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安妮日记英文版 - MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1943
  MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1943Dearest Kitty,We now continue with a typical day in the Annex. Since we've already had lunch, it's time to describe dinner.Mr. van Daan. Is served first, and takes a generous portion of whatever he likes. Usually joins in the conversation, never fails to give his opinion. Once he's spoken, his word is final. If anyone dares to suggest otherwise, Mr. van D. can put up a good fight. Oh, he can hiss like a cat. . . but I'd rather he didn't. Once you've seen it, you never want to see it again. His opinion is the best, he knows the most about everything. Granted, the man has a good head on his shoulders, but it's swelled to no small degree.Madame. Actually, the best thing would be to say nothing. Some days, especially when a foul mood is on the way, her face is hard to read. If you analyze the discussions, you realize she's not the subject, but the guilty party! A fact everyone prefers to ignore. Even so, you could call her the instigator. Stirring up trouble, now that's what Mrs. van Daan calls fun. Stirring up trouble between Mrs. Frank and Anne. Margot and Mr. Frank aren t qwte as easy.But let's return to the table. Mrs. van D. may think she doesn't always get enough, but that's not the case. The choicest potatoes, the tastiest morsel, the tenderest bit of whatever there is, that's Madame's motto. The others can all have their turn, as long as I get the best. (Exactly what she accuses Anne Frank of doing.) Her second watchword is: keep talking. As long as somebody's listening, it doesn't seem to occur to her to wonder whether they're interested. She must think that whatever Mrs. van Daan says will interest everyone.Smile coquettishly, pretend you know everything, offer everyone a piece of advice and mother them -- that's sure to make a good impression. But if you take a better look, the good impression fades. One, she's hardworking; two, cheerful; three, coquettish -- and sometimes a cute face. That's Petronella van Daan.The third diner. Says very little. Young Mr. van Daan is usually quiet and hardly makes his presence known. As far as his appetite is concerned, he's a Danaldean vessel that never gets full. Even after the most substantial meal, he can look you calmly in the eye and claim he could have eaten twice as much.Number four -- Margot. Eats like a bird and doesn't talk at all. She eats only vegetables and fruit. "Spoiled," in the opinion of the van Daans. "Too little exercise and fresh air," in ours.Beside her -- Mama. Has a hearty appetite, does her share of the talking. No one has the impression, as they do with Mrs. van Daan, that this is a housewife. What's the difference between the two? Well, Mrs. van D. does the cooking and Mother does the dishes and polishes the furniture.Numbers six and seven. I won't say much about Father and me. The former is the most modest person at the table. He always looks to see whether the others have been served first. He needs nothing for himself; the best things are for the children. He's goodness personified. Seated next to him is the Annex's little bundle of nerves.Dussel. Help yourself, keep your eyes on the food, eat and don't talk. And if you have to say something, then for goodness' sake talk about food. That doesn't lead to quarrels, just to bragging. He consumes enormous portions, and "no" is not part of his vocabulary, whether the food is good or bad.Pants that come up to his chest, a red jacket, black patent-leather slippers and horn-rimmed glasses -- that's how he looks when he's at work at the little table, always studying and never progressing. This is interrupted only by his afternoon nap, food and -- his favorite spot -- the bathroom. Three, four or five times a day there's bound to be someone waiting outside the bathroom door, hopping impatiently from one foot to another, trying to hold it in and barely managing. Does Dussel care? Not a whit. From seven-fifteen to seven-thirty, from twelve-thirty to one, from two to two-fifteen, from four to four-fifteen, from six to six-fifteen, from eleven-thirty to twelve. You can set your watch by them; these are the times for his "regular sessions." He never deviates or lets himself be swayed by the voices outside the door, begging him to open up before a disaster occurs.Number nine is not part of our Annex family, although she does share our house and table. Hep has a healthy appetite. She cleans her plate and isn't choosy. Hep's easy to please and that pleases us. She can be characterized as follows: cheerful, good-humored, kind and willing.
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摘要:杰斐逊城是密苏里州的州府,同时也是柯洛县的县府,它位于密苏里河右岸一个风景优美的山丘地带,从这里可以俯视到下面奔腾不息的密苏里河和河上热闹繁忙的景象。杰斐逊城的居民那时候比现在少多了,尽管如此,由于它的地理位置、以及由于地区法院定期在这里举行会议,这赋予它一个重要的地位。这里有好几家大饭店,这些饭店价格昂贵,住宿条件还过得去,提供的膳食也还可口。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:引子天主啊,我颁扬你,是你把我造就成如此卓异之人。[诗篇]①第139篇,14句①亦译《圣咏集》,《圣经·旧约》中的一卷,共一百五十篇。我给予本书以应有的价值。这是一个尽含苦涩渣滓的果实,宛似荒漠中的药西瓜。药西瓜生长在石灰质地带,吃了非但不解渴,口里还会感到火烧火燎,然而在金色的沙上却不乏瑰丽之态。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我相信我自己。我相信自己所售的商品。我相信我所在的公司。我相信我的同事和助手。我相信美国的商业方式。我相信生产者、创造者、制造者、销售者以及世界上所有正在努力工作的人们。我相信真理就是价值。我相信愉快的心情,也相信健康。我相信成功的关键并不是赚钱,而是创造价值。我相信阳光、空气、菠菜、苹果酱、酸-乳-、婴儿、羽绸和雪纺绸。请始终记住,人类语言里最伟大的词汇就是“自信”。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:林少华一在日本当代作家中,村上春树的确是个不同凡响的存在,一颗文学奇星。短短十几年时间里,他的作品便风行东流列岛。出版社为他出了专集,杂志出了专号,书店设了专柜,每出一本书,销量少则10万,多则上百万册。其中1987年的《挪威的森林》上下册销出700余万册(1996年统计)。日本人口为我国的十分之一,就是说此书几乎每15人便拥有一册。以纯文学类小说而言,这绝对不是普通数字。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:罗吉-安墨林船长于一七八二年在皮梳湾外的小岛上建造一栋大房子的时候,大家都觉得那是他怪异行径的极致。像他这样出身名门的人,应该有一幢华厦,座落在一大片草地上,附近也许有一条小溪流过,还有很好的牧场。可是安墨林船长毕生只爱一样:就是大海。所以他把他的大房子——而且由于必要,是一栋非常坚固的大房子——建在这个有风吹袭,海鸥翱翔的小岛上。每次一涨潮,这里就会和陆地隔开。他没有娶妻,大海就是他唯一的配偶。 [点击阅读]
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:某日傍晚,有一家将,在罗生门下避雨。宽广的门下,除他以外,没有别人,只在朱漆斑驳的大圆柱上,蹲着一只蟋蟀。罗生门正当朱雀大路,本该有不少戴女笠和乌软帽的男女行人,到这儿来避雨,可是现在却只有他一个。这是为什么呢,因为这数年来,接连遭了地震、台风、大火、饥懂等几次灾难,京城已格外荒凉了。照那时留下来的记载,还有把佛像、供具打碎,将带有朱漆和飞金的木头堆在路边当柴卖的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一过晚上八点,商业街上营业时间最长的中华荞麦店也打烊了,小城顿时漆黑一片,复归寂静。夏季里,商家的经营对象是从东京、大阪等地回来省亲的人们,因此,常常会有许多店铺营业到很晚。可是,自秋风初起,东北小城的夜幕就开始早早降临了。晚上十点,城边的卡拉OK快餐店也关了门。几个手握麦克风、狂唱到最后的男女客人走出来,各个怕冷似地缩着身子,一面商量着接下来去何处,一面钻进停在路边的汽车。 [点击阅读]
章节:62 人气:0
摘要:译序《苦行记》是美国著名现实主义作家、幽默大师马克·吐温的一部半自传体著作,作者以夸张的手法记录了他1861—一1865年间在美国西部地区的冒险生活。书中的情节大多是作者自己当年的所见所闻和亲身经历,我们可以在他的自传里发现那一系列真实的素材,也可以在他的其他作品中看到这些情节的艺术再现及作者审美趣旨的发展。《苦行记》也是十九世纪淘金热时期美国西部奇迹般繁荣的写照。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:内容简介1996年囊获9项奥斯卡大奖的电影《英国病人》,早已蜚声影坛,成为世界经典名片,而它正是改编于加拿大作家迈克尔·翁达尔的同名小说...一部《英国病人》让他一举摘得了英国小说的最高奖项———布克奖(1992)。翁达杰的作品,国内鲜有译介(当年无论是电影《英国病人》还是图书《英国病人》,都没能引发一场翁达杰热)。这不能不说是一种遗憾。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:玛格丽特原来是个贫苦的乡下姑娘,来到巴黎后,开始了卖笑生涯。由于生得花容月貌,巴黎的贵族公子争相追逐,成了红极一时的“社交明星”。她随身的装扮总是少不了一束茶花,人称“茶花女”。茶花女得了肺病,在接受矿泉治疗时,疗养院里有位贵族小姐,身材、长相和玛格丽特差不多,只是肺病已到了第三期,不久便死了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:作者:瓦尔特·惠特曼来吧,我的灵魂说,让我们为我的肉体写下这样的诗,(因为我们是一体,)以便我,要是死后无形地回来,或者离此很远很远,在别的天地里,在那里向某些同伙们再继续歌唱时,(合着大地的土壤,树木,天风,和激荡的海水,)我可以永远欣慰地唱下去,永远永远地承认这些是我的诗因为我首先在此时此地,代表肉体和灵魂,给它们签下我的名字。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:本书内容是一个我们称之为“荒原粮”的人留下的自述。他之所以有此雅号是因为他多次自称“荒原狼”。他的文稿是否需要加序,我们可以姑且不论;不过,我觉得需要在荒原狼的自述前稍加几笔,记下我对他的回忆。他的事儿我知道得很少;他过去的经历和出身我一概不知。可是,他的性格给我留下了强烈的印象,不管怎么说,我对他十分同情。荒原狼年近五十。 [点击阅读]
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