五十度灰英文版 - Part III Chapter Nineteen
  Chapter Nineteen
  Tears stream down my face. He’s back. My daddy is back.
  “Don’t cry, Annie.” Ray’s voice is hoarse. “What’s happening?”
  I take up his hand in both of mine and cradle it against my face.
  “You’ve been in an accident. You’re in the hospital in Portland.”
  Ray frowns, and I don’t know if it’s because he’s uncomfortable with my
  uncharacteristic display of affection, or that he can’t remember the accident.
  “Do you want some water?” I ask, though I’m not sure if I’m allowed to give
  him any. He nods, bewildered. My heart swells. I stand up and lean over him,
  kissing his forehead. “I love you, Daddy. Welcome back.”
  He waves his hand, embarrassed. “Me, too, Annie. Water.” I run the short
  distance to the nurses’ station.
  “My dad—he’s awake!” I beam at Nurse Kellie, who smiles back.
  “Page Dr. Sluder,” she says to her colleague and hurriedly makes her way
  around the desk.
  “He wants water.”
  “I’ll bring him some.”
  I skip back to my father’s bed, I feel so light-hearted. His eyes are closed
  when I reach him, and I immediately worry that he’s slipped back into a
  “I’m here,” he mutters and his eyes flutter open as Nurse Kellie appears with
  a jug of ice chips and a glass.
  “Hello, Mr. Steele. I’m Nurse Kellie. Your daughter tells me you’re thirsty.”
  In the waiting room, Christian is staring fixedly at his laptop, deep in
  concentration. He glances up when I close the door.
  “He’s awake,” I announce. He smiles, and the tension around his 363 | P a g
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  eyes vanishes. Oh . . . I hadn’t noticed before. Has he been tense all this
  time? He sets his laptop aside, stands, and embraces me.
  “How is he?” he asks into my hair as I wrap my arms around him.
  “Talking, thirsty, bewildered. He doesn’t remember the accident at all.”
  “That’s understandable. Now that he’s awake, I want to get him moved to
  Seattle. Then we can go home, and my mom can keep an eye on him.”
  “I’m not sure he’s well enough to be moved.”
  “I’ll talk to Dr. Sluder. Get her opinion.”
  “You miss home?”
  “You haven’t stopped smiling,” Christian says as I pull up outside the
  “I’m very relieved. And happy.”
  Christian grins. “Good.”
  The light is fading, and I shiver as I step out into the cool, crisp evening and
  hand my key to the parking valet. He’s eyeing my car with lust, and I don’t
  blame him. Christian puts his arm around me.
  “Shall we celebrate?” he asks as we enter the foyer.
  “Your dad.”
  I giggle. “Oh, him.”
  “I’ve missed that sound.” Christian kisses my hair.
  “Can we just eat in our room? You know, have a quiet night in?”
  “Sure. Come.” Taking my hand, he leads me to the elevators.
  “That was delicious,” I murmur with satisfaction as I push my plate away,
  replete for the first time in ages. “They sure know how to make a fine tarte
  Tatin here.”
  I am freshly bathed and wearing only Christian’s T-shirt and my panties. In the
  background, Christian’s iPod is on shuffle and Dido is 364 | P a g e
  warbling on about white flags.
  Christian eyes me speculatively. His hair is still damp from our bath, and he’s
  wearing just his black T-shirt and jeans. “That’s the most I’ve seen you eat the
  entire time we’ve been here,” he says.
  “I was hungry.”
  He leans back in his chair with a self-satisfied smirk and takes a sip of his
  white wine. “What would you like to do now?” His voice is soft.
  “What do you want to do?”
  He raises an eyebrow, amused. “What I always want to do.”
  “And that is?”
  “Mrs. Grey, don’t be coy.”
  Reaching across the dining table, I grasp his hand, turn it over, and skim my
  index finger over his palm. “I’d like you to touch me with this.” I run my finger
  up his index finger.
  He shifts in his chair. “Just that?” His eyes darken and heat at once.
  “Maybe this?” I run my finger up his middle finger and back to his palm. “And
  this.” My nail traces his ring finger. “Definitely this.” My finger stops at his
  wedding ring. “This is very sexy.”
  “Is it, now?”
  “It sure is. It says this man is mine.” And I skim the small callous that has
  already formed on his palm beneath the ring. He leans forward and cups my
  chin with his other hand.
  “Mrs. Grey, are you seducing me?”
  “I hope so.”
  “Anastasia, I’m a given.” His voice is low. “Come here.” He tugs my hand so
  that I’m pulled from my seat onto his lap. “I like having unfettered access to
  you.” He runs a hand up my thigh to my behind. He grasps the nape of my
  neck with his other hand and kisses me, holding me firmly in place.
  He tastes of white wine and apple pie and Christian. I run my fingers through
  his hair, holding him to me while our tongues explore and curl and twist
  around each other, my blood heating in my veins. We’re breathless when
  Christian pulls away.
  “Let’s go to bed,” he murmurs against my lips.
  He pulls back further and tugs my hair so I am looking up at him.
  “Where would you prefer, Mrs. Grey?”
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  My inner goddess stops stuffing her face with tarte Tatin. I shrug, feigning
  indifference. “Surprise me.”
  He smirks. “You’re feisty this evening.” He runs his nose along mine.
  “Maybe I need to be restrained.”
  “Maybe you do. You’re getting mighty bossy in your old age.” He narrows his
  eyes, but can’t disguise the latent humor there.
  “What are you going to do about it?” I challenge.
  His eyes glitter. “I know what I’d like to do about it. Depends if you’re up to it.”
  “Oh, Mr. Grey, you’ve been very gentle with me these last couple of days. I’m
  not made of glass, you know.”
  “You don’t like gentle?”
  “With you, of course. But you know . . . variety is the spice of life.”
  I bat my lashes at him.
  “You’re after something less gentle?”
  “Something life-affirming.”
  He raises his brows in surprise. “Life-affirming,” he repeats, astonished
  humor in his voice.
  I nod. He gazes at me for a moment. “Don’t bite your lip,” he whispers then
  rises suddenly with me in his arms. I gasp and grab his biceps, fearful that
  he’ll drop me. He walks over to the smallest of the three couches and
  deposits me on to it.
  “Wait here. Don’t move.” He gives me a brief hot, intense look and turns on
  his heel, stalking toward the bedroom. Oh . . . Christian barefoot. Why are his
  feet so hot? He’s back a few moments later, taking me by surprise as he
  leans over me from behind.
  “I think we’ll dispense with this.” Grabbing the hem of my T-shirt, he drags it
  over my head, leaving me naked except for my panties. He pulls my ponytail
  back and kisses me.
  “Stand up,” he orders against my lips and releases me. I comply
  immediately. He lays a towel out on the sofa.
  “Take your panties off.”
  Oh. I swallow but do as I’m told, discarding them by the sofa.
  “Sit.” He grabs my ponytail again and pulls my head back. “You’ll tell me to
  stop if this gets too much, yes?”
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  I nod.
  “Say it.” His voice is stern.
  “Yes,” I squeak. He smirks.
  “Good. So, Mrs. Grey . . . by popular demand, I’m going to restrain you.” His
  voice drops to a breathless whisper. Desire streaks through my body like
  lightning, simply at those words. Oh my sweet Fifty—on the sofa? What are
  you going to do?

  “Bring your knees up,” he commands softly. “And sit right back.”
  I rest my feet on the edge of the sofa, my knees up in front of me. He reaches
  for my left leg, and taking the belt from one of the bathroom robes, he ties
  one end above my knee.
  “I’m improvising.” He smirks again and fastens the slipknot above my knee
  and ties the other end of the soft belt around the finial at the back corner of
  the sofa, effectively parting my legs.
  “Don’t move,” he warns and repeats the process with my right leg, tying the
  second cord to the other finial.
  Oh my . . . I am sitting up, splayed out on the sofa, legs spread wide.
  “Okay?” Christian asks softly, gazing down at me from behind the sofa.
  I nod, expecting him to tie my hands, too. But he refrains. He bends and
  kisses me.
  “You have no idea how hot you look right now,” he murmurs and rubs his
  nose against mine. “Change of music, I think.” He stands and strolls casually
  over to the iPod dock.
  How does he do this? Here I am, trussed up and horny as hell, while he’s so
  cool and calm. He’s just in my field of vision, and I watch the flex and pull of
  the muscles of his back under his T-shirt as he reaches down and changes
  the song. Immediately, a sweet, almost childlike female voice starts to sing
  about watching me.
  Oh, I like this song.
  Christian turns and gazes at me, his eyes locked on mine as he moves
  around to the front of the sofa and sinks gracefully to his knees in front of me.
  Suddenly, I feel very exposed.
  “Exposed? Vulnerable?” he asks with his uncanny ability to voice my
  unspoken words. His hands are on his knees. I nod. 367 | P a g e
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  Why doesn’t he touch me?
  “Good,” he murmurs. “Hold out your hands.” I can’t look away from his
  mesmerizing eyes. I do as I’m bid, and Christian pours a little oily liquid onto
  each palm from a small clear bottle. It’s scented—a rich, musky, sensuous
  scent that I can’t place.
  “Rub your hands.” I squirm beneath his hot, heavy gaze. “Keep still,” he
  Oh my.
  “Now, Anastasia, I want you to touch yourself.”
  Holy cow.
  “Start at your throat and work down.”
  I hesitate.
  “Don’t be shy, Ana. Come. Do it.”
  The humor and challenge in his expression is plain to see along with his
  The sweet voice sings that there’s nothing sweet about her. I place my hands
  against my throat and let them slide down to the top of my breasts. The oil
  makes them glide effortlessly over my skin. My hands are warm.
  “Lower,” Christian murmurs, his eyes darkening. He doesn’t touch me.
  My hands cup my breasts.
  “Tease yourself.”
  Oh my. I tug gently on my nipples.
  “Harder,” Christian urges. He sits immobile between my thighs, just watching
  me. “Like I would,” he adds, his eyes shining darkly. My muscles clench deep
  in my belly. I groan in response and pull harder on my nipples, feeling them
  stiffen and lengthen beneath my touch.
  “Yes. Like that. Again.”
  Closing my eyes I pull hard, rolling and twisting them between my fingers. I
  “Open your eyes.”
  I blink up at him.
  “Again. I want to see you. See you enjoy your touch.”
  Oh fuck. I repeat the process. This is so . . . erotic.
  “Hands. Lower.”
  I squirm.
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  “Keep still, Ana. Absorb the pleasure. Lower.” His voice is low and husky,
  tempting and beguiling at once.
  “You do it,” I whisper.
  “Oh, I will—soon. You. Lower. Now.” Christian, exuding sensuality, runs his
  tongue along his teeth Holy fuck . . . I writhe, pulling on the restraints.
  He shakes his head, slowly. “Still.” He rests his hands on my knees, holding
  me in place. “Come on, Ana—lower.”
  My hands glide over my stomach down over my belly.
  “Lower,” he mouths, and he is carnality personified.
  “Christian, please.”
  His hands glide down from my knees, skimming my thighs, toward my sex.
  “Come on, Ana. Touch yourself.”
  My left hand skims over my sex, and I rub in a slow circle, my mouth an O as I
  “Again,” he whispers.
  I groan louder and repeat the move and tip my head back, gasping.
  I moan loudly, and Christian inhales sharply. Grabbing my hands, he bends
  down, running his nose then his tongue back and forth at the apex of my
  I want to touch him, but when I try to move my hands, his fingers tighten
  around my wrists.
  “I’ll restrain these, too. Keep still.”
  I groan. He releases me then eases his middle two fingers inside me, the
  heel of his hand resting against my clitoris.
  “I’m going to make you come quickly, Ana. Ready?”
  “Yes,” I pant.
  He starts to move his fingers, his hand, up and down, rapidly, assaulting both
  that sweet spot inside me and my clitoris at the same time. Ah! The feeling is
  intense—really intense. Pleasure builds and spikes throughout the lower half
  of my body. I want to stretch my legs, but I can’t. My hands claw at the towel
  beneath me.
  “Surrender,” Christian whispers.
  I explode around his fingers, crying out incoherently. He presses the 369 | P
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  heel of his hand against my clitoris as the aftershocks run through my body,
  prolonging the delicious agony.
  Vaguely, I’m aware that he’s untying my legs.
  “My turn,” he murmurs, and flips me over so I am face down on the sofa with
  my knees on the floor. He spreads my legs and slaps me hard across my
  “Ah!” And in one swift move with no preamble whatsoever, he’s inside me.
  “Oh, Ana,” he hisses through clenched teeth as he starts to move. His fingers
  grip me hard around my hips as he grinds into me over and over. And I’m
  building again . No . . . Ah . . .
  “Come on, Ana!” Christian shouts, and I shatter once more, pulsing around
  him and crying out as I come.
  “Life-affirming enough for you?” Christian kisses my hair.
  “Oh, yes,” I murmur, gazing up at the ceiling. I am lying on my husband, my
  back to his front, both of us on the floor beside the sofa. He’s still dressed.
  “I think we should go again. No clothes for you this time.”
  “Christ, Ana. Give a man a chance.”
  I giggle and he chuckles. “I’m glad Ray’s conscious. Seems all your
  appetites are back,” he says, not disguising the smile in his voice. I turn over
  and scowl at him. “Are you forgetting about last night and this morning?” I
  “Nothing forgettable about either of those.” He grins, and when he does, he
  looks so young and carefree and happy. He cups my behind.
  “You have a fantastic ass, Mrs. Grey.”
  “So do you.” I arch a brow at him. “Though yours is still under cover.”
  “And what are you going to do about that, Mrs. Grey?”
  “Why, I’m going to undress you, Mr. Grey. All of you.”
  He grins.
  “And I think there’s a lot that’s sweet about you,” I murmur, referring to the
  song still playing on repeat. His smile fades. Oh no.
  “You are,” I whisper. I lean down and kiss the corner of his mouth. 370 | P a g
  He closes his eyes and tightens his arms around me.
  “Christian, you are. You made this weekend so special—in spite of what
  happened to Ray. Thank you.”
  He opens his large, serious gray eyes, and his expression tugs at my heart.
  “Because I love you,” he murmurs.
  “I know. I love you, too.” I reach up and caress his face. “And you’re precious
  to me, too. You do know that, don’t you?”
  His stills, looking lost.
  Oh, Christian . . . My sweet Fifty.
  “Believe me,” I whisper.
  “It’s not easy.” His voice is almost inaudible.
  “Try. Try hard, because it’s true.” I stroke his face once more, my fingers
  brushing against his sideburns. He gazes at me, eyes wide, gray oceans of
  loss and hurt and pain. I want to climb into his body and hold him. Anything to

  stop that look. When will he realize that he means the world to me? That he’s
  more than worthy of my love, the love of his parents—his siblings? I have told
  him over and over, and yet here we are as Christian gives me his lost,
  abandoned look. Time. It will just take time.
  “You’ll get cold. Come.” He rises gracefully to his feet and pulls me up to
  stand beside him. I slip my arm around his waist as we wander back into the
  bedroom. I won’t push him, but since Ray’s accident, it’s become more
  important to me that he knows how much I love him. As we enter the
  bedroom, I frown, desperate to recover the very welcome lighthearted mood
  of only a few moments ago.
  “Shall we watch TV?” I ask.
  Christian snorts. “I was hoping for round two.” And my mercurial Fifty is back.
  I arch my brow and stop by the bed.
  “Well, in that case, I think I’ll be in charge.”
  He gapes at me. I push him onto the bed and quickly straddle him, pinning
  his hands down beside his head.
  He grins up at me. “Well, Mrs. Grey, now you’ve got me. What are you going
  to do with me?”
  I lean down and whisper in his ear, “I am going to fuck you with my mouth.”
  He closes his eyes, inhaling sharply, and I run my teeth gently along 371 | P a
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  his jaw.
  Christian is working at the computer. It’s a bright early morning, and he’s
  tapping out an e-mail, I think.
  “Good morning,” I murmur shyly from the doorway. He turns and smiles at me.
  “Mrs. Grey. You’re up early.” He holds open his arms. I bolt across the suite
  and curl into his lap. “As are you.”
  “I was just working.” He shifts as he kisses my hair.
  “What?” I ask, sensing something wrong.
  He sighs. “I got an e-mail from Detective Clark. He wants to talk to you about
  that fucker Hyde.”
  “Really?” I sit back to gaze at Christian.
  “Yes. I told him you’re in Portland for the time being, so he’ll have to wait. But
  he says he’d like to interview you here.”
  “He’s coming here?”
  “Apparently so.” Christian looks bemused.
  I frown. “What’s so important that can’t wait?”
  “When’s he coming?”
  “Today. I’ll e-mail him back.”
  “I have nothing to hide. I wonder what he wants to know?”
  “We’ll find out when he gets here. I’m intrigued, too.” Christian shifts again.
  “Breakfast will be here shortly. Let’s eat, then we can go and see your dad.”
  I nod. “You can stay here if you want. I can see you’re busy.”
  He scowls. “No, I want to come with you.”
  “Okay.” I grin, and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.
  Ray is bad-tempered. It’s a joy. He’s itchy, scratchy, impatient, and
  “Dad, you’ve been in a major car accident. It will take time to heal. Christian
  and I want to move you to Seattle.”
  “I don’t know why you’re bothering with me. I’ll be fine here on 372 | P a g e
  my own.”
  “Dad, don’t be ridiculous.” I squeeze his hand fondly, and he has the grace to
  smile at me.
  “Do you need anything?”
  “I could murder a doughnut, Annie.”
  I grin indulgently at him. “I’ll get you a doughnut or two. We’ll go to Voodoo.”
  “You want some decent coffee, too?”
  “Hell yeah!”
  “Okay, I’ll go get some.”
  Christian is once more in the waiting room, talking on the phone. He really
  should set up office in here. Weirdly, he’s by himself, although the other ICU
  beds are occupied. I wonder if Christian’s frightened off the other visitors. He
  hangs up.
  “Clark will be here at four this afternoon.”
  I frown. What could be so urgent? “Okay. Ray wants coffee and doughnuts.”
  Christian laughs. “I think I would too if I’d been in an accident. Ask Taylor to
  “No, I’ll go.”
  “Take Taylor with you.” His voice is stern.
  “Okay.” I roll my eyes at him, and he narrows his eyes. Then he smirks, and
  cocks his head to one side.
  “There’s no one here.” His voice is deliciously low, and I know he’s
  threatening to spank me. I am about to dare him, when a young couple enters
  the room. She is weeping softly.
  I shrug apologetically at Christian, and he nods. Picking up his laptop, he
  takes my hand and leads me out of the room. “They need the privacy more
  than we do,” Christian murmurs. “We’ll have our fun later.”
  Outside Taylor is waiting patiently. “Let’s all go get coffee and doughnuts.”
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  At four o’clock precisely there’s a knock on the suite door. Taylor ushers in
  Detective Clark, who looks more bad-tempered than usual. He always
  seems to look bad-tempered. Perhaps it’s the way his face is set.
  “Mr. Grey, Mrs. Grey, thank you for seeing me.”
  “Detective Clark.” Christian shakes his hand and directs him to a seat. I sit
  down on the sofa where I enjoyed myself so much last night. The thought
  makes me blush.
  “It’s Mrs. Grey I wish to see,” Clark says pointedly to Christian and to Taylor
  stationed beside the door. Christian glances then nods almost imperceptibly
  at Taylor who turns and leaves, shutting the door behind him.
  “Anything you wish to say to my wife you can say in front of me.”
  Christian’s voice is cool and businesslike. Detective Clark turns to me.
  “Are you sure you’re happy for your husband to be present?”
  I frown at him. “Of course. I have nothing to hide. You are just interviewing
  “Yes ma’am.”
  “I’d like my husband to stay.”
  Christian sits beside me, radiating tension.
  “As you wish,” murmurs Detective Clark, resigned. He clears his throat.
  “Mrs. Grey, Mr. Hyde maintains that you sexually harassed him and made
  several lewd advances to him.”
  Oh! I almost burst out laughing, but put my hand on Christian’s knee to
  restrain him as he shifts forward in his seat.
  “That’s preposterous,” Christian splutters. I squeeze Christian’s wrist to
  silence him.
  “That’s not true,” I state calmly and matter-of-factly to Clark. “In fact, it was the
  other way around. He propositioned me in a very aggressive manner, and he
  was fired.”
  Detective Clark’s mouth flattens briefly into a thin line before he continues.
  “Hyde alleges that you fabricated a tale about sexual harassment in order to
  get him fired. He says that you did this because he refused your advances
  and because you wanted his job.”
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  I frown. Holy crap. Jack is even more delusional than I thought.
  “That’s not true.” I shake my head.
  “Detective, please don’t tell me you have driven all this way to harass my wife
  with these ridiculous accusations.”
  Detective Clark turns his steely blue glare on Christian. “I need to hear this
  from Mrs. Grey, sir,” he says with quiet restraint. I squeeze Christian’s wrist
  once more, silently imploring him to keep his cool.
  “You don’t have to listen to this shit, Ana.”
  “I think I should let Detective Clark know what happened.”
  Christian gazes at me impassively for a beat then waves his hand in a
  gesture of resignation, letting me continue.
  “What Hyde says is simply not true.” My voice sounds calm, although I feel
  anything but. I’m bewildered by these accusations and nervous that Christian
  might explode. What is Jack’s game? “Jack Hyde accosted me in the office
  kitchen one evening. He told me that it was thanks to him that I had been
  hired and that he expected sexual favors in return. He tried to blackmail me,
  using e-mails that I’d sent to Christian, who wasn’t my husband then. I didn’t
  know Hyde had been monitoring my e-mails. He’s delusional—he even

  accused me of being a spy sent by Christian, presumably to help him take
  over the company. He didn’t know that Christian had already bought SIP.” I
  shake my head as I recall my distressing, tense encounter with Hyde.
  “In the end I—I took him down.”
  Clark’s eyebrows rise in surprise. “Took him down?”
  “My father is ex-army. Hyde . . . um, touched me, and I know how to defend
  Christian glances at me with a brief look of pride.
  “I see.” Clark leans back on the sofa, sighing heavily.
  “Have you spoken to any of Hyde’s former PAs?” Christian asks, almost
  “Yes, we have. But the truth is we can’t get any of his assistants to talk to us.
  They all say he was an exemplary boss, even though none of them lasted
  more than three months.”
  “We’ve had that problem, too,” Christian murmurs.
  Oh? I gape at Christian, as does Detective Clark.
  “My security chief. He’s interviewed Hyde’s past five PAs.”
  “And why’s that?”
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  Christian gives him a steely glare. “Because my wife worked for him, and I
  run security checks on anyone my wife works with.”
  Detective Clark flushes. I shrug apologetically at him with a welcome-to-myworld
  “I see,” Clark murmurs. “I think there’s more to this than meets the eye, Mr.
  Grey. We are conducting a more thorough search of his apartment tomorrow,
  so maybe something will present itself then. Though by all accounts he hasn’t
  lived there for some time.”
  “You’ve searched already?”
  “Yes. We’re doing it again. A fingertip search this time.”
  “You’ve still not charged him with the attempted murder of Ros Bailey and
  myself?” Christian says softly.
  “We’re hoping to find more evidence in regard to the sabotage of your
  aircraft, Mr. Grey. We need more than a partial print, and while he’s in
  custody we can build a case.”
  “Is this all you came down here for?”
  Clark bristles. “Yes, Mr. Grey, it is, unless you’ve had any further thoughts
  about the note?”
  Note? Which note?
  “No. I told you. It means nothing to me.” Christian cannot hide his irritation.
  “And I don’t see why we couldn’t have done this over the phone.”
  “I think I told you I prefer a hands-on approach. And I’m visiting my greataunt
  who lives in Portland—two birds . . . one stone.” Clark remains stony faced
  and unfazed by my husband’s bad temper.
  “Well, if we’re all done, I have work to attend to.” Christian stands and
  Detective Clark follows his cue.
  “Thank you for your time, Mrs. Grey,” he says politely. I nod.
  “Mr. Grey.” Christian opens the door, and Detective Clark leaves. I sag into
  the sofa.
  “Can you believe that asshole?” Christian explodes.
  “No. That fucker, Hyde.”
  “No, I can’t.”
  “What’s his fucking game?” Christian whispers through gritted 376 | P a g e
  “I don’t know. Do you think Clark believed me?”
  “Of course he did. He knows Hyde is a fucked-up asshole.”
  “You’re very sweary.”
  “Sweary?” Christian smirks. “Is that a word?”
  “It is now.”
  Unexpectedly he grins and sits down beside me, pulling me into his arms.
  “Don’t think about that fucker. Let’s go see your dad and try to talk about the
  move tomorrow.”
  “He was adamant that he wanted to stay in Portland and not be a bother.”
  “I’ll talk to him.”
  “I want to travel with him.”
  Christian gazes at me, and for a moment, I think he’s going to say no. “Okay.
  I’ll come, too. Sawyer and Taylor can take the cars. I’ll let Sawyer drive your
  R8 tonight.”
  The following day Ray is examining his new surroundings—an airy, light,
  room in the rehabilitation center of the Northwest Hospital in Seattle. It’s
  noon, and he looks sleepy. The journey, via helicopter no less, has exhausted
  “Tell Christian I appreciate this,” he says quietly.
  “You can tell him yourself. He’ll be along this evening.”
  “Aren’t you going to go to work?”
  “Probably. I just want to make sure you’re settled in here.”
  “You get along. You don’t need to worry about me.”
  “I like worrying about you. ”
  My BlackBerry buzzes. I check the number—it’s not one I recognize.
  “You going to answer that?” Ray asks.
  “No. I don’t know who it is. The voice mail can take it for me. I bought you
  some magazines.” I indicate the pile of sporting periodicals on his bedside
  some magazines.” I indicate the pile of sporting periodicals on his bedside
  “Thanks, Annie.”
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  Fifty Shades Freed
  “You’re tired, aren’t you?”
  He nods.
  “I’ll let you get some sleep.” I lean over and kiss his forehead.
  “Laters, Daddy,” I murmur.
  “I’ll see you later, honey. And thank you.” Ray reaches out and catches my
  hand, squeezing it gently. “I like that you call me daddy. Takes me back.”
  Oh, Daddy. I return his squeeze.
  As I head out of the main doors toward the SUV where Sawyer is waiting, I
  hear my name being called.
  “Mrs. Grey! Mrs. Grey!”
  Turning, I see Dr. Greene hurry toward me, looking her usual immaculate self,
  if a little flustered.
  “Mrs. Grey, how are you? Did you get my message? I called earlier.”
  “No.” My scalp prickles.
  “Well, I was wondering why you’d cancelled four appointments.”
  Four appointments? I gape at her. I’ve missed four appointments!
  “Perhaps we should talk about this in my office. I was going out for lunch—do
  you have time right now?”
  I nod meekly. “Sure. I . . .” Words fail me. I’ve missed four appointments? I’m
  late for my shot. Shit. I follow her in a daze back into the hospital and up to
  her office. How did I miss four appointments? I vaguely remember one being
  moved—Hannah mentioned it—but four? How could I miss four?
  Dr. Greene’s office is spacious, minimalist, and well appointed.
  “I’m so grateful you caught me before I left,” I mumble, still shellshocked. “My
  father’s been in a car accident, and we’ve just moved him here from
  “Oh, I’m so sorry. How’s he doing?”
  “He’s doing okay, thank you. On the mend.”
  “That’s good. And it explains why you cancelled on Friday.”
  Dr. Greene wiggles the mouse on her desk, and her computer comes to life.
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  “Yes . . . it’s been over thirteen weeks. You’re cutting it a bit fine. We’d better
  do a test before we give you another shot.”
  “A test?” I whisper, all the blood rushing from my head.
  “A pregnancy test.”
  Oh no.
  She reaches into the drawer of her desk. “You know what to do with this.”
  She hands me a small container. “The restroom is just outside my office.”
  I get up as if in a trance, my whole body robotic, operating on automatic pilot,
  and stumble to the restroom.
  Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. How could I have let this happen . . . again?
  I suddenly feel sick and offer a silent prayer while I pee . Please no. Please
  no. It’s too soon. It’s too soon. It’s too soon. When I reenter Dr. Greene’s
  office, she gives me a tight smile and waves me to the seat in front of her
  desk. I sit down and wordlessly hand her my sample. She dips a small white
  stick into it and watches. She raises her eyebrows as it turns pale blue.
  “What does that mean? The blue?” The tension is almost choking me.
  She looks up at me, her eyes wide. “Well, Mrs. Grey, it means you’re
  What? No. No. No.
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章节:14 人气:0
摘要:反军军官举起他的电子双筒望远镜,把焦距调准对着那些在雪中坚定地前进着的东西,看上去象一些来自过去的生物……但它们是战争机器,每一个都大踏步地走着,象四条腿的巨大的有蹄动物——帝国全地形装甲运输器!军官急忙抓起他的互通讯器。“流氓领机——回话!点零三!”“回波站五——七,我们正在路上。”就在卢克天行者回答时,一个爆炸把雪和冰溅散在军官和他惊恐的手下周围。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:对反军联盟来说,这是一段黑暗的时期……冻结在硝酸甘油中的汉-索洛,被送到了可恶的歹徒加巴手中。决心救他出来,卢克天行者、莱亚公主以及兰度-卡内森向加巴在塔托勒的堡垒发起了一次冒险的进攻。现在,在这部《星球大战》中最令人激动的一章里,反军指挥官把所有反军战斗舰召集起来,组成了一支庞大的舰队。而达斯-维达。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:塔土尼星球。蔚蓝无云的天空中,恒星闪烁,炫目的白色光芒照耀着这颗行星上广袤的荒原。因此生成的热气从平坦的“沙质地表蒸腾上升,在巨大的断崖和高耸苍凉的山巅之间形成了一片晶莹的氤氲。这是这颗行星上惟一典型的地貌特征。大块大块风化的巨岩如哨兵般屹立,在潮湿的雾霭中俯视着一切。当飞车赛手呼啸而过,引擎发出狂野的嘶吼,炽热的光和空气似乎都在颤动,群山也为之颤栗不止。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:很久以前,在一个遥远的星系这个故事发生在很久以前的一个遥远星系。故事已经结束了,任何事都不能改变它。这是一个关于爱情与失去、友情与背叛、勇气与牺牲以及梦想破灭的故事,这是一个关于至善与至恶之间模糊界限的故事。这是一个关于一个时代终结的故事。关于这个故事,有一件很奇怪的事——它既发生在语言难以描述其长久与遥远的时间之前与距离之外,又发生在此刻,发生在这里。它就发生在你阅读这些文字的时候。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:1938年10月30日晚,一个声音在美国大地回荡:“火星人来了!”顿时,成千上万的美国人真的以为火星人入侵地球了,纷纷弃家而逃,社会陷入一片混乱。原来是广播电台在朗读英国科幻小说大师H.G.威尔斯的作品《世界大战》。一本小书竟引起社会骚乱,这在世界小说史上是绝无仅有的。小说故事发生在大英帝国称霸世界、睥睨天下的19世纪末叶。火星人从天而降,在伦敦附近着陆,从而拉开了征服地球战争的序幕。 [点击阅读]
章节:45 人气:0
摘要:欢快的岁月,幸福的时日——恰似春水悠悠,已经一去不留!——引自古老的抒情歌曲夜半一点多钟他回到自己的书房。打发走点燃灯烛的仆人,他便猛然坐到壁炉边的安乐椅里,用双手捂住了脸。他还从未感觉到这样疲乏——肉体的与精神的。 [点击阅读]
章节:4 人气:0
摘要:三个漂流者蓝天上万里无云。在一望无际波浪不惊的大海上,只有小小的浪花在无休止地抖动着。头顶上初秋的太阳把光线撒向大海,使海面泛着银光。往周围望去,看不到陆地的一点踪影,四周只有宽阔无边的圆圆的水平线。天空是圆的,海也是圆的,仿佛整个世界除此之外什么都没有了似的。在这无边的大海中央,孤零零地漂着一个小得像罂粟籽般的东西。那是一只小船。船舵坏了,又没有一根船桨,盲无目的地任凭波浪将它摇来荡去。 [点击阅读]
章节:33 人气:0
摘要:一我的过去,一片朦胧……那天晚上,在一家咖啡馆的露天座位上,我只不过是一个模糊的影子而已。当时,我正在等着雨停,——那场雨很大它从我同于特分手的那个时候起,就倾泻下来了。几个小时前,我和于特在事务所①里见了最后一次面,那时,他虽象以往一样在笨重的写字台后面坐着,不过穿着大衣。因此,一眼就可以看出,他将要离去了。我坐在他的对面,坐在通常给顾客预备的皮扶手椅里。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:一九一五年五月七日下午两点,卢西塔尼亚号客轮接连被两枚鱼雷击中,正迅速下沉。船员以最快的速度放下救生艇。妇女和儿童排队等着上救生艇。有的妇女绝望地紧紧抱住丈夫,有的孩子拼命地抓住他们的父亲,另外一些妇女把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。一位女孩独自站在一旁,她很年轻,还不到十八岁。看上去她并不害怕,她看着前方,眼神既严肃又坚定。“请原谅。”旁边一位男人的声音吓了她一跳并使她转过身来。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:谨以此书献给我的丈夫,潘乔感谢你的耐心、关爱、友谊和幽默感以及心甘情愿在外就餐也感谢我的孩子们,加布、塞斯及艾利感谢你们使我体验了那种人们甘愿随时为之付出生命的爱火与冰①有人说世界将终结于火,有人说是冰。从我尝过的欲望之果我赞同倾向于火之说。但若它非得两度沉沦,我想我对仇恨了解也够多可以说要是去毁灭,冰也不错,应该也行。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:每天的这个时候,我总是祈祷自己可以入睡。高中——或者称为炼狱更为恰当!如果有什么方式能够弥补我的罪过,那恐怕就是我读高中的记录了。这种厌烦感不是我曾经体会过的,每一天看上去都要比前一天更加极度无聊。也许这就是我睡眠的方式——如果说,睡眠的含义就是在变幻的时期内处于呆滞状态的话。我凝视着食堂角落水泥墙上的裂纹,想象着它们所呈现的花纹其实并不存在。 [点击阅读]
章节:93 人气:0
摘要:冬日漫步(1)[美国]亨利·大卫·梭罗亨利·大卫·梭罗(1817—1862),博物学家、散文家、超验现实主义作家。生于美国康科德,毕业于剑桥大学。他是一名虔诚的超验主义信徒,并用毕生的实践来体验这一思想,曾隐居家乡的瓦尔登湖长达两年之久,过着与世隔绝的生活。其代表作《瓦尔登悍又名《乎散记》,是他隐居生活的真实记录。 [点击阅读]