安妮日记英文版 - FRIDAY, ]ANUARY 7, 1944
  FRIDAY, ]ANUARY 7, 1944Dearest Kitty,I'm such an idiot. I forgot that I haven't yet told you the story of my one true love.When I was a little girl, way back in kindergarten, I took a liking to Sally Kimmel. His father was gone, and he and his mother lived with an aunt. One of Sally's cousins was a good-looking, slender, dark-haired boy named Appy, who later turned out to look like a movie idol and aroused more admiration than the short, comical, chubby Sally. For a long time we went everywhere together, but aside from that, my love was unrequited until Peter crossed my path. I had an out-and-out crush on him. He liked me too, and we were inseparable for one whole summer. I can still see us walking hand in hand through our neighborhood, Peter in a white cotton suit and me in a short summer dress. At the end of the summer vacation he went to the seventh grade at the middle school, while I was in the sixth grade at the grammar school. He'd pick me up on the way home, or I'd pick him up. Peter was the ideal boy: tall, good-looking and slender, with a serious, quiet and intelligent face. He had dark hair, beautiful brown eyes, ruddy cheeks and a nicely pointed nose. I was crazy about his smile, which made him look so boyish and mischievous.I'd gone away to the countryside during summer vacation, and when I came back, Peter was no longer at his old address; he'd moved and was living with a much older boy, who apparently told him I was just a kid, because Peter stopped seeing me. I loved him so much that I didn't want to face the truth. I kept clinging to him until the day I finally realized that if I continued to chase after him, people would say I was boy-crazy.The years went by. Peter hung around with girls his own age and no longer bothered to say hello to me. I started school at the Jewish Lyceum, and several boys in my class were in love with me. I enjoyed it and felt honored by their attentions, but that was all. Later on, Hello had a terrible crush on me, but as I've already told you, I never fell in love again.There's a saying: "Time heals all wounds." That's how it was with me. I told myself I'd forgotten Peter and no longer liked him in the least. But my memories of him were so strong that I had to admit to myself that the only reason I no longer liked him was that I was jealous of the other girls. This morning I realized that nothing has changed; on the contrary, as I've grown older and more mature, my love has grown along with me. I can understand now that Peter thought I was childish, and yet it still hurts to think he'd forgotten me completely. I saw his face so clearly; I knew for certain that no one but Peter could have stuck in my mind that way.I've been in an utter state of confusion today. When Father kissed me this morning, I wanted to shout, "Oh, if only you were Peter!" I've been thinking of him constantly, and all day long I've been repeating to myself, "Oh, Petel, my darling, darling Petel . . ."Where can I find help? I simply have to go on living and praying to God that, if we ever get out of here, Peter's path will cross mine and he'll gaze into my eyes, read the love in them and say, "Oh, Anne, if I'd only known, I'd have come to you long ago."Once when Father and I were talking about sex, he said I was too young to understand that kind of desire. But I thought I did understand it, and now I'm sure I do. Nothing is as dear to me now as my darling Petel!I saw my face in the mirror, and it looked so different. My eyes were clear and deep, my cheeks were rosy, which they hadn't been in weeks, my mouth was much softer. I looked happy, and yet there was something so sad in my expression that the smile immediately faded from my lips. I'm not happy, since I know Petel's not thinking of me, and yet I can still feel his beautiful eyes gazing at me and his cool, soft cheek against mine. . . Oh, Petel, Petel, how am I ever going to free myself from your image? Wouldn't anyone who took your place be a poor substitute? I love you, with a love so great that it simply couldn't keep growing inside my heart, but had to leap out and reveal itself in all its magnitude.A week ago, even a day ago, if you'd asked me, "Which of your friends do you think you'd be most likely to marry?" I'd have answered, "Sally, since he makes me feel good, peaceful and safe!" But now I'd cry, "Petel, because I love him with all my heart and all my soul. I surrender myself completely!" Except for that one thing: he may touch my face, but that's as far as it goes.This morning I imagined I was in the front attic with Petel, sitting on the floor by the windows, and after talking for a while, we both began to cry. Moments later I felt his mouth and his wonderful cheek! Oh, Petel, come to me. Think of me, my dearest Petel!
章节:6 人气:3
摘要:1“非常抱歉……”赫尔克里-波洛先生答道。他还没说完就被打断了。打断得不鲁莽,很委婉且富有技巧性,确切他说是说服,而不是制造矛盾与不和的打断。“请不要马上拒绝,波洛先生。这件事事关重大,对你的合作我们将感激不尽。”“你大热情了。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:2
摘要:道路变得曲曲折折的,眼看着就要到天城山的山顶了,正在这么想的时候,阵雨已经把从密的杉树林笼罩成白花花的一片,以惊人的速度从山脚下向我追来.那年我二十岁,头戴高等学校的学生帽,身穿藏青色碎白花纹的上衣,围着裙子,肩上挂着书包.我独自旅行到伊豆来,已经是第四天了.在修善寺温泉住了一夜,在汤岛温泉住了两夜,然后穿着高齿的木屐登上了天城山. [点击阅读]
章节:6 人气:3
摘要:春日的午后,温暖的阳光透过浓密的树丛,斑驳地落在大牟田子爵家府评的西式客厅里,大牟田敏清子爵的遗孀瑙璃子慵懒地靠在沙发上,她是位鲜花般的美人,陪伴在旁的是已故子爵的好友川村义雄先生。漂亮的子爵府位于九州S市的风景秀丽的小山上,从府邸明亮的大客厅的阳台上,可以俯瞰S市那美丽的港口。 [点击阅读]
情人 杜拉斯
章节:17 人气:2
摘要:一个与昆德拉、村上春树和张爱玲并列的小资读者、时尚标志的女作家,一个富有传奇人生经历、惊世骇俗叛逆性格、五色斑斓爱情的艺术家,一个堪称当代法国文化骄傲的作家,一个引导世界文学时尚的作家……《情人》系杜拉斯代表作之一,自传性质的小说,获一九八四年法国龚古尔文学奖。全书以法国殖民者在越南的生活为背景,描写贫穷的法国女孩与富有的中国少爷之间深沉而无望的爱情。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:泰蕾丝修女地中海一岛屿上,有一座西班牙城市。城中有一所“赤脚穿云鞋”的加尔默罗会修道院。泰蕾丝女圣徒,这位名见经传的女子,一手进行了宗教改革,创立了一个新教派。这修道院中一切规章,从宗教改革时期严格保持至今,一成不变。这件事本身可能已使人感到非同寻常,但却是千真万确的。经过法国大革命和拿破仑战争时期的荡涤,伊比里亚半岛和欧洲大陆的修道院几乎全部被毁或遭到激烈冲击。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:客栈的女人叮嘱江口老人说:请不要恶作剧,也不要把手指伸进昏睡的姑娘嘴里。看起来,这里称不上是一家旅馆。二楼大概只有两间客房,一间是江口和女人正在说话的八铺席宽的房间,以及贴邻的一间。狭窄的楼下,似乎没有客厅。这里没有挂出客栈的招牌。再说,这家的秘密恐怕也打不出这种招牌来吧。房子里静悄悄的。此刻,除了这个在上了锁的门前迎接江口老人之后还在说话的女人以外,别无其他人。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:2
摘要:弗拉尔斯太太于16日晚(星期四)离世而去。17日(星期五)早晨八点就有人来请我去。我也帮不了什么忙,因为她已死了好几个小时了。九点过几分我就回到了家。我取出钥匙打开了前门,故意在大厅里磨蹭了一会,不慌不忙地把帽子和风衣挂好,这些都是我用来抵御初秋晨寒的东西。说老实话,我当时的心情非常沮丧忧愁。我并不想装模作样地认为,我能够预料今后几周将要发生的事。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:由霸空港起飞的定期航班,于午后四时抵达东京羽田机场,羽田机场一片嘈杂,寺田绫子找到了机场大厅的公用电话亭。绫子身上带着拍摄完毕的胶卷,这种胶卷为深海摄影专用的胶卷,目前,只能在东洋冲印所冲印,绫子要找的冲洗师正巧不在,她只得提上行李朝单轨电车站走去。赶回调布市的私宅已是夜间了,这是一栋小巧别致的商品住宅。绫子走进房间后,立即打开所有的窗户,房间已紧闭了十来天,里面残留着夏天的湿气。 [点击阅读]
章节:87 人气:2
摘要:第一章疑云(1)陈述约瑟夫?胡乐塔贝耶的这段奇妙经历时,我的心情一直都很激动。时至今日,他还在坚决反对我讲出这段仍然留有谜团的不可思议的故事,而这个故事,确实可以称为过去十五年中最为奇妙的悬疑故事。如果不是著名的斯坦森教授最近在晚间杂志《荣誉军团》的一篇文章中提议,我甚至认为大家永远都不会知道这件著名的黄色房间案件的全部事实了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:同学们在学校里议论日俄战争的时候,松枝清显询问他的最要好的朋友本多繁邦是否还记得当年的事情。繁邦也是往事依稀,只是模模糊糊还记得被人带到门外看过庆祝胜利的提灯游行。战争结束那一年,他们都已经十一岁,清显觉得理应有更加鲜明的记忆。同学们津津乐道当年的情景,大抵都是从大人那里听来的,再添加一些自己隐约含糊的记忆罢了。松枝家族中,清显的两个叔叔就是在那场战争中阵亡的。祖母因此至今还享受遗属抚恤金。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:今年是20世纪英国最有成就、也是最有争议的作家之一——劳伦斯诞生!”!”0周年。这位不朽的文学大师在他近20年的创作生涯中为世人留下了!”0多部小说、3本游记、3卷短篇小说集、数本诗集、散文集、书信集,另有多幅美术作品,不愧为著作等身的一代文豪。戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯(DavidHerbertLawrence)!”885年9月!”!”日出生在英国诺丁汉郡伊斯特伍德矿区。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:亨利·米勒(HenryMiller,1891年12月26日-1980年6月7日)男,美国“垮掉派”作家,是20世纪美国乃至世界最重要的作家之一,同时也是最富有个性*又极具争议的文学大师和业余画家,其阅历相当丰富,从事过多种职业,并潜心研究过禅宗、犹太教苦修派、星相学、浮世绘等稀奇古怪的学问,被公推为美国文坛“前无古人, [点击阅读]