傲慢与偏见英文版 - Chapter 38
  ON Saturday morning Elizabeth and Mr. Collins met for breakfast a few minutes before the others appeared; and he took the opportunity of paying the parting civilities which he deemed indispensably necessary."I know not, Miss Elizabeth," said he, "whether Mrs. Collins has yet expressed her sense of your kindness in coming to us, but I am very certain you will not leave the house without receiving her thanks for it. The favour of your company has been much felt, I assure you. We know how little there is to tempt any one to our humble abode. Our plain manner of living, our small rooms, and few domestics, and the little we see of the world, must make Hunsford extremely dull to a young lady like yourself; but I hope you will believe us grateful for the condescension, and that we have done every thing in our power to prevent your spending your time unpleasantly."Elizabeth was eager with her thanks and assurances of happiness. She had spent six weeks with great enjoyment; and the pleasure of being with Charlotte, and the kind attentions she had received, must make her feel the obliged. Mr. Collins was gratified; and with a more smiling solemnity replied,"It gives me the greatest pleasure to hear that you have passed your time not disagreeably. We have certainly done our best; and most fortunately having it in our power to introduce you to very superior society, and, from our connection with Rosings, the frequent means of varying the humble home scene, I think we may flatter ourselves that your Hunsford visit cannot have been entirely irksome. Our situation with regard to Lady Catherine's family is indeed the sort of extraordinary advantage and blessing which few can boast. You see on what a footing we are. You see how continually we are engaged there. In truth I must acknowledge that, with all the disadvantages of this humble parsonage, I should not think any one abiding in it an object of compassion while they are sharers of our intimacy at Rosings."Words were insufficient for the elevation of his feelings; and he was obliged to walk about the room, while Elizabeth tried to unite civility and truth in a few short sentences."You may, in fact, carry a very favourable report of us into Hertfordshire, my dear cousin. I flatter myself, at least, that you will be able to do so. Lady Catherine's great attentions to Mrs. Collins you have been a daily witness of; and altogether I trust it does not appear that your friend has drawn an unfortunate --; but on this point it will be as well to be silent. Only let me assure you, my dear Miss Elizabeth, that I can from my heart most cordially wish you equal felicity in marriage. My dear Charlotte and I have but one mind and one way of thinking. There is in every thing a most remarkable resemblance of character and ideas between us. We seem to have been designed for each other."Elizabeth could safely say that it was a great happiness where that was the case, and with equal sincerity could add that she firmly believed and rejoiced in his domestic comforts. She was not sorry, however, to have the recital of them interrupted by the entrance of the lady from whom they sprung. poor Charlotte! -- it was melancholy to leave her to such society! -- But she had chosen it with her eyes open; and though evidently regretting that her visitors were to go, she did not seem to ask for compassion. Her home and her housekeeping, her parish and her poultry, and all their dependent concerns, had not yet lost their charms.At length the chaise arrived, the trunks were fastened on, the parcels placed within, and it was pronounced to be ready. After an affectionate parting between the friends, Elizabeth was attended to the carriage by Mr. Collins, and as they walked down the garden, he was commissioning her with his best respects to all her family, not forgetting his thanks for the kindness he had received at Longbourn in the winter, and his compliments to Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, though unknown. He then handed her in, Maria followed, and the door was on the point of being closed, when he suddenly reminded them, with some consternation, that they had hitherto forgotten to leave any message for the ladies at Rosings."But," he added, "you will of course wish to have your humble respects delivered to them, with your grateful thanks for their kindness to you while you have been here."Elizabeth made no objection; -- the door was then allowed to be shut, and the carriage drove off."Good gracious!" cried Maria, after a few minutes silence, "it seems but a day or two since we first came! -- and yet how many things have happened!""A great many indeed," said her companion with a sigh."We have dined nine times at Rosings, besides drinking tea there twice! -- How much I shall have to tell!"Elizabeth privately added, "And how much I shall have to conceal."Their journey was performed without much conversation, or any alarm; and within four hours of their leaving Hunsford, they reached Mr. Gardiner's house, where they were to remain a few days.Jane looked well, and Elizabeth had little opportunity of studying her spirits, amidst the various engagements which the kindness of her aunt had reserved for them. But Jane was to go home with her, and at Longbourn there would be leisure enough for observation.It was not without an effort, meanwhile, that she could wait even for Longbourn, before she told her sister of Mr. Darcy's proposals. To know that she had the power of revealing what would so exceedingly astonish Jane, and must, at the same time, so highly gratify whatever of her own vanity she had not yet been able to reason away, was such a temptation to openness as nothing could have conquered but the state of indecision in which she remained as to the extent of what she should communicate; and her fear, if she once entered on the subject, of being hurried into repeating something of Bingley which might only grieve her sister farther.
章节:139 人气:0
摘要:“喂,你去见男朋友,我干嘛要跟着啊?”“嘻嘻,我和宗浩说好了,要带你去见他的啊^o^”晕~-_-^,这么闷热的天,本来就够闹心的了,还要去给朋友当电灯泡,可怜芳龄十八的我啊,这些年都干嘛了?我好想有个男人啊,做梦都想…“朴宗浩有什么呀?他是公高的吧?公高那帮小子太危险了,你离他们远点儿。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:0
摘要:母亲送给古义人一块地皮。在古义人的记忆里,幼少年时期,那里曾耸立着参天的辽杨。最初提起这个话头,是母亲年愈九旬、头脑还清晰的那阵子。在那之前,古义人几年回去一次,母亲九十岁以后,便大致每年都要回到四国那个森林中的山谷。准确的时期已经记不清了,就季节而言,应该是五月中旬的事。“年岁大了,身上也就有老人的气味了。”母亲从大开着的门窗向对岸望去。 [点击阅读]
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:具结释放的汤姆·约德和因对圣灵产生怀疑而不再做牧师的凯绥结伴,回到了被垄断资本与严重干旱吞食了的家乡。他们和约德一家挤进一辆破卡车,各自抱着美好的幻想向“黄金西部”进发。一路上,他们受尽折磨与欺凌,有的死去,有的中途离散。 [点击阅读]
章节:17 人气:0
摘要:(一)回顾我的文学生涯,从早期的写作起,我就把小说的舞台放在了位于日本列岛之一的四国岛中央、紧邻四国山脉分水岭北侧深邃的森林山谷里的那个小村落。我从生养我的村庄开始写起,最初,只能说是年轻作家头脑中的预感机能在起作用,我完全没有预料到这将会成为自己小说中一个大系列的一部分。这就是那篇题为《饲育》的短篇小说。 [点击阅读]
章节:59 人气:0
摘要:朱厄尔和我从地里走出来,在小路上走成单行。虽然我在他前面十五英尺,但是不管谁从棉花房里看我们,都可以看到朱厄尔那顶破旧的草帽比我那顶足足高出一个脑袋。小路笔直,像根铅垂线,被人的脚踩得光溜溜的,让七月的太阳一烤,硬得像砖。小路夹在一行行碧绿的中耕过的棉花当中,一直通到棉花地当中的棉花房,在那儿拐弯,以四个柔和的直角绕棉花房一周,又继续穿过棉花地,那也是脚踩出来的,很直,但是一点点看不清了。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:0
摘要:夏目漱石,日本近代作家,生于江户的牛迂马场下横町(今东京都新宿区喜久井町)一个小吏家庭,是家中末子。夏目漱石在日本近代文学史上享有很高的地位,被称为“国民大作家”。代表作有《过了春分时节》《行人》《心》三部曲。 [点击阅读]
章节:58 人气:0
摘要:如今我已是一个死人,成了一具躺在井底的死尸。尽管我已经死了很久,心脏也早已停止了跳动,但除了那个卑鄙的凶手之外没人知道我发生了什么事。而他,那个混蛋,则听了听我是否还有呼吸,摸了摸我的脉搏以确信他是否已把我干掉,之后又朝我的肚子踹了一脚,把我扛到井边,搬起我的身子扔了下去。往下落时,我先前被他用石头砸烂了的脑袋摔裂开来;我的脸、我的额头和脸颊全都挤烂没了;我全身的骨头都散架了,满嘴都是鲜血。 [点击阅读]
章节:81 人气:0
摘要:序幕那是萨瓦纳的一个凉爽春夜,我的母亲走在石子路上,木屐像马蹄似的敲得鹅卵石哒哒响。她穿过一片盛开的杜鹃,再穿过铁兰掩映下的小橡树丛,来到一片绿色空地,边上有一个咖啡馆。我父亲在铁桌旁的一张凳子上坐着,桌上摊了两个棋盘,父亲出了一个车,仰头瞥见了我母亲,手不小心碰到了一个兵,棋子倒在桌面,滑下来,滚到一旁的走道上去了。母亲弯下身子,捡起棋子交还给他。 [点击阅读]
章节:361 人气:0
摘要:“啊,公爵,热那亚和卢加现在是波拿巴家族的领地,不过,我得事先对您说,如果您不对我说我们这里处于战争状态,如果您还敢袒护这个基督的敌人(我确乎相信,他是一个基督的敌人)的种种卑劣行径和他一手造成的灾祸,那么我就不再管您了。您就不再是我的朋友,您就不再是,如您所说的,我的忠实的奴隶。啊,您好,您好。我看我正在吓唬您了,请坐,讲给我听。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:没有想到拉动门栓时竟然发出惊人的响声,令男子吓了一大跳,好在风声掩去了这一声响,没有惊动房间里的人。从太阳落山的时候起就起风了。风儿摇动着树林里粗壮的树枝。整座山峦开始呼啸,呼啸声掠过屋子的屋顶。已经到了11月的月底,天空却刮起了在这季节里不可能出现的南风。据村子里的老人说,现在这个时候刮这样的风,不是一个好兆头。但愿这不是出事的征兆。对男子来说,就是靠着这风声,才使他在拉动门栓时没有被人发现。 [点击阅读]
章节:35 人气:0
摘要:“脉冲”事件发生于十月一日下午东部标准时间三点零三分。这个名称显然不当,但在事情发生后的十小时内,大多数能够指出这个错误的科学家们要么死亡要么疯癫。无论如何,名称其实并不重要,重要的是影响。那天下午三点,一位籍籍无名的年轻人正意气风发地在波士顿的波伊斯顿大街上往东走。他名叫克雷顿·里德尔,脸上一副心满意足的样子,步伐也特别矫健。他左手提着一个艺术家的画夹,关上再拉上拉链就成了一个旅行箱。 [点击阅读]
章节:17 人气:0
摘要:贝瑞福夫妇对坐在早餐桌前,他们和普通的夫妇没什么不同,这时候,全英格兰至少有好几百对像他们这样上了年纪的夫妻正在吃早餐,这一天,也是个很普通的日子——一星期七天之中,至少有五个这样的日子。天空阴沉沉的,看起来像是会下雨,不过谁也没把握。 [点击阅读]