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汤姆·索亚历险记 - Chapter 12
  ONE of the reasons why Tom's mind had drifted away from its secret troubles was, that it had found a new and weighty matter to interest itself about. Becky Thatcher had stopped coming to school. Tom had struggled with his pride a few days, and tried to "whistle her down the wind," but failed. He began to find himself hanging around her father's house, nights, and feeling very miserable. She was ill. What if she should die! There was distraction in the thought. He no longer took an interest in war, nor even in piracy. The charm of life was gone; there was nothing but dreariness left. He put his hoop away, and his bat; there was no joy in them any more. His aunt was concerned. She began to try all manner of remedies on him. She was one of those people who are infatuated with patent medicines and all new-fangled methods of producing health or mending it. She was an inveterate experimenter in these things. When something fresh in this line came out she was in a fever, right away, to try it; not on herself, for she was never ailing, but on anybody else that came handy. She was a subscriber for all the "Health" periodicals and phrenological frauds; and the solemn ignorance they were inflated with was breath to her nostrils. All the "rot" they contained about ventilation, and how to go to bed, and how to get up, and what to eat, and what to drink, and how much exercise to take, and what frame of mind to keep one's self in, and what sort of clothing to wear, was all gospel to her, and she never observed that her health-journals of the current month customarily upset everything they had recommended the month before. She was as simple-hearted and honest as the day was long, and so she was an easy victim. She gathered together her quack periodicals and her quack medicines, and thus armed with death, went about on her pale horse, metaphorically speaking, with "hell following after." But she never suspected that she was not an angel of healing and the balm of Gilead in disguise, to the suffering neighbors.The water treatment was new, now, and Tom's low condition was a windfall to her. She had him out at daylight every morning, stood him up in the woodshed and drowned him with a deluge of cold water; then she scrubbed him down with a towel like a file, and so brought him to; then she rolled him up in a wet sheet and put him away under blankets till she sweated his soul clean and "the yellow stains of it came through his pores" -- as Tom said.Yet notwithstanding all this, the boy grew more and more melancholy and pale and dejected. She added hot baths, sitz baths, shower baths, and plunges. The boy remained as dismal as a hearse. She began to assist the water with a slim oatmeal diet and blisterplasters. She calculated his capacity as she would a jug's, and filled him up every day with quack cure-alls.Tom had become indifferent to persecution by this time. This phase filled the old lady's heart with consternation. This indifference must be broken up at any cost. Now she heard of pain-killer for the first time. She ordered a lot at once. She tasted it and was filled with gratitude. It was simply fire in a liquid form. She dropped the water treatment and everything else, and pinned her faith to pain-killer. She gave Tom a teaspoonful and watched with the deepest anxiety for the result. Her troubles were instantly at rest, her soul at peace again; for the "indifference" was broken up. The boy could not have shown a wilder, heartier interest, if she had built a fire under him.Tom felt that it was time to wake up; this sort of life might be romantic enough, in his blighted condition, but it was getting to have too little sentiment and too much distracting variety about it. So he thought over various plans for relief, and finally hit pon that of professing to be fond of pain-killer. He asked for it so often that he became a nuisance, and his aunt ended by telling him to help himself and quit bothering her. If it had been Sid, she would have had no misgivings to alloy her delight; but since it was Tom, she watched the bottle clandestinely. She found that the medicine did really diminish, but it did not occur to her that the boy was mending the health of a crack in the sitting-room floor with it.One day Tom was in the act of dosing the crack when his aunt's yellow cat came along, purring, eying the teaspoon avariciously, and begging for a taste. Tom said:"Don't ask for it unless you want it, peter."But peter signified that he did want it."You better make sure."peter was sure."Now you've asked for it, and I'll give it to you, because there ain't anything mean about me; but if you find you don't like it, you mustn't blame anybody but your own self."peter was agreeable. So Tom pried his mouth open and poured down the pain-killer. peter sprang a couple of yards in the air, and then delivered a war-whoop and set off round and round the room, banging against furniture, upsetting flower-pots, and making general havoc. Next he rose on his hind feet and pranced around, in a frenzy of enjoyment, with his head over his shoulder and his voice proclaiming his unappeasable happiness. Then he went tearing around the house again spreading chaos and destruction in his path. Aunt polly entered in time to see him throw a few double summersets, deliver a final mighty hurrah, and sail through the open window, carrying the rest of the flower-pots with him. The old lady stood petrified with astonishment, peering over her glasses; Tom lay on the floor expiring with laughter."Tom, what on earth ails that cat?""I don't know, aunt," gasped the boy."Why, I never see anything like it. What did make him act so?""Deed I don't know, Aunt polly; cats always act so when they're having a good time.""They do, do they?" There was something in the tone that made Tom apprehensive."Yes'm. That is, I believe they do.""You do?""Yes'm."The old lady was bending down, Tom watching, with interest emphasized by anxiety. Too late he divined her "drift." The handle of the telltale teaspoon was visible under the bed-valance. Aunt polly took it, held it up. Tom winced, and dropped his eyes. Aunt polly raised him by the usual handle -- his ear -- and cracked his head soundly with her thimble."Now, sir, what did you want to treat that poor dumb beast so, for?""I done it out of pity for him -- because he hadn't any aunt.""Hadn't any aunt! -- you numskull. What has that got to do with it?""Heaps. Because if he'd had one she'd a burnt him out herself! She'd a roasted his bowels out of him 'thout any more feeling than if he was a human!"Aunt polly felt a sudden pang of remorse. This was putting the thing in a new light; what was cruelty to a cat might be cruelty to a boy, too. She began to soften; she felt sorry. Her eyes watered a little, and she put her hand on Tom's head and said gently:"I was meaning for the best, Tom. And, Tom, it did do you good."Tom looked up in her face with just a perceptible twinkle peeping through his gravity."I know you was meaning for the best, aunty, and so was I with peter. It done him good, too. I never see him get around so since --""Oh, go 'long with you, Tom, before you aggravate me again. And you try and see if you can't be a good boy, for once, and you needn't take any more medicine."Tom reached school ahead of time. It was noticed that this strange thing had been occurring every day latterly. And now, as usual of late, he hung about the gate of the schoolyard instead of playing with his comrades. He was sick, he said, and he looked it. He tried to seem to be looking everywhere but whither he really was looking -- down the road. presently Jeff Thatcher hove in sight, and Tom's face lighted; he gazed a moment, and then turned sorrowfully away. When Jeff arrived, Tom accosted him; and "led up" warily to opportunities for remark about Becky, but the giddy lad never could see the bait. Tom watched and watched, hoping whenever a frisking frock came in sight, and hating the owner of it as soon as he saw she was not the right one. At last frocks ceased to appear, and he dropped hopelessly into the dumps; he entered the empty schoolhouse and sat down to suffer. Then one more frock passed in at the gate, and Tom's heart gave a great bound. The next instant he was out, and "going on" like an Indian; yelling, laughing, chasing boys, jumping over the fence at risk of life and limb, throwing handsprings, standing on his head -- doing all the heroic things he could conceive of, and keeping a furtive eye out, all the while, to see if Becky Thatcher was noticing. But she seemed to be unconscious of it all; she never looked. Could it be possible that she was not aware that he was there? He carried his exploits to her immediate vicinity; came war-whooping around, snatched a boy's cap, hurled it to the roof of the schoolhouse, broke through a group of boys, tumbling them in every direction, and fell sprawling, himself, under Becky's nose, almost upsetting her -- and she turned, with her nose in the air, and he heard her say: "Mf! some people think they're mighty smart -- always showing off!"Tom's cheeks burned. He gathered himself up and sneaked off, crushed and crestfallen.
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:我担心福尔摩斯先生也会变得象那些时髦的男高音歌手一样,在人老艺衰之后,还要频频地向宽厚的观众举行告别演出。是该收场了,不管是真人还是虚构的,福尔摩斯不可不退场。有人认为最好是能够有那么一个专门为虚构的人物而设的奇异的阴间——一个奇妙的、不可能存在的地方,在那里,菲尔丁的花花公子仍然可以向理查逊的美貌女郎求爱,司各特的英雄们仍然可以耀武扬威,狄更斯的欢乐的伦敦佬仍然在插科打诨, [点击阅读]
章节:38 人气:0
摘要:我独自在横跨过田地的路上走着,夕阳像一个守财奴似的,正藏起它的最后的金子。白昼更加深沉地投入黑暗之中,那已经收割了的孤寂的田地,默默地躺在那里。天空里突然升起了一个男孩子的尖锐的歌声。他穿过看不见的黑暗,留下他的歌声的辙痕跨过黄昏的静谧。他的乡村的家坐落在荒凉的边上,在甘蔗田的后面,躲藏在香蕉树,瘦长的槟榔树,椰子树和深绿色的贾克果树的阴影里。 [点击阅读]
章节:7 人气:0
摘要:J报社大阪支社的总编富永拜访浅见家,那是l1月1日的事。那天是星期天,可对于浅见光彦来说,不管是周末还是假日都与他无关。浅见昨晚深夜才从四国松山旅行回来,一回来就埋头工作到凌晨。因为约定后天之前要完成的稿件,比预定的晚了许多,虽然老记挂着这件事,可人终究敌不过睡魔。一直坚持到凌晨4点20分,本想打算稍事休息,没想到脑袋一落枕头,就沉沉睡过去了。“少爷!少爷!快起来。 [点击阅读]
章节:71 人气:0
摘要:varcpro_id='u179742';varcpro_id='u179742';沃格雷夫法官先生新近离任退休,现在正在头等车厢的吸烟室里,倚角而坐,一边喷着雪茄烟,一边兴致勃勃地读着《泰晤士报》上的政治新闻。沃格雷夫放下报纸,眺望窗外。列车奔驰在西南沿海的萨默塞特原野上。他看了看表,还有两小时路程。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:第一章莉迪亚死了,可他们还不知道。1977年5月3日早晨6点30分的时候,没有人知道莉迪亚已经死了,他们只清楚一个无伤大雅的事实:莉迪亚来不及吃早餐了。这个时候,与平常一样,母亲在莉迪亚的粥碗旁边放了一支削好的铅笔,还有莉迪亚的物理作业,作业中六个有问题的地方已经用对勾标了出来。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:薄暮时分,他来到渡口。他大可早就来到这里。事实上是,他尽可能拖延。先是跟他的一些朋友在“红码头”午宴;轻率、散漫的对谈,有关彼此都认识的一些朋友的闲话——这一切只意味着他内心里对他不得不去做的事退缩不前。他的朋友邀他留下来喝午茶,而他接受了。然而最后他知道他不能再拖延下去了的时刻终于还是来到了。他雇来的车子在等着。 [点击阅读]
章节:5 人气:0
摘要:1读者可曾想象过接到这样来信时的辛酸味?信上说,你的某一尽管时有龃龉,但长期来常挂心间交谊甚笃的好友,不意在某个远如火星上的共和国的哪个陌生处所,原因不明,轻生自尽了。在弱小的兽类世界,想来也有像遇到较强兽类,将其坚实头颅,如同软蜜饯似地一下咬碎一类的残酷体验,但在人类世界,以我目前的想法,即此便是辛酸不过的体验了。 [点击阅读]
章节:86 人气:0
摘要:松本清张是日本当代着名的小说家,一九〇九年生于福冈县小仓市。高小毕业后,曾在电机厂、石版印刷厂做过工,生活艰苦。自一九三八年起,先后在朝日新闻社九州岛分社、西部总社、东京总社任职,同时练习写作。一九五〇年发表第一篇作品《西乡钞票》,借明治初期西乡隆盛领导的西乡军滥发军票造成的混乱状况来影射战后初期日本通货膨胀、钞票贬值的时局。一九五二年,以《〈小仓日记〉传》获芥川奖,从此登上文坛。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:0
摘要:精彩对白Gen.YevgrafZhivago:Tonya,canyouplaythebalalaika?日瓦戈将军:冬妮娅,你会弹三弦琴吗?Engineer:Cansheplay?She'sanartist!工程师:她会弹吗?她是个艺术家!Komarovski:Igivehertoyou,YuriAndreavich.Weddingpresent.科马罗夫斯基:我把她给你,尤里,结婚礼物。 [点击阅读]
章节:21 人气:0
摘要:《时间旅行者的妻子》作者简介奥德丽·尼芬格(AudreyNiffenegger),视觉艺术家,也是芝加哥哥伦比亚学院书籍与纸艺中心的教授,她负责教导写作、凸版印刷以及精美版书籍的制作。曾在芝加哥印花社画廊展出个人艺术作品。《时间旅行者的妻子》是她的第一本小说。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:宇宙论是一门既古老又年轻的学科。作为宇宙里高等生物的人类不会满足于自身的生存和种族的绵延,还一代代不懈地探索着存在和生命的意义。但是,人类理念的进化是极其缓慢和艰苦的。从亚里士多德-托勒密的地心说到哥白尼-伽利略的日心说的演化就花了2000年的时间。令人吃惊的是,尽管人们知道世间的一切都在运动,只是到了本世纪20年代因哈勃发现了红移定律后,宇宙演化的观念才进入人类的意识。 [点击阅读]
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:一位无名船长为搜寻一座无名小岛,正驾着无标名的航船,行驶在不知晓的海洋上。1831年9月9日,清晨6时许,船长离舱登上了尾船楼板。东方欲晓,准确地说,圆盘般的太阳正缓缓地探头欲出,但尚未冲出地平线。长长地发散铺开的光束爱抚地拍打着海面,在晨风的吹拂下,大海上荡起了轮轮涟漪。经过一个宁静的夜,迎来的白天将会是一个大好的艳阳天,这是末伏后的九月难得的天气。 [点击阅读]
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