双城记英文版 - Part 3 Chapter XLII. DARKNESS
  Sydney Carton paused in the street, not quite decided where to go. “At Tellson’s banking-house at nine,” he said, with a musing face. “Shall I do well, in the meantime, to show myself? I think so. It is best that these people should know there is such a man as I here; it is a sound precaution, and may be a necessary preparation. But care, care, care! Let me think it out!”Checking his steps which had begun to tend towards an object, he took a turn or two in the already darkening street, and traced the thought in his mind to its possible consequences. His first impression was confirmed. “It is best,” he said, finally resolved, “that these people should know there is such a man as I here.” And he turned his face towards Saint Antoine.Defarge had described himself, that day, as the keeper of a wine-shop in the Saint Antoine suburb. It was not difficult for one who knew the city well, to find his house without asking any question. Having ascertained its situation, Carton came out of those closer streets again, and dined at a place of refreshment and fell sound asleep after dinner. For the first time in many years, he had no strong drink. Since last night he had taken nothing but a little light thin wine, and last night he had dropped the brandy slowly down on Mr. Lorry’s hearth like a man who had done with it.It was as late as seven o’clock when he awoke refreshed, and went out into the streets again. As he passed along towards Saint Antoine, he stopped at a shop-window where there was a mirror, and slightly altered the disordered arrangement of his loose cravat, and his coat-collar, and his wild hair. This done, he went on direct to Defarge’s, and went in.There happened to be no customers in the shop but Jacques Three, of the restless fingers and the croaking voice. This man, whom he had seen upon the Jury. Stood drinking at the little counter, in conversation with the Defarges, man and wife. The Vengeance assisted in the conversation, like a regular member of the establishment.As Carton walked in, took his seat and asked (in very indifferent French) for a small measure of wine. Madame Defarge cast a careless glance at him, and then a keener, and then a keener, and then advanced to him herself, and asked him what it was he had ordered.He repeated what he had already said.“English?” asked Madame Defarge, inquisitively raising her dark eyebrows.After looking at her, as if the sound of even a single French word were slow to express itself to him, he answered, in his former strong foreign accent. “Yes, madame, yes. I am English!”Madame Defarge returned to her counter to get the wine, and, as he took up a Jacobin journal and feigned to pore over it puzzling out its meaning, he heard her say, “I swear to you, like Evremonde!”Defarge brought him the wine, and gave him Good Evening.“How?”“Good evening.”“Oh! Good evening, citizen,” filling his glass. “Ah! And good wine. I drink to the Republic.”Defarge went back to the counter, and said, “Certainly, a little like.” Madame sternly retorted, “I tell you a good deal like.” Jacques Three pacifically remarked, “He is so much in your mind, see you, madame.” The amiable Vengeance added, with a laugh. “Yes, my faith! And you are looking forward with so much pleasure to seeing him once more tomorrow!”Carton followed the lines and words of his paper, with a slow forefinger, and with a studious and absorbed face. They were all leaning their arms on the counter close together, speaking low. After a silence of a few moments, during which they all looked towards him without disturbing his outward attention from the Jacobin editor, they resumed their conversation.“It is true what madame says,” observed Jacques Three. “Why stop? There is great force in that. Why stop?”“Well, well,” reasoned Defarge, “but one must stop somewhere. After all, the question is still where?”“At extermination,” said madame.“Magnificent!” croaked Jacques Three. The Vengeance, also, highly approved.“Extermination is good doctrine, my wife,” said Defarge, rather troubled; “in general, I say nothing against it. But this Doctor has suffered much; you have seen him today; you have observed his face when the paper was read.”“I have observed his face!” repeated madame, contemptuously and angrily. “Yes. I have observed his face. I have observed his face to be not the face of a true friend of the Republic. Let him take care of his face!”“And you have observed, my wife,” said Defarge, in a deprecatory manner, “the anguish of his daughter, which must be a dreadful anguish to him!”“I have observed his daughter,” repeated madame; “yes, I have observed his daughter, more times than one. I have observed her today, and I have observed her other days. I have observed her in the court, and I have observed her in the street by the prison. Let me but lift my finger—!” She seemed to raise it (the listener’s eyes were always on his paper), and to let it fall with a rattle on the ledge before her, as if the axe had dropped.“The citizeness is superb!” croaked the Juryman.“She is an Angel!” said The Vengeance, and embraced her.“As to thee,” pursued madame, implacably, addressing her husband, “if it depended on thee—which, happily, it does not— thou wouldst rescue this man even now.”“No!” protested Defarge. “Not if to lift this glass would do it! But I would leave the matter there. I say, stop there.”“See you then, Jacques,” said Madame Defarge, wrathfully; “and see you, too, my little Vengeance: see you both! Listen! For other crimes as tyrants and oppressors, I have this race a long time on my register, doomed to destruction and extermination. Ask my husband, is that so.”“It is so,” assented Defarge, without being asked.“In the beginning of the great days, when the Bastille falls, he finds this paper of today, and he brings it home, and in the middle of the night when this place is clear and shut, we read it, here on this spot, by the light of this lamp. Ask him, is that so.”“It is so,” assented Defarge.“That night, I tell him, when the paper is read through, and the lamp is burnt out, and the day is gleaming in above those shutters and between those iron bars, that I have now a secret tocommunicate. Ask him, is that so.”“It is so,” assented Defarge again.“I communicate to him that secret. I smite this bosom with these two hands as I smite it now, and I tell him, ‘Defarge, I was brought up among the fishermen of the seashore, and that peasant family so injured by the two Evremonde brothers, as that Bastille paper describes, is my family. Defarge, that sister of the mortally wounded boy upon the ground was my sister, that husband was my sister’s husband, that unborn child was their child, that brother was my brother, that father was my father, those dead are my dead, and that summons to answer for those things descends to me!’ Ask him, is that so.”“It is so,” assented Defarge once more.“Then tell Wind and Fire where to stop,” returned madame; “but don’t tell me.”Both her hearers derived a horrible enjoyment from the deadly nature of her wrath—the listener could feel how white she was, without seeing her—and both highly commended it. Defarge, a weak minority, interposed a few words of the memory of the compassionate wife of the Marquis; but only elicited from his own wife a repetition of her last reply. “Tell the Wind and the Fire where to stop; not me!”Customers entered, and the group was broken up. The English customer paid for what he had had, perplexedly counted his change, and asked, as a stranger, to be directed towards the National Palace. Madame Defarge took him to the door, and put her arm on his, in pointing out the road. The English customer was not without his reflections then, that it might be a good deed to seize that arm, lift it, and strike under it sharp and deep.But, he went his way, and was soon swallowed up in the shadow of the prison wall. At the appointed hour, he emerged from it to present himself in Mr. Lorry’s room again, where he found the old gentleman walking to and fro in restless anxiety. He said he had been with Lucie until just now, and had only left her for a few minutes, to come and keep his appointment. Her father had not been seen, since he quitted the banking-house towards four o’clock. She had some faint hopes that his mediation might save Charles, but they were very slight. He had been more than five hours gone: where could he be?Mr. Lorry waited until ten; but, Doctor Manette not returning, and he being unwilling to leave Lucie any longer, it was arranged that he should go back to her, and come to the banking-house again at midnight. In the meanwhile, Carton would wait alone by the fire for the Doctor.He waited and waited, and the clock struck twelve; but Doctor Manette did not come back. Mr. Lorry returned, and found no tidings of him, and brought none. Where could he be?They were discussing this question, and were almost building up some weak structure of hope on his prolonged absence, when they heard him on the stairs. The instant he entered the room, it was plain that all was lost.Whether he had really been to any one, or whether he had been all that time traversing the streets, was never known. As he stood staring at them, they asked him no questions, for his face told them everything.“I cannot find it,” said he, “and I must have it. Where is it?”His head and throat were bare, and, as he spoke with a helpless look straying all around, he took his coat off, and let it drop on the floor.“Where is my bench? I have been looking everywhere for my bench, and I can’t find it. What have they done with my work? Time presses: I must finish those shoes.”They looked at one another, and their hearts died within them.“Come, come!” said he, in a whimpering miserable way; “let me get to work. Give me my work.”Receiving no answer, he tore his hair, and beat his feet upon the ground, like a distracted child.“Don’t torture a poor forlorn wretch,” he implored them, with a dreadful cry; “but give me my work! What is to become of us, if those shoes are not done tonight?”Lost, utterly lost!It was so clearly beyond hope to reason with him, or try to restore him, that—as if by agreement—they each put a hand upon his shoulder, and soothed him to sit down before the fire, with a promise that he should have his work presently. He sank into the chair, and brooded over the embers, and shed tears. As if all that had happened since the garret time were a momentary fancy, or a dream, Mr. Lorry saw him shrink into the exact figure that Defarge had had in keeping.Affected, and impressed with terror as they both were, by this spectacle of ruin, it was not a time to yield to such emotions. His lonely daughter, bereft of her final hope and reliance, appealed to them both too strongly. Again, as if by agreement, they looked at one another with one meaning in their faces. Carton was the first to speak:“The last chance is gone: it was not much. Yes; he had better be taken to her. But, before you go, will you, for a moment, steadily attend to me? Don’t ask me why I make the stipulations I am going to make, and exact the promise I am going to exact; I have a reason—a good one.”“I do not doubt it,” answered Mr. Lorry. “Say on.”The figure in the chair between them, was all the time monotonously rocking itself to and fro, and moaning. They spoke in such a tone as they would have used if they had been watching by a sickbed in the night.Carton stooped to pick up the coat, which lay almost entangling his feet. As he did so, a small case in which the Doctor was accustomed to carry the list of his day’s duties, fell lightly on the floor. Carton took it up, and there was a folded paper in it. “We should look at this!” he said. Mr. Lorry nodded his consent. He opened it, and exclaimed, “Thank GoD!”“What is it?” asked Mr. Lorry, eagerly.“A moment! Let me speak of it in its place. First,” he put his hand in his coat, and took another paper from it, “that is the certificate which enables me to pass out of this city. Look at it. You see—Sydney Carton, an Englishman?”Mr. Lorry held it open in his hand, gazing in his earnest face.“Keep it for me until tomorrow. I shall see him tomorrow, you remember, and I had better not take it into the prison.”“Why not?”“I don’t know; I prefer not to do so. Now, take this paper that Doctor Manette has carried about him. It is a similar certificate, enabling him and his daughter and her child, at any time, to pass the barrier and the frontier. You see?”“Yes!”“Perhaps he obtained it as his last and utmost precaution against evil, yesterday. When is it dated? But no matter; don’t stay to look; put it up carefully with mine and your own. Now, observe! I never doubted until within this hour or two, that he had, or could have such a paper. It is good, until recalled. But it may be soon recalled, and I have reason to think, will be.”“They are not in danger?”“They are in great danger. They are in danger of denunciation by Madame Defarge. I know it from her own lips. I have overheard words of that woman’s, tonight, which have presented their danger to me in strong colours. I have lost no time, and since then, I have seen the spy. He confirms me. He knows that a wood- sawyer living by the prison-wall, is under the control of the Defarges, and has been rehearsed by Madame Defarge as to his having seen Her”—he never mentioned Lucie’s name—“making signs and signals to prisoners. It is easy to foresee that the pretence will be the common one, a prison plot, and that it will involve her life—and perhaps her child’s—and perhaps her father’s—for both have been seen with her at that place. Don’t look so horrified. You will save them all.”“Heaven grant I may, Carton! But how?”“I am going to tell you how. It will depend on you, and it could depend on no better man. This new denunciation will certainly not take place until after tomorrow; probably not until two or three days afterwards; more probably a week afterwards. You know it is a capital crime to mourn for, or sympathise with, a victim of the Guillotine. She and her father would unquestionably be guilty of this crime, and this woman (the inveteracy of whose pursuit cannot be described) would wait to add that strength to her case, and make herself doubly sure. You follow me?”“So attentively, and with so much confidence in what you say, that for the moment I lose sight,” touching the back of the Doctor’s chair, “even of this distress.”“You have money, and can buy the means of travelling to the seacoast as quickly as the journey can be made. Your preparations have been completed for some days, to return to England. Early tomorrow have your horses ready, so that they may be in starting trim at two o’clock in the afternoon.”“It shall be done!”His manner was so fervent and inspiring, that Mr. Lorry caught the flame, and was quick as youth.“You are a noble heart. Did I say we could depend upon no better man? Tell her, tonight, what you know of her danger as involving her child and her father. Dwell upon that, for she would lay her own fair head beside her husband’s cheerfully.” He faltered for an instant; then went on as before. “For the sake of her child and her father, press upon her the necessity of leaving Paris, with them and you at that hour. Tell her that it was her husband’s last arrangement. Tell her that more depends upon it than she dare believe, or hope. You think that her father, even in this sad state. Will submit himself to her; do you not?”“I am sure of it.”“I thought so. Quietly and steadily have all these arrangements made in the court-yard here, even to the taking of your own seat in the carriage. The moment I come to you, take me in, and drive away.”“I understand that I wait for you under all circumstances?”“You have my certificate in your hand with the rest, you know, and will reserve my place. Wait for nothing but to have my place occupied, and then for England!”“Why, then,” said Mr. Lorry, grasping his eager but so firm and steady hand, “it does not all depend on one old man, but I shall have a young and ardent man at my side.”“By the help of Heaven you shall! Promise me solemnly that nothing will influence you to alter the course on which we now stand pledged to one another.”“Nothing, Carton.”“Remember these words tomorrow: change the course, or delay in it—for any reason—and no life can possibly be saved, and many lives must inevitably be sacrificed.”“I will remember them. I hope to do my part faithfully.”“And I hope to do mine. Now, good-bye!”Though he said it with a grave smile of earnestness, and though he even put the old man’s hand to his lips, he did not part from him then. He helped him so far to arouse the rocking figure before the dying embers, as to get a cloak and hat put upon it, and to tempt it forth to find where the bench and work were hidden that it still moaningly besought to have. He walked on the other side of it and protected it to the court-yard of the house where the afflicted heart—so happy in the memorable time when he had revealed his own desolate heart to it—outwatched the awful night. He entered the courtyard and remained there for a few moments alone, looking up at the light in the window of her room. Before he went away, he breathed a blessing towards it and a Farewell.
章节:14 人气:5
摘要:事件之章野野口修的笔记一事情发生在四月十六日、星期二。那天下午三点半我从家里出发,前往日高邦彦的住处。日高家距离我住的地方仅隔一站电车的路程,到达车站改搭巴士,再走上一小段路的时间,大约二十分钟到了。平常就算没什么事,我也常到日高家走走,不过那天却是有特别的事要办。这么说好了,要是错过那天,我就再也见不到他了。 [点击阅读]
章节:36 人气:3
摘要:?19月5日晚上10点49分横滨数栋14层公寓和三溪园住宅区的北端紧紧相邻,这些新建的公寓已经有很多人入住。每一栋公寓有将近100户住家,算是人口相当密集了。但是,公寓里的住户们不相往来,彼此也不认识,只有在夜里窗子透出灯光时,才让人意识到这里有人居住。在南边,工厂的照明灯投射在漆黑的海面上,静静地拉出一道长影。工厂的外墙上交缠着无数管线,令人联想到人体内错综复杂的血管。 [点击阅读]
章节:7 人气:8
摘要:渡边伸出不隐约的双手捧住她的脸,动作温柔得教她感到难以承受。她是没指望或许该说不敢指望会更贴切一些,他的温柔对待,以及他此刻凝视她的眼神,他把她拉进自己怀里,抱着她好长好长一段时间,什么话也没有说。终于,他开始吻她,整个晚上,因为过度渴望而凝聚成的硬结,此刻开始化解为缓缓的甜蜜,流过她的每一根神经和每一颗细胞,就象一条遗忘的溪流。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:6
摘要:外面一片漆黑,我恍恍忽忽地不知自己昏迷了多长时间。慢慢地我听到一阵微弱而富有节奏的声音,这是只有轮子才能发出的嘎吱嘎吱声。丧失意识的人在黑暗中是听不到这么细微的声响的。因此我判断自己已经恢复了知觉,而且我从头到脚都能感受到外界的存在。我还闻到了一种气味——不是橡胶就是塑料薄膜。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:3
摘要:朋友:当白痴的滋味可不像巧克力。别人会嘲笑你,对你不耐烦,态度恶劣。呐,人家说,要善待不幸的人,可是我告诉你——事实不一定是这样。话虽如此,我并不埋怨,因为我自认生活过得很有意思,可以这么说。我生下来就是个白痴:我的智商将近七十,这个数字跟我的智力相符,他们是这么说的。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:5
摘要:十位年轻的女人,为活跃无聊的产房生活,十天内讲述了!”00个亲身经历的故事:初恋、引诱、遗弃、强||奸、复仇、婚外情的荒唐、性*生活的尴尬……在妙趣横生兼带苦涩酸楚的故事背后,则是前苏联社会的fu败、男人灵魂的丑陋、妇女处境的悲惨,以及她们对美好幸福生活的热烈渴望和执着追求……这便是《女人十日谈》向读者展示的画面及其底蕴。 [点击阅读]
章节:52 人气:2
摘要:话说我对哲学产生兴趣是在研一时的自然辩证法课堂上。那是位颇为娘娘腔的老教授,本行研究人脑和意识,业余时间教授自然辩证法和自然科学史。不像其他政治课老师只晓得照本宣科,这老头有相当牛逼的学术基础,从古希腊哲学的朴素唯物主义,讲到近现代一系列科学危机,一贯而至,娓娓道来,一面精彩轻松的讲解着各种科学定律,一面逐步揭开科学背后的思辨踪影;当然作为一位老右愤, [点击阅读]
章节:52 人气:2
摘要:荐语:未满十八岁请在家长指导下阅读本书。版本较好的是上海译文出版社周克希先生的译本。价廉物美,仅10元一本,现在最便宜最没有人看的恐怕就是这些名著了。【小说】--引言小说描写的是一位小资产阶级妇女,因为不满意夫妻生活平淡无奇而和别人通|奸,最终因此身败名裂,服毒自杀的故事。 [点击阅读]
章节:134 人气:2
摘要:戴维。赫伯特。劳伦斯是二十世纪杰出的英国小说家,被称为“英国文学史上最伟大的人物之一”。劳伦斯于1885年9月11日诞生在诺丁汉郡伊斯特伍德矿区一个矿工家庭。做矿工的父亲因贫困而粗暴、酗酒,与当过教师的母亲感情日渐冷淡。母亲对儿子的畸型的爱,使劳伦斯长期依赖母亲而难以形成独立的人格和健全的性爱能力。直到1910年11月,母亲病逝后,劳伦斯才挣扎着走出畸形母爱的怪圈。 [点击阅读]
章节:82 人气:2
摘要:昏暗的工厂里,机床的黑影排成一排。那样子让雅也想到夜晚的墓地。不过,老爸要进入的坟墓并没有如此气派。黑影们看上去就像失去了主人的忠实奴仆。它们也许正和雅也怀着同样的心情,静静地迎接这个夜晚。雅也把盛着酒的茶碗送到嘴边。茶碗的边缘有个小缺口,正好碰在嘴唇上。喝干后,他叹了口气。旁边伸过一个酒瓶,把酒倒入他的空茶碗里。“以后在各方面都会有困难,但不要气馁,加把劲儿吧。“舅舅俊郎说。 [点击阅读]
章节:67 人气:2
摘要:E L James is a TV executive, wife, and mother of two, based in West London. Since early childhood, she dreamt of writing stories that readers would fall in love with, but put those dreams on hold to focus on her family and her career. She finally plucked up the courage to put pen to paper with her first novel, Fifty Shades of Grey. [点击阅读]
章节:116 人气:2
摘要:《古兰经》概述《古兰经》是伊斯兰教经典,伊斯兰教徒认为它是安拉对先知穆罕默德所启示的真实语言,在穆罕默德死后汇集为书。《古兰经》的阿拉伯文在纯洁和优美上都无与伦比,在风格上是达到纯全的地步。为了在斋月诵读,《古兰经》分为30卷,一月中每天读1卷。但是《古兰经》主要划分单位却是长短不等的114章。《法蒂哈》即开端一章是简短的祈祷词,其他各章大致按长短次序排列;第二章最长;最后两三章最短。 [点击阅读]