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安妮日记英文版 - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1942
  MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1942Dearest Kitty,Today I'll tell you the general news here in the Annex. A lamp has been mounted above my divan bed so that in the future, when I hear the guns going off, I'll be able to pull a cord and switch on the light. I can't use it at the moment because we're keeping our window open a little, day and night.The male members of the van Daan contingent have built a very handy wood-stained food safe, with real screens. Up to now this glorious cupboard has been located in Peter's room, but in the interests of fresh air it's been moved to the attic. Where it once stood, there's now a shelf. I advised Peter to put his table underneath the shelf, add a nice rug and hang his own cupboard where the table now stands. That might make his little cubbyhole more comfy, though I certainly wouldn't like to sleep there.Mrs. van Daan is unbearable. I'm continually being scolded for my incessant chatter when I'm upstairs. I simply let the words bounce right off me! Madame now has a new trick up her sleeve: trying to get out of washing the pots and pans. If there's a bit of food left at the bottom of the pan, she leaves it to spoil instead of transferring it to a glass dish. Then in the afternoon when Margot is stuck with cleaning all the pots and pans, Madame exclaims, "Oh, poor Margot, you have so much work to do!"Every other week Mr. Kleiman brings me a couple of books written for girls my age. I'm enthusiastic about the loop ter Heul series. I've enjoyed all of Cissy van Marxveldt's books very much. I've read The Zaniest Summer four times, and the ludicrous situations still make me laugh.Father and I are currently working on our family tree, and he tells me something about each person as we go along. I've begun my schoolwork. I'm working hard at French, cramming five irregular verbs into my head every day. But I've forgotten much too much of what I learned in school.Peter has taken up his English with great reluctance. A few schoolbooks have just arrived, and I brought a large supply of notebooks, pencils, erasers and labels from home. Pim (that's our pet name for Father) wants me to help him with his Dutch lessons. I'm perfectly willing to tutor him in exchange for his assistance with French and other subjects. But he makes the most unbelievable mistakes!I sometimes listen to the Dutch broadcasts from London. Prince Bernhard recently announced that Princess juliana is expecting a baby in January, which I think is wonderful. No one here understands why I take such an interest in the Royal Family.A few nights ago I was the topic of discussion, and we all decided I was an ignoramus. As a result, I threw myself into my schoolwork the next day, since I have little desire to still be a freshman when I'm fourteen or fifteen. The fact that I'm hardly allowed to read anything was also discussed. At the moment, Mother's reading Gentlemen, Wives and Servants, and of course I'm not allowed to read it (though Margot is!). First I have to be more intellectually developed, like my genius of a sister. Then we discussed my ignorance of philosophy, psychology and physiology (I immediately looked up these big words in the dictionary!). It's true, I don't know anything about these subjects. But maybe I'll be smarter next year!I've come to the shocking conclusion that I have only one long-sleeved dress and three cardigans to wear in the winter. Father's given me permission to knit a white wool sweater; the yarn isn't very pretty, but it'll be warm, and that's what counts. Some of our clothing was left with friends, but unfortunately we won't be able to get to it until after the war. Provided it's still there, of course.I'd just finished writing something about Mrs. van Daan when she walked into the room. Thump, I slammed the book shut."Hey, Anne, can't I even take a peek?""No, Mrs. van Daan.""Just the last page then?""No, not even the last page, Mrs. van Daan."Of course, I nearly died, since that particular page contained a rather unflattering description of her.There's something happening every day, but I'm too tired and lazy to write it all down.Yours, Anne
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摘要:《永别了,武器》一书系美国著名小说家海明威早期代表作。被誉为现代文学的经典名篇。此书以爱情与战争两条主线,阐述了作者对战争及人生的看法和态度。美国青年弗雷德里克·亨利在第一次世界大战期间志愿到意大利北部战争担任救护车驾驶员,期间与英国护士凯瑟琳·巴克莱相识。亨利在前线执行任务时被炮弹炸伤,被送往后方的米兰医院就医。由于护士紧缺,凯瑟琳也来到了米兰,两人又一次相遇。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:再讲一个明智小五郎破案立功的故事。这个案件是我认识明智一年左右的时候发生的。它不仅充满着戏剧性的情节,引人入胜;还因为当事者是我的一个亲戚,更使我难以忘怀。通过这个案件,我发现明智具有猜解密码的非凡才能。为了引起读者的兴趣,让我将他解破的密码内容,先写在前面。“早就想看望您,但始终没有机会,延至今日,非常抱歉。连日来,天气转暖,最近一定前去拜访。,前赠小物,不成敬意,蒙你礼赞,深感不安。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:马克·吐温(MarkTwain,1835~1910)美国作家。原名塞缪尔·朗赫恩·克莱门斯。1835年11月30日生于密苏里州,1910年4月21日卒于康涅狄格州。马克•吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一本写给自己的书──《沉思录》译者前言斯多亚派着名哲学家、古罗马帝国皇帝马可.奥勒留.安东尼(公元121-180),原名马可.阿尼厄斯.维勒斯,生于罗马,其父亲一族曾是西班牙人,但早已定居罗马多年,并从维斯佩申皇帝(69-79年在位)那里获得了贵族身份。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:既没有月亮也没有星星,可是不知在何处漂浮着微光。整个白色公馆朦胧地浮现在黑暗之中。L字形的公馆中,位于最黑暗处的门微开着。从门缝露出来的光线,像是窥探外面一样。周围是一片寂静的黑暗,冷雨持续地下着,甚至连虫鸣都停止了。关掉公馆内的灯,借着手电筒的微亮,三个男人走了出来。前面的男人手拿铁锹,后面的两个人一前一后地抬着木箱。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:谁都不怀疑哈梅西是准能够通过法科考试的。执掌各大学的学术女神,一向都不断从她金色的莲座上,对他撒下无数的花瓣,赐给他各种奖章,并使他屡次获得奖学金。大家以为,考试完毕后,哈梅西一定要马上回家了,但他却似乎并不十分急于收拾他的行囊。他父亲曾写信给他,吩咐他立刻回去。他回信说,等到考试的结果一公布,他马上就动身。安那达先生的儿子卓健拉是哈梅西的同学,和他住在紧隔壁。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《沉默的羔羊》还不能算是经典,可“名著”的殊荣它还是当之无愧的。一部书,印到四百万册以上,无论如何其影响力不能低估。《纽约时报》一九九二年的畅销书排行榜上,《沉默的羔羊》稳稳地坐着第一把交椅,而根据它改编的同名电影又在本年度一下获得了五项奥斯卡大奖,这一来更是推波助澜,使这部以悬念及恐怖著称的小说在全球范围内达到了家喻户晓的地步。我大约三年前在一个朋友的家中看到了《沉默的羔羊》。那是原版录像。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:埃及人把他们的首都开罗称之为“凯旋之城”和“东方的门户”。尽管前一称呼早已徒有虚名,但第二个称呼却是名副其实。开罗确是东方的大门。作为大门,它就不得不首当其冲地面临西方影响的冲击,而这个当年的“凯旋之城”已老朽不堪,没有还手之力了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:落水的孩子就像所有的小镇一样,战前位于郊外的这座小镇也曾显得十分宁静。然而,空袭焚毁了它。战争结束后不久,小站的南北出现了黑市,建起了市场,形成了一条热闹而狭窄的通道。这些市场又两三家两三家地被改建成住房的模样。不到一年的时间,这里便成了闹市。不过,这里的道路仍是像以往那样狭窄。在被称做电影院、游戏中心的两座建筑附近建起了十几家“弹子游戏厅”。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我亲爱的詹姆斯:你一直是我最忠实最宽容的读者之一,正因为这样,当我受到你一点儿批评,我就为此感到极大的不安。你抱怨说我的谋杀事件变得太文雅了,事实上是太贫血了。称渴望一件“血淋淋的暴力谋杀”,一件不容质疑的谋杀案:这就是特别为你而作的故事。我希望它能让你满意。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我正站在波洛房间的窗户旁悠闲地望着下面的大街。“奇怪呀!”我突然脱口而出。“怎么啦,我的朋友?”波洛端坐在他舒适的摇椅里,语调平静地问。“波洛,请推求如下事实!——位年轻女人衣着华贵——头戴时髦的帽子,身穿富丽的裘皮大衣。她正慢慢地走过来。边走边看两旁的房子。二个男子和一个中年女人正盯捎尾随着她,而她一无所知。突然又来了一个男孩在她身后指指点点,打着手势。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:作者简介稻盛和夫,1932年生于鹿儿岛,鹿儿岛大学工业部毕业。1959年创立京都陶瓷株式会社(现在的京瓷公司)。历任总经理、董事长,1997年起任名誉董事长。此外,1984年创立第二电电株式会社(现在的KDDI公司)并任董事长。2001年起任最高顾问。1984年创立“稻盛集团”,同时设立“京都奖”,每年表彰为人类社会的发展进步作出重大贡献的人士。 [点击阅读]
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