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安妮日记英文版 - THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1943
  THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1943Dearest Kitty,Mother, Father, Margot and I were sitting quite pleasantly together last night when Peter suddenly came in and whispered in Father's ear. I caught the words "a barrel falling over in the warehouse" and "someone fiddling with the door."Margot heard it too, but was trying to calm me down, since I'd turned white as chalk and was extremely nervous. The three of us waited while Father and Peter went downstairs. A minute or two later Mrs. van Daan came up from where she'd been listening to the radio and told us that Pim had asked her to turn it off and tiptoe upstairs. But you know what happens when you're trying to be quiet -- the old stairs creaked twice as loud. Five minutes later Peter and Pim, the color drained from their faces, appeared again to relate their experiences.They had positioned themselves under the staircase and waited. Nothing happened. Then all of a sudden they heard a couple of bangs, as if two doors had been slammed shut inside the house. Pim bounded up the stairs, while Peter went to warn Dussel, who finally pre sented himself upstairs, though not without kicking up a fuss and making a lot of noise. Then we all tiptoed in our stockinged feet to the van Daans on the next floor. Mr. van D. had a bad cold and had already gone to bed, so we gathered around his bedside and discussed our suspicions in a whisper. Every time Mr. van D. coughed loudly, Mrs. van D. and I nearly had a nervous fit. He kept coughing until someone came up with the bright idea of giving him codeine. His cough subsided immediately.Once again we waited and waited, but heard nothing. Finally we came to the conclusion that the burglars had taken to their heels when they heard footsteps in an otherwise quiet building. The problem now was that the chairs in the private office were neatly grouped around the radio, which was tuned to England. If the burglars had forced the door and the air-raid wardens were to notice it and call the police, there could be very serious repercus sions. So Mr. van Daan got up, pulled on his coat and pants, put on his hat and cautiously followed Father down the stairs, with Peter (armed with a heavy hammer, to be on the safe side) right behind him. The ladies (including Margot and me) waited in suspense until the men returned five minutes later and reported that there was no sign of any activity in the building. We agreed not to run any water or flush the toilet; but since everyone's stomach was churning from all the tension, you can imagine the stench after we'd each had a turn in the bathroom.Incidents like these are always accompanied by other disasters, and this was no exception. Number one: the Westertoren bells stopped chiming, and I'd always found them so comforting. Number two: Mr. Voskuijlleft early last night, and we weren't sure if he'd given Bep the key and she'd forgotten to lock the door.But that was of little importance now. The night had just begun, and we still weren't sure what to expect. We were somewhat reassured by the fact that between eight-fifteen -- when the burglar had first entered the building and put our lives in jeopardy, and ten-thirty, we hadn't heard a sound. The more we thought about it, the less likely it seemed that a burglar would have forced a door so early in the evening, when there were still people out on the streets. Besides that, it occurred to us that the warehouse manager at the Keg Company next door might still have been at work. What with the excitement and the thin walls, it's easy to mistake the sounds. Besides, your imagination often plays tricks on you in moments of danger.So we went to bed, though not to sleep. Father and Mother and Mr. Dussel were awake most of the night, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that I hardly got a wink of sleep. This morning the men went downstairs to see if the outside door was still locked, but all was well!Of course, we gave the entire office staff a blow-by-blow account of the incident, which had been far from pleasant. It's much easier to laugh at these kinds of things after they've happened, and Bep was the only one who took us seriously.Yours, AnnePS. This morning the toilet was clogged, and Father had to stick in a long wooden pole and fish out several pounds of excrement and strawberry recipes (which is what we use for toilet paper these days). Afterward we burned the pole.
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摘要:玛柏儿小姐习惯在下午,看第二份报。每天早上,有两份报送到她家里。如果头一份能准时送到的话,她会在吃早点时读它。送报童很不一定,不是换了个新人,就是临时找人代送。报童对送报的路径,各有各的做法。这也许是送报太单调了的缘故。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《马太福音》第十八章第二十一节至第二十二节:“那时彼得进前来,对耶稣说:主啊,我弟兄得罪我,我当饶恕他几次呢?到七次可以么?耶稣说:我对你说,不是到七次,乃是到七十个七次。”《马太福音》第七章第三节:“为什么看见你弟兄眼中有刺,却不想自己眼中有梁木呢?”《约翰福音》第八章第七节:“……你们中间谁是没有罪的,谁就可以先拿石头打她。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一1在我即将步入成年那遥远的日子里,一天深夜,我穿过方尖碑广场,向协和广场走去,这时,一辆轿车突然从黑暗中冒了出来。起先,我以为它只是与我擦身而过,而后,我感觉从踝骨到膝盖有一阵剧烈的疼痛。我跌倒在人行道上。不过,我还是能够重新站起身来。在一阵玻璃的碎裂声中,这辆轿车已经一个急拐弯,撞在广场拱廊的一根柱子上。车门打开了,一名女子摇摇晃晃地走了出来。拱廊下,站在大饭店门口的一个人把我们带进大厅。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:私家侦探有着各式各样的外型,只可惜没一个长得像电视明星。有的私家侦专长征信工作,有的则是带着摄影机待在廉价旅馆里抓奸,只有极少数的私家侦探有机会调查扑朔迷离的谋杀案件。有些私家侦探擅长追查某些根本不存在或是不应该存在的东西。至于我,我的专长是找东西。有时候我希望自己找不出那些东西,不过既然干了这行就别想太多了。当时我门上招牌写的是泰勒侦探社。我就是泰勒,一个又高又黑又不特别英俊的男人。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:圣犹大教堂是夜城唯一的教堂,我只有在生意需要的时候才会去。这间教堂距离到处都有敬神场所的上帝之街很远,独自耸立在一个极为安静的角落里,远离夜城一切华丽亮眼的霓虹。这是间不打广告的教堂,一间毫不在意路过的人们愿不愿意进入的教堂。它只是默默地待在原地,以防任何不时之需。圣犹大教堂以迷途圣人之名而建,是一幢非常非常古老的建筑,甚至可能比基督教本身还要古老。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:夜城里任何形式的能量都有,不过想要在这里成为电力供货商的话,不但需要稳定的能量,还得要不受外界干扰才行。不管怎样,夜城中形形色色的霓虹灯光总是得要有电才能运作。身为一座大城市中的小城市,夜城拥有许多能量来源,包皮括某些不合法甚至不自然的能量,比方说活人血祭、囚禁神祇、折磨理智,甚至是吸收了能量力场的小型黑洞。还有一些十分浩瀚恐怖、诡异奇特的能量来源,以人类心智无法承受的方式运作。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:夜城老是给人一种时间不够的感觉。你可以在这里买到所有东西,但就是买不到时间。由于我有许多事情要办,又有许多敌人在身后追赶,所以只好急急忙忙地穿梭在夜城的街道之间。我很惊讶地发现来来往往的人潮都跟我保持一种比平常还要遥远的距离,看来若非我母亲的身分已经流传开来,就是大家都听说了当权者公开悬赏我的项上人头。为了避免卷入无妄之灾,于是众人纷纷及早走避。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:伦敦中心附近藏有一个可怕的秘密,有如毒蛇缠绕在其中:夜城。一个黑暗堕落的地方,一个大城市中的小城市,一个太阳从未照耀也永远不会照耀的所在。你可以在夜城中找到诸神、怪物,以及来自地底深处的灵体,如果他们没有先找上门来的话。欢愉与恐惧永远都在打折,不但价格低廉,也不会在橱柜中陈列太久。我是个在夜城出生的人,而打从三十几年前出生的那天开始,就不断有人想要置我于死地。我名叫约翰·泰勒,职业是私家侦探。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:夜城,黑暗而又神秘的领域,位于伦敦市内。不论是诸神与怪物,还是人类与生灵,都会为了许多私密的理由来到这个病态的魔法境地,追求其他地方无法提供的梦想与梦魇。这里的一切都有标价,商品不会太过陈旧。想要召唤恶魔或是跟天使做爱?出卖自己的灵魂,或是别人的灵魂?想将世界变得更加美好,或是纯粹只是变得大不相同?夜城随时敞开双臂,面带微笑地等着满足你的需求。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:观览车,意指“摩天轮”。兴建期间,附近高级公寓发生惊人命案这群斜坡上的住户,都衷心期待摩天轮落成后,明天会更加闪耀……01晚上七点四十分——事情为什么会演变成这样呢?远藤真弓眼前的少女名叫彩花,这名字是她取的。少女一面高声嘶喊,一面挥手把书桌上的东西不分青红皂白全扫落到地上。不对,手机、大头贴小册之类她喜欢的东西部避开了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:——代序姜秋霞安妮·赖斯是美国当代著名的小说家之一,她1941年出生在美国新奥尔良,1961年与诗人斯坦·赖斯结为伉俪,1964年获旧金山州立大学学士学位,1971年获加州大学硕士学位。她在成名之前做过多种工作:女招待、厨师、引座员等等,经历十分丰富,为她的写作奠定了充实的基础。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:阴云密布,狂风怒号,滔天的大浪冲击着海岸。海草、杂鱼、各种水生物被涌上海滩,在狂风中飘滚、颤动。一道嶙峋的峭壁在海边耸起,俯视着无边无际的滔滔大洋。一条破木船搁浅在岸边,孤零零地忍受着风浪的抽打。船上写着几行日文。孤船的旁边,一条被海浪选到沙滩上的小鲨鱼,发出刺耳的哀叫。在任暴的风浪里,野生的海带漂忽不走,有些在海浪里起伏深沉,有些被刮到海滩上,任凭酷热的蒸腾。 [点击阅读]
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