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安妮日记英文版 - SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1944
  SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1944Dearest Kitty,We've received a book from the library with the challenging title What Do You Think of the Modern Young Girl? I'd like to discuss this subject today.The writer criticizes "today's youth" from head to toe, though without dismissing them all as "hopeless cases." On the contrary, she believes they have it within their power to build a bigger, better and more beautiful world, but that they occupy themselves with superficial things, without giving a thought to true beauty. In some passages I had the strong feeling that the writer was directing her disapproval at me, which is why I finally want to bare my soul to you and defend myself against this attack.I have one outstanding character trait that must be obvious to anyone who's known me for any length of time: I have a great deal of self-knowledge. In everything I do, I can watch myself as if I were a stranger. I can stand c across from the everyday Anne and, without being biased or making excuses, watch what she's doing, both the good and the bad. This self-awareness never leaves me, and every time I open my mouth, I think, "You should have said that differently" or "That's fine the way it is." I condemn myself in so many ways that I'm beginning to realize the truth of Father's adage: "Every child has to raise itself." Parents can only advise their children or point them in the right direction. Ultimately, people shape their own characters. In addition, I face life with an extraordinary amount of courage. I feel so strong and capable of bearing burdens, so young and free! When I first realized this, I was glad, because it means I can more easily withstand the blows life has in store.But I've talked about these things so often. Now I'd like to turn to the chapter "Father and Mother Don't Understand Me." My parents have always spoiled me rotten, treated me kindly, defended me against the van Daans and done all that parents can. And yet for the longest time I've felt extremely lonely, left out, neglected and misunderstood. Father did everything he could to curb my rebellious spirit, but it was no use. I've cured myself by holding my behavior up to the light and looking at what I was doing wrong.Why didn't Father support me in my struggle? Why did he fall short when he tried to offer me a helping hand? The answer is: he used the wrong methods. He always talked to me as if I were a child going through a difficult phase. It sounds crazy, since Father's the only one who's given me a sense of confidence and made me feel as if I'm a sensible person. But he overlooked one thing: he failed to see that this struggle to triumph over my difficulties was more important to me than anything else. I didn't want to hear about "typical adolescent problems," or "other girls," or "you'll grow out of it." I didn't want to be treated the same as all-the-other-girls, but as Anne-in-her-own-right, and rim didn't understand that. Besides, I can't confide in anyone unless they tell me a lot about themselves, and because I know very little about him, I can't get on a more intimate footing. rim always acts like the elderly father who once had the same fleeting im- pulses, but who can no longer relate to me as a friend, no matter how hard he tries. As a result, I've never shared my outlook on life or my long-pondered theories with anyone but my diary and, once in a while, Margot. I've hid any- thing having to do with me from Father, never shared my ideals with him, deliberately alienated myself from him.I couldn't have done it any other way. I've let myself be guided entirely by my feelings. It was egotistical, but I've done what was best for my own peace of mind. I would lose that, plus the self-confidence I've worked so hard to achieve, if I were to be subjected to criticism halfway through the job. It may sound hard-hearted, but I can't take criticism from rim either, because not only do I never share my innermost thoughts with him, but I've pushed him even further away by being irritable.This is a point I think about quite often: why is it that rim annoys me so much sometimes? I can hardly bear to have him tutor me, and his affection seems forced. I want to be left alone, and I'd rather he ignored me for a while until I'm more sure of myself when I'm talking to him! I'm still torn with guilt about the mean letter I wrote him when I was so upset. Oh, it's hard to be strong and brave in every way!. . .Still, this hasn't been my greatest disappointment. No, I think about Peter much more than I do Father. I know very well that he was my conquest, and not the other way around. I created an image of him in my mind, pictured him as a quiet, sweet, sensitive boy badly in need of friendship and love! I needed to pour out my heart to a living person. I wanted a friend who would help me find my way again. I accomplished what I set out to do and drew him, slowly but surely, toward me. When I finally got him to be my friend, it automatically developed into an intimacy that, when I think about it now, seems outrageous. We talked about the most private things, but we haven't yet touched upon the things closest to my heart. I still can't make head or tail of Peter. Is he superficial, or is it shyness that holds him back, even with me? But putting all that aside, I made one mistake: I used intimacy to get closer to him, and in doing so, I ruled out other forms of friendship. He longs to be loved, and I can see he's beginning to like me more with each passing day. Our time together leaves him feeling satisfied, but just makes me want to start all over again. I never broach the subjects I long to bring out into the open. I forced Peter, more than he realizes, to get close to me, and now he's holding on for dear life. I honestly don't see any effective way of shaking him off and getting him back on his own two feet. I soon realized he could never be a kindred spirit, but still tried to help him break out of his narrow world and expand his youthful horizons."Deep down, the young are lonelier than the old." I read this in a book somewhere and it's stuck in my mind. As far as I can tell, it's true.So if you're wondering whether it's harder for the adults here than for the children, the answer is no, it's certainly not. Older people have an opinion about everything and are sure of themselves and their actions. It's twice as hard for us young people to hold on to our opinions at a time when ideals are being shattered and destroyed, when the worst side of human nature predominates, when everyone has come to doubt truth, justice and God.Anyone who claims that the older folks have a more difficult time in the Annex doesn't realize that the problems have a far greater impact on us. We're much too young to deal with these problems, but they keep thrusting themselves on us until, finally, we're forced to think up a solution, though most of the time our solutions crumble when faced with the facts. It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.It's utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquthty will return once more. In the meantime, I must hold on to my ideals. Perhaps the day will come when I'll be able to realize them!Yours, Anne M. Frank
章节:16 人气:0
摘要:珍-玻波小姐坐在窗前瞧着前面,好久以来她已不再欣赏这片原是茂密的花园。但是什么也没去做。雷库克的藉口总头头是道,不是天气太干燥,就是太潮湿,或是泥土泡了水。雷库克自己栽花种菜的原则很简单,泡几杯浓浓的甜茶做为提神用,秋天来时扫落叶,夏天时种植他喜爱的鼠尾草和紫苑花。凭良心说,他喜爱他的主人,也迁就他们的喜好,对于蔬菜他知道得很清楚,什么是上好的香薄荷或是甘蓝菜绝不会弄错。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:“请各位旅客系上安全带!”机上的乘客个个睡眼惺忪地在身旁摸索着,有人伸着懒腰,他们凭经验知道不可能已经抵达日内瓦。当机舱长威严的声音再度宣布:“请系上安全带!”时,细碎的瞌睡声漫成一片呻吟。那干涩的声音透过扩音机,分别以德、法、英文解释着:由于恶劣天气的影响,机上乘客将有短时间会感到不适。史德福-纳宇爵士张口打了个大呵欠,伸着双手把身子挺得高高的,再轻轻扭动两下,才依依不舍地从好梦中醒来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:约翰.本仁写过一部自传,书名为《丰盛的恩典》,讲述神对罪人的恩典。约翰.本仁1628年生于英国,他的家乡靠近裴德福郡。他的父亲是一个补锅匠(这种职业早已被淘汰),专营焊接和修补锅碗瓢盆以及其他金属制品。在17世纪中叶,补锅匠奔走于各个乡村之间,挨家挨户地兜揽生意。如果有人要修理东西,他们就在顾主家中作活,完工以后顾主当场付钱。按当时的社会标准,这是一份相当卑贱的职业。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:一个女子双臂交叉,站在自家后屋台阶上,等待着什么。在想事儿吗?她可不这么认为。她是在试图抓住某个东西,让它赤条条地躺在跟前,好让她细细端详,看个真切明白。最近一段日子里,她脑海里的种种想法多如衣架上的衣服,她一件件取下“试穿”。任凭自己嘴里冒出童谣般老掉牙的话语,因为遇到重要事件,人们总是习惯套用老话表明态度,而老话却多为陈词滥调。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:欧内斯特.海明威,ErnestHemingway,1899-1961,美国小说家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者。海明威1899年7月21日生于芝加哥市郊橡胶园小镇。父亲是医生和体育爱好者,母亲从事音乐教育。6个兄弟姐妹中,他排行第二,从小酷爱体育、捕鱼和狩猎。中学毕业后曾去法国等地旅行,回国后当过见习记者。第一次大战爆发后,他志愿赴意大利当战地救护车司机。1918年夏在前线被炮弹炸成重伤,回国休养。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:她的父亲亨格顿先生是世界上最不通人情世故的人,心肠好,但绝对是以愚蠢的白我为中心。我毫不怀疑他心里深信,我每周来三次是因为陪着他是一种快乐。想到将有这样一个岳父真叫人扫兴,但是没有什么东西能使我与格拉迪斯分开。那天晚上有一个小时或者还多一点,我听着他那单调的谈话。最后他跳了起来,说了些关于我平时不动脑筋的话,就进他的房间换衣服,出席会议去了。终于我单独和格拉迪斯一起了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:圣殿堂晚上8:33秘密就是怎样死。自鸿蒙之初,怎样死一直是个秘密。三十四岁的宣誓者低头凝视着掌中的人头骷髅。这骷髅是空的,像一只碗,里面盛满了血红色的酒。环绕四周的兄弟们都披挂着他们团体标志性的全套礼服:小羊皮围裙、饰带、白手套。他们的颈项上,礼仪场合佩戴的宝石闪烁发光,像阒无声息的幽灵之眼。他们共守一个秘密,宣誓互为兄弟。“时间已到。”一个声音低语道。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:庄司武彦是个二十五岁的未婚青年,他父亲是银座有限公司的京丸股份公司的董事长。京丸是战后发迹的美术古董商,他为了扩大经营,组建了京丸股份公司。武彦的父亲是这家公司的股东。武彦去年毕业于大学的文科,至今也没有找工作。他也不愿在父亲的公司做事,但又不是游手好闲之辈,所以整天闷在家里看书。他可以说是个文学青年,但只爱好一般的文学作品,尤其对推理文学有着特殊的兴趣,是文学青年中为数不多的侦探小说迷。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:时值春天的一个星期日的傍晚,天空被一片厚厚的乌云覆盖着,显得格外闷热。一个小学生吹着口哨,漫不经心地走在麻布六本木附近的一条高级住宅街上。他叫相川泰二,是小学六年级的学生,刚才去小朋友家玩了以后,正赶着回家。他家就住在麻布这一带叫笄町的地方。马路两边全是些豪宅大院,高高的围墙连成一片。走过几家大院,在一家神社的门前,可以看见里面的一片小树林。这条马路平时就是行人稀少,今天更显得格外地空寂。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:二十世纪某年的一个春日午后,古斯塔夫-阿申巴赫——在他五十岁生日以后,他在正式场合就以冯-阿申巴赫闻名——从慕尼黑摄政王街的邸宅里独个儿出来漫步。当时,欧洲大陆形势险恶,好儿个月来阴云密布。整整一个上午,作家繁重的、绞脑汁的工作累得精疲力竭,这些工作一直需要他以慎密周到、深入细致和一丝不苟的精神从事。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:上午七点三十五分,石神像平常一样离开公寓。虽已进入三月,风还是相当冷,他把下巴埋在围巾里迈步走出。走上马路前,他先瞥了一眼脚踏车停车场。那里放着几辆车,但是没有他在意的绿色脚踏车。往南大约走个二十公尺,就来到大马路,是新大桥路。往左,也就是往东走的话就是朝江户川区的线路,往西走则会到日本桥。日本桥前是隅田川,架在河上的桥就是新大桥。要去石神的上班地点,这样一直往南走就是最短的路线。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一、生平1839年3月16日,普吕多姆出生于法国巴黎一个中产阶级家庭。两岁时父亲去世,这位未来的诗人便与寡居的母亲和一个姐姐一起住在巴黎和巴黎南部的夏特内。据《泰晤士文学副刊》说,他很小时名字前就加上了家人用于他父亲的昵称“苏利”。普吕多姆以全班数学第一名的成绩毕业后,准备进入一所理工学院,可是一场结膜炎打碎了他成为机械师的一切希望。 [点击阅读]
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