安妮日记英文版 - SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1944
  SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1944Dearest Kitty,You never realize how much you've changed until after it's happened. I've changed quite drastically, everything about me is different: my opinions, ideas, critical outlook. Inwardly, outwardly, nothing's the same. And, I might safely add, since it's true, I've changed for the better. I once told you that, after years of being adored, it was hard for me to adjust to the harsh reality of grown-ups and rebukes. But Father and Mother are largely to blame for my having to put up with so much. At home they wanted me to enjoy life, which was fine, but here they shouldn't have encouraged me to agree with them and only shown me "their" side of all the quarrels and gossip. It was a long time before I discovered the score was fifty-fifty. I now know that many blunders have been committed here, by young and old alike. Father and Mother's biggest mistake in dealing with the van Daans is that they're never candid and friendly (admittedly, the friendliness might have to be feigned). Above all, I want to keep the peace, and to neither quarrel nor gossip. With Father and Margot that's not difficult, but it is with Mother, which is why I'm glad she gives me an occasional rap on the knuckles. You can win Mr. van Daan to your side by agreeing with him, listening quietly, not saying much and most of all . . . responding to his teasing and his corny jokes with a joke of your own. Mrs. van D. can be won over by talking openly to her and admitting when you're wrong. She also frankly admits her faults, of which she has many. I know all too well that she doesn't think as badly of me as she did in the beginning. And that's simply because I'm honest and tell people right to their faces what I think, even when it's not very flattering. I want to be honest; I think it gets you further and also makes you feel better about yourself.Yesterday Mrs. van D. was talking about the rice we gave Mr. Kleiman. "All we do is give, give, give. But at a certain point I think that enough is enough. If he'd only take the trouble, Mr. Kleiman could scrounge up his own rice. Why should we give away all our supplies? We need them just as badly.""No, Mrs. van Daan," I replied. "I don't agree with you. Mr. Kleiman may very well be able to get hold of a little rice, but he doesn't like having to worry about it. It's not our place to criticize the people who are helping us. We should give them whatever they need if we can possibly spare it. One less plate of rice a week won't make that much difference; we can always eat beans."Mrs. van D. didn't see it my way, but she added that, even though she disagreed, she was willing to back down, and that was an entirely different matter.Well, I've said enough. Sometimes I know what my place is and sometimes I have my doubts, but I'll eventually get where I want to be! I know I will! Especially now that I have help, since Peter helps me through many a rough patch and rainy day!I honestly don't know how much he loves me and whether we'll ever get as far as a kiss; in any case, I don't want to force the issue! I told Father I often go see Peter and asked if he approved, and of course he did!It's much easier now to tell Peter things I'd nor- mally keep to myself; for example, I told him I want to write later on, and if I can't be a writer, to write in addition to my work.I don't have much in the way of money or worldly possessions, I'm not beautiful, intelligent or clever, but I'm happy, and I intend to stay that way! I was born happy, I love people, I have a trusting nature, and I'd like everyone else to be happy too.Your devoted friend, Anne M. FrankAn empty day, though clear and bright, Is just as dark as any night.(I wrote this a few weeks ago and it no longer holds true, but I included it because my poems are so few and far between.)
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摘要:圣殿堂晚上8:33秘密就是怎样死。自鸿蒙之初,怎样死一直是个秘密。三十四岁的宣誓者低头凝视着掌中的人头骷髅。这骷髅是空的,像一只碗,里面盛满了血红色的酒。环绕四周的兄弟们都披挂着他们团体标志性的全套礼服:小羊皮围裙、饰带、白手套。他们的颈项上,礼仪场合佩戴的宝石闪烁发光,像阒无声息的幽灵之眼。他们共守一个秘密,宣誓互为兄弟。“时间已到。”一个声音低语道。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:庄司武彦是个二十五岁的未婚青年,他父亲是银座有限公司的京丸股份公司的董事长。京丸是战后发迹的美术古董商,他为了扩大经营,组建了京丸股份公司。武彦的父亲是这家公司的股东。武彦去年毕业于大学的文科,至今也没有找工作。他也不愿在父亲的公司做事,但又不是游手好闲之辈,所以整天闷在家里看书。他可以说是个文学青年,但只爱好一般的文学作品,尤其对推理文学有着特殊的兴趣,是文学青年中为数不多的侦探小说迷。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:风野的妻子并不知道衿子的住处,但是清楚他与她来往。可是妻子从不问衿子的地址和电话。话说回来,即使真被妻子询问,风野也是绝对不会说的。因为妻子的不闻不问,风野才得以安心。但是恰恰如此又给风野带来些许担忧。风野作为职业作家出道不久,上门约稿者还不多。万一他不在家,就很可能失去难得的机遇。风野以前曾打算把衿子的电话告诉一两个有交情的编辑,可又觉得这么做有些唐突也就作罢了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:二十世纪某年的一个春日午后,古斯塔夫-阿申巴赫——在他五十岁生日以后,他在正式场合就以冯-阿申巴赫闻名——从慕尼黑摄政王街的邸宅里独个儿出来漫步。当时,欧洲大陆形势险恶,好儿个月来阴云密布。整整一个上午,作家繁重的、绞脑汁的工作累得精疲力竭,这些工作一直需要他以慎密周到、深入细致和一丝不苟的精神从事。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:上午七点三十五分,石神像平常一样离开公寓。虽已进入三月,风还是相当冷,他把下巴埋在围巾里迈步走出。走上马路前,他先瞥了一眼脚踏车停车场。那里放着几辆车,但是没有他在意的绿色脚踏车。往南大约走个二十公尺,就来到大马路,是新大桥路。往左,也就是往东走的话就是朝江户川区的线路,往西走则会到日本桥。日本桥前是隅田川,架在河上的桥就是新大桥。要去石神的上班地点,这样一直往南走就是最短的路线。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一、生平1839年3月16日,普吕多姆出生于法国巴黎一个中产阶级家庭。两岁时父亲去世,这位未来的诗人便与寡居的母亲和一个姐姐一起住在巴黎和巴黎南部的夏特内。据《泰晤士文学副刊》说,他很小时名字前就加上了家人用于他父亲的昵称“苏利”。普吕多姆以全班数学第一名的成绩毕业后,准备进入一所理工学院,可是一场结膜炎打碎了他成为机械师的一切希望。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:从收音机里缓缓流淌出的路唐纳森的演奏,作为此时在场两人心情的BGM明显有些不合适。光平盘腿坐在原地,伸手关掉了收音机。六榻榻米大小的房间立刻被沉默所支配。广美的表情比平时更严肃,她把日本茶倒进两个茶碗里,然后把较大的一个茶碗放到了光平面前。这个茶碗是附近一个寿司店开张的时,抽奖获得的奖品。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:有一种理论宣称,如果任何一个人真正发现了宇宙存在的原因、宇宙存在的目的,宇宙就会立刻消失,被某种更为怪异、更难以理解的玩意儿取代。还有另外一种理论宣称,上述事件已经发生了。迄今为止,故事的发展如下:起初,创造出了宇宙。这激怒了许多人,被普遍视为一种恶劣行径。许多种族相信宇宙是由某种神所创造的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:严格地说,这本书不是一个续集,因为这本书开始的时候也是《安德的游戏》开始的时候,结束也一样,两者从时间上非常接近,而且几乎发生在完全相同的地方。实际上,它应该说是同一个故事的另一种讲法,有很多相同的角色和设定,不过是采用另一个人的视角。很难说究竟该怎么给这本书做个论断。一本孪生小说?一本平行小说?如果我能够把那个科学术语移植到文学内,也许称为“视差”小说更贴切一点。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:01你不应读此。如果你读这本书,只是想知道和弥赛亚[1](我们的弥赛亚)做爱是什么感觉,那你就不该继续读下去,因为你只是个窥婬狂而已。如果你读这本书,只因你是诗人那部《诗篇》的忠实爱好者,对海伯利安朝圣者的余生之事十分着迷且好奇,那你将会大失所望。我不知道他们大多数人发生了什么事。他们生活并死去,那是在我出生前三个世纪的事情了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:耶稣对他的门徒说:“我们的朋友拉撒路睡了,我去叫醒他。”门徒互相看看,有些人不知道耶稣的话是带有比喻含义的,他们笑着说:“主啊,他若睡了,就必好了。”耶稣就明明白白地告诉他们说:“拉撒路死了……如今我们去他那儿吧。”——摘自《约翰福音》第01章路易斯·克利德3岁就失去了父亲,也从不知道祖父是谁,他从没料想到在自己步入中年时,却遇到了一个像父亲一样的人。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:寂静的春天前言副总统阿尔·戈尔作为一位被选出来的政府官员,给《寂静的春天》作序有一种自卑的感觉,因为它是一座丰碑,它为思想的力量比政治家的力量更强大提供了无可辩驳的证据。1962年,当《寂静的春天)第一次出版时,公众政策中还没有“环境”这一款项。在一些城市,尤其是洛杉矶,烟雾已经成为一些事件的起因,虽然表面上看起来还没有对公众的健康构成太大的威胁。 [点击阅读]