安妮日记英文版 - MONDAY, MAY 8, 1944
  MONDAY, MAY 8, 1944Dearest Kitty,Have I ever told you anything about our family? I don't think I have, so let me begin. Father was born in Frankfurt am Main to very wealthy parents: Michael Frank owned a bank and became a millionaire, and Alice Stern's parents were prominent and well-to-do. Michael Frank didn't start out rich; he was a self-made man. In his youth Father led the life of a rich man's son. Parties every week, balls, banquets, beautiful girls, waltzing, dinners, a huge house, etc. After Grandpa died, most of the money was lost, and after the Great War and inflation there was nothing left at all. Up until the war there were still quite a few rich relatives. So Father was extremely well-bred, and he had to laugh yesterday because for the first time in his fifty-five years, he scraped out the frying pan at the table.Mother's family wasn't as wealthy, but still fairly well-off, and we've listened openmouthed to stories of private balls, dinners and engagement parties with 250 guests.We're far from rich now, but I've pinned all my hopes on after the war. I can assure you, I'm not so set on a bourgeois life as Mother and Margot. I'd like to spend a year in Paris and London learning the languages and studying art history. Compare that with Margot, who wants to nurse newborns in Palestine. I still have visions of gorgeous dresses and fascinating people. As I've told you many times before, I want to see the world and do all kinds of exciting things, and a little money won't hurt!This morning Miep told us about her cousin's engagement party, which she went to on Saturday. The cousin's parents are rich, and the groom's are even richer. Miep made our mouths water telling us about the food that was served: vegetable soup with meatballs, cheese, rolls with sliced meat, hors d'oeuvres made with eggs and roast beef, rolls with cheese, genoise, wine and cigarettes, and you could eat as much as you wanted.Miep drank ten schnapps and smoked three cigarettes -- could this be our temperance advocate? If Miep drank all those, I wonder how many her spouse managed to toss down? Everyone at the party was a little tipsy, of course. There were also two officers from the Homicide Squad, who took photographs of the wedding couple. You can see we're never far from Miep's thoughts, since she promptly noted their names and addresses in case anything should happen and we needed contacts with good Dutch people.Our mouths were watering so much. We, who'd had nothing but two spoonfuls of hot cereal for breakfast and were absolutely famished; we, who get nothing but half-cooked spinach (for the vitamins!) and rotten pota- toes day after day; we, who fill our empty stomachs with nothing but boiled lettuce, raw lettuce, spinach, spinach and more spinach. Maybe we'll end up being as strong as Popeye, though up to now I've seen no sign of it!If Miep had taken us along to the party, there wouldn't have been any rolls left over for the other guests. If we'd been there, we'd have snatched up everything in sight, including the furniture. I tell you, we were practically pulling the words right out of her mouth. We were gathered around her as if we'd never in all our lives heard of" delicious food or elegant people! And these are the granddaughters of the distinguished millionaire. The world is a crazy place!Yours, Anne M. Frank
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摘要:在格蕾丝婚礼前的最后一个星期五,没人还会要求她工作。事实上,不管她想不想,都没人会让她干活。??打字机旁的玻璃纸盒里摆着一朵白色栀子礼花,这是她的老板阿特伍德先生送的礼物,连同礼花一起的还有个信封,里面卷着一张十美元的布鲁明戴尔商场①的购物礼券。自打那次在事务所圣诞派对上她热烈拥吻阿特伍德先生后,他总是待她彬彬有礼。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:菊治踏入镰仓圆觉寺院内,对于是否去参加茶会还在踌躇不决。时间已经晚了。“栗本近子之会”每次在圆觉寺深院的茶室里举办茶会的时候,菊治照例收到请帖,可是自从父亲辞世后,他一次也不曾去过。因为他觉得给她发请帖,只不过是一种顾及亡父情面的礼节而已,实在不屑一顾。然而,这回的请帖上却附加了一句:切盼莅临,见见我的一个女弟子。读了请帖,菊治想起了近子的那块痣。菊治记得大概是八九岁的时候吧。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《南回归线》作为亨利·米勒自传式罗曼史的重要作品,主要叙述和描写了亨利·米勒早年在纽约的生活经历,以及与此有关的种种感想、联想、遐想和幻想。亨利·米勒在书中描写的一次次性*冲动构成了一部性*狂想曲,而他的性*狂想曲又是他批判西方文化、重建自我的非道德化倾向的一部分。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“在专政时代,在处于敌人四面八方包皮围的情况下,我们有时表现出了不应有的温和、不应有的心软”克雷连科:在审理“工业党”案件时的发言第一章逮捕这个神秘的群岛人们是怎样进去的呢?到那里,时时刻刻有飞机飞去,船舶开去,火车隆隆驶去——可是它们上面却没有标明目的地的字样。售票员也好,苏联旅行社和国际旅行社的经理人员也好,如果你向他们询问到那里去的票子,他们会感到惊异。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:千重子发现老枫树干上的紫花地丁开了花。“啊,今年又开花了。”千重子感受到春光的明媚。在城里狭窄的院落里,这棵枫树可算是大树了。树干比千重子的腰围还粗。当然,它那粗老的树皮,长满青苔的树干,怎能比得上千重子娇嫩的身躯……枫树的树干在千重子腰间一般高的地方,稍向右倾;在比千重子的头部还高的地方,向右倾斜得更厉害了。枝桠从倾斜的地方伸展开去,占据了整个庭院。它那长长的枝梢,也许是负荷太重,有点下垂了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1妹妹:我从记事的年代就常常地想,我这辈子总得抽时间把这事写出来。但是一旦动笔写,虽然我相信一定能够按当初确定的写法毫不偏离地写下去,然而回头看看写出来的东西,又踌蹰不前了。所以此刻打算给你写这个信。妹妹,你那下身穿工作裤上身穿红衬衫,衬衫下摆打成结,露出肚子,宽宽的额头也袒露无遗,而且笑容满面的照片,还有那前额头发全用发夹子夹住的彩色幻灯照片,我全看到了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《名利场》是英国十九世纪小说家萨克雷的成名作品,也是他生平著作里最经得起时间考验的杰作。故事取材于很热闹的英国十九世纪中上层社会。当时国家强盛,工商业发达,由榨压殖民地或剥削劳工而发财的富商大贾正主宰着这个社会,英法两国争权的战争也在这时响起了炮声。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:柳鸣九文学的作用在于向别人展示作家自己所看待的世界。这部小说的一个人物曾经这样认为:“为什么不动笔创作一部时间与地点明确、而且具有一定意义的小说呢?叙述一个当今的故事,读者可以从中看到自己的忧虑,发现自己的问题,既不去揭示什么,也不去鼓动什么,仅仅作为一个见证。”这个人物这样思忖着。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:赫邱里-波罗用欣赏的眼光有趣地打量着刚被引进办公室的这位小姐。她写给他的信,并没有什么特别的地方,只要求见他一面,没提任何别的事。信很简短,语气也很认真,唯有坚毅有力的字迹,可以看出这位卡拉-李马倩是个年轻活泼的女性。现在,他终于见到她本人了──高挑,苗条,二十出头。她是那种任何人都会忍不住多看一眼的女人,身上穿的衣服很昂贵,裁剪也很合宜。她的眉生得相当方正,鼻梁挺直而有个性,下巴坚毅果决。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1第一次遇到狄恩是在我与妻子分手后不久。那时我刚刚生了一场大病,对此我不想再提及了。不过它的确与那次令人烦恼、充满灾难性的离婚有关,当时我似乎觉得一切情感都已经死了。自从狄恩·莫里亚蒂闯入我的世界,你便可以称我的生活是“在路上”。在这之前,我也曾不止一次地梦想着要去西部,但只是在虚无缥缈地计划着,从没有付诸行动。狄恩这家伙是个最理想的旅伴,他就是在路上出生的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1东京中野区哲学堂附近。七月二十八日,晚上九点一过,街上已没有行人了。仁科草介知道,自己身后有两个人越走越近,他们用醉醺醺的、含混不清的奇怪腔调喋喋不休地交谈着。“我醉了?总不犯法吧。呃……是吗?”其中一人声音含糊地说着,不知是对同伴,还是对仁科。仁科不由得苦笑了,看来这是个喝醉了酒脾气就不大好的家伙。两人步伐杂乱地从仁科身边擦过,霎时,仁科感到左肋下一阵剧痛,两支手同时被人按住。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:圣犹大教堂是夜城唯一的教堂,我只有在生意需要的时候才会去。这间教堂距离到处都有敬神场所的上帝之街很远,独自耸立在一个极为安静的角落里,远离夜城一切华丽亮眼的霓虹。这是间不打广告的教堂,一间毫不在意路过的人们愿不愿意进入的教堂。它只是默默地待在原地,以防任何不时之需。圣犹大教堂以迷途圣人之名而建,是一幢非常非常古老的建筑,甚至可能比基督教本身还要古老。 [点击阅读]