安妮日记英文版 - WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1944
  WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1944Dearest Kitty,First the weekly news! We're having a vacation from politics. There's nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, to report. I'm also gradually starting to believe that the invasion will come. After all, they can't let the Russians do all the dirty work; actually, the Russians aren't doing anything at the moment either.Mr. Kleiman comes to the office every morning now. He got a new set of springs for Peter's divan, so Peter will have to get to work reupholstering it; Not surprisingly, he isn't at all in the mood. Mr. Kleiman also brought some flea powder for the cats.Have I told you that our Boche has disappeared? We haven't seen hide nor hair of her since last Thursday. She's probably already in cat heaven, while some animal lover has turned her into a tasty dish. Perhaps some girl who can afford it will be wearing a cap made of Boche's fur. Peter is heartbroken.For the last two weeks we've been eating lunch at eleven-thirty on Saturdays; in the mornings we have to make do with a cup of hot cereal. Starting tomorrow it'll be like this every day; that saves us a meal. Vegetables are still very hard to come by. This afternoon we had rotten boiled lettuce. Ordinary lettuce, spinach and boiled let- tuce, that's all there is. Add to that rotten potatoes, and you have a meal fit for a king!I hadn't had my period for more than two months, but it finally started last Sunday. Despite the mess and bother, I'm glad it hasn't deserted me.As you can no doubt imagine, we often say in despair, "What's the point of the war? Why, oh, why can't people live together peacefully? Why all this destruction?"The question is understandable, but up to now no one has come up with a satisfactory answer. Why is England manufacturing bigger and better airplanes and bombs and at the same time churning out new houses for reconstruction? Why are millions spent on the war each day, while not a penny is available for medical science, artists or the poor? Why do people have to starve when mountains of food are rotting away in other parts of the world? Oh, why are people so crazy?I don't believe the war is simply the work of politicians and capitalists. Oh no, the common man is every bit as guilty; otherwise, people and nations would have re- belled long ago! There's a destructive urge in people, the urge to rage, murder and kill. And until all of humanity, without exception, undergoes a metamorphosis, wars will continue to be waged, and everything that has been carefully built up, cultivated and grown will be cut down and destroyed, only to start allover again!I've often been down in the dumps, but never desperate. I look upon our life in hiding as an interesting adventure, full of danger and romance, and every privation as an amusing addition to my diary. I've made up my mind to lead a different life from other girls, and not to become an ordinary housewife later on. What I'm experiencing here is a good beginning to an interesting life, and that's the reason -- the only reason -- why I have to laugh at the humorous side of the most dangerous moments.I'm young and have many hidden qualities; I'm young and strong and living through a big adventure; I'm right in the middle of it and can't spend all day complaining because it's impossible to have any fun! I'm blessed with many things: happiness, a cheerful disposition and strength. Every day I feel myself maturing, I feel liberation drawing near, I feel the beauty of nature and the goodness of the people around me. Every day I think what a fascinating and amusing adventure this is! With all that, why should I despair?Yours, Anne M. Frank
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摘要:我们身患一种可以治好的病;我们生来是向善的,如果我们愿意改正,我们就得到自然的帮助。塞涅卡:《忿怒》第十一章第十三节。※※※这本集子中的感想和看法,是没有什么次序的,而且差不多是不连贯的,它开始是为了使一位善于思考的贤良的母亲看了高兴而写的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:石真译1沙杰汗①,你宁愿听任皇权消失,却希望使一滴爱的泪珠②永存。岁月无情,它毫不怜悯人的心灵,它嘲笑心灵因不肯忘却而徒劳挣扎。沙杰汗,你用美诱惑它,使它着迷而被俘,你给无形的死神戴上了永不凋谢的形象的王冠。静夜无声,你在情人耳边倾诉的悄悄私语已经镌刻在永恒沉默的白石上。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《父与子》描写的是父辈与子辈冲突的主题。这一冲突在屠格涅夫笔下着上了时代的色彩。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:吃早饭的时候,莫利先生的心情绝称不上极佳。他抱怨熏肉的味道不好,不明白咖啡为什么非要给弄得象泥浆似的,而他对面包的评价是每一片都比上一片更难以下咽。莫利先生个头不高,却有一副给人决断感的颚和好斗感的下巴。他姐姐身材高大,颇有女手榴弹兵的气度,她料理着他的生活。她若有所思地看着弟弟,问他洗澡水是不是又该冷了。莫利先生勉强回答了一声没冷。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:六月里一个炎热的傍晚,所有的窗户都敞开着,大学生亚瑟·勃尔顿正在比萨神学院的图书馆里翻查一大迭讲道稿。院长蒙太尼里神甫慈爱地注视着他。亚瑟出生在意大利的一个英国富商勃尔顿家中,名义上他是勃尔顿与后妻所生,但实则是后妻与蒙太尼里的私生子。亚瑟从小在家里受异母兄嫂的歧视,又看到母亲受他们的折磨和侮辱,精神上很不愉快,却始终不知道事情的真相。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:有关物种起源的见解的发展史略关于物种起源的见解的发展情况,我将在这里进行扼要叙述。直到最近,大多数博物学者仍然相信物种(species)是不变的产物,并且是分别创造出来的。许多作者巧妙地支持了这一观点。另一方面,有些少数博物学者已相信物种经历着变异,而且相信现存生物类型都是既往生存类型所真正传下来的后裔。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:苹果蠹蛾的道路没关系,没关系,我对我说,没关系。——维涅狄克特埃洛费耶夫苹果蠹蛾的道路一只蚂蚁在抬一只死苍蝇。它不看路,将苍蝇掉了个过儿,然后爬了回去。苍蝇比蚂蚁的个头儿要大三倍。阿迪娜抽回胳膊肘儿,她不想封住苍蝇的路。阿迪娜的膝盖旁有一块沥青在闪亮,它在阳光下沸腾了。她用手沾了一下。手的后面顿时拉出一根沥青丝,在空气中变硬,折断。这只蚂蚁有一个大头针的头,太阳在里面根本没有地方燃烧。它在灼。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:你讲。不,您讲!要不,就由你讲吧。也许该由演员开始?难道该由稻草人,由所有这些稀里糊涂的稻草人开始?要不,就是我们想等着,等到这八颗行星在宝瓶座中聚集在一块儿?请您开始吧!当时,到底还是您的狗叫了。可是在我的狗叫之前,您的狗已经叫了,而且是狗咬狗。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1945年3月。北海上刮着凛烈的寒风。在纳粹德国一个秘密潜艇基地里,一艘潜艇固定在巨大的墩柱上。流线型的舰首在晨曦中显得轮廓格外明晰。在潜艇的腰部有一块跳板,一长队孩子正踏着跳板登上潜艇。他们彼此手挽手走着、仰起脸看着这艘奇怪的黑色船舶。有个人拿着名单在核对孩子们的名字。在潜艇的瞭望塔里,站着一个纳粹海军军官和一个穿黑大衣的高个子男人。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:他是一个过于无聊而又喜好猎奇的人。据说有个侦探小说家(他就是因为大无聊才开始看世上惟一刺激的东西——侦探小说的)曾担心地指出,总是沉迷在血腥的犯罪案中,最终会无法满足于小说,而走上真正的犯罪道路,比如说犯下杀人罪等等。我们故事里的主人公就确确实实做了那位侦探小说家所担心的事情。由于猎奇心理作祟,最终犯下了可怕的罪行。猎奇之徒啊,你们千万不要走得太远。这个故事就是你们最好的前车之鉴。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:君特-格拉斯在完成了第一部叙事性长篇小说《铁皮鼓》之后,我想写一本较为短小的书,即一部中篇小说。我之所以有意识地选择一种受到严格限制的体裁,是为了在接下去的一本书即长篇小说《狗年月》中重新遵循一项详尽的史诗般的计划。我是在第二次世界大战期间长大的,根据自己的认识,我在《猫与鼠》里叙述了学校与军队之间的对立,意识形态和荒谬的英雄崇拜对学生的毒化。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:本剧作者亨利克·易卜生(1928-1906),是挪威人民引以自豪的戏剧大师、欧洲近代戏剧新纪元的开创者,他在戏剧史上享有同莎士比亚和莫里哀一样不朽的声誉。从二十年代起,我国读者就熟知这个伟大的名字;当时在我国的反封建斗争和争取妇女解放的斗争中,他的一些名著曾经起过不少的促进作用。易卜生出生于挪威海滨一个小城斯基恩。 [点击阅读]