雾都孤儿 - 雾都孤儿英文简介
  One of Dickens most enduringly popular stories is Oliver Twist, an early work published 1837-8. Like many of his later novels, its central theme is the hardship faced by the dispossessed and those of the outside of tolite society. Oliver himself is born in a workhouse and treated cruelly there as was the norm at the time for pauper children, in particular by Bumble, a parish council official or eadle The story follows Oliver as he escapes the workhouse and runs away to London. Here he receives an education in villainy from the criminal gang of Fagin that includes the brutal thief Bill Sikes, the famous artful Dodger and Nancy, Bill whore. Oliver is rescued by the intervention of a benefactor - Mr Brownlow - but the mysterious Monks gets the gang to kidnap the boy again. Nancy intervenes but is murdered viciously by Sikes after she has showed some redeeming qualities and has discovered Monk sinister intention. The story closes happily and with justice for Bumble and the cruel Monks who has hidden the truth of Oliver parentage out of malice. Accusations were made that the book glamorised crime (like the ewgate Group of the period) but Dickens wisely disassociated himself from criminal romances. His achievement was in fact in presenting the underworld and problems of poverty to the well-off in a way rarely attempted previously.
  Oliver Twist provides insight into the experience of the poor in 1830s England. Beneath the novel’s raucous humor and flights of fancy runs an undertone of bitter criticism of the Victorian middle class's attitudes toward the poor. Oliver is a near perfect example of the hypocrisy and venality of the legal system, workhouses, and middle class moral values and marriage practices of 1830s England.
  As a child, Dickens endured the harsh conditions of poverty. His family was imprisoned for debt, and Dickens was forced to work in a factory at age twelve. These experiences haunted him for the rest of his life. The misery of his childhood is a recurrent theme in his novels. Oliver Twist expresses the unfortunate situation of the orphaned child. Oliver suffers the cruelty of hypocritical workhouse officials, prejudiced judges, and hardened criminals. Throughout the novel, his virtuous nature survives the unbelievable misery of his situation.
  Oliver's experiences demonstrate the legal silence and invisibility of the poor. In 1830s England, wealth determined voting rights. Therefore, the poor had no say in the laws that governed their lives, and the Poor Laws strictly regulated the ability to seek relief. Since begging(www.benkelunwen.cn) was illegal, workhouses were the only sources of relief. The workhouses were made to be deliberately unpleasant in order to discourage the poor from seeking their relief. The Victorian middle class assumed that the poor were uncontroleable due to their state of nature and immorality. Since the poor had no voting rights, the State chose to recognize their existence only when they commited crimes, died, or entered the workhouses.
  Dickens' Oliver Twist is one sympathetic portrayal among dozens of vicious, stereotypical portrayals of the poor. However, Dickens himself exhibits middle class prejudice. He reproduces the worst anti-Semitic stereotypes in Fagin, the "villainous old Jew." The portrayal of Noah Claypole, the dirty charity boy, reveals some of the stereotypes of the poor that Dickens criticizes. Monks, Oliver's evil half-brother, is "bad from birth," although Dickens clearly satirizes the middle class's belief that the poor are born crimnals. These inconsistencies weaken the larger impact of Dickens' crusade against the abuses leveled against the poor.
  Oliver Twist is not considered one of Dickens's best novels. The plot is misleading and often ridiculous. However, it merits study for its scathing critique of Victorian middle class attitudes towards poverty.
章节:18 人气:3
摘要:楔子那年的冬天很冷,长得像是没有尽头。岁末将至,家家户户忙置办年货,围炉守岁过个好年。那是她失去家人的第四个年头,却依然无法习惯没了亲人在身旁围炉守岁的新年。她讨厌安安静静的屋子,说了话无人应答,空冷的木桌、木椅,怎么也坐不满。每一个独自面对的新年,都好寂寞,好难挨。送走最后一个客人,她收拾妥当,隔壁摊上还剩两块干烙大饼,她索性全买了,却一点想吃的欲…望也无。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:2
摘要:致谢在此特别感谢:感谢我妻子艾琳·考威尔,感谢她的爱和支持,感谢她在编辑方面给我许多出色的建议,感谢她在这25年中与我深入、有益的沟通。感谢西蒙与舒斯特出版公司的编辑米歇尔·霍瑞和亚历山德拉·奥西,感谢他们热情而富有建设性的想法,以及他们对这本书的信任。 [点击阅读]
章节:75 人气:2
摘要:序爱情是人类永恒的追求,婚姻是人们最终的归宿。爱情与婚姻共同构成了人生两大主题。没有爱情的婚姻是危险的,没有婚姻的爱情是无望的,爱情与婚姻注定将捆绑在一起。都说爱情是生命的一场意外,这场意外却每天都在上演。你爱他,他不爱你;他爱你,你不爱他;两个人彼此相爱,却不能在一起。爱情就在煎熬和考验中演绎着一段段悲欢离合的故事。忽然某一天,在合适的时间,合适的地点,遇到了合适的人,婚姻就在这个时候出现了。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:3
摘要:第一章午后,冷风阵阵吹拂,远方飘来一朵乌云,掩去微弱的一抹斜阳。幽僻的竹林,断断续续传来窸窸窣窣的声响,约可辨明是风声拍打竹叶的声音,然而,除此之外,若凝神细听,其中犹交杂着细碎虚浮的跫音。该死的!谷映尘的额上冒着冷汗,暗声低咒。事发至今,已近半个时辰,药性已发挥到极致,他若再不设法解决,恐怕……颠踬的步伐踩上一地的竹叶,为这幽寂的林子添上一缕清冷萧条之气。 [点击阅读]
章节:33 人气:2
摘要:第一篇:徒手打市场,两年成百万新贵一、撞进报社1994年开春,北京城。我从化工大学即将毕业,满怀希望冲进人才市场,放眼一望,嚯,茫茫然,学子们挤满了招聘现场,却发现满场只招化工专业一人!班里还有百八十人嗷嗷待哺呢,咱专业学问和心气都拼不过他们,得,赶紧转行吧。主意拿定,我踏上了曲折的应聘之路。虽然专业差,没经验等客观条件让咱屡战屡败,但我不胆怯,依旧猛打猛冲。碰巧,一家市场类报社招编辑。 [点击阅读]
章节:77 人气:2
摘要:霜降,寒月,更深露重。百花宫中,二十四芳主次第跪伏在剔透琉璃铺就的大殿上,屏息凝神。一阵夜风过,殿外树影婆娑,将月色筛成一地零落的碎玉。殿中央,水色的纱帘轻轻摇摆,似帘内人起伏微弱的气息。那人侧卧在云衾锦榻中,发簪墨梅,眼尾迤逦,半阖半张,脸容清艳绝伦,虽是惨白羸弱却难掩眉宇间风流仪态,堪堪让人难以逼视。白雾般的月光洒落在她微微蹙起的眉尖。 [点击阅读]
章节:79 人气:2
摘要:第一章靠姿色靠青春不如靠能力前言如果说“女人十八一枝花”能够成立的话,那么二十几岁的女人则是盛开的花,相较于“十八”这只花骨朵来说,更加成熟、有魅力。二十几岁的女人有着年轻的容颜、**的活力、对生活的渴望;有着新时代女性的追求;也有着不太成熟的性格、初为**的羞涩,对生活的迷茫……总之,二十几岁的女人拥有着太多的与众不同,同时,这些与众不同时刻决定着自己一生的命运。 [点击阅读]
章节:34 人气:2
摘要:非常感谢你们的帮助和支持,使“富爸爸”系列丛书在中国获得如此成功。我们美国富爸爸公司为能与伟大的中国人民合作而感到骄傲。我们从未想到,这些最初仅仅为《现金流》游戏而撰写的小册子会使我们在世界各地取得如此惊人的成功。“富爸爸”系列丛书被译成35种语言,在67个国家发行了1300万册。中国是我们最成功的市场之一。同时,还要感谢你们在我们访问中国期间对我们的热烈欢迎。希望今后能得到你们更多的支持。 [点击阅读]
章节:39 人气:2
摘要:01深秋时分,龙州街头已经有了三分寒意。不过这点寒意并不能阻止都市男女们上街消遣的兴致,尤其是在周末的傍晚。文汇路是老城区的商业中心。和新区的商业中心相比,这里的大楼多半矮旧,不够摩登气派。但老区也有老区的特色,比如说城内很多老字号都在此处聚集,这对本地市民的吸引力巨大。所以每到营业高峰段,文汇路上总是人来人往,热闹非凡。罗飞坐在路边的一个台阶上,看似在无聊发呆,可他的眼神和思绪却没有一刻停歇。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:2
摘要:第1章前言九型人格,也称“九种人格”、“九种性格”等,是了解他人、认识自我、修正人格、建立良好人际关系的一种学问,被称为当今最实用的人格分析理论。近十几年来已风行欧美学术界及工商界。美国中央情报局把它作为一个识人指南,用以洞察各国元首的行为特质,斯坦福大学也把它引进到mba的课堂来训练学员的领导力。 [点击阅读]
章节:121 人气:2
摘要:2006年夏,正当美国房地产泡沫如日中天之时,我对即将来临的金融海啸已深感忧虑,《货币战争》一书正是在这样一种不安和焦虑之中诞生的。在我看来,导致2008年全球金融危机的根源在于1971年以来的美元体系存在着致命的缺陷,这就是全世界的货币大厦事实上建立在美国的债务沙滩之上,而美元的债务本位既不可能稳定,也不可能持续,随着世界经济总吨位的增长,美元地基已在沉陷,随之而来的就是大厦将倾的危机。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:3
摘要:楔子十年等待的尽头是什么?有些人,是拥抱真爱;有些人,是云淡风轻,尽付笑谈中。而他——守着一段早已死去、埋入黄土的情感,过不去,也醒不来,直到——那道深镂脑海的倩影,再次出现眼前。她身边那个人,早已不是他,午夜梦回,他却还记得她说爱他时的姿态、音韵、神情。蓦然回首,一身寂寥。 [点击阅读]