傲慢与偏见英文版 - Chapter 61
  HAppY for all her maternal feelings was the day on which Mrs. Bennet got rid of her two most deserving daughters. With what delighted pride she afterwards visited Mrs. Bingley, and talked of Mrs. Darcy, may be guessed. I wish I could say, for the sake of her family, that the accomplishment of her earnest desire in the establishment of so many of her children produced so happy an effect as to make her a sensible, amiable, well-informed woman for the rest of her life; though perhaps it was lucky for her husband, who might not have relished domestic felicity in so unusual a form, that she still was occasionally nervous and invariably silly.Mr. Bennet missed his second daughter exceedingly; his affection for her drew him oftener from home than any thing else could do. He delighted in going to pemberley, especially when he was least expected.Mr. Bingley and Jane remained at Netherfield only a twelvemonth. So near a vicinity to her mother and Meryton relations was not desirable even to his easy temper, or her affectionate heart. The darling wish of his sisters was then gratified; he bought an estate in a neighbouring county to Derbyshire, and Jane and Elizabeth, in addition to every other source of happiness, were within thirty miles of each other.Kitty, to her very material advantage, spent the chief of her time with her two elder sisters. In society so superior to what she had generally known, her improvement was great. She was not of so ungovernable a temper as Lydia; and, removed from the influence of Lydia's example, she became, by proper attention and management, less irritable, less ignorant, and less insipid. From the farther disadvantage of Lydia's society she was of course carefully kept, and though Mrs. Wickham frequently invited her to come and stay with her, with the promise of balls and young men, her father would never consent to her going.Mary was the only daughter who remained at home; and she was necessarily drawn from the pursuit of accomplishments by Mrs. Bennet's being quite unable to sit alone. Mary was obliged to mix more with the world, but she could still moralize over every morning visit; and as she was no longer mortified by comparisons between her sisters' beauty and her own, it was suspected by her father that she submitted to the change without much reluctance.As for Wickham and Lydia, their characters suffered no revolution from the marriage of her sisters. He bore with philosophy the conviction that Elizabeth must now become acquainted with whatever of his ingratitude and falsehood had before been unknown to her; and in spite of every thing, was not wholly without hope that Darcy might yet be prevailed on to make his fortune. The congratulatory letter which Elizabeth received from Lydia on her marriage, explained to her that, by his wife at least, if not by himself, such a hope was cherished. The letter was to this effect:"MY DEAR LlZZY,I wish you joy. If you love Mr. Darcy half as well as I do my dear Wickham, you must be very happy. It is a great comfort to have you so rich, and when you have nothing else to do, I hope you will think of us. I am sure Wickham would like a place at court very much, and I do not think we shall have quite money enough to live upon without some help. Any place would do, of about three or four hundred a year; but however, do not speak to Mr. Darcy about it, if you had rather not.Your's, ."As it happened that Elizabeth had much rather not, she endeavoured in her answer to put an end to every intreaty and expectation of the kind. Such relief, however, as it was in her power to afford, by the practice of what might be called economy in her own private expences, she frequently sent them. It had always been evident to her that such an income as theirs, under the direction of two persons so extravagant in their wants, and heedless of the future, must be very insufficient to their support; and whenever they changed their quarters, either Jane or herself were sure of being applied to for some little assistance towards discharging their bills. Their manner of living, even when the restoration of peace dismissed them to a home, was unsettled in the extreme. They were always moving from place to place in quest of a cheap situation, and always spending more than they ought. His affection for her soon sunk into indifference; her's lasted a little longer; and in spite of her youth and her manners, she retained all the claims to reputation which her marriage had given her.Though Darcy could never receive him at pemberley, yet, for Elizabeth's sake, he assisted him farther in his profession. Lydia was occasionally a visitor there, when her husband was gone to enjoy himself in London or Bath; and with the Bingleys they both of them frequently staid so long, that even Bingley's good humour was overcome, and he proceeded so far as to talk of giving them a hint to be gone.Miss Bingley was very deeply mortified by Darcy's marriage; but as she thought it advisable to retain the right of visiting at pemberley, she dropt all her resentment; was fonder than ever of Georgiana, almost as attentive to Darcy as heretofore, and paid off every arrear of civility to Elizabeth.pemberley was now Georgiana's home; and the attachment of the sisters was exactly what Darcy had hoped to see. They were able to love each other even as well as they intended. Georgiana had the highest opinion in the world of Elizabeth; though at first she often listened with an astonishment bordering on alarm at her lively, sportive, manner of talking to her brother. He, who had always inspired in herself a respect which almost overcame her affection, she now saw the object of open pleasantry. Her mind received knowledge which had never before fallen in her way. By Elizabeth's instructions, she began to comprehend that a woman may take liberties with her husband which a brother will not always allow in a sister more than ten years younger than himself.Lady Catherine was extremely indignant on the marriage of her nephew; and as she gave way to all the genuine frankness of her character in her reply to the letter which announced its arrangement, she sent him language so very abusive, especially of Elizabeth, that for some time all intercourse was at an end. But at length, by Elizabeth's persuasion, he was prevailed on to overlook the offence, and seek a reconciliation; and, after a little farther resistance on the part of his aunt, her resentment gave way, either to her affection for him, or her curiosity to see how his wife conducted herself; and she condescended to wait on them at pemberley, in spite of that pollution which its woods had received, not merely from the presence of such a mistress, but the visits of her uncle and aunt from the city.With the Gardiners, they were always on the most intimate terms. Darcy, as well as Elizabeth, really loved them; and they were both ever sensible of the warmest gratitude towards the persons who, by bringing her into Derbyshire, had been the means of uniting them.
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:柏拉图(公元前427年-347年)是古希腊的大哲学家,苏格拉底(公元前469年-399年)①的学生,亚里士多德(公元前384年-322年)的老师。他一生大部分时间居住在古希腊民族文化中心的雅典。他热爱祖国,热爱哲学。他的最高理想,哲学家应为政治家,政治家应为哲学家。哲学家不是躲在象牙塔里的书呆,应该学以致用,求诸实践。有哲学头脑的人,要有政权,有政权的人,要有哲学头脑。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:【作者简介】简·奥斯汀(1775~1817)英国女小说家。生于乡村小镇斯蒂文顿,父亲是当地教区牧师。奥斯丁没有上过正规学校,在父母指导下阅读了大量文学作品。她20岁左右开始写作,共发表了6部长篇小说。1811年出版的《理智和情感》是她的处女作,随后又接连发表了《傲慢与偏见》(1813)、《曼斯菲尔德花园》(1814)和《爱玛》(1815)。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:猛兽们从深邃的山谷走来看着熟睡中的少女——威廉?布莱克紧挨着雪线有一个杜鹃花遮蔽的山谷,山谷里哗啦啦地流淌着一条乳白色的雪水融化而成的小溪,鸽子和红雀在巨大的松树间飞翔,在岩石和其下簇拥着的又直又硬的树叶间半遮半掩着一个洞。 [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:——读米兰·昆德拉《生活在别处》吕新雨生存于人类的文化传统之中,我们对于"诗"、"抒情"、"美"这样的字眼,总是保持着崇高的故意。人类不仅具有抒情的能力,而且具有这种需要,基于生存的需要。这样抒情诗就不仅仅是一个美学问题,而且是一个具有存在论性质的问题,抒情态度成为人类的一种生存范畴。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:纪德是个不可替代的榜样在二十世纪法国作家中,若论哪一位最活跃,最独特,最重要,最喜欢颠覆,最爱惹是生非,最复杂,最多变,从而也最难捉摸,那么几乎可以肯定,非安德烈·纪德莫属。纪德的一生及其作品所构成的世界,就是一座现代的迷宫。这座迷宫迷惑了多少评论家,甚至迷惑诺贝尔文学奖评委们长达三十余年。这里顺便翻一翻诺贝尔文学奖这本老账,只为从一个侧面说明纪德为人和为文的复杂性,在他的迷宫里迷途不足为奇。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:对于性,少男们由于难以抑制自己而感到不安;与此同时,他们又抱有尝试性爱的愿望。因此,他们的实情是:置身于这两种互相矛盾的情感的夹缝中苦苦思索,闷闷不乐。无论男性还是女性,成长为响当当的人是极其不易的。在此,我们所说的“响当当的人”指的是无论在肉体还是在精神方面都健康且成熟的男人和女人。在成人之前,人,无一例外要逾越形形色色的障碍、壁垒。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:大战末期,我在埃及认识了苏菲亚-里奥奈兹。她在当地领事馆某部门担任一个相当高的管理职位。第一次见到她是在一个正式场会里,不久我便了解到她那令她登上那个职位的办事效率,尽管她还很年轻(当时她才二十二岁)。除了外貌让人看来极为顺眼之外,她还拥有清晰的头脑和令我觉得非常愉快的一本正经的幽默感。她是一个令人觉得特别容易交谈的对象,我们在一起吃过几次饭,偶尔跳跳舞,过得非常愉快。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:肖韦宏瑞典皇家学院将1970年度的诺贝尔文学奖授予苏联作家索尔仁尼琴,从而使前苏联与西方之间继“帕斯捷尔纳克事件”之后又一次出现了冷战的局面。从那时以来,索尔仁尼琴也由一个“持不同政见者”变为“流亡作家”,其创作活动变得更为复杂,更为引人注目。索尔仁尼琴于1918年12月11日生于北高加索的基斯洛沃茨克市。父亲曾在沙俄军队中供职,战死在德国;母亲系中学教员。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:诡怪的开场白此刻,在我面前,这所监狱里的心地善良的囚犯教诲师,正笑容可掬地等待着我开始讲述我的冗长的故事;在我旁边,教诲师委托的熟练的速记员已削好铅笔,正期待我开口。我要从现在起,按照善良的教诲师的劝告,一天讲一点,连日讲述我的不可思议的经历。教诲师说他想让人把我的口述速记下来,以后编成一部书出版。我也希望能那样。因为我的经历怪诞离奇,简直是世人做梦都想不到的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:黑鸦鸦的丛林,肃立在冰河的两岸。不久前的一阵大风,已经将树体上的冰雪一掠而去。现在,它们依偎在沉沉暮霭之中,抑郁寡欢。无垠的原野死一般沉寂,除了寒冷和荒凉,没有任何生命和运动的含义。但这一切绝不仅仅意味着悲哀,而是蕴含着比悲哀更可怕的、远超过冰雪之冷冽的残酷。那是永恒用他的专横和难以言传的智慧,嘲笑着生命和生命的奋斗。那是“荒原”,是充满了野蛮,寒冷彻骨的“北国的荒原”。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1月4日星期一上午7时5分马萨诸塞州波士顿的冬夜一片漆黑。海伦·卡伯特在拂晓时醒了过来。她躺在路易斯伯格广场她父母的家中,一缕缕暗淡的晨曦刺破了笼罩这间三楼卧室的黑暗。她睡在一张有顶篷装饰的床上,懒得睁开眼睛,依然沉浸在鸭绒被赐予的舒适温暖之中。她称心如意,全然不知她的脑组织已出了大毛病。这次假期海伦并不很愉快。她是普林斯顿大学3年级学生,为了不影响功课,她预约了在圣诞和新年假期中做刮子宫手术。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:(一)我身后的磨咖啡器像只愤怒的毒蛇一样,发出嘶嘶怪响,带着一种邪恶、不祥的意味。我想,或许我们这个时代大多数的声音都带有这种味道:喷射机从我们头上呼啸而过时,带着使人畏惧的震耳欲聋声音;地下铁迫近隧道时,也有缓慢吓人的隆隆巨响;而地面上那些笨重的往来车辆,更是连人住的屋子都给动摇了……此外,目前家庭中所用的许多器具,虽然也许使用起来颇为方便, [点击阅读]