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安妮日记英文版 - TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1944
  TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1944Dearest Kit,Another birthday has gone by, so I'm now fifteen. I received quite a few gifts: Springer's five-volume art history book, a set of underwear, two belts, a handkerchief, two jars of yogurt, a jar of jam, two honey cookies (small), a botany book from Father and Mother, a gold bracelet from Margot, a sticker album from the van Daans, Biomalt and sweet peas from Dussel, candy from Miep, candy and notebooks from Bep, and the high point: the book Maria Theresa and three slices of full-cream cheese from Mr. Kugler. Peter gave me a lovely bouquet of peonies; the poor boy had put a lot of effort into finding a present, but nothing quite worked out.The invasion is still going splendidly, in spite of the miserable weather -- pouring rains, gale winds and high seas.Yesterday Churchill, Smuts, Eisenhower and Arnold visited the French villages that the British have captured and liberated. Churchill was on a torpedo boat that shelled the coast. Uke many men, he doesn't seem to know what fear is -- an enviable trait!From our position here in Fort Annex, it's difficult to gauge the mood of the Dutch. No doubt many people are glad the idle (!) British have finally rolled up their sleeves and gotten down to work. Those who keep claim- ing they don't want to be occupied by the British don't realize how unfair they're being. Their line of reasoning boils down to this: England must fight, struggle and sacri- fice its sons to liberate Holland and the other occupied countries. After that the British shouldn't remain in Hol- land: they should offer their most abject apologies to all the occupied countries, restore the Dutch East Indies to its rightful owner and then return, weakened and impoverished, to England. What a bunch of idiots. And yet, as I've already said, many Dutch people can be counted among their ranks. What would have become of Holland and its neighbors if England had signed a peace treaty with Germany, as it's had ample opportunity to do? Holland would have become German, and that would have been the end of that!All those Dutch people who still look down on the British, scoff at England and its government of old fogies, call the English cowards, yet hate the Germans, should be given a good shaking, the way you'd plump up a pillow. Maybe that would straighten out their jumbled brains!Wishes, thoughts, accusations and reproaches are swirling around in my head. I'm not really as conceited as many people think; I know my various faults and shortcomings better than anyone else, but there's one difference: I also know that I want to change, will change and already have changed greatly!Why is it, I often ask myself, that everyone still thinks I'm so pushy and such a know-it-all? Am I really so arrogant? Am I the one who's so arrogant, or are they? It sounds crazy, I know, but I'm not going to cross out that last sentence, because it's not as crazy as it seems. Mrs. van Daan and Dussel, my two chief accusers, are known to be totally unintelligent and, not to put too fine a point on it, just plain "stupid"! Stupid people usually can't bear it when others do something better than they do; the best examples of this are those two dummies, Mrs. van Daan and Dussel. Mrs. van D. thinks I'm stupid because I don't suffer so much from this ailment as she does, she thinks I'm pushy because she's even pushier, she thinks my dresses are too short because hers are even shorter, and she thinks I'm such a know-it-all because she talks twice as much as I do about topics she knows nothing about. The same goes for Dussel. But one of my favorite sayings is "Where there's smoke there's fire," and I readily admit I'm a know-it-all.What's so difficult about my personality is that I scold and curse myself much more than anyone else does; if Mother adds her advice, the pile of sermons becomes so thick that I despair of ever getting through them. Then I talk back and start contradicting everyone until the old famthar Anne refrain inevitably crops up again: "No one understands me!"This phrase is part of me, and as unlikely as it may seem, there's a kernel of truth in it. Sometimes I'm so deeply buried under self-reproaches that I long for a word of comfort to help me dig myself out again. If only I had someone who took my feelings seriously. Alas, I haven't yet found that person, so the search must go on.I know you're wondering about Peter, aren't you, Kit? It's true, Peter loves me, not as a girlfriend, but as a friend. His affection grows day by day, but some mysterious force is holding us back, and I don't know what it is.Sometimes I think my terrible longing for him was overexaggerated. But that's not true, because if I'm unable to go to his room for a day or two, I long for him as desperately as I ever did. Peter is kind and good, and yet I can't deny that he's disappointed me in many ways. I especially don't care for his dislike of religion, his table conversations and various things of that nature. Still, I'm firmly convinced that we'll stick to our agreement never to quarrel. Peter is peace-loving, tolerant and extremely easygoing. He lets me say a lot of things to him that he'd never accept from his mother. He's making a determined effort to remove the blots from his copybook and keep his affairs in order. Yet why does he hide his innermost self and never allow me access? Of course, he's much more closed than I am, but I know from experience (even though I'm constantly being accused of knowing all there is to know in theory, but not in practice) that in time, even the most uncommunicative types will long as much, or even more, for someone to confide in.Peter and I have both spent our contemplative years in the Annex. We often discuss the future, the past and the present, but as I've already told you, I miss the real thing, and yet I know it exists!Is it because I haven't been outdoors for so long that I've become so smitten with nature? I remember a time when a magnificent blue sky, chirping birds, moonlight and budding blossoms wouldn't have captivated me. Things have changed since I came here. One night during the Pentecost holiday, for instance, when it was so hot, I struggled to keep my eyes open until eleven-thirty so I could get a good look at the moon, all on my own for once. Alas, my sacrifice was in vain, since there was too much glare and I couldn't risk opening a window. An- other time, several months ago, I happened to be upstairs one night when the window was open. I didn't go back down until it had to be closed again. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the racing clouds, had me spellbound; it was the first time in a year and a half that I'd seen the night face-to-face. After that evening my longing to see it again was even greater than my fear of burglars, a dark rat-infested house or robberies. I went downstairs all by myself and looked out the windows in the kitchen and private office. Many people think nature is beautiful, many people sleep from time to time under the starry sky, and many people in hospitals and prisons long for the day when they'll be free to enjoy what nature has to offer. But few are as isolated and cut off as we are from dle joys of nature, which can be shared by rich and poor alike.It's not just my imagination -- looking at dle sky, dle clouds, dle moon and dle stars really does make me feel calm and hopeful. It's much better medicine than valerian or bromide. Nature makes me feel humble and ready to face every blow with courage!As luck would have it, I'm only able -- except for a few rare occasions-to view nature through dusty curtains tacked over dirt-caked windows; it takes dle pleasure out of looking. Nature is dle one thing for which dlere is no substitute!One of dle many questions that have often bodlered me is why women have been, and still are, thought to be so inferior to men. It's easy to say it's unfair, but that's not enough for me; I'd really like to know the reason for this great injustice!Men presumably dominated women from the very beginning because of their greater physical strength; it's men who earn a living, beget children and do as they please. . . Until recently, women silently went along willi this, which was stupid, since the longer it's kept up, the more deeply entrenched it becomes. Fortunately, education, work and progress have opened women's eyes. In many countries they've been granted equal rights; many people, mainly women, but also men, now realize how wrong it was to tolerate this state of affairs for so long. Modern women want the right to be completely independent!But that's not all. Women should be respected as well! Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts ofthe world, so why shouldn't women have their share? Soldiers and war heroes are honored and commemorated, explorers are granted immortal fame, martyrs are revered, but how many people look upon women too as soldiers?In the book Soldiers on the Home Front I was greatly struck by the fact that in childbirth alone, women commonly suffer more pain, illness and misery than any war hero ever does. And what's her reward for enduring all that pain? She gets pushed aside when she's disfigured by birth, her children soon leave, her beauty is gone. Women, who struggle and suffer pain to ensure the con- tinuation of the human race, make much tougher and more courageous soldiers than all those big-mouthed freedom-fighting heroes put together!I don't mean to imply that women should stop having children; on the contrary, nature intended them to, and that's the way it should be. What I condemn are our system of values and the men who don't acknowledge how great, difficult, but ultimately beautiful women's share in society is.I agree completely with Paul de Kruif, the author of this book, when he says that men must learn that birth is no longer thought of as inevitable and unavoidable in those parts of the world we consider civthzed. It's easy for men to talk -- they don't and never will have to bear the woes that women do!I believe that in the course of the next century the notion that it's a woman's duty to have children will change and make way for the respect and admiration of all women, who bear their burdens without complaint or a lot of pompous words!Yours, Anne M. Frank
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:这是在盛大的入学典礼结束后不久的某一天。学生们从四面八方的走廊上涌向钟声响彻的校园里。奔跑着嬉戏作乐的声音;在樱花树下的长凳上阅读某本小书的人;玩着捉迷藏游戏的快活人群;漫无目的地并肩散步的人们。新入校的一年级学生们热热闹闹地从下面的运动场走了上来。看样子是刚上完了体操课,她们全都脱掉了外衣,小脸蛋儿红通通的。高年级学生们俨然一副遴选美丽花朵的眼神,埋伏在树木的浓荫下,或是走廊的转弯处。 [点击阅读]
章节:47 人气:0
摘要:第一章(1)“林内特·里奇维!”“就是她!”伯纳比先生说。这位先生是“三王冠”旅馆的老板。他用手肘推推他的同伴。这两个人乡巴佬似的睁大眼睛盯着,嘴巴微微张开。一辆深红色的劳斯莱斯停在邮局门口。一个女孩跳下汽车,她没戴帽子,穿一件看起来很普通(只是看起来)的上衣。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:0
摘要:歇洛克·福尔摩斯先生坐在桌旁早餐,他除了时常彻夜不眠之外,早晨总是起得很晚的。我站在壁炉前的小地毯上,拿起了昨晚那位客人遗忘的手杖。这是一根很精致而又沉重的手杖,顶端有个疙疸;这种木料产于槟榔屿,名叫槟榔子木。紧挨顶端的下面是一圈很宽的银箍,宽度约有一英寸。上刻“送给皇家外科医学院学士杰姆士·摩梯末,C.C.H.的朋友们赠”,还刻有“一八八四年”。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:维克多•雨果(VictorHugo)(l802~1885)是法国文学史上最伟大的作家之一,法国浪漫主义学运动的领袖。他的一生几乎跨越整个19世纪,他的文学生涯达60年之久,创作力经久不衰。他的浪漫主义小说精彩动人,雄浑有力,对读者具有永久的魅力。【身世】雨果1802年生于法国南部的贝尚松城。 [点击阅读]
章节:78 人气:0
摘要:维克多·雨果(VictorHugo),1802年2月26日-1885年5月22日)是法国浪漫主义作家的代表人物,是19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学运动的领袖,法国文学史上卓越的资产阶级民主作家。雨果几乎经历了19世纪法国的一切重大事变。一生写过多部诗歌、小说、剧本、各种散文和文艺评论及政论文章,是法国有影响的人物。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:(上)在!”9世纪30年代中期到40年代中期德国北部的商业城市吕贝克。这一家人的老一代祖父老约翰·布登洛克,年轻的时候正值反对拿破仑的战争,靠为普鲁士军队供应粮食发了财。他建立了一个以自己名字命名的公司,此外,他还拥有许多粮栈、轮船和地产,儿子小约翰又获得了尼德兰政府赠予的参议员荣誉头衔,因而他和他的一家在吕贝克享有很高的声望。这一家人最近在孟街买下了一所大邸宅,布置得既富丽又典雅。 [点击阅读]
章节:127 人气:0
摘要:悬念大师希区柯克什么是悬念?希区柯克曾经给悬念下过一个著名的定义:如果你要表现一群人围着一张桌子玩牌,然后突然一声爆炸,那么你便只能拍到一个十分呆板的炸后一惊的场面。另一方面,虽然你是表现这同一场面,但是在打牌开始之前,先表现桌子下面的定时炸弹,那么你就造成了悬念,并牵动观众的心。其实,希区柯克的作品并非只靠悬念吸引人,其内涵要深刻得多。希区柯克对人类的心理世界有着深刻的体悟。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:古希腊(公元前12世纪到公元前9~8世纪)是世界四大文明古国之一,它为人类留下了一笔辉煌灿烂的文化财富。古希腊的神话和传说就是其中最为瑰丽的珍宝。世界有许多民族,每个民族都创作出了它自己的神话和传说,这些神话都有自己民族的特点,但也都有共同的性质。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:席特哈尔塔,这个婆罗门的英俊儿子,这只年轻的雄鹰,在房子的背阴处,在河岸边小船旁的阳光下,在婆罗双树林的树荫里,在无花果树的浓荫下,与他的好朋友并且同是婆罗门之子的戈文达一起长大了。在河岸边,在沐浴中,在神圣的洗礼时,在神圣的祭祀时,太阳晒黑了他的浅嫩的肩膀。在芒果树林里,在孩子们游戏时,在母亲哼唱时,在神圣的祭祀时,在他那身为学者的父亲教诲时,在贤人们讲话时,浓荫融入了他的乌黑的眼睛。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:0
摘要:任何人在重新体验到跟往日相同的经验,或重温跟昔日同样的心情时,可不会不觉为之愕然的吗?“从前也有过这样的事……”这句话总是常常剧烈地震撼心灵。为什么呢?我眺望火车窗外平坦的艾色克斯的风光,自言自语地问向自己。从前,我曾经有过一次一模一样的旅游,但那是几年前的事呢?对我来说,人生的颠峰时代已经结束了……我正在肤浅的这样想着!想当年,我在那次大战中,只是负伤的的份儿。 [点击阅读]
章节:36 人气:0
摘要:管家上菜的时候,梅菲尔德勋爵殷勤地俯向他右手的座邻朱丽娅·卡林顿夫人。作为完美的主人而知名,梅菲尔德勋爵力求做得和他的名誉相称。虽然没有结过婚,他还是一位有吸引力的男子。朱丽娅·卡林顿夫人四十来岁,高而且黑,态度活泼。她很瘦,但依然美丽。手和脚尤其精致。她的风度是急促不宁的,正像每个靠神经过日子的女人那样。坐在圆桌对面的是她的丈夫空军元帅乔治·卡林顿爵士。 [点击阅读]
章节:42 人气:0
摘要:我要讲的这段亲身经历,其离奇恐怖的程度恐怕无人能比。虽不清楚世上到底有没有幽灵,可我的这段经历,却发生在孤寂山村中一栋传说有幽灵出没的老房子里。故事的主人公就像幽灵一样飘忽不定,徘徊哀叹,而且她还像《牡丹灯笼》中的小露①一样,是个年轻美丽的女子。那是发生在大正初年的事情。虽说已经过去20多年了,但每次当我回想起来,都不禁怀疑自己是否做了一个恐怖的噩梦。 [点击阅读]
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