安妮日记英文版 - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1942
  TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1942Dearest Kitty!Mr. Dussel has arrived. Everything went smoothly. Miep told him to be at a certain place in front of the post office at 11 A.M., when a man would meet him, and he was at the appointed place at the appointed time. Mr. Kleiman went up to him, announced that the man he was expecting to meet was unable to come and asked him to drop by the office to see Miep. Mr. Kleiman took a streetcar back to the office while Mr.Dussel followed on foot.It was eleven-twenty when Mr. Dussel tapped on the office door. Miep asked him to remove his coat, so the yellow star couldn't be seen, and brought him to the private office, where Mr. Kleiman kept him occupied until the cleaning lady had gone. On the pretext that the private office was needed for something else, Miep took Mr. Dussel upstairs, opened the bookcase and stepped inside, while Mr. Dussellooked on in amazement.In the meantime, the seven of us had seated ourselves around the dining table to await the latest addition to our family with coffee and cognac. Miep first led him into the Frank family's room. He immediately recognized our furniture, but had no idea we were upstairs, just above his head. When Miep told him, he was so astonished he nearly fainted. Thank goodness she didn't leave him in suspense any longer, but brought him upstairs. Mr. Dussel sank into a chair and stared at us in dumbstruck silence, as though he thought he could read the truth on our faces. Then he stuttered, "Aber . . . but are you nicht in Belgium? The officer, the auto, they were not coming? Your escape was not working?"We explained the whole thing to him, about how we'd deliberately spread the rumor of the officer and the car to throw the Germans and anyone else who might come looking for us off the track. Mr. Dussel was speechless in the face of such ingenuity, and could do nothing but gaze around in surprise as he explored the rest of our lovely and ultrapractical Annex. We all had lunch together. Then he took a short nap, joined us for tea, put away the few belongings Miep had been able to bring here in advance and began to feel much more at home. Especially when we handed him the following typewritten rules and regulations for the Secret Annex (a van Daan production):PROSPECTUS AND GUIDE TO THE SECRET ANNEXA Unique Facility for the TemporaryAccommodation of Jews and Other Dispossessed PersonsOpen all year round: Located in beautiful, quiet, wooded surroundings in the heart of Amsterdam. No private residences in the vicinity. Can be reached by streetcar 13 or 17 and also by car and bicycle. For those to whom such transportation has been forbidden by the German authorities, it can also be reached on foot. Furnished and unfurnished rooms and apartments are available at all times, with or without meals.Price: Free.Diet: Low-fat.Runnina water in the bathroom (sorry, no bath) and on various inside and outside walls. Cozy wood stoves for heating.Ample storage space for a variety of goods. Two large, modern safes.Private radio with a direct line to London, New York, Tel Aviv and many other stations. Available to all residents after 6 P.M. No listening to forbidden broadcasts, with certain exceptions, i.e., German stations may only be tuned in to listen to classical music. It is absolutely forbidden to listen to German news bulletins (regardless of where they are transmitted from) and to pass them on to others.Rest hours: From 10 P.M. to 7:30 A.M.; 10:15 A.M. on Sundays. Owing to circumstances, residents are required to observe rest hours during the daytime when instructed to do so by the Management. To ensure the safety of all, rest hours must be strictly observed!!!Free-time activities: None allowed outside the house until further notice.Use of language: It is necessary to speak softly at all times. Only the language of civilized people may be spoken, thus no German.Reading and relaxation: No German books may be read, except for the classics and works of a scholarly nature. Other books are optional.Calisthenics: Daily.Singing: Only softly, and after 6 P.M.Movies: Prior arrangements required.Classes: A weekly correspondence course in shorthand. Courses in English, French, math and history offered at any hour of the day or night. Payment in the form of tutoring, e.g., Dutch.Separate department for the care of small household pets (with the exception of vermin, for which special permits are required).Mealtimes:Breakfast: At 9 A.M. daily except holidays and Sundays; at approximately 11:30 A.M. on Sundays and holidays.Lunch: A light meal. From 1:15 P.M. to 1:45 P.M.Dinner: Mayor not be a hot meal.Mealtime depends on news broadcasts.Obligations with respect to the Supply Corps: Residents must be prepared to help withoffice work at all times. Baths: The washtub is available to all residents after 9 A.M. on Sundays. Residents may bathe in the bathroom, kitchen, private office or front office, as they choose.Alcohol: For medicinal purposes only.The end.Yours, Anne
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摘要:星期五的早晨,六点十三分,露西.安格卡特尔睁开了她那蓝色的大眼睛,新的一天开始了。同往常一样,她立刻就完全清醒了,并且开始思考从她那活跃得令人难以置信的头脑中冒出来的问题。她感到迫切需要同别人商量,于是想到了自己年轻的表妹米奇.哈德卡斯尔,昨天晚上才来到空幻庄园的年轻人。安格卡特尔夫人迅速地溜下床,往她那依然优雅的肩头披上一件便服后,就来到了米奇的房间。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“那苹果树、那歌声和那金子。”墨雷译《攸里披底斯的〈希波勒特斯〉》在他们的银婚日,艾舍斯特和妻子坐着汽车,行驶在荒原的外边,要到托尔基去过夜,圆满地结束这个节日,因为那里是他们初次相遇的地方。这是斯苔拉·艾舍斯特的主意,在她的性格里是有点儿多情色彩的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:战争爆发前十年,我有一回在里维耶拉度假期,住在一所小公寓里。一天,饭桌上发生了一场激烈的辩论,渐渐转变成忿怒的争吵,几乎闹到结怨动武的地步,这真是万没料到的。世上的人大多数幻想能力十分迟钝,不论什么事情,若不直接牵涉到自己,若不象尖刺般狼狠地扎迸头脑里,他们决不会昂奋激动的,可是,一旦有点什么,哪怕十分微不足道,只要是明摆在眼前,直截了当地触动感觉,便立刻会使他们大动感情,往往超出应有的限度。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:影片从梦中的女主人公---第一人称的'我'回忆往事开始。夜里,我又梦回曼陀丽。面对这堆被焚的中世纪建筑废墟,我又想起很多过去……那是从法国开始的。做为'陪伴'的我随范霍夫太太来到蒙特卡洛。一天,在海边我看到一个在陡崖边徘徊的男子。我以为他要投海,就叫出了声。他向我投来愤怒的一瞥。我知道我想错了,他可真是一个怪人。很巧,他竟同我们住在同一个饭店里。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:爱丽丝·德拉·罗卡讨厌滑雪学校。她讨厌在圣诞假期也要一大早七点半就起床,她讨厌在吃早餐时父亲目不转睛地盯着她,同时一条腿在餐桌下面焦躁地抖个不停,仿佛在催促她说:“快吃!”她讨厌那条会扎她大腿的羊毛连裤袜,讨厌那双让她手指不能动弹的滑雪手套,讨厌那顶勒住她的面颊、同时又用铁带扣卡住她下巴的头盔,也讨厌那双特别挤脚、让她走起路来像只大猩猩的滑雪靴。“你到底喝不喝这杯奶?”父亲再一次逼问她。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“喂??…喂????”…嘟嘟…嘟嘟嘟…二零零三年,成南。…又来了…又来了,该死的骚扰电话,今天是十八岁的我的第十七个生日…是我喝海带汤的日子没错了,偏偏接到这狗屎味儿的无声电话…^=_=已经一个星期了,“喂…嘟,喂…嘟”(?誄每次都是一样)那边也不说话,就是偷听我的声音然后就断了…今天早晨我居然在生日餐桌上又被涮了一次…^-_-凭我出神入化的第六感, [点击阅读]
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摘要:《追忆逝水年华》是一部与传统小说不同的长篇小说。全书以叙述者“我”为主体,将其所见所闻所思所感融合一体,既有对社会生活,人情世态的真实描写,又是一份作者自我追求,自我认识的内心经历的记录。除叙事以外,还包含有大量的感想和议论。整部作品没有中心人物,没有完整的故事,没有波澜起伏,贯穿始终的情节线索。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一谈及巴尔扎克,人们首先会想到他的《高老头》、《欧叶妮·格朗台》、《幻灭》,而《邦斯舅舅》恐怕就要稍逊一筹了。然而,我们却读到了也许会令中国读者意外的评论。安德烈·纪德曾这样写道:“这也许是巴尔扎克众多杰作中我最喜欢的一部;不管怎么说,它是我阅读最勤的一部……我欣喜、迷醉……”他还写道:“不同凡响的《邦斯舅舅》,我先后读了三、四遍,现在我可以离开巴尔扎克了,因为再也没有比这本书更精彩的作品了。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:2
摘要:1我以为,人生最大的幸福莫过于有一个幸福的童年。我的童年幸福快乐。我有一个可爱的家庭和宅院,一位聪颖耐心的保姆;父母情意甚笃,是一对恩爱夫妻和称职的家长。回首往事,我感到家庭里充满了欢乐。这要归功于父亲,他为人随和。如今,人们不大看重随和的品性,注重的大多是某个男人是否机敏、勤奋,是否有益于社会,并且说话算数。至于父亲,公正地说,他是一位非常随和的人。这种随和给与他相处的人带来无尽的欢愉。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:本文是作者根据自己1868年在纽约采访州长竞选的素材写成的一篇政治讽刺小说。作者以夸张的漫画式的笔触,艺术地再现了美国社会中竞选的种种秽事丑闻,揭露了竞选的虚伪性和欺骗性。这篇小说以独立党候选人“我”的自白与大量的新闻、匿名信等引文的对照构成完整的故事,用犀利、夸张、含蓄的语言表达了作者对腐败政治的愤怒谴责。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我知道有这么一则已为人所共知的铁事,它的大意是:一位年轻作家决心要把他的故事的开头写得独具一格、有声有色,想借此引起那些读腻了声色犬马之类文章的编辑们的注意,便写下了如下的句子:“‘该死!’公爵夫人说道。”真怪,我这故事的开头倒也是同一个形式.只不过说这句话的女士不是一位公爵夫人罢了。那是六月初的一天,我在巴黎刚办完了一些事务,正乘着早车回伦敦去。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一《魔山》是德国大文豪托马斯·曼震撼世界文坛的力作,是德国现代小说的里程碑。美国著名作家辛克莱·刘易斯对《魔山》的评价很高,他于一九三○年看了这部书后曾说:“我觉得《魔山》是整个欧洲生活的精髓。”确实,它不愧为反映第一次世界大战前夕欧洲社会生活的百科全书。一九二九年托马斯·曼获诺贝尔文学奖,《魔山》起了决定性作用,这是评论界公认的事实。二关于托马斯·曼,我国读者并不陌生。 [点击阅读]