  "Oh, my mother!" said the young girl, at length finding strength to speak in her emotion, "the gypsy woman told me so.There was a good gypsy of our band who died last year, and who always cared for me like a nurse.It was she who placed this little bag about my neck.She always said to me: 'Little one, guard this jewel well!'Tis a treasure.It will cause thee to find thy mother once again.Thou wearest thy mother about thy neck.'--The gypsy predicted it!"The sacked nun again pressed her daughter in her arms."Come, let me kiss you!You say that prettily.When we are in the country, we will place these little shoes on an infant Jesus in the church.We certainly owe that to the good, holy Virgin.What a pretty voice you have!When you spoke to me just now, it was music!Ah! my Lord God! I have found my child again!But is this story credible? Nothing will kill one--or I should have died of joy."And then she began to clap her hands again and to laugh and to cry out: "We are going to be so happy!"At that moment, the cell resounded with the clang of arms and a galloping of horses which seemed to be coming from the pont Notre-Dame, amid advancing farther and farther along the quay.The gypsy threw herself with anguish into the arms of the sacked nun."Save me! save me! mother! they are coming!""Oh, heaven! what are you saying?I had forgotten! They are in pursuit of you!What have you done?""I know not," replied the unhappy child; "but I am condemned to die.""To die!" said Gudule, staggering as though struck by lightning; "to die!" she repeated slowly, gazing at her daughter with staring eyes."Yes, mother," replied the frightened young girl, "they want to kill me.They are coming to seize me.That gallows is for me!Save me! save me!They are coming! Save me!"The recluse remained for several moments motionless and petrified, then she moved her head in sign of doubt, and suddenly giving vent to a burst of laughter, but with that terrible laugh which had come back to her,--"Ho! ho! no! 'tis a dream of which you are telling me. Ah, yes!I lost her, that lasted fifteen years, and then I found her again, and that lasted a minute!And they would take her from me again!And now, when she is beautiful, when she is grown up, when she speaks to me, when she loves me; it is now that they would come to devour her, before my very eyes, and I her mother!Oh! no! these things are not possible. The good God does not permit such things as that."Here the cavalcade appeared to halt, and a voice was heard to say in the distance,--"This way, Messire Tristan!The priest says that we shall find her at the Rat-Hole." The noise of the horses began again.The recluse sprang to her feet with a shriek of despair. "Fly! fly! my child!All comes back to me.You are right.It is your death!Horror!Maledictions!Fly!"She thrust her head through the window, and withdrew it again hastily."Remain," she said, in a low, curt, and lugubrious tone, as she pressed the hand of the gypsy, who was more dead than alive."Remain!Do not breathe!There are soldiers everywhere. You cannot get out.It is too light."Her eyes were dry and burning.She remained silent for a moment; but she paced the cell hurriedly, and halted now and then to pluck out handfuls of her gray hairs, which she afterwards tore with her teeth.Suddenly she said: "They draw near.I will speak with them.Hide yourself in this corner.They will not see you. I will tell them that you have made your escape.That I released you, i' faith!"She set her daughter (down for she was still carrying her), in one corner of the cell which was not visible from without. She made her crouch down, arranged her carefully so that neither foot nor hand projected from the shadow, untied her black hair which she spread over her white robe to conceal it, placed in front of her her jug and her paving stone, the only articles of furniture which she possessed, imagining that this jug and stone would hide her.And when this was finished she became more tranquil, and knelt down to pray.The day, which was only dawning, still left many shadows in the Rat-Hole.At that moment, the voice of the priest, that infernal voice, passed very close to the cell, crying,--"This way, Captain phoebus de Chateaupers."At that name, at that voice, la Esmeralda, crouching in her corner, made a movement."Do not stir!" said Gudule.She had barely finished when a tumult of men, swords, and horses halted around the cell.The mother rose quickly and went to post herself before her window, in order to stop it up. She beheld a large troop of armed men, both horse and foot, drawn up on the Grève.The commander dismounted, and came toward her."Old woman!" said this man, who had an atrocious face, "we are in search of a witch to hang her; we were told that you had her."The poor mother assumed as indifferent an air as she could, and replied,--"I know not what you mean."The other resumed, "~Tête Dieu~!What was it that frightened archdeacon said?Where is he?""Monseigneur," said a soldier, "he has disappeared.""Come, now, old madwoman," began the commander again, "do not lie.A sorceress was given in charge to you.What have you done with her?"The recluse did not wish to deny all, for fear of awakening suspicion, and replied in a sincere and surly tone,--"If you are speaking of a big young girl who was put into my hands a while ago, I will tell you that she bit me, and that I released her.There!Leave me in peace."The commander made a grimace of disappointment. "Don't lie to me, old spectre!" said he."My name is Tristan l'Hermite, and I am the king's gossip.Tristan the Hermit, do you hear?" He added, as he glanced at the place de Grève around him, "'Tis a name which has an echo here.""You might be Satan the Hermit," replied Gudule, who was regaining hope, "but I should have nothing else to say to you, and I should never be afraid of you.""~Tête-Dieu~," said Tristan, "here is a crone!Ah!So the witch girl hath fled!And in which direction did she go?" Gudule replied in a careless tone,--"Through the Rue du Mouton, I believe."Tristan turned his head and made a sign to his troop to prepare to set out on the march again.The recluse breathed freely once more."Monseigneur," suddenly said an archer, "ask the old elf why the bars of her window are broken in this manner."This question brought anguish again to the heart of the miserable mother.Nevertheless, she did not lose all presence of mind.They have always been thus," she stammered."Bah!" retorted the archer, "only yesterday they still formed a fine black cross, which inspired devotion."Tristan east a sidelong glance at the recluse."I think the old dame is getting confused!"The unfortunate woman felt that all depended on her self- possession, and, although with death in her soul, she began to grin.Mothers possess such strength."Bah!" said she, "the man is drunk.'Tis more than a year since the tail of a stone cart dashed against my window and broke in the grating.And how I cursed the carter, too.""'Tis true," said another archer, "I was there."Always and everywhere people are to be found who have seen everything.This unexpected testimony from the archer re-encouraged the recluse, whom this interrogatory was forcing to cross an abyss on the edge of a knife.But she was condemned to a perpetual alternative of hope and alarm."If it was a cart which did it," retorted the first soldier, "the stumps of the bars should be thrust inwards, while they actually are pushed outwards.""Ho! ho!" said Tristan to the soldier, "you have the nose of an inquisitor of the Chatelet.Reply to what he says, old woman.""Good heavens!" she exclaimed, driven to bay, and in a voice that was full of tears in despite of her efforts, "I swear to you, monseigneur, that 'twas a cart which broke those bars. You hear the man who saw it.And then, what has that to do with your gypsy?""Hum!" growled Tristan."The devil!" went on the soldier, flattered by the provost's praise, "these fractures of the iron are perfectly fresh."Tristan tossed his head.She turned pale."How long ago, say you, did the cart do it?""A month, a fortnight, perhaps, monseigheur, I know not.""She first said more than a year," observed the soldier."That is suspicious," said the provost."Monseigneur!" she cried, still pressed against the opening, and trembling lest suspicion should lead them to thrust their heads through and look into her cell; "monseigneur, I swear to you that 'twas a cart which broke this grating.I swear it to you by the angels of paradise.If it was not a cart, may I be eternally damned, and I reject God!""You put a great deal of heat into that oath;" said Tristan, with his inquisitorial glance.The poor woman felt her assurance vanishing more and more.She had reached the point of blundering, and she comprehended with terror that she was saying what she ought not to have said.Here another soldier came up, crying,--"Monsieur, the old hag lies.The sorceress did not flee through the Rue de Mouton.The street chain has remained stretched all night, and the chain guard has seen no one pass."Tristan, whose face became more sinister with every moment, addressed the recluse,--"What have you to say to that?"She tried to make head against this new incident,"That I do not know, monseigneur; that I may have been mistaken.I believe, in fact, that she crossed the water.""That is in the opposite direction," said the provost, "and it is not very likely that she would wish to re-enter the city, where she was being pursued.You are lying, old woman.""And then," added the first soldier, "there is no boat either on this side of the stream or on the other.""She swam across," replied the recluse, defending her ground foot by foot."Do women swim?" said the soldier."~Tête Dieu~! old woman!You are lying!" repeated Tristan angrily."I have a good mind to abandon that sorceress and take you.A quarter of an hour of torture will, perchance, draw the truth from your throat.Come!You are to follow us."She seized on these words with avidity."As you please, monseigneur.Do it.Do it.Torture.I am willing.Take me away.Quick, quick! let us set out at once!--During that time," she said to herself, "my daughter will make her escape.""'S death!" said the provost, "what an appetite for the rack!I understand not this madwoman at all."An old, gray-haired sergeant of the guard stepped out of the ranks, and addressing the provost,--"Mad in sooth, monseigneur.If she released the gypsy, it was not her fault, for she loves not the gypsies.I have been of the watch these fifteen years, and I hear her every evening cursing the Bohemian women with endless imprecations.If the one of whom we are in pursuit is, as I suppose, the little dancer with the goat, she detests that one above all the rest."Gudule made an effort and said,--"That one above all."The unanimous testimony of the men of the watch confirmed the old sergeant's words to the provost.Tristan l'Hermite, in despair at extracting anything from the recluse, turned his back on her, and with unspeakable anxiety she beheld him direct his course slowly towards his horse."Come!" he said, between his teeth, "March on! let us set out again on the quest.I shall not sleep until that gypsy is hanged."But he still hesitated for some time before mounting his horse.Gudule palpitated between life and death, as she beheld him cast about the place that uneasy look of a hunting dog which instinctively feels that the lair of the beast is close to him, and is loath to go away.At length he shook his head and leaped into his saddle.Gudule's horribly compressed heart now dilated, and she said in a low voice, as she cast a glance at her daughter, whom she had not ventured to look at while they were there, "Saved!"The poor child had remained all this time in her corner, without breathing, without moving, with the idea of death before her.She had lost nothing of the scene between Gudule and Tristan, and the anguish of her mother had found its echo in her heart.She had heard all the successive snappings of the thread by which she hung suspended over the gulf; twenty times she had fancied that she saw it break, and at last she began to breathe again and to feel her foot on firm ground. At that moment she heard a voice saying to the provost: "~Corboeuf~!Monsieur le prev?t, 'tis no affair of mine, a man of arms, to hang witches.The rabble of the populace is suppressed.I leave you to attend to the matter alone. You will allow me to rejoin my company, who are waiting for their captain."The voice was that of phoebus de Chateaupers; that which took place within her was ineffable.He was there, her friend, her protector, her support, her refuge, her phoebus.She rose, and before her mother could prevent her, she had rushed to the window, crying,--"phoebus! aid me, my phoebus!"phoebus was no longer there.He had just turned the corner of the Rue de la Coutellerie at a gallop.But Tristan had not yet taken his departure.The recluse rushed upon her daughter with a roar of agony. She dragged her violently back, digging her nails into her neck.A tigress mother does not stand on trifles.But it was too late.Tristan had seen."Hé! hé!" he exclaimed with a laugh which laid bare all his teeth and made his face resemble the muzzle of a wolf, "two mice in the trap!""I suspected as much," said the soldier.Tristan clapped him on the shoulder,--"You are a good cat!Come!" he added, "where is Henriet Cousin?"A man who had neither the garments nor the air of a soldier, stepped from the ranks.He wore a costume half gray, half brown, flat hair, leather sleeves, and carried a bundle of ropes in his huge hand.This man always attended Tristan, who always attended Louis XI."Friend," said Tristan l'Hermite, "I presume that this is the sorceress of whom we are in search.You will hang me this one.Have you your ladder?""There is one yonder, under the shed of the pillar-House," replied the man."Is it on this justice that the thing is to be done?" he added, pointing to the stone gibbet."Yes.""Ho, hé!" continued the man with a huge laugh, which was still more brutal than that of the provost, "we shall not have far to go.""Make haste!" said Tristan, "you shall laugh afterwards."In the meantime, the recluse had not uttered another word since Tristan had seen her daughter and all hope was lost. She had flung the poor gypsy, half dead, into the corner of the cellar, and had placed herself once more at the window with both hands resting on the angle of the sill like two claws.In this attitude she was seen to cast upon all those soldiers her glance which had become wild and frantic once more.At the moment when Rennet Cousin approached her cell, she showed him so savage a face that he shrank back."Monseigneur," he said, returning to the provost, "which am I to take?""The young one.""So much the better, for the old one seemeth difficult.""poor little dancer with the goat!" said the old sergeant of the watch.Rennet Cousin approached the window again.The mother's eyes made his own droop.He said with a good deal of timidity,--"Madam"--She interrupted him in a very low but furious voice,--"What do you ask?""It is not you," he said, "it is the other.""What other?""The young one."She began to shake her head, crying,--"There is no one! there is no one! there is no one!""Yes, there is!" retorted the hangman, "and you know it well.Let me take the young one.I have no wish to harm you."She said, with a strange sneer,--"Ah! so you have no wish to harm me!""Let me have the other, madam; 'tis monsieur the provost who wills it."She repeated with a look of madness,--"There is no one here.""I tell you that there is!" replied the executioner."We have all seen that there are two of you.""Look then!" said the recluse, with a sneer."Thrust your head through the window."The executioner observed the mother's finger-nails and dared not."Make haste!" shouted Tristan, who had just ranged his troops in a circle round the Rat-Hole, and who sat on his horse beside the gallows.Rennet returned once more to the provost in great embarrassment. He had flung his rope on the ground, and was twisting his hat between his hands with an awkward air."Monseigneur," he asked, "where am I to enter?""By the door.""There is none.""By the window.""'Tis too small.""Make it larger," said Tristan angrily."Have you not pickaxes?"The mother still looked on steadfastly from the depths of her cavern.She no longer hoped for anything, she no longer knew what she wished, except that she did not wish them to take her daughter.Rennet Cousin went in search of the chest of tools for the night man, under the shed of the pillar-House.He drew from it also the double ladder, which he immediately set up against the gallows.Five or six of the provost's men armed themselves with picks and crowbars, and Tristan betook himself, in company with them, towards the window."Old woman," said the provost, in a severe tone, "deliver up to us that girl quietly."She looked at him like one who does not understand."~Tête Dieu~!" continued Tristan, "why do you try to prevent this sorceress being hung as it pleases the king?"The wretched woman began to laugh in her wild way."Why?She is my daughter."The tone in which she pronounced these words made even Henriet Cousin shudder."I am sorry for that," said the provost, "but it is the king's good pleasure."She cried, redoubling her terrible laugh,--"What is your king to me?I tell you that she is my daughter!""pierce the wall," said Tristan.In order to make a sufficiently wide opening, it sufficed to dislodge one course of stone below the window.When the mother heard the picks and crowbars mining her fortress, she uttered a terrible cry; then she began to stride about her cell with frightful swiftness, a wild beasts' habit which her cage had imparted to her.She no longer said anything, but her eyes flamed.The soldiers were chilled to the very soul.All at once she seized her paving stone, laughed, and hurled it with both fists upon the workmen.The stone, badly flung (for her hands trembled), touched no one, and fell short under the feet of Tristan's horse.She gnashed her teeth.In the meantime, although the sun had not yet risen, it was broad daylight; a beautiful rose color enlivened the ancient, decayed chimneys of the pillar-House.It was the hour when the earliest windows of the great city open joyously on the roofs.Some workmen, a few fruit-sellers on their way to the markets on their asses, began to traverse the Grève; they halted for a moment before this group of soldiers clustered round the Rat-Hole, stared at it with an air of astonishment and passed on.
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:杰斐逊城是密苏里州的州府,同时也是柯洛县的县府,它位于密苏里河右岸一个风景优美的山丘地带,从这里可以俯视到下面奔腾不息的密苏里河和河上热闹繁忙的景象。杰斐逊城的居民那时候比现在少多了,尽管如此,由于它的地理位置、以及由于地区法院定期在这里举行会议,这赋予它一个重要的地位。这里有好几家大饭店,这些饭店价格昂贵,住宿条件还过得去,提供的膳食也还可口。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:引子天主啊,我颁扬你,是你把我造就成如此卓异之人。[诗篇]①第139篇,14句①亦译《圣咏集》,《圣经·旧约》中的一卷,共一百五十篇。我给予本书以应有的价值。这是一个尽含苦涩渣滓的果实,宛似荒漠中的药西瓜。药西瓜生长在石灰质地带,吃了非但不解渴,口里还会感到火烧火燎,然而在金色的沙上却不乏瑰丽之态。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:我相信我自己。我相信自己所售的商品。我相信我所在的公司。我相信我的同事和助手。我相信美国的商业方式。我相信生产者、创造者、制造者、销售者以及世界上所有正在努力工作的人们。我相信真理就是价值。我相信愉快的心情,也相信健康。我相信成功的关键并不是赚钱,而是创造价值。我相信阳光、空气、菠菜、苹果酱、酸-乳-、婴儿、羽绸和雪纺绸。请始终记住,人类语言里最伟大的词汇就是“自信”。 [点击阅读]
章节:117 人气:0
摘要:林少华一在日本当代作家中,村上春树的确是个不同凡响的存在,一颗文学奇星。短短十几年时间里,他的作品便风行东流列岛。出版社为他出了专集,杂志出了专号,书店设了专柜,每出一本书,销量少则10万,多则上百万册。其中1987年的《挪威的森林》上下册销出700余万册(1996年统计)。日本人口为我国的十分之一,就是说此书几乎每15人便拥有一册。以纯文学类小说而言,这绝对不是普通数字。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:罗吉-安墨林船长于一七八二年在皮梳湾外的小岛上建造一栋大房子的时候,大家都觉得那是他怪异行径的极致。像他这样出身名门的人,应该有一幢华厦,座落在一大片草地上,附近也许有一条小溪流过,还有很好的牧场。可是安墨林船长毕生只爱一样:就是大海。所以他把他的大房子——而且由于必要,是一栋非常坚固的大房子——建在这个有风吹袭,海鸥翱翔的小岛上。每次一涨潮,这里就会和陆地隔开。他没有娶妻,大海就是他唯一的配偶。 [点击阅读]
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:某日傍晚,有一家将,在罗生门下避雨。宽广的门下,除他以外,没有别人,只在朱漆斑驳的大圆柱上,蹲着一只蟋蟀。罗生门正当朱雀大路,本该有不少戴女笠和乌软帽的男女行人,到这儿来避雨,可是现在却只有他一个。这是为什么呢,因为这数年来,接连遭了地震、台风、大火、饥懂等几次灾难,京城已格外荒凉了。照那时留下来的记载,还有把佛像、供具打碎,将带有朱漆和飞金的木头堆在路边当柴卖的。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:一过晚上八点,商业街上营业时间最长的中华荞麦店也打烊了,小城顿时漆黑一片,复归寂静。夏季里,商家的经营对象是从东京、大阪等地回来省亲的人们,因此,常常会有许多店铺营业到很晚。可是,自秋风初起,东北小城的夜幕就开始早早降临了。晚上十点,城边的卡拉OK快餐店也关了门。几个手握麦克风、狂唱到最后的男女客人走出来,各个怕冷似地缩着身子,一面商量着接下来去何处,一面钻进停在路边的汽车。 [点击阅读]
章节:62 人气:0
摘要:译序《苦行记》是美国著名现实主义作家、幽默大师马克·吐温的一部半自传体著作,作者以夸张的手法记录了他1861—一1865年间在美国西部地区的冒险生活。书中的情节大多是作者自己当年的所见所闻和亲身经历,我们可以在他的自传里发现那一系列真实的素材,也可以在他的其他作品中看到这些情节的艺术再现及作者审美趣旨的发展。《苦行记》也是十九世纪淘金热时期美国西部奇迹般繁荣的写照。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:内容简介1996年囊获9项奥斯卡大奖的电影《英国病人》,早已蜚声影坛,成为世界经典名片,而它正是改编于加拿大作家迈克尔·翁达尔的同名小说...一部《英国病人》让他一举摘得了英国小说的最高奖项———布克奖(1992)。翁达杰的作品,国内鲜有译介(当年无论是电影《英国病人》还是图书《英国病人》,都没能引发一场翁达杰热)。这不能不说是一种遗憾。 [点击阅读]
章节:34 人气:0
摘要:玛格丽特原来是个贫苦的乡下姑娘,来到巴黎后,开始了卖笑生涯。由于生得花容月貌,巴黎的贵族公子争相追逐,成了红极一时的“社交明星”。她随身的装扮总是少不了一束茶花,人称“茶花女”。茶花女得了肺病,在接受矿泉治疗时,疗养院里有位贵族小姐,身材、长相和玛格丽特差不多,只是肺病已到了第三期,不久便死了。 [点击阅读]
章节:364 人气:0
摘要:作者:瓦尔特·惠特曼来吧,我的灵魂说,让我们为我的肉体写下这样的诗,(因为我们是一体,)以便我,要是死后无形地回来,或者离此很远很远,在别的天地里,在那里向某些同伙们再继续歌唱时,(合着大地的土壤,树木,天风,和激荡的海水,)我可以永远欣慰地唱下去,永远永远地承认这些是我的诗因为我首先在此时此地,代表肉体和灵魂,给它们签下我的名字。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:本书内容是一个我们称之为“荒原粮”的人留下的自述。他之所以有此雅号是因为他多次自称“荒原狼”。他的文稿是否需要加序,我们可以姑且不论;不过,我觉得需要在荒原狼的自述前稍加几笔,记下我对他的回忆。他的事儿我知道得很少;他过去的经历和出身我一概不知。可是,他的性格给我留下了强烈的印象,不管怎么说,我对他十分同情。荒原狼年近五十。 [点击阅读]