傲慢与偏见英文版 - Chapter 13
  "I HOpE my dear," said Mr. Bennet to his wife as they were at breakfast the next morning, "that you have ordered a good dinner to-day, because I have reason to expect an addition to our family party.""Who do you mean, my dear? I know of nobody that is coming, I am sure, unless Charlotte Lucas should happen to call in, and I hope my dinners are good enough for her. I do not believe she often sees such at home.""The person of whom I speak, is a gentleman and a stranger."Mrs. Bennet's eyes sparkled. -- "A gentleman and a stranger! It is Mr. Bingley, I am sure. Why Jane -- you never dropt a word of this; you sly thing! Well, I am sure I shall be extremely glad to see Mr. Bingley. -- But -- good lord! how unlucky! there is not a bit of fish to be got to-day. Lydia, my love, ring the bell. I must speak to Hill, this moment.""It is not Mr. Bingley," said her husband; "it is a person whom I never saw in the whole course of my life."This roused a general astonishment; and he had the pleasure of being eagerly questioned by his wife and five daughters at once.After amusing himself some time with their curiosity, he thus explained. "About a month ago I received this letter, and about a fortnight ago I answered it, for I thought it a case of some delicacy, and requiring early attention. It is from my cousin, Mr. Collins, who, when I am dead, may turn you all out of this house as soon as he pleases.""Oh! my dear," cried his wife, "I cannot bear to hear that mentioned. pray do not talk of that odious man. I do think it is the hardest thing in the world that your estate should be entailed away from your own children; and I am sure if I had been you, I should have tried long ago to do something or other about it."Jane and Elizabeth attempted to explain to her the nature of an entail. They had often attempted it before, but it was a subject on which Mrs. Bennet was beyond the reach of reason; and she continued to rail bitterly against the cruelty of settling an estate away from a family of five daughters, in favour of a man whom nobody cared anything about."It certainly is a most iniquitous affair," said Mr. Bennet, "and nothing can clear Mr. Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourn. But if you will listen to his letter, you may perhaps be a little softened by his manner of expressing himself.""No, that I am sure I shall not; and I think it was very impertinent of him to write to you at all, and very hypocritical. I hate such false friends. Why could not he keep on quarrelling with you, as his father did before him?""Why, indeed, he does seem to have had some filial scruples on that head, as you will hear.""Hunsford, near Westerham, Kent,15th October.DEAR SIR,THE disagreement subsisting between yourself and my late honoured father always gave me much uneasiness, and since I have had the misfortune to lose him I have frequently wished to heal the breach; but for some time I was kept back by my own doubts, fearing lest it might seem disrespectful to his memory for me to be on good terms with any one with whom it had always pleased him to be at variance." -- "There, Mrs. Bennet." -- "My mind however is now made up on the subject, for having received ordination at Easter, I have been so fortunate as to be distinguished by the patronage of the Right Honourable Lady Catherine de Bourgh, widow of Sir Lewis de Bourgh, whose bounty and beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of this parish, where it shall be my earnest endeavour to demean myself with grateful respect towards her Ladyship, and be ever ready to perform those rites and ceremonies which are instituted by the Church of England. As a clergyman, moreover, I feel it my duty to promote and establish the blessing of peace in all families within the reach of my influence; and on these grounds I flatter myself that my present overtures of good-will are highly commendable, and that the circumstance of my being next in the entail of Longbourn estate will be kindly overlooked on your side, and not lead you to reject the offered olive branch. I cannot be otherwise than concerned at being the means of injuring your amiable daughters, and beg leave to apologise for it, as well as to assure you of my readiness to make them every possible amends, -- but of this hereafter. If you should have no objection to receive me into your house, I propose myself the satisfaction of waiting on you and your family, Monday, November 18th, by four o'clock, and shall probably trespass on your hospitality till the Saturday se'nnight following, which I can do without any inconvenience, as Lady Catherine is far from objecting to my occasional absence on a Sunday, provided that some other clergyman is engaged to do the duty of the day. I remain, dear sir, with respectful compliments to your lady and daughters, your well-wisher and friend,WILLIAM COLLINS.""At four o'clock, therefore, we may expect this peacemaking gentleman," said Mr. Bennet, as he folded up the letter. "He seems to be a most conscientious and polite young man, upon my word; and I doubt not will prove a valuable acquaintance, especially if Lady Catherine should be so indulgent as to let him come to us again.""There is some sense in what he says about the girls however; and if he is disposed to make them any amends, I shall not be the person to discourage him.""Though it is difficult," said Jane, "to guess in what way he can mean to make us the atonement he thinks our due, the wish is certainly to his credit."Elizabeth was chiefly struck with his extraordinary deference for Lady Catherine, and his kind intention of christening, marrying, and burying his parishioners whenever it were required."He must be an oddity, I think," said she. "I cannot make him out. -- There is something very pompous in his stile. -- And what can he mean by apologizing for being next in the entail? -- We cannot suppose he would help it, if he could. -- Can he be a sensible man, sir?""No, my dear; I think not. I have great hopes of finding him quite the reverse. There is a mixture of servility and self-importance in his letter, which promises well. I am impatient to see him.""In point of composition," said Mary, "his letter does not seem defective. The idea of the olive branch perhaps is not wholly new, yet I think it is well expressed."To Catherine and Lydia, neither the letter nor its writer were in any degree interesting. It was next to impossible that their cousin should come in a scarlet coat, and it was now some weeks since they had received pleasure from the society of a man in any other colour. As for their mother, Mr. Collins's letter had done away much of her ill-will, and she was preparing to see him with a degree of composure which astonished her husband and daughters.Mr. Collins was punctual to his time, and was received with great politeness by the whole family. Mr. Bennet, indeed, said little; but the ladies were ready enough to talk, and Mr. Collins seemed neither in need of encouragement, nor inclined to be silent himself. He was a tall, heavy looking young man of five and twenty. His air was grave and stately, and his manners were very formal. He had not been long seated before he complimented Mrs. Bennet on having so fine a family of daughters, said he had heard much of their beauty, but that, in this instance, fame had fallen short of the truth; and added, that he did not doubt her seeing them all in due time well disposed of in marriage. This gallantry was not much to the taste of some of his hearers, but Mrs. Bennet who quarrelled with no compliments, answered most readily,"You are very kind, sir, I am sure; and I wish with all my heart it may prove so; for else they will be destitute enough. Things are settled so oddly.""You allude, perhaps, to the entail of this estate.""Ah! sir, I do indeed. It is a grievous affair to my poor girls, you must confess. Not that I mean to find fault with you, for such things, I know, are all chance in this world. There is no knowing how estates will go when once they come to be entailed.""I am very sensible, madam, of the hardship to my fair cousins, -- and could say much on the subject, but that I am cautious of appearing forward and precipitate. But I can assure the young ladies that I come prepared to admire them. At present I will not say more, but perhaps when we are better acquainted --"He was interrupted by a summons to dinner; and the girls smiled on each other. They were not the only objects of Mr. Collins's admiration. The hall, the dining-room, and all its furniture were examined and praised; and his commendation of every thing would have touched Mrs. Bennet's heart, but for the mortifying supposition of his viewing it all as his own future property. The dinner too, in its turn, was highly admired; and he begged to know to which of his fair cousins, the excellence of its cookery was owing. But here he was set right by Mrs. Bennet, who assured him with some asperity that they were very well able to keep a good cook, and that her daughters had nothing to do in the kitchen. He begged pardon for having displeased her. In a softened tone she declared herself not at all offended; but he continued to apologise for about a quarter of an hour.
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摘要:从收音机里缓缓流淌出的路唐纳森的演奏,作为此时在场两人心情的BGM明显有些不合适。光平盘腿坐在原地,伸手关掉了收音机。六榻榻米大小的房间立刻被沉默所支配。广美的表情比平时更严肃,她把日本茶倒进两个茶碗里,然后把较大的一个茶碗放到了光平面前。这个茶碗是附近一个寿司店开张的时,抽奖获得的奖品。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:有一种理论宣称,如果任何一个人真正发现了宇宙存在的原因、宇宙存在的目的,宇宙就会立刻消失,被某种更为怪异、更难以理解的玩意儿取代。还有另外一种理论宣称,上述事件已经发生了。迄今为止,故事的发展如下:起初,创造出了宇宙。这激怒了许多人,被普遍视为一种恶劣行径。许多种族相信宇宙是由某种神所创造的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:严格地说,这本书不是一个续集,因为这本书开始的时候也是《安德的游戏》开始的时候,结束也一样,两者从时间上非常接近,而且几乎发生在完全相同的地方。实际上,它应该说是同一个故事的另一种讲法,有很多相同的角色和设定,不过是采用另一个人的视角。很难说究竟该怎么给这本书做个论断。一本孪生小说?一本平行小说?如果我能够把那个科学术语移植到文学内,也许称为“视差”小说更贴切一点。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:01你不应读此。如果你读这本书,只是想知道和弥赛亚[1](我们的弥赛亚)做爱是什么感觉,那你就不该继续读下去,因为你只是个窥婬狂而已。如果你读这本书,只因你是诗人那部《诗篇》的忠实爱好者,对海伯利安朝圣者的余生之事十分着迷且好奇,那你将会大失所望。我不知道他们大多数人发生了什么事。他们生活并死去,那是在我出生前三个世纪的事情了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:耶稣对他的门徒说:“我们的朋友拉撒路睡了,我去叫醒他。”门徒互相看看,有些人不知道耶稣的话是带有比喻含义的,他们笑着说:“主啊,他若睡了,就必好了。”耶稣就明明白白地告诉他们说:“拉撒路死了……如今我们去他那儿吧。”——摘自《约翰福音》第01章路易斯·克利德3岁就失去了父亲,也从不知道祖父是谁,他从没料想到在自己步入中年时,却遇到了一个像父亲一样的人。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:寂静的春天前言副总统阿尔·戈尔作为一位被选出来的政府官员,给《寂静的春天》作序有一种自卑的感觉,因为它是一座丰碑,它为思想的力量比政治家的力量更强大提供了无可辩驳的证据。1962年,当《寂静的春天)第一次出版时,公众政策中还没有“环境”这一款项。在一些城市,尤其是洛杉矶,烟雾已经成为一些事件的起因,虽然表面上看起来还没有对公众的健康构成太大的威胁。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我不知道到底从哪儿开始这个故事,但是我还是选择了某个星期三在牧师寓所的午餐时分开始。席间的交谈大部分与将要叙述的故事无关,但还是包含得有一两件有启发的事件,这些事件会影响到故事的发展。我刚切完了一些煮熟的牛肉(顺带一句,牛肉非常硬),在回到我的座位上时,我说,任何人如果谋杀了普罗瑟罗上校,将会是对整个世界做了一件大好事。我讲的这番话,倒是与我的这身衣服不太相称。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:星期三下午的郊游从报纸上偶然得知她的死讯的一个朋友打电话把这个消息告诉了我。他在听筒旁缓缓读了一家晨报的这则报道。报道文字很一般,大约是刚出大学校门的记者写的见习性文字。某月某日某街角某司机压死了某人。该司机因业务过失致死之嫌正接受审查。听起来竟如杂志扉页登载的一首短诗。“葬礼在哪里举行?”我问。“这——不知道。”他说,“问题首先是:那孩子有家什么的吗?”她当然也有家。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:向北,再向北,直到永远——译者序“我希望从现在起一直向北走,直到生命的结束。”“一个人在路上也可能遇到比死亡更可怕的事情。”修理工说。“是的,我知道,”斯图亚特回答。——《小老鼠斯图亚特》不管朝什么方向走行路,只要是你自己想要的方向,就该一直走下去,直到生命的结束。斯图亚特是这样想的,怀特是这样想的。我也是。不过,行路可能是枯燥的,艰难的,甚至是危险的。但行路也是有趣的,有意义的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:为了适应我的哲学讲演的听众对一种教本的需要起见,我愿意让这个对于哲学全部轮廓的提纲,比我原来所预计的更早一些出版问世。本书因限于纲要的性质,不仅未能依照理念的内容予以详尽发挥,而且又特别紧缩了关于理念的系统推演的发挥。而系统的推演必定包皮含有我们在别的科学里所了解的证明,而且这种证明是一个够得上称为科学的哲学所必不可缺少的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《卢贡——马卡尔家族》应当是由20部小说组成。1896年此套系列小说的总体计划业已确定,我极其严格地遵守了这一计划。到了该写《小酒店》的时候,我亦如写作其他几部小说一样①完成了创作;按既定的方案,我丝毫也未停顿。这件事也赋予我力量,因为我正向确定的目标迈进。①《小酒店》是《卢贡——马卡尔家族》系列小说的第七部。前六部小说在此之前均已如期发表。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:——和希梅内斯的《小银和我》严文井许多年以前,在西班牙某一个小乡村里,有一头小毛驴,名叫小银。它像个小男孩,天真、好奇而又调皮。它喜欢美,甚至还会唱几支简短的咏叹调。它有自己的语言,足以充分表达它的喜悦、欢乐、沮丧或者失望。有一天,它悄悄咽了气。世界上从此缺少了它的声音,好像它从来就没有出生过一样。这件事说起来真有些叫人忧伤,因此西班牙诗人希梅内斯为它写了一百多首诗。每首都在哭泣,每首又都在微笑。 [点击阅读]