安妮日记英文版 - THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1944
  THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1944Dearest Kitty,My longing for someone to talk to has become so unbearable that I somehow took it into my head to select Peter for this role. On the few occasions when I have gone to Peter's room during the day, I've always thought it was nice and cozy. But Peter's too polite to show someone the door when they're bothering him, so I've never dared to stay long. I've always been afraid he'd think I was a pest. I've been looking for an excuse to linger in his room and get him talking without his noticing, and yesterday I got my chance. Peter, you see, is currently going through a crossword-puzzle craze, and he doesn't do anything else all day. I was helping him, and we soon wound up sitting across from each other at his table, Peter on the chair and me on the divan.It gave me a wonderful feeling when I looked into his dark blue eyes and saw how bashful my unexpected visit had made him. I could read his innermost thoughts, and in his face I saw a look of helplessness and uncertainty as to how to behave, and at the same time a flicker of awareness of his masculinity. I saw his shyness, and I melted. I wanted to say, "Tell me about yourself. Look beneath my chatty exterior." But I found that it was easier to think up questions than to ask them.The evening came to a close, and nothing happened, except that I told him about the article on blushing. Not what I wrote you, of course, just that he would grow more secure as he got older. "That night I lay in bed and cried my eyes out, all the i while making sure no one could hear me. The idea that I had to beg Peter for favors was simply revolting. But people will do almost anything to satisfy their longings; take me, for example, I've made up my mind to visit Peter more often and, somehow, get him to talk to me.You mustn't think I'm in love with Peter, because I'm not. If the van Daans had had a daughter instead of a son, I'd have tried to make friends with her.This morning I woke up just before seven and immediately remembered what I'd been dreaming about. I was sitting on a chair and across from me was Peter. . . Peter Schiff. We were looking at a book of drawings by Mary Bos. The dream was so vivid I can even remember some of the drawings. But that wasn't all -- the dream went on. Peter's eyes suddenly met mine, and I stared for a long time into those velvety brown eyes. Then he said very softly, "If I'd only known, I'd have come to you long ago!" I turned abruptly away, overcome by emotion. And then I felt a soft, oh-so-cool and gentle cheek against mine, and it felt so good, so good . . .At that point I woke up, still feeling his cheek against mine and his brown eyes staring deep into my heart, so deep that he could read how much I'd loved him and how much I still do. Again my eyes filled with tears, and I was sad because I'd lost him once more, and yet at the same time glad because I knew with certainty that Peter is still the only one for me. 'It's funny, but I often have such vivid images in my dreams. One night I saw Grammy* [*Grammy is Anne's grandmother on her father's side, and Grandma her grandmother on her mother's side.] so clearly that I could even make out her skin of soft, crinkly velvet. Another time Grandma appeared to me as a guardian angel. After that it was Hanneli, who still symbolizes to me the suffering of my friends as well as that of Jews in general, so that when I'm praying for her, I'm also praying for all the Jews and all those in need.And now Peter, my dearest Peter. I've never had such a clear mental image of him. I don't need a photograph, I can see him oh so well.Yours, Anne
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章节:35 人气:2
摘要:&nbs;A.今年年初,日本著名作家村上春树凭借着《海边的卡夫卡》入选美国“2005年十大最佳图书”。而后,他又获得了有“诺贝尔文学奖前奏”之称的“弗朗茨·卡夫卡”奖。风头正健的村上春树,前不久在中国出版了新书《东京奇谭集》。 [点击阅读]
章节:47 人气:2
摘要:《廊桥遗梦》向我们描述了一段柏拉图式的经典爱情,再现了一段真挚的情感纠葛,是一部社会化和本地化思维很强的力作,《廊桥遗梦》之所以让人震惊,大概是它提出了爱情的本质问题之一——人们对于性爱的态度。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:乞力马扎罗是一座海拔一万九千七百一十英尺的长年积雪的高山,据说它是非洲最高的一座山。西高峰叫马塞人①的“鄂阿奇—鄂阿伊”,即上帝的庙殿。在西高峰的近旁,有一具已经风干冻僵的豹子的尸体。豹子到这样高寒的地方来寻找什么,没有人作过解释。“奇怪的是它一点也不痛,”他说。“你知道,开始的时候它就是这样。”“真是这样吗?”“千真万确。可我感到非常抱歉,这股气味准叫你受不了啦。”“别这么说!请你别这么说。 [点击阅读]
章节:66 人气:2
摘要:如果你怀疑,身边最亲近的人为你虚构了一个人生,你还能相信谁?你看到的世界,不是真实的,更何况是别人要你看的。20年来,克丽丝的记忆只能保持一天。每天早上醒来,她都会完全忘了昨天的事——包皮括她的身份、她的过往,甚至她爱的人。克丽丝的丈夫叫本,是她在这个世界里唯一的支柱,关于她生命中的一切,都只能由本告知。但是有一天,克丽丝找到了自己的日记,发现第一页赫然写着:不要相信本。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1“非常抱歉……”赫尔克里-波洛先生答道。他还没说完就被打断了。打断得不鲁莽,很委婉且富有技巧性,确切他说是说服,而不是制造矛盾与不和的打断。“请不要马上拒绝,波洛先生。这件事事关重大,对你的合作我们将感激不尽。”“你大热情了。 [点击阅读]
章节:6 人气:3
摘要:春日的午后,温暖的阳光透过浓密的树丛,斑驳地落在大牟田子爵家府评的西式客厅里,大牟田敏清子爵的遗孀瑙璃子慵懒地靠在沙发上,她是位鲜花般的美人,陪伴在旁的是已故子爵的好友川村义雄先生。漂亮的子爵府位于九州S市的风景秀丽的小山上,从府邸明亮的大客厅的阳台上,可以俯瞰S市那美丽的港口。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:由霸空港起飞的定期航班,于午后四时抵达东京羽田机场,羽田机场一片嘈杂,寺田绫子找到了机场大厅的公用电话亭。绫子身上带着拍摄完毕的胶卷,这种胶卷为深海摄影专用的胶卷,目前,只能在东洋冲印所冲印,绫子要找的冲洗师正巧不在,她只得提上行李朝单轨电车站走去。赶回调布市的私宅已是夜间了,这是一栋小巧别致的商品住宅。绫子走进房间后,立即打开所有的窗户,房间已紧闭了十来天,里面残留着夏天的湿气。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:2
摘要:今年是20世纪英国最有成就、也是最有争议的作家之一——劳伦斯诞生!”!”0周年。这位不朽的文学大师在他近20年的创作生涯中为世人留下了!”0多部小说、3本游记、3卷短篇小说集、数本诗集、散文集、书信集,另有多幅美术作品,不愧为著作等身的一代文豪。戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯(DavidHerbertLawrence)!”885年9月!”!”日出生在英国诺丁汉郡伊斯特伍德矿区。 [点击阅读]
章节:16 人气:2
摘要:《心是孤独的猎手》曾被评为百部最佳同性恋小说之一,在榜单上名列17,据翻译陈笑黎介绍,这是麦卡勒斯的第一部长篇小说,也是她一举成名的作品,出版于1940年她23岁之时。故事的背景类似于《伤心咖啡馆之歌》中炎热的南方小镇。她说:“小说中两个聋哑男子的同性之爱令人感动,而同性之恋又是若有若无的,时而激烈,时而沉默。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:2
摘要:泰蕾丝修女地中海一岛屿上,有一座西班牙城市。城中有一所“赤脚穿云鞋”的加尔默罗会修道院。泰蕾丝女圣徒,这位名见经传的女子,一手进行了宗教改革,创立了一个新教派。这修道院中一切规章,从宗教改革时期严格保持至今,一成不变。这件事本身可能已使人感到非同寻常,但却是千真万确的。经过法国大革命和拿破仑战争时期的荡涤,伊比里亚半岛和欧洲大陆的修道院几乎全部被毁或遭到激烈冲击。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:中华读书报记者施诺一位当年出版斯蒂芬·金小说的编辑曾预言:“过不了多久,斯蒂芬·金在中国就会像在美国一样普及。”中国出版商认为这位给美国出版商带来巨额利润的畅销书作者也会给中国出版社带来利润,全国有5家出版社先后推出斯蒂芬·金,盗版书商也蜂拥而至,制作粗糙的盗版书在市场迅速露面。然而,令出版商失望的是,斯蒂芬·金并没有给中国出版商带来惊喜。它的销售业绩并不理想,没有出现预想中热卖的高xdx潮。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章处女航一父母及幼小的弟弟、妹妹,四个人正围着一个在梳妆的少女淌眼泪。这是一套两间的公寓住房。父母住一间,三个孩子住一间。当然不可能让每个人都有一张桌子。孩子们每天在这狭小的房间里埋头苦读。大女儿夕雨子,已经十三岁了。但她却无法继续学习下去。她得了白血病。开始时觉得浑身无力,低烧不退。父母整天忙于自身的工作,无暇顾及自己孩子。父亲大月雄三,是个出租汽车司机。 [点击阅读]