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双城记英文版 - Part 3 Chapter XLI. DUSK
  The wretched wife of the innocent man thus doomed to die. Fell under the sentence, as if she had been mortally stricken. But, she uttered no sound; and so strong was the voice within her, representing that it was she of all the world who must uphold him in his misery and not augment it, that it quickly raised her, even from that shock.The judges having to take part in a public demonstration out of doors, the tribunal adjourned. The quick noise and movement of the court’s emptying itself by many passages had not ceased, when Lucie stood stretching out her arms towards her husband, with nothing in her face but love and consolation.“If I might touch him! If I might embrace him once! O, good citizens, if you would have so much compassion for us!”There was but a gaoler left, along with two of the four men who had taken him last night, and Barsad. The people had all poured out to the show in the streets. Barsad proposed to the rest, “Let her embrace him then; it is but a moment.” It was silently acquiesced in, and they passed her over the seats in the hall to a raised place, where he, by leaning over the dock, could fold her in his arms.“Farewell, dear darling of my soul. My parting blessing on my love. We shall meet again, where the weary are at rest!”They were her husband’s words, as he held her to his bosom.“I can bear it, dear Charles. I am supported from above: don’t suffer for me. A parting blessing for our child.”“I send it to her by you. I kiss her by you. I say farewell to her by you.”“My husband. No! A moment!” He was tearing himself apart from her. “We shall not be separated long. I feel that this will break my heart by-and-by; but I will do my duty while I can, and when I leave her, GoD will raise up friends for her, as He did for me.”Her father had followed her, and would have fallen on his knees to both of them, but that Darnay put out a hand and seized him, crying:“No, no! What have you done, what have you done, that you should kneel to us! We know now, what a struggle you made of old. We know now, what you underwent when you suspected my descent, and when you knew it. We know now, the natural antipathy you strove against, and conquered, for her dear sake. We thank you with all our hearts, and all our love and duty. Heaven be with you!”Her father’s only answer was to draw his hands through his white hair, and wring them with a shriek of anguish.“It could not be otherwise,” said the prisoner. “All things have worked together as they have fallen out. It was the always-vain endeavour to discharge my poor mother’s trust that first brought my fatal presence near you. Good could never come of such evil, a happier end was not in nature to so unhappy a beginning. Be comforted, and forgive me. Heaven bless you!”As he was drawn away, his wife released him, and stood looking after him with her hands touching one another in the attitude of prayer, and with a radiant look upon her face, in which there was even a comforting smile. As he went out at the prisoners’ door, she turned, laid her head lovingly on her father’s breast. Tried to speak to him, and fell at his feet.Then, issuing from the obscure corner from which he had never moved, Sydney Carton came and took her up. Only her father and Mr. Lorry were with her. His arm trembled as it raised her, and supported her head. Yet, there was an air about him that was not all of pity—that had a flush of pride in it.“Shall I take her to a coach? I shall never feel her weight.”He carried her lightly to the door, and laid her tenderly down in a coach. Her father and their old friend got into it, and he took his seat beside the driver.When they arrived at the gateway where he had paused in the dark not many hours before, to picture to himself on which of the rough stones of the street her feet had trodden, he lifted her again, and carried her up the staircase to their rooms. There, he laid her down on a couch, where her child and Miss Pross wept over her.“Don’t recall her to herself,” he said, softly, to the latter, “she is better so. Don’t revive her to consciousness, while she only faints.”“Oh, Carton, Carton, dearCarton!” criedlittleLucie. Springing up and throwing her arms passionately round him, in a burst of grief. “Now that you have come, I think you will do something to help mamma, something to save papa! O, look at her, dear Carton! Can you, of all the people who love her, bear to see her so?”He bent over the child, and laid her blooming cheek against his face. He put her gently from him, and looked at her unconscious mother.“Before I go,” he said, and paused—“I may kiss her?”It was remembered afterwards that when he bent down and touched her face with his lips, he murmured some words. The child, who was nearest to him, told them afterwards, and told her grandchildren when she was a handsome old lady, that she heard him say, “A life you love.”When he had gone out into the next room, he turned suddenly on Mr. Lorry and her father, who were following, and said to the latter:“You had great influence but yesterday, Doctor Manette; let it at least be tried. These judges, and all the men in power are very friendly to you, and very recognisant of your services; are they not?”“Nothing connected with Charles was concealed from me. I had the strongest assurances that I should save him; and I did.” He returned the answer in great trouble, and very slowly.“Try them again. The hours between this and tomorrow afternoon are few and short, but try.”“I intend to try. I will not rest a moment.”“That’s well. I have known such energy as yours do great things before now—though never,” he added. With a smile and a sigh together, “such great things as this. But try! Of little worth as life is when we misuse it, it is worth that effort. It would cost nothing to lay down if it were not.”“I will go,” said Doctor Manette, “to the Prosecutor and the President straight, and I will go to others whom it is better not to name. I will write too, and—But stay! There is a celebration in the streets, and no one will be accessible until dark.”“That’s true. Well! It is a forlorn hope at the best, and not much the forlorner for being delayed till dark. I should like to know how you speed; though mind! I expect nothing! When are you likely to have seen these dread powers, Doctor Manette?”“Immediately after dark, I should hope. Within an hour or two from this?”“It will be dark soon after four. Let us stretch the hour or two. If I go to Mr. Lorry’s at nine, shall I hear what you have done, either from our friend or from yourself?”“Yes.”“May you prosper!”Mr. Lorry followed Sydney to the outer door, and, touching him on the shoulder as he was going away, caused him to turn.“I have no hope,” said Mr. Lorry, in a low and sorrowful whisper.“Nor have I.”“If any one of these men, or all of these men, were disposed to spare him—which is a large supposition; for what is his life, or any man’s to them!—I doubt if they durst spare him after the demonstration in the court.”“And so do I. I heard the fall of the axe in that sound.”Mr. Lorry leaned his arm upon the door-post and bowed his face upon it.“Don’t despond,” said Carton, very gently; “don’t grieve. I encouraged Doctor Manette in this idea, because I felt that it might one day be consolatory to her. Otherwise, she might think ‘his life was wantonly thrown away or wasted,’ and that might trouble her.”“Yes, yes, yes,” returned Mr. Lorry, drying his eyes, “you are right. But he will perish; there is no real hope.”“Yes. He will perish: there is no real hope,” echoed Carton. And he walked with a settled step, down-stairs.
章节:124 人气:0
摘要:杰弗里。谢弗上校很喜欢他在萨尔瓦多的新生活。有人说这个巴西第三大城市非常迷人。这确实是个充满了欢乐的地方。他在瓜拉球巴海滩正对面租了一套豪华的六居室别墅。在这里,他每天喝着甘蔗甜酒和冰镇啤酒,间或去俱乐部打打网球。到了晚上,谢弗上校——这个绰号“鼬鼠”的变态杀手——就又操起了他的老本行,在这座老城阴暗狭窄、弯弯曲曲的街道上开始了狩猎。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:在西郊地区中心,有一些小巷子,除了经验丰富的出租车司机以外,几乎没什么人知道。出租车司机们能胸有成竹地在里面游弋自如,然后得意洋洋地到达帕克巷、伯克利广场或南奥德利大巷。如果你从帕克大街拐上一条不知名的路,左右再拐几次弯,你就会发现自己到了一条安静的街道上,伯特伦旅馆就在你的右手边。伯特伦旅馆已经有很长的历史了。战争期间,它左右两边的房屋全都毁于一旦,但它却毫无损伤。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:站台上,火车喷着蒸气,亲人们追着它跑过来。每一步,他们都高高扬起胳膊,挥舞。一个年轻的男人站在车窗后。窗玻璃的下沿到他的腋下。他在胸前持着一束白色碎花,神情呆滞。一个年轻女人把一个脸色苍白的孩子从火车站拽出去。女人是个驼背。火车开进战争。我啪的一声关掉电视。父亲躺在房间正中的棺材里。房间四壁挂满照片,看不到墙。一张照片中,父亲扶着一把椅子,他只有椅子的一半高。他穿着长袍,弯腿站着,腿上满是肉褶子。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:结局(1)这个故事讲的是一个名字叫爱迪的人,故事从结尾处爱迪死在阳光下开始。从结尾开始讲一个故事,似乎颇为奇怪。但是,所有的结尾亦是开端。我们只是当时不知道而已。爱迪生命中的最后一个小时,像大部分其它时间一样,是在“红宝石码头”——壮观的灰色大海边上的一个游乐场里度过的。 [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:这种感情以烦恼而又甘甜的滋味在我心头索绕不去,对于它,我犹豫不决,不知冠之以忧愁这个庄重而优美的名字是否合适。这是一种如此全面,如此利己的感觉,以至我几乎为它感到羞耻,而忧愁在我看来总显得可敬。我不熟悉这种感觉,不过我还熟悉烦恼,遗憾,还稍稍地感受过内疚。今日,有什么东西像一层轻柔的、使人难受的丝绸在我身上围拢,把我与别人隔开。那年夏天,我对岁。我非常快乐。“别人”指的是我父亲和他的情妇艾尔莎。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在最初的不规则零散曲线中,几乎看不到基本数学结构的提示。||迈克尔·克莱顿几乎是乐园迈克。鲍曼一面开着那辆越野车穿过位于哥斯大黎加西海岸的卡沃布兰科生态保护区,一面兴高采烈地吹着口哨。这足七月一个阳光明媚的早晨,眼前路上的景色壮丽:路的一边是悬崖峭壁,从这儿可俯瞰热带丛林以及碧波万顷的太平洋。据旅游指南介绍,卡沃布兰科是一块朱经破坏的荒原,几乎是一个乐园。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一R侯爵夫人可不是才智横溢的,尽管文学作品里,凡是上年级的妇女无不被写成谈吐妙趣横生。她对样样事都无知透顶,涉足上流社会对她也于事无补。据说饱经世故的妇女所特有的吐属有致、洞察入微和分寸得当,她也一概没有。恰好相反,她冒冒失失,唐突莽撞,直肠直肚,有时甚至厚皮涎脸。对于一个享乐时代的侯爵夫人,我能有的种种设想,她都统统给破坏了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:懒洋洋的七月天,空气中弥漫着干草、马鞭草和樨草的清香。阳台的桌子上,放着一只淡黄色的碗杯,里面漂浮着几枚大草霉,在几片薄荷叶的衬托下显得那么鲜红。那是一个乔治王朝时代的老碗杯周围棱角很多,折射出错综复杂的亮光,雷西的两只手臂正好刻印到狮子的双头之间。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:6.11若发生如下三种情况之一,即认为偶发空缺出现:(1)地方议员未在规定时间内声明接受职位;(2)议会收到其辞职报告;(3)其死亡当天……——查尔斯·阿诺德-贝克《地方议会管理条例》,第七版星期天巴里·菲尔布拉泽不想出门吃晚饭。整个周末他都头痛欲裂,当地报纸约稿的截稿期马上就要到了,得拼命写完。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:有些人只拥吻影子,于是只拥有幸福的幻影。——莎士比亚爱情里最需要的,是想象力。每个人必须用尽全力和全部的想象力来形塑对方,并丝毫不向现实低头。那么,当双方的幻想相遇……就再也没有比这更美的景象了。——罗曼·加里(RomainGary)我害怕黑夜,害怕夜影中不请自来的形影,它们在帏幔的褶皱里、在卧室的壁纸上舞动,再随时间消散。但只要我一回忆童年,它们便会再度现身,可怕又充满威胁性。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:简·奥斯汀(JaneAusten,1775年12月16日-1817年7月18日)是英国著名小说家,生于英国汉普郡,父亲是当地教区牧师。她的作品主要关注乡绅家庭的女性的婚姻和生活,以细致入微的观察和活泼风趣的文字著称。有6个兄弟和一个姐姐,家境尚可。她的父亲乔治·奥斯汀(GeorgeAusten,1731年—1805年)是一名牧师,母亲名卡桑德拉(1739年—1827年)。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“她过去很坏……一向如此,他们常常在第五大道旅馆见面。”我母亲这么说,好像那一越轨的情景增加了她所提起的那对男女的罪过。她斜挎着眼镜,看着手里的编织活,声音厚重得嘶嘶作响,好像要烤焦她毫不倦怠的手指间编织的雪白童毯一样。(我母亲是一个典型的乐善好施的人,然而说出的话却尖酸刻薄,一点也不慈善。 [点击阅读]
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