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五十度灰英文版 - Part 1__5
  The waitress returns with venison, but my appetite has vanished. What a revelation. Christian the submissive… Holy shit. I take a large slug of Pinot Grigio – he’s right, of course, it’s delicious. Jeez, all these revelations, it’s so much to think about. I need time to process this, when I’m on my own, not when I’m distracted by his presence. He’s so overwhelming, so Alpha Male, and now he’s thrown this bombshell into the equation. He knows what it’s like.
  “But it can’t have been full time?” I’m confused.
  “Well, it was, though I didn’t see her all the time. It was… difficult. After all, I was still at school and then at college. Eat up, Anastasia.”
  “I’m really not hungry, Christian.” I am reeling from your disclosure.
  His expression hardens.
  “Eat,” he says quietly, too quietly.
  I stare at him. This man – sexually abused as an adolescent – his tone is so threatening.
  “Give me a moment,” I mutter quietly. He blinks a couple of times.
  “Okay,” he murmurs, and he continues with his meal.
  This is what it will be like if I sign, him ordering me around. I frown. Do I want this? Reaching for my knife and fork, I tentatively cut into the venison. It’s very tasty.
  “Is this what our err… relationship will be like?” I whisper. “You, ordering me around?” I can’t quite bring myself to look at him.
  “Yes,” he murmurs.
  “I see.”
  “And what’s more, you’ll want me to,” he adds, his voice low.
  I sincerely doubt that. I slice another piece of venison, holding it against my mouth.
  “It’s a big step,” I murmur and eat.
  “It is.” He closes his eyes briefly. When he opens them, they are wide and grave. “Anastasia, you have to go with your gut. Do the research, read the contract – I’m happy to discuss any aspect. I’ll be in Portland until Friday if you want to talk about it before then.” His words are coming at me in a rush. “Call me – maybe we can have dinner – say, Wednesday? I really want to make this work. In fact, I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want this to work.”
  His burning sincerity, his longing, is reflected in his eyes. This is fundamentally what I don’t grasp. Why me? Why not one of the fifteen? Oh no… Will that be me – a number? Sixteen of many?
  “What happened to the fifteen?” I blurt.
  He raises his eyebrows in surprise, then looks resigned, shaking his head.
  “Various things, but it boils down to,” he pauses, struggling to find the words I think. “Incompatibility.” He shrugs.
  “And you think that I might be compatible with you?”
  “So you’re not seeing any of them anymore?”
  “No, Anastasia, I’m not. I am monogamous in my relationships.”
  Oh… this is news.
  “I see.”
  “Do the research, Anastasia.”
  I put my knife and fork down. I cannot eat any more.
  “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to eat?”
  I nod. He scowls at me but chooses not to say anything. I breathe a small sigh of relief. My stomach is churning with all this new information, and I’m feeling a little lightheaded from the wine. I watch as he devours everything on his plate. He eats like a horse. He must work out to stay in such great shape. The memory of the way his PJ’s hung from his hips comes unbidden to my mind. The image is totally distracting. I squirm uncomfortably. He glances up at me, and I blush.
  “I’d give anything to know what you’re thinking right at this moment,” he murmurs. I blush further.
  He smiles a wicked smile at me.
  “I can guess,” he teases softly.
  “I’m glad you can’t read my mind.”
  “Your mind, no, Anastasia, but your body – that I’ve got to know quite well since yesterday.” His voice is suggestive. How does he switch so quickly from one mood to the next? He’s so mercurial… It’s hard to keep up.
  He motions for the waitress and asks for the check. Once he’s paid, he stands and holds out his hand.
  “Come.” Taking my hand in his, he leads me back to the car. This contact, flesh to flesh, it’s what is so unexpected from him, normal, intimate. I can’t reconcile this ordinary, tender gesture with what he wants to do in that room… The Red Room of Pain.
  We are quiet on the drive from Olympia to Vancouver, both lost in our own thoughts. When he parks outside my apartment, it’s five in the evening. The lights are on – Kate is at home. Packing, no doubt, unless Elliot is still there. He switches off the engine, and I realize I’m going to have to leave him.
  “Do you want to come in?” I ask. I don’t want him to go. I want to prolong our time together.
  “No. I have work to do,” he says simply, gazing at me, his expression unfathomable.
  I stare down at my hands, as I knot my fingers together. Suddenly I feel emotional. He’s leaving. Reaching over, he takes one of my hands and slowly pulls it to his mouth, tenderly kissing the back of my hand, such an old fashioned, sweet gesture. My heart leaps into my mouth.
  “Thank you for this weekend, Anastasia. It’s been… the best. Wednesday? I’ll pick you up from work, from wherever?” he says softly.
  “Wednesday,” I whisper.
  He kisses my hand again and places it back in my lap. He climbs out, comes round to my side, and opens the passenger door. Why do I feel suddenly bereft? A lump forms in my throat. I must not let him see me like this. Fixing a smile on my face, I clamber out of the car and head up the path, knowing I have to face Kate, dreading facing Kate. I turn and gaze at him midway. Chin up Steele, I chide myself.
  “Oh… by the way, I’m wearing your underwear.” I give him a small smile and pull up the waistband of the boxer briefs I’m wearing so he can see. Christian’s mouth drops open, shocked. What a great reaction. My mood shifts immediately, and I sashay into the house, part of me wanting to jump and punch the air. YES! My inner goddess is thrilled.
  Kate is in the living area packing up her books into crates.
  “You’re back. Where’s Christian? How are you?” Her voice is fevered, anxious, and she bounds up to me, grabbing my shoulders, minutely analyzing my face before I’ve even said hello.
  Crap… I have to deal with Kate’s persistence and tenacity, and I’m in possession of a legal signed document saying I can’t talk. It’s not a healthy mix.
  “Well how was it? I couldn’t stop thinking about you, after Elliot left, that is.” She grins mischievously.
  I can’t help but smile at her concern and her burning curiosity, but suddenly I feel shy. I blush. It was very private. All of it. Seeing and knowing what Christian has to hide. But I have to give her some details, because she won’t leave me alone until I do.
  “It was good, Kate. Very good, I think,” I say quietly, trying to hide my embarrassed tell-all smile.
  “You think?”
  “I’ve got nothing to compare it to, do I?” I shrug apologetically.
  “Did he make you come?”
  Holy crap. She’s so blunt. I go scarlet.
  “Yes,” I mumble, exasperated.
  Kate pulls me to the couch and we sit. She clasps my hands.
  “That is good.” Kate looks at me in disbelief. “It was your first time. Wow, Christian must really know what he’s doing.”
  Oh Kate, if only you knew.
  “My first time was horrid,” she continues, making a sad comedy face.
  “Oh?” This has me interested, something she’s never pulged before.
  “Yes, Steve Paton. High school, dickless jock.” She shudders. “He was rough. I wasn’t ready. We were both drunk. You know – typical teenage post-prom disaster. Ugh – it took me months before I decided to have another go. And not with him, the gutless wonder. I was too young. You were right to wait.”
  “Kate, that sounds awful.”
  Kate looks wistful.
  “Yeah, took almost a year to have my first orgasm through penetrative sex and here you are… first time?”
  I nod shyly. My inner goddess sits in the lotus position looking serene except for the sly, self-congratulatory smile on her face.
  “I’m glad you lost it to someone who knows their ass from their elbow.” She winks at me. “So when are you seeing him again?”
  “Wednesday. We’re having dinner.”
  “So you still like him?”
  “Yes. But I don’t know about… the future.”
  “He’s complicated, Kate. You know – he inhabits a very different world to mine.” Great excuse. Believable too. Much better than – he’s got a Red Room of Pain, and he wants to make me his sex slave.
  “Oh please, don’t let this be about money, Ana. Elliot said it’s very unusual for Christian to date anyone.”
  “Did he?” My voice hitches up several octaves.
  Too obvious, Steele! My subconscious glares at me, wagging her long skinny finger, then morphs into the scales of justice to remind me he could sue if I disclose too much. Ha… what’s he going to do – take all my money? I must remember to Google ‘penalties for breaching a non-disclosure agreement’ while I’m doing the rest of my ‘research’. It’s like I’ve been given a school assignment. Maybe I’ll be graded. I flush, remembering my A for this morning’s bath experiment.
  “Ana, what is it?”
  “I’m just remembering something Christian said.”
  “You look different,” Kate says fondly.
  “I feel different. Sore,” I confess.
  “A little.” I flush.
  “Me too. Men,” she says in mock disgust. “They’re animals.” We both laugh.
  “You’re sore?” I exclaim.
  “Yes… overuse.”
  I giggle.
  “Tell me about Elliot the over-user,” I ask when I’ve stopped giggling. Oh, I can feel myself relaxing for the first time since I was in line at the bar… before the phone call that started all this – when I was admiring Mr. Grey from afar. Happy uncomplicated days.
  Kate blushes. Oh my… Katherine Agnes Kavanagh goes all Anastasia Rose Steele on me. She gives me a dewy-eyed look. I’ve never seen her react this way to a man before. My jaw drops to the floor. Where’s Kate, what have you done with her?
  “Oh, Ana,” she gushes. “He’s just so… Everything. And when we… oh… really good.” She can hardly string a sentence together she’s got it so bad.
  “I think you’re trying to tell me that you like him.”
  She nods, grinning like a lunatic.
  “And I’m seeing him on Saturday. He’s going to help us move.” She clasps her hands together, leaps up off the couch, and pirouettes to the window. Moving. Crap – I’d forgotten all about that, even with the packing cases surrounding us.
  “That’s helpful of him,” I say appreciatively. I can get to know him too. Perhaps he can give me more insight into his strange, disturbing brother.
  “So what did you do last night?” I ask. She cocks her head at me and raises her eyebrows in a what-do-think-stupid-look.
  “Pretty much what you did, though we had dinner first.” She grins at me. “Are you okay really? You look kind of overwhelmed.”
  “I feel overwhelmed. Christian is very intense.”
  “Yeah, I could see how he could be. But he was good to you?”
  “Yes,” I reassure her. “I’m really hungry, shall I cook?”
  She nods and picks up two more books to pack.
  “What do you want to do with the fourteen thousand dollar books?” she asks.
  “I’m going to return them to him.”
  “It’s a completely over-the-top gift. I can’t accept it, especially now.” I grin at Kate, and she nods.
  “I understand. A couple of letters came for you, and José has been calling every hour on the hour. He sounded desperate.”
  “I’ll call him,” I mutter evasively. If I tell Kate about José, she’ll have him for breakfast. I collect the letters from the dining table and open them.
  “Hey, I have interviews! The week after next, in Seattle, for intern placements!”
  “For which publishing house?”
  “For both of them!”
  “I told you your GPA would open doors, Ana.”
  Kate, of course, already has an internship set up at the Seattle Times. Her father knows someone, who knows someone.
  “How does Elliot feel about you going away?” I ask.
  Kate wanders into the kitchen, and for the first time this evening, she’s disconsolate.
  “He’s understanding. Part of me doesn’t want to go, but it’s tempting to lie in the sun for a couple of weeks. Besides, Mom is hanging in there, thinking this will be our last real family holiday before Ethan and I head off into the world of paid employment.”
  I have never left continental US. Kate is off to Barbados with her parents and her brother Ethan for two whole weeks. I’ll be Kateless in our new apartment. That will be weird. Ethan has been traveling the world since he graduated last year. I wonder briefly if I’ll see him before they go on vacation. He’s such a lovely guy. The phone rings, jolting me from my reverie.
  “That’ll be José.”

  I sigh. I know I have to talk to him. I grab the phone.
  “Ana, you’re back!” José shouts his relief at me.
  “Obviously.” Sarcasm drips from my voice, and I roll my eyes at the phone.
  He’s silent for a moment.
  “Can I see you? I’m sorry about Friday night. I was drunk… and you… well. Ana – please forgive me.”
  “Of course, I forgive you José. Just don’t do it again. You know I don’t feel like that about you.”
  He sighs heavily, sadly.
  “I know, Ana. I just thought, if I kissed you, it might change how you feel.”
  “José, I love you dearly, you mean so much to me. You’re like the brother I never had. That’s not going to change. You know that.” I hate to let him down, but it’s the truth.
  “So you’re with him now?” His tone is full of disdain.
  “José, I’m not with anybody.”
  “But you spent the night with him.”
  “That’s none of your business!”
  “Is it the money?”
  “José! How dare you!” I shout, staggered by his audacity.
  “Ana,” he whines and apologizes simultaneously. I cannot deal with his petty jealousy now. I know he’s hurt, but my plate is overflowing dealing with Christian Grey.
  “Maybe we can have a coffee or something tomorrow. I’ll call you.” I am conciliatory. He is my friend, and I’m very fond of him. But right now, I don’t need this.
  “Tomorrow then. You’ll call?” The hope in his voice twists my heart.
  “Yes… goodnight, José.” I hang up, not waiting for his response.
  “What was that all about?” Katherine demands, her hands on her hips. I decide honesty is the policy. She’s looking more intractable than ever.
  “He made a pass at me on Friday.”
  “José? And Christian Grey? Ana, your pheromones must be working overtime. What was the stupid fool thinking?” She shakes her head in disgust and returns to packing crates.
  Forty-five minutes later, we pause our packing for the house specialty, my lasagna. Kate opens a bottle of wine, and we sit amongst the boxes eating, quaffing cheap red wine, and watching crap TV. This is normality. It’s so grounding and welcome after the last forty-eight hours of… madness. I eat my first unhurried, no nagging, peaceful meal in that time. What is it about him and food? Kate clears the dishes, and I finish packing up the living room. We are left with the couch, the TV, and the dining table. What more could we need? Just the kitchen and our bedrooms left to pack up, and we have the rest of the week. Result!
  The phone rings again. It’s Elliot. Kate winks at me and skips off to her bedroom like she’s fourteen. I know that she should be writing her Valedictorian speech, but it seems Elliot is more important. What is it about the Grey men? What is it that makes them totally distracting, all-consuming, and irresistible? I take another slug of wine.
  I flick through the TV channels, but deep down I know I’m procrastinating. Burning a bright red hole in the side of my purse is that contract. Do I have the strength and the wherewithal to read it tonight?
  I put my head in my hands. José and Christian, they both want something from me. José is easy to deal with. But Christian… Christian takes a whole different league of handling, of understanding. Part of me wants to run and hide. What am I going to do? His burning gray eyes and that intense smoldering stare come into my mind’s eye, and my body tightens at the thought. I gasp. He’s not even here, and I’m turned on. It just can’t be about sex, can it? I recall his gentle banter this morning at breakfast, his joy at my delight with the helicopter ride, him playing the piano – the sweet soulful oh-so-sad music.
  He’s such a complicated person. And now I have an insight as to why. A young man deprived of his adolescence, sexually abused by some evil Mrs. Robinson figure… no wonder he’s old before his time. My heart fills with sadness at the thought of what he must have been through. I’m too na?ve to know exactly what, but the research should shed some light. But do I really want to know? Do I want to explore this world I know nothing about? It’s such a big step.
  If I’d not met him, I’d still be sweetly and blissfully oblivious. My mind drifts to last night, and this morning… and the incredible, sensual sexuality I’ve experienced. Do I want to say goodbye to that? No! Screams my subconscious… my inner goddess nods in silent zen-like agreement with her.
  Kate wanders back into the living room, grinning from ear to ear. Perhaps she’s in love – I gape at her. She’s never behaved like this.
  “Ana, I’m off to bed. I’m pretty tired.”
  “Me too, Kate.”
  She hugs me.
  “I’m glad you’re back in one piece. There’s something about Christian,” she adds quietly, apologetically. I give her a small, reassuring smile – all the while thinking… How the hell does she know? This is what will make her a great journalist, her unfaltering intuition.
  Collecting my purse, I wander listlessly into my bedroom. I am weary from all our carnal exertions of the last day and from the complete and utter dilemma that I’m faced with. I sit on my bed and gingerly extract the manila envelope from the bag, turning it over and over in my hands. Do I really want to know the extent of Christian’s depravity? It’s so daunting. I take a deep breath, and with my heart in my throat, I rip open the envelope.
  There are several papers inside the envelope. I fish them out, my heart still pounding, and I sit back on my bed and begin to read.
  Made this day_________ of 2011 (“The Commencement Date”)
  MR. CHRISTIAN GREY of 301 Escala, Seattle, WA 98889
  (“The Dominant”)
  MISS ANASTASIA STEELE of 1114 SW Green Street, Apartment 7, Haven Heights, Vancouver, WA 98888
  (“The Submissive”)
  1 The following are the terms of a binding contract between the Dominant and the Submissive.
  2 The fundamental purpose of this contract is to allow the Submissive to explore her sensuality and her limits safely, with due respect and regard for her needs, her limits and her wellbeing.
  3 The Dominant and the Submissive agree and acknowledge that all that occurs under the terms of this contract will be consensual, confidential, and subject to the agreed limits and safety procedures set out in this contract. Additional limits and safety procedures may be agreed in writing.
  4 The Dominant and the Submissive each warrant that they suffer from no sexual, serious, infectious or life-threatening illnesses including but not limited to HIV, Herpes and Hepatitis. If during the Term (as defined below) or any extended term of this contract either party should be diagnosed with or become aware of any such illness he or she undertakes to inform the other immediately and in any event prior to any form of physical contact between the parties.
  5 Adherence to the above warranties, agreements and undertakings (and any additional limits and safety procedures agreed under clause 3 above) are fundamental to this contract. Any breach shall render it void with immediate effect and each party agrees to be fully responsible to the other for the consequence of any breach.
  6 Everything in this contract must be read and interpreted in the light of the fundamental purpose and the fundamental terms set out in clauses 2-5 above.
  7 The Dominant shall take responsibility for the wellbeing and the proper training, guidance, and discipline of the Submissive. He shall decide the nature of such training, guidance, and discipline and the time and place of its administration, subject to the agreed terms, limitations and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under clause 3 above.
  8 If at any time the Dominant should fail to keep to the agreed terms, limitations and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under clause 3 above the Submissive is entitled to terminate this contract forthwith and to leave the service of the Dominant without notice.
  9 Subject to that proviso and to clauses 2-5 above the Submissive is to serve and obey the Dominant in all things. Subject to the agreed terms, limitations and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under clause 3 above she shall without query or hesitation offer the Dominant such pleasure as he may require and she shall accept without query or hesitation his training, guidance and discipline in whatever form it may take.
  10 The Dominant and Submissive enter into this contract on The Commencement Date fully aware of its nature and undertake to abide by its conditions without exception.
  11 This contract shall be effective for a period of three Calendar Months from The Commencement Date (“The Term”). On the expiry of The Term the parties shall discuss whether this contract and the arrangements they have made under this contract are satisfactory and whether the needs of each party have been met. Either party may propose the extension of this contract subject to adjustments to its terms, or to the arrangements they have made under it. In the absence of agreement to such extension this contract shall terminate and both parties shall be free to resume their lives separately.
  12 The Submissive will make herself available to the Dominant from Friday evenings through to Sunday afternoons each week during the Term at times to be specified by the Dominant (“the Allotted Times”). Further allocated time can be mutually agreed on an ad hoc basis.
  13 The Dominant reserves the right to dismiss the Submissive from his service at any time and for any reason. The Submissive may request her release at any time, such request to be granted at the discretion of the Dominant subject only to the Submissive’s rights under clauses 2-5 and 8 above.
  14 The Submissive will make herself available during the Allotted Times and agreed additional times at locations to be determined by the Dominant. The Dominant will ensure that all travel costs incurred by the Submissive for that purpose are met by the Dominant.
  15 The following service provisions have been discussed and agreed and will be adhered to by both parties during the Term. Both parties accept that certain matters may arise which are not covered by the terms of this contract or the service provisions, or that certain matters may be renegotiated. In such circumstance further clauses may be proposed by way of amendment. Any further clauses or amendments must be agreed, documented and signed by both parties and shall be subject to the fundamental terms set out at clauses 2-5 above.
  15.1 The Dominant shall make the Submissive’s health and safety a priority at all times. The Dominant shall not at any time require, request, allow or demand the Submissive to participate at the hands of the Dominant in the activities detailed in Appendix 2 or in any act that either party deems to be unsafe. The Dominant will not undertake or permit to be undertaken any action which could cause serious injury or any risk to the Submissive’s life. The remaining sub-clauses of this clause 15 are to be read subject to this proviso and to the fundamental matters agreed in clauses 2-5 above.
  15.2 The Dominant accepts the Submissive as his, to own, control, dominate and discipline during the Term. The Dominant may use the Submissive’s body at any time during the Allotted Times or any agreed additional times in any manner he deems fit, sexually or otherwise.
  15.3 The Dominant shall provide the Submissive with all necessary training and guidance in how to properly serve the Dominant.
  15.4 The Dominant shall maintain a stable and safe environment in which the Submissive may perform her duties in service of the Dominant.
  15.5 The Dominant may discipline the Submissive as necessary to ensure the Submissive fully appreciates her role of subservience to the Dominant and to discourage unacceptable conduct. The Dominant may flog, spank, whip or corporally punish the Submissive as he sees fit, for purposes of discipline, for his own personal enjoyment, or for any other reason, which he is not obliged to provide.
  15.6 In training and in the administration of discipline the Dominant shall ensure that no permanent marks are made upon the Submissive’s body nor any injuries incurred that may require medical attention.
  15.7 In training and in the administration of discipline the Dominant shall ensure that the discipline and the instruments used for the purposes of discipline are safe, shall not be used in such a way as to cause serious harm and shall not in any way exceed the limits defined and detailed in this contract.
  15.8 In case of illness or injury the Dominant shall care for the Submissive, seeing to her health and safety, encouraging and when necessary ordering medical attention when it is judged necessary by the Dominant.
  15.9 The Dominant shall maintain his own good health and seek medical attention when necessary in order to maintain a risk-free environment
  15.10 The Dominant shall not loan his Submissive to another Dominant.
  15.11 The Dominant may restrain, handcuff, or bind the Submissive at any time during the Allotted Times or any agreed additional times for any reason and for extended periods of time, giving due regard to the health and safety of the Submissive.
  15.12 The Dominant will ensure that all equipment used for the purposes of training and discipline shall be maintained in a clean, hygienic and safe state at all times.
  15.13 The Submissive accepts the Dominant as her master, with the understanding that she is now the property of the Dominant, to be dealt with as the Dominant pleases during the Term generally but specifically during the Allotted Times and any additional agreed allotted times.

  15.14 The Submissive shall obey the rules (“the Rules”) set out in Appendix 1 to this agreement.
  15.15 The Submissive shall serve the Dominant in any way the Dominant sees fit and shall endeavor to please the Dominant at all times to the best of her ability.
  15.16 The Submissive shall take all measures necessary to maintain her good health and shall request or seek medical attention whenever it is needed, keeping the Dominant informed at all times of any health issues that may arise.
  15.17 The Submissive will ensure that she procures oral contraception and ensure that she takes it as and when prescribed to prevent any pregnancy.
  15.18 The Submissive shall accept without question any and all disciplinary actions deemed necessary by the Dominant and remember her status and role in regard to the Dominant at all times.
  15.19 The Submissive shall not touch or pleasure herself sexually without permission from the Dominant.
  15.20 The Submissive shall submit to any sexual activity demanded by the Dominant and shall do without hesitation or argument.
  15.21 The Submissive shall accept whippings, floggings, spankings, caning, paddling or any other discipline the Dominant should decide to administer, without hesitation, enquiry or complaint.
  15.22 The Submissive shall not look directly into the eyes of the Dominant except when specifically instructed to do so. The Submissive shall keep her eyes cast down and maintain a quiet and respectful bearing in the presence of the Dominant.
  15.23 The Submissive shall always conduct herself in a respectful manner to the Dominant and shall address him only as Sir, Mr. Grey, or such other title as the Dominant may direct.
  15.24 The Submissive will not touch the Dominant without his express permission to do so.
  16 The Submissive shall not participate in activities or any sexual acts that either party deems to be unsafe or any activities detailed in Appendix 2.
  17 The Dominant and the Submissive have discussed the activities set out in Appendix 3 and recorded in writing on Appendix 3 their agreement in respect of them.
  18 The Dominant and the Submissive recognize that the Dominant may make demands of the Submissive that cannot be met without incurring physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or other harm at the time the demands are made to the Submissive. In such circumstances related to this, the Submissive may make use of a safeword (“The Safeword (s)”). Two Safewords will be invoked depending on the severity of the demands.
  19 The Safeword “Yellow” will be used to bring to the attention of the Dominant that the Submissive is close to her limit of endurance.
  20 The Safeword “Red” will be used to bring to the attention of the Dominant that the Submissive cannot tolerate any further demands. When this word is said the Dominant’s action will cease completely with immediate effect.
  21 We the undersigned have read and understood fully the provisions of this contract. We freely accept the terms of this contract and have acknowledged this by our signatures below.
  The Dominant: Christian Grey
  The Submissive: Anastasia Steele
  The Submissive will obey any instructions given by the Dominant immediately without hesitation or reservation and in an expeditious manner. The Submissive will agree to any sexual activity deemed fit and pleasurable by the Dominant excepting those activities which are outlined in hard limits (Appendix 2). She will do so eagerly and without hesitation.
  The Submissive will ensure she achieves a minimum of eight hours sleep a night when she is not with the Dominant.
  The Submissive will eat regularly to maintain her health and wellbeing from a prescribed list of foods (Appendix 4). The Submissive will not snack between meals, with the exception of fruit.
  During the Term the Submissive will wear clothing only approved by the Dominant. The Dominant will provide a clothing budget for the Submissive, which the Submissive shall utilize. The Dominant shall accompany the Submissive to purchase clothing on an ad hoc basis. If the Dominant so requires the Submissive shall during the Term wear adornments the Dominant shall require, in the presence of the Dominant and any other time the Dominant deems fit.
  The Dominant shall provide the Submissive with a personal trainer four times a week in hour-long sessions at times to be mutually agreed between the personal trainer and the Submissive. The personal trainer will report to the Dominant on the Submissive’s progress.
  Personal Hygiene/Beauty:
  The Submissive will keep herself clean and shaved and/or waxed at all times. The Submissive will visit a beauty salon of the Dominant’s choosing at times to be decided by the Dominant, and undergo whatever treatments the Dominant sees fit. All costs will be met by the Dominant.
  Personal Safety:
  The Submissive will not drink to excess, smoke, take recreational drugs or put herself in any unnecessary danger.
  Personal Qualities:
  The Submissive will not enter into any sexual relations with anyone other than the Dominant. The Submissive will conduct herself in a respectful and modest manner at all times. She must recognize that her behavior is a direct reflection on the Dominant. She shall be held accountable for any misdeeds, wrongdoings and misbehavior committed when not in the presence of the Dominant.
  Failure to comply with any of the above will result in immediate punishment, the nature of which shall be determined by the Dominant.
  Hard Limits
  No acts involving fire play
  No acts involving urination or defecation and the products thereof
  No acts involving needles, knives, cutting, piercing, or blood
  No acts involving gynecological medical instruments
  No acts involving children or animals
  No acts that will leave any permanent marks on the skin
  No acts involving breath control.
  No activity that involves the direct contact of electric current (whether alternating or direct), fire or flames to the body.
  Soft Limits
  To be discussed and agreed between both parties:
  Which of the following sexual acts are acceptable to the Submissive?
  ? Masturbation
  ? Fellatio
  ? Cunnilingus
  ? Vaginal intercourse
  ? Vaginal fisting
  ? Anal intercourse
  ? Anal fisting
  Is swallowing semen acceptable to the Submissive?
  Is the use of sex toys acceptable to the Submissive?
  ? Vibrators
  ? Dildos
  ? Butt Plugs
  ? Other
  Is Bondage acceptable to the Submissive?
  ? Hands in front
  ? Hands behind back
  ? Ankles
  ? Knees
  ? Elbows
  ? Wrists to ankles
  ? Spreader bars
  ? Tied to furniture
  ? Blindfolding
  ? Gagging
  ? Bondage with Rope
  ? Bondage with Tape
  ? Bondage with leather cuffs
  ? Suspension
  ? Bondage with handcuffs/metal restraints
  What is the Submissive’s general attitude about receiving pain? Where 1 is likes intensely and 5 is dislikes intensely: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
  How much pain does the submissive want to receive? Where 1 is none and 5 is severe: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
  Which of the following types of pain/punishment/discipline are acceptable to the Submissive?
  ? Spanking
  ? Paddling
  ? Whipping
  ? Caning
  ? Biting
  ? Nipple clamps
  ? Genital clamps
  ? Ice
  ? Hot wax
  ? Other types/methods of pain
  Holy Fuck. I can’t bring myself to even consider the food list. I swallow hard, my mouth dry, and read it again.
  My head is buzzing. How can I possibly agree to all this? And apparently it’s for my benefit, to explore my sensuality, my limits – safely – oh please! I scoff angrily. Serve and obey in all things. All Things! I shake my head in disbelief. Actually, doesn’t the marriage ceremony use those words… obey? This throws me. Do couples still say that? Only three months, is that why there have been so many? He doesn’t keep them for long? Or have they had enough after three months? Every weekend? That’s too much. I’ll never see Kate or whatever friends I may make at my new job – provided I get one. Perhaps I should have one weekend a month to myself. Perhaps when I have my period, that sounds… practical. He’s my master! To be dealt with as he pleases! Holy shit.
  I shudder at the thought of being flogged or whipped. Spanking probably wouldn’t be so bad, humiliating though. And tied up? Well he did tie my hands together. That was… well it was hot, really hot, so perhaps that won’t be so bad. He won’t loan me to another Dominant – damn right he won’t. That would be totally unacceptable. Why am I even thinking about this?
  I can’t look him in the eye. How weird is that? The only way I ever have any chance to see what he’s thinking. Actually, whom am I kidding, I never know what he’s thinking, but I like looking into his eyes. He has beautiful eyes – captivating, intelligent, deep and dark, dark with dominant secrets. I recall his burning smoky gaze and press my thighs together, squirming.
  And I can’t touch him. Well, no surprise there. And these silly rules… No, no I can’t do this. I put my head in my hands. This is no way to have a relationship. I need some sleep. I’m shattered. All the physical shenanigans I’ve been engaged in over the last twenty-four hours have been, frankly, exhausting. And mentally… oh man, this is so much
  to take on board. As José would say, a real mind-fuck. Perhaps in the morning, this might not read like a bad joke.
  I scramble up and change quickly. Perhaps I should borrow Kate’s pink flannel pajamas. I want something cuddly and reassuring around me. I head to the bathroom in my t-shirt and sleep shorts and brush my teeth.
  I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. You can’t seriously be considering this… My subconscious sounds sane and rational, not her usual snarky self. My inner goddess is jumping up and down, clapping her hands like a five-year-old. Please, let’s do this… otherwise we’ll end up alone with lots of cats and your classic novels to keep you company.
  The only man I’ve ever been attracted to, and he comes with a bloody contract, a flogger, and a whole world of issues. Well, at least I got my way this weekend. My inner goddess stops jumping and smiles serenely. Oh yes… she mouths, nodding at me smugly. I flush at the memory of his hands and his mouth on me, his body inside mine. Closing my eyes, I feel the familiar delicious pull of my muscles from deep, deep down. I want to do that again and again. Maybe if I just sign up for the sex… would he go with that? I suspect not.
  Am I submissive? Maybe I come across that way. Maybe I misled him in the interview. I’m shy, yes… but submissive? I let Kate bully me – is that the same? And those soft limits, jeez. My mind boggles, but I’m reassured that they are up for discussion.
  I wander back to my bedroom. This is too much to think about. I need a clear head – a fresh morning approach to the problem. I put the offending documents back in my satchel. Tomorrow… tomorrow is another day. Clambering into bed, I switch off the light and lie staring up at the ceiling. Oh, I wish I’d never met him. My inner goddess shakes her head at me. She and I know it’s a lie. I have never felt as alive as I do now.
  I close my eyes, and I drift into a heavy sleep with occasional dreams of four-poster beds and shackles and intense gray eyes.
  Kate wakes me the next day.
  “Ana, I’ve been calling you. You must have been out cold.”
  My eyes reluctantly open. She’s not just up – she’s been for a run. I glance at my alarm. It’s eight in the morning. Holy Moses, I’ve slept for a solid nine hours.
  “What is it?” I mumble sleepily.
  “There’s a man here with a delivery for you. You have to sign for it.”
  “Come on. It’s big. It looks interesting.” She hops from foot to foot excitedly and bounds back into the living area. I clamber out of bed and grab my dressing gown hanging on the back of my door. A smart young man with a ponytail is standing in our living room clasping a large box.
  “Hi,” I mumble.
  “I’ll make you some tea.” Kate scuttles off to the kitchen.
  “Miss Steele?”
  And I immediately know whom the parcel is from.
  “Yes,” I answer cautiously.
  “I have a package for you here, but I have to set it up and show you how to use it.”
  “Really? At this time?”
  “Only following orders, ma’am.” He smiles in a charming but professional he’s-not-taking-any-crap way.
  Did he just call me ma’am? Have I aged ten years overnight? If I have, it’s that contract. My mouth puckers in disgust.
  “Okay, what is it?”
  “It’s a MacBook Pro.”
  “Of course it is.” I roll my eyes.
  “These aren’t available in the shops yet, ma’am, the very latest from Apple.”
  How come that does not surprise me? I sigh heavily.
  “Just set it up on the dining table over there.”
  I wander into the kitchen to join Kate.
  “What is it?” she says inquisitive, bright eyed and bushy tailed. She’s slept well too.
  “It’s a laptop from Christian.”
  “Why’s he sent you a laptop? You know you can use mine,” she frowns.
  Not for what he has in mind.
  “Oh, it’s only on loan. He wanted me to try it out.” My excuse sounds feeble. But Kate nods her assent. Oh my… I have hoodwinked Katherine Kavanagh. A first. She hands me my tea.
  The Mac laptop is sleek and silver and rather beautiful. It has a very large screen. Christian Grey likes scale – I think of his living area, in fact, his whole apartment.

  “It’s got the latest OS and a full suite of programs, plus a one-point-five terabyte hard drive so you’ll have plenty of room, thirty-two gigs of RAM – what are you planning to use it for?
  “Uh… email.”
  “Email!” he chokes, bemused, raising his eyebrows with a slightly sick look on his face.
  “And maybe Internet research?” I shrug apologetically.
  He sighs.
  “Well, this has full wireless N, and I’ve set it up with your Me account details. This baby is all ready to go, practically anywhere on the planet.” He looks longingly at it.
  “Me account?”
  “Your new email address.”
  I have an email address?
  He points to an icon on the screen and continues to talk at me but it’s like white noise. I haven’t got a clue what he’s saying, and in all honestly, I’m not interested. Just tell me how to switch it on and off – I’ll figure out the rest. After all, I’ve been using Kate’s for four years. Kate whistles, impressed when she sees it.
  “This is next-generation tech.” She raises her eyebrows at me. “Most women get flowers or maybe jewelry,” she says suggestively, trying to suppress a smile.
  I scowl at her but can’t keep a straight face. We both burst into a fit of giggles, and computer man gapes at us, bemused. He finishes up and asks me to sign the delivery note.
  As Kate shows him out, I sit with my cup of tea, open the email program, and sitting there waiting for me is an email from Christian. My heart leaps into my mouth. I have an email from Christian Grey. Nervously, I open it.
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Your New Computer
  Date: May 22 2011 23:15
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Dear Miss Steele
  I trust you slept well. I hope that you put this laptop to good use, as discussed.
  I look forward to dinner, Wednesday.
  Happy to answer any questions before then, via email, should you so desire.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  I hit reply.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Your New Computer (on loan)
  Date: May 23 2011 08:20
  To: Christian Grey
  I slept very well thank you – for some strange reason – Sir.
  I understood that this computer was on loan, ergo not mine.
  Almost instantaneously there is a response.
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Your New Computer (on loan)
  Date: May 23 2011 08:22
  To: Anastasia Steele
  The computer is on loan. Indefinitely, Miss Steele.
  I note from your tone that you have read the documentation I gave you.
  Do you have any questions so far?
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  I can’t help but grin.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Enquiring Minds
  Date: May 23 2011 08:25
  To: Christian Grey
  I have many questions, but not suitable for email, and some of us have to work for a living.
  I do not want or need a computer indefinitely.
  Until later, good day. Sir.Ana
  His reply again is instant, and it makes me smile.
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Your New Computer (again on loan)
  Date: May 23 2011 08:26
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Laters, baby.
  PS: I work for a living too.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  I shut the computer down, grinning like an idiot. How can I resist playful Christian? I am going to be late for work. Well, it is my last week – Mr. and Mrs. Clayton will probably cut me some slack. I race into the shower, unable to shake my face-splitting grin. He emailed me. I’m like a small, giddy child. And all the contract angst fades. As I wash my hair, I try and think what I could possibly ask him via email. Surely it’s better to talk these things through. Suppose someone hacked into his account? I flush at the thought. I dress quickly, shout a hasty goodbye to Kate, and I’m off to work my last week at Clayton’s.
  José phones at eleven.
  “Hey, are we doing coffee?” He sounds like the old José. José my friend, not a – what did Christian call him? Suitor. Ugh.
  “Sure. I’m at work. Can you make it here for say twelve?”
  “See you then.”
  He hangs up, and I go back to restocking the paintbrushes and thinking about Christian Grey and his contract.
  José is punctual. He comes bounding into the shop like a gamboling dark-eyed puppy.
  “Ana,” he smiles his dazzling toothy all-Hispanic-American smile, and I can’t be angry with him anymore.
  “Hi José.” I hug him. “I’m starving. I’ll just let Mrs. Clayton know I’m going for lunch.”
  As we stroll to the local coffee shop, I slip my arm through José’s. I’m so grateful for his – normality. Someone I know and understand.
  “Hey Ana,” he murmurs. “You’ve really forgiven me?”
  “José, you know I can never stay mad at you for long.”
  He grins.
  I can’t wait to get home. The lure of emailing Christian, and maybe I can begin my research project. Kate is out somewhere, so I fire up the new laptop and open my email. Sure enough, there’s an email from Christian sitting in the inbox. I’m practically bouncing out of my seat with glee.
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Working for a living
  Date: May 23 2011 17:24
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Dear Miss Steele
  I do hope you had a good day at work.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  I hit reply.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Working for living
  Date: May 23 2011 17:48
  To: Christian Grey
  Sir… I had a very good day at work.Thank you.
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Do The Work!
  Date: May 23 2011 17:50
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Miss Steele
  Delighted you had a good day.
  While you are emailing, you are not researching.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Nuisance
  Date: May 23 2011 17:53
  To: Christian Grey
  Mr. Grey, stop emailing me, and I can start my assignment.
  I’d like another A.
  I hug myself.
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Impatient
  Date: May 23 2011 17:55
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Miss Steele
  Stop emailing me – and do your assignment.I’d like to award another A.
  The first one was so well deserved. ;)
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  Christian Grey just sent me a winking smiley… Oh my. I fire up Google.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Internet Research
  Date: May 23 2011 17:59
  To: Christian Grey
  Mr. Grey
  What would you suggest I put into a search engine?
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Internet Research
  Date: May 23 2011 18:02
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Miss Steele
  Always start with Wikipedia.
  No more emails unless you have questions. Understood?
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Bossy!
  Date: May 23 2011 18:04
  To: Christian Grey
  Yes… Sir.You are so bossy.
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: In Control
  Date: May 23 2011 18:06
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Anastasia, you have no idea.
  Well, maybe an inkling now.
  Do the work.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  I type Submissive into Wikipedia.
  Half an hour later, I feel slight queasy and frankly shocked to my core. Do I really want this stuff in my head? Jeez – is this what he gets up to in the Red Room of Pain? I sit staring at the screen, and part of me, a very moist and integral part of me – that I’ve only become acquainted with very recently, is seriously turned on. Oh my, some of this stuff is HOT. But is it for me? Holy shit… could I do this? I need space. I need to think.
  For the first time in my life, I voluntarily go for a run. I find my nasty, never-used sneakers, some sweat pants, and a t-shirt. I put my hair in pigtails, blushing at the memories they bring back, and I plug in my iPod. I can’t sit in front of that marvel of technology and look at or read any more disturbing material. I need to expend some of this excess, enervating, energy. Quite frankly, I have a mind to run to the Heathman hotel and just demand sex from the control freak. But that’s five miles, and I don’t think I’ll be able to run one mile, let alone five, and of course, he might turn me down which would be beyond humiliating.
  Kate is walking from her car as I head out of the door. She nearly drops her shopping when she sees me. Ana Steele in sneakers. I wave and don’t stop for the inquisition. I need some serious alone time. Snow Patrol blaring in my ears, I set off into the opal and aquamarine dusk.
  I pace through the park. What am I going to do? I want him, but on his terms? I just don’t know. Perhaps I should negotiate what I want. Go through that ridiculous contract line by line and say what is acceptable and what isn’t. My research has told me that legally it’s unenforceable. He must know that. I figure that it just sets up the parameters of the relationship. It illustrates what I can expect from him and what he expects from me – my total submission. Am I prepared to give him that? Am I even capable?
  I am plagued by one question - why is he like this? Is it because he was seduced at such a young age? I just don’t know. He’s still such a mystery.
  I stop beside a large spruce and put my hands on my knees, breathing hard, dragging precious air into my lungs. Oh, this feels good, cathartic. I can feel my resolve hardening. Yes. I need to tell him what’s okay and what isn’t. I need to email him my thoughts, and then we can discuss these on Wednesday. I take a deep cleansing breath, then jog back to the apartment.
  Kate has been shopping, as only she can, for clothes for her holiday to Barbados. Mainly bikinis and matching sarongs. She will look fabulous in all of them, yet she still makes me sit and comment while she tries on each and every one. There are only so many ways one can say – you look fabulous Kate. She has a curvy, slim figure to die for. She doesn’t do it on purpose, I know, but I haul my sorry, perspiration clad, old t-shirt, sweat pants, and sneakers ass into my room on the pretext of packing more boxes. Could I feel any more inadequate? Taking the awesome free technology with me, I set the laptop up on my desk. I email Christian.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Shocked of WSUV
  Date: May 23 2011 20:33
  To: Christian Grey
  Okay, I’ve seen enough.
  It was nice knowing you.
  I press send, hugging myself, laughing at my little joke. Will he find it as funny? Oh shit – probably not. Christian Grey is not famed for his sense of humor. But I know it exists, I’ve experienced it. Perhaps I’ve gone too far. I wait for his answer.
  I wait… and wait. I glance at my alarm clock. Ten minutes have passed.
  To distract myself from the anxiety that blooms in my belly, I start doing what I told Kate I would be doing – packing up my room. I begin by cramming my books into a crate. By nine, I’ve heard nothing. Perhaps he’s out. I pout petulantly as I plug my iPod ear buds in, listen to Snow Patrol, and sit down at my small desk to re-read the contract and make my comments.
  I don’t know why I glance up, maybe I catch a slight movement from the corner of my eye, I don’t know, but when I do, he’s standing in the doorway of my bedroom watching me intently. He’s wearing his grey flannel pants and a white linen shirt, gently twirling his car keys. I pull my ear buds out and freeze. Fuck!
  “Good evening, Anastasia.” His voice is cool, his expression completely guarded and unreadable. The capacity to speak deserts me. Damn Kate for letting him in here with no warning. Vaguely, I’m aware that I’m still in my sweats, un-showered, yucky, and he’s just gloriously yummy, his pants doing that hanging from the hips thing, and what’s more, he’s here in my bedroom.
  “I felt that your email warranted a reply in person,” he explains dryly.
  I open my mouth and then close it again, twice. The joke is on me. Never in this or any alternative universe did I expect him to drop everything and turn up here.
  “May I sit?” he asks, his eyes now dancing with humor – thank heavens – maybe he’ll see the funny side?
  I nod. The power of speech remains elusive. Christian Grey is sitting on my bed.
  “I wondered what your bedroom would look like,” he says.
  I glance around it, plotting an escape route, no – there’s still only the door or window. My room is functional but cozy – sparse white wicker furniture and a white iron double bed with a patchwork quilt, made by my mother when she was in her folksy American quilting phase. It’s all pale blue and cream.
  “It’s very serene and peaceful in here,” he murmurs. Not at the moment… not with you here.
  Finally, my medulla oblongata recalls its purpose, I breathe.
  “How… ?”
  He smiles at me.
  “I’m still at the Heathman.”
  I know that.
  “Would you like a drink?” Politeness wins out over everything else I’d like to say.
  “No, thank you, Anastasia.” He smiles a dazzling, crooked smile, his head cocked slightly to one side.
  Well, I might need one.
  “So, it was nice knowing me?”
  Holy cow, is he offended? I stare down at my fingers. How am I going to dig myself out of this? If I tell him it was a joke, I don’t think he’ll be impressed.
章节:17 人气:2
摘要:本文是作者根据自己1868年在纽约采访州长竞选的素材写成的一篇政治讽刺小说。作者以夸张的漫画式的笔触,艺术地再现了美国社会中竞选的种种秽事丑闻,揭露了竞选的虚伪性和欺骗性。这篇小说以独立党候选人“我”的自白与大量的新闻、匿名信等引文的对照构成完整的故事,用犀利、夸张、含蓄的语言表达了作者对腐败政治的愤怒谴责。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:2
摘要:我知道有这么一则已为人所共知的铁事,它的大意是:一位年轻作家决心要把他的故事的开头写得独具一格、有声有色,想借此引起那些读腻了声色犬马之类文章的编辑们的注意,便写下了如下的句子:“‘该死!’公爵夫人说道。”真怪,我这故事的开头倒也是同一个形式.只不过说这句话的女士不是一位公爵夫人罢了。那是六月初的一天,我在巴黎刚办完了一些事务,正乘着早车回伦敦去。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:2
摘要:一《魔山》是德国大文豪托马斯·曼震撼世界文坛的力作,是德国现代小说的里程碑。美国著名作家辛克莱·刘易斯对《魔山》的评价很高,他于一九三○年看了这部书后曾说:“我觉得《魔山》是整个欧洲生活的精髓。”确实,它不愧为反映第一次世界大战前夕欧洲社会生活的百科全书。一九二九年托马斯·曼获诺贝尔文学奖,《魔山》起了决定性作用,这是评论界公认的事实。二关于托马斯·曼,我国读者并不陌生。 [点击阅读]
章节:36 人气:0
摘要:在我的这本记叙性的书中,我摒弃了常规,仅仅以第一人称叙述了我亲自处理过的一些案件和勘查过的现场,而其它章节是以第三人称的方式写的。我希冀读者相信书中的情节是真实的。虽然在描述各种不同人物的思想及感情上过于细腻,可是我保证,这都是我当时精细的笔录。此外,我的朋友赫尔克里.波洛还亲自对它们进行过校对。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:“埃莉诺·凯瑟琳·卡莱尔,您被指控于本年七月二十七日杀害了玛丽·杰勒德。您是否承认自己是有罪的?”埃莉诺·卡莱尔笔直地站立着。她那傲然高昂的头、生气勃勃的蓝色眼睛使人惊讶。她的头发像煤炭一样乌黑。修剪应时的眉毛形成两条细线。法庭笼罩在一片沉闷而紧张的寂静中。 [点击阅读]
章节:40 人气:0
摘要:正文第1节:春天(1)春天一个雨天,我来到了这个家。有间屋子的门楣上摆着一排漂亮的镜框,里面全是猫的照片。再往屋里一看,从左面墙开始,隔过中间窗户,一直转到右面墙的一半,又挂了快一圈儿猫的照片,我懒得去数多少张了。照片有黑白的,也有彩色的;有的猫不理睬我,有的猫死盯着我。整个房间就像个佛龛,令人窒息。我呆呆地站在门口。"这围脖真好看哪。 [点击阅读]
章节:37 人气:0
摘要:1.一串白藤花序幕花街上,点着常夜灯。如今,连一点痕迹都没有了,可是大正(注:日本年号,1911-1926)末年,在那个伸入濑户内海的小小港埠里,有一所即今是当时也使人觉得凄寂的风化区,名字就叫“常夜坡”。活了这么一把年纪,到如今还常常会想起那整晚点着的白花花、冷清清的灯光;奇异的是每次想起,它总是那么凄冷,了无生气。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:阿里阿德理-奥列弗夫人在朋友朱迪思-巴特勒家作客。一天德雷克夫人家准备给村里的孩子们开个晚会,奥列弗夫人便跟朋友一道前去帮忙。德雷克夫人家热闹非凡.女人们一个个精神抖擞,进进出出地搬着椅子、小桌子、花瓶什么的.还搬来许多老南瓜,有条不紊地放在选定的位置上。今天要举行的是万圣节前夜晚会,邀请了一群十至十七岁的孩子作客。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:死者引导我们我在黎明前的黑暗中醒来,寻求着一种热切的“期待”的感觉,摸索着噩梦残破的意识。一如咽下一口要以烧着你五脏六腑的威士忌,这种“期待”的感觉热辣辣的。我心中忐忑,摸索着,企望它能切实重返体内。然而这种摸索却永远都是徒劳枉然。手指已没了气力,我只好将它们并拢起来。分明觉出自己全身的骨肉都已分离。迎着光亮,我的意识畏葸不前,这种感觉也正转化成一种钝痛。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:0
摘要:一艾瑞丝-玛尔正在想着她的姐姐罗斯玛丽。在过去将近一年里,她极尽可能地试着把罗斯玛丽自脑海中抹去。她不想去记起。那太痛苦——太恐怖了!那氰化钾中毒发蓝的脸孔,那痉挛紧缩的手指……那与前一天欢乐可爱的罗斯玛丽形成的强烈对比……呵,也许并不真的是欢乐。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:内容简介小说主要描述了法国红衣大主教黎塞留,从1624年出任首相到1628年攻打并占领胡格诺言教派的主要根据地拉罗谢尔城期间所发生的事。黎塞留为了要帮助国王路易十三,千方百计要抓住王后与英国首相白金汉公爵暧昧关系的把柄。而作品主人公达达尼昂出于正义,与他的好友三个火枪手为解救王后冲破大主教所设下的重重罗网,最终保全了王后的名誉。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:萨特思韦特先生坐在鸦巢屋的露台上,看着屋主查尔斯-卡特赖特爵士从海边爬上小路。鸦巢屋是一座漂亮的现代平房,木质结构不到一半,没有三角墙,没有三流建筑师爱不释手的多佘累赘的设计。这是一幢简洁而坚固的白色建筑物。它看起来比实际的体积小得多.真是不可貌相。这房子的名声要归功于它的位置-居高临下,俯瞰整个鲁茅斯海港。 [点击阅读]
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