安妮日记英文版 - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1942
  SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1942Dearest Kitty,Mother's nerves are very much on edge, and that doesn't bode well for me. Is it just a coincidence that Father and Mother never scold Margot and always blame me for everything? Last night, for example, Margot was reading a book with beautiful illustrations; she got up and put the book aside for later. I wasn't doing anything, so I picked it up and began looking at the pictures. Margot carne back, saw' "her" book in my hands, knitted her brow and angrily demanded the book back. I wanted to look through it some more. Margot got madder by the minute, and Mother butted in: "Margot was reading that book; give it back to her."Father came in, and without even knowing what was going on, saw that Margot was being wronged and lashed out at me: "I'd like to see what you'd do if Margot was looking at one of your books!"I promptly gave in, put the book down and, according to them, left the room' 'in a huff." I was neither huffy nor cross, but merely sad.It wasn't right of Father to pass judgment without knowing what the issue was. I would have given the book to Margot myself, and a lot sooner, if Father and Mother hadn't intervened and rushed to take Margot's part, as if she were suffering some great injustice.Of course, Mother took Margot's side; they always take each other's sides. I'm so used to it that I've become completely indifferent to Mother's rebukes and Margot's moodiness. I love them, but only because they're Mother and Margot. I don't give a darn about them as people. As far as I'm concerned, they can go jump in a lake. It's different with Father. When I see him being partial to Margot, approving Margot's every action, praising her, hugging her, I feel a gnawing ache inside, because I'm crazy about him. I model myself after Father, and there's no one in the world I love more. He doesn't realize that he treats Margot differently than he does me: Margot just happens to be the smartest, the kindest, the prettiest and the best. But I have a right to be taken seriously too. I've always been the clown and mischief maker of the family; I've always had to pay double for my sins: once with scoldings and then again with my own sense of despair. I'm no longer satisfied with the meaningless affection or the supposedly serious talks. I long for something from Father that he's incapable of giving. I'm not jealous of Margot; I never have been. I'm not envious of her brains or her beauty. It's just that I'd like to feel that Father really loves me, not because I'm his child, but because I'm me, Anne.I cling to Father because my contempt of Mother is growing daily and it's only through him that I'm able to retain the last ounce of family feeling I have left. He doesn't understand that I sometimes need to vent my feelings for Mother. He doesn't want to talk about it, and he avoids any discussion involving Mother's failings. And yet Mother, with all her shortcomings, is tougher for me to deal with. I don't know how I should act. I can't very well confront her with her carelessness, her sarcasm and her hard-heartedness, yet I can't continue to take the blame for everything.I'm the opposite of Mother, so of course we clash. I don't mean to judge her; I don't have that right. I'm simply looking at her as a mother. She's not a mother to me -- I have to mother myself. I've cut myself adrift from them. I'm charting my own course, and we'll see where it leads me. I have no choice, because I can picture what a mother and a wife should be and can't seem to find anything of the sort in the woman I'm supposed to call "Mother."I tell myself time and again to overlook Mother's bad example. I only want to see her good points, and to look inside myself for what's lacking in her. But it doesn't work, and the worst part is that Father and Mother don't realize their own inadequacies and how much I blame them for letting me down. Are there any parents who can make their children completely happy?Sometimes I think God is trying to test me, both now and in the future. I'll have to become a good person on my own, without anyone to serve as a model or advise me, but it'll make me stronger in the end.Who else but me is ever going to read these letters? Who else but me can I turn to for comfort? I'm frequently in need of consolation, I often feel weak, and more often than not, I fail to meet expectations. I know this, and every day I resolve to do better.They aren't consistent in their treatment of me. One day they say that Anne's a sensible girl and entitled to know everything, and the next that Anne's a silly goose who doesn't know a thing and yet imagines she's learned all she needs to know from books! I'm no longer the baby and spoiled little darling whose every deed can be laughed at. I have my own ideas, plans and ideals, but am unable to articulate them yet.Oh well. So much comes into my head at night when I'm alone, or during the day when I'm obliged to put up with people I can't abide or who invariably misinterpret my intentions. That's why I always wind up coming back to my diary -- I start there and end there because Kitty's always patient. I promise her that, despite everything, I'll keep going, that I'll find my own way and choke back my tears. I only wish I could see some results or, just once, receive encouragement from someone who loves me.Don't condemn me, but think of me as a person who sometimes reaches the bursting point!Yours, Anne
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摘要:谢泼德医生在早餐桌上弗拉尔斯太太于16日晚(星期四)离世而去。17日(星期五)早晨八点就有人来请我去。我也帮不了什么忙,因为她已死了好几个小时了。九点过几分我就回到了家。我取出钥匙打开了前门,故意在大厅里磨蹭了一会,不慌不忙地把帽子和风衣挂好,这些都是我用来抵御初秋晨寒的东西。说老实话,我当时的心情非常沮丧忧愁。我并不想装模作样地认为,我能够预料今后几周将要发生的事。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在彼得堡贫民区一家公寓的五层楼斗室里,住着一个穷大学生拉斯柯尔尼科夫。他正在经历着一场痛苦而激烈的思想斗争——他要确定自己是属于可以为所欲为的不平凡的人,还是只配做不平凡的人的工具的普通人。他原在法律系就学,因交不起学费而被迫辍学,现在靠母亲和妹妹从拮据的生活费中节省下来的钱维持生活。他已经很久没有交房租了。近来,房东太太不仅停止供给他伙食,而且催租甚紧。这时他遇见了小公务员马尔美拉陀夫。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:本书记载的是大约四年前发生的事。本人以为目前的情况已经发展到必须将实情公诸于世的阶段,曾经有一些最狂妄、最可笑的谣传,都说重要的证据已经让人扣留了。另外还有诸如此类很无聊的话。那些曲解的报道尤其在美国报纸上出现得更多。实际情况的记述最好不是出自考察团团员的手笔。其理由是显而易见的:大家有充足的理由可以假定他的记述是有偏见的。因此,我便建议爱咪-列瑟兰小姐担任这项任务。她显然是担任这工作的适当人选。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:谨以此书献给哈里斯和法拉,他们是我双眼的努雷①;也献给我父亲,他或会为此骄傲为了伊莱恩走出对与错的观念,有一片田野,我将与你在那儿相会。——鲁米,十三世纪1952年秋那好吧。你们想听故事,我就给你们讲个故事。但是就这一个。你俩谁都别让我多讲。很晚了,咱们明天还有很长的路要走,你和我,帕丽。今天夜里你需要好好睡上一觉。你也是,阿卜杜拉。儿子,我和你妹妹出门的时候,就指望你了。你母亲也要指望你。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1细雨无声湿佛颔,恍觉春至奈良坡。——会津八一人们把位于奈良县和京都府交界即古时的大和国与山城国交界处的连绵起伏的丘陵地带称为平城山。从前在女子学校广泛传唱的一首歌中有过这样的歌词:“思恋何等苦,直叫人神伤黯然,踟蹰情难诉,不觉竟至平城山,心中悲情何以堪。”这首歌曲的歌名就叫平城山。翻过平城山往来于奈良与京都之间的道路被称作奈良坡。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在五十年代的老纽约,屈指可数的几家人在单纯和富有方面居统治地位,其中就有罗尔斯顿家。强健的英国人和面色红润、身体笨拙的荷兰人合为一体创造出一个繁荣谨慎,却又挥金如土的社会。“办事要办得漂亮”一直是这个谨小慎微的世界上的一项基本原则。这个世界全是由银行家,与印度做生意的商人、造船厂家和船具商的财富建造起来的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:下午,当我和我的随从们听到一个情况后,便决定在将要参加的审判会上采取强硬的态度。我们动身去“法庭”的时候,天色已晚,只见路上人很多。这些人在院子里找不到座位,只好站着,以便能看见我们走过来。我们刚刚走进院子,大门就关了起来。对我们来说,这可不是好兆头。看起来,穆巴拉克施加了影响,而且产生了效果。我们从人群中挤到听众广场上。那里本来只有一张椅子,现在增加了一条长板凳,笞刑刑具还放在那里。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:杰斐逊城是密苏里州的州府,同时也是柯洛县的县府,它位于密苏里河右岸一个风景优美的山丘地带,从这里可以俯视到下面奔腾不息的密苏里河和河上热闹繁忙的景象。杰斐逊城的居民那时候比现在少多了,尽管如此,由于它的地理位置、以及由于地区法院定期在这里举行会议,这赋予它一个重要的地位。这里有好几家大饭店,这些饭店价格昂贵,住宿条件还过得去,提供的膳食也还可口。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:引子天主啊,我颁扬你,是你把我造就成如此卓异之人。[诗篇]①第139篇,14句①亦译《圣咏集》,《圣经·旧约》中的一卷,共一百五十篇。我给予本书以应有的价值。这是一个尽含苦涩渣滓的果实,宛似荒漠中的药西瓜。药西瓜生长在石灰质地带,吃了非但不解渴,口里还会感到火烧火燎,然而在金色的沙上却不乏瑰丽之态。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我相信我自己。我相信自己所售的商品。我相信我所在的公司。我相信我的同事和助手。我相信美国的商业方式。我相信生产者、创造者、制造者、销售者以及世界上所有正在努力工作的人们。我相信真理就是价值。我相信愉快的心情,也相信健康。我相信成功的关键并不是赚钱,而是创造价值。我相信阳光、空气、菠菜、苹果酱、酸-乳-、婴儿、羽绸和雪纺绸。请始终记住,人类语言里最伟大的词汇就是“自信”。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:林少华一在日本当代作家中,村上春树的确是个不同凡响的存在,一颗文学奇星。短短十几年时间里,他的作品便风行东流列岛。出版社为他出了专集,杂志出了专号,书店设了专柜,每出一本书,销量少则10万,多则上百万册。其中1987年的《挪威的森林》上下册销出700余万册(1996年统计)。日本人口为我国的十分之一,就是说此书几乎每15人便拥有一册。以纯文学类小说而言,这绝对不是普通数字。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:罗吉-安墨林船长于一七八二年在皮梳湾外的小岛上建造一栋大房子的时候,大家都觉得那是他怪异行径的极致。像他这样出身名门的人,应该有一幢华厦,座落在一大片草地上,附近也许有一条小溪流过,还有很好的牧场。可是安墨林船长毕生只爱一样:就是大海。所以他把他的大房子——而且由于必要,是一栋非常坚固的大房子——建在这个有风吹袭,海鸥翱翔的小岛上。每次一涨潮,这里就会和陆地隔开。他没有娶妻,大海就是他唯一的配偶。 [点击阅读]