安妮日记英文版 - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1944
  WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1944Peter and I hadn't talked to each other all day, except for a few meaningless words. It was too cold to go up to the attic, and anyway, it was Margot's birthday. At twelve-thirty he came to look at the presents and hung around chatting longer than was strictly necessary, something he'd never have done otherwise. But I got my chance in the afternoon. Since I felt like spoiling Margot on her birthday, I went to get the coffee, and after that the potatoes. When I came to Peter's room, he immediately took his papers off the stairs, and I asked if I should close the trapdoor to the attic."Sure," he said, "go ahead. When you're ready to come back down, just knock and I'll open it for you."I thanked him, went upstairs and spent at least ten minutes searching around in the barrel for the smallest potatoes. My back started aching, and the attic was cold. Naturally, I didn't bother to knock but opened the trap-door myself. But he obligingly got up and took the pan out of my hands."I did my best, but I couldn't find any smaller ones.""Did you look in the big barrel?""Yes, I've been through them all."By this time I was at the bottom of the stairs, and he examined the pan of potatoes he was still holding. "Oh, but these are fine," he said, and added, as I took the pan from him, "My compliments!"As he said this, he gave me such a warm, tender look that I started glowing inside. I could tell he wanted to please me, but since he couldn't make a long complimentary speech, he said everything with his eyes. I understood him so well and was very grateful. It still makes me happy to think back to those words and that look!When I went downstairs, Mother said she needed more potatoes, this time for dinner, so I volunteered to go back up. When I entered Peter's room, I apologized for disturbing him again. As I was going up the stairs, he stood up, went over to stand between the stairs and the wall, grabbed my arm and tried to stop me."I'll go," he said. "I have to go upstairs anyway."I replied that it wasn't really necessary, that I didn't have to get only the small ones this time. Convinced, he let go of my arm. On my way back, he opened the trapdoor and once again took the pan from me. Standing by the door, I asked, "What are you working on?""French," he replied.I asked if I could take a look at his lessons. Then I went to wash my hands and sat down across from him on the divan.After I'd explained some French to him, we began to talk. He told me that after the war he wanted to go to the Dutch East Indies and live on a rubber plantation. He talked about his life at home, the black market and how he felt like a worthless bum. I told him he had a big inferiority complex. He talked about the war, saying that Russia and England were bound to go to war against each other, and about the Jews. He said life would have been much easier if he'd been a Christian or could become one after the war. I asked if he wanted to be baptized, but that wasn't what he meant either. He said he'd never be able to feel like a Christian, but that after the war he'd make sure nobody would know he was Jewish. I felt a momentary pang. It's such a shame he still has a touch of dishonesty in him.Peter added, "The Jews have been and always will be the chosen people!"I answered, "Just this once, I hope they'll be chosen for something good!"But we went on chatting very pleasantly, about Father, about judging human character and all sorts of things, so many that I can't even remember them all.I left at a quarter past five, because Bep had arrived.That evening he said something else I thought was nice. We were talking about the picture of a movie star I'd once given him, which has been hanging in his room for at least a year and a half. He liked it so much that I offered to give him a few more."No," he replied, "I'd rather keep the one I've got. I look at it every day, and the people in it have become my friends."I now have a better understanding of why he always hugs Mouschi so tightly. He obviously needs affection too. I forgot to mention something else he was talking about. He said, "No, I'm not afraid, except when it comes to things about myself, but I'm working on that."Peter has a huge inferiority complex. For example, he always thinks he's so stupid and we're so smart. When I help him with French, he thanks me a thousand times. One of these days I'm going to say, "Oh, cut it out! You're much better at English and geography!"Anne Frank
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摘要:当山冈圭介来到琴川河的上游地区,已是时近中午。山冈行走在岩石地带时,极为小心谨慎。如果从同上次一样的道路上通过,则很容易留下足印。山冈圭介连那足印也极力避免留下。他每一步都尽量地避开土质松软的地方,以及草地,把步子尽可能踩在土质坚硬的路面上以及岩石上,以免留下走过的痕迹。他的整个行动都小心翼翼。他深知,稍有不慎,就会导致严重的后果。山冈进入到岩石地带的中心部位。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1金秋10月,天气分外晴朗。一辆公共汽车正在沿着关门公路向南行驶。秋田直治坐在车中最后一排的座位上,他知道车马上就要驶到关门隧道了,透过宽大明亮的车窗玻璃,他看到深秋时的天空湛蓝而高远,没有一丝浮云。往日,北九州市因为是一座工业城市,所以上空总是被浓烟笼罩着,空气污染的十分厉害。就连与它相邻的部分地区也被污染了,香川县的坂付市,远远望去,它上空墨色的污浊气体象一片拖着长尾的薄云。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:亚美利哥·勃纳瑟拉在纽约第三刑事法庭坐着等待开庭,等待对曾经严重地伤害了他的女儿并企图侮辱他的女儿的罪犯实行法律制裁。法官面容阴森可怕,卷起黑法衣的袖子,像是要对在法官席前面站着的两个年轻人加以严惩似的。他的表情在威严傲睨中显出了冷酷,但是,在这一切表面现象的下面,亚美利哥·勃纳瑟拉却感觉到法庭是在故弄玄虚,然而他还不理解这究竟是怎么回事。“你们的行为同那些最堕落腐化的分子相似,”法官厉声地说。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章01“今晚值班不是小桥医师吗?”做完晚上7点的测体温、查房,返回护士值班室的宇野薰一边看着墙上贴着的医师值班表一边问。“那上面写着的倒是小桥医师,可是,听说今晚换人了。”正在桌上装订住院患者病历卡片的志村伦子对阿薰的问话头也没抬地回答说。“换人了,换的是谁?”“好像是直江医师。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“萨莉!”哼了一声。“醒醒,萨莉!”“别……闹!”她含糊地应道,这次加大了嗓门。他更用力地推。“醒醒,快醒醒!”查理?是查理的声音,是在叫她。有多久了呢?她慢慢清醒过来。第一眼瞥到的是床头柜上的闹钟。两点一刻。这会儿查理不可能在家,他应该在值班的。等看清了他的面孔,萨莉心中生出一种不祥的预感:出事了。丈夫脸色惨白,鼓着眼睛,一手拿着汽车钥匙,一手还在用力地推她,似乎根本没有发现她已经睁开了眼睛。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:虽然我不知道望月那天原来打算邀请的第四个人是谁,不过我恐怕得感谢那家伙一辈子。托了这家伙临时爽约的福,我才得以与她邂逅。电话打过来时已经过了下午五点,望月随便寒暄了两句便直奔主题。“抱歉突然给你打电话,其实呢,今天晚上有一个酒会,有一个人突然来不了了。你今天……有空吗?有什么安排吗?”“不,没什么。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:贵志慢慢拉开她背后的拉链,让她的胸部更裸露,在洋装袖于被脱掉时,她还缩着肩协助配台。但,胸罩被拿掉的瞬间,她又不由自主交抱双臂了。虽明知终会被贵志为所欲为,冬子却不希望现在马上被碰触,至少,她要再多保留一些时候。三个月前的六月初,木之内冬子开始发觉在生理期前后有些微异的迹象。身高一百五十五公分、体重四十公斤的她身材瘦弱,对身体本就不太有自信,即使这样,最近几年却也从来没有过什么病痛。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:正文第一幕火车站一阵报时钟声后,幕徐徐升起。接着就看到“居仑”两字。显然,这是北京处隐约可见的小城的名称,一片破烂、败落的景象。车站大楼同样破败不堪,墙上标出有的州通车,有的州不通;还贴着一张破烂不堪的列车时刻表,车站还包括一间发黑的信号室,一扇门上写着:禁止入内。在北京中间是一条通往车站的马路,样子可怜得很,它也只是用笔勾勒出来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:刚刚度过了数月新婚生活的红正在收拾饭桌。昨晚丈夫领回来一位同僚,两人喝酒喝到深夜,留下了遍桌杯盘,一片狼藉。蓦地,红抬起头,四个男人蹑手蹑脚地偷偷闯进屋来!红骤然激起杀意,抓起桌上的牙签怒视着来人。她一眼就看出这四个来路不明的家伙不是打家劫舍找错了门,也不是找自己的丈夫寻衅闹事,而是专门冲着她本人来的!未等红顾及责问他们,这四个家伙早已蜂拥扑来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:喜欢听人讲陌生的地方,近乎病态地喜欢。有一段时间——10年前的事了——我不管三七二十一,逢人就问自己生身故乡和成长期间住过的地方的事。那个时代似乎极端缺乏愿意听人讲话那一类型的人,所以无论哪一个都对我讲得十分投入。甚至有素不相识的人在哪里听说我这个嗜好而特意跑来一吐为快。他们简直像往枯井里扔石子一样向我说各种各样——委实各种各样——的事,说罢全都心满意足地离去了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:※※※※※序言本书叙述的是一则真实故事──威廉.密里根是美国史上第一位犯下重罪,结果却获判无罪的嫌犯,因为他是一位多重人格分裂者。他不像精神病或一般小说上所记载的其他多重人格病患一样使用杜撰的假名,从被逮捕到被控诉开始,他一直都是争论性的公众人物。他的面孔出现在各报章杂志的头版和封面上,心智检查的结果不仅出现在夜间电视新闻节目,更成了报纸的头条新闻,迅速传遍全世界。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:简·奥斯汀(JaneAusten,1775年12月16日-1817年7月18日)是英国著名女性*小说家,她的作品主要关注乡绅家庭女性*的婚姻和生活,以女性*特有的细致入微的观察力和活泼风趣的文字真实地描绘了她周围世界的小天地。奥斯汀终身未婚,家道小康。由于居住在乡村小镇,接触到的是中小地主、牧师等人物以及他们恬静、舒适的生活环境,因此她的作品里没有重大的社会矛盾。 [点击阅读]