汤姆·索亚历险记 - Chapter 27
  THE adventure of the day mightily tormented Tom's dreams that night. Four times he had his hands on that rich treasure and four times it wasted to nothingness in his fingers as sleep forsook him and wakefulness brought back the hard reality of his misfortune. As he lay in the early morning recalling the incidents of his great adventure, he noticed that they seemed curiously subdued and far away -- somewhat as if they had happened in another world, or in a time long gone by. Then it occurred to him that the great adventure itself must be a dream! There was one very strong argument in favor of this idea -- namely, that the quantity of coin he had seen was too vast to be real. He had never seen as much as fifty dollars in one mass before, and he was like all boys of his age and station in life, in that he imagined that all references to "hundreds" and "thousands" were mere fanciful forms of speech, and that no such sums really existed in the world. He never had supposed for a moment that so large a sum as a hundred dollars was to be found in actual money in any one's possession. If his notions of hidden treasure had been analyzed, they would have been found to consist of a handful of real dimes and a bushel of vague, splendid, ungraspable dollars.But the incidents of his adventure grew sensibly sharper and clearer under the attrition of thinking them over, and so he presently found himself leaning to the impression that the thing might not have been a dream, after all. This uncertainty must be swept away. He would snatch a hurried breakfast and go and find Huck. Huck was sitting on the gunwale of a flatboat, listlessly dangling his feet in the water and looking very melancholy. Tom concluded to let Huck lead up to the subject. If he did not do it, then the adventure would be proved to have been only a dream."Hello, Huck!""Hello, yourself."Silence, for a minute."Tom, if we'd 'a' left the blame tools at the dead tree, we'd 'a' got the money. Oh, ain't it awful!""'Tain't a dream, then, 'tain't a dream! Somehow I most wish it was. Dog'd if I don't, Huck.""What ain't a dream?""Oh, that thing yesterday. I been half thinking it was.""Dream! If them stairs hadn't broke down you'd 'a' seen how much dream it was! I've had dreams enough all night -- with that patch-eyed Spanish devil going for me all through 'em -- rot him!""No, not rot him. FIND him! Track the money!""Tom, we'll never find him. A feller don't have only one chance for such a pile -- and that one's lost. I'd feel mighty shaky if I was to see him, anyway.""Well, so'd I; but I'd like to see him, anyway -- and track him out -- to his Number Two.""Number Two -- yes, that's it. I been thinking 'bout that. But I can't make nothing out of it. What do you reckon it is?""I dono. It's too deep. Say, Huck -- maybe it's the number of a house!""Goody! ... No, Tom, that ain't it. If it is, it ain't in this one-horse town. They ain't no numbers here.""Well, that's so. Lemme think a minute. Here -- it's the number of a room -- in a tavern, you know!""Oh, that's the trick! They ain't only two taverns. We can find out quick.""You stay here, Huck, till I come."Tom was off at once. He did not care to have Huck's company in public places. He was gone half an hour. He found that in the best tavern, No. 2 had long been occupied by a young lawyer, and was still so occupied. In the less ostentatious house, No. 2 was a mystery. The tavern-keeper's young son said it was kept locked all the time, and he never saw anybody go into it or come out of it except at night; he did not know any particular reason for this state of things; had had some little curiosity, but it was rather feeble; had made the most of the mystery by entertaining himself with the idea that that room was "ha'nted"; had noticed that there was a light in there the night before."That's what I've found out, Huck. I reckon that's the very No. 2 we're after.""I reckon it is, Tom. Now what you going to do?""Lemme think."Tom thought a long time. Then he said:"I'll tell you. The back door of that No. 2 is the door that comes out into that little close alley between the tavern and the old rattle trap of a brick store. Now you get hold of all the door-keys you can find, and I'll nip all of auntie's, and the first dark night we'll go there and try 'em. And mind you, keep a lookout for Injun Joe, because he said he was going to drop into town and spy around once more for a chance to get his revenge. If you see him, you just follow him; and if he don't go to that No. 2, that ain't the place.""Lordy, I don't want to foller him by myself!""Why, it'll be night, sure. He mightn't ever see you -- and if he did, maybe he'd never think anything.""Well, if it's pretty dark I reckon I'll track him. I dono -- I dono. I'll try.""You bet I'll follow him, if it's dark, Huck. Why, he might 'a' found out he couldn't get his revenge, and be going right after that money.""It's so, Tom, it's so. I'll foller him; I will, by jingoes!""Now you're talking! Don't you ever weaken, Huck, and I won't."
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:私家侦探有着各式各样的外型,只可惜没一个长得像电视明星。有的私家侦专长征信工作,有的则是带着摄影机待在廉价旅馆里抓奸,只有极少数的私家侦探有机会调查扑朔迷离的谋杀案件。有些私家侦探擅长追查某些根本不存在或是不应该存在的东西。至于我,我的专长是找东西。有时候我希望自己找不出那些东西,不过既然干了这行就别想太多了。当时我门上招牌写的是泰勒侦探社。我就是泰勒,一个又高又黑又不特别英俊的男人。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:圣犹大教堂是夜城唯一的教堂,我只有在生意需要的时候才会去。这间教堂距离到处都有敬神场所的上帝之街很远,独自耸立在一个极为安静的角落里,远离夜城一切华丽亮眼的霓虹。这是间不打广告的教堂,一间毫不在意路过的人们愿不愿意进入的教堂。它只是默默地待在原地,以防任何不时之需。圣犹大教堂以迷途圣人之名而建,是一幢非常非常古老的建筑,甚至可能比基督教本身还要古老。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:夜城里任何形式的能量都有,不过想要在这里成为电力供货商的话,不但需要稳定的能量,还得要不受外界干扰才行。不管怎样,夜城中形形色色的霓虹灯光总是得要有电才能运作。身为一座大城市中的小城市,夜城拥有许多能量来源,包皮括某些不合法甚至不自然的能量,比方说活人血祭、囚禁神祇、折磨理智,甚至是吸收了能量力场的小型黑洞。还有一些十分浩瀚恐怖、诡异奇特的能量来源,以人类心智无法承受的方式运作。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:夜城老是给人一种时间不够的感觉。你可以在这里买到所有东西,但就是买不到时间。由于我有许多事情要办,又有许多敌人在身后追赶,所以只好急急忙忙地穿梭在夜城的街道之间。我很惊讶地发现来来往往的人潮都跟我保持一种比平常还要遥远的距离,看来若非我母亲的身分已经流传开来,就是大家都听说了当权者公开悬赏我的项上人头。为了避免卷入无妄之灾,于是众人纷纷及早走避。 [点击阅读]
章节:16 人气:0
摘要:伦敦中心附近藏有一个可怕的秘密,有如毒蛇缠绕在其中:夜城。一个黑暗堕落的地方,一个大城市中的小城市,一个太阳从未照耀也永远不会照耀的所在。你可以在夜城中找到诸神、怪物,以及来自地底深处的灵体,如果他们没有先找上门来的话。欢愉与恐惧永远都在打折,不但价格低廉,也不会在橱柜中陈列太久。我是个在夜城出生的人,而打从三十几年前出生的那天开始,就不断有人想要置我于死地。我名叫约翰·泰勒,职业是私家侦探。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:夜城,黑暗而又神秘的领域,位于伦敦市内。不论是诸神与怪物,还是人类与生灵,都会为了许多私密的理由来到这个病态的魔法境地,追求其他地方无法提供的梦想与梦魇。这里的一切都有标价,商品不会太过陈旧。想要召唤恶魔或是跟天使做爱?出卖自己的灵魂,或是别人的灵魂?想将世界变得更加美好,或是纯粹只是变得大不相同?夜城随时敞开双臂,面带微笑地等着满足你的需求。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:观览车,意指“摩天轮”。兴建期间,附近高级公寓发生惊人命案这群斜坡上的住户,都衷心期待摩天轮落成后,明天会更加闪耀……01晚上七点四十分——事情为什么会演变成这样呢?远藤真弓眼前的少女名叫彩花,这名字是她取的。少女一面高声嘶喊,一面挥手把书桌上的东西不分青红皂白全扫落到地上。不对,手机、大头贴小册之类她喜欢的东西部避开了。 [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:——代序姜秋霞安妮·赖斯是美国当代著名的小说家之一,她1941年出生在美国新奥尔良,1961年与诗人斯坦·赖斯结为伉俪,1964年获旧金山州立大学学士学位,1971年获加州大学硕士学位。她在成名之前做过多种工作:女招待、厨师、引座员等等,经历十分丰富,为她的写作奠定了充实的基础。 [点击阅读]
章节:100 人气:0
摘要:阴云密布,狂风怒号,滔天的大浪冲击着海岸。海草、杂鱼、各种水生物被涌上海滩,在狂风中飘滚、颤动。一道嶙峋的峭壁在海边耸起,俯视着无边无际的滔滔大洋。一条破木船搁浅在岸边,孤零零地忍受着风浪的抽打。船上写着几行日文。孤船的旁边,一条被海浪选到沙滩上的小鲨鱼,发出刺耳的哀叫。在任暴的风浪里,野生的海带漂忽不走,有些在海浪里起伏深沉,有些被刮到海滩上,任凭酷热的蒸腾。 [点击阅读]
章节:16 人气:0
摘要:珍-玻波小姐坐在窗前瞧着前面,好久以来她已不再欣赏这片原是茂密的花园。但是什么也没去做。雷库克的藉口总头头是道,不是天气太干燥,就是太潮湿,或是泥土泡了水。雷库克自己栽花种菜的原则很简单,泡几杯浓浓的甜茶做为提神用,秋天来时扫落叶,夏天时种植他喜爱的鼠尾草和紫苑花。凭良心说,他喜爱他的主人,也迁就他们的喜好,对于蔬菜他知道得很清楚,什么是上好的香薄荷或是甘蓝菜绝不会弄错。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:“请各位旅客系上安全带!”机上的乘客个个睡眼惺忪地在身旁摸索着,有人伸着懒腰,他们凭经验知道不可能已经抵达日内瓦。当机舱长威严的声音再度宣布:“请系上安全带!”时,细碎的瞌睡声漫成一片呻吟。那干涩的声音透过扩音机,分别以德、法、英文解释着:由于恶劣天气的影响,机上乘客将有短时间会感到不适。史德福-纳宇爵士张口打了个大呵欠,伸着双手把身子挺得高高的,再轻轻扭动两下,才依依不舍地从好梦中醒来。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:0
摘要:约翰.本仁写过一部自传,书名为《丰盛的恩典》,讲述神对罪人的恩典。约翰.本仁1628年生于英国,他的家乡靠近裴德福郡。他的父亲是一个补锅匠(这种职业早已被淘汰),专营焊接和修补锅碗瓢盆以及其他金属制品。在17世纪中叶,补锅匠奔走于各个乡村之间,挨家挨户地兜揽生意。如果有人要修理东西,他们就在顾主家中作活,完工以后顾主当场付钱。按当时的社会标准,这是一份相当卑贱的职业。 [点击阅读]