五十度灰英文版 - Part III Chapter Five
  Chapter Five
  I stir, instinctively reaching over to Christian’s side of the bed only to feel his
  absence. Shit! I wake instantly and look anxiously around the cabin. Christian
  is watching me from the small, upholstered armchair by the bed. Stooping
  down, he places something on the floor, then moves and stretches out on the
  bed beside me. He’s dressed in his cutoffs and a gray T-shirt.
  “Hey, don’t panic. Everything’s fine,” he says, his voice gentle and soothing—
  like he’s talking to a cornered wild animal. Tenderly, he smooths the hair
  back from my face and I calm immediately. I see him trying and failing to hide
  his own concern.
  “You’ve been so jumpy these last couple of days,” he murmurs, his eyes wide
  and serious.
  “I’m okay, Christian.” I give him my brightest smile because I don’t want him
  to know how worried I am about the arson incident. The painful recollection of
  how I felt when Charlie Tango was sabotaged and Christian went missing—
  the hollow emptiness, the indescribable pain—keeps resurfacing; the
  memory nagging me and gnawing at my heart. Keeping the smile fixed on
  my face, I try to repress it.
  “Were you watching me sleep?”
  “Yes,” he says gazing at me steadily, studying me. “You were talking.”
  “Oh?” Shit! What was I saying?
  “You’re worried,” he adds, his eyes filled with concern. I blink at him. Is there
  nothing I can keep from this man? He leans forward and kisses me between
  my brows.
  “When you frown, a little V forms just here. It’s soft to kiss. Don’t worry baby,
  I’ll look after you.”
  “It’s not me I’m worried about—it’s you,” I grumble. “Who’s looking after you?”
  He smiles indulgently at my tone. “I’m big enough and ugly enough to look
  after myself. Come. Get up. There’s one thing I’d like to do
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  before we head home.” He grins at me, a big boyish yes-I’m-reallyonlytwenty-
  eight grin, and swats my behind. I yelp, startled, and realize that today
  we’re going back to Seattle and my melancholy blossoms. I don’t want to
  leave. I’ve relished being with him 24-7, and I’m not ready to share him with
  his company and his family. We’ve had a blissful honeymoon. With a few ups
  and downs, I admit, but that’s normal for a newly married couple, surely?
  But Christian cannot contain his boyish excitement, and despite my dark
  thoughts, it’s infectious. When he rises gracefully off the bed, I follow,
  intrigued. What has he got in mind?
  Christian straps the key to my wrist.
  “You want me to drive?”
  “Yes.” Christian grins. “That’s not too tight?”
  “It’s fine. Is that why you’re wearing a life jacket?” I arch my eyebrow.
  I can’t help my giggle. “Such confidence in my driving capabilities, Mr. Grey.”
  “As ever, Mrs. Grey.”
  “Well, don’t lecture me.”
  Christian holds his hands up in a defensive gesture, but he’s smiling.
  “Would I dare?”
  “Yes you would, and yes you do, and we can’t pull over and argue on the
  sidewalk here.”
  “Fair point well made, Mrs. Grey. Are we going to stand on this platform all
  day debating your driving skills, or are we going to have some fun?”
  “Fair point well made, Mr. Grey.” I grasp the handlebars of the Jet Ski and
  clamber on. Christian climbs on behind me and kicks us away from the
  yacht. Taylor and two of the deckhands look on in amusement. Sliding
  forward, Christian wraps his arms around me and snuggles his thighs
  against mine. Yes, this is what I like about this form of transport. I insert in
  the ignition key and push the start button, and the engine roars into life.
  “Ready?” I shout to Christian over the noise.
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  “As I’ll ever be,” he says, his mouth close to my ear. Gently, I pull on the lever
  and the Jet Ski moves away from the Fair Lady, far too sedately for my
  liking. Christian tightens his embrace. I pull on the gas some more, and we
  shoot forward and I’m delighted when we don’t stall.
  “Whoa!” Christian calls from behind, but the exhilaration in his voice is
  palpable. I speed past the Fair Lady toward the open sea. We’re anchored
  outside the Port de Plaisance de Saint-Claude-du-Var, Nice airport nestling
  in the distance, built into the Mediterranean, or so it seems. I’ve heard the
  odd plane landing since we arrived last night. I decide we need to take a
  closer look.
  We shoot toward it, skipping rapidly over the waves. I love this, and I’m
  thrilled Christian’s letting me drive. All the worry I’ve felt over the past two
  days melts away as we skim toward the airport.
  “Next time we do this we’ll have two Jet Skis,” Christian shouts. I grin—the
  thought of racing him is thrilling.
  thought of racing him is thrilling.
  As we zoom over the cool blue sea toward what looks like the end of the
  runway, the thundering roar of a jet overhead suddenly startles me as it
  comes in to land. It’s so loud I panic, swerving and hitting the throttle at the
  same time, mistaking it for a brake.
  “Ana!” Christian shouts, but it’s too late. I’m catapulted off the side of the Jet
  Ski, arms and legs flailing, taking Christian with me in a spectacular splash.
  Screaming, I plunge into the crystal blue sea and swallow a nasty mouthful of
  the Mediterranean. The water is cold this far from the shore, but I surface
  within a split second, courtesy of my life jacket. Coughing and spluttering, I
  wipe the seawater from my eyes and look around for Christian. He’s already
  swimming toward me. The Jet Ski floats inoffensively a few feet away from
  us, its engine silent.
  “You okay?” His eyes are full of panic, as he reaches me.
  “Yes,” I croak, but I cannot contain my elation. See, Christian?
  That’s the worst that can happen on a Jet Ski! He pulls me into his embrace,
  then grabs my head between his hands, examining my face closely.
  “See, that wasn’t so bad!” I grin as we tread water. Eventually he smirks at
  me, obviously relieved. “No, I guess it wasn’t. Except I’m wet,” he grumbles,
  but his tone is playful.
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  “I’m wet, too.”
  “I like you wet.” He leers.
  “Christian!” I scold, trying for faux righteous indignation. He grins, looking
  gorgeous, then leans in and kisses me hard. When he pulls away, I’m
  breathless. His eyes are darker, hooded and heated, and I’m warm in spite
  of the cold water.
  “Come. Let’s head back. Now we have to shower. I’ll drive.”
  We laze in the British Airways first class lounge at Heathrow in London,
  waiting for our connecting flight to Seattle. Christian is engrossed in the
  Financial Times. I reach over for his camera, wanting to take some
  photographs of him. He looks so sexy in his trademark white linen shirt and
  jeans, and his aviator specs tucked into the V of his open shirt. The flash
  disturbs him. He blinks up at me and smiles his shy smile.
  “How are you, Mrs. Grey?” he asks.
  “Sad to be going home,” I murmur. “I like having you to myself.”
  He reaches out and clasps my hand. Lifting it to his lips, he grazes my
  knuckles with a sweet kiss. “Me too.”
  “But?” I ask, hearing that small word unsaid at the end of his simple
  He frowns. “But?” he repeats disingenuously. I tilt my head to one side,
  gazing at him with the tell me expression I have been perfecting over the last
  couple of days. He sighs, putting his newspaper down. “I want this arsonist
  caught and out of our lives.”
  “Oh.” That seems fair enough, but I’m surprised by his bluntness.
  “I’ll have Welch’s balls on a platter if he lets anything like that happen again.”
  A shiver runs down my spine at his menacing tone. He gazes at me
  impassively, and I don’t know if he’s daring me to be flippant or what. I do the
  only thing I can think of to ease the sudden tension between us and raise the
  camera and snap another photograph.
  “Hey, sleepyhead, we’re home,” Christian murmurs.
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  “Hmm,” I mumble, reluctant to leave my tantalizing dream of Christian and me
  on a picnic blanket at Kew Gardens. I am so tired. Travelling is exhausting,
  even in first class. We’ve been up for eighteen or more hours straight, I think
  —in my fatigue I’ve lost track. I hear my door open, and Christian is leaning
  over me. He unbuckles my seat belt and lifts me into his arms, waking me.
  “Hey, I can walk,” I protest sleepily.
  He snorts. “I need to carry you over the threshold.”
  I put my arms around his neck. “Up all thirty floors?” I give him a challenging
  “Mrs. Grey, I am very pleased to announce that you’ve put on some weight.”
  He grins. “So if you don’t mind, we’ll use the elevator.” He narrows his eyes
  at me, though I know he’s teasing.
  Taylor opens the doors to the Escala lobby and smiles. “Welcome home Mr.
  Grey, Mrs. Grey.”
  “Thanks, Taylor,” says Christian.
  I give Taylor the briefest of smiles and watch him head back to the Audi
  where Sawyer waits at the wheel.
  “What do you mean I’ve put on weight?” I glare at Christian. His grin
  broadens, and he clasps me closer to his chest as he carries me across the
  “Not much,” he assures me but his face darkens suddenly. Oh no . . . what
  “What is it?” I breathe, trying to control the alarm I hear in my own voice.
  “You’ve put on some of the weight you lost when you left me,” he explains
  quietly as he summons the elevator. A bleak expression crosses his face.
  No! His sudden, surprising anguish tugs at my heart.
  “Hey.” I curl my fingers around his face and into his hair, pulling him toward
  me. He comes willingly. “If I hadn’t gone, would you be standing here, like
  this, now?” I whisper. His eyes melt, the color of a storm cloud, and he smiles
  his shy smile, my favorite smile.
  “No,” he says quietly and steps into the elevator still holding me. He leans
  down and kisses me gently. “No, Mrs. Grey, I wouldn’t. But I
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  would know I could keep you safe, because you wouldn’t defy me.”
  He sounds vaguely regretful . . . Shit.
  “I like defying you.” I test the waters.
  “I know. And it’s made me so . . . happy.” He smiles down at me through his
  Oh, thank heavens. “Even though I’m fat?” I whisper. He laughs. “Even though
  you’re fat.” He kisses me again, more heated this time, and I fist my fingers
  in his hair, holding him against me, our tongues twisting in a slow sensual
  dance with each other. When the elevator pings to a halt at the penthouse,
  we are both breathless.
  “Very happy,” he murmurs. His smile is darker now, his eyes hooded and full
  of salacious promise. He shakes his head as if to recover himself and,
  turning with me in his arms, walks into the foyer.
  “Welcome home, Mrs. Grey.” He kisses me again, more chastely this time,
  and gives me the full-gigawatt-patented-Christian-Grey smile, his eyes
  dancing with joy.
  “Welcome home, Mr. Grey.” I beam up at him, my heart answering his call,
  brimming with my own joy.
  I think Christian’s going to put me down, but he doesn’t. He carries me
  through the foyer, across the corridor and into the great room, and deposits
  me on the kitchen island where I sit with my legs dangling. He retrieves two
  champagne flutes from the kitchen cupboard and a bottle of chilled
  champagne from the fridge—our favorite Bollinger. He deftly opens the
  bottle, not spilling a drop and pours the pale pink champagne into each glass
  and hands one to me. Taking up the other, he gently parts my legs and
  moves forward to stand between them.
  “Here’s to us, Mrs. Grey.”
  “To us, Mr. Grey,” I whisper conscious of my shy smile. We clink glasses and
  take a sip.
  “I know you’re tired,” he whispers, rubbing his nose against mine.
  “But I’d really like to go to bed, and not to sleep.” He kisses the corner of my
  mouth. “It’s our first night back here, and you’re really mine.”
  His voice drifts off as he plants soft kisses down my throat. It’s only early
  evening in Seattle, and I am dog-tired, but desire blooms deep in my belly
  and my inner goddess purrs.
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  Christian is slumbering peacefully beside me as I stare at the pink and
  golden streaks of the new dawn through the vast windows. His arm is draped
  loosely over my breasts, and I try to match his breathing in an effort to get
  back to sleep, but it’s hopeless. I’m wide awake, my body clock on
  Greenwich mean time, my mind racing.
  So much has happened in the last three weeks—who am I kidding, the last
  three months—I feel that my feet haven’t touched the ground. And now here I
  am, Ana Steele—Mrs. Anastasia Grey—married to the most delicious, sexy,
  philanthropic, absurdly wealthy mogul a woman could meet. How did this all
  happen so fast?
  I shift onto my side to gaze at him, appraising his beauty. I know he watches
  me sleep, but I rarely get the opportunity to repay the compliment. He looks
  so young and carefree in his sleep, his long lashes fanned against his cheek,
  a light smattering of stubble covering his jaw, and his sculptured lips slightly
  parted, relaxed as he breathes deeply. I want to kiss him, to push my tongue
  between his lips, run my fingers over his soft yet prickly stubble. I really have
  to fight the urge not to touch him, not to disturb him. Hmm . . . I could just
  tease his earlobe with my teeth and suck. My subconscious glares up at me
  over her half-moon spectacles, distracted from volume two of the Complete

  Works of Charles Dickens, and mentally chastises me. Leave the poor man
  alone, Ana.
  I am back to work on Monday. We have today to reacclimatize, then we’re
  back into our routine. It will be odd not seeing Christian for a whole day after
  spending almost every minute together for the last three weeks. I lie back
  and stare at the ceiling. One would think that spending so much time together
  would be suffocating, but that’s just not the case. I’ve loved each and every
  minute, even our fighting. Every minute . . . except the news of the fire at Grey
  My blood chills. Who could want to harm Christian? My mind gnaws at this
  mystery again. Someone in his business? An ex? A disgruntled employee? I
  have no idea, and Christian remains tightlipped about it all, drip-feeding me
  the minimum information he can get away with in a bid to protect me. I sigh.
  My shining white-and-dark knight always trying to protect me. What am I
  going to do with him to make him open up more?
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  He stirs and I still, not wanting to wake him, but it has the opposite effect.
  Damn! Two bright eyes gaze at me, blinking.
  “What’s wrong?”
  “Nothing. Go back to sleep.” I try my reassuring smile. He stretches, rubs his
  face, and then grins at me.
  “Jet lag?” he asks.
  “Is that what this is? I can’t sleep.”
  “I have the universal panacea right here, just for you, baby.” He grins like a
  schoolboy, making me roll my eyes and giggle at the same time. And just like
  that my dark thoughts are swept aside and my teeth find his earlobe.
  Christian and I cruise north on the I-5 toward the 520 bridge in the Audi R8.
  We are going to have lunch at his parents’, a welcome-home Sunday lunch.
  All the family will be there, plus Kate and Ethan. It will be strange to be in so
  much company when we’ve been on our own all this time. I haven’t had an
  opportunity to talk to Christian most of the morning—he was holed up in his
  study while I unpacked. He said I didn’t have to, that Mrs. Jones would do it.
  But that’s something else I need to get used to—having domestic help. I run
  my fingers absentmindedly over the leather upholstery of the door to distract
  my wandering thoughts. I feel out of sorts. Is it the jet lag? The arson?
  “Would you let me drive this?” I ask, surprised that I say the words out loud.
  “Of course,” Christian replies, smiling. “What’s mine is yours. If you dent it,
  though, I will take you into the Red Room of Pain.” He glances swiftly at me
  with a malicious grin.
  Shit! I gape at him. Is this a joke?
  “You’re kidding. You’d punish me for denting your car? You love your car
  more than you love me?” I tease.
  “It’s close,” he says and reaches across to squeeze my knee. “But she
  doesn’t keep me warm at night.”
  “I’m sure it could be arranged. You could sleep in her,” I snap. Christian
  laughs. “We haven’t been home one day and you’re kicking me out already?”
  He seems delighted. I gaze at him and he gives me a face-splitting grin, and
  although I want to be mad at him, 83 | P a g e
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  it’s impossible when he’s in this kind of mood. Now that I think about it, he’s
  been in a better frame of mind ever since he left his study this morning. And it
  dawns on me that I’m being petulant because we have to go back to reality,
  and I don’t know if he’s going to revert to the more closed pre-honeymoon
  Christian, or if I’ll get to keep the new improved version.
  “Why are you so pleased?” I ask.
  He flashes yet another grin at me. “Because this conversation is so . . .
  “Normal!” I snort. “Not after three weeks of marriage! Surely.”
  His smile slips.
  “I’m kidding, Christian,” I mutter quickly, not wanting to kill his mood. It strikes
  me how unsure he is of himself sometimes. I suspect that he’s always been
  like this, but has just hidden his uncertainty beneath an intimidating exterior.
  He’s very easy to tease, probably because he’s not used to it. It’s a
  revelation, and I marvel again that we still have so much to learn about each
  “Don’t worry, I’ll stick to the Saab,” I mutter and turn to stare out of the
  window, trying to shake off my bad mood.
  “Hey. What’s wrong?”
  “You’re so frustrating sometimes, Ana. Tell me.”
  I turn and smirk at him. “Back at you, Grey.”
  He frowns. “I’m trying,” he says softly.
  “I know. Me too.” I smile and my mood brightens a little.
  Carrick looks ridiculous in his chef’s hat and Licensed to Grill apron as he
  stands at the barbecue. Every time I look at him, it makes me smile. In fact,
  my spirits have lifted considerably. We are all sitting around the table on the
  terrace of the Grey family home, enjoying the late summer sun. Grace and
  Mia are setting various salads out on the table, while Elliot and Christian
  trade friendly insults and discuss plans for the new house, and Ethan and
  Kate grill me about our honeymoon. Christian keeps hold of my hand, his
  fingers toying with my wedding and engagement rings.
  “So if you can get the plans finalized with Gia, I have a window 84 | P a g e
  September through to mid-November and can get the whole crew on it,”
  Elliot says as he stretches and drops an arm around Kate’s shoulder,
  making her smile.
  “Gia is due to come over to discuss the plans tomorrow evening,”
  replies Christian. “I hope we can finalize everything then.” He turns and looks
  expectantly at me.
  Oh . . . this is news.
  “Sure.” I smile at him, mostly for the benefit of his family, but my spirits take a
  nosepe again. Why does he make these decisions without telling me? Or
  is it the thought of Gia—all lush hips and full breasts and expensive designer
  clothes and perfume—smiling too provocatively at my husband? My
  subconscious glares at me. He’s given you no reason to be jealous. Shit, I
  am up and down today. What’s wrong with me?
  “Ana,” Kate exclaims, snapping me out of my reverie. “You still in the South of
  “Yes,” I reply with a smile.
  “You look so well,” she says, though she frowns as she says it.
  “You both do.” Grace beams while Elliot refills our glasses.
  “To the happy couple.” Carrick grins and raises his glass, and everyone
  around the table echoes the sentiment.
  “And congratulations to Ethan for getting into the psych program at Seattle,”
  chips in Mia proudly. She gives him an adoring smile and Ethan smirks at
  her. I wonder idly if she’s made any headway with him. It’s difficult to tell.
  I listen to the banter around the table. Christian is running through our
  extensive itinerary over the last three weeks, embellishing here and there. He
  sounds relaxed and in control, the worry of the arsonist forgotten. I, on the
  other hand, don’t seem to be able to shake my mood. I pick at my food.
  Christian said I was fat yesterday. He was joking! My subconscious glares at
  me again. Elliot accidentally knocks his glass onto the terrace, startling
  everyone, and there’s a sudden flurry of activity to get it cleaned up.
  “I am going to take you to the boathouse and finally spank you in there if you
  don’t snap out of this mood,” Christian whispers to me. I gasp with shock,
  turn, and gape at him. What? Is he teasing me?
  “You wouldn’t dare!” I growl at him and from deep inside I feel a 85 | P a g e
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  familiar, welcome excitement. He cocks an eyebrow at me. Of course he
  would. I glance quickly at Kate across the table. She’s watching us with
  interest. I turn back to Christian, narrowing my eyes at him.
  “You’d have to catch me first—and I’m wearing flats,” I hiss.
  “I’d have fun trying,” he whispers with a licentious grin, and I think he’s joking.
  I flush. Confusingly, I feel better.
  As we finish our dessert of strawberries and cream, the heavens open and
  unexpectedly soak us. We all leap up to clear the plates and glasses from
  the table, depositing them in the kitchen.
  “Good thing the weather held off till we finished,” Grace says pleased, as we
  drift into the back room den. Christian sits down at the shining black upright
  piano, presses the quiet pedal, and starts to play a familiar tune that I can’t
  immediately place.
  Grace asks me for my impressions of Saint Paul de Vence. She and Carrick
  went years ago during their honeymoon, and it occurs to me that this is a
  good omen, seeing how happy they are together now. Kate and Elliot are
  cuddling on one of the large overstuffed couches, while Ethan, Mia, and
  Carrick are deep in a conversation about psychology, I think.
  Suddenly, as one, all the Greys stop talking and gape at Christian. What?
  Christian is singing softly to himself at the piano. Silence descends on us all
  as we strain to hear his soft, lyrical voice. I’ve heard him sing before, haven’t
  they? He stops, suddenly conscious of the deathly hush that’s fallen over the
  room. Kate glances questioningly at me and I shrug. Christian turns on the
  stool and frowns, embarrassed to realize he’s become the center of
  “Go on,” Grace urges softly. “I’ve never heard you sing, Christian. Ever.” She
  stares at him in wonder. He sits on the piano stool blinking absently at her,
  and after a beat, he shrugs. His eyes flicker nervously to me, then over to the
  French windows. The rest of the room suddenly erupts in self-conscious
  chatter, and I’m left watching my dear husband.
  Grace distracts me, grasping my hands then suddenly folding me in her
  “Oh, darling girl! Thank you, thank you,” she whispers, so only I 86 | P a g e
  can hear. It brings a lump to my throat.
  “Um . . .” I hug her back, not really sure why I am being thanked. Grace
  smiles, her eyes shining, and kisses my cheek. Oh my . . . What have I
  “I am going to make some tea,” she says, her voice hoarse with unshed
  I amble over to Christian who is now standing staring out through the French
  “Hi,” I murmur.
  “Hi.” He puts his arm around my waist, pulling me to him, and I slip my hand
  into the back pocket of his jeans. We gaze out at the rain.
  “Feeling better?”
  I nod.
  “You certainly know how to silence a room.”
  “I do it all the time,” he says and he grins at me.
  “At work, yes, but not here.”
  “True, not here.”
  “No one’s ever heard you sing? Ever?”
  “It appears not,” he says dryly. “Shall we go?”
  I gaze up at him, trying to gauge his mood. His eyes are soft and warm and
  slightly bemused. I decide to change the subject.
  “You going to spank me?” I whisper, and suddenly there are butterflies in my
  stomach. Perhaps this is what I need . . . this is what I have been missing.
  He gazes down at me, his eyes darkening.
  “I don’t want to hurt you, but I’m more than happy to play.”
  “Oh.” I glance nervously around the large room, but we are out of earshot.
  “Only if you misbehave, Mrs. Grey.” He bends and murmurs in my ear.
  How can he put so much sensual promise into six words?
  “I’ll see what I can do.” I grin.
  Once we’ve said our goodbyes, we walk over to the car.
  “Here.” Christian throws me the keys to the R8. “Don’t bend it”—
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  he adds in all seriousness—“or I will be fucking pissed.”
  My mouth goes dry. He’s letting me drive his car? My inner goddess whips
  on her leather driving gloves and flat shoes. Oh yes! she cries.
  “Are you sure?” I mouth, stunned.
  “Yes, before I change my mind.”
  I don’t think I have ever grinned so hard. He rolls his eyes and opens the
  driver’s door so that I can climb in. I start the engine before he’s even
  reached the passenger side, and he jumps in quickly.
  “Eager, Mrs. Grey?” he asks with a wry smile.
  Slowly, I ease the car backward and turn it in the driveway. I manage not to
  stall it, surprising myself. Boy, is the clutch sensitive. Carefully navigating the
  driveway, I glance in my rearview mirror to see Sawyer and Ryan—our
  security for the day—climb into the Audi SUV. I had no idea that they’d
  followed us here. I pause before I set out onto the main road.
  “You’re sure about this?”
  “Yes,” Christian says tightly, telling me he’s not sure about this at all. Oh, my
  poor, poor Fifty. I want to laugh, at both him and myself, because I’m nervous
  and excited. A small part of me wants to lose Sawyer and Ryan, just for the
  kicks. I check for traffic then inch the R8
  out onto the road. Christian curls up with tension and I can’t resist. The road
  is clear. I put my foot down on the gas and we shoot forward.
  “Whoa! Ana!” Christian shouts. “Slow down—you’ll kill us both.”
  I immediately ease off the gas. Wow, can this car move!
  “Sorry,” I mutter, trying to sound contrite and failing miserably. Christian
  smirks at me, to hide his relief, I think.
  “Well, that counts as misbehaving,” he says casually and I slow right down.
  I glance in the rearview mirror. No sign of the Audi, just a solitary dark car
  with tinted windows behind us. I imagine Sawyer and Ryan flustered, frantic
  to catch up, and for some reason this gives me a thrill. But not wanting to
  give my dear husband a coronary, I decide to behave and drive steadily, with
  growing confidence, toward the 520
  Suddenly, Christian swears and struggles to pull his BlackBerry 88 | P a g e
  from the pocket of his jeans.
  “What?” he snaps angrily at whoever it is on the other end of the line. “No.” he
  says and glances behind us. “Yes. She is.”

  What? Briefly checking the rearview mirror, I can’t see anything odd—there
  are just a few cars behind us. The SUV is about four cars back and we’re all
  cruising at an even pace.
  “I see.” Christian sighs long and hard and rubs his forehead with his fingers,
  tension radiates off him. Something’s wrong.
  “Yes . . . I don’t know.” He glances at me and lowers the phone from his ear.
  “We’re fine. Keep going,” he says calmly, smiling at me, but the smile
  doesn’t touch his eyes. Shit! Adrenaline spikes through my system. He picks
  the phone up again.
  “Okay on the 520. As soon as we hit it . . . Yes . . . I will.”
  He slots the phone into the speaker cradle, putting it on hands-free.
  “What’s wrong, Christian?”
  “Just look where you’re going, baby,” he says softly. I’m heading for the onramp
  of the 520 in the direction of Seattle. When I glance at Christian, he’s
  staring straight ahead.
  “I don’t want you to panic,” he says calmly. “But as soon as we’re on the 520
  proper, I want you to step on the gas. We’re being followed.”
  Followed! Holy shit. My heart lurches into my mouth, pounding, my scalp
  prickles and my throat constricts with panic. Followed by whom? My eyes
  dart to the rearview mirror and, sure enough, the dark car I saw earlier is still
  behind us . Fuck! Is that it? I squint through the tinted windshield to see who’s
  driving, but I see nothing.
  “Keep your eyes on the road, baby,” Christian says gently, not in the truculent
  tone he normally uses where my driving is concerned. Get a grip! I mentally
  slap myself to subdue the dread that’s threatening to swamp me. Suppose
  whoever’s following us is armed?
  Armed and after Christian! Shit! I’m hit by a wave of nausea.
  “How do we know we’re being followed?” My voice is a breathy, squeaky,
  “The Dodge behind us has false license plates.”
  How does he know that?
  I signal as we approach the 520 from the on-ramp. It’s late afternoon, and
  although the rain has stopped, the roadway is wet. 89 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  Fortunately, the traffic is reasonably light.
  Ray’s voice echoes in my head from one of his many self-defense lectures.
  “It’s the panic that’s gonna kill you or get you seriously hurt, Annie.” I take a
  deep breath, trying to bring my breathing under control. Whoever is following
  us is after Christian. As I take another deep steadying breath, my mind
  begins to clear and my stomach settles. I have to keep Christian safe. I
  wanted to drive this car, and I wanted to drive it fast. Well, here’s my chance.
  I grip the steering wheel and take a final glance in my rearview mirror. The
  Dodge is closing on us. I slow right down, ignoring Christian’s sudden
  panicked glance at me, and time my entrance on to the 520 so that the
  Dodge has to slow and stop to wait for a gap in the traffic. I drop a gear and
  floor it. The R8 shoots forward, slamming us both into the backs of our seats.
  The speedometer whips up to seventy-five miles per hour.
  “Steady, baby,” Christian says calmly, though I’m sure he’s anything but calm.
  I weave between the two lines of traffic like a black counter in a game of
  checkers, effectively jumping the cars and trucks. We’re so close to the lake
  on this bridge, it’s as if we’re driving on the water. I studiously ignore the
  angry, disapproving looks from other drivers. Christian clutches his hands
  together in his lap, keeping as still as possible, and in spite of my fevered
  thoughts, I wonder vaguely if he’s doing it so he doesn’t distract me.
  “Good girl,” he breathes in encouragement. He glances behind him.
  “I can’t see the Dodge.”
  “We’re right behind the unsub, Mr. Grey.” Sawyer’s voice comes through the
  hands-free. “He’s trying to catch up with you, sir. We’re going to try and come
  alongside, put ourselves between your car and the Dodge.”
  Unsub? What does that mean?
  “Good. Mrs. Grey is doing well. At this rate, provided the traffic remains light
  —and from what I can see it is—we’ll be off the bridge in a few minutes.”
  We flash past the bridge control tower, and I know we’re half way across
  Lake Washington. When I check my speed, I’m still doing seventy-five.
  90 | P a g e
  “You’re doing really well, Ana,” Christian murmurs again as he gazes out the
  back of the R8. For a fleeting moment, his tone reminds me of our first
  encounter in his playroom when he patiently encouraged me through our first
  scene. The thought is distracting, and I dismiss it immediately.
  “Where am I headed?” I ask, moderately calmer. I have the feel of the car
  now. It’s a joy to drive, so quiet and easy to handle it’s hard to believe how
  fast we are going. Driving at this speed in this car is easy.
  “Mrs. Grey, head for I-5 and then south. We want to see if the Dodge follows
  you all the way,” Sawyer says over the hands-free. The traffic lights on the
  bridge are green—thank heavens—and I race onward.
  I glance nervously at Christian, and he smiles reassuringly. Then his face
  “Shit!” he swears softly.
  There is a line of traffic ahead as we come off the bridge and I have to slow.
  Glancing anxiously in the mirror once more, I think I spot the Dodge.
  “Ten or so cars back?”
  “Yeah, I see it,” Christian says, peering through the narrow rear window. “I
  wonder who the fuck it is?”
  “Me too. Do we know if it’s a man driving?” I blurt out toward the cradled
  “No, Mrs. Grey. Could be a man or woman. The tint is too dark.”
  “A woman?” Christian says.
  I shrug. “Your Mrs. Robinson?” I suggest, not taking my eyes off the road.
  Christian stiffens and lifts the BlackBerry out of its cradle. “She’s not my Mrs.
  Robinson,” he growls. “I haven’t spoken to her since my birthday. And Elena
  wouldn’t do this. It’s not her style.”
  “She’s in Connecticut with her parents. I told you.”
  “Are you sure?”
  He pauses. “No. But if she’d absconded, I’m sure her folks would have let
  Flynn know. Let’s discuss this when we’re home. Concentrate on what you’re
  “But it might just be some random car.”
  91 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  “I’m not taking any risks. Not where you’re concerned,” he snaps. He
  replaces the BlackBerry in its cradle so we’re back in contact with our
  security team .
  Oh shit. I don’t want to rattle Christian right now . . . later maybe. I hold my
  tongue. Fortunately, the traffic is thinning a little. I am able to speed over the
  Mountlake intersection toward the I-5, weaving through the cars again.
  “What if we get stopped by the cops?” I ask.
  “That would be a good thing.”
  “Not for my license.”
  “Don’t worry about that,” he says. Unexpectedly, I hear humor in his voice.
  I put my foot down again, and hit seventy-five. Boy, this car can move. I love it
  —she’s so easy. I touch eighty-five. I don’t think I have ever driven this fast. I
  was lucky if my Beetle ever hit fifty miles an hour.
  “He’s cleared the traffic and picked up speed.” Sawyer’s disembodied voice
  is calm and informative. “He’s doing ninety.”
  Shit! Faster! I press down on the gas and the car purrs to ninety-five miles
  per hour as we approach the I-5 intersection.
  “Keep it up, Ana,” Christian murmurs.
  I slow momentarily as we glide onto the I-5. The interstate is fairly quiet, and
  I’m able to cross straight over to the fast lane in a split second. As I put my
  foot down, the glorious R8 zooms forward, and we tear down the left lane,
  lesser mortals pulling over to let us pass. If I wasn’t so frightened, I might
  really enjoy this.
  “He’s hit one hundred miles per hour, sir.”
  “Stay with him, Luke,” Christian barks at Sawyer.
  A truck lurches into the fast lane— Shit! —and I have to slam on the brakes.
  “Fucking idiot!” Christian curses the driver as we lurch forward in our seats. I
  am grateful for our seatbelts.
  “Go around him, baby,” Christian says through clenched teeth. I check my
  mirrors and cut right across three lanes. We speed past the slower vehicles
  and then cut back to the fast lane.
  “Nice move, Mrs. Grey,” Christian murmurs appreciatively. “Where 92 | P a g
  are the cops when you need them?”
  “I don’t want a ticket, Christian,” I mutter, concentrating on the highway
  ahead. “Have you had a speeding ticket driving this?”
  “No,” he says, but glancing quickly at him, I can see his smirk.
  “Have you been stopped?”
  “Charm, Mrs. Grey. It all comes down to charm. Now concentrate. Where’s
  the Dodge, Sawyer?”
  “He’s just hit one hundred and ten, sir.” Sawyer says. Holy fuck! My heart
  leaps once more into my mouth. Can I drive any faster? I push my foot down
  once more and streak past the traffic.
  “Flash the headlights,” Christian orders when a Ford Mustang won’t move.
  “But that would make me an asshole.”
  “So be an asshole!” he snaps.
  Jeez. Okay! “Um, where are the headlights?”
  “The indicator. Pull it toward you.”
  I do it, and the Mustang moves aside though not before the driver waves his
  finger at me in a none-too-complimentary manner. I zoom past him.
  “He’s the asshole,” Christian says under his breath, then barks at me, “get off
  on Stewart.”
  Yes sir!
  “We’re taking the Stewart St. exit,” Christian says to Sawyer.
  “Head straight to Escala, sir.”
  I slow, check my mirrors, signal, then move with surprising ease across four
  lanes of the highway and down the off-ramp. Merging onto Stewart Street, we
  head south. The street is quiet, with few vehicles. Where is everyone?
  “We’ve been damned lucky with the traffic. But that means the Dodge has,
  too. Don’t slow down, Ana. Get us home.”
  “I can’t remember the way,” I mutter, panicked by the fact the Dodge is still on
  our tail.
  “Head south on Stewart. Keep going until I tell you when.”
  Christian sounds anxious again. I zoom past three blocks but the lights
  change to yellow on Yale Avenue.
  93 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  “Run them, Ana,” Christian shouts. I jump so hard I floor the gas pedal,
  throwing us both back in our seats, speeding through the now red light.
  “He’s taking Stewart,” Sawyer says.
  “Stay with him, Luke.”
  “That’s his name.”
  A quick glance and I can see Christian glaring at me as if I’m crazy.
  “Eyes on the road!” he snaps.
  I ignore his tone. “Luke Sawyer.”
  “Yes!” He sounds exasperated.
  “Ah.” How did I not know this? The man has been following me to work for the
  last six weeks, and I didn’t even know his first name.
  “That’s me, ma’am,” Sawyer says, startling me, though he’s speaking in the
  calm, monotone voice he always uses. “The unsub is heading down Stewart,
  sir. He’s really picking up speed.”
  “Go, Ana. Less of the fucking chitchat,” Christian growls.
  “We’re stopped at the first light on Stewart.” Sawyer informs us.
  “Ana—quick—in here,” Christian shouts, pointing to a parking lot on the
  south side of Boren Avenue. I turn, the tires screeching in protest as I swerve
  into the crowded lot.
  “Drive around. Quick,” Christian orders. I drive as fast as I can to the back,
  out of sight of the street. “In there.” Christian points to a space. Shit! He
  wants me to park it. Crap!
  “Just fucking do it,” he says. So I do . . . perfectly. Probably the only time I
  have ever parked perfectly.
  “We’re hidden in the parking lot between Stewart and Boren,”
  Christian says into the BlackBerry.
  “Okay, sir.” Sawyer sounds irritated. “Stay where you are; we’ll follow the
  Christian turns to me, his eyes searching my face. “You okay?”
  “Sure,” I whisper.
  Christian smirks. “Whoever’s driving that Dodge can’t hear us, you know.”
  And I laugh.
  “We’re passing Stewart and Boren now, sir. I see the lot. He’s gone straight
  past you, sir.”
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  Both of us sag simultaneously with relief.
  “Well done, Mrs. Grey. Good driving.” Christian gently strokes my face with
  his fingertips, and I jump at the contact, inhaling deeply. I had no idea I was
  holding my breath.
  “Does this mean you’ll stop complaining about my driving?” I ask. He laughs
  —a loud cathartic laugh.
  “I wouldn’t go so far as to say that.”
  “Thank you for letting me drive your car. Under such exciting circumstances,
  too.” I try desperately to keep my voice light.
  “Maybe I should drive now.”
  “To be honest, I don’t think I can climb out right now to let you sit here. My
  legs feel like Jell-O.” Suddenly I’m shuddering and shaking.
  “It’s the adrenaline, baby,” he says. “You did amazingly well, as usual. You
  blow me away, Ana. You never let me down.” He touches my cheek tenderly
  with the back of his hand, his face full of love, fear, regret—so many
  emotions at once—and his words are my undoing. Overwhelmed, a
  strangled sob escapes from my constricted throat, and I start to cry.
  “No, baby, no. Please don’t cry.” He reaches over and, in spite of the limited
  space we have, pulls me over the handbrake console to cradle me in his lap.

  Smoothing my hair off my face, he kisses my eyes, then my cheeks, and I curl
  my arms around him and sob quietly into his neck. He buries his nose in my
  hair and wraps me in his arms, holding me tight and we sit, neither of us
  saying anything, just holding each other.
  Sawyer’s voice startles us. “The unsub has slowed outside Escala. He’s
  casing the joint.”
  “Follow him,” Christian snaps.
  I wipe my nose on the back of my hand and take a deep steadying breath.
  “Use my shirt.” Christian kisses my temple.
  “Sorry,” I mutter, embarrassed by my crying.
  “What for? Don’t be.”
  I wipe my nose again. He tips my chin up and plants a gentle kiss on my lips.
  “Your lips are so soft when you cry, my beautiful, brave girl,”
  he whispers.
  “Kiss me again.”
  95 | P a g e
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  Christian stills, one hand on my back, the other on my behind.
  “Kiss me,” I breathe, and I watch his lips part as he inhales sharply. Leaning
  across me, he takes the BlackBerry out of its cradle, and tosses it onto the
  driver’s seat beside my sandaled feet. Then his mouth is on me as he moves
  his right hand into my hair, holding me in place, and lifts his left to cradle my
  face. His tongue invades my mouth, and I welcome it. Adrenaline turns to lust
  streaking through my body. I clasp his face, running my fingers over his
  sideburns, relishing the taste of him. He groans at my fevered response, low
  and deep in his throat, and my belly tightens swift and hard with carnal
  desire. His hand moves down my body, brushing my breast, my waist, and
  down to my backside. I shift fractionally.
  “Ah!” he says and breaks away from me, breathless.
  “What?” I mutter against his lips.
  “Ana, we’re in a car lot in Seattle.”
  “Well, right now I want to fuck you, and you’re shifting around on me . . . it’s
  My craving spirals out of control at his words, tightening all my muscles below
  my waist once more.
  “Fuck me then.” I kiss the corner of his mouth. I want him. Now. That car
  chase was exciting. Too exciting. Terrifying . . . and the fear has jump-started
  my libido. He leans back to gaze at me, his eyes dark and hooded.
  “Here?” His voice is husky. My mouth goes dry. How can he turn me on with
  one word?
  “Yes. I want you. Now.”
  He tilts his head to one side and stares at me for a few moments.
  “Mrs. Grey, how very brazen,” he whispers, after what feels like an eternity.
  His hand tightens around my hair at my nape, holding me firmly in place, and
  his mouth is on mine again, more forcefully this time. His other hand skims
  down my body, down over my behind and lower still to my mid-thigh. My
  fingers curl into his overlong hair.
  “I’m so glad you’re wearing a skirt,” he murmurs as he slips his hand beneath
  my blue and white patterned skirt to caress my thigh. I squirm once more on
  his lap and the air hisses between his teeth.
  “Keep still,” he growls. He cups my sex with his hand, and I still 96 | P a g e
  immediately. His thumb brushes over my clitoris and my breath catches in my
  throat as pleasure jolts like electricity deep, deep, deep inside me.
  “Still,” he whispers. He kisses me once more as his thumb circles gently
  around me through the sheer fine lace of my designer underwear. Slowly he
  eases two fingers passed my panties and inside me. I groan and flex my
  hips toward his hand.
  “Please,” I whisper.
  “Oh, Mrs. Grey. You’re so ready,” he says, sliding his fingers in and out,
  tortuously slowly. “Do car chases turn you on?”
  “You turn me on.”
  He smiles a wolfish grin and withdraws his fingers suddenly, leaving me
  wanting. He scoops his arm under my knees and, taking me by surprise, he
  lifts me and swings me around to face the windshield.
  “Place your legs either side of mine,” he orders, putting his legs together in
  the middle of the footwell. I do as I’m told, placing my feet on the floor on
  either side of his. He runs his hands down my thighs, then back, pulling up my
  “Hands on my knees, baby. Lean forward. Lift that glorious ass in the air.
  Mind your head.”
  Shit! We really are going to do this, in a public parking lot. I quickly scan the
  area in front of us and see no one—but feel a thrill coursing through me. I’m
  in a public lot! This is so hot! Christian shifts beneath me, and I hear the
  telltale sound of his zipper. Putting one arm around my waist and with his
  other hand tugging my lacy panties sideways, he impales me in one swift
  “Ah!” I cry out, grinding down on him, and his breath hisses through his teeth.
  His arm snakes around me up to my neck and he grasps me under my chin.
  His hand spreads across my neck, pulling me back and tilting my head to
  one side so he can kiss my throat. His other hand grips my hip and together
  we start to move.
  I push up with my feet, and he tilts himself into me—in and out. The sensation
  is . . . I groan loudly. It’s so deep this way. My left hand curls around the hand
  brake, my right hand braced against my door. His teeth graze my earlobe
  and he tugs—it’s almost painful. He bucks again and again into me. I rise
  and fall, and as we establish a rhythm, he moves his hand around beneath
  my skirt to the apex of my thighs, and his fingers gently tease my clitoris
  through the sheer finery of my 97 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  “Be. Quick,” he breathes into my ear through gritted teeth, his hand still curled
  around my neck beneath my chin. “We need to do this quick, Ana.” And he
  increases the pressure of his fingers against my sex.
  “Ah!” I feel the familiar build of pleasure, bunching deep and thick inside me.
  “Come on, baby,” he rasps at my ear. “I want to hear you.”
  I moan again, and I am all sensation, my eyes tightly closed. His voice at my
  ear, his breath on my neck, pleasure radiating out from where his fingers
  tease my body and where he slams deep inside me—
  and I am lost. My body takes control, craving release.
  “Yes,” Christian hisses in my ear and I open my eyes briefly, staring wildly at
  the cloth roof of the R8, and I scrunch them closed again as I come around
  “Oh, Ana,” he murmurs in wonder, and he wraps his arms around me and
  rams into me one last time and stills as he climaxes deep inside. He runs his
  nose along my jaw and softly kisses my throat, my cheek, my temple as a lie
  on him, my head lolling against his neck.
  “Tension relieved, Mrs. Grey?” Christian closes his teeth around my earlobe
  again and tugs. My body is drained, totally exhausted, and I mewl. I feel his
  smile against me.
  “Certainly helped with mine,” he adds, shifting me off him. “Lost your voice?”
  “Yes,” I murmur.
  “Well aren’t you the wanton creature? I had no idea you were such an
  I sit up immediately, alarmed. He tenses. “No one’s watching are they?” I
  glance anxiously around the car lot.
  “Do you think I’d let anyone watch my wife come?” He strokes his hand down
  my back reassuringly, but the tone of his voice sends shivers down my spine.
  I turn to gaze at him and grin impishly.
  “Car sex!” I exclaim.
  He grins and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Let’s head back. I’ll
  He opens the door to let me climb off his lap and out into the 98 | P a g e
  parking lot. When I glance down he’s quickly doing up his fly. He follows me
  out and then holds the door open for me to climb back in. Strolling quickly
  around to the driver’s side, he climbs in beside me, retrieves the BlackBerry,
  and makes a call.
  “Where’s Sawyer?” he snaps. “And the Dodge? How come Sawyer’s not
  with you?”
  He listens intently to Ryan, I assume.
  “Her?” he gasps. “Stick with her.” Christian hangs up and gazes at me.
  Her! The driver of the car? Who could that be—Elena? Leila?
  “The driver of the Dodge is female?”
  “So it would appear,” he says quietly. His mouth presses into a thin angry
  line. “Let’s get you home,” he mutters. He starts up the R8 with a roar and
  reverses smoothly out of the space.
  “Where’s the, er . . . unsub? What does that mean by the way?
  Sounds very BDSM.”
  Christian smiles briefly as he eases the car out of the lot and back onto
  Stewart Street.
  “It stands for Unknown Subject. Ryan is ex-FBI.”
  “Don’t ask.” Christian shakes his head. It’s obvious he’s deep in
  “Well, where is this female unsub?”
  “On the I-5, heading south.” He glances at me, his eyes grim. Jeez—from
  passionate to calm to anxious in the space of a few moments. I reach over
  and caress his thigh, running my fingers leisurely up the inside seam of his
  jeans, hoping to improve his mood. He takes his hand off the steering wheel
  and stops the slow ascent of my hand.
  “No,” he says. “We’ve made it this far. You don’t want me to have an accident
  three blocks from home.” He raises my hand to his lips and plants a cool kiss
  on my index finger to take the sting out of his rebuke. Cool, calm,
  authoritative . . . My Fifty. And for the first time in a while he makes me feel
  like a wayward child. I withdraw my hand and sit quietly for a moment.
  “Apparently so.” He sighs, turns into the underground garage at 99 | P a g e
  Fifty Shades Freed
  Escala, and punches the access code into the security keypad. The gate
  swings open and he drives on, smoothly parking the R8 in its designated
  “I really like this car,” I murmur.
  “Me too. And I like how you handled it—and how you managed not to break
  “You can buy me one for my birthday,” I smirk at him. Christian’s mouth drops
  open as I climb out of the car.
  “A white one, I think,” I add, leaning down and smirking at him. He smiles.
  “Anastasia Grey, you never cease to amaze me.”
  I shut the door and walk to the end of the car to wait for him. Gracefully he
  climbs out, watching me with that look . . . that look that calls to something
  deep inside me. I know this look well. Once he’s in front of me, he leans
  down and whispers, “You like the car. I like the car. I’ve fucked you in it . . .
  perhaps I should fuck you on it.”
  I gasp. And a sleek silver BMW pulls into the garage. Christian glances at it
  anxiously, then with annoyance and smirks down at me.
  “But it looks like we have company. Come.” He grabs my hand and heads for
  the garage elevator. He pushes the call button and as we wait, the driver of
  the BMW joins us. He’s young, casually dressed, with long, layered, dark
  hair. He looks like he works in the media.
  “Hi,” he says, smiling warmly at us.
  Christian puts his arm around me and nods politely.
  “I’ve just moved in. Apartment sixteen.”
  “Hello.” I return his smile. He has kind, soft brown eyes. The elevator arrives
  and we all walk in. Christian glances down at me, his expression unreadable.
  “You’re Christian Grey,” the young man says.
  Christian gives him a tight smile.
  “Paul Harrison.” He holds out his hand. Reluctantly, Christian takes it. “Which
  floor?” Paul asks.
  “I have to input a code.”
  “Oh.” Paul smiles broadly. “Of course.” He presses the button for the eighth
  floor and the doors close. “Mrs. Grey, I presume.”
  “Yes.” I give him a polite smile and we shake hands. Paul flushes a 100 | P a
  g e
  little as he gazes at me a fraction too long. Oh no. I mirror his flush and
  Christian’s arm tightens around me.
  “When did you move in?” I ask.
  “Last weekend. I love the place.”
  There’s an awkward pause before the elevator stops at Paul’s floor.
  “Great to meet you both,” he says sounding relieved and steps out. The
  doors close silently behind him. Christian taps in the entry code and the
  elevator ascends again.
  “He seemed nice,” I murmur. “I’ve never met any of the neighbors before.”
  Christian scowls. “I prefer it that way.”
  “That’s because you’re a hermit. I thought he was pleasant enough.”
  “A hermit?”
  “Hermit. Stuck in your ivory tower,” I state matter-of-factly. Christian’s lips
  twitch with amusement.
  “Our ivory tower. And I think you have another name to add to the list of your
  admirers, Mrs. Grey.”
  I roll my eyes. “Christian, you think everyone is an admirer.”
  “Did you just roll your eyes at me?”
  My pulse quickens. “I sure did,” I whisper, my breath catching in my throat.
  He cocks his head to one side, wearing his smoldering, arrogant, amused
  expression. “What shall we do about that?”
  “Something rough.”
  He blinks to hide his surprise. “Rough?”
  “You want more?”
  I nod slowly. The doors to the elevator open and we’re home.
  “How rough?” he breathes, his eyes darkening.
  I gaze at him, saying nothing. He closes his eyes for a moment, and then
  grabs my hand and hauls me into the foyer.
  When we burst through the double doors, Sawyer is standing in the hallway,
  looking expectantly at the two of us.
  “Sawyer, I’d like to be debriefed in an hour,” Christian says.
  “Yes, sir.” Turning, Sawyer heads back into Taylor’s office. We have an hour!
  Christian glances down at me. “Rough?”
  101 | P a g e
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  I nod.
  “Well, Mrs. Grey, you’re in luck. I’m taking requests today.”
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章节:10 人气:2
摘要:夜城里什么东西都有,从神圣的遗产到污秽的法器一应俱全。不过除非具有钢铁般的意志,不然我绝不推荐任何人参加夜城里举行的拍卖会。虽然大部分的人根本不敢在拍卖会中跟我抢标,不过我已经很久没有出席任何拍卖会了,因为每次我都会在标到真正想要的东西之前先标下一堆垃圾。有一次我意外标到了一张召唤妖精用的“普卡”,结果就出现了一只只有我才看得到的花花公子玩伴女郎,足足跟了我好几个月。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:2
摘要:在夜城,黑夜永无止尽。这里是隐身于伦敦的黑暗魔法之心,美梦以各种型态现世,诱惑与救赎永远都在特卖。你可以在夜城中找到任何事物,只要对方没有抢先找上门来。火热的霓虹,深邃的黑暗,信用卡难以支付的罪恶,狂放的夜店,疯狂的音乐。换上你的舞鞋,舞动到血流如注为止。夜晚持续不断,欢乐永不止歇。随时都会有人手中握着印有你的名字的子弹。我名叫约翰·泰勒,是一名迷失灵魂、在诅咒之地寻求救赎的私家侦探。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:世界上存在着一座梦想前去等待死亡的城镇。一个恶梦得以结束,希望终得安歇的所在。所有故事找到结局,所有冒险迎向终点,所有迷失的灵魂都能迈入最后归宿的地方。从古至今,世界上一直存在着许多这样的地方,散落在世界各地的黑暗角落。然而随着时间的推移、科学的发展、魔法的消逝,大部分的奇景都已不复见,而这类隐藏的角落也随之凋零。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:阴云密布,狂风怒号,滔天的大浪冲击着海岸。海草、杂鱼、各种水生物被涌上海滩,在狂风中飘滚、颤动。一道嶙峋的峭壁在海边耸起,俯视着无边无际的滔滔大洋。一条破木船搁浅在岸边,孤零零地忍受着风浪的抽打。船上写着几行日文。孤船的旁边,一条被海浪选到沙滩上的小鲨鱼,发出刺耳的哀叫。在任暴的风浪里,野生的海带漂忽不走,有些在海浪里起伏深沉,有些被刮到海滩上,任凭酷热的蒸腾。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:奥利弗夫人照着镜子。她自信地瞄了一眼壁炉架上的时钟,她知道它已经慢了二十分钟。然后她继续摆弄着自己的头发。奥利弗夫人坦率地承认,令她烦恼的是经常要改变发型。她差不多已把每种样式都试过了。她先梳了一个庄重的,把头发从四面向上卷得又松又高;接着又梳了一种迎风式的,把发绺往后梳,修饰得看上去很有学者风度,至少她希望如此。她已经试了绷紧的整齐的卷发,也试过一种很有艺术味道的凌乱的发型。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:约翰.本仁写过一部自传,书名为《丰盛的恩典》,讲述神对罪人的恩典。约翰.本仁1628年生于英国,他的家乡靠近裴德福郡。他的父亲是一个补锅匠(这种职业早已被淘汰),专营焊接和修补锅碗瓢盆以及其他金属制品。在17世纪中叶,补锅匠奔走于各个乡村之间,挨家挨户地兜揽生意。如果有人要修理东西,他们就在顾主家中作活,完工以后顾主当场付钱。按当时的社会标准,这是一份相当卑贱的职业。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:时值春天的一个星期日的傍晚,天空被一片厚厚的乌云覆盖着,显得格外闷热。一个小学生吹着口哨,漫不经心地走在麻布六本木附近的一条高级住宅街上。他叫相川泰二,是小学六年级的学生,刚才去小朋友家玩了以后,正赶着回家。他家就住在麻布这一带叫笄町的地方。马路两边全是些豪宅大院,高高的围墙连成一片。走过几家大院,在一家神社的门前,可以看见里面的一片小树林。这条马路平时就是行人稀少,今天更显得格外地空寂。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一九五七年夏天,八月,广岛。一个三十岁左右的法国女子在这座城市里。她是来参加拍摄一部关于和平的影片,她在影片中扮演一个角色。故事发生在这个法国女人回国的前夕。她在其中扮演角色的这部影片实际上已近完成。只剩下一组镜头要拍摄。就在她回法国的前夕,这个在影片中始终未提及名字的法国女人——这个无名妇女——将遇到一个日本人(工程师或建筑师),他们之间产生了一段过眼云烟的恋情。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:二月中旬的一天早晨,我看见起居室门背面贴着一张画卡——这是我们家祝贺生日的习惯方式——祝贺妻子的生日。这张贺卡是长子张贴的,画面上两个身穿同样颜色的服装、个子一般高的小姑娘正在给黄色和蓝色的大朵鲜花浇水。花朵和少女上都用罗马字母写着母亲的名字UKARI——这是长子对母亲的特殊称呼。对于不知内情的人来说,这首先就有点不可思议。长子出生的时候,脑部发育不正常。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:法医学界的一大权威宗像隆一郎博士自从在丸内大厦设立宗像研究所,开始研究犯罪案件和开办侦探事业以来,已经有好几年了。该研究所不同于普通的民间侦探,若不是连警察当局都感到棘手的疑难案件它是决不想染指的,只有所谓“无头案”才是该研究室最欢迎的研究课题。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:九月九日的下午,一如平常的下午,没有两样。任何人对于那天即将发生的不幸,毫无一丝预感。(除了一人例外,那就是住在威尔布朗姆胡同四十七号的巴克太太,她对于预感特别有一套,每次她心头觉得一阵怪异之后,总要将那种不安的感觉,详详细细地描述一番。但是巴克太太住在四十七号,离开十九号甚远,那儿会发生什么事,与她无干,所以她觉得似乎没有必要去做什么预感)。“加文狄希秘书打字社”社长K-玛汀戴小姐。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:决斗茶桌上摆着两只酒杯,杯子里各装有八成透明如水的液体。那是恰似用精密的计量仪器量过一样精确、标准的八成。两只杯子的形状毫无二致,位置距中心点的距离也像用尺子量过似地毫厘不差。两只杯子从杯子中装的,到外形、位置的过于神经质的均等,总给人一种异乎寻常的感觉。茶桌两边,两张大藤椅同样整齐地对面地放在完全对等的位置;椅上,两个男人像木偶一样正襟危坐。 [点击阅读]