五十度灰英文版 - Part II 13
  Holy Fuck . . . Christian. The submissive.
  Christian on his knees at my feet, holding me with his
  steady gray gaze, is the most chilling and sobering sight I
  have ever seen—more so than Leila and her gun. The
  vague alcoholic fuzziness I’m suffering from evaporates in
  an instant and is replaced by a prickling scalp and a
  creeping sense of doom as the blood drains from my face.
  I inhale sharply with shock. No. No, this is wrong, so
  wrong and so disturbing.
  “Christian, please, don’t do this. I don’t want this.”
  He continues to regard me passively, not moving,
  He continues to regard me passively, not moving,
  saying nothing.
  Oh fuck. My poor Fifty. My heart squeezes and
  twists. What the hell have I done to him? Tears prick my
  “Why are you doing this? Talk to me,” I whisper.
  He blinks once.
  “What would you like me to say?” he says softly,
  blandly, and for a moment I’m relieved that he’s talking,
  but not like this—no. No.
  Tears begin to ooze down my cheeks, and suddenly it
  is too much to see him in the same prostrate position as the
  pathetic creature that was Leila. The image of a powerful
  man who’s really still a little boy, who was horrifically
  abused and neglected, who feels unworthy of love from his
  perfect family and his much-less-than perfect girlfriend . . .
  my lost boy . . . it’s heartbreaking.
  Compassion, loss, and despair all swell in my heart,
  and I feel a choking sense of desperation. I am going to
  have to fight to bring him back, to bring back my Fifty.
  have to fight to bring him back, to bring back my Fifty.
  The thought of me dominating anyone is appalling. The
  thought of dominating Christian is nauseating. It would
  make me like her—the woman who did this to him.
  I shudder at that thought, fighting the bile in my throat.
  No way can I do that. No way do I want that.
  As my thoughts clear, I can see only one way. Not
  taking my eyes off his, I sink to my knees in front of him.
  The wooden floor is hard against my shins, and I dash
  my tears away roughly with the back of my hand.
  Like this, we are equals. We’re on a level. This is the
  only way I’m going to retrieve him.
  His eyes widen fractionally as I stare up at him, but
  beyond that his expression and stance don’t change.
  “Christian, you don’t have to do this,” I plead. “I’m not
  going to run. I’ve told you and told you and told you, I
  won’t run.” All that’s happened . . . it’s overwhelming. I
  just need some time to think . . . some time to myself. Why
  do you always assume the worst?” My heart clenches
  again because I know; it’s because he’s so doubting, so
  full of self-loathing.
  Elena’s words come back to haunt me. “Does she
  know how negative you are about yourself? About all
  your issues?”
  Oh, Christian. Fear grips my heart once more and I
  start babbling, “I was going to suggest going back to my
  apartment this evening. You never give me any time . . .
  time to just think things through,” I sob, and a ghost of a
  frown crosses his face. “Just time to think. We barely
  know each other, and all this baggage that comes with
  you . . . I need . . . I need time to think it through. And
  now that Leila is . . . well, whatever she is . . . she’s off the
  streets and not a threat . . . I thought . . . I thought . . .”
  My voice trails off and I stare at him. He regards me
  intently and I think he’s listening
  “Seeing you with Leila . . .” I close my eyes as the
  painful memory of his interaction with his ex-sub gnaws at
  me anew. “It was such a shock. I had a glimpse into how
  your life has been . . . and . . .” I gaze down at my knotted
  fingers, tears still trickling down my cheeks. “This is about
  fingers, tears still trickling down my cheeks. “This is about
  me not being good enough for you. It was an insight into
  your life, and I am so scared you’ll get bored with me, and
  then you’ll go . . . and I’ll end up like Leila . . . a shadow.
  Because I love you, Christian, and if you leave me, it will
  be like a world without light. I’ll be in darkness. I don’t
  want to run. I’m just so frightened you’ll leave me . . .”
  I realize as I say these words to him—in the hope that
  he’s listening—what my real problem is. I just don’t get
  why he likes me. I have never understood why he likes
  “I don’t understand why you find me attractive,” I
  murmur. “You’re, well, you’re you . . . and I’m . . .” I
  shrug and gaze up at him. “I just don’t see it. You’re
  beautiful and sexy and successful and good and kind and
  caring—all those things—and I’m not. And I can’t do the
  things you like to do. I can’t give you what you need. How
  could you be happy with me? How can I possibly hold
  you?” My voice is a whisper as I express my darkest
  fears. “I have never understood what you see in me. And
  fears. “I have never understood what you see in me. And
  seeing you with her, it brought all that home.” I sniff and
  wipe my nose with the back of my hand, gazing at his
  impassive expression.
  Oh, he’s so exasperating. Talk to me, damn it!
  “Are you going to kneel here all night? Because I’ll do
  it, too,” I snap at him.
  I think his expression softens—maybe he looks
  vaguely amused. But it’s so hard to tell.
  I could reach across and touch him, but this would be
  a gross abuse of the position he’s put me in. I don’t want
  that, but I don’t know what he wants, or what he’s trying
  to say to me. I just don’t understand.
  “Christian, please, please . . . talk to me,” I beseech
  him, wringing my hands in my lap. I am uncomfortable on
  my knees, but I continue to kneel, staring into his serious,
  beautiful, gray eyes, and I wait.
  And wait.
  And wait.
  “Please,” I beg once more.
  His intense gaze darkens suddenly and he blinks.
  “I was so scared,” he whispers.
  Oh, thank the Lord! Inside, my subconscious staggers
  back into her armchair, sagging with relief, and takes a
  large swig of gin.
  He’s talking! Gratitude overwhelms me, and I
  swallow, trying to contain my emotion and the fresh bout
  of tears that threatens.
  His voice is soft and low. “When I saw Ethan arrive
  outside, I knew someone had let you into your apartment.
  Both Taylor and I leapt out of the car. We knew and to
  see her there like that with you—and armed. I think I died
  a thousand deaths, Ana. Someone threatening you . . . all
  my worst fears realized. I was so angry, with her, with
  you, with Taylor, with myself.”
  He shakes his head revealing his agony. “I didn’t know
  how volatile she would be. I didn’t know what to do. I
  didn’t know how she’d react.” He stops and frowns. “And
  then she gave me a clue; she looked so contrite. And I just
  knew what I had to do.” He pauses, gazing at me, trying to
  knew what I had to do.” He pauses, gazing at me, trying to
  gauge my reaction.
  “Go on,” I whisper.
  He swallows. “Seeing her in that state, knowing that I
  might have something to do with her mental
  breakdown . . .” He closes his eyes once more. “She was
  always so mischievous and lively.” He shudders and takes
  a rasping breath, almost like a sob. This is torture to listen
  to, but I kneel, attentive, lapping up this insight.
  “She might have harmed you. And it would have been
  my fault.” His eyes drift off, filled with uncomprehending
  horror, and he’s silent once more.
  “But she didn’t,” I whisper. “And you weren’t
  responsible for her being in that state, Christian.” I blink up
  at him, encouraging him to continue.
  Then it dawns on me afresh that everything he did was
  to keep me safe, and perhaps Leila, too, because he also
  cares for her. But how much does he care for her? The
  question lingers in my head, unwelcome. He says he loves
  me, but then he was so harsh, throwing me out of my own
  me, but then he was so harsh, throwing me out of my own
  “I just wanted you gone,” he murmurs, with his
  uncanny ability to read my thoughts. “I wanted you away
  from the danger, and . . . You. Just. Wouldn’t. Go,” he
  hisses through clenched teeth and shakes his head. His
  exasperation is palpable.
  He gazes at me intently. “Anastasia Steele, you are the
  most stubborn woman I know.” He closes his eyes and
  shakes his head once more in disbelief.
  Oh, he’s back. I breathe a long, cleansing sigh of
  He opens his eyes again, and his expression is forlorn
  —sincere. “You weren’t going to run?” he asks.
  He closes his eyes again and his whole body relaxes.
  When he opens his eyes, I can see his pain and anguish.
  “I thought—” He stops. “This is me, Ana. All of
  me . . . and I’m all yours. What do I have to do to make
  you realize that? To make you see that I want you any way
  I can get you. That I love you.”
  “I love you, too, Christian, and to see you like this
  is . . .” I choke and my tears start afresh. “I thought I’d
  broken you.”
  “Broken? Me? Oh no, Ana. Just the opposite.” He
  reaches out and takes my hand. “You’re my lifeline,” he
  whispers, and he kisses my knuckles before pressing my
  palm against his.
  With his eyes wide and full of fear, he gently tugs my
  hand and places it on his chest over his heart—in the
  forbidden zone. His breathing quickens. His heart is
  beating a frantic, pounding tattoo beneath my fingers. He
  doesn’t take his eyes off mine; his jaw is tense, his teeth
  I gasp. Oh my Fifty! He’s letting me touch him. And
  it’s like all the air in my lungs has vaporized—gone. The
  blood is pounding in my ears as the rhythm of my heart
  rises to match his.
  He releases my hand, leaving it in place over his heart.
  I flex my fingers slightly, feeling the warmth of his skin
  I flex my fingers slightly, feeling the warmth of his skin
  beneath the thin fabric of his shirt. He’s holding his breath.
  I can’t bear it. I make to move my hand.
  “No,” he says quickly and places his hand once more
  over mine, pressing my fingers against him. “Don’t.”
  Emboldened by these two words, I shuffle closer so
  our knees are touching and tentatively raise my other hand
  so that he knows exactly what I intend to do. His eyes
  grow wider but he doesn’t stop me.
  Gently I start to undo the buttons on his shirt. It’s
  tricky with one hand. I flex my fingers beneath his hand
  and he lets go, allowing me to use both hands to undo his
  shirt. My eyes don’t leave his as I pull his shirt open,
  revealing his chest.
  He swallows, and his lips part as his breathing
  increases, and I sense his rising panic, but he doesn’t pull
  away. Is he still in sub mode? I have no idea.
  Should I do this? I don’t want to hurt him, physically or
  mentally. The sight of him like this, offering himself to me,
  has been a wake-up call.
  has been a wake-up call.
  I reach up, and my hand hovers over his chest, and I
  stare at him . . . asking his permission. Very subtly he tilts
  his head to one side, steeling himself in anticipation of my
  touch, and the tension radiates from him, but this time it’s
  not in anger—it’s in fear.
  I hesitate. Can I really do this to him?
  “Yes,” he breathes—again with the weird ability to
  answer my unspoken questions.
  I extend my fingertips into his chest hair and lightly
  brush them down his sternum. He closes his eyes, and his
  face creases as if he’s experiencing intolerable pain. It’s
  unbearable to witness, so I lift my fingers immediately, but
  he quickly grabs my hand and replaces it firmly, flat on his
  bare chest so that the hair tickles my palm.
  “No,” he says, his voice strained. “I need to.”
  His eyes are screwed up so tightly. This must be
  agony. It’s truly tormenting to watch. Carefully I let my
  fingers stroke across his chest to his heart, marveling at the
  feel of him, terrified that this is a step too far.
  He opens his eyes, and they are gray fire, blazing at
  Holy cow. His look is blistering, feral, beyond intense,
  and his breathing is rapid. It stirs my blood. I squirm under
  his gaze.
  He hasn’t stopped me, so I run my fingertips across his
  chest again, and his mouth goes slack. He’s panting, and I
  don’t know if it’s from fear, or something else.
  I’ve wanted to kiss him there for so long that I lean up

  on my knees and hold his gaze for a moment, making my
  intention perfectly clear. Then I bend and gently plant a
  soft kiss above his heart, feeling his warm, sweet-smelling
  skin beneath my lips.
  His strangled groan moves me so much that I sit back
  on my heels, fearful of what I’ll see on his face. His eyes
  are screwed tightly shut, but he hasn’t moved.
  “Again,” he whispers, and I lean into his chest once
  more, this time to kiss one of his scars. He gasps, and I
  kiss another and another. He groans loudly, and suddenly
  his arms are around me, and his hand is in my hair, pulling
  his arms are around me, and his hand is in my hair, pulling
  my head up painfully so that my lips meet his insistent
  mouth. And we’re kissing, my fingers knotting into his hair.
  “Oh, Ana,” he breathes, and he twists and pulls me
  down on to the floor so that I am underneath him. I bring
  my hands up to cup his beautiful face, and in that moment,
  I feel his tears.
  He’s crying . . . no. No!
  “Christian, please, don’t cry. I meant it when I said I’d
  never leave you. I did. If I gave you any other impression,
  I’m so sorry . . . please, please forgive me. I love you. I
  will always love you.”
  He looms over me, gazing down into my face, and his
  expression is so pained.
  “What is it?”
  His eyes grow larger.
  “What is this secret that makes you think I’ll run for the
  hills? That makes you so determined to believe I’ll go?” I
  plead, my voice tremulous. “Tell me, Christian,
  please . . .”
  please . . .”
  He sits up, though this time he crosses his legs and I
  follow suit, my legs outstretched. Vaguely I wonder if we
  can get off the floor? But I don’t want to interrupt his train
  of thought. He’s finally going to confide in me.
  He gazes down at me, and he looks utterly desolate.
  Oh shit—it’s bad.
  “Ana . . .” He pauses, searching for the words, his
  expression pained . . . Oh? Where the hell is this going?
  He takes a deep breath and swallows. “I’m a sadist,
  Ana. I like to whip little brown-haired girls like you
  because you all look like the crack whore—my birth
  mother. I’m sure you can guess why.” He says it in a rush
  as if he’s had the sentence in his head for days and days
  and is desperate to be rid of it.
  My world stops. Oh no.
  This is not what I expected. This is bad. Really bad. I
  gaze at him, trying to understand the implication of what
  he’s just said. It does explain why we all look the same.
  My immediate thought is that Leila was right—“Master
  is dark.”
  I recall the first conversation I had with him about his
  tendencies when we were in the Red Room of Pain.
  “You said you weren’t a sadist,” I whisper,
  desperately trying to understand . . . make some excuse
  for him.
  “No, I said I was a Dominant. If I lied to you, it was a
  lie of omission. I’m sorry.” He looks briefly down at his
  manicured fingernails.
  I think he’s mortified. Mortified about lying to me? Or
  about what he is?
  “When you asked me that question, I had envisioned a
  very different relationship between us,” he murmurs. I can
  tell by his gaze that he’s terrified.
  Then it hits me like a wrecking ball. If he’s a sadist, he
  really needs all that whipping and caning shit. Oh fuck. I
  put my head in my hands.
  “So it’s true,” I whisper, glancing up at him. “I can’t
  give you what you need.” This is it—this really does mean
  we are incompatible.
  we are incompatible.
  The world starts falling away at my feet, collapsing
  around me as panic grips my throat. This is it. We can’t do
  He frowns. “No, No, No. Ana. No. You can. You do
  give me what I need.” He clenches his fists. “Please
  believe me,” he murmurs, his words an impassioned plea.
  “I don’t know what to believe, Christian. This is so
  fucked-up,” I whisper, my throat hoarse and aching as it
  closes in, choking me with unshed tears.
  His eyes are wide and luminous when he looks at me
  “Ana, believe me. After I punished you and you left
  me, my worldview changed. I wasn’t joking when I said I
  would avoid ever feeling like that again.” He gazes at me
  with pained entreaty. “When you said you loved me, it was
  a revelation. No one’s ever said it to me before, and it was
  as if I’d laid something to rest—or maybe you’d laid it to
  rest, I don’t know. Dr. Flynn and I are still in deep
  discussion about it.”
  discussion about it.”
  Oh. Hope flares briefly in my heart. Perhaps we’ll be
  okay. I want us to be okay. Don’t I? “What does that all
  mean?” I whisper.
  “It means I don’t need it. Not now.”
  What? “How do you know? How can you be so
  “I just know. The thought of hurting you . . . in any real
  way . . . it’s abhorrent to me.”
  “I don’t understand. What about rulers and spanking
  and all that kinky fuckery?”
  He runs a hand through his hair and almost smiles but
  instead sighs ruefully. “I’m talking about the heavy shit,
  Anastasia. You should see what I can do with a cane or a
  My mouth drops open, stunned. “I’d rather not.”
  “I know. If you wanted to do that, then fine . . . but
  you don’t and I get it. I can’t do all that shit with you if you
  don’t want to. I told you once before, you have all the
  power. And now, since you came back, I don’t feel that
  compulsion, at all.”
  I gape at him for a moment trying to take this all in.
  “When we met, that’s what you wanted, though?”
  “Yes, undoubtedly.”
  “How can your compulsion just go, Christian? Like
  I’m some kind of panacea, and you’re—for want of a
  better word—cured? I don’t get it.”
  He sighs once more. “I wouldn’t say cured . . . You
  don’t believe me?”
  “I just find it—unbelievable. Which is different.”
  “If you’d never left me, then I probably wouldn’t feel
  this way. You walking out on me was the best thing you
  ever did . . . for us. It made me realize how much I want
  you, just you, and I mean it when I say I’ll take you any
  way I can have you.”
  I gaze at him. Can I believe this? My head hurts just
  trying to think this all through, and deep down I feel . . .
  “You’re still here. I thought you would be out of the
  door by now,” he whispers.
  door by now,” he whispers.
  “Why? Because I might think you’re a sicko for
  whipping and fucking women who look like your mother?
  Whatever would give you that impression?” I hiss at him,
  lashing out.
  He blanches at my harsh words.
  “Well, I wouldn’t have put it quite like that, but yes,”
  he says, his eyes wide and hurt.
  His expression is sobering and I regret my outburst. I
  frown, feeling a pang of guilt.
  Oh, what am I going to do? I gaze at him and he looks
  contrite, sincere . . . he looks like my Fifty.
  And unbidden I recall the photograph in his childhood
  bedroom, and in that moment realize why the woman in it
  looked so familiar. She looked like him. She must have
  been his biological mother.
  His easy dismissal of her comes to mind: No one of
  consequence . . . She’s responsible for all this . . . and I
  look like her . . . Fuck!
  He stares at me, eyes raw, and I know he’s waiting for
  He stares at me, eyes raw, and I know he’s waiting for
  my next move. He seems genuine. He’s said he loves me,
  but I’m really confused.
  This is all so fucked-up. He’s reassured me about
  Leila, but now I know with more certainty than ever how
  she was able to give him his kicks. The thought is wearying
  and unpalatable. I am so tired of all this.
  “Christian, I’m exhausted. Can we discuss this
  tomorrow? I want to go to bed.”
  He blinks at me in surprise. “You’re not going?”
  “Do you want me to go?”
  “No! I thought you would leave once you knew.”
  All the times he’s alluded to me leaving once I knew
  his darkest secrets flash through my mind . . . and now I
  know. Shit. Master is dark.
  Should I leave? I gaze at him, this crazy man that I
  love, yes love.
  Can I leave him? I left him once before, and it nearly
  broke me . . . and him. I love him. I know that in spite of
  this revelation.
  “Don’t leave me,” he whispers.
  “Oh, for crying out loud—no! I am not doing to go!” I
  shout and it’s cathartic. There, I’ve said it. I am not
  “Really?” His eyes widen.
  “What can I do to make you understand I will not run?
  What can I say?”
  He gazes at me, revealing his fear and anguish again.
  He swallows. “There is one thing you can do.”
  “What?” I snap.
  “Marry me,” he whispers.
  What? Did he really just—
  For the second time in less than half an hour my world
  Holy fuck. I stare at the deeply fucked-up man I love.
  I can’t believe what he’s just said.
  Marriage? He’s proposing marriage? Is he kidding? I
  can’t help it—a small, nervous, disbelieving giggle erupts
  from deep inside. I bite my lip to stop it from turning into
  full-scale hysterical laughter and fail miserably. I lie back
  full-scale hysterical laughter and fail miserably. I lie back
  flat on the floor and surrender myself to the laughter,
  laughing as I’ve never laughed before, huge healing
  cathartic howls of laughter.
  And for a moment I am on my own, looking down at
  this absurd situation, a giggling, overwhelmed girl beside a
  beautiful fucked-up boy. I drape my arm across my eyes,
  as my laughter turns to scalding tears. No, no . . . this is
  too much.
  As the hysteria subsides, Christian gently lifts my arm
  off my face. I turn and gaze up at him.
  He’s leaning over me. His mouth is twisted with wry
  amusement, but his eyes are a burning gray, maybe
  wounded. Oh no.
  He gently wipes away a stray tear with the back of his
  knuckles. “You find my proposal amusing, Miss Steele?”
  Oh, Fifty! Reaching up, I caress his cheek tenderly,
  enjoying the feel of the stubble beneath my fingers. Lord, I
  love this man.
  “Mr. Grey . . . Christian. Your sense of timing is
  “Mr. Grey . . . Christian. Your sense of timing is
  without doubt . . .” I gaze up at him as words fail me.
  He smirks at me, but the crinkling around his eyes
  shows me that he’s hurt. It’s sobering.
  “You’re cutting me to the quick here, Ana. Will you
  marry me?”
  I sit up and lean over him, placing my hands on his
  knees. I stare into his lovely face. “Christian, I’ve met your
  psycho ex with a gun, been thrown out of my apartment,
  had you go thermonuclear Fifty on me—”
  He opens his mouth to speak, but I hold up my hand.
  He obediently shuts his mouth.
  “You’ve just revealed some, quite frankly, shocking
  information about yourself, and now you’ve asked me to
  marry you.”
  He moves his head from side to side as if considering
  the facts. He’s amused. Thank heavens.
  “Yes, I think that’s a fair and accurate summary of the
  situation,” he says dryly.
  I shake my head at him. “Whatever happened to
  delayed gratification?”
  “I got over it, and I’m now a firm advocate of instant
  gratification. Carpe diem, Ana,” he whispers.
  “Look Christian, I’ve known you for about three
  minutes, and there’s so much more I need to know. I’ve
  had too much to drink, I’m hungry, I’m tired, and I want
  to go to bed. I need to consider your proposal just as I
  considered that contract you gave me. And”—I press my
  lips together to show my displeasure but also to lighten the
  mood between us—“that wasn’t the most romantic
  He tilts his head to one side and his lips quirk up in a
  smile. “Fair point well made, as ever, Miss Steele,” he
  breathes, his voice laced with relief. “So that’s not a no?”
  I sigh. “No, Mr. Grey, it’s not a no, but it’s not a yes
  either. You’re only doing this because you’re scared, and
  you don’t trust me.”
  “No, I’m doing this because I’ve finally met someone I
  want to spend the rest of my life with.”
  Oh. My heart skips a beat and inside I melt. How is it
  Oh. My heart skips a beat and inside I melt. How is it
  that in the middle of the most fucked-up situations he can

  say the most romantic things? My mouth pops open in
  “I never thought that would happen to me,” he
  continues, his expression radiating pure undiluted sincerity.
  I gape at him, searching for the right words.
  “Can I think about it . . . please? And think about
  everything else that’s happened today? What you’ve just
  told me? You asked for patience and faith. Well, back at
  you, Grey. I need those now.”
  His eyes search mine and after a beat, he leans
  forward and tucks my hair behind my ear.
  “I can live with that.” He kisses me quickly on the lips.
  “Not very romantic, eh?” He raises his eyebrows, and I
  give him an admonishing shake of my head. “Hearts and
  flowers?” he asks softly.
  I nod and he gives me a slight smile.
  “You’re hungry?”
  “You didn’t eat.” His eyes frost and his jaw hardens.
  “No, I didn’t eat.” I sit back on my heels and regard
  him passively. “Being thrown out of my apartment after
  witnessing my boyfriend interacting intimately with his exsubmissive
  considerably suppressed my appetite.” I glare
  at him and fist my hands on my hips.
  Christian shakes his head and rises gracefully to his
  feet. Oh, finally we can get off the floor. He holds his
  hand out to me.
  “Let me fix you something to eat,” he says.
  “Can’t I just go to bed?” I mutter wearily as I place my
  hand in his.
  He pulls me up. I am stiff. He gazes down at me, his
  expression soft.
  “No, you need to eat. Come.” Bossy Christian is back,
  and it’s a relief.
  He leads me to the kitchen area and ushers me toward
  a bar stool as he heads to the fridge. I glance at my watch.
  Jeez, nearly eleven thirty and I have to get up for work in
  the morning.
  “Christian, I’m really not hungry.”
  He studiously ignores me as he ferrets through the
  enormous fridge. “Cheese?” he asks.
  “Not at this hour.”
  “In the fridge? No,” I snap.
  He turns and grins at me. “You don’t like pretzels?”
  “Not at eleven thirty. Christian, I’m going to bed. You
  can rummage around in your refrigerator for the rest of the
  night if you want. I’m tired, and I’ve had far too interesting
  a day. A day I’d like to forget.” I slide off the stool and he
  scowls at me, but right now I don’t care. I want to go to
  bed—I’m exhausted.
  “Macaroni and cheese?” He holds up a white bowl
  lidded with foil. He looks so hopeful and endearing.
  “You like macaroni and cheese?” I ask.
  He nods enthusiastically, and my heart melts. He looks
  so young all of a sudden. Who would have thought?
  Christian Grey likes nursery food.
  Christian Grey likes nursery food.
  “You want some?” he asks, sounding hopeful. I can’t
  resist him and I’m hungry.
  I nod and give him a weak smile. His answering grin is
  breathtaking. He takes the foil off the bowl and pops it into
  the microwave. I perch back on the stool and watch the
  beauty that is Mr. Christian Grey—the man who wants to
  marry me—move gracefully and with ease around his
  “So you know how to use the microwave then?” I
  tease softly.
  “If it’s in a packet, I can usually do something with it.
  It’s real food I have a problem with.”
  I cannot believe this is the same man who was on his
  knees in front of me not half an hour before. He’s his usual
  mercurial self. He sets out plates, cutlery, and placemats
  on the breakfast bar.
  “It’s very late,” I mutter.
  “Don’t go to work tomorrow.”
  “I have to go to work tomorrow. My boss is leaving
  “I have to go to work tomorrow. My boss is leaving
  for New York.”
  Christian frowns. “Do you want to go there this
  “I checked the weather forecast, and it looks like rain,”
  I say, shaking my head.
  “Oh, so what do you want to do?”
  The microwave’s ping announces that our supper is
  warmed through.
  “I just want to get through one day at a time at the
  moment. All this excitement is . . . tiring.” I raise an
  eyebrow at him, which he judiciously ignores.
  Christian places the white bowl in between our place
  settings and takes his seat beside me. He looks deep in
  thought, distracted. I dish the macaroni onto our plates. It
  smells divine, and my mouth waters in anticipation. I am
  “Sorry about Leila,” he murmurs.
  “Why are you sorry?” Mmm, the macaroni tastes as
  good as it smells. My stomach grumbles gratefully.
  “It must have been a terrible shock for you, finding her
  in your apartment. Taylor swept it earlier himself. He’s
  very upset.”
  “I don’t blame Taylor.”
  “Neither do I. He’s been out looking for you.”
  “Really? Why?”
  “I didn’t know where you were. You left your purse,
  your phone. I couldn’t even track you. Where did you
  go?” he asks. His voice is soft, but there’s an ominous
  undercurrent to his words.
  “Ethan and I just went to a bar across the street. So I
  could watch what was happening.”
  “I see.” The atmosphere between us has changed
  subtly. It’s no longer light.
  Okay, well . . . two can play that game. Let’s just
  bring this back to you, Fifty. Trying to sound nonchalant,
  wanting to assuage my burning curiosity but dreading the
  answer, I ask, “So what did you do with Leila in the
  I glance up at him, and he freezes with his forkful of
  I glance up at him, and he freezes with his forkful of
  macaroni suspended in midair. Oh no, that’s not good.
  “You really want to know?”
  A knot tightens in my gut and my appetite vanishes.
  “Yes,” I whisper. Do you? Do you really? My
  subconscious has thrown her empty bottle of gin on the
  floor and is sitting up in her armchair, glaring at me in
  Christian’s mouth flattens into a line, and he hesitates.
  “We talked, and I gave her a bath.” His voice is hoarse,
  and he continues quickly when I make no response. “And
  I dressed her in some of your clothes. I hope you don’t
  mind. But she was filthy.”
  Holy fuck. He bathed her?
  What an inappropriate thing to do. I’m reeling, staring
  down at my uneaten macaroni. The sight of it now makes
  me nauseous.
  Try to rationalize this, my subconscious coaches. That
  cool, intellectual part of my brain knows that he just did
  that because she was dirty, but it’s too hard. My fragile
  that because she was dirty, but it’s too hard. My fragile
  jealous self can’t bear it.
  Suddenly I want to cry—not succumb to ladylike tears
  that trickle decorously down my cheeks, but howling at the
  moon crying. I take a deep breath to suppress the urge,
  but my throat is arid and uncomfortable from my unshed
  tears and sobs.
  “It was all I could do, Ana,” he says softly.
  “You still have feelings for her?”
  “No!” he says, appalled, and closes his eyes, his
  expression one of anguish. I turn away, staring once more
  at my nauseating food. I can’t bear to look at him.
  “To see her like that—so different, so broken. I care
  about her, one human being to another.” He shrugs as if to
  shake off an unpleasant memory. Jeez, is he expecting my
  “Ana, look at me.”
  I can’t. I know that if I do, I will burst into tears. This
  is just too much to absorb. I’m like an overflowing tank of
  gasoline—full, beyond capacity. There is no room for any
  more. I simply cannot cope with any more crap. I will
  combust and explode, and it will be ugly if I try. Jeez!
  Christian caring for his ex-sub in such an intimate
  fashion—the image flashes through my brain. Bathing her,
  for fuck’s sake—naked. A harsh, painful shudder wracks
  my body.
  “Don’t. It doesn’t mean anything. It was like caring for
  a child, a broken, shattered child,” he mutters.
  What the hell would he know about caring for a child?
  This was a woman he had a very full-on, deviant sexual
  relationship with.
  Oh, this hurts. I take a deep, steadying breath. Or
  perhaps he’s referring to himself. He’s the broken child.
  That makes more sense . . . or maybe it makes no sense at
  all. Oh, this is so fucked-up, and suddenly I’m bone
  crushingly tired. I need sleep.
  I stand, take my plate to the sink, and scrape the
  I stand, take my plate to the sink, and scrape the
  contents into the trash.
  “Ana, please.”
  I whirl around and face him. “Just stop, Christian! Just
  stop with the ‘Ana, please’!” I shout at him, and my tears
  start to trickle down my face. “I’ve had enough of all this
  shit today. I am going to bed. I am tired and emotional.
  Now let me be.”
  I turn on my heel and practically run to the bedroom,
  taking with me the memory of his wide-eyed, shocked
  stare. Nice to know I can shock him, too. I strip out of my
  clothes in double-quick time, and after rifling through his
  chest of drawers, drag on one of his T-shirts and head for
  the bathroom.
  I gaze at myself in the mirror, hardly recognizing the
  gaunt, pink-eyed, blotchy-cheeked harridan staring back
  at me, and it’s too much. I sink to the floor and surrender
  to the overwhelming emotion I can no longer contain,
  sobbing huge chest-wrenching sobs, finally letting my tears
  flow unrestrained.
  flow unrestrained.
  “Hey,” Christian’s says gently as he pulls me into his arms,
  “please don’t cry, Ana, please,” he begs. He’s on the
  bathroom floor, and I am in his lap. I put my arms around
  him and weep into his neck. Cooing softly into my hair, he
  gently strokes my back, my head.
  “I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers, and that makes me cry
  harder and hug him tighter.
  We sit like this forever. Eventually, when I’m all cried
  out, Christian staggers to his feet, holding me, and carries
  me into his room where he lays me down in the bed. In a
  few moments, he’s beside me and the lights are off. He
  pulls me into his arms, hugging me tightly, and I finally drift
  off into a dark and troubled sleep.
  I awake with a jolt. My head is fuzzy and I’m too
  warm. Christian is wrapped around me like a vine. He
  grumbles in his sleep as I slip out of his arms, but he
  doesn’t wake. Sitting up I glance at the alarm clock. It’s
  three in the morning. I need an Advil and a drink. I swing
  three in the morning. I need an Advil and a drink. I swing
  my legs out of bed and make my way to the kitchen in the
  great room.
  In the fridge, I find a carton of orange juice and pour
  myself a glass. Hmm . . . it’s delicious, and my fuzzy head
  eases immediately. I hunt through the cupboards looking
  for some painkillers and eventually come across a plastic
  box full of meds. I sink two Advil and pour myself another
  orange juice.
  Wandering to the great wall of glass, I look out on a
  sleeping Seattle. The lights twinkle and wink beneath
  Christian’s castle in the sky, or should I say fortress? I
  press my forehead against the cool window—it’s a relief. I
  have so much to think about after all the revelations of
  yesterday. I place my back against the glass and slide
  down onto the floor. The great room is cavernous in the
  dark, the only light coming from the three lamps above the
  kitchen island.
  Could I live here, married to Christian? After all that
  he’s done here? All the history this place holds for him?
  Marriage. It’s almost unbelievable and completely
  unexpected. But then everything about Christian is
  unexpected. My lips quirk up with irony. Christian Grey,
  expect the unexpected—Fifty Shades of Fucked-Up.
  My smile fades. I look like his mother. This wounds
  me, deeply, and the air leaves my lungs in a rush. We all
  look like his mom.
  How the hell do I move on from the disclosure of that
  little secret? No wonder he didn’t want to tell me. But
  surely he can’t remember much of his mother. I wonder
  surely he can’t remember much of his mother. I wonder
  once more, if I should talk to Dr. Flynn. Would Christian
  let me? Perhaps he could fill in the gaps.
  I shake my head. I feel world weary, but I’m enjoying
  the calm serenity of the great room and its beautiful works
  of art—cold and austere, but in their own way, still
  beautiful in the shadows and surely worth a fortune. Could

  I live here? For better, for worse? In sickness and in
  health? I close my eyes, lean my head back against the
  glass, and take a deep, cleansing breath.
  The peaceful tranquility is shattered by a visceral,
  primeval cry that makes every single hair on my body
  stand to attention. Christian! Holy fuck—what’s
  happened? I am on my feet, running back to the bedroom
  before the echoes of that horrible sound have died away,
  my heart thumping with fear.
  I flip one of the light switches, and Christian’s bedside
  light comes to life. He’s tossing and turning, writhing in
  agony. No! He cries out again, and the eerie, devastating
  sound lances through me anew.
  Shit—a nightmare!
  “Christian!” I lean over him, grab his shoulders, and
  shake him awake. He opens his eyes, and they are wild
  and vacant, scanning quickly round the empty room before
  coming back to rest on me.
  “You left, you left, you must have left,” he mumbles—
  his wide-eyed stare becoming accusatory—and he looks
  so lost, it wrenches at my heart. Poor Fifty.
  “I’m here.” I sit down on the bed beside him. “I’m
  here,” I murmur softly in an effort to reassure him. I reach
  here,” I murmur softly in an effort to reassure him. I reach
  out to place my palm on the side of his face, trying to
  soothe him.
  “You were gone,” he whispers rapidly. His eyes are
  still wild and frightened, but he seems to be calming.
  “I went to get a drink. I was thirsty.”
  He closes his eyes and rubs his face. When he opens
  them again, he looks so desolate.
  “You’re here. Oh, thank God.” He reaches for me,
  and grabbing me tightly, he pulls me down on the bed
  beside him.
  “I just went for a drink,” I murmur.
  Oh, the intensity of his fear . . . I can feel it. His Tshirt
  is drenched in sweat, and his heartbeat is pounding as
  he hugs me close. He’s gazing at me as if reassuring
  himself that I am really here. I gently stroke his hair and
  then his cheek.
  “Christian, please. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere,”
  I say soothingly.
  “Oh, Ana,” he breathes. He grasps my chin to hold me
  in place, and then his mouth is on mine. Desire sweeps
  through him, and unbidden my body responds—it’s so tied
  and attuned to him. His lips are at my ear, my throat, then
  back at my mouth, his teeth gently pulling at my lower lip,
  his hand traveling up my body from my hip to my breast,
  dragging my T-shirt up. Caressing me, feeling his way
  through the dips and shallows of my skin, he elicits the
  same familiar reaction, his touch sending shivers through
  me. I moan as his hand cups my breast and his fingers
  tighten over my nipple.
  tighten over my nipple.
  “I want you,” he murmurs.
  “I’m here for you. Only you, Christian.”
  He groans and kisses me once more, passionately,
  with a fervor and desperation I’ve not felt from him before.
  Grabbing the hem of his T-shirt, I tug and he helps me pull
  it off over his head. Kneeling between my legs, he hastily
  pulls me upright and drags my T-shirt off.
  His eyes are serious, wanting, full of dark secrets—
  exposed. He folds his hands around my face and kisses
  me, and we sink down into the bed once more, his thigh
  between both of mine so that he’s half-lying on top of me.
  His erection is rigid against my hip through his boxer briefs.
  He wants me, but his words from earlier choose this
  moment to come back and haunt me, what he said about
  his mother. And it’s like a bucket of cold water on my
  libido. Fuck. I can’t do this. Not now.
  “Christian . . . Stop. I can’t do this,” I whisper urgently
  against his mouth, my hands pushing on his upper arms.
  “What? What’s wrong?” he murmurs and starts kissing
  my neck, running the tip of his tongue lightly down my
  throat. Oh . . .
  “No, please. I can’t do this, not now. I need some
  time, please.”
  “Oh, Ana, don’t overthink this,” he whispers as he nips
  my earlobe.
  “Ah!” I gasp, feeling it in my groin, and my body bows,
  betraying me. This is so confusing.
  “I am just the same, Ana. I love you and I need you.
  Touch me. Please.” He rubs his nose against mine, and his
  Touch me. Please.” He rubs his nose against mine, and his
  quiet heartfelt plea moves me and I melt.
  Touch him. Touch him while we make love. Oh my.
  He rears up over me, gazing down, and in the half-light
  from the dimmed bedside light, I can tell that he’s waiting,
  waiting for my decision, and he’s caught in my spell.
  I reach up and tentatively place my hand on the soft
  patch of hair over his sternum. He gasps and scrunches his
  eyes closed as if in pain, but I don’t take my hand away
  this time. I move it up to his shoulders, feeling the tremor
  run through him. He groans, and I pull him down to me
  and place both my hands on his back, where I’ve never
  touched him before, on his shoulder blades, holding him to
  me. His strangled moan arouses me like nothing else.
  He buries his head in my neck, kissing and sucking and
  biting me, before trailing his nose up my chin and kissing
  me, his tongue possessing my mouth, his hands moving
  over my body once more. His lips move down . . .
  down . . . down to my breasts, worshipping as they go,
  and my hands stay on his shoulders and his back, enjoying
  the flex and ripple of his finely honed muscles, his skin still
  damp from his nightmare. His lips close over my nipple,
  pulling and tugging, so that it rises to greet his glorious
  skilled mouth.
  I groan and run my fingernails across his back. And he
  gasps, a strangled moan.
  “Oh, fuck, Ana,” he chokes, and it’s half cry, half
  groan. It tears at my heart, but also deep inside me,
  tightening all the muscles below my waist. Oh, what I can
  do to him! My inner goddess is writhing with want and I’m
  do to him! My inner goddess is writhing with want and I’m
  panting now, matching his tortured breaths with my own.
  His hand travels south, over my belly, down to my sex
  —and his fingers are on me, then in me. I groan as he
  moves his fingers around inside me, in that way, and I push
  my pelvis up to welcome his touch.
  “Ana,” he breathes. He suddenly releases me and sits
  up; he removes his boxer briefs and leans over to the
  bedside table to grab a foil packet. His eyes are a blazing
  gray as he passes me the condom. “You want to do this?
  You can still say no. You can always say no,” he murmurs.
  “Don’t give me a chance to think, Christian. I want
  you, too.” I rip the packet open with my teeth as he kneels
  between my legs, and with trembling fingers I slide it on to
  “Steady,” he says. “You are going to unman me, Ana.”
  I marvel at what I can do to this man with my touch.
  He stretches out over me, and for now my doubts are
  pushed down and locked away in the dark, scary depths
  at the back of my mind. I’m intoxicated with this man, my
  man, my Fifty Shades. He shifts suddenly, completely
  taking me by surprise, so I am on top. Whoa.
  “You—take me,” he murmurs, his eyes glowing with a
  feral intensity.
  Oh my, and slowly, oh-so-slowly, I sink down on to
  him. He tilts his head back and closes his eyes as he
  groans. I grab his hands and start to move, reveling in the
  fullness of my possession, reveling in his reaction, watching
  him unravel beneath me. I feel like a goddess. I lean down
  and kiss his chin, running my teeth along his stubbled jaw.
  He tastes delicious. He clasps my hips and steadies my
  rhythm, slow and easy.
  “Ana, touch me . . . please.”
  Oh. I lean forward and steady myself with my hands
  on his chest. And he calls out, his cry almost a sob, and he
  thrusts deep inside me.
  “Ahh,” I whimper and run my fingernails gently over his
  chest, through the hair there, and he groans loudly and
  twists abruptly so I am once more beneath him.
  “Enough.” He moans. “No more, please.” And it’s a
  heartfelt plea.
  Reaching up, I clasp his face in my hands, feeling the
  dampness on his cheeks, and pull him down to my lips so
  that I can kiss him. I curl my hands around his back.
  He groans deep and low in his throat as he moves
  inside me, pushing me onward and upward, but I can’t find
  my release. My head is too cloudy, cloudy with issues. I
  am too wrapped up in him.
  “Let go, Ana,” he urges me.
  “Yes,” he snarls. He shifts slightly and gyrates his hips,
  again and again.
  Jeez . . . argh!
  “Come on baby, I need this. Give it to me.”
  And I explode, my body a slave to his, and wrap
  myself around him, clinging to him like a vine as he cries
  out my name, and climaxes with me, then collapses, his full
  weight pressing me into the mattress.
  I cradle Christian in my arms, his head on my chest, as we
  lie in the afterglow of our lovemaking. I run my fingers
  through his hair as I listen to his breathing return to normal.
  “Don’t ever leave me,” he whispers, and I roll my eyes
  in the full knowledge that he can’t see me.
  “I know you’re rolling your eyes at me,” he murmurs,
  and I hear the trace of humor in his voice.
  “You know me well,” I murmur.
  “I’d like to know you better.”
  “Back at you, Grey. What was your nightmare about?”
  “The usual.”
  “Tell me.”
  He swallows and tenses before he sighs, a long drawnout
  sigh. “I must be about three, and the crack whore’s
  pimp is mad as hell again. He smokes and smokes, one
  cigarette after another, and he can’t find an ashtray.” He
  stops, and I freeze as a creeping chill grips my heart.
  “It hurt,” he says, “It’s the pain I remember. That’s
  what gives me nightmares. That and the fact that she did
  nothing to stop him.”
  Oh no. This is unbearable. I tighten my grip around
  him, my legs and arms holding him to me, and I try not to
  let my despair choke me. How could anyone treat a child
  like that? He raises his head and pins me with his intense
  gray gaze.
  “You’re not like her. Don’t ever think that. Please.”
  I blink back at him. It’s very reassuring to hear. He
  I blink back at him. It’s very reassuring to hear. He
  puts his head on my chest again, and I think he’s finished,
  but he surprises me by continuing.
  “Sometimes in the dreams she’s just lying on the floor.
  And I think she’s asleep. But she doesn’t move. She never
  moves. And I’m hungry. Really hungry.”
  Oh fuck.
  “There’s a loud noise and he’s back, and he hits me so
  hard, cursing the crack whore. His first reaction was
  always to use his fists or his belt.”
  “Is that why you don’t like to be touched?”
  He closes his eyes and hugs me tighter. “That’s
  complicated,” he murmurs. He nuzzles me between my
  breasts, inhaling deeply, trying to distract me.
  “Tell me,” I prompt.
  He sighs. “She didn’t love me. I didn’t love me. The
  only touch I knew was . . . harsh. It stemmed from there.
  Flynn explains it better than I can.”
  “Can I see Flynn?”
  He raises his head to look at me. “Fifty Shades rubbing
  off on you?”
  “And then some. I like how it’s rubbing off at the
  moment.” I wriggle provocatively underneath him and he
  “Yes, Miss Steele, I like that, too.” He leans up and
  kisses me. He gazes at me for a moment.
  “You are so precious to me, Ana. I was serious about
  marrying you. We can get to know each other then. I can
  look after you. You can look after me. We can have kids
  if you want. I will lay my world at your feet, Anastasia. I
  if you want. I will lay my world at your feet, Anastasia. I
  want you, body and soul, forever. Please think about it.”
  “I will think about it, Christian. I will,” I reassure him,
  reeling once more. Kids? Jeez. “I’d really like to talk to
  Dr. Flynn, though, if you don’t mind.”
  “Anything for you, baby. Anything. When would you
  like to see him?”
  “Sooner rather than later.”
  “Okay. I’ll make the arrangements in the morning.” He
  glances at the clock. “It’s late. We should sleep.” He shifts
  to switch off his bedside light and pulls me against him.
  I glance at the alarm clock. Crap, it’s three forty-five.
  He curls his arms around me, his front to my back, and
  nuzzles my neck. “I love you, Ana Steele, and I want you
  by my side, always,” he murmurs as he kisses my neck.
  “Now go to sleep.”
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:从港口往市区方向走500米就到了宫岛市政府,其位于山脚下。该市政府是一座豪华的四层的钢筋水泥建筑,只有观光科是单独租用了宫岛港大厦的二楼作为办公地点。所有的外地游客都要通过这里才能进入宫岛,所以在这里办公是非常便捷的。当迁谷友里子走进观光科时,那里的职员们正心神不宁地担心着窗外的天气。“照这样下去,天气恐怕会大变。”野崎科长担心地说着,转过身来,看到友里子后挥挥手,“呀,你好。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:倘若从外表来看我的生活,我似乎并不特别幸福。然而我尽管犯过许多错误,却也谈不上特别不幸。说到底,追究何谓幸福,何谓不幸,实在是愚蠢透顶,因为我常常感到,我对自己生活中不幸日子的眷恋远远超过了那些快活的日子。也许一个人命中注定必须自觉地接受不可避免的事,必须备尝甜酸苦辣,必须克服潜藏于外在之内的内在的、真正的、非偶然性的命运,这么说来我的生活实在是既不穷也不坏。 [点击阅读]
章节:64 人气:0
摘要:1只需一眼,就能看到从新干线转乘在来线的换乘口。沿着楼梯上到月台,只见电车已经进站,车门也已经打开。车里传出了嘈杂声。柄崎恭平不由得皱起眉头,从最近的车门上了车。盂兰盆节已经结束,父母也说过应该不会太挤,可电车里却几乎是座无虚席。车里那一排排四人合坐的包厢座位上,几乎全都坐了三个以上的人。恭平在车厢过道里走过,想要找一处只有一两个人坐的座位。合坐在座位上的,大部分都是一家人。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:坐在桌子后面的那个人把一个厚厚的玻璃压纸器向右移动了一点,他的脸与其说显得沉思或心不在焉,倒不如说是无表情的。由于一天的大部分时间都生活在人工光线下,他的面色苍白。你可以看出,这是一个习惯室内生活的人,一个经常坐办公室的人。要到他的办公室,必须经过一条长而弯弯曲曲的地下走廊。这种安排虽然颇有点不可思议,却与他的身份相适应。很难猜出他有多大年纪。他看起来既不老,也不年轻。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:最后的课程——《相约星期二》中文版序余秋雨一我们人类的很多行为方式是不可思议的,有时偶然想起,总会暗暗吃惊。譬如,其中一件怪事,就是人人都在苦恼人生,但谁也不愿意多谈人生。稍稍多谈几句的,一是高中毕业生,动笔会写“生活的风帆啊”之类的句子;二是街头老大娘,开口会发“人这一辈子啊”之类的感叹。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我决定侦察悬崖上的城堡,救出被囚禁的德国同胞。我们要带的东西分量不轻,至少要带足三到四天的用品,包括干粮、马饲料、灯泡和长火炬。我们还给三个大油箱加足了燃油。所有这些用品,都是梅尔顿在同庄园主的买卖成交之前,向乌里斯商人订购的。事先,他还与尤马部落进行过谈判,把所有急需的东西交给他们运输。海格立斯对我说过,城堡周围的尤马部落有三百来人,四百多匹马。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:客栈的女人叮嘱江口老人说:请不要恶作剧,也不要把手指伸进昏睡的姑娘嘴里。看起来,这里称不上是一家旅馆。二楼大概只有两间客房,一间是江口和女人正在说话的八铺席宽的房间,以及贴邻的一间。狭窄的楼下,似乎没有客厅。这里没有挂出客栈的招牌。再说,这家的秘密恐怕也打不出这种招牌来吧。房子里静悄悄的。此刻,除了这个在上了锁的门前迎接江口老人之后还在说话的女人以外,别无其他人。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:前言:物欲世界的异化困惑与追求历来体现在青年人身上.以村上春树为主要代表的一批文学新锐,从城市生活这个独特视角,探讨当代青年心灵奥秘的"都市文学",便是这种困惑与追求的产物。村上春树是"都市文学"的中流砥柱.他的《寻羊冒险记》(1982)中的人物,一律无名无姓,个个慵懒、孤独、彷徨,缺乏自己的内心世界.他们在商品的汪洋大海中,物化为喧嚣尘世的附属品, [点击阅读]
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摘要:剧本作者:松本清张改编:桥本忍、山田洋次翻译:叶渭渠人物表今西荣太郎新闻记者松崎吉村弘俱乐部女招待和贺英良三森警察局局长本浦秀夫三木的旧同事本浦千代吉桐原小十郎高水理惠子检验处技师田所佐知子伊势扇屋老板田所重喜伊势扇屋女佣三木谦一光座经理三木彰吉山下妙侦察处长世田谷的外科医生侦察科长世田谷的巡警西浦田警察局便衣冷饮店老板警察若叶庄女管理员岩城警察局局长警察朝日屋老板农妇酒吧女招待其他 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《神秘岛》是凡尔纳著名三部曲(《格兰特船长的儿女》、《海底两万里》和《神秘岛》)的最后一部。在这部中,他把前两部情节的线索都连结了起来。神秘岛》中,船长是一位神秘人物,一直在暗中帮助大家。后来由于神秘岛的火山活动,岩浆堵住了岩洞口,使潜艇无法离开。船长帮助大家逃离后,自己说什么也要坚持与陪伴了自己一生的潜艇和伙伴在一起。最终当然是永远地留在海底了尼摩船长本是印度的达卡王子。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“爸爸,我累了。”穿着红裤子,绿罩衫的小女孩烦躁地说,“我们还不能停下来吗?”“还不能,亲爱的。”说话的是一个高大、宽肩的男人。他穿着一件破旧。磨损了的灯芯绒夹克衫和一条普通的棕色斜纹裤,他拉着小女孩的手,飞快地走在纽约第三大街上。回头望去,那辆绿色轿车仍在跟着他们,紧靠人行道慢慢地向前爬行。“求求你,爸爸。求求你了。”他低头看看小女孩。她的脸色苍白,眼睛下面出现了黑晕。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:新年前夜。罗伊斯顿招待会上的大人们都聚集在大厅里。萨特思韦特先生很高兴,年轻人都去睡觉了。他不喜欢成群结队的年轻人。他认为他们乏味,不成熟,直白。随着岁月的流逝,他变得越来越喜欢微妙的东西。萨特思韦特先生六十二岁了——是个稍有点驼背的干瘪老头。一张奇怪的孩子似的脸,总是一副盯着人的样子。他对别人的生活有着过分强烈的兴趣。 [点击阅读]