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汤姆·索亚历险记 - Chapter 7
  THE harder Tom tried to fasten his mind on his book, the more his ideas wandered. So at last, with a sigh and a yawn, he gave it up. It seemed to him that the noon recess would never come. The air was utterly dead. There was not a breath stirring. It was the sleepiest of sleepy days. The drowsing murmur of the five and twenty studying scholars soothed the soul like the spell that is in the murmur of bees. Away off in the flaming sunshine, Cardiff Hill lifted its soft green sides through a shimmering veil of heat, tinted with the purple of distance; a few birds floated on lazy wing high in the air; no other living thing was visible but some cows, and they were asleep. Tom's heart ached to be free, or else to have something of interest to do to pass the dreary time. His hand wandered into his pocket and his face lit up with a glow of gratitude that was prayer, though he did not know it. Then furtively the percussion-cap box came out. He released the tick and put him on the long flat desk. The creature probably glowed with a gratitude that amounted to prayer, too, at this moment, but it was premature: for when he started thankfully to travel off, Tom turned him aside with a pin and made him take a new direction.Tom's bosom friend sat next him, suffering just as Tom had been, and now he was deeply and gratefully interested in this entertainment in an instant. This bosom friend was Joe Harper. The two boys were sworn friends all the week, and embattled enemies on Saturdays. Joe took a pin out of his lapel and began to assist in exercising the prisoner. The sport grew in interest momently. Soon Tom said that they were interfering with each other, and neither getting the fullest benefit of the tick. So he put Joe's slate on the desk and drew a line down the middle of it from top to bottom."Now," said he, "as long as he is on your side you can stir him up and I'll let him alone; but if you let him get away and get on my side, you're to leave him alone as long as I can keep him from crossing over.""All right, go ahead; start him up."The tick escaped from Tom, presently, and crossed the equator. Joe harassed him awhile, and then he got away and crossed back again. This change of base occurred often. While one boy was worrying the tick with absorbing interest, the other would look on with interest as strong, the two heads bowed together over the slate, and the two souls dead to all things else. At last luck seemed to settle and abide with Joe. The tick tried this, that, and the other course, and got as excited and as anxious as the boys themselves, but time and again just as he would have victory in his very grasp, so to speak, and Tom's fingers would be twitching to begin, Joe's pin would deftly head him off, and keep possession. At last Tom could stand it no longer. The temptation was too strong. So he reached out and lent a hand with his pin. Joe was angry in a moment. Said he:"Tom, you let him alone.""I only just want to stir him up a little, Joe.""No, sir, it ain't fair; you just let him alone.""Blame it, I ain't going to stir him much.""Let him alone, I tell you.""I won't!""You shall -- he's on my side of the line.""Look here, Joe Harper, whose is that tick?""I don't care whose tick he is -- he's on my side of the line, and you sha'n't touch him.""Well, I'll just bet I will, though. He's my tick and I'll do what I blame please with him, or die!"A tremendous whack came down on Tom's shoulders, and its duplicate on Joe's; and for the space of two minutes the dust continued to fly from the two jackets and the whole school to enjoy it. The boys had been too absorbed to notice the hush that had stolen upon the school awhile before when the master came tiptoeing down the room and stood over them. He had contemplated a good part of the performance before he contributed his bit of variety to it.When school broke up at noon, Tom flew to Becky Thatcher, and whispered in her ear:"put on your bonnet and let on you're going home; and when you get to the corner, give the rest of 'em the slip, and turn down through the lane and come back. I'll go the other way and come it over 'em the same way."So the one went off with one group of scholars, and the other with another. In a little while the two met at the bottom of the lane, and when they reached the school they had it all to themselves. Then they sat together, with a slate before them, and Tom gave Becky the pencil and held her hand in his, guiding it, and so created another surprising house. When the interest in art began to wane, the two fell to talking. Tom was swimming in bliss. He said:"Do you love rats?""No! I hate them!""Well, I do, too -- live ones. But I mean dead ones, to swing round your head with a string.""No, I don't care for rats much, anyway. What I like is chewing-gum.""Oh, I should say so! I wish I had some now.""Do you? I've got some. I'll let you chew it awhile, but you must give it back to me."That was agreeable, so they chewed it turn about, and dangled their legs against the bench in excess of contentment."Was you ever at a circus?" said Tom."Yes, and my pa's going to take me again some time, if I'm good.""I been to the circus three or four times -- lots of times. Church ain't shucks to a circus. There's things going on at a circus all the time. I'm going to be a clown in a circus when I grow up.""Oh, are you! That will be nice. They're so lovely, all spotted up.""Yes, that's so. And they get slathers of money -- most a dollar a day, Ben Rogers says. Say, Becky, was you ever engaged?""What's that?""Why, engaged to be married.""No.""Would you like to?""I reckon so. I don't know. What is it like?""Like? Why it ain't like anything. You only just tell a boy you won't ever have anybody but him, ever ever ever, and then you kiss and that's all. Anybody can do it.""Kiss? What do you kiss for?""Why, that, you know, is to -- well, they always do that.""Everybody?""Why, yes, everybody that's in love with each other. Do you remember what I wrote on the slate?""Ye -- yes.""What was it?""I sha'n't tell you.""Shall I tell you?""Ye -- yes -- but some other time.""No, now.""No, not now -- to-morrow.""Oh, no, now. please, Becky -- I'll whisper it, I'll whisper it ever so easy."Becky hesitating, Tom took silence for consent, and passed his arm about her waist and whispered the tale ever so softly, with his mouth close to her ear. And then he added:"Now you whisper it to me -- just the same."She resisted, for a while, and then said:"You turn your face away so you can't see, and then I will. But you mustn't ever tell anybody -- will you, Tom? Now you won't, will you?""No, indeed, indeed I won't. Now, Becky."He turned his face away. She bent timidly around till her breath stirred his curls and whispered, "I -- love -- you!"Then she sprang away and ran around and around the desks and benches, with Tom after her, and took refuge in a corner at last, with her little white apron to her face. Tom clasped her about her neck and pleaded:"Now, Becky, it's all done -- all over but the kiss. Don't you be afraid of that -- it ain't anything at all. please, Becky." And he tugged at her apron and the hands.By and by she gave up, and let her hands drop; her face, all glowing with the struggle, came up and submitted. Tom kissed the red lips and said:"Now it's all done, Becky. And always after this, you know, you ain't ever to love anybody but me, and you ain't ever to marry anybody but me, ever never and forever. Will you?""No, I'll never love anybody but you, Tom, and I'll never marry anybody but you -- and you ain't to ever marry anybody but me, either.""Certainly. Of course. That's part of it. And always coming to school or when we're going home, you're to walk with me, when there ain't anybody looking -- and you choose me and I choose you at parties, because that's the way you do when you're engaged.""It's so nice. I never heard of it before.""Oh, it's ever so gay! Why, me and Amy Lawrence --"The big eyes told Tom his blunder and he stopped, confused."Oh, Tom! Then I ain't the first you've ever been engaged to!"The child began to cry. Tom said:"Oh, don't cry, Becky, I don't care for her any more.""Yes, you do, Tom -- you know you do."Tom tried to put his arm about her neck, but she pushed him away and turned her face to the wall, and went on crying. Tom tried again, with soothing words in his mouth, and was repulsed again. Then his pride was up, and he strode away and went outside. He stood about, restless and uneasy, for a while, glancing at the door, every now and then, hoping she would repent and come to find him. But she did not. Then he began to feel badly and fear that he was in the wrong. It was a hard struggle with him to make new advances, now, but he nerved himself to it and entered. She was still standing back there in the corner, sobbing, with her face to the wall. Tom's heart smote him. He went to her and stood a moment, not knowing exactly how to proceed. Then he said hesitatingly:"Becky, I -- I don't care for anybody but you."No reply -- but sobs."Becky" -- pleadingly. "Becky, won't you say something?"More sobs.Tom got out his chiefest jewel, a brass knob from the top of an andiron, and passed it around her so that she could see it, and said:"please, Becky, won't you take it?"She struck it to the floor. Then Tom marched out of the house and over the hills and far away, to return to school no more that day. presently Becky began to suspect. She ran to the door; he was not in sight; she flew around to the play-yard; he was not there. Then she called:"Tom! Come back, Tom!"She listened intently, but there was no answer. She had no companions but silence and loneliness. So she sat down to cry again and upbraid herself; and by this time the scholars began to gather again, and she had to hide her griefs and still her broken heart and take up the cross of a long, dreary, aching afternoon, with none among the strangers about her to exchange sorrows with.
章节:37 人气:2
摘要:“这个座位有人吗?”我向独自坐在酒吧休息室里的那位年轻而有魅力的女士问道。她正在看报,抬头看了我一眼,但没有回答。我在她对面坐了下来,把我的啤酒放在两人之间的桌子上。她又看起报来,并慢慢喝着波旁威士忌①和可口可乐混合的饮料。我又问她:“你经常来这儿吗?”①这是原产于美国肯塔基州波旁的一种主要用玉米酿制的威士忌酒。“走开。”“你的暗号是什么?”“别捣乱。”“我好像在什么地方见过你。”“没有。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:2
摘要:范-赖多克夫人站在镜子前,又往后退了一小步,叹了一口气。“唉,只好这样了,”她低声说,“你觉得还可以吗,简?”马普尔小姐仔细打量着服装设计大师莱范理的这件作品,“我觉得这件外衣十分漂亮。”她说。“这件衣服还可以。”范-赖多克夫人说完又叹了一口飞,“帮我把它脱下来,斯蒂芬尼。”她说。一位上了年纪的女仆顺着范-赖多克夫人往上伸起的双臂小心地把衣服脱下来,女仆的头发灰色,有些干瘪的嘴显得挺小。 [点击阅读]
章节:66 人气:2
摘要:2004年3月尼采美学文选//尼采美学文选初版译序:尼采美学概要初版译序:尼采美学概要尼采(1844-1900)是德国著名哲学家、诗人。他在美学上的成就主要不在学理的探讨,而在以美学解决人生的根本问题,提倡一种审美的人生态度。他的美学是一种广义美学,实际上是一种人生哲学。他自己曾谈到,传统的美学只是接受者的美学,而他要建立给予者即艺术家的美学。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:2
摘要:时间旅行者正在给我们讲解一个非常深奥的问题。他灰色的眼睛闪动着,显得神采奕奕,平日里他的面孔总是苍白得没有一点血色,但是此刻却由于激动和兴奋泛出红光。壁炉里火光熊熊,白炽灯散发出的柔和的光辉,捕捉着我们玻璃杯中滚动的气泡。我们坐的椅子,是他设计的专利产品,与其说是我们坐在椅子上面,还不如说是椅子在拥抱和爱抚我们。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:2
摘要:“萨莉!”哼了一声。“醒醒,萨莉!”“别……闹!”她含糊地应道,这次加大了嗓门。他更用力地推。“醒醒,快醒醒!”查理?是查理的声音,是在叫她。有多久了呢?她慢慢清醒过来。第一眼瞥到的是床头柜上的闹钟。两点一刻。这会儿查理不可能在家,他应该在值班的。等看清了他的面孔,萨莉心中生出一种不祥的预感:出事了。丈夫脸色惨白,鼓着眼睛,一手拿着汽车钥匙,一手还在用力地推她,似乎根本没有发现她已经睁开了眼睛。 [点击阅读]
章节:74 人气:2
摘要:“彩麻,你能去安阳真的好棒,既可以见到芷希和戴寒,又可以和妈妈生活在一起,真的是好羡慕你啊!”“勾构,我以后会经常回来的,你也可以到安阳来看我呀。记得常给我写信,还有打电话。”“喂,各位!车子马上就要出发了。”长途客运站的管理员冲我们叫道。“你快去吧,否则可要被车子落下了。”“嗯,我要走了,勾构。我一到妈妈家就会给你打电话的。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:2
摘要:四月八日至十二日据估计,美国南北战争期间约有六百名妇女参战。她们女扮男装投身军旅。在这方面,好莱坞错过了文化史上重要的一章,又或者就意识形态而言,这段历史太难处理?历史学者经常努力研究那些不遵守性别分际的女性,然而没有其他议题比武装战斗更清楚地画出这条分际线。(直至今日,女性参与瑞典传统的麋鹿狩猎活动仍会引发争议。 [点击阅读]
章节:49 人气:2
摘要:《简·爱》是一部带有自传色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。《简·爱》中的简爱人生追求有两个基本旋律:富有激情、幻想、反抗和坚持不懈的精神;对人间自由幸福的渴望和对更高精神境界的追求。 [点击阅读]
章节:59 人气:2
摘要:这件事发生在1932年,当时的州立监狱还在冷山。当然了,还有电椅。狱中囚犯常拿电椅开玩笑,对令人恐惧却又摆脱不掉的东西,大家总喜欢如此地取笑一番。他们管它叫“电伙计”,或者叫“大榨汁机”。大伙谈论电费单,谈论那年秋天监狱长穆尔斯不得不自己做感恩节晚餐,因为他妻子梅琳达病得没法做饭了。不过,对于那些真得要坐到电椅上的人,这些玩笑很快就不合时宜了。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:2
摘要:1961年7月2日,蜚声世界文坛的海明威用自己的猎枪结束了自己的生命。整个世界都为此震惊,人们纷纷叹息这位巨人的悲剧。美国人民更是悲悼这位美国重要作家的陨落。欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威(1899—1961年),美国小说家。1899年7月21日,海明威出生在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥郊外橡树园镇一个医生的家庭。 [点击阅读]
章节:37 人气:2
摘要:肖申克的救赎献给拉斯和弗洛伦斯·多尔我猜美国每个州立监狱和联邦监狱里,都有像我这样的一号人物,不论什么东西,我都能为你弄到手。无论是高级香烟或大麻(如果你偏好此道的话),或弄瓶白兰地来庆祝儿子或女儿高中毕业,总之差不多任何东西……我的意思是说,只要在合理范围内,我是有求必应;可是很多情况不一定都合情合理的。我刚满二十岁就来到肖申克监狱。 [点击阅读]
章节:16 人气:2
摘要:一八三八年七月中旬,一辆在巴黎街头新流行的叫做爵爷的马车,在大学街上走着,车上坐了一个中等身材的胖子,穿着国民自卫军上尉的制服。在那般以风雅为人诟病的巴黎人中间,居然有一些自以为穿上军服比便服不知要体面多少,并且认为女人们目光浅陋,只消羽毛高耸的军帽和全副武装,便会给她们一个好印象。这位第二军团的上尉,眉宇之间流露出一派心满意足的神气,使他红堂堂的皮色和着实肥胖的脸庞显得更光彩。 [点击阅读]
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