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  The illustrious wine shop of "Eve's Apple" was situated in the University, at the corner of the Rue de la Rondelle and the Rue de la Batonnier.It was a very spacious and very low hail on the ground floor, with a vaulted ceiling whose central spring rested upon a huge pillar of wood painted yellow; tables everywhere, shining pewter jugs hanging on the walls, always a large number of drinkers, a plenty of wenches, a window on the street, a vine at the door, and over the door a flaring piece of sheet-iron, painted with an apple and a woman, rusted by the rain and turning with the wind on an iron pin.This species of weather-vane which looked upon the pavement was the signboard.Night was falling; the square was dark; the wine-shop, full of candles, flamed afar like a forge in the gloom; the noise of glasses and feasting, of oaths and quarrels, which escaped through the broken panes, was audible.Through the mist which the warmth of the room spread over the window in front, a hundred confused figures could be seen swarming, and from time to time a burst of noisy laughter broke forth from it.The passers-by who were going about their business, slipped past this tumultuous window without glancing at it. Only at intervals did some little ragged boy raise himself on tiptoe as far as the ledge, and hurl into the drinking-shop, that ancient, jeering hoot, with which drunken men were then pursued: "Aux Houls, saouls, saouls, saouls!"Nevertheless, one man paced imperturbably back and forth in front of the tavern, gazing at it incessantly, and going no further from it than a pikernan from his sentry-box.He was enveloped in a mantle to his very nose.This mantle he had just purchased of the old-clothes man, in the vicinity of the "Eve's Apple," no doubt to protect himself from the cold of the March evening, possibly also, to conceal his costume. From time to time he paused in front of the dim window with its leaden lattice, listened, looked, and stamped his foot.At length the door of the dram-shop opened.This was what he appeared to be waiting for.Two boon companions came forth.The ray of light which escaped from the door crimsoned for a moment their jovial faces.The man in the mantle went and stationed himself on the watch under a porch on the other side of the street."~Corne et tonnerre~!" said one of the comrades."Seven o'clock is on the point of striking.'Tis the hour of my appointed meeting.""I tell you," repeated his companion, with a thick tongue, "that I don't live in the Rue des Mauvaises paroles, ~indignus qui inter mala verba habitat~.I have a lodging in the Rue Jean-pain-Mollet, ~in vico Johannis pain-Mollet~.You are more horned than a unicorn if you assert the contrary. Every one knows that he who once mounts astride a bear is never after afraid; but you have a nose turned to dainties like Saint-Jacques of the hospital.""Jehan, my friend, you are drunk," said the other.The other replied staggering, "It pleases you to say so, phoebus; but it hath been proved that plato had the profile of a hound."The reader has, no doubt, already recognized our two brave friends, the captain and the scholar.It appears that the man who was lying in wait for them had also recognized them, for he slowly followed all the zigzags that the scholar caused the captain to make, who being a more hardened drinker had retained all his self-possession.By listening to them attentively, the man in the mantle could catch in its entirety the following interesting conversation,--"~Corbacque~!Do try to walk straight, master bachelor; you know that I must leave you.Here it is seven o'clock. I have an appointment with a woman.""Leave me then!I see stars and lances of fire.You are like the Chateau de Dampmartin, which is bursting with laughter.""By the warts of my grandmother, Jehan, you are raving with too much rabidness.By the way, Jehan, have you any money left?""Monsieur Rector, there is no mistake; the little butcher's shop, ~parva boucheria~.""Jehau!my friend Jehan!You know that I made an appointment with that little girl at the end of the pont Saint- Michel, and I can only take her to the Falourdel's, the old crone of the bridge, and that I must pay for a chamber.The old witch with a white moustache would not trust me.Jehan! for pity's sake!Have we drunk up the whole of the curé's purse?Have you not a single parisis left?""The consciousness of having spent the other hours well is a just and savory condiment for the table.""Belly and guts! a truce to your whimsical nonsense!Tell me, Jehan of the devil! have you any money left?Give it to me, ~bédieu~!" or I will search you, were you as leprous as Job, and as scabby as Caesar!""Monsieur, the Rue Galiache is a street which hath at one end the Rue de la Verrerie, and at the other the Rue de la Tixeranderie.""Well, yes! my good friend Jehan, my poor comrade, the Rue Galiache is good, very good.But in the name of heaven collect your wits.I must have a sou parisis, and the appointment is for seven o'clock.""Silence for the rondo, and attention to the refrain,--"~Quand les rats mangeront les cas, Le roi sera seigneur d'Arras; Quand la mer, qui est grande et le(e Sera a la Saint-Jean gele(e, On verra, par-dessus la glace, Sortir ceux d'Arras de leur place~*."*When the rats eat the cats, the king will be lord of Arras; when the sea which is great and wide, is frozen over at St. John's tide, men will see across the ice, those who dwell in Arras quit their place."Well, scholar of Antichrist, may you be strangled with the entrails of your mother!" exclaimed phoebus, and he gave the drunken scholar a rough push; the latter slipped against the wall, and slid flabbily to the pavement of philip Augustus.A remnant of fraternal pity, which never abandons the heart of a drinker, prompted phoebus to roll Jehan with his foot upon one of those pillows of the poor, which providence keeps in readiness at the corner of all the street posts of paris, and which the rich blight with the name of "a rubbish- heap."The captain adjusted Jehan's head upon an inclined plane of cabbage-stumps, and on the very instant, the scholar fell to snoring in a magnificent bass.Meanwhile, all malice was not extinguished in the captain's heart."So much the worse if the devil's cart picks you up on its passage!" he said to the poor, sleeping clerk; and he strode off.The man in the mantle, who had not ceased to follow him, halted for a moment before the prostrate scholar, as though agitated by indecision; then, uttering a profound sigh, he also strode off in pursuit of the captain.We, like them, will leave Jehan to slumber beneath the open sky, and will follow them also, if it pleases the reader.On emerging into the Rue Saint-André-des-Arcs, Captain phoebus perceived that some one was following him.On glancing sideways by chance, he perceived a sort of shadow crawling after him along the walls.He halted, it halted; he resumed his march, it resumed its march.This disturbed him not overmuch."Ah, bah!" he said to himself, "I have not a sou."He paused in front of the College d'Autun.It was at this college that he had sketched out what he called his studies, and, through a scholar's teasing habit which still lingered in him, he never passed the fa?ade without inflicting on the statue of Cardinal pierre Bertrand, sculptured to the right of the portal, the affront of which priapus complains so bitterly in the satire of Horace, ~Olim truncus eram ficulnus~.He had done this with so much unrelenting animosity that the inscription, ~Eduensis episcopus~, had become almost effaced. Therefore, he halted before the statue according to his wont. The street was utterly deserted.At the moment when he was coolly retying his shoulder knots, with his nose in the air, he saw the shadow approaching him with slow steps, so slow that he had ample time to observe that this shadow wore a cloak and a hat.On arriving near him, it halted and remained more motionless than the statue of Cardinal Bertrand. Meanwhile, it riveted upon phoebus two intent eyes, full of that vague light which issues in the night time from the pupils of a cat.The captain was brave, and would have cared very little for a highwayman, with a rapier in his hand.But this walking statue, this petrified man, froze his blood.There were then in circulation, strange stories of a surly monk, a nocturnal prowler about the streets of paris, and they recurred confusedly to his memory.He remained for several minutes in stupefaction, and finally broke the silence with a forced laugh."Monsieur, if you are a robber, as I hope you are, you produce upon me the effect of a heron attacking a nutshell.I am the son of a ruined family, my dear fellow.Try your hand near by here.In the chapel of this college there is some wood of the true cross set in silver."The hand of the shadow emerged from beneath its mantle and descended upon the arm of phoebus with the grip of an eagle's talon; at the same time the shadow spoke,--"Captain phoebus de Chateaupers!"What, the devil!" said phoebus, "you know my name!""I know not your name alone," continued the man in the mantle, with his sepulchral voice."You have a rendezvous this evening.""Yes," replied phoebus in amazement."At seven o'clock.""In a quarter of an hour.""At la Falourdel's.""precisely.""The lewd hag of the pont Saint-Michel.""Of Saint Michel the archangel, as the pater Noster saith.""Impious wretch!" muttered the spectre."With a woman?""~Confiteor~,--I confess--.""Who is called--?""La Smeralda," said phoebus, gayly.All his heedlessness had gradually returned.At this name, the shadow's grasp shook the arm of phoebus in a fury."Captain phoebus de Chateaupers, thou liest!"Any one who could have beheld at that moment the captain's inflamed countenance, his leap backwards, so violent that he disengaged himself from the grip which held him, the proud air with which he clapped his hand on his swordhilt, and, in the presence of this wrath the gloomy immobility of the man in the cloak,--any one who could have beheld this would have been frightened.There was in it a touch of the combat of Don Juan and the statue."Christ and Satan!" exclaimed the captain."That is a word which rarely strikes the ear of a Chateaupers!Thou wilt not dare repeat it.""Thou liest!" said the shadow coldly.The captain gnashed his teeth.Surly monk, phantom, superstitions,--he had forgotten all at that moment.He no longer beheld anything but a man, and an insult."Ah! this is well!" he stammered, in a voice stifled with rage.He drew his sword, then stammering, for anger as well as fear makes a man tremble: "Here!On the spot!Come on!Swords!Swords!Blood on the pavement!"But the other never stirred.When he beheld his adversary on guard and ready to parry,--"Captain phoebus," he said, and his tone vibrated with bitterness, "you forget your appointment."The rages of men like phoebus are milk-soups, whose ebullition is calmed by a drop of cold water.This simple remark caused the sword which glittered in the captain's hand to be lowered."Captain," pursued the man, "to-morrow, the day after to-morrow, a month hence, ten years hence, you will find me ready to cut your throat; but go first to your rendezvous.""In sooth," said phoebus, as though seeking to capitulate with himself, "these are two charming things to be encountered in a rendezvous,--a sword and a wench; but I do not see why I should miss the one for the sake of the other, when I can have both."He replaced his sword in its scabbard."Go to your rendezvous," said the man."Monsieur," replied phoebus with some embarrassment, "many thanks for your courtesy.In fact, there will be ample time to-morrow for us to chop up father Adam's doublet into slashes and buttonholes.I am obliged to you for allowing me to pass one more agreeable quarter of an hour.I certainly did hope to put you in the gutter, and still arrive in time for the fair one, especially as it has a better appearance to make the women wait a little in such cases.But you strike me as having the air of a gallant man, and it is safer to defer our affair until to-morrow.So I will betake myself to my rendezvous; it is for seven o'clock, as you know."Here phoebus scratched his ear."Ah.~Corne Dieu~!I had forgotten! I haven't a sou to discharge the price of the garret, and the old crone will insist on being paid in advance.She distrusts me.""Here is the wherewithal to pay."phoebus felt the stranger's cold hand slip into his a large piece of money.He could not refrain from taking the money and pressing the hand."~Vrai Dieu~!" he exclaimed, "you are a good fellow!""One condition," said the man."prove to me that I have been wrong and that you were speaking the truth.Hide me in some corner whence I can see whether this woman is really the one whose name you uttered.""Oh!" replied phoebus, "'tis all one to me.We will take, the Sainte-Marthe chamber; you can look at your ease from the kennel hard by.""Come then," said the shadow."At your service," said the captain, "I know not whether you are Messer Diavolus in person; but let us be good friends for this evening; to-morrow I will repay you all my debts, both of purse and sword."They set out again at a rapid pace.At the expiration of a few minutes, the sound of the river announced to them that they were on the pont Saint-Michel, then loaded with houses."I will first show you the way," said phoebus to his companion, "I will then go in search of the fair one who is awaiting me near the petit-Chatelet."His companion made no reply; he had not uttered a word since they had been walking side by side.phoebus halted before a low door, and knocked roughly; a light made its appearance through the cracks of the door."Who is there?" cried a toothless voice."~Corps-Dieu!Tête-Dieu!Ventre-Dieu~!" replied the captain.The door opened instantly, and allowed the new-corners to see an old woman and an old lamp, both of which trembled. The old woman was bent double, clad in tatters, with a shaking head, pierced with two small eyes, and coiffed with a dish clout; wrinkled everywhere, on hands and face and neck; her lips retreated under her gums, and about her mouth she had tufts of white hairs which gave her the whiskered look of a cat.The interior of the den was no less dilapitated than she; there were chalk walls, blackened beams in the ceiling, a dismantled chimney-piece, spiders' webs in all the corners, in the middle a staggering herd of tables and lame stools, a dirty child among the ashes, and at the back a staircase, or rather, a wooden ladder, which ended in a trap door in the ceiling.On entering this lair, phoebus's mysterious companion raised his mantle to his very eyes.Meanwhile, the captain, swearing like a Saracen, hastened to "make the sun shine in a crown" as saith our admirable Régnier."The Sainte-Marthe chamber," said he.The old woman addressed him as monseigneur, and shut up the crown in a drawer.It was the coin which the man in the black mantle had given to phoebus.While her back was turned, the bushy-headed and ragged little boy who was playing in the ashes, adroitly approached the drawer, abstracted the crown, and put in its place a dry leaf which he had plucked from a fagot.The old crone made a sign to the two gentlemen, as she called them, to follow her, and mounted the ladder in advance of them.On arriving at the upper story, she set her lamp on a coffer, and, phoebus, like a frequent visitor of the house, opened a door which opened on a dark hole."Enter here, my dear fellow," he said to his companion.The man in the mantle obeyed without a word in reply, the door closed upon him; he heard phoebus bolt it, and a moment later descend the stairs again with the aged hag.The light had disappeared.
章节:15 人气:0
摘要:另外一个星系,另外一个时间。“古老的共和国”是传奇的共和国,它的广袤无垠和悠久永恒远非时间和距离所能衡量。不必追溯它的起源,也不必寻求它的方位……它就是宇宙这一方的独一无二的共和国。在参议院的英明治理和杰迪骑土们的保卫下,共和国一度十分兴旺发达。然而,事物的发展往往就是这样:当财富和权力从受人倾慕而膨胀到令人畏惧时,奸邪之徒就会应运而生。他们贪得无厌,渐荫觊觎之心。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:反军军官举起他的电子双筒望远镜,把焦距调准对着那些在雪中坚定地前进着的东西,看上去象一些来自过去的生物……但它们是战争机器,每一个都大踏步地走着,象四条腿的巨大的有蹄动物——帝国全地形装甲运输器!军官急忙抓起他的互通讯器。“流氓领机——回话!点零三!”“回波站五——七,我们正在路上。”就在卢克天行者回答时,一个爆炸把雪和冰溅散在军官和他惊恐的手下周围。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:对反军联盟来说,这是一段黑暗的时期……冻结在硝酸甘油中的汉-索洛,被送到了可恶的歹徒加巴手中。决心救他出来,卢克天行者、莱亚公主以及兰度-卡内森向加巴在塔托勒的堡垒发起了一次冒险的进攻。现在,在这部《星球大战》中最令人激动的一章里,反军指挥官把所有反军战斗舰召集起来,组成了一支庞大的舰队。而达斯-维达。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:塔土尼星球。蔚蓝无云的天空中,恒星闪烁,炫目的白色光芒照耀着这颗行星上广袤的荒原。因此生成的热气从平坦的“沙质地表蒸腾上升,在巨大的断崖和高耸苍凉的山巅之间形成了一片晶莹的氤氲。这是这颗行星上惟一典型的地貌特征。大块大块风化的巨岩如哨兵般屹立,在潮湿的雾霭中俯视着一切。当飞车赛手呼啸而过,引擎发出狂野的嘶吼,炽热的光和空气似乎都在颤动,群山也为之颤栗不止。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:很久以前,在一个遥远的星系这个故事发生在很久以前的一个遥远星系。故事已经结束了,任何事都不能改变它。这是一个关于爱情与失去、友情与背叛、勇气与牺牲以及梦想破灭的故事,这是一个关于至善与至恶之间模糊界限的故事。这是一个关于一个时代终结的故事。关于这个故事,有一件很奇怪的事——它既发生在语言难以描述其长久与遥远的时间之前与距离之外,又发生在此刻,发生在这里。它就发生在你阅读这些文字的时候。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:1938年10月30日晚,一个声音在美国大地回荡:“火星人来了!”顿时,成千上万的美国人真的以为火星人入侵地球了,纷纷弃家而逃,社会陷入一片混乱。原来是广播电台在朗读英国科幻小说大师H.G.威尔斯的作品《世界大战》。一本小书竟引起社会骚乱,这在世界小说史上是绝无仅有的。小说故事发生在大英帝国称霸世界、睥睨天下的19世纪末叶。火星人从天而降,在伦敦附近着陆,从而拉开了征服地球战争的序幕。 [点击阅读]
章节:45 人气:0
摘要:欢快的岁月,幸福的时日——恰似春水悠悠,已经一去不留!——引自古老的抒情歌曲夜半一点多钟他回到自己的书房。打发走点燃灯烛的仆人,他便猛然坐到壁炉边的安乐椅里,用双手捂住了脸。他还从未感觉到这样疲乏——肉体的与精神的。 [点击阅读]
章节:4 人气:0
摘要:三个漂流者蓝天上万里无云。在一望无际波浪不惊的大海上,只有小小的浪花在无休止地抖动着。头顶上初秋的太阳把光线撒向大海,使海面泛着银光。往周围望去,看不到陆地的一点踪影,四周只有宽阔无边的圆圆的水平线。天空是圆的,海也是圆的,仿佛整个世界除此之外什么都没有了似的。在这无边的大海中央,孤零零地漂着一个小得像罂粟籽般的东西。那是一只小船。船舵坏了,又没有一根船桨,盲无目的地任凭波浪将它摇来荡去。 [点击阅读]
章节:33 人气:0
摘要:一我的过去,一片朦胧……那天晚上,在一家咖啡馆的露天座位上,我只不过是一个模糊的影子而已。当时,我正在等着雨停,——那场雨很大它从我同于特分手的那个时候起,就倾泻下来了。几个小时前,我和于特在事务所①里见了最后一次面,那时,他虽象以往一样在笨重的写字台后面坐着,不过穿着大衣。因此,一眼就可以看出,他将要离去了。我坐在他的对面,坐在通常给顾客预备的皮扶手椅里。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:一九一五年五月七日下午两点,卢西塔尼亚号客轮接连被两枚鱼雷击中,正迅速下沉。船员以最快的速度放下救生艇。妇女和儿童排队等着上救生艇。有的妇女绝望地紧紧抱住丈夫,有的孩子拼命地抓住他们的父亲,另外一些妇女把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。一位女孩独自站在一旁,她很年轻,还不到十八岁。看上去她并不害怕,她看着前方,眼神既严肃又坚定。“请原谅。”旁边一位男人的声音吓了她一跳并使她转过身来。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:谨以此书献给我的丈夫,潘乔感谢你的耐心、关爱、友谊和幽默感以及心甘情愿在外就餐也感谢我的孩子们,加布、塞斯及艾利感谢你们使我体验了那种人们甘愿随时为之付出生命的爱火与冰①有人说世界将终结于火,有人说是冰。从我尝过的欲望之果我赞同倾向于火之说。但若它非得两度沉沦,我想我对仇恨了解也够多可以说要是去毁灭,冰也不错,应该也行。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:每天的这个时候,我总是祈祷自己可以入睡。高中——或者称为炼狱更为恰当!如果有什么方式能够弥补我的罪过,那恐怕就是我读高中的记录了。这种厌烦感不是我曾经体会过的,每一天看上去都要比前一天更加极度无聊。也许这就是我睡眠的方式——如果说,睡眠的含义就是在变幻的时期内处于呆滞状态的话。我凝视着食堂角落水泥墙上的裂纹,想象着它们所呈现的花纹其实并不存在。 [点击阅读]
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