傲慢与偏见英文版 - Chapter 54
  AS soon as they were gone, Elizabeth walked out to recover her spirits; or in other words, to dwell without interruption on those subjects that must deaden them more. Mr. Darcy's behaviour astonished and vexed her."Why, if he came only to be silent, grave, and indifferent," said she, "did he come at all?"She could settle it in no way that gave her pleasure."He could be still amiable, still pleasing, to my uncle and aunt, when he was in town; and why not to me? If he fears me, why come hither? If he no longer cares for me, why silent? Teazing, teazing, man! I will think no more about him."Her resolution was for a short time involuntarily kept by the approach of her sister, who joined her with a cheerful look, which shewed her better satisfied with their visitors, than Elizabeth."Now," said she, "that this first meeting is over, I feel perfectly easy. I know my own strength, and I shall never be embarrassed again by his coming. I am glad he dines here on Tuesday. It will then be publicly seen that, on both sides, we meet only as common and indifferent acquaintance.""Yes, very indifferent indeed," said Elizabeth, laughingly. "Oh, Jane, take care.""My dear Lizzy, you cannot think me so weak, as to be in danger now?""I think you are in very great danger of making him as much in love with you as ever."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------They did not see the gentlemen again till Tuesday; and Mrs. Bennet, in the meanwhile, was giving way to all the happy schemes, which the good humour and common politeness of Bingley, in half an hour's visit, had revived.On Tuesday there was a large party assembled at Longbourn; and the two who were most anxiously expected, to the credit of their punctuality as sportsmen, were in very good time. When they repaired to the dining-room, Elizabeth eagerly watched to see whether Bingley would take the place, which, in all their former parties, had belonged to him, by her sister. Her prudent mother, occupied by the same ideas, forbore to invite him to sit by herself. On entering the room, he seemed to hesitate; but Jane happened to look round, and happened to smile: it was decided. He placed himself by her.Elizabeth, with a triumphant sensation, looked towards his friend. He bore it with noble indifference, and she would have imagined that Bingley had received his sanction to be happy, had she not seen his eyes likewise turned towards Mr. Darcy, with an expression of half-laughing alarm.His behaviour to her sister was such, during dinner time, as shewed an admiration of her, which, though more guarded than formerly, persuaded Elizabeth, that if left wholly to himself, Jane's happiness, and his own, would be speedily secured. Though she dared not depend upon the consequence, she yet received pleasure from observing his behaviour. It gave her all the animation that her spirits could boast; for she was in no cheerful humour. Mr. Darcy was almost as far from her as the table could divide them. He was on one side of her mother. She knew how little such a situation would give pleasure to either, or make either appear to advantage. She was not near enough to hear any of their discourse, but she could see how seldom they spoke to each other, and how formal and cold was their manner whenever they did. Her mother's ungraciousness, made the sense of what they owed him more painful to Elizabeth's mind; and she would, at times, have given any thing to be privileged to tell him that his kindness was neither unknown nor unfelt by the whole of the family.She was in hopes that the evening would afford some opportunity of bringing them together; that the whole of the visit would not pass away without enabling them to enter into something more of conversation than the mere ceremonious salutation attending his entrance. Anxious and uneasy, the period which passed in the drawing-room, before the gentlemen came, was wearisome and dull to a degree that almost made her uncivil. She looked forward to their entrance as the point on which all her chance of pleasure for the evening must depend."If he does not come to me, then," said she, "I shall give him up for ever."The gentlemen came; and she thought he looked as if he would have answered her hopes; but, alas! the ladies had crowded round the table, where Miss Bennet was making tea, and Elizabeth pouring out the coffee, in so close a confederacy that there was not a single vacancy near her which would admit of a chair. And on the gentlemen's approaching, one of the girls moved closer to her than ever, and said, in a whisper,"The men shan't come and part us, I am determined. We want none of them; do we?"Darcy had walked away to another part of the room. She followed him with her eyes, envied every one to whom he spoke, had scarcely patience enough to help anybody to coffee; and then was enraged against herself for being so silly!"A man who has once been refused! How could I ever be foolish enough to expect a renewal of his love? Is there one among the sex, who would not protest against such a weakness as a second proposal to the same woman? There is no indignity so abhorrent to their feelings!"She was a little revived, however, by his bringing back his coffee cup himself; and she seized the opportunity of saying,"Is your sister at pemberley still?""Yes, she will remain there till Christmas.""And quite alone? Have all her friends left her?""Mrs. Annesley is with her. The others have been gone on to Scarborough, these three weeks."She could think of nothing more to say; but if he wished to converse with her, he might have better success. He stood by her, however, for some minutes, in silence; and, at last, on the young lady's whispering to Elizabeth again, he walked away.When the tea-things were removed, and the card tables placed, the ladies all rose, and Elizabeth was then hoping to be soon joined by him, when all her views were overthrown by seeing him fall a victim to her mother's rapacity for whist players, and in a few moments after seated with the rest of the party. She now lost every expectation of pleasure. They were confined for the evening at different tables, and she had nothing to hope, but that his eyes were so often turned towards her side of the room, as to make him play as unsuccessfully as herself.Mrs. Bennet had designed to keep the two Netherfield gentlemen to supper; but their carriage was unluckily ordered before any of the others, and she had no opportunity of detaining them."Well girls," said she, as soon as they were left to themselves, "What say you to the day? I think every thing has passed off uncommonly well, I assure you. The dinner was as well dressed as any I ever saw. The venison was roasted to a turn -- and everybody said they never saw so fat a haunch. The soup was fifty times better than what we had at the Lucases' last week; and even Mr. Darcy acknowledged, that the partridges were remarkably well done; and I suppose he has two or three French cooks at least. And, my dear Jane, I never saw you look in greater beauty. Mrs. Long said so too, for I asked her whether you did not. And what do you think she said besides? "Ah! Mrs. Bennet, we shall have her at Netherfield at last." She did indeed. I do think Mrs. Long is as good a creature as ever lived -- and her nieces are very pretty behaved girls, and not at all handsome: I like them prodigiously."Mrs. Bennet, in short, was in very great spirits; she had seen enough of Bingley's behaviour to Jane, to be convinced that she would get him at last; and her expectations of advantage to her family, when in a happy humour, were so far beyond reason, that she was quite disappointed at not seeing him there again the next day, to make his proposals."It has been a very agreeable day," said Miss Bennet to Elizabeth. "The party seemed so well selected, so suitable one with the other. I hope we may often meet again."Elizabeth smiled."Lizzy, you must not do so. You must not suspect me. It mortifies me. I assure you that I have now learnt to enjoy his conversation as an agreeable and sensible young man, without having a wish beyond it. I am perfectly satisfied, from what his manners now are, that he never had any design of engaging my affection. It is only that he is blessed with greater sweetness of address, and a stronger desire of generally pleasing, than any other man.""You are very cruel," said her sister, "you will not let me smile, and are provoking me to it every moment.""How hard it is in some cases to be believed!""And how impossible in others!""But why should you wish to persuade me that I feel more than I acknowledge?""That is a question which I hardly know how to answer. We all love to instruct, though we can teach only what is not worth knowing. Forgive me; and if you persist in indifference, do not make me your confidante."
章节:17 人气:2
摘要:本文是作者根据自己1868年在纽约采访州长竞选的素材写成的一篇政治讽刺小说。作者以夸张的漫画式的笔触,艺术地再现了美国社会中竞选的种种秽事丑闻,揭露了竞选的虚伪性和欺骗性。这篇小说以独立党候选人“我”的自白与大量的新闻、匿名信等引文的对照构成完整的故事,用犀利、夸张、含蓄的语言表达了作者对腐败政治的愤怒谴责。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:2
摘要:我知道有这么一则已为人所共知的铁事,它的大意是:一位年轻作家决心要把他的故事的开头写得独具一格、有声有色,想借此引起那些读腻了声色犬马之类文章的编辑们的注意,便写下了如下的句子:“‘该死!’公爵夫人说道。”真怪,我这故事的开头倒也是同一个形式.只不过说这句话的女士不是一位公爵夫人罢了。那是六月初的一天,我在巴黎刚办完了一些事务,正乘着早车回伦敦去。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:2
摘要:一《魔山》是德国大文豪托马斯·曼震撼世界文坛的力作,是德国现代小说的里程碑。美国著名作家辛克莱·刘易斯对《魔山》的评价很高,他于一九三○年看了这部书后曾说:“我觉得《魔山》是整个欧洲生活的精髓。”确实,它不愧为反映第一次世界大战前夕欧洲社会生活的百科全书。一九二九年托马斯·曼获诺贝尔文学奖,《魔山》起了决定性作用,这是评论界公认的事实。二关于托马斯·曼,我国读者并不陌生。 [点击阅读]
章节:36 人气:0
摘要:在我的这本记叙性的书中,我摒弃了常规,仅仅以第一人称叙述了我亲自处理过的一些案件和勘查过的现场,而其它章节是以第三人称的方式写的。我希冀读者相信书中的情节是真实的。虽然在描述各种不同人物的思想及感情上过于细腻,可是我保证,这都是我当时精细的笔录。此外,我的朋友赫尔克里.波洛还亲自对它们进行过校对。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:“埃莉诺·凯瑟琳·卡莱尔,您被指控于本年七月二十七日杀害了玛丽·杰勒德。您是否承认自己是有罪的?”埃莉诺·卡莱尔笔直地站立着。她那傲然高昂的头、生气勃勃的蓝色眼睛使人惊讶。她的头发像煤炭一样乌黑。修剪应时的眉毛形成两条细线。法庭笼罩在一片沉闷而紧张的寂静中。 [点击阅读]
章节:40 人气:0
摘要:正文第1节:春天(1)春天一个雨天,我来到了这个家。有间屋子的门楣上摆着一排漂亮的镜框,里面全是猫的照片。再往屋里一看,从左面墙开始,隔过中间窗户,一直转到右面墙的一半,又挂了快一圈儿猫的照片,我懒得去数多少张了。照片有黑白的,也有彩色的;有的猫不理睬我,有的猫死盯着我。整个房间就像个佛龛,令人窒息。我呆呆地站在门口。"这围脖真好看哪。 [点击阅读]
章节:37 人气:0
摘要:1.一串白藤花序幕花街上,点着常夜灯。如今,连一点痕迹都没有了,可是大正(注:日本年号,1911-1926)末年,在那个伸入濑户内海的小小港埠里,有一所即今是当时也使人觉得凄寂的风化区,名字就叫“常夜坡”。活了这么一把年纪,到如今还常常会想起那整晚点着的白花花、冷清清的灯光;奇异的是每次想起,它总是那么凄冷,了无生气。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:阿里阿德理-奥列弗夫人在朋友朱迪思-巴特勒家作客。一天德雷克夫人家准备给村里的孩子们开个晚会,奥列弗夫人便跟朋友一道前去帮忙。德雷克夫人家热闹非凡.女人们一个个精神抖擞,进进出出地搬着椅子、小桌子、花瓶什么的.还搬来许多老南瓜,有条不紊地放在选定的位置上。今天要举行的是万圣节前夜晚会,邀请了一群十至十七岁的孩子作客。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:死者引导我们我在黎明前的黑暗中醒来,寻求着一种热切的“期待”的感觉,摸索着噩梦残破的意识。一如咽下一口要以烧着你五脏六腑的威士忌,这种“期待”的感觉热辣辣的。我心中忐忑,摸索着,企望它能切实重返体内。然而这种摸索却永远都是徒劳枉然。手指已没了气力,我只好将它们并拢起来。分明觉出自己全身的骨肉都已分离。迎着光亮,我的意识畏葸不前,这种感觉也正转化成一种钝痛。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:0
摘要:一艾瑞丝-玛尔正在想着她的姐姐罗斯玛丽。在过去将近一年里,她极尽可能地试着把罗斯玛丽自脑海中抹去。她不想去记起。那太痛苦——太恐怖了!那氰化钾中毒发蓝的脸孔,那痉挛紧缩的手指……那与前一天欢乐可爱的罗斯玛丽形成的强烈对比……呵,也许并不真的是欢乐。 [点击阅读]
章节:77 人气:0
摘要:内容简介小说主要描述了法国红衣大主教黎塞留,从1624年出任首相到1628年攻打并占领胡格诺言教派的主要根据地拉罗谢尔城期间所发生的事。黎塞留为了要帮助国王路易十三,千方百计要抓住王后与英国首相白金汉公爵暧昧关系的把柄。而作品主人公达达尼昂出于正义,与他的好友三个火枪手为解救王后冲破大主教所设下的重重罗网,最终保全了王后的名誉。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:萨特思韦特先生坐在鸦巢屋的露台上,看着屋主查尔斯-卡特赖特爵士从海边爬上小路。鸦巢屋是一座漂亮的现代平房,木质结构不到一半,没有三角墙,没有三流建筑师爱不释手的多佘累赘的设计。这是一幢简洁而坚固的白色建筑物。它看起来比实际的体积小得多.真是不可貌相。这房子的名声要归功于它的位置-居高临下,俯瞰整个鲁茅斯海港。 [点击阅读]