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双城记英文版 - Part 3 Chapter XXXIV. CALM IN STORM
  CALM IN STORMDoctor Manette did not return until the morning of the fourth day of his absence. So much of what had happened in that dreadful time as could be kept from the knowledge of Lucie was so well concealed from her, that not until long afterwards, when France and she were far apart, did she know that eleven hundred defenceless prisoners of both sexes and all ages had been killed by the populace; that four days and nights had been darkened by this deed of horror; and that the air around her had been tainted by the slain. She only knew that there had been an attack upon the prisons, that all political prisoners had been in danger, and that some had been dragged out by the crowd and murdered.To Mr. Lorry, the Doctor communicated under an injunction of secrecy on which he had no need to dwell, that the crowd had taken him through a scene of carnage to the prison La Force. That, in the prison he had found a self-appointed Tribunal sitting, before which the prisoners were brought singly, and by which they were rapidly ordered to be put forth to be massacred, or to be released, or (in a few cases) to be sent back to their cells. That, presented by his conductors to this Tribunal, he had announced himself by name and profession as having been for eighteen years a secret and unaccused prisoner in the Bastille; that, one of the body so sitting in judgment had risen and identified him, and that this man was Defarge. That, hereupon he had ascertained, through the registers on the table, that his son-in-law was among the living prisoners, and had pleaded hard to the Tribunal—of whom some members were asleep and some awake, some dirty with murder and some clean, some sober and some not—for his life and liberty. That, in the first frantic greetings lavished on himself as a notable sufferer under the over-thrown system, it had been accorded to him to have Charles Darnay brought before the lawless Court, and examined. That, he seemed on the point of being at once released, when the tide in his favour met with some unexplained check (not intelligible to the Doctor), which led to a few words of secret conference. That, the man sitting as President had then informed Doctor Manette that the prisoner must remain in custody, but should, for his sake, be held inviolate in safe custody. That, immediately, on a signal, the prisoner was removed to the interior of the prison again; but, that he, the Doctor, had then so strongly pleaded for permission to remain and assure himself that his son-in-law was, through no malice or mischance, delivered to the concourse whose murderous yells outside the gate had often drowned the proceedings, that he had obtained the permission, and had remained in that Hall of Blood until the danger was over.The sights he had seen there, with brief snatches of food and sleep by intervals, shall remain untold. The mad joy over the prisoners who were saved, had astounded him scarcely less than the mad ferocity against those who were cut to pieces. One prisoner there was, he said, who had been discharged into the street free, but at whom a mistaken savage had thrust a pike as he passed out. Being besought to go to him and dress the wound, the Doctor had passed out at the same gate, and found him in the arms of a company of Samaritans, who were seated on the bodies of their victims. With an inconsistency as monstrous as anything in this awful nightmare, they had helped the healer, and tended the wounded man with the gentlest solicitude—had made a litter for him and escorted him carefully from the spot—had then caught up their weapons and plunged anew into a butchery so dreadful, that the Doctor had covered his eyes with his hands, and swooned away in the midst of it.As Mr. Lorry received these confidences, and as he watched the face of his friend now sixty-two years of age, a misgiving arose within him that such dreadful experiences would revive the old danger. But, he had never seen his friend in his present aspect: he had never at all known him in his present character. For the first time the Doctor felt, now, that his suffering was strength and power. For the first time he felt that in that sharp fire, he had slowly forged the iron which could break the prison door of his daughter’s husband, and deliver him. “It all tended to a good end, my friend; it was not mere waste and ruin. As my beloved child was helpful in restoring me to myself, I will be helpful now in restoring the dearest part of herself to her; by the aid of Heaven I will do it!” Thus, Doctor Manette. And when Jarvis Lorry saw the kindled eyes, the resolute face, the calm strong look and bearing of the man whose life always seemed to him to have been stopped, like a clock, for so many years, and then set going again with an energy which had lain dormant during the cessation of its usefulness, he believed.Greater things than the Doctor had at that time to contend with, would have yielded before his persevering purpose. While he kept himself in his place, as a physician, whose business was with all degrees of mankind, bond and free, rich and poor, bad and good, he used his personal influence so wisely, that he was soon the inspecting physician of three prisons, and among them of La Force. He could now assure Lucie that her husband was no longer confined alone, but was mixed with the general body of prisoners; he saw her husband weekly, and brought sweet messages to her, straight from his lips; sometimes her husband himself sent a letter to her (though never by the Doctor’s hand), but she was not permitted to write to him: for, among the many wild suspicions of plots in the prisons, the wildest of all pointed at emigrants who were known to have made friends or permanent connections abroad.This new life of the Doctor’s was an anxious life, no doubt; still, the sagacious Mr. Lorry saw that there was a new sustaining pride in it. Nothing unbecoming tinged the pride; it was a natural and worthy one; but he observed it as a curiosity. The Doctor knew, that up to that time, his imprisonment had been associated in the minds of his daughter and his friend, with his personal affliction, deprivation, and weakness. Now that this was changed, and he knew himself to be invested through that old trial with forces to which they both looked for Charles’s ultimate safety and deliverance, he became so far exalted by the change, that he took the lead and direction, and required them as the weak, to trust to him as the strong. The preceding relative positions of himself and Lucie were reversed, yet only as the liveliest gratitude and affection could reverse them, for he could have had no pride but in rendering some service to her who had rendered so much to him. “All curious to see,” thought Mr. Lorry, in his amiably shrewd way, “but all natural and right; so, take the lead, my dear friend, and keep it; it couldn’t be in better hands.”But, though the Doctor tried hard, and never ceased trying, to get Charles Darnay set at liberty, or at least to get him brought to trial, the public current of the time set too strong and fast for him. The new era began; the king was tried, doomed and beheaded; the Republic of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death, declared for victory or death against the world in arms; the black flag waved night and day from the great towers of Notre Dame; three hundred thousand men, summoned to rise against the tyrants of the earth, rose from all the varying soils of France, as if the dragon’s teeth had been sown broadcast, and had yielded fruit equally on hill and plain, on rock, in gravel, and alluvial mud, under the bright sky of the South and under the clouds of the North, in fell and forest, in the vineyards and the olive-grounds and among the cropped grass and the stubble of the corn, along the fruitful banks of the broad rivers, and in the sand of the seashore. What private solicitude could rear itself against the deluge of the Year One of Liberty—the deluge rising from below, not falling from above, and with the windows of Heaven shut, not opened!There was no pause, no pity, no peace, no interval of relenting rest, no measurement of time. Though days and nights circled as regularly as when time was young, and the evening and morning were the first day, other count of time there was none. Hold of it was lost in the raging fever of a nation, as it is in the fever of one patient. Now, breaking the unnatural silence of a whole city, the executioner showed the people the head of the king—and now, it seemed almost in the same breath, the head of his fair wife which had had eight weary months of imprisoned widowhood and misery, to turn it grey.And yet, observing the strange law of contradiction which obtains in all such cases, the time was long, while it flamed by so fast. A revolutionary tribunal in the capital, and forty or fifty thousand revolutionary committees all over the land; a law of the Suspected, which struck away all security for liberty or life, and delivered over any good and innocent person to any bad and guilty one; prisons gorged with people who had committed no offence, and could obtain no hearing; these things became the established order and nature of appointed things, and seemed to be ancient usage before they were many weeks old. Above all, one hideous figure grew as familiar as if it had been before the general gaze from the foundations of the world—the figure of the sharp female called La Guillotine.It was the popular theme for jests; it was the best cure for headache, it infallibly prevented the hair from turning grey, it imparted a peculiar delicacy to the complexion, it was the National Razor which shaved close: who kissed La Guillotine, looked through the window and sneezed into the sack. It was the sign of the regeneration of the human race. It superseded the Cross. Models of it were worn on breasts from which the Cross was discarded, and it was bowed down to and believed in where the Cross was denied.It sheared off heads so many, that it, and the ground it most polluted, were a rotten red. It was taken to pieces, like a toy-puzzle for a young Devil, and was put together again when the occasion wanted it. It hushed the eloquent, struck down the powerful, abolished the beautiful and good. Twenty-two friends of high public mark, twenty-one living and one dead, it had lopped the heads off, in one morning, in as many minutes. The name of the strong man of Old Scripture had descended to the chief functionary who worked it; but, so armed, he was stronger than his namesake, and blinder, and tore away the gates of God’s own Temple every day.Among these terrors, and the brood belonging to them, the Doctor walked with a steady head; confident in his power, cautiously persistent in his end, never doubting that he would have Lucie’s husband at last. Yet the current of the time swept by, so strong and deep, and carried the time away so fiercely, that Charles had lain in prison one year and three months when the Doctor was thus steady and confident. So much more wicked and distracted had the Revolution grown in that December month, that the rivers of the South were encumbered with the bodies of the violently drowned by night, and prisoners were shot in lines and squares under the southern wintry sun. Still, the Doctor walked among the terrors with a steady head. No man better known than he, in Paris at that day; no man in a stranger situation. Silent, humane, indispensable in hospital and prison, using his art equally among assassins and victim, he was a man apart. In the exercise of his skill, the appearance and the story of the Bastille Captive removed him from all other men. He was not suspected or brought in question, any more than if he had indeed been recalled to life some eighteen years before, or were a spirit moving among mortals.
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:世上没有永恒不变的事物。欢笑不长久,欲望不长久,生命本身,也总会走到尽头。这真是至理名言。所以,人生在世,最要紧的就是及时行乐,活在当下,把手中的东西紧紧抓住。为什么要虚度一生去换取入土之后碑头的空文呢?“永存我心”,什么样的蠢蛋才会希望自己的坟头铭刻这样一句空话?这不过是无病呻吟的多愁和伤感,毫无意义。我们还是面对现实吧,人生就是一场零和博弈,输赢高下都在政坛见分晓。 [点击阅读]
章节:19 人气:0
摘要:1991年6月13日,好莱坞。凌晨,加利福尼亚美联社分部一派兵荒马乱。五分钟之前,路透社抢先向全球公布了齐亚托联通公司的最新消息。这一次,英国人灵敏的鼻子终于甚至比美国人更早嗅到了大西洋的腥味。齐亚托联通公司正在制做本世纪耗资最大的色情片,主要外景地选择在沙漠中,也就是拍摄《宾虚传》和《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》用过的场景,其中一处搭设了1000余人在上面翻滚的大台子。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:一代英雄,惨遭杀害,但他们是一座座高大雄伟的雕像,矗立在大地上,鲜花环绕,阳光沐浴,人们把最崇敬的感情献上。一伙魑魅魍魉,蝇营狗苟,虽生犹死,都是些朽木雕成的木偶,人们投之以冷眼、蔑视与嘲笑。捷克民族英雄伏契克在他举世闻名的《绞刑架下的报告》(以下简称《报告》)这部不朽的作品里,深刻地揭示了人的伟大与渺歇—雕像与木偶的根本区别。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:那是个静谧的夏天早晨。太阳已经高悬在明净的天空,可是田野里还闪烁着露珠。苏醒不久的山谷散发出阵阵清新的幽香。那片依然弥漫着潮气,尚未喧闹起来的树林里,只有赶早的小鸟在欢快地歌唱。缓缓倾斜的山坡上,自上到下长满了刚扬花的黑麦。山顶上,远远可以望见一座小小的村落。一位身穿白色薄纱连衣裙,头戴圆形草帽,手拿阳伞的少妇,正沿着狭窄的乡间小道向那座村庄走去。一名小厮远远跟在她后面。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:谢泼德医生在早餐桌上弗拉尔斯太太于16日晚(星期四)离世而去。17日(星期五)早晨八点就有人来请我去。我也帮不了什么忙,因为她已死了好几个小时了。九点过几分我就回到了家。我取出钥匙打开了前门,故意在大厅里磨蹭了一会,不慌不忙地把帽子和风衣挂好,这些都是我用来抵御初秋晨寒的东西。说老实话,我当时的心情非常沮丧忧愁。我并不想装模作样地认为,我能够预料今后几周将要发生的事。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:弗拉尔斯太太于16日晚(星期四)离世而去。17日(星期五)早晨八点就有人来请我去。我也帮不了什么忙,因为她已死了好几个小时了。九点过几分我就回到了家。我取出钥匙打开了前门,故意在大厅里磨蹭了一会,不慌不忙地把帽子和风衣挂好,这些都是我用来抵御初秋晨寒的东西。说老实话,我当时的心情非常沮丧忧愁。我并不想装模作样地认为,我能够预料今后几周将要发生的事。 [点击阅读]
章节:50 人气:0
摘要:在彼得堡贫民区一家公寓的五层楼斗室里,住着一个穷大学生拉斯柯尔尼科夫。他正在经历着一场痛苦而激烈的思想斗争——他要确定自己是属于可以为所欲为的不平凡的人,还是只配做不平凡的人的工具的普通人。他原在法律系就学,因交不起学费而被迫辍学,现在靠母亲和妹妹从拮据的生活费中节省下来的钱维持生活。他已经很久没有交房租了。近来,房东太太不仅停止供给他伙食,而且催租甚紧。这时他遇见了小公务员马尔美拉陀夫。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:本书记载的是大约四年前发生的事。本人以为目前的情况已经发展到必须将实情公诸于世的阶段,曾经有一些最狂妄、最可笑的谣传,都说重要的证据已经让人扣留了。另外还有诸如此类很无聊的话。那些曲解的报道尤其在美国报纸上出现得更多。实际情况的记述最好不是出自考察团团员的手笔。其理由是显而易见的:大家有充足的理由可以假定他的记述是有偏见的。因此,我便建议爱咪-列瑟兰小姐担任这项任务。她显然是担任这工作的适当人选。 [点击阅读]
章节:80 人气:0
摘要:谨以此书献给哈里斯和法拉,他们是我双眼的努雷①;也献给我父亲,他或会为此骄傲为了伊莱恩走出对与错的观念,有一片田野,我将与你在那儿相会。——鲁米,十三世纪1952年秋那好吧。你们想听故事,我就给你们讲个故事。但是就这一个。你俩谁都别让我多讲。很晚了,咱们明天还有很长的路要走,你和我,帕丽。今天夜里你需要好好睡上一觉。你也是,阿卜杜拉。儿子,我和你妹妹出门的时候,就指望你了。你母亲也要指望你。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:1细雨无声湿佛颔,恍觉春至奈良坡。——会津八一人们把位于奈良县和京都府交界即古时的大和国与山城国交界处的连绵起伏的丘陵地带称为平城山。从前在女子学校广泛传唱的一首歌中有过这样的歌词:“思恋何等苦,直叫人神伤黯然,踟蹰情难诉,不觉竟至平城山,心中悲情何以堪。”这首歌曲的歌名就叫平城山。翻过平城山往来于奈良与京都之间的道路被称作奈良坡。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:在五十年代的老纽约,屈指可数的几家人在单纯和富有方面居统治地位,其中就有罗尔斯顿家。强健的英国人和面色红润、身体笨拙的荷兰人合为一体创造出一个繁荣谨慎,却又挥金如土的社会。“办事要办得漂亮”一直是这个谨小慎微的世界上的一项基本原则。这个世界全是由银行家,与印度做生意的商人、造船厂家和船具商的财富建造起来的。 [点击阅读]
章节:17 人气:0
摘要:下午,当我和我的随从们听到一个情况后,便决定在将要参加的审判会上采取强硬的态度。我们动身去“法庭”的时候,天色已晚,只见路上人很多。这些人在院子里找不到座位,只好站着,以便能看见我们走过来。我们刚刚走进院子,大门就关了起来。对我们来说,这可不是好兆头。看起来,穆巴拉克施加了影响,而且产生了效果。我们从人群中挤到听众广场上。那里本来只有一张椅子,现在增加了一条长板凳,笞刑刑具还放在那里。 [点击阅读]
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