  These words were, so to speak, the point of union of two scenes, which had, up to that time, been developed in parallel lines at the same moment, each on its particular theatre; one, that which the reader has just perused, in the Rat-Hole; the other, which he is about to read, on the ladder of the pillory.The first had for witnesses only the three women with whom the reader has just made acquaintance; the second had for spectators all the public which we have seen above, collecting on the place de Grève, around the pillory and the gibbet.That crowd which the four sergeants posted at nine o'clock in the morning at the four corners of the pillory had inspired with the hope of some sort of an execution, no doubt, not a hanging, but a whipping, a cropping of ears, something, in short,--that crowd had increased so rapidly that the four policemen, too closely besieged, had had occasion to "press" it, as the expression then ran, more than once, by sound blows of their whips, and the haunches of their horses.This populace, disciplined to waiting for public executions, did not manifest very much impatience.It amused itself with watching the pillory, a very simple sort of monument, composed of a cube of masonry about six feet high and hollow in the interior.A very steep staircase, of unhewn stone, which was called by distinction "the ladder," led to the upper platform, upon which was visible a horizontal wheel of solid oak.The victim was bound upon this wheel, on his knees, with his hands behind his back.A wooden shaft, which set in motion a capstan concealed in the interior of the little edifice, imparted a rotatory motion to the wheel, which always maintained its horizontal position, and in this manner presented the face of the condemned man to all quarters of the square in succession.This was what was called "turning" a criminal.As the reader perceives, the pillory of the Grève was far from presenting all the recreations of the pillory of the Halles. Nothing architectural, nothing monumental.No roof to the iron cross, no octagonal lantern, no frail, slender columns spreading out on the edge of the roof into capitals of acanthus leaves and flowers, no waterspouts of chimeras and monsters, on carved woodwork, no fine sculpture, deeply sunk in the stone.They were forced to content themselves with those four stretches of rubble work, backed with sandstone, and a wretched stone gibbet, meagre and bare, on one side.The entertainment would have been but a poor one for lovers of Gothic architecture.It is true that nothing was ever less curious on the score of architecture than the worthy gapers of the Middle Ages, and that they cared very little for the beauty of a pillory.The victim finally arrived, bound to the tail of a cart, and when he had been hoisted upon the platform, where he could be seen from all points of the place, bound with cords and straps upon the wheel of the pillory, a prodigious hoot, mingled with laughter and acclamations, burst forth upon the place.They had recognized Quasimodo.It was he, in fact.The change was singular.pilloried on the very place where, on the day before, he had been saluted, acclaimed, and proclaimed pope and prince of Fools, in the cortege of the Duke of Egypt, the King of Thunes, and the Emperor of Galilee!One thing is certain, and that is, that there was not a soul in the crowd, not even himself, though in turn triumphant and the sufferer, who set forth this combination clearly in his thought.Gringoire and his philosophy were missing at this spectacle.Soon Michel Noiret, sworn trumpeter to the king, our lord, imposed silence on the louts, and proclaimed the sentence, in accordance with the order and command of monsieur the provost. Then he withdrew behind the cart, with his men in livery surcoats.Quasimodo, impassible, did not wince.All resistance had been rendered impossible to him by what was then called, in the style of the criminal chancellery, "the vehemence and firmness of the bonds" which means that the thongs and chains probably cut into his flesh; moreover, it is a tradition of jail and wardens, which has not been lost, and which the handcuffs still preciously preserve among us, a civilized, gentle, humane people (the galleys and the guillotine in parentheses).He had allowed himself to be led, pushed, carried, lifted, bound, and bound again.Nothing was to be seen upon his countenance but the astonishment of a savage or an idiot. He was known to be deaf; one might have pronounced him to be blind.They placed him on his knees on the circular plank; he made no resistance.They removed his shirt and doublet as far as his girdle; he allowed them to have their way.They entangled him under a fresh system of thongs and buckles; he allowed them to bind and buckle him.Only from time to time he snorted noisily, like a calf whose head is hanging and bumping over the edge of a butcher's cart."The dolt," said Jehan Frollo of the Mill, to his friend Robin poussepain (for the two students had followed the culprit, as was to have been expected), "he understands no more than a cockchafer shut up in a box!"There was wild laughter among the crowd when they beheld Quasimodo's hump, his camel's breast, his callous and hairy shoulders laid bare.During this gayety, a man in the livery of the city, short of stature and robust of mien, mounted the platform and placed himself near the victim.His name speedily circulated among the spectators.It was Master pierrat Torterue, official torturer to the Chatelet.He began by depositing on an angle of the pillory a black hour-glass, the upper lobe of which was filled with red sand, which it allowed to glide into the lower receptacle; then he removed his parti-colored surtout, and there became visible, suspended from his right hand, a thin and tapering whip of long, white, shining, knotted, plaited thongs, armed with metal nails.With his left hand, he negligently folded back his shirt around his right arm, to the very armpit.In the meantime, Jehan Frollo, elevating his curly blonde head above the crowd (he had mounted upon the shoulders of Robin poussepain for the purpose), shouted: "Come and look, gentle ladies and men! they are going to peremptorily flagellate Master Quasimodo, the bellringer of my brother, monsieur the archdeacon of Josas, a knave of oriental architecture, who has a back like a dome, and legs like twisted columns!"And the crowd burst into a laugh, especially the boys and young girls.At length the torturer stamped his foot.The wheel began to turn.Quasimodo wavered beneath his bonds.The amazement which was suddenly depicted upon his deformed face caused the bursts of laughter to redouble around him.All at once, at the moment when the wheel in its revolution presented to Master pierrat, the humped back of Quasimodo, Master pierrat raised his arm; the fine thongs whistled sharply through the air, like a handful of adders, and fell with fury upon the wretch's shoulders.Quasimodo leaped as though awakened with a start.He began to understand.He writhed in his bonds; a violent contraction of surprise and pain distorted the muscles of his face, but he uttered not a single sigh.He merely turned his head backward, to the right, then to the left, balancing it as a bull does who has been stung in the flanks by a gadfly.A second blow followed the first, then a third, and another and another, and still others.The wheel did not cease to turn, nor the blows to rain down.Soon the blood burst forth, and could be seen trickling in a thousand threads down the hunchback's black shoulders; and the slender thongs, in their rotatory motion which rent the air, sprinkled drops of it upon the crowd.Quasimodo had resumed, to all appearance, his first imperturbability.He had at first tried, in a quiet way and without much outward movement, to break his bonds.His eye had been seen to light up, his muscles to stiffen, his members to concentrate their force, and the straps to stretch.The effort was powerful, prodigious, desperate; but the provost's seasoned bonds resisted.They cracked, and that was all.Quasimodo fell back exhausted.Amazement gave way, on his features, to a sentiment of profound and bitter discouragement.He closed his single eye, allowed his head to droop upon his breast, and feigned death.From that moment forth, he stirred no more.Nothing could force a movement from him.Neither his blood, which did not cease to flow, nor the blows which redoubled in fury, nor the wrath of the torturer, who grew excited himself and intoxicated with the execution, nor the sound of the horrible thongs, more sharp and whistling than the claws of scorpions.At length a bailiff from the Chatelet clad in black, mounted on a black horse, who had been stationed beside the ladder since the beginning of the execution, extended his ebony wand towards the hour-glass.The torturer stopped.The wheel stopped.Quasimodo's eye opened slowly.The scourging was finished.Two lackeys of the official torturer bathed the bleeding shoulders of the patient, anointed them with some unguent which immediately closed all the wounds, and threw upon his back a sort of yellow vestment, in cut like a chasuble.In the meanwhile, pierrat Torterue allowed the thongs, red and gorged with blood, to drip upon the pavement.All was not over for Quasimodo.He had still to undergo that hour of pillory which Master Florian Barbedienne had so judiciously added to the sentence of Messire Robert d'Estouteville; all to the greater glory of the old physiological and psychological play upon words of Jean de Cumène, ~Surdus absurdus~: a deaf man is absurd.So the hour-glass was turned over once more, and they left the hunchback fastened to the plank, in order that justice might be accomplished to the very end.The populace, especially in the Middle Ages, is in society what the child is in the family.As long as it remains in its state of primitive ignorance, of moral and intellectual minority, it can be said of it as of the child,--'Tis the pitiless age.We have already shown that Quasimodo was generally hated, for more than one good reason, it is true.There was hardly a spectator in that crowd who had not or who did not believe that he had reason to complain of the malevolent hunchback of Notre-Dame.The joy at seeing him appear thus in the pillory had been universal; and the harsh punishment which he had just suffered, and the pitiful condition in which it had left him, far from softening the populace had rendered its hatred more malicious by arming it with a touch of mirth.Hence, the "public prosecution" satisfied, as the bigwigs of the law still express it in their jargon, the turn came of a thousand private vengeances.Here, as in the Grand Hall, the women rendered themselves particularly prominent.All cherished some rancor against him, some for his malice, others for his ugliness.The latter were the most furious."Oh! mask of Antichrist!" said one."Rider on a broom handle!" cried another."What a fine tragic grimace," howled a third, "and who would make him pope of the Fools if to-day were yesterday?""'Tis well," struck in an old woman."This is the grimace of the pillory.When shall we have that of the gibbet?""When will you be coiffed with your big bell a hundred feet under ground, cursed bellringer?""But 'tis the devil who rings the Angelus!""Oh! the deaf man! the one-eyed creature! the hunch- back! the monster!""A face to make a woman miscarry better than all the drugs and medicines!"And the two scholars, Jehan du Moulin, and Robin poussepain, sang at the top of their lungs, the ancient refrain,--"~Une hart pour le pendard! Un fagot pour le magot~!"**A rope for the gallows bird!A fagot for the ape.A thousand other insults rained down upon him, and hoots and imprecations, and laughter, and now and then, stones.Quasimodo was deaf but his sight was clear, and the public fury was no less energetically depicted on their visages than in their words.Moreover, the blows from the stones explained the bursts of laughter.At first he held his ground.But little by little that patience which had borne up under the lash of the torturer, yielded and gave way before all these stings of insects.The bull of the Asturias who has been but little moved by the attacks of the picador grows irritated with the dogs and banderilleras.He first cast around a slow glance of hatred upon the crowd. But bound as he was, his glance was powerless to drive away those flies which were stinging his wound.Then he moved in his bonds, and his furious exertions made the ancient wheel of the pillory shriek on its axle.All this only increased the derision and hooting.Then the wretched man, unable to break his collar, like that of a chained wild beast, became tranquil once more; only at intervals a sigh of rage heaved the hollows of his chest. There was neither shame nor redness on his face.He was too far from the state of society, and too near the state of nature to know what shame was.Moreover, with such a degree of deformity, is infamy a thing that can be felt?But wrath, hatred, despair, slowly lowered over that hideous visage a cloud which grew ever more and more sombre, ever more and more charged with electricity, which burst forth in a thousand lightning flashes from the eye of the cyclops.Nevertheless, that cloud cleared away for a moment, at the passage of a mule which traversed the crowd, bearing a priest. As far away as he could see that mule and that priest, the poor victim's visage grew gentler.The fury which had contracted it was followed by a strange smile full of ineffable sweetness, gentleness, and tenderness.In proportion as the priest approached, that smile became more clear, more distinct, more radiant.It was like the arrival of a Saviour, which the unhappy man was greeting.But as soon as the mule was near enough to the pillory to allow of its rider recognizing the victim, the priest dropped his eyes, beat a hasty retreat, spurred on rigorously, as though in haste to rid himself of humiliating appeals, and not at all desirous of being saluted and recognized by a poor fellow in such a predicament.This priest was Archdeacon Dom Claude Frollo.The cloud descended more blackly than ever upon Quasimodo's brow. The smile was still mingled with it for a time, but was bitter, discouraged, profoundly sad.Time passed on.He had been there at least an hour and a half, lacerated, maltreated, mocked incessantly, and almost stoned.All at once he moved again in his chains with redoubled despair, which made the whole framework that bore him tremble, and, breaking the silence which he had obstinately preserved hitherto, he cried in a hoarse and furious voice, which resembled a bark rather than a human cry, and which was drowned in the noise of the hoots--"Drink!"This exclamation of distress, far from exciting compassion, only added amusement to the good parisian populace who surrounded the ladder, and who, it must be confessed, taken in the mass and as a multitude, was then no less cruel and brutal than that horrible tribe of robbers among whom we have already conducted the reader, and which was simply the lower stratum of the populace.Not a voice was raised around the unhappy victim, except to jeer at his thirst.It is certain that at that moment he was more grotesque and repulsive than pitiable, with his face purple and dripping, his eye wild, his mouth foaming with rage and pain, and his tongue lolling half out.It must also be stated that if a charitable soul of a bourgeois or ~bourgeoise~, in the rabble, had attempted to carry a glass of water to that wretched creature in torment, there reigned around the infamous steps of the pillory such a prejudice of shame and ignominy, that it would have sufficed to repulse the good Samaritan.At the expiration of a few moments, Quasimodo cast a desperate glance upon the crowd, and repeated in a voice still more heartrending: "Drink!"And all began to laugh."Drink this!" cried Robin poussepain, throwing in his face a sponge which had been soaked in the gutter."There, you deaf villain, I'm your debtor."A woman hurled a stone at his head,--"That will teach you to wake us up at night with your peal of a dammed soul.""He, good, my son!" howled a cripple, making an effort to reach him with his crutch, "will you cast any more spells on us from the top of the towers of Notre-Dame?""Here's a drinking cup!" chimed in a man, flinging a broken jug at his breast."'Twas you that made my wife, simply because she passed near you, give birth to a child with two heads!""And my cat bring forth a kitten with six paws!" yelped an old crone, launching a brick at him."Drink!" repeated Quasimodo panting, and for the third time.At that moment he beheld the crowd give way.A young girl, fantastically dressed, emerged from the throng.She was accompanied by a little white goat with gilded horns, and carried a tambourine in her hand.Quasimodo's eyes sparkled.It was the gypsy whom he had attempted to carry off on the preceding night, a misdeed for which he was dimly conscious that he was being punished at that very moment; which was not in the least the case, since he was being chastised only for the misfortune of being deaf, and of having been judged by a deaf man.He doubted not that she had come to wreak her vengeance also, and to deal her blow like the rest.He beheld her, in fact, mount the ladder rapidly.Wrath and spite suffocate him.He would have liked to make the pillory crumble into ruins, and if the lightning of his eye could have dealt death, the gypsy would have been reduced to powder before she reached the platform.She approached, without uttering a syllable, the victim who writhed in a vain effort to escape her, and detaching a gourd from her girdle, she raised it gently to the parched lips of the miserable man.Then, from that eye which had been, up to that moment, so dry and burning, a big tear was seen to fall, and roll slowly down that deformed visage so long contracted with despair. It was the first, in all probability, that the unfortunate man had ever shed.Meanwhile, be had forgotten to drink.The gypsy made her little pout, from impatience, and pressed the spout to the tusked month of Quasimodo, with a smile.He drank with deep draughts.His thirst was burning.When he had finished, the wretch protruded his black lips, no doubt, with the object of kissing the beautiful hand which had just succoured him.But the young girl, who was, perhaps, somewhat distrustful, and who remembered the violent attempt of the night, withdrew her hand with the frightened gesture of a child who is afraid of being bitten by a beast.Then the poor deaf man fixed on her a look full of reproach and inexpressible sadness.It would have been a touching spectacle anywhere,--this beautiful, fresh, pure, and charming girl, who was at the same time so weak, thus hastening to the relief of so much misery, deformity, and malevolence.On the pillory, the spectacle was sublime.The very populace were captivated by it, and began to clap their hands, crying,--"Noel!Noel!"It was at that moment that the recluse caught sight, from the window of her bole, of the gypsy on the pillory, and hurled at her her sinister imprecation,--"Accursed be thou, daughter of Egypt!Accursed! accursed!"
章节:17 人气:2
摘要:本文是作者根据自己1868年在纽约采访州长竞选的素材写成的一篇政治讽刺小说。作者以夸张的漫画式的笔触,艺术地再现了美国社会中竞选的种种秽事丑闻,揭露了竞选的虚伪性和欺骗性。这篇小说以独立党候选人“我”的自白与大量的新闻、匿名信等引文的对照构成完整的故事,用犀利、夸张、含蓄的语言表达了作者对腐败政治的愤怒谴责。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:2
摘要:我知道有这么一则已为人所共知的铁事,它的大意是:一位年轻作家决心要把他的故事的开头写得独具一格、有声有色,想借此引起那些读腻了声色犬马之类文章的编辑们的注意,便写下了如下的句子:“‘该死!’公爵夫人说道。”真怪,我这故事的开头倒也是同一个形式.只不过说这句话的女士不是一位公爵夫人罢了。那是六月初的一天,我在巴黎刚办完了一些事务,正乘着早车回伦敦去。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:2
摘要:一《魔山》是德国大文豪托马斯·曼震撼世界文坛的力作,是德国现代小说的里程碑。美国著名作家辛克莱·刘易斯对《魔山》的评价很高,他于一九三○年看了这部书后曾说:“我觉得《魔山》是整个欧洲生活的精髓。”确实,它不愧为反映第一次世界大战前夕欧洲社会生活的百科全书。一九二九年托马斯·曼获诺贝尔文学奖,《魔山》起了决定性作用,这是评论界公认的事实。二关于托马斯·曼,我国读者并不陌生。 [点击阅读]
章节:36 人气:0
摘要:在我的这本记叙性的书中,我摒弃了常规,仅仅以第一人称叙述了我亲自处理过的一些案件和勘查过的现场,而其它章节是以第三人称的方式写的。我希冀读者相信书中的情节是真实的。虽然在描述各种不同人物的思想及感情上过于细腻,可是我保证,这都是我当时精细的笔录。此外,我的朋友赫尔克里.波洛还亲自对它们进行过校对。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:“埃莉诺·凯瑟琳·卡莱尔,您被指控于本年七月二十七日杀害了玛丽·杰勒德。您是否承认自己是有罪的?”埃莉诺·卡莱尔笔直地站立着。她那傲然高昂的头、生气勃勃的蓝色眼睛使人惊讶。她的头发像煤炭一样乌黑。修剪应时的眉毛形成两条细线。法庭笼罩在一片沉闷而紧张的寂静中。 [点击阅读]
章节:40 人气:0
摘要:正文第1节:春天(1)春天一个雨天,我来到了这个家。有间屋子的门楣上摆着一排漂亮的镜框,里面全是猫的照片。再往屋里一看,从左面墙开始,隔过中间窗户,一直转到右面墙的一半,又挂了快一圈儿猫的照片,我懒得去数多少张了。照片有黑白的,也有彩色的;有的猫不理睬我,有的猫死盯着我。整个房间就像个佛龛,令人窒息。我呆呆地站在门口。"这围脖真好看哪。 [点击阅读]
章节:37 人气:0
摘要:1.一串白藤花序幕花街上,点着常夜灯。如今,连一点痕迹都没有了,可是大正(注:日本年号,1911-1926)末年,在那个伸入濑户内海的小小港埠里,有一所即今是当时也使人觉得凄寂的风化区,名字就叫“常夜坡”。活了这么一把年纪,到如今还常常会想起那整晚点着的白花花、冷清清的灯光;奇异的是每次想起,它总是那么凄冷,了无生气。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:阿里阿德理-奥列弗夫人在朋友朱迪思-巴特勒家作客。一天德雷克夫人家准备给村里的孩子们开个晚会,奥列弗夫人便跟朋友一道前去帮忙。德雷克夫人家热闹非凡.女人们一个个精神抖擞,进进出出地搬着椅子、小桌子、花瓶什么的.还搬来许多老南瓜,有条不紊地放在选定的位置上。今天要举行的是万圣节前夜晚会,邀请了一群十至十七岁的孩子作客。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:死者引导我们我在黎明前的黑暗中醒来,寻求着一种热切的“期待”的感觉,摸索着噩梦残破的意识。一如咽下一口要以烧着你五脏六腑的威士忌,这种“期待”的感觉热辣辣的。我心中忐忑,摸索着,企望它能切实重返体内。然而这种摸索却永远都是徒劳枉然。手指已没了气力,我只好将它们并拢起来。分明觉出自己全身的骨肉都已分离。迎着光亮,我的意识畏葸不前,这种感觉也正转化成一种钝痛。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:0
摘要:一艾瑞丝-玛尔正在想着她的姐姐罗斯玛丽。在过去将近一年里,她极尽可能地试着把罗斯玛丽自脑海中抹去。她不想去记起。那太痛苦——太恐怖了!那氰化钾中毒发蓝的脸孔,那痉挛紧缩的手指……那与前一天欢乐可爱的罗斯玛丽形成的强烈对比……呵,也许并不真的是欢乐。 [点击阅读]
章节:77 人气:0
摘要:内容简介小说主要描述了法国红衣大主教黎塞留,从1624年出任首相到1628年攻打并占领胡格诺言教派的主要根据地拉罗谢尔城期间所发生的事。黎塞留为了要帮助国王路易十三,千方百计要抓住王后与英国首相白金汉公爵暧昧关系的把柄。而作品主人公达达尼昂出于正义,与他的好友三个火枪手为解救王后冲破大主教所设下的重重罗网,最终保全了王后的名誉。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:萨特思韦特先生坐在鸦巢屋的露台上,看着屋主查尔斯-卡特赖特爵士从海边爬上小路。鸦巢屋是一座漂亮的现代平房,木质结构不到一半,没有三角墙,没有三流建筑师爱不释手的多佘累赘的设计。这是一幢简洁而坚固的白色建筑物。它看起来比实际的体积小得多.真是不可貌相。这房子的名声要归功于它的位置-居高临下,俯瞰整个鲁茅斯海港。 [点击阅读]