grey?” he asks softly.
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  “Every good wife is concerned for her beloved husband’s wellbeing, Mr.
  Grey,” I admonish him teasingly.
  “Beloved?” he whispers, and it’s a poignant question hanging between us.
  “Very much beloved.” I scoot up to kiss him, and he smiles his shy smile.
  “Do you want to go ashore to eat, Mrs. Grey?”
  “I want to eat wherever you’re happiest.”
  “Good.” He grins. “Aboard it is where I can keep you safe. Thank you for my
  present.” He reaches over and grabs the camera, and holding it at arm’s
  length, he snaps the two of us in our post tickling, postcoital, post
  confessional embrace.
  “The pleasure is all mine,” I smile and his eyes light up.
  We wander through the opulent, gilt splendor of the eighteenth century
  Palace of Versailles. Once a humble hunting lodge, it was transformed by the
  Roi Soleil into a magnificent, lavish seat of power, but even before the
  eighteenth century ended it saw the last of those absolute monarchs.
  The most stunning room by far is the Hall of Mirrors. The early afternoon light
  floods through windows to the west, lighting up the mirrors that line the east
  wall and illuminating the gold leaf décor and the enormous crystal
  chandeliers. It’s breathtaking.
  “Interesting to see what becomes of a despotic megalomaniac who isolates
  himself in such splendor,” I murmur to Christian as he stands at my side. He
  gazes down and cocks his head to one side, regarding me with humor.
  “Your point, Mrs. Grey?”
  “Oh, merely an observation, Mr. Grey.” I wave my hand airily at the
  surroundings. Smirking, he follows me to the center of the room where I stand
  and gawk at the view—the spectacular gardens reflected in the looking glass
  and the spectacular Christian Grey, my husband, reflected back at me, his
  gaze bright and bold.
  “I would build this for you,” he whispers. “Just to see the way the light
  burnishes your hair, right here, right now.” He tucks a strand of
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  hair behind my ear. “You look like an angel.” He kisses me just below my
  earlobe, takes my hand in his, and murmurs, “We despots do that for the
  women we love.”
  I flush at his compliment, smiling shyly, and follow him through the vast room.
  “What are you thinking about?” Christian asks softly, taking a sip of his afterdinner
  “Ostentatious, wasn’t it?” He grins. I glance around the more understated
  grandeur of the Fair Lady’s dining room and purse my lips.
  “This is hardly ostentatious,” Christian says, a tad defensively.
  “I know. It’s lovely. The best honeymoon a girl could want.”
  “Really?” he says, genuinely surprised. And he smiles his shy smile.
  “Of course it is.”
  “We’ve only got two more days. Is there anything you’d like to see?
  Anything you’d like to do?”
  “Just be with you,” I murmur. Rising from the table, he comes around and
  kisses me on the forehead.
  “Well, can you do without me for about an hour? I need to check my e-mails,
  find out what’s happening at home.”
  “Sure,” I say brightly, trying to hide my disappointment that I’ll be without him
  for an hour. Is it freaky that I want to be with him all the time? My
  subconscious presses her lips into a narrow, unattractive line and nods
  “Thank you for the camera,” he murmurs and heads for the study.
  Back in our cabin I decide to catch up on my correspondence and open my
  laptop. There are e-mails from my mom and from Kate, giving me the latest
  gossip from home and asking how the honeymoon is going. Well, great, until
  someone decided to burn down GEH Inc. . . . As I finish my response to my
  mom, an e-mail from Kate hits my inbox.
  72 | P a g e
  From: Katherine L. Kavanagh
  Date: August 17, 2011 11:45 PST
  To: Anastasia Grey
  Subject: OMG!!!!
  Ana, just heard about the fire at Christian’s office. Do you think it’s arson?
  K xox
  Rose is online! I jump on to my newfound toy—Skype messaging—
  and see that she’s available. I quickly type a message.
  Ana: Hey are you there?
  Kate: YES, Ana! How are you? How’s the honeymoon? Did you see
  my e-mail? Does Christian know about the fire?
  Ana: I’m good. Honeymoon’s great. Yes, I saw your e-mail. Yes,
  Christian knows.
  Kate: I thought he would. News is sketchy on what happened. And
  Elliot won’t tell me anything. ??
  Ana: Are you fishing for a story?
  Kate: You know me too well.
  Ana: Christian hasn’t told me much.
  Kate: Elliot heard from Grace!
  Oh no—I’m sure Christian doesn’t want this broadcast all over Seattle. I try
  my patented distract-tenacious-Kavanagh technique. Ana: How are Elliot
  and Ethan?
  Kate: Ethan has been accepted into the psych course at Seattle for
  his master’s degree. Elliot is adorable. Ana: Way to go, Ethan.
  Kate: How’s our favorite ex-dom?
  Ana: Kate!
  Kate: What?
  Kate: K. Sorry
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  Fifty Shades Freed
  Ana: He’s fine. More than fine. ??
  Kate: Well, as long as you’re happy, I’m happy.
  Ana: I’m blissfully happy.
  Kate: ?? I have to run. Can we talk later?
  Ana: Not sure. See if I am online. Time zones suck!
  Kate: They do. Love you, Ana.
  Ana: Love you, too. Laters. x
  Kate: Laters.
  Trust Kate to be on the trail of this story. I roll my eyes and shut Skype down
  before Christian sees the chat. He wouldn’t appreciate the ex-Dom comment
  —and I’m not sure he’s entirely ex . . . I sigh loudly. Kate knows everything,
  since our tipsy evening three weeks before the wedding when I finally
  succumbed to the Kavanagh inquisition. It was a relief to finally talk to
  someone. I glance at my watch. It’s been about an hour since dinner, and I
  am missing my husband. I head back on deck to see if he’s finished his
  I am in the Hall of Mirrors and Christian is standing beside me, smiling down
  at me with love and affection. You look like an angel. I beam back at him,
  but when I glance into the looking glass I’m standing on my own and the room
  is gray and drab. No! My head whips back to his face, to find his smile is sad
  and wistful. Reaching up, he tucks my hair behind my ear. Then he turns
  wordlessly and walks away slowly, the sound of his footsteps echoing off the
  mirrors as he paces the enormous room to the ornate double doors at the
  end . . . a man on his own, a man with no reflection . . . and I wake, gasping
  for air, as panic seizes me.
  “Hey,” he whispers from beside me in the darkness, his voice filled with
  Oh, he’s here. He’s safe. Relief courses through me.
  “Oh, Christian,” I mumble, trying to bring my pounding heartbeat under
  control. He wraps me in his arms, and it’s only then that I realize I have tears
  streaming down my face.
  “Ana, what is it?” He strokes my cheek, wiping away my tears, and 74 | P a g
  I can hear his anguish.
  “Nothing. A silly nightmare.”
  He kisses my forehead and my tearstained cheeks, comforting me.
  “Just a bad dream, baby,” he murmurs. “I’ve got you. I’ll keep you safe.”
  Drinking in his scent, I curl around him, trying to ignore the loss and
  devastation I felt in my dream, and in that moment, I know that my deepest,
  darkest fear would be losing him.
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章节:55 人气:0
摘要:《名人传》包括《贝多芬传》、《米开朗基罗传》和《托尔斯泰传》三部传记。又称三大英雄传。《贝多芬传》:贝多芬出生于贫寒的家庭,父亲是歌剧演员,性格粗鲁,爱酗酒,母亲是个女仆。贝多芬本人相貌丑陋,童年和少年时代生活困苦,还经常受到父亲的打骂。贝多芬十一岁加入戏院乐队,十三岁当大风琴手。十七岁丧母,他独自一人承担着两个兄弟的教育的责任。1792年11月贝多芬离开了故乡波恩,前往音乐之都维也纳。 [点击阅读]
章节:57 人气:0
摘要:柳鸣九文学的作用在于向别人展示作家自己所看待的世界。这部小说的一个人物曾经这样认为:“为什么不动笔创作一部时间与地点明确、而且具有一定意义的小说呢?叙述一个当今的故事,读者可以从中看到自己的忧虑,发现自己的问题,既不去揭示什么,也不去鼓动什么,仅仅作为一个见证。”这个人物这样思忖着。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:0
摘要:东欧,一四六二年自从她的王子骑马出征后,伊丽莎白王妃每晚都被血腥恐怖的恶梦折磨。每一夜,王妃会尽可能保持清醒;然而等她再也撑不住而合眼睡去后,她很快便会发现自己徘徊在死尸遍野、处处断肢残臂的梦魇中。她又尽力不去看那些伤兵的脸——然而,又一次,她被迫看到其中一人。永远是他那张伤痕累累的囚犯的脸,然后伊丽莎白便在尖叫声中醒来。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:我所有的东西都带在身边。换句话说:属于我的一切都与我如影随行。当时我把所有的家当都带上了。说是我的,其实它们原先并不属于我。它们要么是改装过的,要么是别人的。猪皮行李箱是以前装留声机用的。薄大衣是父亲的。领口镶着丝绒滚边的洋气大衣是祖父的。灯笼裤是埃德温叔叔的。皮绑腿是邻居卡尔普先生的。绿羊毛手套是费妮姑姑的。只有酒红色的真丝围巾和小收纳包皮是我自己的,是前一年圣诞节收到的礼物。 [点击阅读]
章节:43 人气:0
摘要:夏洛蒂和传记作者告诉我们,爱米丽生性*独立、豁达、纯真、刚毅、热情而又内向。她颇有男儿气概,酷爱自己生长其间的荒原,平素在离群索居中,除去手足情谊,最喜与大自然为友,从她的诗和一生行为,都可见她天人合一宇宙观与人生观的表现,有人因此而将她视为神秘主义者。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:在月台上,麦克吉利克蒂太太跟着那个替她担箱子的脚夫气喘吁吁地走着。她这人又矮又胖;那个脚夫很高,从容不迫,大踏步,只顾往前走。不但如此,麦克吉利克蒂太太还有大包小包的东西,非常累赘。那是一整天采购的圣诞礼物。因此,他们两个人的竟走速度是非常悬殊的。那个脚夫在月台尽头转弯的时候,麦克吉利克蒂太太仍在月台上一直往前赶呢。当时第一号月台上的人不挤,本来没什么不对。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:埃米莉-阿伦德尔——小绿房子的女主人。威廉明娜-劳森(明尼)——阿伦德尔小姐的随身女侍。贝拉-比格斯——阿伦德尔小姐的外甥女,塔尼奥斯夫人。雅各布-塔尼奥斯医生——贝拉的丈夫。特里萨-阿伦德尔——阿伦德尔小姐的侄女。查尔斯-阿伦德尔——阿伦德尔小姐的侄子。约翰-莱弗顿-阿伦德尔——阿伦德尔小姐的父亲(已去世)。卡罗琳-皮博迪——阿伦德尔小姐的女友。雷克斯-唐纳森医生——特里萨的未婚夫。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:初、高中的同班同学——现在长门市市政府下属的社会教育科工作的古川麻里那儿得知了这一消息。麻里在电话里说:“哎,我是昨天在赤崎神社的南条舞蹈节上突然遇到她的,她好像在白谷宾馆上班呢。”关于南条舞蹈的来历,有这么一段典故,据说战国时期,吉川元春将军在伯老的羽衣石城攻打南条元续时,吉川让手下的土兵数十人装扮成跳舞的混进城,顺利击败了南条军。 [点击阅读]
章节:195 人气:0
摘要:○威廉·赫兹里特随着年岁的增多,我们越来越深切地感到时间的宝贵。确实,世上任何别的东西,都没有时间重要。对待时间,我们也变得吝啬起来。我们企图阻挡时间老人的最后的蹒跚脚步,让他在墓穴的边缘多停留片刻。不息的生命长河怎么竟会干涸?我们百思不得其解。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:威廉·福克纳(WilliamFaulkner,1897-1962)是美国现代最重要的小说家之一。他出生在南方一个没落的庄园主家庭。第一次世界大战时,他参加过加拿大皇家空军。复员后,上了一年大学,以后做过各种工作,同时业余从事写作。他最早的两本小说是当时流行的文学潮流影响下的作品,本身没有太多的特点。 [点击阅读]
章节:47 人气:0
摘要:当嘉洛林.米贝登上下午开往芝加哥的火车时,她的全部行装包皮括一个小箱子,一个廉价的仿鳄鱼皮挎包皮,一小纸盒午餐和一个黄皮弹簧钱包皮,里面装着她的车票,一张写有她姐姐在凡.布仑街地址的小纸条,还有四块现钱.那是!”889年8月.她才!”8岁,聪明,胆怯,由于无知和年轻,充满着种种幻想.尽管她在离家时依依不舍,家乡可没有什么好处让她难以割舍. [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:我曾经遇见过以渡过海峡为乐的人,他们心平气和地坐在甲板的凳子上,船到港口时,他们静静地等船泊好,然后,不慌不忙地收好东西上岸。我这个人就做不到这样。从上船那一刹那开始,我就觉得时间太短,没有办法定下心来做事。我把我的手提箱移来移去。如果我下去饮食部用餐,我总是囫囵吞枣,生怕我在下面时,轮船忽地就到达了。我这种心理也许是战争时假期短暂的后遗症。 [点击阅读]
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