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安妮日记英文版 - TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1943
  TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1943The Best Little TableYesterday afternoon Father gave me permission to ask Mr. Dussel whether he would please be so good as to allow me (see how polite I am?) to use the table in our room two afternoons a week, from four to five-thirty. I already sit there every day from two-thirty to four while Dussel takes a nap, but the rest of the time the room and the table are off-limits to me. It's impossible to study next door in the afternoon, because there's too much going on. Besides, Father sometimes likes to sit at the desk during the afternoon.So it seemed like a reasonable request, and I asked Dussel very politely. What do you think the learned gentleman's reply was? "No." Just plain "No!"I was incensed and wasn't about to let myself be put off like that. I asked him the reason for his "No," but this didn't get me anywhere. The gist of his reply was: "I have to study too, you know, and if I can't do that in the afternoons, I won't be able to fit it in at all. I have to finish the task I've set for myself; otherwise, there's no point in starting. Besides, you aren't serious about your studies. Mythology -- what kind of work is that? Reading and knitting don't count either. I use that table and I'm not going to give it up!"I replied, "Mr. Dussel, I do take my wsork seriously. I can't study next door in the afternoons, and I would appreciate it if you would reconsider my request!"Having said these words, the insulted Anne turned around and pretended the learned doctor wasn't there. I was seething with rage and felt that Dussel had been incredibly rude (which he certainly had been) and that I'd been very polite.That evening, when I managed to get hold of Pim, I told him what had happened and we discussed what my next step should be, because I had no intention of giving up and preferred to deal with the matter myself. Pim gave me a rough idea of how to approach Dussel, but cautioned me to wait until the next day, since I was in such a flap. I ignored this last piece of advice and waited for Dussel after the dishes had been done. Pim was sitting next door and that had a calming effect.I began, "Mr. Dussel, you seem to believe further discussion of the matter is pointless, but I beg you to reconsider."Dussel gave me his most charming smile and said, "I'm always prepared to discuss the matter, even though it's already been settled."I went on talking, despite Dussel's repeated interruptions. When you first came here," I said, "we agreed that the room was to be shared by the two of us. If we were to divide it fairly, you'd have the entire morning and I'd have the entire afternoon! I'm not asking for that much, but two afternoons a week does seem reasonable to me."Dussel leapt out of his chair as if he'd sat on a pin. "You have no business talking about your rights to the room. Where am I supposed to go? Maybe I should ask Mr. van Daan to build me a cubbyhole in the attic. You're not the only one who can't find a quiet place to work. You're always looking for a fight. If your sister Margot, who has more right to work space than you do, had come to me with the same request, I'd never even have thought of refusing, but you. . ."And once again he brought up the business about the mythology and the knitting, and once again Anne was insulted. However, I showed no sign of it and let Dussel finish:"But no, it's impossible to talk to you. You're shamefully self-centered. No one else matters, as long as you get your way. I've never seen such a child. But after all is said and done, I'll be obliged to let you have your way, since I don't want people saying later on that Anne Frank failed her exams because Mr. Dussel refused to relinquish his table!"He went on and on until there was such a deluge of words I could hardly keep up. For one fleeting moment I thought, "Him and his lies. I'll smack his ugly mug so hard he'll go bouncing off the wall!" But the next moment I thought, "Calm down, he's not worth getting so upset about!"At long last Mr. Dussel' s fury was spent, and he left the room with an expression of triumph mixed with wrath, his coat pockets bulging with food.I went running over to Father and recounted the entire story, or at least those parts he hadn't been able to follow himself. rim decided to talk to Dussel that very same evening, and they spoke for more than half an hour.They first discussed whether Anne should be allowed to use the table, yes or no. Father said that he and Dussel had dealt with the subject once before, at which time he'd professed to agree with Dussel because he didn't want to contradict the elder in front of the younger, but that, even then, he hadn't thought it was fair. Dussel felt I had no right to talk as if he were an intruder laying claim to everything in sight. But Father protested strongly, since he himself had heard me say nothing of the kind. And so the conversation went back and forth, with Father defending my "selfishness" and my "busywork" and Dussel grumbling the whole time.Dussel finally had to give in, and I was granted the opportunity to work without interruption two afternoons a week. Dussel looked very sullen, didn't speak to me for two days and made sure he occupied the table from five to five-thirty -- all very childish, of course.Anyone who's so petty and pedantic at the age of fifty-four was born that way and is never going to change.
章节:130 人气:2
摘要:大仲马(1802-1870),法国十九世纪积极浪漫主义作家,杰出的通俗小说家。其祖父是侯爵德·拉·巴那特里,与黑奴结合生下其父,名亚历山大,受洗时用母姓仲马。大仲马三岁时父亲病故,二十岁只身闯荡巴黎,曾当过公爵的书记员、国民自卫军指挥官。拿破仑三世发动政变,他因为拥护共和而流亡。大仲马终生信守共和政见,一贯反对君主专政,憎恨复辟王朝,不满七月王朝,反对第二帝国。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:2
摘要:雅·哈谢克(1883~1923),捷克作家,有“捷克散文之父”之称。哈谢克是一个唐·吉诃德式的人物,单枪匹马向资产阶级社会挑战,同时,他又酗酒及至不能自拔。他一生写了上千篇短篇小说和小品,还写过剧本,大多是讽刺小说。哈谢克生于布拉格一穷苦教员家庭,13岁时父亲病故,上中学时因参加反对奥匈帝国的示威游行,多次遭拘留和逮捕。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:基思-兰德里在前线服役二十五年之后踏上了归途,他驾驶着他的萨伯900型轿车①,从宾夕法尼亚大街转入宪法大街一直往西,沿着草地广场②朝弗吉尼亚方向行驶,开过了波托马克河上的罗斯福大桥。他从汽车的后视镜中瞥见了林肯纪念堂,向它挥了挥手,然后顺着66号国道继续往西开,离开了首都华盛顿。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:2
摘要:下雪了,就在藤井先生结束致词的一刻。"就此,多谢大家的到来。我肯定,阿树泉下有知,一定会很高兴。"渡边博子参加了藤井树逝世三周年的纪念仪式。藤井树的父亲正站在墓碑前讲及他儿子生前的点滴。博子?如果阿树多留一点时间便好了。三年前的事就像在眼前。当时,她跟阿树正准备结婚。就在婚期之前,阿树参加了一个攀山探险旅程。山中,一场突如其来的风暴迫使探险队改行一条少人使用的路。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章01“今晚值班不是小桥医师吗?”做完晚上7点的测体温、查房,返回护士值班室的宇野薰一边看着墙上贴着的医师值班表一边问。“那上面写着的倒是小桥医师,可是,听说今晚换人了。”正在桌上装订住院患者病历卡片的志村伦子对阿薰的问话头也没抬地回答说。“换人了,换的是谁?”“好像是直江医师。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:与圣迪奥家族的那场决战过了一年之后,就在棕榈主日①那一天,唐-多米尼科-克莱里库齐奥为自家的两个婴儿举行洗礼仪式,并做出了他一生中最重要的一项决定。他邀请了美国最显赫的家族头目,还有拉斯维加斯华厦大酒店的业主艾尔弗雷德-格罗内韦尔特,以及在美国开创了庞大的毒品企业的戴维-雷德费洛。这些人在一定程度上都是他的合伙人。①棕榈主日:指复活节前的礼拜日。 [点击阅读]
章节:58 人气:2
摘要:自从很久以前即1759年初《道德情操论》第一版问世以来,我想到了其中可作的一些修改,以及有关该学说的种种很好的说明。但是,我一生中的种种偶然事件必然使我全神贯注于各种工作,直到现在都妨碍我常想以小心谨慎和专心致志的态度进行的修订这一著作的工作。读者将在这一新版中,在第一卷第三篇的最末一章中,以及在第三卷第四篇的第一章中,看到我已作出的主要改动。第六卷,正如它在新版中呈现的那样,完全是新写的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:CT是一种反物质,它也可以说成是物质的一种倒转的体现形式。对于地球来讲,CT是陌生的,但在太空中却存在着许多由它构成的流星、慧星和小行星。CT原子由带负电的原子核和带正电的电子组成。这是一种肉眼不能看见的差别,但也是一种致命的差别。CT物质看起来与普通的物质别无二致——只要二者不碰触到一起。一旦碰触发生,两种物质正好相反的电荷互相抵销,相反的粒子发生爆炸,释放出巨大的能量。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我出生在罗马一个显贵门第。我三岁时,父亲不幸去世、母亲尚年轻,立意改嫁,托一个无子女叔父照管我的学习。他高兴地、甚至是迫不及待地收留了我,因为他想利用他的监护人身份,决定把他收养的孤儿,培育成一个忠于神甫的信徒。对于狄法洛将军的历史,知道的人太多了,这里就用不着我赘述。将军死后,神甫们看到法国军队威胁着这个宗教之国,便开始放出风,说有人看到基督和圣母木头塑像睁开了眼睛。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:致中国的合作者、读者和书迷们:对于今年不能亲至中国一事,我深感遗憾,因此想借这封短信向你们所有人表达我的感激之情,有了你们,才有我所谓的成功。谢谢你们为我的作品中文版所付出的时间与努力,你们的厚爱尤其让我感动。我希望能在不久的将来拜访你们美丽的国家,亲口表达我的谢意。谨致最诚挚的祝愿。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:2
摘要:铁凝喜爱一个作家的作品,是不能不读他的自传的。每当我读过那些大家的自传后,就如同跟随着他们的人生重新跋涉了一遍,接着很可能再去重读他们的小说或诗。于是一种崭新的享受开始了,在这崭新阅读的途中,总会有新的美景突现,遥远而又亲近,陌生而又熟稔——是因为你了解并理解着他们作品之外的奇异人生所致吧。读许金龙先生最新译作《大江健三郎口述自传》,即是这样的心情。 [点击阅读]
章节:44 人气:2
摘要:我的同事希腊文教师别里科夫两个月前才在我们城里去世。您一定听说过他。他也真怪,即使在最晴朗的日子,也穿上雨鞋,带着雨伞,而且一定穿着暖和的棉大衣。他总是把雨伞装在套子里,把表放在一个灰色的鹿皮套子里;就连那削铅笔的小刀也是装在一个小套子里的。他的脸也好像蒙着套子,因为他老是把它藏在竖起的衣领里。他戴黑眼镜穿羊毛衫,用棉花堵住耳朵眼。他一坐上马车,总要叫马车夫支起车篷。 [点击阅读]
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