雾都孤儿 - 雾都孤儿英文读后感(二)
  Learn to love and care
  Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time. It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens.
  The resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what I lack deep inside. These supreme resources I’m talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention. They’re abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another —— love and care.
  Those charitable figures whom Dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life. They showed love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply.
  Mr. Brownlow is one such person.
  The other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by two skilled teenage thieves, Artful Dodger and Charley Bates, and thought naturally it was Oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live with a gang of thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place. Being wrathful, he caught Oliver, and sent him to the police station where the ill-tempered, unfair magistrates worked. Fortunately for him, Oliver was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards. With sympathy, Mr. Brownlow took the injured, poor Oliver to his own home. There Oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were Mr. Brownlow’s own son. One day, however, Mr. Brownlow asked Oliver to return some books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected. The thief Oliver once stayed with kidnapped him. After that he disappeared in Mr. Brownlow’s life. Searching for a while, Mr. Brownlow had to believe the fact that he had run away with his money. But dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later. Without hesitation, Mr. Brownlow took Oliver home for the second time not caring if he had done something evil.

  Perhaps most of us would feel confused about Mr. Brownlow’s reaction. But as a matter of fact, this is just the lesson we should learn from him. Jesus said in the Bible. “Forgive not seven times, but seventy-times seven.” Why is that? Because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. We cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. Stop put Mr. Brownlow into the list of your models. Always give people a second chance no matter what they might have done. That’s also a substantial part of loving and caring others.

  Then there are Mrs. Maylie and Rose, Oliver’s other benefactors. Maybe the reason they loved and cared Oliver was not because of forgiveness. In my point of view, it was trust. They had faith in Oliver when he was considered to be a filthy burglar who tried to break the front door of Maylie’s at midnight. But this wasn’t how these two ladies saw the whole thing. They denied Oliver’s crime immediately and listened attentively to Oliver’s own description of his miserable life. They were deeply touched by Oliver’s strong perseverance and astonishing vitality. Accordingly, they remedied Oliver’s body and heart and turned him into a different boy. He began to wear appropriate and clean suits which were tailor-made for him and receive education.
  As far as we can see, it is trust that helps us all live together without precaution. Sometimes trust can even lead us to miracles, which we often expect to come about, so why not trust? Trust yourself, trust others, and you’ll salute miracles every single day.
  In the novel, though the young Oliver again and again fell for conspiracies of those hideous thieves, who tried to torture Oliver’s body and poisoned Oliver’s heart intensely, he always lived on and tried hard to seek for his own life. Then I realized what supported him all through were actually beliefs. In most cases, what you believe is what you’ll become. Believe that you are unlimited, that you can do anything you commit to doing, and when you do, your accomplishments will know no bounds. You control your beliefs and that is how you ultimately control your life. It’s all dictated by your attitude.

  In the final analysis, love and care contain numerous forms, there are love of forgiveness, love of trust, etc. but they all come from your beliefs in life. When someone tells you he’s deceived you, forgive him anyway, when someone tells you what he’s done, trust him anyway, and when you face adversities while chasing your dreams, think about your beliefs, then what hinders you will become a piece of cake in no time.
  So find out “Olivers” in your life and do as Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Maylie do: love them and care them, which cost nothing but save much. They enrich those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. They can be certain smallest words or actions, but the memory of them sometimes last forever.
  Charles Dickens said:“Love makes the world go around.” These immortal words have inspired and will keep on inspiring us to chant the melody of love and to say the prayer of care forevermore. Let us, therefore, enjoy life and treat other people lovingly. These principles are the roots and foundations of beliefs supporting this article and our mission together.
章节:19 人气:2
摘要:第1章存在之谜我们个人存在的时间都极为短暂,其间只能探索整个宇宙的小部分。但人类是好奇的族类。我们惊讶,我们寻求答案。生活在这一广阔的时而亲切时而残酷的世界中,人们仰望浩渺的星空,不断地提出一长串问题:我们怎么能理解我们处于其中的世界呢?宇宙如何运行?什么是实在的本性?所有这一切从何而来?宇宙需要一个造物主吗?我们中的多数人在大部分时间里不为这些问题烦恼,但是我们几乎每个人有时会为这些问题困扰。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:2
摘要:我就是成功者你可以成功:女人的心理资本心中有希望,在女人的一生中随时会碰到困难和挫折,甚至还会遭遇致命的打击。在这种时候,心态的积极与消极会对事业的成败产生重大的影响。�ブE�士和崔女士同样在市场上经营服装生意,她们初入市场的时候,正赶上服装生意最不景气的季节,进来的服装卖不出去,可每天还要交房租和市场管理费,眼看着天天赔钱。 [点击阅读]
章节:63 人气:2
摘要:作者简介:陆琪内地首席励志作家说职场是“老板公敌”说情感是“男人公敌”说成功是“所有成功者的公敌”在任何时候,都只为小人物说话简介:著有畅销职场书《潜伏在办公室》系列、《上班奴》职场、情感、人文等跨界专栏名家博客点击过千万,作品网络转载过亿国内顶级编剧之一,浙江省作家协会类型文学委员会互联网首期创业者, [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:2
摘要:《存在与虚无》这是一部存在主义代表作,在哲学史上有着重要的地位,其内容概论:一、导言:对存在的探索在本书的第一部分,萨特明确了他对存在思考的起点,提出了存在的两种不能互相还原的存在形式:对意识来说超越的存在和意识本身。萨特的存在理论的逻辑出发点是现象。 [点击阅读]
章节:16 人气:2
摘要:小王子是一个超凡脱俗的仙童,他住在一颗只比他大一丁点儿的小行星上。陪伴他的是一朵他非常喜爱的小玫瑰花。但玫瑰花的虚荣心伤害了小王子对她的感情。小王子告别小行星,开始了遨游太空的旅行。他先后访问了六个行星,各种见闻使他陷入忧伤,他感到大人们荒唐可笑、太不正常。只有在其中一个点灯人的星球上,小王子才找到一个可以作为朋友的人。但点灯人的天地又十分狭小,除了点灯人他自己,不能容下第二个人。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:2
摘要:第一部分投资前的准备工作在你打算购买股票之前,你应该对以下各点有一个基本的了解:股票市场的整体情况,你对美国公司的信任程度,你是否需要进行股票投资?你所期望得到的回报是多少?你打算作短线交易还是搞长期投资?你对某些突发事件、不可预测事件以及股价暴跌的反应情况如何?最好在进行投资前明确你的投资目标以及分析清楚自己对投资的态度(我真的认为股票比债券更具有风险性吗?), [点击阅读]
章节:62 人气:2
摘要:有人曾经问我:你从事的这项研究到底能有什么用呢?但我从没有因诸如此类的怀疑或非议而动摇过。我始终坚守着这样一个信念:只要能够满足人们的好奇心、能够给人以些许的启迪、能够让我们从一个新的角度去解读我们置身其中的这个社会, [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:2
摘要:序:成长比成功更重要●凌志军“成长”是一个关乎教育、人才乃至整个社会的话题。每个学生都渴望知道自己该如何走向成功,每位家长都希望自己的孩子尽快成材,每个老师都期盼自己教出的学生早日取得喜人的成绩。但是,成长的道路并非一帆风顺,有的人没能坚持到终点,有的人在挫折面前选择了软弱和妥协,也有的人用正确的方法和坚定的信念取得了令人瞩目的成功。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:2
摘要:打听人机的人,易招人怨。泄漏天机的人,易遭天遣。好个知心朋友"可是我菜都买好了……好吧!谢谢……再……"小英的"再见"还没说完,对方挂了电话。许久,许久,她呆坐着,电话还在手里,发出呜、呜的声响,在这个已经空了的办公室里,显得有点刺耳。"有什么不开心的事?"一双手伸过来,帮她挂上了电话,抬头,是新来的唐小姐。"没什么事。"她扯了扯嘴角:"你怎么还没走?""急什么?有什么事等我回家办?家又不像个家。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:2
摘要:子愿我后生,常为君妻,好丑不相离。今我女弱,不能得前,请寄二花,以献于佛——《佛说太子瑞应本起经》一、朱砂佛印历史上鸿蒙初辟的时期,颟顸、野蛮、酷虐与巫术、卜噬、图腾一起,拥有着不可抵御的权势。有史学家把它比作恶魔,手指粗硬,指节稍稍用力地弯曲便有裂帛一样的声音传出来。许多无妄的生命在它的操纵下陪葬。在长达几千年的蒙昧里,文明被撕裂成片,然而它们学会包容,织成一张网,反过来将野蛮在潜移默化中同化。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:2
摘要:在人类与兽人爆发战争的一万年前,艾泽拉斯世界只有一块被无边的海洋包围的巨大陆地,这片大陆被称为卡利姆多。许多不同的种族和生物在这片土地上生存,与恶劣的自然环境作斗争。在这块黑暗的大陆中心是一片充满神秘能量的湖泊,这片湖泊——它后来被称为永恒之井——是整个世界的魔法和自然能量的源泉,在从这个世界以外无边的黑暗中汲取能量的同时,永恒之井向整个世界源源不断地释放它的能量,为世界上形形色色的生物提供营养。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:2
摘要:爱丽丝靠着姐姐坐在河岸边很久了,由于没有什么事情可做,她开始感到厌倦,她一次又—次地瞧瞧姐姐正在读的那本书,可是书里没有图画,也没有对话,爱丽丝想:“要是一本书里没有图画和对话,那还有什么意思呢?”天热得她非常困,甚至迷糊了,但是爱丽丝还是认真地盘算着,做一只雏菊花环的乐趣,能不能抵得上摘雏菊的麻烦呢?就在这时,突然一只粉红眼睛的白兔,贴着她身边跑过去了。 [点击阅读]