安妮日记英文版 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1943
  WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1943Dearest Kitty,Now that we've been in hiding for a little over a year, you know a great deal about our lives. Still, I can't possibly tell you everything, since it's all so different compared to ordinary times and ordinary people. Nevertheless, to give you a closer look into our lives, from time to time I'll describe part of an ordinary day. I'll start with the evening and night.Nine in the evening. Bedtime always begins in the Annex with an enormous hustle and bustle. Chairs are shifted, beds pulled out, blankets unfolded -- nothing stays where it is during the daytime. I sleep on a small divan, which is only five feet long, so we have to add a few chairs to make it longer. Comforter, sheets, pillows, blankets: everything has to be removed from Dussel' s bed, where it's kept during the day.In the next room there's a terrible creaking: that's Margot's folding bed being set up. More blankets and pillows, anything to make the wooden slats a bit more comfortable. Upstairs it sounds like thunder, but it's only Mrs. van D.'s bed being shoved against the window so that Her Majesty, arrayed in her pink bed jacket, can sniff the night air through her delicate little nostrils.Nine o'clock. After Peter's finished, it's my turn for the bathroom. I wash myself from head to toe, and more often than not I find a tiny flea floating in the sink (only during the hot months, weeks or days). I brush my teeth, curl my hair, manicure my nails and dab peroxide on my upper lip to bleach the black hairs -- all this in less than half an hour.Nine-thirty. I throw on my bathrobe. With soap in one hand, and potty, hairpins, panties, curlers and a wad of cotton in the other, I hurry out of the bathroom. The next in line invariably calls me back to remove the gracefully curved but unsightly hairs that I've left in the sink.Ten o'clock. Time to put up the blackout screen and say good-night. For the next fifteen minutes, at least, the house is filled with the creaking of beds and the sigh of broken springs, and then, provided our upstairs neighbors aren't having a marital spat in bed, all is quiet.Eleven-thirty. The bathroom door creaks. A narrow strip of light falls into the room. Squeaking shoes, a large coat, even larger than the man inside it . . . Dussel is returning from his nightly work in Mr. Kugler's office. I hear him shuffiing back and forth for ten whole minutes, the rustle of paper (from the food he's tucking away in his cupboard) and the bed being made up. Then the figure disappears again, and the only sound is the occasional suspicious noise from the bathroom.Approximately three o'clock. I have to get up to use the tin can under my bed, which, to be on the safe side, has a rubber mat underneath in case of leaks. I always hold my breath while I go, since it clatters into the can like a brook down a mountainside. The potty is returned to its place, and the figure in the white nightgown (the one that causes Margot to exclaim every evening, "Oh, that indecent nighty!") climbs back into bed. A certain somebody lies awake for about fifteen minutes, listening to the sounds of the night. In the first place, to hear whether there are any burglars downstairs, and then to the various beds -- upstairs, next door and in my room -- to tell whether the others are asleep or half awake. This is no fun, especially when it concerns a member of the family named Dr. Dussel. First, there's the sound of a fish gasping for air, and this is repeated nine or ten times. Then, the lips are moistened profusely. This is alternated with little smacking sounds, followed by a long period of tossing and turning and rearranging the pillows. After five minutes of perfect quiet, the same sequence repeats itself three more times, after which he's presumably lulled himself back to sleep for a while.Sometimes the guns go off during the night, between one and four. I'm never aware of it before it happens, but all of a sudden I find myself standing beside my bed, out of sheer habit. Occasionally I'm dreaming so deeply (of irregular French verbs or a quarrel upstairs) that I realize only when my dream is over that the shooting has stopped and that I've remained quietly in my room. But usually I wake up. Then I grab a pillow and a handkerchief, throw on my robe and slippers and dash next door to Father, just the way Margot described in this birthday poem:When shots rino out in the dark of night, The door creaks open and into sight Come a hanky, a pillow, a figure in white. . .Once I've reached the big bed, the worst is over, except when the shooting is extra loud.Six forty-five. Brrring . . . the alarm clock, which raises its shrill voice at any hour of the day or night, whether you want it to or not. Creak. . . wham. . . Mrs. van D. turns it off. Screak . . . Mr. van D. gets up, puts on the water and races to the bathroom.Seven-fifteen. The door creaks again. Dussel can go to the bathroom. Alone at last, I remove the blackout screen . . . and a new day begins in the Annex.Yours, Anne
章节:10 人气:2
摘要:当山冈圭介来到琴川河的上游地区,已是时近中午。山冈行走在岩石地带时,极为小心谨慎。如果从同上次一样的道路上通过,则很容易留下足印。山冈圭介连那足印也极力避免留下。他每一步都尽量地避开土质松软的地方,以及草地,把步子尽可能踩在土质坚硬的路面上以及岩石上,以免留下走过的痕迹。他的整个行动都小心翼翼。他深知,稍有不慎,就会导致严重的后果。山冈进入到岩石地带的中心部位。 [点击阅读]
章节:19 人气:2
摘要:星际议会成立之后1830年,也就是新元1830年,一艘自动巡航飞船通过安赛波①发回一份报告:该飞船所探测的星球非常适宜于人类居住。人类定居的行星中,拜阿是距离它最近的一个有人口压力的行星。于是星际议会作出决议,批准拜阿向新发现的行星移民。如此一来,拜阿人就成为见证这个新世界的第一批人类成员,他们是巴西后裔,说葡萄矛浯,信奉天主教。 [点击阅读]
章节:84 人气:2
摘要:“我用他的眼睛来观察,用他的耳朵来聆听,我告诉你他是独特的,至少他非常接近于我们要找的人。”“这话你已经对他的哥哥说过。”“由于某些原因,他哥哥已经被测试过不符合需要,但这和他的能力无关。”“他的姐姐也是这样,我很怀疑他会不会也是这样,他的性格太过柔弱,很容易屈服于别人的意愿。”“但不会是对他的敌人。”“那么我们怎么做?将他无时不刻的置于敌人之中?”“我们没有选择。”“我想你喜欢这孩子。 [点击阅读]
章节:60 人气:2
摘要:01你不应读此。如果你读这本书,只是想知道和弥赛亚[1](我们的弥赛亚)做爱是什么感觉,那你就不该继续读下去,因为你只是个窥婬狂而已。如果你读这本书,只因你是诗人那部《诗篇》的忠实爱好者,对海伯利安朝圣者的余生之事十分着迷且好奇,那你将会大失所望。我不知道他们大多数人发生了什么事。他们生活并死去,那是在我出生前三个世纪的事情了。 [点击阅读]
情人 杜拉斯
章节:17 人气:2
摘要:一个与昆德拉、村上春树和张爱玲并列的小资读者、时尚标志的女作家,一个富有传奇人生经历、惊世骇俗叛逆性格、五色斑斓爱情的艺术家,一个堪称当代法国文化骄傲的作家,一个引导世界文学时尚的作家……《情人》系杜拉斯代表作之一,自传性质的小说,获一九八四年法国龚古尔文学奖。全书以法国殖民者在越南的生活为背景,描写贫穷的法国女孩与富有的中国少爷之间深沉而无望的爱情。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:2
摘要:这本书的思想是崇尚简朴生活,热爱大自然的风光,内容丰厚,意义深远,语言生动,意境深邃,就像是个智慧的老人,闪现哲理灵光,又有高山流水那样的境界。书中记录了作者隐居瓦尔登湖畔,与大自然水-乳-交融、在田园生活中感知自然重塑自我的奇异历程。读本书,能引领人进入一个澄明、恬美、素雅的世界。亨利·戴维·梭罗(1817-1862),美国超验主义作家。 [点击阅读]
章节:3 人气:2
摘要:正文第一幕火车站一阵报时钟声后,幕徐徐升起。接着就看到“居仑”两字。显然,这是北京处隐约可见的小城的名称,一片破烂、败落的景象。车站大楼同样破败不堪,墙上标出有的州通车,有的州不通;还贴着一张破烂不堪的列车时刻表,车站还包括一间发黑的信号室,一扇门上写着:禁止入内。在北京中间是一条通往车站的马路,样子可怜得很,它也只是用笔勾勒出来。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:2
摘要:考琳·麦卡洛,生于澳大利亚新南威尔士州的惠灵顿。她曾从事过多种工作——旅游业、图书馆、教书;后来终于成了一名神经病理学家,曾就学于美国耶鲁大学。她的第一部小说是《蒂姆》,而《荆棘鸟》则构思了四年,作了大量的调查工作,方始动笔。此书一发表,作者便一举成名。作者是位多才多艺的人,喜欢摄影、音乐、绘画、服装裁剪等。她现定居于美国。 [点击阅读]
章节:19 人气:2
摘要:有些陈腐的词语只属于某些类型的小说。比如情节剧里的“秃头坏男爵”,侦探故事里的“藏书室里的尸体”。多年来我一直试图为人们熟知的主题作一些适当的改变。我为自己订立了条件:书里描写的藏书室必须属于非常正统、传统的那一类,而尸体则必须让人觉得悱恻不定、触目惊心。遵循这些原则,几年来出现在笔记本上的只有短短几行文字。 [点击阅读]
章节:45 人气:2
摘要:导读这就是东野圭吾的本事东野圭吾小说普及性之所以这么高,几乎等于畅销书保证,一个不能不提的因素,即他的作品并非只有谜团,只是卖弄诡计;一个更重要的元素,即他过人的说故事能力,以及很有温度的文字书写;身为作家,强项一堆,难怪东野的创作总是多元又量产。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:2
摘要:它目睹了人与人、狗与狗、强者与弱者之间冷酷无情和生死争斗,于是为了生存,它学会了只求活命、不顾道义的处世原则,变得凶悍、机智而狡诈。最后,在森林中狼群的呼唤下,巴克狼性*复萌,逃入丛林,重归荒野。在小说中,杰克·伦敦运用拟人手法,把狗眼中的世界及人类的本质刻画地淋漓尽致,反映了资本主义社会冷酷的现实和“优胜劣汰,适者生存”的客观现实。 [点击阅读]
章节:38 人气:2
摘要:记不得哪位哲人曾经这样说过:对艺术而言,人类的两种基本欲望只需极小的代价便可以挑动起来,那就是恐惧与性欲。对后者,非本文所涉及的话题,姑且略去。但是把恐惧带进我们的生活,却真的不难。最简单的方法:你可以躲在暗处,出奇不意地向某个路过此地的人大吼一声,你的目的就能达到。当然,前提是他不知道你要玩这个游戏。换句话说,就是对他要保证两个字——悬念。 [点击阅读]