  A beautiful landscape, with the corn bright in it, but not abundant. Patches of poor rye where corn should have been, patches of poor peas and beans, patches of most coarse vegetable substitutes for wheat. On inanimate nature, as on the men and women who cultivated it, a prevalent tendency towards an appearance of vegetating unwillingly—a dejected disposition to give up, and wither away.Monsieur the Marquis in his travelling carriage (which might have been lighter), conducted by four post-horses and two postilions, fagged up a steep hill. A blush on the countenance of Monsieur the Marquis was no impeachment of his high breeding; it was not from within; it was occasioned by an external circumstance beyond his control—the setting sun.The sunset struck so brilliantly into the travelling carriage when it gained the hill-top, that its occupant was steeped in crimson. “It will die out,” said Monsieur the Marquis, glancing at his hands, “directly.”In effect, the sun was so low that it dipped at the moment. When the heavy drag had been adjusted to the wheel, and the carriage slid down hill, with a cinderous smell, in a cloud of dust, the red glow departed quickly; the sun and the Marquis going down together, there was no glow left when the drag was taken off.But there remained a broken country, bold and open, a little village at the bottom of the hill, a broad sweep and rise beyond it, a church-tower, a windmill, a forest for the chase, and a crag with a fortress on it used as a prison. Round upon all these darkening objects as the night drew on, the Marquis looked, with the air of one who was coming near home.The village had its one poor street, with its poor brewery, poor tannery, poor tavern, poor stable-yard for relays of post-horses, poor fountain, all usual poor appointments. It had its poor people too. All its people were poor, and many of them were sitting at their doors, shredding spare onions and the like for supper, while many were at the fountain, washing leaves, and grasses, and any such small yieldings of the earth that could be eaten. Expressive signs of what made them poor, were not wanting; the tax for the state, the tax for the church, the tax for the lord, tax local and tax general, were to be paid here and to be paid there, according to solemn inscription in the little village, until the wonder was, that there was any village left unswallowed.Few children were to be seen, and no dogs. As to the men and women, their choice on earth was stated in the prospect—Life on the lowest terms that could sustain it, down in the little village under the mill; or captivity and Death in the dominant prison on the crag.Heralded by a courier in advance, and by the cracking of his postilion’s whips, which twined snake-like about their heads in the evening air, as if he came attended by the Furies, Monsieur the Marquis drew up in his travelling carriage at the posting-house gate. It was hard by the fountain, and the peasants suspended their operations to look at him. He looked at them and saw in them, without knowing it, the slow sure filing down of misery- worn face and figure, that was to make the meagreness of Frenchmen and English superstition which should survive the truth through the best part of a hundred years.Monsieur the Marquis cast his eyes over the submissive faces that drooped before him, as the like of himself had dropped before Monseigneur of the Court—only the difference was, that these faces drooped merely to suffer and not to propitiate—when a grizzled mender of the roads joined the group.“Bring me hither that fellow!” said the Marquis to the courier.The fellow was brought, cap in hand, and the other fellows closed round to look and listen, in the manner of the people at the Paris fountain.“I passed you on the road?”“Monseigneur, it is true. I had the honour of being passed on the road.”“Coming up the hill, and at the top of the hill, both?”“Monseigneur, it is true.”“What did you look at so fixedly?”“Monseigneur, I looked at the man.”He stooped a little, and with his tattered blue cap pointed under the carriage. All his fellows stooped to look under the carriage.“What man, pig? And why look there?”“Pardon, Monseigneur; he swung by the chain of the shoe—the drag.”“Who?” demanded the traveller.“Monseigneur, the man.”“May the Devil carry away these idiots! How do you call the man? You know all the men of this part of the country. Who was he?”“Your clemency, Monseigneur! He was not of this part of the country. Of all the days of my life, I never saw him.”“Swinging by the chain? To be suffocated?”“With your gracious permission, that was the wonder of it, Monseigneur. His head hanging over—like this!”He turned himself sideways to the carriage, and leaned back, with his face thrown up to the sky, and his head hanging down; then recovered himself, fumbled with his cap, and made a bow.“What was he like?”“Monseigneur, he was whiter than the miller. All covered with dust, white as a spectre, tall as a spectre!”The picture produced an immense sensation in the little crowd; but all eyes, without comparing notes with other eyes, looked at Monsieur the Marquis. Perhaps, to observe whether he had any spectre on his conscience.“Truly, you did well,” said the Marquis, felicitously sensible that such vermin were not to ruffle him, “to see a thief accompanying my carriage, and not open that great mouth of yours. Bah! Put him aside, Monsieur Gabelle!”Monsieur Gabelle was the Postmaster, and some other taxing functionary united; he had come out with great obsequiousness to assist at this examination, and had held the examined by the drapery of his arm in an official manner.“Bah! Go aside!” said Monsieur Gabelle.“Lay hands on this stranger if he seeks to lodge in your village tonight, and be sure that his business is honest, Gabelle.”“Monseigneur, I am flattered to devote myself to your orders.”“Did he run away, fellow?—Where is that Accursed?”The accursed was already under the carriage with some half- dozen particular friends, pointing out the chain with his blue cap.Some half-dozen other particular friends promptly hauled himout, and presented him breathless to Monsieur the Marquis.“Did the man run away, Dolt, when we stopped for the drag?”“Monseigneur, he precipitated himself over the hillside, head first, as a person plunges into the river.”“See to it, Gabelle. Go on!”The half-dozen who were peering at the chain were still among the wheels, like sheep; the wheels turned so suddenly that they were lucky to save their skins and bones; they had very little else to save, or they might not have been so fortunate.The burst with which the carriage started out of the village and up the rise beyond, was soon checked by the steepness of the hill. Gradually, it subsided to a foot pace, swinging and lumbering upward among the many sweet scents of a summer night. The postilions, with a thousand gossamer gnats circling about them in lieu of the Furies, quietly mended the points to the lashes of their whips; the valet walked by the horses; the courier was audible, trotting on ahead into the dim distance.At the steepest point of the hill there was a little burial-ground, with a Cross and a new large figure of Our Saviour on it; it was a poor figure in wood, done by some inexperienced rustic carver, but he had studied the figure from the life—his own life, maybe— for it was dreadfully spare and thin.To this distressful emblem of a great distress that had long been growing worse, and was not at its worst, a woman was kneeling. She turned her head as the carriage came up to her, rose quickly, and presented herself at the carriage-door.“It is you, Monseigneur! Monseigneur, a petition.”With an exclamation of impatience, but with his unchangeable face, Monseigneur looked out.“How, then! What is it? Always petitions!”“Monseigneur. For the love of the great God! My husband, the forester.”“What of your husband, the forester? Always the same with you people. He cannot pay something?”“He has paid all, Monseigneur. He is dead.”“Well! He is quiet. Can I restore him to you?”“Alas, no Monseigneur! But he lies yonder, under a little heap of poor grass.”“Well?”“Monseigneur, there are so many little heaps of poor grass.”“Again, well?”She looked an old woman, but was young. Her manner was one of passionate grief; by turns she clasped her veinous and knotted hands together with wild energy, and laid one of them on the carriage-door—tenderly, caressingly, as if it had been a human breast, and could be expected to feel the appealing touch.“Monseigneur, hear me! Monseigneur, hear my petition! My husband died of want; so many die of want; so many more will die of want.”“Again, well? Can I feed them?”“Monseigneur, the good God knows; but I don’t ask it. My petition is, that a morsel of stone or wood, with my husband’s name, may be placed over him to show where he lies. Otherwise, the place will be quickly forgotten, it will never be found when I am dead of the same malady. I shall be laid under some other heap of poor grass. Monseigneur, they are so many, they increase so fast, there is so much want. Monseigneur! Monseigneur!”The valet had put her away from the door, the carriage had broken into a brisk trot, the postilions had quickened the pace, she was left far behind, and Monseigneur, again escorted by the Furies, was rapidly diminishing the league or two of distance that remained between him and his chateau.The sweet scents of the summer night rose all around him, and rose, as the rain falls, impartially, on the rusty, ragged, and toilworn group at the fountain not far away; to whom the mender of roads, with the aid of the blue cap without which he was nothing, still enlarged upon his man like a spectre, as long as they could bear it. By degrees, as they could bear no more, they dropped off one by one, and lights twinkled in little casements; which lights, as the casements darkened, and more stars came out, seemed to have shot up into the sky instead of having been extinguished.The shadow of a large high-roofed house, and of many overhanging trees, was upon Monsieur the Marquis by that time; and the shadow was exchanged for the light of a flambeau, as his carriage stopped, and the great door of his chateau was opened to him.“Monsieur Charles, whom I expect; is he arrived from England?”“Monseigneur, not yet.”
章节:51 人气:0
摘要:约瑟夫·海勒(1923—1999)美国黑色*幽默派及荒诞派代表作家,出生于纽约市布鲁克林一个俄裔犹太人家庭。第二次世界大战期间曾任空军中尉。战后进大学学习,1948年毕业于纽约大学,获文学学士学位。1949年在哥伦比亚大学获文学硕士学位后,得到富布赖特研究基金赴英国牛津大学深造一年。1950到1952年在宾夕法尼亚州立大学等校任教。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:这是一部两幕剧。第一幕,主人公流浪汉爱斯特拉冈(简称戈戈),和弗拉基米尔(简称狄狄),出现在一条村路上,四野空荡荡的,只有一棵光秃秃的树。他们自称要等待戈多,可是戈多是谁?他们相约何时见面?连他们自己也不清楚。但他们仍然苦苦地等待着。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:第一章(1)我从未见过这样的东西:两个圆圆的小玻璃片架在他眼睛前的环形金属丝上。他是瞎子吗?如果他是个盲人想要掩饰这一点,我倒可以理解。但他并不瞎。那小圆玻璃片是暗色的,从里面看出来并不透明,但他就是能透过这样的玻璃片看过来。他告诉我,这是一种新发明的玩意儿:“它能保护眼睛,不受阳光的炫照,戴上它就不必成天眯缝着眼。也可减少头痛。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:创新之书一九五一年末,在《魔戒》与《精灵宝钻》已经完稿多时,而大西洋两岸仍迟迟不肯按托尔金的要求将两书同时出版:心焦的托尔金於是写了一封长达万言的信给美国出版商,阐明他创作这整个神话世界的缘起与故事始末:我从早年就对自己所爱之乡土没有属於自己的故事感到悲伤。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:序那些想获得精神分析知识的人们所面临的困难很多,尤其是缺乏一本适用的教科书可用以开始他们的研究。这些人从前可在三类课本中进行选择,但由初学者看来,每一类都各有它的缺点。他们可通过弗洛伊德、布里尔、费伦齐和我自己所刊行的大量论文,寻找他们的前进道路,这些论文不是依照任何连贯性的计划来安排的,而且大部分是写给那些对这门学问已有所知的人阅读的。 [点击阅读]
章节:38 人气:0
摘要:1991年6月12日,这是暮春的一个近似完美的日子。天已破晓,阳光触摸着北美大陆的东海岸。美国大部、加拿大和墨西哥都在期待着阳光明媚的蓝天、只是气象雷达显示雷暴云团即将来临,估计会从平原伸向田纳西河谷。已经有预报,从白令海峡移动过来的阵雨云可能覆盖阿拉斯加的西沃德半岛。这个6月12日几乎在各个方面都与以往的6月12日没什么两样,只有一个奇怪的迹象除外。 [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:这可是一个完全偶然的机会发现的。实在是太偶然了。与其说是一般的偶然,更应该说不是单纯的偶然,而是好几个偶然的因素,巧上加巧碰在一起,就促成了这么件令人匪夷所思的事情。要说是促成,还不如说是完全没有想到的事情突然出现更准确。那天,川岛省吾也不知道怎么的,竟然会神使鬼差地躺在自己太太的床上休息。通常省吾都不在夫妻俩的主卧房睡觉,他在自己的书房安了一张床,平时基本上都在这张床上休息。 [点击阅读]
章节:76 人气:0
摘要:维里埃算得弗朗什-孔泰最漂亮的小城之一。一幢幢房子,白墙,红瓦,尖顶,展布在一座小山的斜坡上。茁壮的栗树密密匝匝,画出了小山最细微的凹凸。城墙下数百步外,有杜河流过。这城墙早年为西班牙人所建,如今已残破不堪。维里埃北面有高山荫护,那是汝拉山脉的一支。十月乍寒,破碎的威拉峰顶便已盖满了雪,从山上下来的一股激流,穿过小城注入杜河,使大量的木锯转动起来。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:一群身穿黯色长袍、头戴灰色尖顶高帽.蓄着胡须的男人,混杂着一些蒙着兜头帽或光着脑袋的女人,聚在一所木头大扇子前面。房门是用厚实的橡木做的,上面密密麻麻地钉满大铁钉。新殖民地的开拓者们,不管他们的头脑中起初有什么关于人类品德和幸福的美妙理想,总要在各种实际需要的草创之中,忘不了划出一片未开垦的处女地充当墓地,再则出另一片土地来修建监狱。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:贵志慢慢拉开她背后的拉链,让她的胸部更裸露,在洋装袖于被脱掉时,她还缩着肩协助配台。但,胸罩被拿掉的瞬间,她又不由自主交抱双臂了。虽明知终会被贵志为所欲为,冬子却不希望现在马上被碰触,至少,她要再多保留一些时候。三个月前的六月初,木之内冬子开始发觉在生理期前后有些微异的迹象。身高一百五十五公分、体重四十公斤的她身材瘦弱,对身体本就不太有自信,即使这样,最近几年却也从来没有过什么病痛。 [点击阅读]
章节:54 人气:0
摘要:1威尔·格雷厄姆让克劳福德坐在房子与海之间的野餐桌旁,然后递给他一杯冰茶。杰克·克劳福德看着这幢外表漂亮的老式房子。银白色的木料衬着明媚的阳光。“我真应该当你卸职的时候在玛若森就找到你,”杰克说,“你肯定不愿意在这儿谈这件事。”“这事我在哪儿都不愿意谈,杰克。既然你坚持要说,好,我们就来谈谈。 [点击阅读]
章节:36 人气:0
摘要:作者:蒲隆美国文学批评家菲利普·拉赫夫把美国文学中典雅和粗犷这两种不同的流派形象地称为“苍白脸和红皮肤”。这两种流派不仅写作风格相异,而且题材也不同:“苍白脸”多写上流社会,“红皮肤”则多写下层民众。当然两派作家的家庭出身和社会经历也大相径庭。 [点击阅读]