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雾都孤儿 - 雾都孤儿英文简介
  One of Dickens most enduringly popular stories is Oliver Twist, an early work published 1837-8. Like many of his later novels, its central theme is the hardship faced by the dispossessed and those of the outside of tolite society. Oliver himself is born in a workhouse and treated cruelly there as was the norm at the time for pauper children, in particular by Bumble, a parish council official or eadle The story follows Oliver as he escapes the workhouse and runs away to London. Here he receives an education in villainy from the criminal gang of Fagin that includes the brutal thief Bill Sikes, the famous artful Dodger and Nancy, Bill whore. Oliver is rescued by the intervention of a benefactor - Mr Brownlow - but the mysterious Monks gets the gang to kidnap the boy again. Nancy intervenes but is murdered viciously by Sikes after she has showed some redeeming qualities and has discovered Monk sinister intention. The story closes happily and with justice for Bumble and the cruel Monks who has hidden the truth of Oliver parentage out of malice. Accusations were made that the book glamorised crime (like the ewgate Group of the period) but Dickens wisely disassociated himself from criminal romances. His achievement was in fact in presenting the underworld and problems of poverty to the well-off in a way rarely attempted previously.
  Oliver Twist provides insight into the experience of the poor in 1830s England. Beneath the novel’s raucous humor and flights of fancy runs an undertone of bitter criticism of the Victorian middle class's attitudes toward the poor. Oliver is a near perfect example of the hypocrisy and venality of the legal system, workhouses, and middle class moral values and marriage practices of 1830s England.
  As a child, Dickens endured the harsh conditions of poverty. His family was imprisoned for debt, and Dickens was forced to work in a factory at age twelve. These experiences haunted him for the rest of his life. The misery of his childhood is a recurrent theme in his novels. Oliver Twist expresses the unfortunate situation of the orphaned child. Oliver suffers the cruelty of hypocritical workhouse officials, prejudiced judges, and hardened criminals. Throughout the novel, his virtuous nature survives the unbelievable misery of his situation.
  Oliver's experiences demonstrate the legal silence and invisibility of the poor. In 1830s England, wealth determined voting rights. Therefore, the poor had no say in the laws that governed their lives, and the Poor Laws strictly regulated the ability to seek relief. Since begging(www.benkelunwen.cn) was illegal, workhouses were the only sources of relief. The workhouses were made to be deliberately unpleasant in order to discourage the poor from seeking their relief. The Victorian middle class assumed that the poor were uncontroleable due to their state of nature and immorality. Since the poor had no voting rights, the State chose to recognize their existence only when they commited crimes, died, or entered the workhouses.
  Dickens' Oliver Twist is one sympathetic portrayal among dozens of vicious, stereotypical portrayals of the poor. However, Dickens himself exhibits middle class prejudice. He reproduces the worst anti-Semitic stereotypes in Fagin, the "villainous old Jew." The portrayal of Noah Claypole, the dirty charity boy, reveals some of the stereotypes of the poor that Dickens criticizes. Monks, Oliver's evil half-brother, is "bad from birth," although Dickens clearly satirizes the middle class's belief that the poor are born crimnals. These inconsistencies weaken the larger impact of Dickens' crusade against the abuses leveled against the poor.
  Oliver Twist is not considered one of Dickens's best novels. The plot is misleading and often ridiculous. However, it merits study for its scathing critique of Victorian middle class attitudes towards poverty.
章节:29 人气:0
摘要:巫师带着不确定的眼光低头看着她。她背向他;他只能看见她浓密的红褐色发绺垂盖在那双厚实又充满活力的肩膀上。但巫师也看出了她眼中的悲伤。她是那么地年轻,只不过刚脱离孩童的阶段,又天真无邪到让人觉得美丽的地步。但这个美丽的孩子却将剑插进了他所爱的西妮的心脏。哈寇·哈贝尔很快扫去心中关于他死去的爱人那些不愿想起的记忆,开始往山下走。“天气不错,”当他走到年轻女孩身边的时候,他高兴地说。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:我拉挖开了神圣的坑穴和地洞将仇敌地精放进浅坟之中我们今天的工作不要开始这矿场中,白银的溪水飞逝石头下的金属闪耀生光火炬将白银溪流照亮在此避开了窥伺的旭日这矿场中,白银的溪水飞逝锤子将纯粹的秘银敲响一如古昔的矮人矿场此处匠人的工作永无休止这矿场中,白银的溪水飞逝我们向矮人的神高声歌颂再将另一半兽人放进浅坟之中我们知道我们的工作已经开始这土地上,白银的溪水飞逝※※※在黑暗的宝座上,栖息着黑暗的龙。 [点击阅读]
章节:80 人气:0
摘要:Chapter1那一年,我和你的赌一九九〇年六月十五日,正坐在学校大礼堂等着年级大会召开的黎璃被后排的人拍了一下肩膀,她回过头。浓眉大眼的裴尚轩笑嘻嘻地问她:“黎璃,你猜谁会赢大力神杯?”六月八日,意大利世界杯开幕。黎璃本来对足球没有兴趣,她的舅舅却是个球迷,从世界杯开始便进入莫名兴奋的状态,等半夜闹钟响了爬起来看球。黎璃被闹钟吵醒,醒来发现手臂被蚊子叮了好几个包。 [点击阅读]
章节:92 人气:0
摘要:命运之神喜欢热闹,有时还喜欢嘲弄人,它每每令人可恼地给伤心惨目的悲剧掺进一点滑稽的成分。——斯蒂芬?茨威格小时候,总觉得自己是世界上很特别的一个,即使眼下平凡无奇,也一定有什么地方与众不同,只是还没有被发现而已。想到未来,总觉得一切皆有可能。可随着长大,渐渐认清楚自己不过是芸芸众生中最普通的一员,身材不比别人好,脑子不比别人聪明,脸蛋不比别人漂亮,甚至连性格都不会比别人更有魅力。 [点击阅读]
章节:6 人气:0
摘要:你让我失望了,卡尔洛斯。不论他再怎么努力,这句话就是无法从他的心头消散。不论在经过阿格玛之锤的时候听到多少声激昂热情的“欢迎霸主!”都没用,不论在愤怒之门前方的废墟里站上多久,对着依然熊熊燃烧的魔法烈焰凝视多久也都没用。就连挥斧砍杀胆敢与他为敌的猛兽与天谴军魔物也只能暂且令他分神,就连热辣辣地喷溅在脸上的鲜血也无法淹没那句话。 [点击阅读]
章节:83 人气:0
摘要:致内地读者得怀着感恩的心情,在因缘际会下,我第一本在内地发行的书,是关于快乐/不快乐的课题,跟内地朋友分享自己这几年的体会。当前大势。不失为反思“拥有与失去”的黄金机会,能借此想到拥有的代价、失去的回报,内心得以从外在环境与际遇中释放,堪称千金不换。过去写下不少勾引别人眼泪的歌词,有时会反省自己是不是美化了伤感,有时又觉得让人落泪,可得到发泄,但愿也不算是作孽、遗害人间。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:楔子夜半,惊醒!一身的酸痛,直觉摸索身侧的棉被,只触到一掌的冰冷与坚硬。她茫然睁开眼,身下是大理石地板,而不是她温暖柔软的大床。又跌下来了吗?她苦笑。明天,要记得叫人来铺上长毛地毯。室内空调似乎没有发挥它的效用,冷,是唯一的感觉。功能再强有什么用?一点都不暖的暖气,明天要顺便换掉它!她坐起身,赤脚下楼。打开冰箱,里头塞得满满,应有尽有。 [点击阅读]
章节:16 人气:0
摘要:一则轰动全国的独家新闻1999年4月12日,《成都商报》用大字标题在头版头条登出了一则独家新闻:《我要到哈佛学经济》。记者雷萍报道:包括哈佛大学在内的四所美国名牌大学同时录取了18岁成都女孩刘亦婷,并免收每年高达3万多美元的学习和生活费用。这四所美国名牌大学分别是:大名鼎鼎的哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、威尔斯利学院和蒙特豪里尤克学院。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:醒来吧!控制你的生活!安东尼·罗宾斯是世界顶级激励大师。你将在本书中与这位大师共享那独到而又强大的课程,用来唤醒你心中蛰伏的巨人。他是公认的控制心理变化的专家,在本书中,他提供了一个基础的循序渐进的课程,使你通过富于灵感和乐趣的轶事、例子和一步步扎实的策略,组成一个控制情绪和财政困难并获得巨人般灿烂生活的程序,用来帮助你发现你的真实目的,并控制你的生活,激发你控制命运的能力。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:第1章妄语(1)扎西拉姆·多多自幼便是个孤单的孩子,我习惯一个人想象自己的虚妄世界。少年时开始多思虑,满心满怀的念头与言语,挤得肚肠都酸痛了,只好写下来,变成酸词句。又到青年离家求学去,便总算因了这千山万水,可以将千言万语都寄予书信,借了问候友人的名分,自个儿滔滔不绝,也不管不顾别人是否有心听闻,是否有丝毫兴趣。直到网络互联,博客兴起,便一掷纸笔,十指开始于键盘上,翻飞不已。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:楔子最后一抹夕阳余光没入地平线之下,宁静的小家庭中,婴儿嘹亮的哭啼、夹杂成一股笔墨难以形容的氛围----那叫温馨。突然,悠扬的门铃声响起。“擎,去开门。“房内,尹心语扬声喊道,由那慌乱的口气和婴儿更加撼动山河的壮烈哭声可以判断,刚晋升为母亲的小女人尚未摆平那个才数月大的小东西。宋擎了然地笑了笑,先关了炉火后,才离开厨房。 [点击阅读]
章节:87 人气:0
摘要:第一章绑架-1黑沉沉的天空沉默地笼罩着大地,空旷的古道上只有得得的马蹄声在回荡。我坐在马车篷顶呆呆凝视着东边,那座雄宏的长安城已离我越来越远。不知道多久后,东边泛出了朝霞,虽只是几抹,却绚烂无比,天地顿时因它们而生色。慢慢地,半边天都密布了云霞,如火一般喷涌燃烧着。一轮滚圆的红日从火海中冉冉升起,不一会就把笼罩着整个天地的黑暗驱除一空。天下只怕再没有比日出更灿烂壮美的景色。 [点击阅读]
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