  On the following morning, she perceived on awaking, that she had been asleep.This singular thing astonished her. She had been so long unaccustomed to sleep!A joyous ray of the rising sun entered through her window and touched her face.At the same time with the sun, she beheld at that window an object which frightened her, the unfortunate face of Quasimodo.She involuntarily closed her eyes again, but in vain; she fancied that she still saw through the rosy lids that gnome's mask, one-eyed and gap-toothed.Then, while she still kept her eyes closed, she heard a rough voice saying, very gently,--"Be not afraid.I am your friend.I came to watch you sleep.It does not hurt you if I come to see you sleep, does it?What difference does it make to you if I am here when your eyes are closed!Now I am going.Stay, I have placed myself behind the wall.You can open your eyes again."There was something more plaintive than these words, and that was the accent in which they were uttered.The gypsy, much touched, opened her eyes.He was, in fact, no longer at the window.She approached the opening, and beheld the poor hunchback crouching in an angle of the wall, in a sad and resigned attitude.She made an effort to surmount the repugnance with which he inspired her."Come," she said to him gently.From the movement of the gypsy's lips, Quasimodo thought that she was driving him away; then he rose and retired limping, slowly, with drooping head, without even daring to raise to the young girl his gaze full of despair. "Do come," she cried, but he continued to retreat.Then she darted from her cell, ran to him, and grasped his arm. On feeling her touch him, Quasimodo trembled in every limb. He raised his suppliant eye, and seeing that she was leading him back to her quarters, his whole face beamed with joy and tenderness.She tried to make him enter the cell; but he persisted in remaining on the threshold."No, no," said he; "the owl enters not the nest of the lark."Then she crouched down gracefully on her couch, with her goat asleep at her feet.Both remained motionless for several moments, considering in silence, she so much grace, he so much ugliness.Every moment she discovered some fresh deformity in Quasimodo.Her glance travelled from his knock knees to his humped back, from his humped back to his only eye.She could not comprehend the existence of a being so awkwardly fashioned.Yet there was so much sadness and so much gentleness spread over all this, that she began to become reconciled to it.He was the first to break the silence."So you were telling me to return?"She made an affirmative sign of the head, and said, "Yes."He understood the motion of the head."Alas!" he said, as though hesitating whether to finish, "I am--I am deaf.""poor man!" exclaimed the Bohemian, with an expression of kindly pity.He began to smile sadly."You think that that was all that I lacked, do you not? Yes, I am deaf, that is the way I am made.'Tis horrible, is it not?You are so beautiful!"There lay in the accents of the wretched man so profound a consciousness of his misery, that she had not the strength to say a word.Besides, he would not have heard her.He went on,--"Never have I seen my ugliness as at the present moment. When I compare myself to you, I feel a very great pity for myself, poor unhappy monster that I am!Tell me, I must look to you like a beast.You, you are a ray of sunshine, a drop of dew, the song of a bird!I am something frightful, neither man nor animal, I know not what, harder, more trampled under foot, and more unshapely than a pebble stone!"Then he began to laugh, and that laugh was the most heartbreaking thing in the world.He continued,--"Yes, I am deaf; but you shall talk to me by gestures, by signs.I have a master who talks with me in that way. And then, I shall very soon know your wish from the movement of your lips, from your look.""Well!" she interposed with a smile, "tell me why you saved me."He watched her attentively while she was speaking."I understand," he replied."You ask me why I saved you.You have forgotten a wretch who tried to abduct you one night, a wretch to whom you rendered succor on the following day on their infamous pillory.A drop of water and a little pity,--that is more than I can repay with my life. You have forgotten that wretch; but he remembers it."She listened to him with profound tenderness.A tear swam in the eye of the bellringer, but did not fall.He seemed to make it a sort of point of honor to retain it."Listen," he resumed, when he was no longer afraid that the tear would escape; "our towers here are very high, a man who should fall from them would be dead before touching the pavement; when it shall please you to have me fall, you will not have to utter even a word, a glance will suffice."Then he rose.Unhappy as was the Bohemian, this eccentric being still aroused some compassion in her.She made him a sign to remain."No, no," said he; "I must not remain too long.I am not at my ease.It is out of pity that you do not turn away your eyes.I shall go to some place where I can see you without your seeing me: it will be better so."He drew from his pocket a little metal whistle."Here," said he, "when you have need of me, when you wish me to come, when you will not feel too ranch horror at the sight of me, use this whistle.I can hear this sound."He laid the whistle on the floor and fled.
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:公众的记忆力是短暂的。曾几何时。埃奇韦尔男爵四世-乔治-艾尔弗雷德-圣文森特-马什被害一案引起巨大轰动和好奇,而今一切已成旧事,皆被遗忘,取而代之的是更新的轰动一时的消息。人们谈起这案子时从未公开说及我的朋友-赫尔克里-波洛。我得说,这全都是由于他本人的意愿。他自己不想出现在案子里。也正如他本人所希望的,功劳就算到别人头上。更何况。按照波洛自己独特的观点,这案子是他的一个失败。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:0
摘要:坑地阵亡战士纪念碑四周长满了玫瑰。这是一片茂密的灌木林。杂乱丛生,小草透不过气来。白色的小花开着,像纸一样卷起。花儿簌簌作响。天色破晓,就快天亮了。每天早上独自穿过马路去往磨坊的路上,温迪施数着一天的时光。在纪念碑前,他数着年头。每当自行车过了纪念碑后的第一棵杨树,他数着天数,从那儿他骑向同一个坑地。夜晚,每当温迪施锁上磨坊,他又数上一遍年头和天数。他远远地看着小小的白玫瑰、阵亡战士纪念碑和杨树。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:出版说明叔本华(1788-1860)是德国着名哲学家,唯意志主义和现代悲观主义创始人。自称“性格遗传自父亲,而智慧遗传自母亲”。他一生未婚,没有子女,以狗为伴。他于年写了《附录与补遗》一书,《人生的智慧》是该书中的一部分。在书中他以优雅的文体,格言式的笔触阐述了自己对人生的看法。《人生的智慧》使沉寂多年的叔本华一举成名。 [点击阅读]
章节:17 人气:0
摘要:作品简介StefanZweig斯蒂芬·茨威格茨威格于1881年出生在奥地利维也纳一个富裕的犹太工厂主家庭,青年时代曾在维也纳和柏林攻读哲学和文学,获得博士学位。从二十世纪二十年代起,茨威格便“以德语创作赢得了不让于英、法语作品的广泛声誉”。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:眼前是突兀林立的岩石群。多摩河上游的这片布满岩石的区域,地势险峻,令垂钓者望而却步。几年前,曾发现一女子被人推下悬崖赤裸裸地嵌陷在岩石缝中。岩石区怪石嶙峋、地势凶险,当初,调查现场的警官也是费尽周折才踏进这片岩石区域的。一个少女划破清澈的溪流浮出水面。十四五岁的样子,赤身倮体,一丝不挂。望着眼前的情景,垂钓者的两颊不由得痉挛起来。直到方才为止,在不断敲打、吞噬着岩石的激流中还不曾出现过任何物体。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:第一章我被传讯了。周四上午十点整。我总是经常被传讯:周二上午十点整,周六上午十点整,周三或者周一。几年就像一周似的,我感到惊讶的是,夏末一过,冬天又即将来临了。在去有轨电车的路上,结着白色浆果的灌木丛又从篱笆上垂挂下来了。像下面被缝上的珠光纽扣,也许一直长到地里,或者就像小馒头。对转动鸟嘴的白色鸟头来说,这些浆果太小了,但我还是忍不住想到白色鸟头。想得人直犯晕。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:在南北战争时期,美国马里兰州中部的巴尔的摩城成立了一个很有势力的新俱乐部。我们知道,当时在这些以造船、经商和机械制造为业的人们中间,军事才能是怎样蓬勃地发展起来的。许多普普通通的商人,也没有受到西点军校的训练,就跨出他们的柜台,摇身一变,当上了尉官、校官,甚至将军,过了不久,他们在“作战技术”上就和旧大陆的那些同行不相上下,同时也和他们一样,仗着大量的炮弹、金钱和生命,打了几次胜仗。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:0
摘要:一克罗斯毕上尉从银行里走出来,好象刚刚兑换完支票,发现自己存折上的钱比估计的还要多一些,因此满面春风,喜气溢于形色。克罗斯毕上尉看上去很自鸣得意,他就是这样一种人。他五短身材,粗壮结实,脸色红润,蓄着很短的带军人风度的小胡子,走起路来有点摇晃,衣着稍许有点惹人注目。他爱听有趣的故事,人们都很喜欢他。他愉快乐观,普普通通,待人和善,尚未结婚,没有什么超凡拔群之处。在东方,象克罗斯毕这样的人很多。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:最早发现山桥启太郎死去的,是山桥的夫人佐代子。那天,山桥从早晨起就失去了踪影。其实,说“从早晨起”还不正确。山桥离开自己家的时候,是前一天晚上9点以后。他从公司下班回家,吃了晚饭以后,说有一些东西要写,便去了附近当作工作室的公寓里。山桥在学生时代起就喜欢写诗歌和小说,还亲自主恃着一份《同人》杂志,屡次在文艺类杂志的有奖征稿中人眩对他来说,写作几乎已经超越了纯兴趣的阶段。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:她有个大目的1以深蓝色的蓝宝石为中心,围绕镶嵌着一圈小小的钻石。把这些宝石连接到一起的,是灿灿发光的黄金。卖点在于其非凡的品质。项链、挂坠、耳环、再加上一对手镯,共计七千四百三十万日元。旁边是一条用红宝石、钻石和水晶组合而成的项链,二千八百万日元。耳环,一千万日元--双层玻璃的背后,仿佛就像是另一个世界。一颗小小的石头,其价格甚至要超过一个大活人。但这也是没办法的事。因为它们是那样地耀眼夺目。 [点击阅读]
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:《荷马史诗》是希腊最早的一部史诗,包括《伊里亚特》和《奥德赛》两部分,相传是由盲诗人荷马所作,实际上它产生于民间口头文学。伊里亚特(ΙΛΙΑΣ,Ilias,Iliad,又译《伊利昂记》,今译《伊利亚特》。)是古希腊盲诗人荷马(Homer,800BC-600BC)的叙事诗史诗。是重要的古希腊文学作品,也是整个西方的经典之一。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:道路变得曲曲折折的,眼看着就要到天城山的山顶了,正在这么想的时候,阵雨已经把从密的杉树林笼罩成白花花的一片,以惊人的速度从山脚下向我追来.那年我二十岁,头戴高等学校的学生帽,身穿藏青色碎白花纹的上衣,围着裙子,肩上挂着书包.我独自旅行到伊豆来,已经是第四天了.在修善寺温泉住了一夜,在汤岛温泉住了两夜,然后穿着高齿的木屐登上了天城山. [点击阅读]