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安妮日记英文版 - SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1942
  SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1942Dearest Kitty,Father, Mother and Margot still can't get used to the chiming of the Westertoren clock, which tells us the time every quarter of an hour. Not me, I liked it from the start; it sounds so reassuring, especially at night. You no doubt want to hear what I think of being in hiding. Well, all I can say is that I don't really know yet. I don't think I'll ever feel at home in this house, but that doesn't mean I hate it. It's more like being on vacation in some strange pension. Kind of an odd way to look at life in hiding, but that's how things are. The Annex is an ideal place to hide in. It may be damp and lopsided, but there's probably not a more comfortable hiding place in all of Amsterdam. No, in all of Holland.Up to now our bedroom, with its blank walls, was very bare. Thanks to Father -- who brought my entire postcard and movie-star collection here beforehand -- and to a brush and a pot of glue, I was able to plaster the walls with pictures. It looks much more cheerful. When the van Daans arrive, we'll be able to build cupboards and other odds and ends out of the wood piled in the attic.Margot and Mother have recovered somewhat. Yesterday Mother felt well enough to cook split-pea soup for the first time, but then she was downstairstalking and forgot all about it. The beans were scorched black, and no amount of scraping could get them out of the pan.Last night the four of us went down to the private office and listened to England on the radio. I was so scared someone might hear it that I literally begged Father to take me back upstairs. Mother understood my anxiety and went with me. Whatever we do, we're very afraid the neighbors might hear or see us. We started off immediately the first day sewing curtains. Actually, you can hardly call them that, since they're nothing but scraps of fabric, varying greatly in shape, quality and pattern, which Father and I stitched crookedly together with unskilled fingers. These works of art were tacked to the windows, where they'll stay until we come out of hiding.The building on our right is a branch of the Keg Company, a firm from Zaandam, and on the left is a furniture workshop. Though the people who work there are not on the premises after hours, any sound we make might travel through the walls. We've forbidden Margot to cough at night, even though she has a bad cold, and are giving her large doses of codeine.I'm looking forward to the arrival of the van Daans, which is set for Tuesday. It will be much more fun and also not as quiet. You see, it's the silence that makes me so nervous during the evenings and nights, and I'd give anything to have one of our helpers sleep here.It's really not that bad here, since we can do our own cooking and can listen to the radio in Daddy's office.Mr. Kleiman and Miep, and Bep Voskuijl too, have helped us so much. We've already canned loads of rhubarb, strawberries and cherries, so for the time being I doubt we'll be bored. We also have a supply of reading material, and we're going to buy lots of games. Of course, we can't ever look out the window or go outside. And we have to be quiet so the people downstairs can't hear us.Yesterday we had our hands full. We had to pit two crates of cherries for Mr. Kugler to can. We're going to use the empty crates to make bookshelves.Someone's calling me.Yours, AnneCOMMENT ADDED BY ANNE ON SEPTEMBER 2g, 1942: Not beina able to ao outside upsets me more than I can say, and I'm terrified our hidina place will be discovered and that we'll be shot. That, of course, is a fairly dismal prospect.
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摘要:1994年10月13日,日本媒体报道大江健三郎荣获该年度诺贝尔文学奖的时候,我正在东京作学术访问,一般日本市民都普遍觉得突然,纷纷抢购大江的作品,以一睹平时没有注目的这位诺贝尔文学奖新得主的文采。回国后,国内文坛也就大江健三郎获奖一事议论沸腾。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:"亲爱的白罗先生!"这个人的声音软绵绵的,呼噜呼噜响--存心做为工具使用--不带一丝冲动或随缘的气息。赫邱里·白罗转过身子。他鞠躬,郑重和来人握手。他的目光颇不寻常。偶尔邂逅此人可以说勾起了他难得有机会感受的情绪。"亲爱的夏塔纳先生,"他说。他们俩都停住不动,象两个就位的决斗者。他们四周有一群衣着考究,无精打采的伦敦人轻轻回旋着;说话拖拖拉拉或喃喃作响。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一九九五年四月十九号。在仙台市的某个天主教会,举行了矢野布美子的葬礼。参加的人不多,是个冷清的葬礼。在安置于正前方的灵枢旁,有一只插着白色蔷薇的花瓶。不知是花束不够多还是瓶子过大,看起来稀稀疏疏冷冰冰的。教会面向着车水马龙的广濑大街。从半夜开始落的雨到早晨还不歇,待葬礼的仪式一开始,又更哗啦啦地下了起来。从教会那扇薄门外不断传来车辆溅起水花的声音。又瘦又高的神父有点半闭着眼念着圣经。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:-十四行诗之十九我仿佛看见了我那圣洁的亡妻,好象从坟墓回来的阿尔雪斯蒂,由约夫的伟大儿子送还她丈夫,从死亡中被抢救出来,苍白而无力。我的阿尔雪斯蒂已经洗净了产褥的污点,按照古法规净化,保持无暇的白璧;因此,我也好象重新得到一度的光明,毫无阻碍地、清楚地看见她在天堂里,全身雪白的衣裳,跟她的心地一样纯洁,她脸上罩着薄纱,但在我幻想的眼里,她身上清晰地放射出爱、善和娇媚,再也没有别的脸, [点击阅读]
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摘要:“在刑事专家看来,”福尔摩斯先生说,“自从莫里亚蒂教授死了以后,伦敦变成了一座十分乏味的城市。”“我不认为会有很多正派的市民同意你的看法,”我回答说。“对,对,我不应该自私,”他笑着说,一面把他的椅子从餐桌旁挪开,“当然这对社会有好处,除了可怜的专家无事可做以外,谁也没受损失。在那个家伙还活动的时候,你可以在每天的早报上看出大量可能发生的情况。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:有一句箴言说,真的绅士,不谈论别离了的女人和已然付出去的税金。此话其实是谎言,是我适才随口编造的,谨致歉意。倘若世上果真存在这么一句箴言,那么“不谈论健康方法”或许也将成为真的绅士的条件之一。真的绅士大约不会在大庭广众之下,喋喋不休地谈论自己的健康方法,我以为。一如众人所知,我并非真的绅士,本就无须一一介意这类琐事,如今却居然动笔来写这么一本书,总觉得有些难为情。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我决定亲自写《彗星来临》这个故事,充其量只是反映我自己的生活,以及与我关系密切的一两个人的生活。其主要目的不过是为了自娱。很久以前,当我还是一个贫苦的青年时,我就想写一本书。默默无闻地写点什么及梦想有一天成为一名作家常常是我从不幸中解放出来的一种方法。我怀着羡慕和交流情感的心情阅读于幸福之中,这样做仍可以使人得到休闲,获得机会,并且部分地实现那些本来没有希望实现的梦想。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:生命之初有神话。一如伟大的神曾经在印度人、希腊人和日耳曼人的心灵中进行创作并寻求表现那样,他如今又日复一日地在每个儿童的心灵中进行创作。那时候,我家乡的高山、湖泊、溪流都叫些什么名字,我还一无所知。但是,我看到了红日之下平湖似镜,碧绿的湖面交织着丝丝银光,环抱着湖泊的崇山峻岭层层迭迭,高远处的山缝间是白雪皑皑的凹口和细小的瀑布,山脚下是倾斜的、稀疏的草场, [点击阅读]
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摘要:五月下旬的一个傍晚,一位为编写新郡志而正在考察这一带居民谱系的牧师告诉约翰·德伯:他是该地古老的武士世家德伯氏的后裔。这一突如其来的消息,使这个贫穷的乡村小贩乐得手舞足蹈,他异想天开地要17岁的大女儿苔丝到附近一个有钱的德伯老太那里去认“本家”,幻想借此摆脱经济上的困境。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章每朵云里有一个朋友在充满恐惧的世界朋友无非如此连我母亲都说这很正常别提什么朋友想想正经事吧——盖鲁徼?如果我们沉默,别人会不舒服,埃德加说,如果我们说话,别人会觉得可笑。我们面对照片在地上坐得太久。我的双腿坐麻木了。我们用口中的词就像用草中的脚那样乱踩。用沉默也一样。埃德加默然。今天我无法想象一座坟墓。只能想象一根腰带,一扇窗,一个瘤子和一条绳子。我觉得,每一次死亡都是一只袋子。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:上帝造人因为他喜爱听故事。——爱尼·维赛尔我们满怀欣悦地将这本《心灵鸡汤珍藏本》奉献在读者面前。我们知道,本书中的300多个故事会使你们爱得博大深沉,活得充满激|情;会使你们更有信心地去追求梦想与憧憬。在面临挑战、遭受挫折和感到无望之时,这本书会给您以力量;在惶惑、痛苦和失落之际,这本书会给您以慰藉。毫无疑问,它会成为您的终生益友,持续不断地为您生活的方方面面提供深沉的理解和智慧。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:法医学界的一大权威宗像隆一郎博士自从在丸内大厦设立宗像研究所,开始研究犯罪案件和开办侦探事业以来,已经有好几年了。该研究所不同于普通的民间侦探,若不是连警察当局都感到棘手的疑难案件它是决不想染指的,只有所谓“无头案”才是该研究室最欢迎的研究课题。 [点击阅读]
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