五十度灰英文版 - Part II 8
  “You’re going to unman me, Ana,” he whispers
  suddenly, breaking away from me and kneeling up. He
  briskly pulls down his jeans and hands me a foil packet.
  “You want me, baby, and I sure as hell want you. You
  “You want me, baby, and I sure as hell want you. You
  know what to do.”
  With anxious, dexterous fingers, I rip open the foil and
  unroll the condom over him. He grins down at me, his
  mouth open, eyes misty gray and full of carnal promise.
  Leaning over me, he rubs his nose against mine, his eyes
  closed, and deliciously, slowly, he enters me.
  I grasp his arms and tilt my chin up, reveling in the
  exquisitely full feeling of his possession. He runs his teeth
  along my chin, eases back, and then slides into me again—
  so slow, so sweet, so tender—his body pressing down on
  me, his elbows and his hands on either side of my face.
  “You make me forget everything. You are the best
  therapy,” he breathes, moving at an achingly leisurely pace,
  savoring every inch of me.
  “Please, Christian—faster,” I murmur, wanting more,
  “Oh no, baby. I need this slow.” He kisses me sweetly,
  gently biting my lower lip and absorbing my soft moans.
  I move my hands into his hair and surrender myself to
  I move my hands into his hair and surrender myself to
  his rhythm as slowly and surely my body climbs higher and
  higher and plateaus, then falls hard and fast as I come
  around him.
  “Oh, Ana,” he breathes as he lets go, my name a
  benediction on his lips as he finds his release.
  His head rests on my belly, his arms wrapped around me.
  My fingers forage in his unruly hair, and we lie like this for
  I don’t know how long. It’s so late and I am so tired, but I
  just want to enjoy the quiet serene after-glow of making
  love with Christian Grey, because that’s what we’ve done,
  gentle, sweet lovemaking.
  He’s come a long way, as have I, in such a short time.
  It’s almost too much to absorb. With all the fucked-up
  stuff, I am losing sight of his simple, honest journey with
  “I will never get enough of you. Don’t leave me,” he
  murmurs and kisses my belly.
  murmurs and kisses my belly.
  “I’m not going anywhere, Christian, and I seem to
  remember that I wanted to kiss your belly,” I grumble
  He grins against my skin. “Nothing stopping you now
  “I don’t think I can move I’m so tired.”
  Christian sighs and shifts reluctantly, coming to lie
  beside me with his head on his elbow and dragging the
  covers over us. He gazes down at me, his eyes glowing,
  warm, loving.
  “Sleep now, baby.” He kisses my hair and wraps his
  arm around me and I drift.
  When I open my eyes, light is filling the room, making me
  blink. My head is fuzzy from lack of sleep. Where am I?
  Oh—the hotel . . .
  “Hi,” Christian murmurs, smiling fondly at me. He’s
  lying beside me, fully dressed, on top of the bed. How
  long has he been here? Has he been studying me?
  Suddenly, I feel incredibly shy as my face heats under his
  steady gaze.
  “Hi,” I murmur, grateful that I am lying on my front.
  “How long have you been watching me?”
  “I could watch you sleep for hours, Anastasia. But I’ve
  only been here about five minutes.” He leans over and
  kisses me gently. “Dr. Greene will be here shortly.”
  “Oh.” I’d forgotten about Christian’s inappropriate
  “Did you sleep well?” he inquires mildly. “Certainly
  seemed like it to me, with all that snoring.”
  Oh, playful teasing Fifty.
  “I do not snore!” I pout petulantly.
  “No. You don’t.” He grins at me. The faint line of red
  lipstick is still visible around his neck.
  “Did you shower?”
  “No. Waiting for you.”
  “Oh . . . okay.”
  “What time is it?”
  “What time is it?”
  “Ten fifteen. I didn’t have the heart to wake you
  “You told me you didn’t have a heart at all.”
  He smiles, sadly but doesn’t answer. “Breakfast is here
  —pancakes and bacon for you. Come, get up, I’m getting
  lonely out here.” He swats me sharply on my behind,
  making me jump, and rises from the bed.
  Hmm . . . Christian’s version of warm affection.
  As I stretch, I’m aware I ache all over . . . no doubt a
  result of all the sex, dancing, and teetering in expensive
  high-heeled shoes. I stagger out of bed and make my way
  into the sumptuously appointed bathroom while going over
  the events of the previous day in my mind. When I come
  out, I don one of the over-fluffy bathrobes that hang on a
  brass peg in the bathroom.
  Leila—the girl who looks like me—that’s the most
  startling image my brain conjures for conjecture, that and
  her eerie presence in Christian’s bedroom. What did she
  want? Me? Christian? To do what? And why the fuck has
  want? Me? Christian? To do what? And why the fuck has
  she wrecked my car?
  Christian said I would have another Audi, like all his
  submissives. The thought is unwelcome. Since I was so
  generous with the money he gave me, there’s not a lot I
  can do.
  I wander into the main room of the suite—no sign of
  Christian. I finally locate him in the dining room. I take a
  seat, grateful for the impressive breakfast laid before me.
  Christian is reading the Sunday papers and drinking coffee,
  his breakfast finished. He smiles at me.
  “Eat up. You’re going to need your strength today,” he
  “And why is that? You going to lock me in the
  bedroom?” My inner goddess jerks awake suddenly, all
  disheveled with a just-fucked look.
  “Appealing as that idea is, I thought we’d go out
  today. Get some fresh air.”
  “Is it safe?” I ask innocently, trying and failing to keep
  the irony from my voice.
  Christian’s face falls, and his mouth presses in a line.
  “Where we’re going, it is. And it’s not a joking matter,” he
  adds sternly, narrowing his eyes.
  I flush and stare down at my breakfast. I don’t feel like
  being scolded after all the drama and such a late night. I
  eat my breakfast in silence, feeling petulant.
  My subconscious is shaking her head at me. Fifty
  doesn’t joke about my safety—I should know this by
  now. I want to roll my eyes at him, but I refrain.
  Okay, I’m tired and testy. I had a long day yesterday
  and not enough sleep. Why, oh why does he get to look as
  fresh as a daisy? Life is not fair.
  There’s a knock at the door.
  “That’ll be the good doctor,” Christian grumbles,
  obviously still smarting from my irony. He stalks from the
  Can’t we just have a calm, normal morning? I sigh
  heavily, leaving half my breakfast, and get up to greet
  Doctor Depo-Provera.
  We’re in the bedroom, and Dr. Greene is staring at me
  open-mouthed. She’s dressed more casually than last time
  in a pale pink cashmere twin set and black pants, and her
  fine blond hair is loose.
  “And you just stopped taking it? Just like that?”
  I flush, feeling beyond foolish.
  “Yes.” Could my voice be any smaller?
  “You could be pregnant,” she says matter-of-factly.
  What! The world falls away at my feet. My
  subconscious collapses on the floor retching, and I think
  I’m going to be sick, too. No!
  “Here, go pee in this.” She’s all business today—
  taking no prisoners.
  Meekly, I accept the small plastic container she’s
  offered and wander in a daze into the bathroom. No. No.
  No. No way . . . No way . . . Please no. No.
  What will Fifty do? I go pale. He’ll freak.
  No, please! I whisper a silent prayer.
  No, please! I whisper a silent prayer.
  I hand Dr. Greene my sample, and she carefully places
  a small white stick in it.
  “When did your period start?”
  How am I supposed to think about such minutiae when
  all I can do is stare anxiously at the white stick?
  “Er . . . Wednesday? Not the one just gone, the one
  before that. June first.”
  “And when did you stop taking the pill?”
  “Sunday. Last Sunday.”
  She purses her lips.
  “You should be okay,” she says sharply. “I can tell by
  your expression that an unplanned pregnancy would not be
  welcome news. So Medroxyprogesterone is a good idea if
  you can’t remember to take the pill every day.” She gives
  me a stern look, and I quail under her authoritative glare.
  Picking up the white stick, she peers at it.
  “You’re in the clear. You’ve not ovulated yet, so
  provided you’ve been taking proper precautions, you
  shouldn’t be pregnant. Now, let me counsel you about this
  shot. We discounted it last time because of the side
  effects, but quite frankly, the side effects of a child are farreaching
  and go on for years.” She smiles, pleased with
  herself and her little joke, but I can’t begin to respond—
  I’m too stunned.
  Dr. Greene launches into full disclosure mode about
  side effects, and I sit paralyzed with relief, not listening to a
  word. I think I’d tolerate any number of strange women
  standing at the end of my bed rather than confess to
  Christian that I might be pregnant.
  “Ana!” Dr. Greene snaps. “Let’s do this thing.” She
  pulls me out of my reverie, and I willingly roll up my
  Christian closes the door behind her and gazes at me
  warily. “Everything okay?” he asks.
  I nod mutely, and he tilts his head to one side, his face
  tense with concern.
  “Anastasia, what is it? What did Dr. Greene say?”
  I shake my head. “You’re good to go in seven days,” I
  “Seven days?”
  “Ana, what’s wrong?”
  I swallow. “It’s nothing to worry about. Please,
  Christian, just leave it.”
  Christian looms in front of me. He grasps my chin,
  tipping my head back, and stares emphatically into my
  eyes, trying to decipher my panic.
  “Tell me,” he snaps insistently.
  “There’s nothing to tell. I’d like to get dressed.” I pull
  my chin out of his reach.
  He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, frowning at
  me. “Let’s shower,” he says eventually.
  “Of course,” I mutter, distracted, and his mouth twists.
  “Come,” he says sulkily, clasping my hand firmly. He
  stalks toward the bathroom as I trail behind him. I am not
  the only one in a bad mood, it seems. Firing up the
  the only one in a bad mood, it seems. Firing up the
  shower, Christian quickly strips before turning to me.
  “I don’t know what’s upset you, or if you’re just badtempered
  through lack of sleep,” he says while unfastening
  my robe. “But I want you to tell me. My imagination is
  running away with me, and I don’t like it.”
  I roll my eyes at him, and he glares back at me,
  narrowing his eyes. Shit! Okay . . . here goes.
  “Dr. Greene scolded me about missing the pill. She
  said I could be pregnant.”
  “What?” He pales, and his hands freeze as he gazes at
  me, suddenly ashen.
  “But I’m not. She did a test. It was a shock, that’s all.
  I can’t believe I was that stupid.”
  He visibly relaxes. “You’re sure you’re not?”
  He blows out a deep breath. “Good. Yes, I can see
  that news like that would be very upsetting.”
  I frown. . . . upsetting? “I was more worried about
  your reaction.”
  your reaction.”
  He furrows his brow at me, puzzled. “My reaction?
  Well, naturally I’m relieved . . . it would be the height of
  carelessness and bad manners to knock you up.”
  “Then maybe we should abstain,” I snap.
  He gazes at me for a moment, bewildered, as if I’m
  some kind of science experiment. “You are in a bad
  temper this morning.”
  “It was just a shock, that’s all,” I repeat petulantly.
  Clasping the lapels of my robe, he pulls me into a
  warm embrace, kisses my hair, and presses my head
  against his chest. I’m distracted by his chest hair as it
  tickles my cheek. Oh, if I could just nuzzle him!
  “Ana, I’m not used to this,” he murmurs. “My natural
  inclination is to beat it out of you, but I seriously doubt you
  want that.”

  Holy shit. “No, I don’t. This helps.” I hug Christian
  tighter, and we stand for an age in a strange embrace,
  Christian naked and me wrapped in a robe. I am once
  again floored by his honesty. He knows nothing about
  relationships, and neither do I, except what I’ve learned
  from him. Well, he’s asked for faith and patience; maybe I
  should do the same.
  “Come, let’s shower,” Christian says eventually,
  releasing me.
  Stepping back, he peels me out of my robe, and I
  follow him into the cascading water, holding my face up to
  the torrent. There’s room for both of us under the
  gargantuan showerhead. Christian reaches for the
  shampoo and starts washing his hair. He hands it to me
  and I follow suit.
  Oh, this feels good. Closing my eyes, I succumb to
  the cleansing, warming water. As I rinse off the shampoo, I
  feel his hands on me, soaping my body: my shoulders, my
  arms, under my arms, my breasts, my back. Gently he
  turns me around and pulls me against him as he continues
  down my body: my stomach, my belly, his skilled fingers
  between my legs—hmm—my behind. Oh, that feels good
  and so intimate. He turns me around to face him again.
  “Here,” he says quietly, handing me the body wash. “I
  “Here,” he says quietly, handing me the body wash. “I
  want you to wash off the remains of the lipstick.”
  My eyes open in a flurry and dart quickly to his. He’s
  staring at me intently, soaking wet and beautiful, his
  glorious, bright gray eyes giving nothing away.
  “Don’t stray far from the line, please,” he mutters
  “Okay,” I murmur, trying to absorb the enormity of
  what he’s just asked me to do—to touch him on the edge
  of the forbidden zone.
  I squeeze a small amount of soap on my hand, rub my
  hands together to create a lather, then place them on his
  shoulders and gently wash away the line of lipstick on each
  side. He stills and closes his eyes, his face impassive, but
  he’s breathing rapidly, and I know it’s not lust but fear. It
  cuts me to the quick.
  With trembling fingers, I carefully follow the line down
  the side of his chest, soaping and rubbing softly, and he
  swallows, his jaw tense as if his teeth are clenched. Oh!
  My heart constricts and my throat tightens. Oh no, I’m
  My heart constricts and my throat tightens. Oh no, I’m
  going to cry.
  I stop to add more soap to my hand and feel him relax
  in front of me. I can’t look up at him. I can’t bear to see
  his pain—it’s too much. I swallow.
  “Ready?” I murmur and the tension is loud and clear in
  my voice.
  “Yes,” he whispers, his voice husky, laced with fear.
  Gently, I place my hands on either side of his chest,
  and he freezes again.
  It’s too much. I am overwhelmed by his trust in me—
  overwhelmed by his fear, by the damage done to this
  beautiful, fallen, flawed man.
  Tears pool in my eyes and spill down my face, lost in
  the water from the shower. Oh, Christian! Who did this
  to you?
  His diaphragm moves rapidly with each shallow breath,
  his body is rigid, tension radiating off him in waves as my
  hands move along the line, erasing it. Oh, if I could just
  erase your pain, I would—I’d do anything—and I want
  nothing more than to kiss every single scar I see, to kiss
  away those hideous years of neglect. But I know I can’t,
  and my tears fall unbidden down my cheeks.
  “No. Please, don’t cry,” he murmurs, his voice
  anguished as he wraps me tightly in his arms. “Please don’t
  cry for me.” And I burst into full-blown sobs, burying my
  face against his neck, as I think of a little boy lost in a sea
  of fear and pain, frightened, neglected, abused—hurt
  beyond all endurance.
  Pulling away, he clasps my head with both hands, tilts it
  backward, and leans down to kiss me.
  “Don’t cry, Ana, please,” he murmurs against my
  mouth. “It was long ago. I am aching for you to touch me,
  but I just can’t bear it. It’s too much. Please, please don’t
  “I want to touch you, too. More than you’ll ever know.
  To see you like this . . . so hurt and afraid, Christian . . . it
  wounds me deeply. I love you so much.”
  He runs his thumb across my bottom lip. “I know. I
  know,” he whispers.
  know,” he whispers.
  “You’re very easy to love. Don’t you see that?”
  “No, baby, I don’t.”
  “You are. And I do and so does your family. So do
  Elena and Leila—they have a strange way of showing it—
  but they do. You are worthy.”
  “Stop.” He puts his finger over my lips and shakes his
  head, an agonized expression on his face. “I can’t hear
  this. I’m nothing, Anastasia. I’m a husk of a man. I don’t
  have a heart.”
  “Yes, you do. And I want it, all of it. You’re a good
  man, Christian, a really good man. Don’t ever doubt that.
  Look at what you’ve done . . . what you’ve achieved,” I
  sob. “Look what you’ve done for me . . . what you’ve
  turned your back on, for me,” I whisper. “I know. I know
  how you feel about me.”
  He gazes down at me, his eyes wide and panicked,
  and all we can hear is the steady stream of water as it
  flows over us in the shower.
  “You love me,” I whisper.
  “You love me,” I whisper.
  His eyes widen further and his mouth opens. He takes
  a huge breath as if winded. He looks tortured—vulnerable.
  “Yes,” he whispers. “I do.”
  I cannot contain my jubilation. My subconscious gapes at
  me open-mouthed—in stunned silence—and I wear a
  face-splitting grin as I gaze longingly up into Christian’s
  wide, tortured eyes.
  His soft sweet confession calls to me on some deep
  elemental level as if he’s seeking absolution; his three small
  words are my manna from heaven. Tears prick my eyes
  once more. Yes, you do. I know you do.
  It’s such a liberating realization as if a crushing
  millstone has been tossed aside. This beautiful, fucked-up
  millstone has been tossed aside. This beautiful, fucked-up
  man, whom I once thought of as my romantic hero—
  strong, solitary, mysterious—possesses all these traits, but
  he’s also fragile and alienated and full of self-loathing. My
  heart swells with joy but also pain for his suffering. And I
  know in this moment that my heart is big enough for both
  of us. I hope it’s big enough for both of us.
  I reach up to clasp his dear, dear, handsome face and
  kiss him gently, pouring all the love I feel into this one
  sweet connection. I want to devour him beneath the hot
  cascading water. Christian groans and encircles me in his
  arms, holding me as if I am the air he needs to breathe.
  “Oh, Ana,” he whispers hoarsely, “I want you, but not
  “Yes,” I murmur fervently into his mouth.
  He switches off the shower and takes my hand, leading
  me out and enfolding me in my bathrobe. Grabbing a
  towel, he wraps it around his waist, then takes a smaller
  one and begins to gently dry my hair. When he’s satisfied,
  he swathes the towel around my head so that in the large
  he swathes the towel around my head so that in the large
  mirror over the sink I look like I’m wearing a veil. He’s
  standing behind me and our eyes meet in the mirror,
  smoldering gray to bright blue, and it gives me an idea.
  “Can I reciprocate?” I ask.
  He nods, though his brow creases. I reach for another
  towel from the plethora of fluffy towels stacked beside the
  vanity, and standing before him on tiptoe, I start to dry his
  hair. He bends forward, making the process easier, and as
  I catch the occasional glimpse of his face beneath the
  towel, I see he’s grinning at me like a small boy.
  “It’s a long time since anyone did this to me. A very
  long time,” he murmurs, but then frowns. “In fact I don’t
  think anyone’s ever dried my hair.”
  “Surely Grace did? Dried your hair when you were
  He shakes his head, hampering my progress.
  “No. She respected my boundaries from day one,
  even though it was painful for her. I was very self-sufficient
  as a child,” he says quietly.
  I feel a swift kick in the ribs as I think of a small
  copper-haired child looking after himself because no one
  else cares. The thought is sickeningly sad. But I don’t want
  my melancholy to hijack this blossoming intimacy.
  “Well, I’m honored,” I gently tease him.
  “That you are, Miss Steele. Or maybe it is I who am
  “That goes without saying, Mr. Grey,” I respond
  I finish with his hair, reach for another small towel, and
  move round to stand behind him. Our eyes meet again in
  the mirror, and his watchful, questioning look prompts me
  to speak.
  “Can I try something?”
  After a moment, he nods. Warily, and very gently, I
  run the soft cloth down his left arm, soaking up the water
  that has beaded on his skin. Glancing up, I check his
  expression in the mirror. He blinks at me, his eyes burning
  into mine.
  I lean forward and kiss his bicep, and his lips part
  I lean forward and kiss his bicep, and his lips part
  infinitesimally. I dry his other arm in a similar fashion,
  trailing kisses around his bicep, and a small smile plays on
  his lips. Carefully, I wipe his back beneath the faint lipstick
  line, which is still visible. I hadn’t gotten round to washing
  his back.
  “Whole back,” he says quietly, “with the towel.” He
  takes a sharp breath and screws his eyes closed as I
  briskly dry him, careful to touch him only with the towel.
  He has such an attractive back—broad, sculptured
  shoulders, all the small muscles clearly defined. He really
  looks after himself. The beautiful sight is marred only by his
  With difficulty, I ignore them and suppress my
  overwhelming urge to kiss each and every one. When I
  finish he exhales, and I lean forward and reward him with a
  kiss on his shoulder. Putting my arms around him, I dry his
  stomach. Our eyes meet once more in the mirror, his
  expression amused but wary, too.
  “Hold this.” I hand him a smaller face towel, and he
  “Hold this.” I hand him a smaller face towel, and he
  gives me a bemused frown. “Remember in Georgia? You
  made me touch myself using your hands,” I add.
  His face darkens, but I ignore his reaction and put my
  arms around him. Gazing at us both in the mirror—his
  beauty, his nakedness, and me with my covered hair—we
  look almost Biblical, as if from an Old Testament baroque
  I reach for his hand, which he willingly entrusts to me,
  and guide it up to his chest to dry it, sweeping the towel
  slowly, awkwardly across his body. Once, twice—then
  again. He’s completely immobilized, rigid with tension,
  except for his eyes, which follow my hand clasped around
  My subconscious looks on with approval, her normally
  pursed mouth smiling, and I am the supreme puppet
  master. His anxiety ripples off his back in waves, but he
  maintains eye contact, though his eyes are darker, more
  deadly. Showing their secrets maybe.
  Is this a place I want to go? Do I want to confront his
  “I think you’re dry now,” I whisper as I drop my hand,
  gazing into the gray depths of his eyes in the mirror. His
  breathing is accelerated, lips parted.
  “I need you, Anastasia,” he whispers.
  “I need you, too.” And as I say the words, I am struck
  how true they are. I cannot imagine being without
  Christian, ever.
  “Let me love you,” he says hoarsely.
  “Yes,” I answer, and turning, he hauls me into his arms,
  his lips seeking mine, beseeching me, worshipping me,
  cherishing me . . . loving me.
  He trails his fingers up and down my spine as we gaze at
  each other, basking in our postcoital bliss, replete. We lie
  together, me on my front hugging my pillow, he on his side,
  and I am treasuring his tender touch. I know that right now
  he needs to touch me. I am a balm for him, a source of
  solace, and how could I deny him that? I feel exactly the
  same about him.
  “So you can be gentle,” I murmur.
  “Hmm . . . so it would seem, Miss Steele.”
  I grin. “You weren’t particularly the first time we . . .
  um, did this.”
  “No?” He smirks. “When, I robbed you of your

  “I don’t think you robbed me,” I mutter haughtily
  —Jeez, I’m not a helpless maiden. “I think my virtue
  was offered up pretty freely and willingly. I wanted you,
  too, and if I remember correctly, I rather enjoyed myself.”
  I smile shyly at him, biting my lip.
  “So did I if I recall, Miss Steele. We aim to please,” he
  drawls and his face softens, serious. “And it means you’re
  mine, completely.” All trace of humor has vanished as he
  gazes at me.
  “Yes, I am,” I murmur back at him. “I wanted to ask
  you something.”
  “Go ahead.”
  “Go ahead.”
  “Your biological father . . . do you know who he
  was?” This thought has been bugging me.
  His brow creases, and then he shakes his head. “I have
  no idea. Wasn’t the savage who was her pimp, which is
  “How do you know?”
  “Something my dad . . . something Carrick said to
  I gaze at my Fifty expectantly, waiting. He smirks at
  “So hungry for information, Anastasia,” he sighs,
  shaking his head. “The pimp discovered the crack whore’s
  body and phoned it in to the authorities. Took him four
  days to make the discovery though. He shut the door
  when he left . . . left me with her . . . her body.” His eyes
  cloud at the memory.
  I inhale sharply. Poor baby boy—the horror is too
  grim to contemplate.
  “Police interviewed him later. He denied flat out I was
  “Police interviewed him later. He denied flat out I was
  anything to do with him, and Carrick said he looked
  nothing like me.”
  “Do you remember what he did look like?”
  “Anastasia, this isn’t a part of my life I revisit very
  often. Yes, I remember what he looked like. I’ll never
  forget him.” Christian’s face darkens and hardens,
  becoming more angular, his eyes frosting with anger. “Can
  we talk about something else?”
  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
  He shakes his head. “It’s old news, Ana. Not
  something I want to think about.”
  “So what’s this surprise, then?” I need to change the
  subject before he goes all Fifty on me. His expression
  lightens immediately.
  “Can you face going out for some fresh air? I want to
  show you something.”
  “Of course.”
  I marvel how quickly he turns—mercurial as ever. He
  grins at me with his boyish, carefree, I’m-only-twentyseven
  smile, and my heart lurches into my mouth. So it’s
  something close to his heart, I can tell. He swats me
  playfully on my behind.
  “Get dressed. Jeans will be good. I hope Taylor’s
  packed some for you.”
  He rises and pulls on his boxer briefs. Oh . . . I could
  sit here all day, watching him wander around the room.
  My inner goddess agrees, swooning as she ogles from her
  chaise longue.
  “Up,” he scolds, bossy as ever. I gaze at him, grinning.
  “Just admiring the view.”
  He rolls his eyes at me.
  As we dress, I notice that we move with the
  synchronization of two people who know each other well,
  each watchful and acutely aware of the other, exchanging
  the occasional shy smile and sweet touch. And it dawns on
  me that this is just as new for him as it is for me.
  “Dry your hair,” Christian orders once we’re dressed.
  “Domineering as ever.” I smirk at him, and he leans
  down to kiss my hair.
  down to kiss my hair.
  “That’s never going to change, baby. I don’t want you
  I roll my eyes at him, and his mouth twists in
  “My palms still twitch, you know, Miss Steele.”
  “I am glad to hear it, Mr. Grey. I was beginning to
  think you were losing your edge,” I retort.
  “I could easily demonstrate that is not the case, should
  you so wish.” Christian drags a large, cream, cable-knit
  sweater out of his bag and drapes it artfully over his
  shoulders. With his white T-shirt and jeans, his artfully
  rumpled hair, and now this, he looks as if he’s stepped out
  of the pages of a high-end glossy magazine.
  No one should look this good. And I don’t know if it’s
  the momentary distraction of his sheer perfect looks or the
  knowledge that he loves me, but his threat no longer fills
  me with dread. This is my Fifty Shades; this is the way he
  As I reach for the hairdryer, a tangible ray of hope
  As I reach for the hairdryer, a tangible ray of hope
  blossoms. We will find a middle way. We just have to
  recognize each other’s needs and accommodate them. I
  can do that, surely?
  I gaze at myself in the dresser mirror. I’m wearing the
  pale blue shirt that Taylor bought and had packed for me.
  My hair is a mess, my face flushed, my lips swollen—I
  touch them, remembering Christian’s searing kisses, and I
  can’t help a small smile as I stare. Yes, I do, he said.
  “Where are we going exactly?” I ask as we wait in the
  lobby for the parking valet.
  Christian taps the side of his nose and winks at me
  conspiratorially, looking like he’s desperately trying to
  contain his glee. Frankly, it’s very un-Fifty.
  He was like this when we went gliding—perhaps that’s
  what we’re doing. I beam back at him. He stares down his
  nose at me in that superior way he has with his lopsided
  grin. Leaning down, he kisses me gently.
  “Do you have any idea how happy you make me feel?”
  he murmurs.
  “Yes . . . I know exactly. Because you do the same for
  The valet zooms up in Christian’s car, wearing a facesplitting
  grin. Jeez, everyone is so happy today.
  “Great car, sir,” he mumbles as he hands over the
  keys. Christian winks and gives him an obscenely large
  I frown at him. Honestly.
  As we cruise through the traffic, Christian is deep in
  thought. A young woman’s voice comes over the
  loudspeakers; it has a beautiful, rich, mellow timbre, and I
  lose myself in her sad, soulful voice.
  “I need to make a detour. It shouldn’t take long,” he
  says absentmindedly, distracting me from the song.
  Oh, why? I’m intrigued to know the surprise. My inner
  goddess is bouncing about like a five-year-old.
  goddess is bouncing about like a five-year-old.
  “Sure,” I murmur. Something is amiss. Suddenly, he
  looks grimly determined.
  He pulls into the parking lot of large car dealership,
  stops the car, and turns to face me, his expression wary.
  “We need to get you a new car,” he says. I gape at
  Now? On a Sunday? What the hell? And this is a Saab
  “Not an Audi?” is, stupidly, the only thing I can think of
  to say, and bless him, he actually flushes.
  Holy cow—Christian, embarrassed. This is a first.
  “I thought you might like something else,” he mutters.
  He’s almost squirming.
  Oh, please . . . This is too valuable an opportunity not
  to tease him. I smirk. “A Saab?”
  “Yeah. A 9-3. Come.”
  “What is it with you and foreign cars?”
  “The Germans and the Swedes make the safest cars in
  the world, Anastasia.”
  the world, Anastasia.”
  Do they? “I thought you’d already ordered me another
  Audi A3?”
  He gives me a darkly amused look. “I can cancel that.
  Come.” Climbing smoothly out of the car, he strolls
  gracefully to my side and opens my door.
  “I owe you a graduation present,” he says softly and
  holds his hand out for me.
  “Christian, you really don’t have to do this.”
  “Yes, I do. Please. Come.” His tone says he’s not to
  be trifled with.
  I resign myself to my fate. A Saab? Do I want a Saab?
  I quite like the Audi Submissive Special. It was very nifty.
  Of course, now it’s under a ton of white paint . . . I
  shudder. And she’s still out there.
  I take Christian’s hand, and we wander into the
  Troy Turniansky, the salesman, is all over Fifty like a
  cheap suit. He can smell a sale. Weirdly his accent sounds
  mid-Atlantic, maybe British? It’s difficult to tell.
  “A Saab, sir? Pre-owned?” He rubs his hands with
  “New.” Christian’s lips set into a hard line.
  “Did you have a model in mind, sir?” And he’s
  smarmy, too.
  “9-3 2.0T Sport Sedan.”
  “An excellent choice, sir.”
  “What color, Anastasia?” Christian inclines his head.
  “Er . . . black?” I shrug. “You really don’t need to do
  He frowns. “Black’s not easily seen at night.”
  Oh, for heaven’s sake. I resist the temptation to roll
  my eyes. “You have a black car.”
  He scowls at me.
  “Bright canary yellow then.” I shrug.
  Christian makes a face—canary yellow is obviously
  not his thing.
  “What color do you want me to have?” I ask as if he’s
  a small child, which he is in many ways. The thought is
  a small child, which he is in many ways. The thought is
  unwelcome—sad and sobering at once.
  “Silver or white.”
  “Silver, then. You know I’ll take the Audi,” I add,
  chastened by my thoughts.
  Troy pales, sensing he’s losing a sale. “Perhaps you’d
  like the convertible, ma’am?” he asks, clapping his hands
  with enthusiasm.
  My subconscious is cringing in disgust, mortified by the
  whole buying-a-car business, but my inner goddess tackles
  her to the floor. Convertible? Drool!
  Christian frowns and peers at me. “Convertible?” he
  asks, raising an eyebrow.
  I flush. It’s like he has a direct hotline to my inner
  goddess, which of course, he has. It’s most inconvenient at
  times. I stare down at my hands.
  Christian turns to Troy. “What are the safety stats on
  the convertible?”
  Troy, sensing Christian’s vulnerability, heads in for the
  kill, reeling off all manner of statistics.
  kill, reeling off all manner of statistics.
  Of course, Christian wants me safe. It’s a religion with
  him, and like the zealot he is, he listens intently to Troy’s
  well-honed patter. Fifty really does care.
  Yes. I do. I remember his whispered, choked words
  from this morning, and a melting glow spreads like warm
  honey through my veins. This man—God’s gift to women
  —loves me.
  I find myself grinning goofily at him, and when he
  glances down at me, he’s amused yet puzzled by my
  expression. I just want to hug myself, I am so happy.
  “Whatever you’re high on, I’d like some, Miss Steele,”
  he murmurs as Troy heads off to his computer.
  “I’m high on you, Mr. Grey.”
  “Really? Well you certainly look intoxicated.” He
  kisses me briefly. “And thank you for accepting the car.
  That was easier than last time.”
  “Well, it’s not an Audi A3.”
  He smirks. “That’s not the car for you.”
  “I liked it.”
  “Sir, the 9-3? I’ve located one at our Beverly Hills
  dealership. We can have it here for you in a couple of
  days.” Troy glows with triumph.
  “Top of the range?”
  “Yes, sir.”
  “Excellent.” Christian produces his credit card, or is it
  Taylor’s? The thought is unnerving. I wonder how Taylor
  is, and if he’s located Leila in the apartment. I rub my
  forehead. Yes, there’s all of Christian’s baggage, too.
  “If you’ll come this way, Mr.”—Troy glances at the
  name on the card—“Grey.”
  Christian opens my door, and I climb back into the
  passenger seat.
  “Thank you,” I say when he’s seated beside me.
  He smiles.
  “You’re most welcome, Anastasia.”
  The music starts again as Christian starts the engine.
  “Who’s this?” I ask.
  “Eva Cassidy.”
  “She has a lovely voice.”
  “She does, she did.”
  “She died young.”
  “Are you hungry? You didn’t finish all your breakfast.”
  He glances quickly at me, disapproval outlined on his face.
  Uh-oh. “Yes.”
  “Lunch first, then.”
  Christian drives toward the waterfront then heads north
  along the Alaskan Way. It’s another beautiful day in
  Seattle. It’s been uncharacteristically fine for the last few

  weeks, I muse.
  Christian looks happy and relaxed as we sit back
  listening to Eva Cassidy’s sweet, soulful voice and cruise
  down the highway. Have I ever felt this comfortable in his
  company before? I don’t know.
  I am less nervous of his moods, confident that he won’t
  I am less nervous of his moods, confident that he won’t
  punish me, and he seems more comfortable with me, too.
  He turns left, following the coast road, and eventually pulls
  up in a parking lot opposite a vast marina.
  “We’ll eat here. I’ll open your door,” he says in such a
  way that I know it’s not wise to move, and I watch him
  move around the car. Will this ever get old?
  We stroll arm in arm to the waterfront where the marina
  stretches out in front of us.
  “So many boats,” I murmur in wonder. There are
  hundreds of them in all shapes and sizes, bobbing up and
  down on the calm, still waters of the marina. Out on the
  Sound there are dozens of sails in the wind, weaving to
  and fro, enjoying the fine weather. It’s a wholesome,
  outdoorsy sight. The wind has picked up a little, so I pull
  my jacket around me.
  “Cold?” he asks and pulls me tightly against him.
  “No, just admiring the view.”
  “No, just admiring the view.”
  “I could stare at it all day. Come, this way.”
  Christian leads me into a large seafront bar and makes
  his way to the counter. The décor is more New England
  than West Coast—white-limed walls, pale blue furnishings,
  and boating paraphernalia hanging everywhere. It’s a
  bright, cheery place.
  “Mr. Grey!” the barman greets Christian warmly.
  “What can I get you this afternoon?”
  “Dante, good afternoon.” Christian grins as we both
  slip onto bar stools. “This lovely lady is Anastasia Steele.”
  “Welcome to SP’s Place.” Dante gives me a friendly
  smile. He’s black and beautiful, his dark eyes assessing me
  and not finding me wanting, it seems. One large diamond
  stud winks at me from his ear. I like him immediately.
  “What would you like to drink, Anastasia?”
  I glance at Christian, who regards me expectantly. Oh,
  he’s going to let me choose.
  “Please, call me Ana, and I’ll have whatever
  Christian’s drinking.” I smile shyly at Dante. Fifty’s so
  much better at wine than I am.
  “I’m going to have a beer. This is the only bar in
  Seattle where you can get Adnam’s Explorer.”
  “A beer?”
  “Yes.” He grins at me. “Two Explorers, please,
  Dante nods and sets up the beers on the bar.
  “They do a delicious seafood chowder here,” Christian
  He’s asking me.
  “Chowder and beer sounds great.” I smile at him.
  “Two chowders?” Dante asks.
  “Please.” Christian grins at him.
  We talk through our meal, as we never have before.
  Christian is relaxed and calm—he looks young, happy,
  and animated despite all that transpired yesterday. He
  recounts the history of Grey Enterprises Holdings, and the
  more he reveals, the more I sense his passion for fixing
  problem companies, his hopes for the technology he’s
  developing, and his dreams of making land in the third
  developing, and his dreams of making land in the third
  world more productive. I listen enraptured. He’s funny,
  clever, philanthropic, and beautiful, and he loves me.
  In turn, he plagues me with questions about Ray and
  my mom, about growing up in the lush forests of
  Montesano, and my brief stints in Texas and Vegas. He
  demands to know my favorite books and films, and I’m
  surprised by how much we have in common.
  As we talk, it strikes me that he’s turned from Hardy’s
  Alec to Angel, debasement to high ideal in such a short
  space of time.
  It’s after two when we finish our meal. Christian settles
  the tab with Dante, who wishes us a fond farewell.
  “This is a great place. Thank you for lunch,” I say as
  Christian takes my hand and we leave the bar.
  “We’ll come again,” he says, and we stroll along the
  waterfront. “I wanted to show you something.”
  “I know . . . and I can’t wait to see it, whatever it is.”
  We wander hand in hand along the marina. It is such a
  pleasant afternoon. People are out enjoying their Sunday
  —walking dogs, admiring the boats, watching their kids
  run along the promenade.
  As we head down the marina, the boats are getting
  progressively larger. Christian leads me on to the dock and
  stops in front of a huge catamaran.
  “I thought we’d go sailing this afternoon. This is my
  Holy cow. It must be at least forty, maybe fifty feet.
  Two sleek white hulls, a deck, a roomy cabin, and
  towering over them a very tall mast. I know nothing about
  boats, but I can tell this one is special.
  “Wow . . . ,” I murmur in wonder.
  “Built by my company,” he says proudly and my heart
  swells. “She’s been designed from the ground up by the
  very best naval architects in the world and constructed
  here in Seattle at my yard. She has hybrid electric drives,
  asymmetric dagger boards, a square-topped mainsail—”
  “Okay . . . you’ve lost me, Christian.”
  He grins. “She’s a great boat.”
  “She looks mighty fine, Mr. Grey.”
  “That she does, Miss Steele.”
  “What’s her name?”
  He pulls me to the side so I can see her name: The
  Grace. I’m surprised. “You named her after your mom?”
  “Yes.” He cocks his head to one side, quizzical. “Why
  do you find that strange?”
  I shrug. I am surprised—he always seems ambivalent
  in her presence.
  “I adore my mom, Anastasia. Why wouldn’t I name a
  boat after her?”
  I flush. “No, it’s not that . . . it’s just . . .” Shit, how
  can I put this into words?
  “Anastasia, Grace Trevelyan saved my life. I owe her
  I gaze at him, and let the reverence in his softly spoken
  admission wash over me. It’s obvious to me, for the first
  time, that he loves his mom. Why then his strange strained
  time, that he loves his mom. Why then his strange strained
  ambivalence toward her?
  “Do you want to come aboard?” he asks, his eyes
  bright, excited.
  “Yes, please.” I smile.
  He looks delighted and delightful in one yummy
  scrumptious package. Grasping my hand, he strides up the
  small gangplank and leads me aboard so that we are
  standing on deck beneath a rigid canopy.
  To one side there’s a table and a U-shaped banquette
  covered in pale blue leather, which must seat at least eight
  people. I glance through the sliding doors to the interior of
  the cabin and jump, startled when I spy someone there.
  The tall blond man opens the sliding doors and emerges—
  all tanned, curly-haired and brown-eyed—wearing a faded
  pink short-sleeved polo shirt, shorts, and deck shoes. He
  must be in his early thirties.
  “Mac.” Christian beams.
  “Mr. Grey! Welcome back.” They shake hands.
  “Anastasia, this is Liam McConnell. Liam, my
  “Anastasia, this is Liam McConnell. Liam, my
  girlfriend, Anastasia Steele.”
  Girlfriend! My inner goddess performs a quick
  arabesque. She’s still grinning over the convertible. I have
  to get used to this—it’s not the first time he’s said it, but
  hearing him say it is still a thrill.
  “How do you do?” Liam and I shake hands.
  “Call me Mac,” he says warmly, and I can’t place his
  accent. “Welcome aboard, Miss Steele.”
  “Ana, please,” I mutter, flushing. He has deep brown
  “How’s she shaping up, Mac?” Christian interjects
  quickly, and for a moment, I think he’s talking about me.
  “She’s ready to rock and roll, sir,” Mac beams. Oh,
  the boat, The Grace. Silly me.
  “Let’s get underway, then.”
  “You going to take her out?”
  “Yep.” Christian flashes Mac a quick wicked grin.
  “Quick tour, Anastasia?”
  “Yes, please.”
  I follow him inside the cabin. An L-shaped cream
  leather sofa is directly in front of us, and above it, a
  massive curved window offers a panoramic view of the
  marina. To the left is the kitchen area—very well
  appointed, all pale wood.
  “This is the main saloon. Galley beside,” Christian says,
  waving his hand in the direction of the kitchen.
  He takes my hand and leads me through the main
  cabin. It’s surprisingly spacious. The floor is the same pale
  wood. It looks modern and sleek and has a light, airy feel,
  but it’s all very functional, as if he doesn’t spend much time
  “Bathrooms on either side.” Christian points to two
  doors, then opens the small, oddly shaped door directly in
  front of us and steps in. We’re in a plush bedroom.
  Oh . . .
  It has a king-size cabin bed and is all pale blue linen
  and pale wood like his bedroom at Escala. Christian
  obviously chooses a theme and sticks to it.
  “This is the master cabin.” He gazes down at me, gray
  “This is the master cabin.” He gazes down at me, gray
  eyes glowing. “You’re the first girl in here, apart from
  family,” he smirks. “They don’t count.”
  I flush under his heated stare, and my pulse quickens.
  Really? Another first. He pulls me into his arms, his
  fingers tangling in my hair, and kisses me, long and hard.
  We’re both breathless when he pulls away.
  “Might have to christen this bed,” he whispers against
  my mouth.
  Oh, at sea!
  “But not right now. Come, Mac will be casting off.” I
  ignore the stab of disappointment as he takes my hand and
  leads me back through the saloon. He indicates another
  “Office in there, and at the front here, two more
  “So how many can sleep on board?”
  “It’s a six-berth cat. I’ve only ever had the family on
  board, though. I like to sail alone. But not when you’re
  here. I need to keep an eye on you.”
  here. I need to keep an eye on you.”
  He delves into a chest and pulls out a bright red
  “Here.” Putting it over my head, he tightens all the
  straps, a faint smile playing on his lips.
  “You love strapping me in, don’t you?”
  “In any form,” he says, a wicked grin playing on his
  “You are a pervert.”
  “I know.” He raises his eyebrows and his grin
  “My pervert,” I whisper.
  “Yes, yours.”
  Once secured, he grabs the sides of the jacket and
  kisses me. “Always,” he breathes, then releases me before
  I have a chance to respond.
  Always! Holy shit.
  “Come.” He grabs my hand and leads me outside, up
  some steps, and onto the upper deck to a small cockpit
  that houses a big steering wheel and a raised seat. At the
  prow of the boat, Mac is doing something with ropes.
  “Is this where you learned all your rope tricks?” I ask
  Christian innocently.
  “Clove hitches have come in handy,” he says, looking
  at me appraisingly. “Miss Steele, you sound curious. I like
  you curious, baby. I’d be more than happy to demonstrate
  what I can do with a rope.” He smirks at me, and I gaze
  back impassively as if he’s upset me. His face falls.
  “Gotcha.” I grin.
  His mouth twists and he narrows his eyes. “I may have
  to deal with you later, but right now, I’ve got to drive my
  boat.” He sits at the controls, presses a button, and the
  engines roar into life.
  Mac comes scooting back down the side of the boat,
  grinning at me, and jumps down to the deck below where
  he starts to unfasten a rope. Maybe he knows some rope
  tricks, too. The idea pops unwelcome into my head and I
  My subconscious glares at me. Mentally I shrug at her
  and glance at Christian—I blame Fifty. He picks up the
  and glance at Christian—I blame Fifty. He picks up the
  receiver and radios the coastguard as Mac calls up that we
  are set to go.
  Once more, I am dazzled by Christian’s expertise.
  He’s so competent. Is there nothing that this man can’t
  do? Then I remember his earnest attempt to chop and dice
  a pepper in my apartment on Friday. The thought makes
  me smile.
章节:28 人气:2
摘要:人道主义思想加缪的思想,其核心就是人道主义,人的尊严问题,一直是缠绕着他的创作、生活和政治斗争的根本问题。《西西弗斯神话》和《局外人》构成了加缪文学创作的母题,包含着加缪未来作品的核心问题。书中,西西弗斯的幸福假设的提出,其本质动机,不在荒诞,荒诞既不能告诉我们幸福,也不能告诉我们不幸,之所以加缪假设西西弗斯是幸福的,是因为他认为只有幸福的生活才符合人的尊严,被责为永罚,却幸福,这绝对是一种反抗, [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:2
摘要:一九五七年夏天,八月,广岛。一个三十岁左右的法国女子在这座城市里。她是来参加拍摄一部关于和平的影片,她在影片中扮演一个角色。故事发生在这个法国女人回国的前夕。她在其中扮演角色的这部影片实际上已近完成。只剩下一组镜头要拍摄。就在她回法国的前夕,这个在影片中始终未提及名字的法国女人——这个无名妇女——将遇到一个日本人(工程师或建筑师),他们之间产生了一段过眼云烟的恋情。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:2
摘要:二月中旬的一天早晨,我看见起居室门背面贴着一张画卡——这是我们家祝贺生日的习惯方式——祝贺妻子的生日。这张贺卡是长子张贴的,画面上两个身穿同样颜色的服装、个子一般高的小姑娘正在给黄色和蓝色的大朵鲜花浇水。花朵和少女上都用罗马字母写着母亲的名字UKARI——这是长子对母亲的特殊称呼。对于不知内情的人来说,这首先就有点不可思议。长子出生的时候,脑部发育不正常。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:2
摘要:九月九日的下午,一如平常的下午,没有两样。任何人对于那天即将发生的不幸,毫无一丝预感。(除了一人例外,那就是住在威尔布朗姆胡同四十七号的巴克太太,她对于预感特别有一套,每次她心头觉得一阵怪异之后,总要将那种不安的感觉,详详细细地描述一番。但是巴克太太住在四十七号,离开十九号甚远,那儿会发生什么事,与她无干,所以她觉得似乎没有必要去做什么预感)。“加文狄希秘书打字社”社长K-玛汀戴小姐。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:2
摘要:他沉浸在眼前的场景中。一切都那么宁静,那么安谧,又那么……平常。这才是他一直盼望的生活,亲朋好友团聚——他深信,眼前正是那幅画面,尽管惟一能认出的面孔是疼爱自己的母亲。生活本该如此:充满温馨、亲情、欢笑、恬静。这是他魂牵梦索的生活,是他无时无刻不在祈盼的生活:体味暖人的笑容,分享惬意的交谈,轻拍亲人的肩头。但最令他神往的是母亲脸上绽出的微笑。此时此刻,他深爱着的母亲无比幸福,她已不再是奴隶。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:2
摘要:序幕我从未多想我将如何死去,虽然在过去的几个月我有足够的理由去思考这个问题,但是即使我有想过,也从未想到死亡将如此地降临。我屏息静气地望着房间的另一头,远远地凝视着猎人那深邃的眼眸,而他则以愉快的目光回应我。这无疑是一个不错的死法,死在别人——我钟爱的人的家里。甚至可以说轰轰烈烈。这应该算是死得其所。我知道如果我没有来福克斯的话,此刻也就不必面对死亡。但是,尽管我害怕,也不会后悔当初的决定。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我百分之九十九点九地确定我是在做梦。我之所以如此确信的理由是:第一,我正站在一束明亮的阳光下——那种令人目眩的,明净的太阳从未照耀在我的新家乡——华盛顿州的福克斯镇上,这里常年笼罩在如烟似雾的绵绵细雨之中;第二,我正注视着玛丽祖母,奶奶至今去世已经有六年多了,因此,这一确凿的证据足以证明我是在做梦。奶奶没有发生很大的变化;她的脸庞还是我记忆中的模样。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:童年不是从出生到某一个年龄为止;也不是某一个特定的年纪孩子长大了,抛开幼稚童年的国度里,没有人会死去EdnaSt.VincentMillay前言我拥有比一般人多得多的濒临死亡的经历;这并不是一件你真正会习惯的事。这似乎有些奇怪,我又一次不可避免地面对着死亡。好像注定逃不开这一宿命,每一次我都成功逃开了,但是它又一次次地回到我身边。然而,这一次的似乎与众不同。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我完整地得到了你我深知你已经属于我,我从未想到应该确定你赠予的价值。你也不提这样的要求。日复一日,夜复一夜,你倒空你的花篮,我瞟一眼,随手扔进库房,次日没有一点儿印象。你的赠予融和着新春枝叶的嫩绿和秋夜圆月的清辉。你以黑发的水浪淹没我的双足,你说:“我的赠予不足以纳你王国的赋税,贫女子我再无可赠的东西。”说话间,泪水模糊了你的明眸。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:冒着火的车子,用来载生前做过恶事的亡灵前往地狱。电车离开绫濑车站时才开始下的雨,半是冰冻的寒雨。怪不得一早起来左膝盖就疼得难受。本间俊介走到第一节车厢中间,右手抓着扶手,左手撑着收起来的雨伞,站在靠门的位置上。尖锐的伞头抵着地板,权充拐杖。他眺望着车窗外。平常日子的下午三点,常磐线的车厢内很空,若想坐下,空位倒是很多。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章“再把地图拿来给我看一看,悦子。”站在拐角处向左右两侧张望的哥哥说。我从提包皮中取出一张已经被翻看得满是皱纹的纸片。“说得倒轻巧,很不容易!牧村这家伙画的地图,怎么这么差劲!”哥哥一边嘟嚷着,一边用手背抹去额头顶的汗。就在这时,右边路程走过来一个人。这是一个穿着淡青色衬衫。夹着一半公文包皮的青年男子。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我现在正准备在世田谷市民大学讲演的讲演稿。主办单位指定的讲演内容是这样的:希望我把三年前在小樽召开的全北海道残疾儿童福利大会上讲的话继续讲下去。上次大会的讲演记录,业已以“为了和不可能‘亲切’相待的人斗争下去”为题出版发行了。于是我就把该文章重新读了一遍,考虑如何接着往下讲。(该文载《核之大火与“人的”呼声》一书,岩波书店出版。 [点击阅读]