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五十度灰英文版 - Part II 15
  She laughs. “No, Ana. Can I fix you a drink or
  something? You look beat.”
  “I’d love a glass of wine.”
  “Yes, please.”
  I perch on one of the bar stools, and she hands me a
  glass of chilled wine. I don’t know what it is, but it’s
  delicious and slides down easily, soothing my shattered
  nerves. What was I thinking about earlier today? How
  alive I have felt since I met Christian. How exciting my life
  has become. Jeez, could I just have a few boring days?
  What if I’d never met Christian? I’d be holed up in my
  apartment, talking it through with Ethan, completely
  freaked by my encounter with Jack, knowing I would have
  to face the sleazeball again on Friday. As it is, there’s
  every chance I’ll never set eyes on him again. But who will
  I work for now? I frown. I hadn’t thought of that. Shit, do
  I even have a job?
  “Evening, Gail,” Christian says as he comes back into
  the great room, dragging me from my thoughts. Heading
  straight to the fridge, he pours himself a glass of wine.
  “Good evening, Mr. Grey. Dinner in ten, sir?”
  “Sounds good.”
  Christian raises his glass.
  “To ex-military men who train their daughters well,” he
  says and his eyes soften.
  “Cheers,” I mutter, raising my glass.
  “What’s wrong?” Christian asks.
  “I don’t know if I still have a job.”
  He cocks his head to the side. “Do you still want one?”
  “Of course.”
  “Then you still have one.”
  Simple. See? He is master of my universe. I roll my
  eyes at him and he smiles.
  eyes at him and he smiles.
  Mrs. Jones makes a mean chicken potpie. She has left us
  to enjoy the fruits of her labors, and I feel much better now
  I’ve had something to eat. We are sitting at the breakfast
  bar, and despite my best cajoling, Christian won’t tell me
  what Barney has found on Jack’s computer. I drop the
  subject, and decide to tackle instead the thorny issue of
  José’s impending visit.
  “José called,” I say nonchalantly.
  “Oh?” Christian turns to face me.
  “He wants to deliver your photos on Friday.”
  “A personal delivery. How accommodating of him,”
  Christian mutters.
  “He wants to go out. For a drink. With me.”
  “I see.”
  “And Kate and Elliot should be back,” I add quickly.
  Christian puts his fork down, frowning at me.
  “What exactly are you asking?”
  “What exactly are you asking?”
  I bristle. “I’m not asking anything. I’m informing you of
  my plans for Friday. Look, I want to see José, and he
  wants to stay over. Either he stays here or he can stay at
  my place, but if he does I should be there, too.”
  Christian’s eyes widen. He looks dumbfounded.
  “He made a pass at you.”
  “Christian, that was weeks ago. He was drunk, I was
  drunk, you saved the day—it won’t happen again. He’s no
  Jack, for heaven’s sake.”
  “Ethan’s there. He can keep him company.”
  “He wants to see me, not Ethan.”
  Christian scowls at me.
  “He’s just a friend.” My voice is emphatic.
  “I don’t like it.”
  So what? Jeez, he’s irritating sometimes. I take a deep
  breath. “He’s my friend, Christian. I haven’t seen him since
  his show. And that was too brief. I know you don’t have
  any friends, apart from that god-awful woman, but I don’t
  moan about you seeing her,” I snap. Christian blinks,
  moan about you seeing her,” I snap. Christian blinks,
  shocked. “I want to see him. I’ve been a poor friend to
  him.” My subconscious is alarmed. Are you stamping
  your little foot? Steady now!
  Gray eyes blaze at me. “Is that what you think?” he
  “Think about what?”
  “Elena. You’d rather I didn’t see her?”
  Holy cow. “Exactly. I’d rather you didn’t see her.”
  “Why didn’t you say?”
  “Because it’s not my place to say. You think she’s
  your only friend.” I shrug in exasperation. He really
  doesn’t get it. How did this turn into a conversation about
  her? I don’t even want to think about her. I try to steer us
  back to José. “Just as it’s not your place to say if I can or
  can’t see José. Don’t you see that?”
  Christian gazes at me, perplexed, I think. Oh, what is
  he thinking?
  “He can stay here, I suppose,” he mutters. “I can keep
  an eye on him.” He sounds petulant.
  “Thank you! You know, if I am going to live here,
  too . . .” I trail off. Christian nods. He knows what I’m
  trying to say. “It’s not like you haven’t got the space.” I
  His lips quirk up slowly. “Are you smirking at me, Miss
  “Most definitely, Mr. Grey.” I get up just in case his
  palms start twitching, clear our plates, and then load them
  into the dishwasher.
  “Gail will do that.”
  “I’ve done it now.” I stand up and gaze at him. He’s
  watching me intently.
  “I have to work for a while,” he says apologetically.
  “Cool. I’ll find something to do.”
  “Come here,” he orders, but his voice is soft and
  seductive, his eyes heated. I don’t hesitate to walk into his
  arms, clasping him around his neck as he perches on his
  bar stool. He wraps his arms around me, crushes me to
  him, and just holds me.
  him, and just holds me.
  “Are you okay?” he whispers into my hair.
  “After what happened with that fucker? After what
  happened yesterday?” he adds, his voice quiet and
  I gaze into dark, serious, gray eyes. Am I okay?
  “Yes,” I whisper.
  His arms tighten around me, and I feel safe, cherished,
  and loved all at once. It’s blissful. Closing my eyes, I enjoy
  the feel of being in his arms. I love this man. I love his
  intoxicating scent, his strength, his mercurial ways—my
  “Let’s not fight,” he murmurs. He kisses my hair and
  inhales deeply. “You smell heavenly as usual, Ana.”
  “So do you,” I whisper and kiss his neck.
  All too soon he releases me. “I should only be a couple
  of hours.”
  I wander listlessly through the apartment. Christian is still
  working. I have showered and dressed in some sweats
  and a T-shirt of my own, and I’m bored. I don’t want to
  read. If I sit still, I’ll recall Jack and his fingers on me.
  I check out my old bedroom, the subs’ room. José can
  sleep here—he’ll like the view. It’s about eight fifteen, and
  the sun is beginning to sink into the west. The lights of the
  city twinkle below me. It’s glorious. Yes, José will like it
  here. I wonder idly where Christian will hang José’s
  pictures of me. I’d rather he didn’t. I am not keen on
  looking at myself.
  Back down the hallway I find myself outside the
  playroom, and without thinking, I try the door handle.
  Christian normally keeps it locked, but to my surprise, the
  door opens. How strange. Feeling like a child playing
  hooky and straying into the forbidden forest, I walk in. It’s
  dark. I flick the switch and the lights under the cornice light
  up with a soft glow. It’s as I remember it. A womb-like
  Memories of the last time I was in here flash through
  my mind. The belt . . . I wince at the recollection. Now it
  hangs innocently, lined up with others, on the rack beside
  the door. Tentatively I run my fingers over the belts, the
  floggers, the paddles, and the whips. Sheesh. This is what
  I need to square with Dr. Flynn. Can someone in this
  lifestyle just stop? It seems so improbable. Wandering
  over to the bed, I sit on soft red satin sheets, gazing
  around at all the apparatus.
  Beside me is the bench, above that the assortment of
  canes. So many! Surely one is enough? Well, the less
  said about that the better. And the large table. We never
  tried that, whatever he does on it. My eyes fall on the
  chesterfield, and I move over to sit on it. It’s just a couch,
  nothing extraordinary about it—nothing to fasten anything
  to, not that I can see. Glancing behind me, I spy the
  museum chest. My curiosity is piqued. What does he keep
  in there?
  As I pull open the top drawer I realize my blood is
  pounding through my veins. Why am I so nervous? This
  pounding through my veins. Why am I so nervous? This
  feels so illicit, as if I’m trespassing, which of course I am.
  But if he wants to marry me, well . . .
  Holy fuck, what’s all this? An array of instruments and
  bizarre implements—I don’t have a clue what they are, or
  what they’re for—are carefully laid out in the display
  drawer. I pick one up. It’s bullet-shaped with a sort of
  handle. Hmm . . . what the hell do you do with that?
  My mind boggles, though I think I have an idea. Jeez,
  there are four different sizes! My scalp prickles and I
  glance up.
  Christian is standing in the doorway, staring at me, his
  face unreadable. How long has he been there? I feel like
  I’ve been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.
  “Hi.” I smile nervously at him, and I know my eyes are
  wide and that I’m deathly pale.
  “What are you doing?” he says softly, but there’s an
  undercurrent in his tone.
  Oh shit. Is he mad? I flush. “Er . . . I was bored and
  curious,” I mutter, embarrassed to be found out. He said
  curious,” I mutter, embarrassed to be found out. He said
  he’d be two hours.
  “That’s a very dangerous combination.” He runs his
  long index finger across his lower lip in quiet
  contemplation, not taking his eyes off me. I swallow and
  my mouth is dry.
  Slowly, he enters the room and closes the door quietly
  behind him, his eyes liquid gray fire. Oh my. He leans
  casually over the chest of drawers, but I think his stance is
  deceptive. My inner goddess doesn’t know whether it’s
  fight or flight time.
  “So, what exactly are you curious about, Miss Steele?
  Perhaps I could enlighten you.”
  “The door was open . . . I—” I gaze at Christian as I
  hold my breath and blink, uncertain as ever of his reaction
  or what I should say. His eyes are dark. I think he’s
  amused, but it’s difficult to tell. He places his elbows on
  the museum chest and rests his chin on his clasped hands.
  “I was in here earlier today wondering what to do with
  it all. I must have forgotten to lock it.” He scowls
  momentarily as if leaving the door unlocked is a terrible
  lapse in judgment. I frown—it’s not like him to be
  “But now here you are, curious as ever.” His voice is
  soft, puzzled.
  “You’re not mad?” I whisper, using my remaining
  He cocks his head to one side, and his lips twitch in
  “Why would I be mad?”
  “I feel like I’m trespassing . . . and you’re always mad
  at me.” My voice is quiet, though I’m relieved. Christian’s
  brow creases once more.
  “Yes, you’re trespassing, but I’m not mad. I hope that
  one day you’ll live with me here, and all this”—he gestures
  vaguely round the room with one hand—“will be yours,
  My playroom . . . eh? I gape at him—that’s a lot to
  take in.
  take in.
  “That’s why I was in here today. Trying to decide what
  to do.” He taps his lips with his index finger. “Am I angry
  with you all the time? I wasn’t this morning.”
  Oh, that’s true. I smile at the memory of Christian
  when we woke, and it distracts me from the thought of
  what will become of the playroom. He was such fun Fifty
  this morning.
  “You were playful. I like playful Christian.”
  “Do you now?” He arches an eyebrow, and his
  beautiful mouth curves up in a smile, a shy smile. Wow!
  “What’s this?” I hold up the silver bullet thing.
  “Always hungry for information, Miss Steele. That’s a
  butt plug,” he says gently.
  “Oh . . .”
  “Bought for you.”
  What? “For me?”
  He nods slowly, his face now serious and wary.
  I frown. “You buy new, er . . . toys . . . for each
  “Some things. Yes.”

  “Butt plugs?”
  Okay . . . I swallow. Butt plug. It’s solid metal—surely
  that’s uncomfortable? I remember our discussion about
  sex toys and hard limits after I graduated. I think at the
  time I said I would try. Now, actually seeing one, I don’t
  know if it’s something I want to do. I examine it once
  more and place it back in the drawer.
  “And this?” I take out a long, black rubbery object,
  made of gradually diminishing spherical bubbles joined
  together, the first one large and the last much smaller. Eight
  bubbles in total.
  “Anal beads,” says Christian, watching me carefully.
  Oh! I examine them with fascinated horror. All of
  these, inside me . . . there! I had no idea.
  “They have quite an effect if you pull them out midorgasm,”
  he adds matter-of-factly.
  “This is for me?” I whisper.
  “For you.” He nods slowly.
  “This is the butt drawer?”
  He smirks. “If you like.”
  I close it quickly, flushing like a stoplight.
  “Don’t you like the butt drawer?” he asks innocently,
  amused. I gaze at him and shrug, trying to brazen out my
  “It’s not top of my Christmas card list,” I mutter
  nonchalantly. Tentatively, I open the second drawer. He
  “Next drawer down holds a selection of vibrators.”
  I shut the drawer quickly.
  “And the next?” I whisper, ashen once more, but this
  time with embarrassment.
  “That’s more interesting.”
  Oh! Hesitantly I pull the drawer open, not taking my
  eyes off his beautiful but rather smug face. Inside there are
  an assortment of metal items and some clothespins.
  Clothespins! I pick up a large metal clip-like device.
  “Genital clamp,” Christian says. He stands up and
  “Genital clamp,” Christian says. He stands up and
  moves casually around so that he’s beside me. I put it
  back immediately and choose something more delicate—
  two small clips on a chain.
  “Some of these are for pain, but most are for
  pleasure,” he murmurs.
  “What’s this?”
  “Nipple clamps—that’s for both.”
  “Both? Nipples?”
  Christian smirks at me. “Well, there are two clamps,
  baby. Yes, both nipples, but that’s not what I meant.
  These are for both pleasure and pain.”
  Oh. He takes it from me.
  “Hold out your little finger.”
  I do as he asks, and he clamps one clip to the tip of my
  finger. It’s not too harsh.
  “The sensation is very intense, but it’s when taking
  them off that they are at their most painful
  and pleasurable.” I remove the clip. Hmm, that might be
  nice. I squirm at the thought.
  nice. I squirm at the thought.
  “I like the look of these,” I murmur and Christian
  “Do you now, Miss Steele? I think I can tell.”
  I nod shyly, biting my lip. He reaches up and tugs on
  my chin so I release my bottom lip.
  “You know what that does to me,” he murmurs.
  I put the clips back in the drawer, and Christian leans
  forward and pulls out two more.
  “These are adjustable.” He holds them up for me to
  “You can wear them very tight . . . or not. Depending
  on your mood.”
  How does he make that sound so erotic? I swallow,
  and to divert his attention, pull out a device that looks like
  a spiky pastry cutter.
  “This?” I frown. No baking in the playroom, surely.
  “That’s a Wartenberg pinwheel.”
  He reaches over and takes it from me. “Give me your
  hand. Palm up.”
  I offer him my left hand and he takes it gently, skating
  his thumb over my knuckles. A shiver runs through me. His
  skin against mine, it never fails to thrill me. He runs the
  wheel over my palm.
  “Ah!” The prongs bite into my skin—there’s more than
  just pain. In fact, it tickles slightly.
  “Imagine that over your breasts,” Christian murmurs
  Oh! I flush and snatch my hand back. My breathing
  and heart rate increase. Holy cow.
  “There’s a fine line between pleasure and pain,
  Anastasia,” he says softly as he leans down and puts the
  device back in the drawer.
  “Clothespins?” I whisper.
  “You can do a great deal with a clothespins.” His gray
  eyes burn.
  I lean against the drawer so it closes.
  “Is that all?” Christian looks amused.
  “Is that all?” Christian looks amused.
  “No . . .” I pull open the fourth drawer to be
  confounded by a mass of leather and straps. I tug at one of
  the straps . . . it appears to be attached to a ball.
  “Ball gag. To keep you quiet,” says Christian, amused
  once more.
  “Soft limit,” I mutter.
  “I remember,” he says. “But you can still breathe. Your
  teeth clamp over the ball.” Taking it from me, he replicates
  a mouth clamping down on the ball with his fingers.
  “Have you worn one of these?” I ask.
  He stills and gazes down at me. “Yes.”
  “To mask your screams?”
  He closes his eyes, and I think it’s in exasperation.
  “No, that’s not what they’re about.”
  “It’s about control, Anastasia. How helpless would
  you be if you were tied up and couldn’t speak? How
  trusting would you have to be, knowing I had that much
  power over you? That I had to read your body and your
  power over you? That I had to read your body and your
  reaction, rather than hear your words? It makes you more
  dependent, puts me in ultimate control.”
  I swallow.
  “You sound like you miss it.”
  “It’s what I know,” he murmurs, gazing down at me.
  His gray eyes are wide and serious, and the atmosphere
  between us has changed as if he’s in the confessional.
  “You have power over me. You know you do,” I
  “Do I? You make me feel . . . helpless.”
  “No!” Oh Fifty . . . “Why?”
  “Because you’re the only person I know who could
  really hurt me.” He reaches up and tucks my hair behind
  my ear.
  “Oh, Christian . . . that works both ways. If you didn’t
  want me—” I shudder, glancing down at my twisting
  fingers. Therein lays my other dark reservation about us. If
  he wasn’t so . . . broken, would he want me? I shake my
  head. I must try not to think like that.
  “The last thing I want to do is hurt you. I love you,” I
  murmur, reaching up to run my fingers through his sideburn
  and gently stroke his cheek. He leans his face into my
  touch, drops the gag back in the drawer, and reaches for
  me, his hands around my waist. He pulls me against him.
  “Have we finished show and tell?” he asks, his voice
  soft and seductive. His hand moves up my back to the
  nape of my neck.
  “Why? What did you want to do?”
  He bends and kisses me gently, and I melt against him,
  grasping his arms.
  “Ana, you were nearly attacked today.” His voice is
  soft but ice-cold and wary.
  “So?” I ask, enjoying the feel of his hand at my back
  and his proximity. He pulls his head back and scowls
  down at me.
  “What do you mean, ‘so?’ ” he rebukes.
  I gaze up into his lovely, grumpy face, and I’m dazzled.
  “Christian, I’m fine.”
  He wraps me in his arms, holding me close. “When I
  He wraps me in his arms, holding me close. “When I
  think what might have happened,” he breathes, burying his
  face in my hair.
  “When will you learn that I’m stronger than I look?” I
  whisper reassuringly into his neck, inhaling his delicious
  scent. There is nothing better on the planet than being in
  Christian’s arms.
  “I know you’re strong,” Christian muses quietly. He
  kisses my hair, then to my great disappointment, releases
  me. Oh?
  Bending down I fish another item out of the open
  drawer. Several cuffs attached to a bar. I hold it up.
  “That,” says Christian, his eyes darkening, “is a
  spreader bar with ankle and wrist restraints.”
  “How does it work?” I ask, genuinely intrigued. My
  inner goddess pops her head out of her bunker.
  “You want me to show you?” he breathes in surprise,
  closing his eyes briefly.
  I blink at him. When he opens his eyes, they are
  Oh my. “Yes, I want a demonstration. I like being tied
  up,” I whisper as my inner goddess pole vaults from the
  bunker onto her chaise longue.
  “Oh, Ana,” he murmurs. He looks pained all of a
  “Not here.”
  “What do you mean?”
  “I want you in my bed, not in here. Come.” He grabs
  the bar and my hand, then leads me promptly out of the
  Why are we leaving? I glance behind me as we exit.
  “Why not in there?”
  Christian stops on the stairs and gazes up at me, his
  expression grave.
  “Ana, you may be ready to go back in there, but I’m
  not. Last time we were in there, you left me. I keep telling
  you—when will you understand?” He frowns, releasing me
  so that he can gesticulate with his free hand.
  “My whole attitude has changed as a result. My whole
  outlook on life has radically shifted. I’ve told you this.
  What I haven’t told you is—” He stops and runs his hand
  through his hair, searching for the correct words. “I’m like
  a recovering alcoholic, okay? That’s the only comparison I
  can draw. The compulsion has gone, but I don’t want to
  put temptation in my way. I don’t want to hurt you.”
  He looks so remorseful, and in that moment, a sharp
  nagging pain lances through me. What have I done to this
  man? Have I improved his life? He was happy before he
  met me, wasn’t he?
  “I can’t bear to hurt you because I love you,” he adds,
  gazing up at me, his expression one of absolute sincerity
  like a small boy telling a very simple truth.
  He’s completely guileless, and he takes my breath
  away. I adore him more than anything or anyone. I do love
  this man unconditionally.
  I launch myself at him so hard that he has to drop what
  he’s carrying to catch me as I push him up against the wall.
  Grabbing his face between my hands, I pull his lips to
  Grabbing his face between my hands, I pull his lips to
  mine. I can taste his surprise as I push my tongue into his
  mouth. I am standing on the step above him—we’re at the
  same level, and I feel euphorically empowered. Kissing
  him passionately, my fingers twisting into his hair, I want to
  touch him, everywhere, but restrain myself, knowing his
  fear. Regardless, my desire unfurls, hot and heavy,
  blossoming deep inside me. He groans and grabs my
  shoulders, pushing me away.
  “Do you want me to fuck you on the stairs?” he
  mutters, his breathing ragged. “Because right now, I will.”
  “Yes,” I murmur and I’m sure my dark gaze matches
  He glares at me, his eyes hooded and heavy. “No. I
  want you in my bed.” He scoops me up suddenly over his
  shoulder, making me squeal, loudly, and smacks me hard
  on my behind, so that I squeal again. As he heads down
  the stairs, he stoops to pick up the fallen spreader bar.
  Mrs. Jones is coming out of the utility room when we
  pass through the hall. She smiles at us, and I give her an
  pass through the hall. She smiles at us, and I give her an
  apologetic upside-down wave. I don’t think Christian
  notices her.
  In the bedroom, he sets me down on my feet and
  drops the spreader on to the bed.
  “I don’t think you’ll hurt me,” I breathe.
  “I don’t think I’ll hurt you, either,” he says. He takes
  my head in his hands and kisses me, long and hard, igniting
  my already heated blood.
  “I want you so much,” he whispers against my mouth,
  panting. “Are you sure about this—after today?’
  “Yes. I want you, too. I want to undress you.” I can’t
  wait to get my hands on him—my fingers are itching to
  touch him.
  His eyes widen and for a moment, he hesitates,
  perhaps to consider my request.
  “Okay,” he says cautiously.
  I reach for the second button on his shirt and hear him
  catch his breath.
  “I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to,” I whisper.
  “No,” he responds quickly. “Do. It’s fine. I’m good,”

  he mutters.
  I gently undo the button and my fingers glide down his
  shirt to the next. His eyes are large and luminous, his lips
  parted as his breathing shallows. He is so beautiful, even in
  his fear . . . because of his fear. I undo the third button and
  notice his soft hair poking through the large V of the shirt.
  “I want to kiss you there,” I murmur.
  He inhales sharply. “Kiss me?”
  “Yes,” I murmur.
  His gasps as I undo the next button and very slowly
  lean forward, making my intention clear. He’s holding his
  breath, but stands stock-still as I plant a gentle kiss among
  the soft, exposed curls. I undo the final button and lift my
  face to him. He’s gazing at me, and there’s a look of
  satisfaction, calm, and . . . wonder on his face.
  “It’s getting easier, isn’t it?” I whisper.
  He nods as I slowly push his shirt off his shoulders and
  let it fall to the floor.
  “What have you done to me, Ana?” he murmurs.
  “What have you done to me, Ana?” he murmurs.
  “Whatever it is, don’t stop.” And he gathers me in his
  arms, fisting both his hands in my hair and pulling my head
  right back so that he can have easy access to my throat.
  He runs his lips up to my jaw, nipping softly. I groan.
  Oh, I want this man. My fingers fumble at his waistband,
  undoing the button and pulling down the zipper.
  “Oh, baby,” he breathes as he kisses me behind my
  ear. I feel his erection, firm and hard, straining against me.
  I want him—in my mouth. I step back abruptly and drop
  to my knees.
  “Whoa?” he gasps.
  I tug his pants and boxers sharply, and he springs free.
  Before he can stop me, I take him into my mouth, sucking
  hard, enjoying his shocked astonishment as his mouth
  drops open. He gazes down at me, watching my every
  move, eyes so dark and filled with carnal bliss. Oh my. I
  sheath my teeth and suck harder. He closes his eyes and
  surrenders to this blissful carnal pleasure is so arousing. I
  know what I do to him, and it’s hedonistic, liberating, and
  know what I do to him, and it’s hedonistic, liberating, and
  sexy as hell. The feeling is heady, I’m not just powerful—
  I’m omniscient.
  “Fuck,” he hisses and gently cradles my head, flexing
  his hips so he moves deeper inside my mouth. Oh yes, I
  want this and I swirl my tongue around him, pulling
  hard . . . over and over.
  “Ana.” He tries to step back.
  Oh no you don’t, Grey. I want you . I grab his hips
  firmly, doubling my efforts, and I can tell he’s close.
  “Please,” he pants. “I’m gonna come, Ana,” he groans.
  Good. My inner goddess’s head is thrown back in
  ecstasy, and he comes, loudly and wetly, into my mouth.
  He opens his bright gray eyes, gazing down at me, and
  I smile up at him, licking my lips. He grins back at me, a
  wicked, salacious grin.
  “Oh, so this is the game we’re playing, Miss Steele?”
  He bends, hooks his hands under my arms, and pulls me
  to my feet. Suddenly his mouth is on mine. He groans.
  “I can taste myself. You taste better,” he murmurs
  against my lips. He tugs my T-shirt off and throws it
  carelessly onto the floor, then picks me up and tosses me
  onto the bed. Grabbing the end of my sweats, he tugs
  abruptly so that they come off in one swift move. I’m
  naked underneath, sprawled across his bed. Waiting.
  Wanting. His eyes drink me in, and slowly he removes his
  remaining clothes, not taking his eyes off me.
  “You are one beautiful woman, Anastasia,” he
  murmurs appreciatively.
  Hmm . . . I tilt my head coquettishly to one side and
  beam at him.
  “You are one beautiful man, Christian, and you taste
  mighty fine.”
  He gives me a wicked grin and reaches for the
  spreader bar. Grabbing my left ankle, he quickly cuffs it,
  strapping the buckle tightly, but not too tight. He tests how
  much room I have by sliding his little finger between the
  cuff and my ankle. He doesn’t take his eyes off mine; he
  doesn’t need to see what he’s doing. Hmm . . . he’s done
  this before.
  this before.
  “We’ll have to see how you taste. If I recall, you’re a
  rare, exquisite delicacy, Miss Steele.”
  Grasping my other ankle, he quickly and efficiently
  cuffs that one as well, so that my feet are about two feet
  “The good thing about this spreader is, it expands,” he
  murmurs. He clicks something on the bar, then pushes, so
  my legs spread further. Whoa, three feet apart. My mouth
  drops open, and I take a deep breath. Fuck, this is hot.
  I’m on fire, restless and needy.
  Christian licks his lower lip.
  “Oh, we’re going to have some fun with this, Ana.”
  Reaching down he grasps the bar and twists it so I flip on
  to my front. It takes me by surprise.
  “See what I can do to you?” he says darkly and twists
  it again abruptly, so I am once more on my back, gaping
  up at him, breathless.
  “These other cuffs are for your wrists. I’ll think about
  “These other cuffs are for your wrists. I’ll think about
  that. Depends if you behave or not.”
  “When do I not behave?”
  “I can think of a few infractions,” he says softly,
  running his fingers up the soles of my feet. It tickles, but the
  bar holds me in place, though I try to writhe away from his
  “Your Blackberry, for one.”
  I gasp. “What are you going to do?”
  “Oh, I never disclose my plans.” He smirks, his eyes
  alight with pure devilment.
  Holy cow. He’s so mind-bogglingly sexy, it takes my
  breath away.
  He crawls up the bed so that he’s kneeling between
  my legs, gloriously naked, and I’m helpless.
  “Hmm. You are so exposed, Miss Steele.” He runs the
  fingers of both his hands up the inside of each of my legs,
  slowly, surely, making small circular patterns. Never
  breaking eye contact with me.
  “It’s all about anticipation, Ana. What will I do to
  you?” His softly spoken words penetrate right to the
  deepest, darkest, part of me. I wriggle on the bed and
  moan. His fingers continue their slow assault up my legs,
  past the backs of my knees. Instinctively, I want to close
  my legs but I can’t.
  “Remember, if you don’t like something, just tell me to
  stop,” he murmurs. Bending over, he kisses my belly, soft,
  sucky kisses while his hands continue their slow tortuous
  journey north up my inner thighs, touching and teasing.
  “Oh please, Christian,” I plead.
  “Oh, Miss Steele. I’ve discovered you can be
  merciless in your amorous assaults upon me. I think I
  should return the favor.”
  My fingers clutch the duvet as I surrender myself to
  him, his mouth gently heading south, his fingers north, to
  the vulnerable and exposed apex of my thighs. I groan as
  he eases his fingers inside me and buck my pelvis up to
  meet them. Christian moans in response.
  “You never cease to amaze me, Ana. You’re so wet,”
  he murmurs against the line where my pubic hair joins my
  he murmurs against the line where my pubic hair joins my
  belly. My body bows as his mouth finds me.
  Oh my.
  He begins a slow and sensual assault, his tongue
  swirling around and around while his fingers move inside
  me. Because I can’t close my legs, or move, it’s intense,
  really intense. My back arches as I try to absorb the
  “Oh, Christian,” I cry.
  “I know, baby,” he whispers, and to ease up on me, he
  blows softly on the most sensitive part of my body.
  “Arrgh! Please!” I beg.
  “Say my name,” he commands.
  “Christian,” I call, hardly recognizing my own voice—
  it’s so high-pitched and needy.
  “Again,” he breathes.
  “Christian, Christian, Christian Grey,” I call out loudly.
  “You are mine.” His voice is soft and deadly and with
  one last flick of his tongue, I fall—spectacularly—
  embracing my orgasm, and because my legs are so far
  embracing my orgasm, and because my legs are so far
  apart, it goes on and on and I am lost.
  Vaguely, I’m aware that Christian has flipped me on to
  my front.
  “We’re going to try this, baby. If you don’t like it, or
  it’s too uncomfortable, tell me, and we’ll stop.”
  What? I am too lost in the afterglow to form any
  sentient or coherent thoughts. I am sitting on Christian’s
  lap. How did that happen?
  “Lean down, baby,” he murmurs at my ear. “Head and
  chest on the bed.”
  In a daze I do as I’m told. He pulls both my hands
  backward and cuffs them to the bar, next to my ankles.
  Oh . . . My knees are drawn up, my ass in the air, utterly
  vulnerable, completely his.
  “Ana, you look so beautiful.” His voice is full of
  wonder, and I hear the rip of foil. He runs his fingers from
  the base of my spine down toward my sex and pauses a
  beat over my ass.
  “When you’re ready, I want this, too.” His finger is
  hovering over me. I gasp loudly as I feel myself tense
  under his gentle probing. “Not today, sweet Ana, but one
  day . . . I want you every way. I want to possess every
  inch of you. You’re mine.”
  I think about the butt plug, and everything tightens
  deep inside me. His words make me groan, and his fingers
  move down and around to more familiar territory.
  Moments later, he’s slamming into me. “Aagh! Gently,”
  I cry, and he stills.
  “You okay?”
  “Gently . . . let me get used to this.”
  He eases slowly out of me then eases gently back,
  filling me, stretching me, twice, thrice, and I am helpless.
  “Yes, good, I’ve got it now,” I murmur, relishing the
  He groans, and picks up his rhythm. Moving,
  moving . . . relentless . . . onward, inward, filling me . . .
  and it’s exquisite. There’s joy in my helplessness, joy in my
  surrender to him, and to know that he can lose himself in
  me the way he wants to. I can do this. He takes me to
  me the way he wants to. I can do this. He takes me to
  these dark places, places I didn’t know existed, and
  together we fill them with blinding light. Oh yes . . . blazing,
  blinding light.
  And I let go, glorying in what he does to me, finding
  my sweet, sweet release, as I come again, loudly,
  screaming his name. And he stills, pouring his heart and
  soul into me.
  “Ana, baby,” he cries and collapses beside me.
  His fingers deftly undo the straps, and he rubs my ankles
  then my wrists. When he’s finished and I’m finally free, he
  pulls me into his arms and I drift, exhausted.
  When I surface again, I am curled beside him and he’s
  gazing at me. I have no idea what the time is.
  “I could watch you sleep forever, Ana,” he murmurs
  and he kisses my forehead.
  I smile and shift languorously beside him.
  “I never want to let you go,” he says softly and wraps
  “I never want to let you go,” he says softly and wraps
  his arms around me.
  Hmm. “I never want to go. Never let me go,” I mutter
  sleepily, my eyelids refusing to open.
  “I need you,” he whispers, but his voice is a distant,
  ethereal part of my dreams. He needs me . . . needs
  me . . . and as I finally slip into the darkness, my last
  thoughts are of a small boy with gray eyes and dirty,
  messy, copper-colored hair smiling shyly at me.
  Christian is nuzzling my neck as I slowly wake.
  “Morning, baby,” he whispers and nips at my earlobe.
  My eyes flutter open and close again quickly. Bright early
  morning light floods the room, and his hand is softly
  caressing my breast, gently teasing me. Moving down he
  grasps my hip as he lies behind me, holding me close.
  I stretch out beside him, relishing his touch, and feel his
  erection against my behind. Oh my. A Christian Grey
  wake-up call.
  “You’re pleased to see me,” I mumble sleepily,
  squirming suggestively against him. I feel his grin against my
  “I’m very pleased to see you,” he says as he skates his
  hand over my stomach and down to cup my sex and
  explore with his fingers. “There are definite advantages to
  waking up beside you, Miss Steele,” he teases and gently
  pulls me round so that I’m lying on my back.
  “Sleep well?” he asks as his fingers continue their
  “Sleep well?” he asks as his fingers continue their
  sensual torture. He’s smiling down at me—his dazzling, all-
  American-drop-dead-male-model-perfect-teeth smile. He

  takes my breath away.
  My hips begin to sway to the rhythm of the dance his
  fingers have begun. He kisses me chastely on the lips and
  then moves down my neck, nipping slowly, kissing, and
  sucking as he goes. I moan. He’s gentle and his touch is
  light and heavenly. His intrepid fingers move down, and
  slowly he eases one inside me, hissing quietly in awe.
  “Oh, Ana,” he murmurs reverentially against my throat.
  “You’re always ready.” He moves his finger in time with
  his kisses as his lips journey leisurely across my clavicle
  and then down to my breast. He torments first one, then
  the other nipple with teeth and lips, but oh-so-gently, and
  they tighten and lengthen in sweet response.
  I groan.
  “Hmm,” he growls softly and raises his head to give me
  a blazing gray-eyed look. “I want you now.” He reaches
  over to the bedside table. He shifts on top of me, taking
  his weight on his elbows, and rubs his nose along mine
  while easing my legs apart with his. He kneels up and rips
  open the foil packet.
  “I can’t wait until Saturday,” he says, his eyes glowing
  with salacious delight.
  “Your party?” I pant.
  “No. I can stop using these fuckers.”
  “Aptly named.” I giggle.
  He smirks at me as he rolls on the condom. “Are you
  giggling, Miss Steele?”
  giggling, Miss Steele?”
  “No.” I try and fail to straighten my face.
  “Now is not the time for giggling.” He shakes his head
  in admonishment and his voice is low, stern, but his
  expression—holy cow—is glacial and volcanic at once.
  My breath catches in my throat. “I thought you liked it
  when I giggle,” I whisper hoarsely, gazing into the dark
  depths of his stormy eyes.
  “Not now. There’s a time and a place for giggling. This
  is neither. I need to stop you, and I think I know how,” he
  says ominously, and his body covers mine.
  “What would you like for breakfast, Ana?”
  “I’ll just have some granola. Thank you, Mrs. Jones.”
  I flush as I take my place at the breakfast bar beside
  Christian. The last time I set eyes on the very prim and
  proper Mrs. Jones, I was being unceremoniously dragged
  into the bedroom over Christian’s shoulder.
  “You look lovely,” Christian says softly. I’m wearing
  my gray pencil skirt and gray silk blouse again.
  “So do you.” I smile shyly at him. He’s wearing a pale
  blue shirt and jeans, and he looks cool and fresh and
  perfect, as always.
  “We should buy you some more skirts,” he says
  matter-of-factly. “In fact—I’d love to take you shopping.”
  Hmm—shopping. I hate shopping. But with Christian,
  maybe it won’t be so bad. I decide on distraction as the
  best form of defense.
  “I wonder what will happen at work today?”
  “I wonder what will happen at work today?”
  “They’ll have to replace the sleazeball.” Christian
  frowns, scowling as if he’s just stepped in something
  extraordinarily unpleasant.
  “I hope they take on a woman as my new boss.”
  “Well, you’re less likely to object to me going away
  with her,” I tease him.
  His lips twitch and he starts on his omelet.
  “What’s so funny?” I ask.
  “You are. Eat your granola, all of it, if that’s all you’re
  Bossy as ever. I purse my lips at him, but dig in.
  “So, the key goes here.” Christian points out the ignition
  beneath the gearshift.
  “Strange place,” I mutter. But I’m delighted with every
  little detail, practically bouncing like a small child in the
  comfortable leather seat. Christian has finally let me drive
  my car.
  He regards me coolly, though his eyes are alight with
  humor. “You’re quite excited about this, aren’t you?” he
  murmurs, amused.
  I nod, grinning like a fool. “Just smell that new car
  smell. This is even better than the Submissive Special . . .
  um, the A3,” I add quickly, blushing.
  Christian’s mouth twists. “Submissive Special, eh? You
  have such a way with words, Miss Steele.” He leans back
  with a faux look of disapproval, but he can’t fool me. I
  with a faux look of disapproval, but he can’t fool me. I
  know he’s enjoying himself.
  “Well, let’s go.” He waves his long-fingered hand
  toward the entrance of the garage.
  I clap my hands, start the car, and the engine purrs to
  life. Putting the gearshift into drive, I ease my foot off the
  brake and the Saab moves smoothly forward. Taylor
  starts up the Audi behind us and once the garage barrier
  lifts, follows us out of Escala onto the street.
  “Can we have the radio on?” I ask as we wait at the
  first stop sign.
  “I want you to concentrate,” he says sharply.
  “Christian, please, I can drive with music on.” I roll my
  eyes. He scowls for a moment and then reaches for the
  “You can play your iPod and mp3 discs as well as
  CDs on this,” he murmurs.
  The too-loud dulcet tones of The Police suddenly fill
  the car. Christian turns the music down. Hmm . . . “King
  of Pain.”
  “Your anthem,” I tease him, then instantly regret it
  when his mouth tightens in a thin line. Oh no. “I have this
  album, somewhere.” I continue hastily to distract him.
  Hmm . . . somewhere in the apartment I have spent very
  little time in.
  I wonder how Ethan is. I should try to call him today. I
  won’t have much to do at work.
  Anxiety blooms in my stomach. What will happen
  when I get to the office? Will everyone know about Jack?
  Will everyone know of Christian’s involvement? Will I still
  have a job? Sheesh, if I have no job, what will I do?
  Marry the gazillionaire, Ana! My subconscious has
  her snarky face on. I ignore her—rapacious bitch.
  “Hey, Miss Smart Mouth. Come back.” Christian
  drags me into the here and now as I pull up at the next
  “You’re very distracted. Concentrate, Ana,” he scolds.
  “Accidents happen when you don’t concentrate.”
  Oh, for heaven’s sake—and suddenly I’m catapulted
  back in time to when Ray was teaching me to drive. I
  don’t need another father. A husband maybe, a kinky
  husband. Hmm.
  “I’m just thinking about work.”
  “Baby, you’ll be fine. Trust me.” Christian smiles.
  “Please don’t interfere—I want to do this on my own.
  Christian, please. It’s important to me,” I say as gently as I
  can. I don’t want to argue. His mouth sets once more into
  a hard stubborn line, and I think he’s going to berate me
  Oh no.
  “Let’s not argue, Christian. We’ve had such a
  wonderful morning. And last night was—” Words fail me,
  last night was—“Heaven.”
  He says nothing. I glance over at him and his eyes are
  “Yes. Heaven,” he says softly. “I meant what I said.”
  “I don’t want to let you go.”
  “I don’t want to go.”
  He smiles and it’s this new, shy smile that dissolves
  everything in its path. Boy, it’s powerful.
  “Good,” he says simply, and he visibly relaxes.
  I drive into the parking lot half a block from SIP.
  “I’ll walk you to work. Taylor will take me from
  there,” Christian offers. I clamber out of the car, restricted
  by my pencil skirt while Christian climbs out gracefully, at
  ease with his body or giving the impression of someone at
  ease with his body. Hmm . . . someone who can’t bear to
  be touched can’t be that at ease. I frown at my errant
  “Don’t forget we’re seeing Flynn at seven this
  evening,” he says as he holds his hand out to me. I press
  the remote door lock and take his hand.
  “I won’t forget. I’ll compile a list of questions for him.”
  “Questions? About me?”
  I nod.
  “I can answer any questions you have about me.”
  Christian looks affronted.
  I smile at him. “Yes, but I want the unbiased,
  expensive charlatan’s opinion.”
  He frowns and suddenly pulls me into his embrace,
  holding both my hands tightly behind my back.
  “Is this a good idea?” he says, his voice low and
  husky. I lean back to see the anxiety looming large and
  wide in his eyes. It tears at my soul.
  “If you don’t want me to, I won’t.” I stare at him,
  blinking, wanting to caress the concern out of his face. I
  tug on one of my hands and he frees it. I touch his cheek
  tenderly—it’s smooth from shaving this morning.
  “What are you worried about?” I ask, my voice soft
  and soothing.
  “That you’ll go.”
  “Christian, how many times do I have to tell you—I’m
  not going anywhere. You’ve already told me the worst.
  I’m not leaving you.”
  “Then why haven’t you answered me?”
  “Answered you?” I murmur disingenuously.
  “You know what I’m talking about, Ana.”
  I sigh. “I want to know that I’m enough for you,
  Christian. That’s all.”
  “And you won’t take my word for it?” he says
  exasperated, releasing me.
  “Christian, this has all been so quick. And by your own
  admission, you’re fifty shades of fucked-up. I can’t give
  you what you need,” I mutter. “It’s just not for me. But
  that makes me feel inadequate, especially seeing you with
  Leila. Who’s to say that one day you won’t meet someone
  who likes doing what you do? And who’s to say you
  won’t, you know . . . fall for her? Someone much better
  suited to your needs.” The thought of Christian with
  anyone else sickens me. I stare down at my knotted
  “I knew several women who like doing what I like to
  do. None of them appealed to me the way you do. I’ve
  never had an emotional connection with any of them. It’s
  only ever been you, Ana.”
  only ever been you, Ana.”
  “Because you never gave them a chance. You’ve spent
  too long locked up in your fortress, Christian. Look, let’s
  discuss this later. I have to go to work. Maybe Dr. Flynn
  can offer us his insight.” This is all far too heavy a
  discussion for a parking lot at eight fifty in the morning, and
  Christian, for once, seems to agree. He nods but his eyes
  are wary.
  “Come,” he orders, holding out his hand.
  When I reach my desk, I find a note asking me to go
  straight to Elizabeth’s office. My heart leaps into my
  mouth. Oh, this is it. I’m going to get fired.
  “Anastasia.” Elizabeth smiles kindly, waving me into a
  chair before her desk. I sit and gaze at her expectantly,
  hoping that she can’t hear my thumping heart. She
  smoothes her thick black hair and regards with me with
  somber, clear blue eyes.
  “I have some rather sad news.”
  Sad! Oh no.
  “I’ve called you in to inform you that Jack has left the
  company rather suddenly.”
  I flush. This isn’t sad for me. Should I tell her that I
  “His rather hasty departure has left a vacancy, and
  we’d like you to fill it for now, until we find a
  What? I feel the blood rush from my head. Me?
  “But, I’ve only been here for a week or so.”
  “But, I’ve only been here for a week or so.”
  “Yes, Anastasia, I understand but Jack was always a
  champion of your abilities. He had high hopes for you.”
  I stop breathing. He had high hopes of getting me on
  my back, sure.
  “Here’s a detailed job description. Have a good look
  through it, and we can discuss it later today.”
  “Please, I know this is sudden, but you’ve already
  made contact with Jack’s key authors. Your chapter notes
  haven’t gone unnoticed by the other commissioning
  editors. You have a shrewd mind, Anastasia. We all think
  you can do it.”
  “Okay.” This is unreal.
  “Look, think about it. In the meantime, you can take
  Jack’s office.”
  She stands, effectively dismissing me, and holds out her
  hand. I shake it in a complete daze.
  “I’m glad he’s gone,” she whispers and a haunted look
  crosses her face. Holy shit. What did he do to her?
  Back at my desk, I grab my Blackberry and call
章节:22 人气:2
摘要:乔治·戈登·拜伦(1788-1824)是苏格兰贵族。1788年1月23日出生于伦敦。他天生跛一足,并对此很敏感。十岁时,拜伦家族的世袭爵位及产业(纽斯泰德寺院是其府邸)落到他身上,成为拜伦第六世勋爵。1805-1808年在剑桥大学学文学及历史,他是个不正规的学生,很少听课,却广泛阅读了欧洲和英国的文学、哲学和历史著作,同时也从事射击、赌博、饮酒、打猎、游泳等各种活动。 [点击阅读]
章节:21 人气:2
摘要:赫邱里-波罗用欣赏的眼光有趣地打量着刚被引进办公室的这位小姐。她写给他的信,并没有什么特别的地方,只要求见他一面,没提任何别的事。信很简短,语气也很认真,唯有坚毅有力的字迹,可以看出这位卡拉-李马倩是个年轻活泼的女性。现在,他终于见到她本人了──高挑,苗条,二十出头。她是那种任何人都会忍不住多看一眼的女人,身上穿的衣服很昂贵,裁剪也很合宜。她的眉生得相当方正,鼻梁挺直而有个性,下巴坚毅果决。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:2
摘要:歇洛克·福尔摩斯从壁炉台的角上拿下一瓶药水,再从一只整洁的山羊皮皮匣里取出皮下注射器来。他用白而有劲的长手指装好了精细的针头,卷起了他左臂的衬衫袖口。他沉思地对自己的肌肉发达、留有很多针孔痕迹的胳臂注视了一会儿,终于把针尖刺入肉中,推动小小的针心,然后躺在绒面的安乐椅里,满足地喘了一大口气。他这样的动作每天三次,几个月来我已经看惯了,但是心中总是不以为然。 [点击阅读]
章节:6 人气:2
摘要:1第一次遇到狄恩是在我与妻子分手后不久。那时我刚刚生了一场大病,对此我不想再提及了。不过它的确与那次令人烦恼、充满灾难性的离婚有关,当时我似乎觉得一切情感都已经死了。自从狄恩·莫里亚蒂闯入我的世界,你便可以称我的生活是“在路上”。在这之前,我也曾不止一次地梦想着要去西部,但只是在虚无缥缈地计划着,从没有付诸行动。狄恩这家伙是个最理想的旅伴,他就是在路上出生的。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:2
摘要:1东京中野区哲学堂附近。七月二十八日,晚上九点一过,街上已没有行人了。仁科草介知道,自己身后有两个人越走越近,他们用醉醺醺的、含混不清的奇怪腔调喋喋不休地交谈着。“我醉了?总不犯法吧。呃……是吗?”其中一人声音含糊地说着,不知是对同伴,还是对仁科。仁科不由得苦笑了,看来这是个喝醉了酒脾气就不大好的家伙。两人步伐杂乱地从仁科身边擦过,霎时,仁科感到左肋下一阵剧痛,两支手同时被人按住。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:2
摘要:夜城里什么东西都有,从神圣的遗产到污秽的法器一应俱全。不过除非具有钢铁般的意志,不然我绝不推荐任何人参加夜城里举行的拍卖会。虽然大部分的人根本不敢在拍卖会中跟我抢标,不过我已经很久没有出席任何拍卖会了,因为每次我都会在标到真正想要的东西之前先标下一堆垃圾。有一次我意外标到了一张召唤妖精用的“普卡”,结果就出现了一只只有我才看得到的花花公子玩伴女郎,足足跟了我好几个月。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在夜城,黑夜永无止尽。这里是隐身于伦敦的黑暗魔法之心,美梦以各种型态现世,诱惑与救赎永远都在特卖。你可以在夜城中找到任何事物,只要对方没有抢先找上门来。火热的霓虹,深邃的黑暗,信用卡难以支付的罪恶,狂放的夜店,疯狂的音乐。换上你的舞鞋,舞动到血流如注为止。夜晚持续不断,欢乐永不止歇。随时都会有人手中握着印有你的名字的子弹。我名叫约翰·泰勒,是一名迷失灵魂、在诅咒之地寻求救赎的私家侦探。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:世界上存在着一座梦想前去等待死亡的城镇。一个恶梦得以结束,希望终得安歇的所在。所有故事找到结局,所有冒险迎向终点,所有迷失的灵魂都能迈入最后归宿的地方。从古至今,世界上一直存在着许多这样的地方,散落在世界各地的黑暗角落。然而随着时间的推移、科学的发展、魔法的消逝,大部分的奇景都已不复见,而这类隐藏的角落也随之凋零。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:暮春的莫斯科。这一天,太阳已经平西,却还热得出奇。此时,牧首①湖畔出现了两个男人。身材矮小的那个穿一身浅灰色夏季西装,膘肥体壮,光着秃头,手里郑重其事地托着顶相当昂贵的礼帽,脸刮得精光,鼻梁上架着一副大得出奇的角质黑框眼镜。另一个很年轻,宽肩膀,棕黄头发乱蓬蓬的,脑后歪戴一顶方格鸭舌帽,上身着方格布料翻领牛仔衫,下身是条皱巴巴的自西眼裤,脚上穿一双黑色平底鞋。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:奥利弗夫人照着镜子。她自信地瞄了一眼壁炉架上的时钟,她知道它已经慢了二十分钟。然后她继续摆弄着自己的头发。奥利弗夫人坦率地承认,令她烦恼的是经常要改变发型。她差不多已把每种样式都试过了。她先梳了一个庄重的,把头发从四面向上卷得又松又高;接着又梳了一种迎风式的,把发绺往后梳,修饰得看上去很有学者风度,至少她希望如此。她已经试了绷紧的整齐的卷发,也试过一种很有艺术味道的凌乱的发型。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:前言1945年我曾经讯问过许多德国将领,他们一致的意见都是认为曼施坦因元帅已经被证明为他们陆军中能力最强的指挥官,他们都希望他能出任陆军总司令。非常明显,他对于作战的可能性具有一种超人的敏感,对于作战的指导也同样精通,此外比起任何其他非装甲兵种出身的指挥官,他对于机械化部队的潜力,又都有较大的了解。总括言之,他具有军事天才。在战争的最初阶段中,他以一个参谋军官的身份,在幕后发挥出来一种伟大的影响。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:01“林娜·黎吉薇”“这就是她!”三冠地主波纳比先生说道。他以肘轻轻触了同伴一下。两人同时睁大圆眼,微张嘴唇,看着眼前的景象。一辆巨型的猩红色罗斯·罗伊司恰恰停在当地邮局的正门口。车里跳出一位少女,她没有戴帽,身着一件式样简单大方的罩袍;发色金黄,个性坦率而专断;是美而敦—下渥德地区罕见的俏丽女郎。迈着快捷而令人生畏的步伐,她走进邮局。“这就是她!”波纳比先生又说了一遍。 [点击阅读]
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