双城记英文版 - Part 3 Chapter XLII. DARKNESS
  Sydney Carton paused in the street, not quite decided where to go. “At Tellson’s banking-house at nine,” he said, with a musing face. “Shall I do well, in the meantime, to show myself? I think so. It is best that these people should know there is such a man as I here; it is a sound precaution, and may be a necessary preparation. But care, care, care! Let me think it out!”Checking his steps which had begun to tend towards an object, he took a turn or two in the already darkening street, and traced the thought in his mind to its possible consequences. His first impression was confirmed. “It is best,” he said, finally resolved, “that these people should know there is such a man as I here.” And he turned his face towards Saint Antoine.Defarge had described himself, that day, as the keeper of a wine-shop in the Saint Antoine suburb. It was not difficult for one who knew the city well, to find his house without asking any question. Having ascertained its situation, Carton came out of those closer streets again, and dined at a place of refreshment and fell sound asleep after dinner. For the first time in many years, he had no strong drink. Since last night he had taken nothing but a little light thin wine, and last night he had dropped the brandy slowly down on Mr. Lorry’s hearth like a man who had done with it.It was as late as seven o’clock when he awoke refreshed, and went out into the streets again. As he passed along towards Saint Antoine, he stopped at a shop-window where there was a mirror, and slightly altered the disordered arrangement of his loose cravat, and his coat-collar, and his wild hair. This done, he went on direct to Defarge’s, and went in.There happened to be no customers in the shop but Jacques Three, of the restless fingers and the croaking voice. This man, whom he had seen upon the Jury. Stood drinking at the little counter, in conversation with the Defarges, man and wife. The Vengeance assisted in the conversation, like a regular member of the establishment.As Carton walked in, took his seat and asked (in very indifferent French) for a small measure of wine. Madame Defarge cast a careless glance at him, and then a keener, and then a keener, and then advanced to him herself, and asked him what it was he had ordered.He repeated what he had already said.“English?” asked Madame Defarge, inquisitively raising her dark eyebrows.After looking at her, as if the sound of even a single French word were slow to express itself to him, he answered, in his former strong foreign accent. “Yes, madame, yes. I am English!”Madame Defarge returned to her counter to get the wine, and, as he took up a Jacobin journal and feigned to pore over it puzzling out its meaning, he heard her say, “I swear to you, like Evremonde!”Defarge brought him the wine, and gave him Good Evening.“How?”“Good evening.”“Oh! Good evening, citizen,” filling his glass. “Ah! And good wine. I drink to the Republic.”Defarge went back to the counter, and said, “Certainly, a little like.” Madame sternly retorted, “I tell you a good deal like.” Jacques Three pacifically remarked, “He is so much in your mind, see you, madame.” The amiable Vengeance added, with a laugh. “Yes, my faith! And you are looking forward with so much pleasure to seeing him once more tomorrow!”Carton followed the lines and words of his paper, with a slow forefinger, and with a studious and absorbed face. They were all leaning their arms on the counter close together, speaking low. After a silence of a few moments, during which they all looked towards him without disturbing his outward attention from the Jacobin editor, they resumed their conversation.“It is true what madame says,” observed Jacques Three. “Why stop? There is great force in that. Why stop?”“Well, well,” reasoned Defarge, “but one must stop somewhere. After all, the question is still where?”“At extermination,” said madame.“Magnificent!” croaked Jacques Three. The Vengeance, also, highly approved.“Extermination is good doctrine, my wife,” said Defarge, rather troubled; “in general, I say nothing against it. But this Doctor has suffered much; you have seen him today; you have observed his face when the paper was read.”“I have observed his face!” repeated madame, contemptuously and angrily. “Yes. I have observed his face. I have observed his face to be not the face of a true friend of the Republic. Let him take care of his face!”“And you have observed, my wife,” said Defarge, in a deprecatory manner, “the anguish of his daughter, which must be a dreadful anguish to him!”“I have observed his daughter,” repeated madame; “yes, I have observed his daughter, more times than one. I have observed her today, and I have observed her other days. I have observed her in the court, and I have observed her in the street by the prison. Let me but lift my finger—!” She seemed to raise it (the listener’s eyes were always on his paper), and to let it fall with a rattle on the ledge before her, as if the axe had dropped.“The citizeness is superb!” croaked the Juryman.“She is an Angel!” said The Vengeance, and embraced her.“As to thee,” pursued madame, implacably, addressing her husband, “if it depended on thee—which, happily, it does not— thou wouldst rescue this man even now.”“No!” protested Defarge. “Not if to lift this glass would do it! But I would leave the matter there. I say, stop there.”“See you then, Jacques,” said Madame Defarge, wrathfully; “and see you, too, my little Vengeance: see you both! Listen! For other crimes as tyrants and oppressors, I have this race a long time on my register, doomed to destruction and extermination. Ask my husband, is that so.”“It is so,” assented Defarge, without being asked.“In the beginning of the great days, when the Bastille falls, he finds this paper of today, and he brings it home, and in the middle of the night when this place is clear and shut, we read it, here on this spot, by the light of this lamp. Ask him, is that so.”“It is so,” assented Defarge.“That night, I tell him, when the paper is read through, and the lamp is burnt out, and the day is gleaming in above those shutters and between those iron bars, that I have now a secret tocommunicate. Ask him, is that so.”“It is so,” assented Defarge again.“I communicate to him that secret. I smite this bosom with these two hands as I smite it now, and I tell him, ‘Defarge, I was brought up among the fishermen of the seashore, and that peasant family so injured by the two Evremonde brothers, as that Bastille paper describes, is my family. Defarge, that sister of the mortally wounded boy upon the ground was my sister, that husband was my sister’s husband, that unborn child was their child, that brother was my brother, that father was my father, those dead are my dead, and that summons to answer for those things descends to me!’ Ask him, is that so.”“It is so,” assented Defarge once more.“Then tell Wind and Fire where to stop,” returned madame; “but don’t tell me.”Both her hearers derived a horrible enjoyment from the deadly nature of her wrath—the listener could feel how white she was, without seeing her—and both highly commended it. Defarge, a weak minority, interposed a few words of the memory of the compassionate wife of the Marquis; but only elicited from his own wife a repetition of her last reply. “Tell the Wind and the Fire where to stop; not me!”Customers entered, and the group was broken up. The English customer paid for what he had had, perplexedly counted his change, and asked, as a stranger, to be directed towards the National Palace. Madame Defarge took him to the door, and put her arm on his, in pointing out the road. The English customer was not without his reflections then, that it might be a good deed to seize that arm, lift it, and strike under it sharp and deep.But, he went his way, and was soon swallowed up in the shadow of the prison wall. At the appointed hour, he emerged from it to present himself in Mr. Lorry’s room again, where he found the old gentleman walking to and fro in restless anxiety. He said he had been with Lucie until just now, and had only left her for a few minutes, to come and keep his appointment. Her father had not been seen, since he quitted the banking-house towards four o’clock. She had some faint hopes that his mediation might save Charles, but they were very slight. He had been more than five hours gone: where could he be?Mr. Lorry waited until ten; but, Doctor Manette not returning, and he being unwilling to leave Lucie any longer, it was arranged that he should go back to her, and come to the banking-house again at midnight. In the meanwhile, Carton would wait alone by the fire for the Doctor.He waited and waited, and the clock struck twelve; but Doctor Manette did not come back. Mr. Lorry returned, and found no tidings of him, and brought none. Where could he be?They were discussing this question, and were almost building up some weak structure of hope on his prolonged absence, when they heard him on the stairs. The instant he entered the room, it was plain that all was lost.Whether he had really been to any one, or whether he had been all that time traversing the streets, was never known. As he stood staring at them, they asked him no questions, for his face told them everything.“I cannot find it,” said he, “and I must have it. Where is it?”His head and throat were bare, and, as he spoke with a helpless look straying all around, he took his coat off, and let it drop on the floor.“Where is my bench? I have been looking everywhere for my bench, and I can’t find it. What have they done with my work? Time presses: I must finish those shoes.”They looked at one another, and their hearts died within them.“Come, come!” said he, in a whimpering miserable way; “let me get to work. Give me my work.”Receiving no answer, he tore his hair, and beat his feet upon the ground, like a distracted child.“Don’t torture a poor forlorn wretch,” he implored them, with a dreadful cry; “but give me my work! What is to become of us, if those shoes are not done tonight?”Lost, utterly lost!It was so clearly beyond hope to reason with him, or try to restore him, that—as if by agreement—they each put a hand upon his shoulder, and soothed him to sit down before the fire, with a promise that he should have his work presently. He sank into the chair, and brooded over the embers, and shed tears. As if all that had happened since the garret time were a momentary fancy, or a dream, Mr. Lorry saw him shrink into the exact figure that Defarge had had in keeping.Affected, and impressed with terror as they both were, by this spectacle of ruin, it was not a time to yield to such emotions. His lonely daughter, bereft of her final hope and reliance, appealed to them both too strongly. Again, as if by agreement, they looked at one another with one meaning in their faces. Carton was the first to speak:“The last chance is gone: it was not much. Yes; he had better be taken to her. But, before you go, will you, for a moment, steadily attend to me? Don’t ask me why I make the stipulations I am going to make, and exact the promise I am going to exact; I have a reason—a good one.”“I do not doubt it,” answered Mr. Lorry. “Say on.”The figure in the chair between them, was all the time monotonously rocking itself to and fro, and moaning. They spoke in such a tone as they would have used if they had been watching by a sickbed in the night.Carton stooped to pick up the coat, which lay almost entangling his feet. As he did so, a small case in which the Doctor was accustomed to carry the list of his day’s duties, fell lightly on the floor. Carton took it up, and there was a folded paper in it. “We should look at this!” he said. Mr. Lorry nodded his consent. He opened it, and exclaimed, “Thank GoD!”“What is it?” asked Mr. Lorry, eagerly.“A moment! Let me speak of it in its place. First,” he put his hand in his coat, and took another paper from it, “that is the certificate which enables me to pass out of this city. Look at it. You see—Sydney Carton, an Englishman?”Mr. Lorry held it open in his hand, gazing in his earnest face.“Keep it for me until tomorrow. I shall see him tomorrow, you remember, and I had better not take it into the prison.”“Why not?”“I don’t know; I prefer not to do so. Now, take this paper that Doctor Manette has carried about him. It is a similar certificate, enabling him and his daughter and her child, at any time, to pass the barrier and the frontier. You see?”“Yes!”“Perhaps he obtained it as his last and utmost precaution against evil, yesterday. When is it dated? But no matter; don’t stay to look; put it up carefully with mine and your own. Now, observe! I never doubted until within this hour or two, that he had, or could have such a paper. It is good, until recalled. But it may be soon recalled, and I have reason to think, will be.”“They are not in danger?”“They are in great danger. They are in danger of denunciation by Madame Defarge. I know it from her own lips. I have overheard words of that woman’s, tonight, which have presented their danger to me in strong colours. I have lost no time, and since then, I have seen the spy. He confirms me. He knows that a wood- sawyer living by the prison-wall, is under the control of the Defarges, and has been rehearsed by Madame Defarge as to his having seen Her”—he never mentioned Lucie’s name—“making signs and signals to prisoners. It is easy to foresee that the pretence will be the common one, a prison plot, and that it will involve her life—and perhaps her child’s—and perhaps her father’s—for both have been seen with her at that place. Don’t look so horrified. You will save them all.”“Heaven grant I may, Carton! But how?”“I am going to tell you how. It will depend on you, and it could depend on no better man. This new denunciation will certainly not take place until after tomorrow; probably not until two or three days afterwards; more probably a week afterwards. You know it is a capital crime to mourn for, or sympathise with, a victim of the Guillotine. She and her father would unquestionably be guilty of this crime, and this woman (the inveteracy of whose pursuit cannot be described) would wait to add that strength to her case, and make herself doubly sure. You follow me?”“So attentively, and with so much confidence in what you say, that for the moment I lose sight,” touching the back of the Doctor’s chair, “even of this distress.”“You have money, and can buy the means of travelling to the seacoast as quickly as the journey can be made. Your preparations have been completed for some days, to return to England. Early tomorrow have your horses ready, so that they may be in starting trim at two o’clock in the afternoon.”“It shall be done!”His manner was so fervent and inspiring, that Mr. Lorry caught the flame, and was quick as youth.“You are a noble heart. Did I say we could depend upon no better man? Tell her, tonight, what you know of her danger as involving her child and her father. Dwell upon that, for she would lay her own fair head beside her husband’s cheerfully.” He faltered for an instant; then went on as before. “For the sake of her child and her father, press upon her the necessity of leaving Paris, with them and you at that hour. Tell her that it was her husband’s last arrangement. Tell her that more depends upon it than she dare believe, or hope. You think that her father, even in this sad state. Will submit himself to her; do you not?”“I am sure of it.”“I thought so. Quietly and steadily have all these arrangements made in the court-yard here, even to the taking of your own seat in the carriage. The moment I come to you, take me in, and drive away.”“I understand that I wait for you under all circumstances?”“You have my certificate in your hand with the rest, you know, and will reserve my place. Wait for nothing but to have my place occupied, and then for England!”“Why, then,” said Mr. Lorry, grasping his eager but so firm and steady hand, “it does not all depend on one old man, but I shall have a young and ardent man at my side.”“By the help of Heaven you shall! Promise me solemnly that nothing will influence you to alter the course on which we now stand pledged to one another.”“Nothing, Carton.”“Remember these words tomorrow: change the course, or delay in it—for any reason—and no life can possibly be saved, and many lives must inevitably be sacrificed.”“I will remember them. I hope to do my part faithfully.”“And I hope to do mine. Now, good-bye!”Though he said it with a grave smile of earnestness, and though he even put the old man’s hand to his lips, he did not part from him then. He helped him so far to arouse the rocking figure before the dying embers, as to get a cloak and hat put upon it, and to tempt it forth to find where the bench and work were hidden that it still moaningly besought to have. He walked on the other side of it and protected it to the court-yard of the house where the afflicted heart—so happy in the memorable time when he had revealed his own desolate heart to it—outwatched the awful night. He entered the courtyard and remained there for a few moments alone, looking up at the light in the window of her room. Before he went away, he breathed a blessing towards it and a Farewell.
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:银色马一天早晨,我们一起用早餐,福尔摩斯说道:“华生,恐怕我只好去一次了。”“去一次?!上哪儿?”“到达特穆尔,去金斯皮兰。”我听了并不惊奇。老实说,我本来感到奇怪的是,目前在英国各地到处都在谈论着一件离奇古怪的案件,可是福尔摩斯却没有过问。他整日里紧皱双眉,低头沉思,在屋内走来走去,装上一斗又一斗的烈性烟叶,吸个没完,对我提出的问题和议论,完全置之不理。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:1仆人请对您的仆人开恩吧,我的女王!女王集会已经开过,我的仆人们都走了。你为什么来得这么晚呢?仆人您同别人谈过以后,就是我的时间了。我来问有什么剩余的工作,好让您的最末一个仆人去做。女王在这么晚的时间你还想做什么呢?仆人让我做您花园里的园丁吧。女王这是什么傻想头呢?仆人我要搁下别的工作。我把我的剑矛扔在尘土里。不要差遣我去遥远的宫廷;不要命令我做新的征讨。只求您让我做花园里的园丁。 [点击阅读]
章节:7 人气:0
摘要:每一句话语都坐着别的眼睛我小时候,村里人使用的语言,词语就住在它们表述的事物表面。所有名称与事物贴切契合,事物和自己的名字如出一辙,二者像缔结了永久的契约。对多数人而言,词语和事物之间没有缝隙,无法穿越它望向虚无,正如我们无法滑出皮肤,落进空洞。日常生活的机巧都是依赖于直觉、无须语言的熟练劳动,大脑既不与它们同行,也没有另辟蹊径。脑袋的存在只是为了携带眼睛和耳朵,供人们在劳作中使用。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:(一)赫邱里·波罗皱起眉头。“李蒙小姐,"他说。“什么事,波罗先生?”“这封信有三个错误。”他的话声带着难以置信的意味。因为李蒙小姐,这个可怕、能干的女人从没犯过错误。她从不生病,从不疲倦,从不烦躁,从不草率,也就是说,就一切实际意义来说,她根本不是个女人。她是一部机器——十全十美的秘书。然而,今天上午李蒙小姐所打的一封十足简单的信竟然出了三个错误,更过分的是,她甚至没注意到那些错误。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:《在人间》是高尔基自传体小说三部曲的第二部,写于1914年。讲述的是阿廖沙11岁时,母亲不幸去世,外祖父也破了产,他无法继续过寄人篱下的生活,便走上社会,独立谋生。他先后在鞋店、圣像作坊当过学徒,也在轮船上做过杂工,饱尝了人世间的痛苦。在轮船上当洗碗工时,阿廖沙结识了正直的厨师,并在他的帮助下开始读书,激发了对正义和真理追求的决心。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:已是十多年前的事了。具体的年代已经忘记。就连是从哪里来,到何处去的旅程也已想不起来。那时我刚过二十,每天在颓废中生活,当时怀疑人生的态度与刚体会到的游戏感受莫名地交织在一起。也许正因为如此,那时的记忆也就更加模糊不清了。那是艘两三百吨,包着铁皮的小木船。我横躺在二等船舱中。这是位于船尾,依照船体呈环状的铺有榻榻米的房间。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:坐在桌子后面的那个人把一个厚厚的玻璃压纸器向右移动了一点,他的脸与其说显得沉思或心不在焉,倒不如说是无表情的。由于一天的大部分时间都生活在人工光线下,他的面色苍白。你可以看出,这是一个习惯室内生活的人,一个经常坐办公室的人。要到他的办公室,必须经过一条长而弯弯曲曲的地下走廊。这种安排虽然颇有点不可思议,却与他的身份相适应。很难猜出他有多大年纪。他看起来既不老,也不年轻。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:0
摘要:在环绕东京市的国营铁路上,至今仍有几处依旧带点儿乡间味的道口。这些地方设有道口值班室,每当电车要通过时,不同颜色相间的栏杆就会落下,道口看守员便开始挥动信号旗。丰岛区1站大道口也是这种古董式道口之一。那里是从市中心到人口众多的丰岛区外围之间惟一的交通线,因此,不分昼夜,轿车、卡车、汽车、摩托车的通行极其频繁,步行过往者就更不必说了。 [点击阅读]
章节:93 人气:0
摘要:没有人知道创世之神是谁,但他(她)创造了整个世界,创造了神族和魔族,还有同时拥有两个种族力量但是却都没有两个种族强大的人族,也同时创造出了无数互相具有不同形态的异类族群,在把这些族群放置在他的力量所创造的领地中之后,连名字都没有留下的创世之神便离开了这个世界,再也没有任何人知道他的下落。 [点击阅读]
章节:33 人气:0
摘要:梦每个人都会有,在这个网络时代,我们敲击键盘将梦化为一个个字符。做梦的人多了,写梦的人也多了,看梦的人更多了。当一个个梦想列于书站之中,我们不禁会发现许多的梦是那么相似。在金戈铁马中争霸大陆是我曾经的梦,但此时却不是我想要的。当“我意王”如天上的云朵随处可见后,英雄们早已失去光泽,那些豪言壮语怎么看都像是落日的余辉,虽然美,但已是黄昏时。对于什么题材流行我并不感兴趣,我最喜欢的还是西式奇幻。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:凯恩说:“有人扮演英雄,因为他是怯懦的。有人扮演圣徒,因为他是凶恶的。有人扮演杀人犯,因为他有强烈的害人欲望。人们之所以欺骗,是因为生来便是说谎的。”——让保尔·萨特一“四!”“美洲豹”说道。在摇曳不定的灯光下,几个人的脸色都缓和下来。一盏电灯,灯泡上较为干净的部分洒下光芒,照射着这个房间。除去波菲里奥?卡瓦之外,对其他的人来说,危险已经过去。两个骰子已经停住不动,上面露出“三”和“幺”。 [点击阅读]
章节:60 人气:0
摘要:译文序一、本书系依据Selby编辑之Macmillan本,参考《万人丛书》(Everyman’sLibrary)本而译成者。二、译此书时或“亦步亦趋”而“直译”之。或颠倒其词序,拆裂其长句而“意译”之。但求无愧我心,不顾他人之臧否也。 [点击阅读]