安妮日记英文版 - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1942
  THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1942Dearest Kitty,Mr. van Daan used to be in the meat, sausage and spice business. He was hired for his knowledge of spices, and yet, to our great delight, it's his sausage talents that have come in handy now.We ordered a large amount of meat (under the counter, of course) that we were planning to preserve in case there were hard times ahead. Mr. van Daan decided to make bratwurst, sausages and mettwurst. I had fun watching him put the meat through the grinder: once, twice, three times. Then he added the remaining ingredi ents to the ground meat and used a long pipe to force the mixture into the casings. We ate the bratwurst with sauerkraut for lunch, but the sausages, which were going to be canned, had to dry first, so we hung them over a pole suspended from the cethng. Everyone who came into the room burst into laughter when they saw the dangling sausages.It was such a comical sight.The kitchen was a shambles. Mr. van Daan, clad in his wife's apron and looking fatter than ever, was working away at the meat. What with his bloody hands, red face and spotted apron, he looked like a real butcher. Mrs. D. was trying to do everything at once: learning Dutch out of a book, stirring the soup, watching the meat, sighing and moaning about her broken rib. That's what happens when old (!) ladies do such stupid exercises to get rid of their fat behinds! Dussel had an eye infection and was sitting next to the stove dabbing his eye with camomile tea. Pim, seated in the one ray of sunshine coming through the window, kept having to move his chair this way and that to stay out of the way. His rheumatism must have been bothering him because he was slightly hunched over and was keeping an eye on Mr. van Daan with an agonized expression on his face. He reminded me of those aged invalids you see in the poor-house. Peter was romping around the room with Mouschi, the cat, while Mother, Margot and I were peeling boiled potatoes. When you get right down to it, none of us were doing our work properly, because we were all so busy watching Mr. van Daan.Dussel has opened his dental practice. Just for fun, I'll describe the session with his very first patient.Mother was ironing, and Mrs. van D., the first victim, sat down on a chair in the middle of the room. Dussel, unpacking his case with an air of importance, asked for some eau de cologne, which could be used as a disinfectant, and vaseline, which would have to do for wax. He looked in Mrs. van D.'s mouth and found two teeth that made her wince with pain and utter incoherent cries every time he touched them. After a lengthy examination (lengthy as far as Mrs. van D. was concerned, since it actually took no longer than two minutes), Dussel began to scrape out a cavity. But Mrs. van D. had no intention of letting him. She flailed her arms and legs until Dussel finally let go of his probe and it . . . remained stuck in Mrs. van D.'s tooth. That really did it! Mrs. van D. lashed out wildly in all directions, cried (as much as you can with an instrument like that in your mouth), tried to remove it, but only managed to push it in even farther. Mr. Dussel calmly observed the scene, his hands on his hips, while the rest of the audience roared with laughter. Of course, that was very mean of us. If it'd been me, I'm sure I would have yelled even louder. After a great deal of squirming, kicking, screaming and shouting, Mrs. van D. finally managed to yank the thing out, and Mr. Dussel went on with his work as if nothing had happened. He was so quick that Mrs. van D. didn't have time to pull any more shenanigans. But then, he had more help than he's ever had before: no fewer than two assis tants; Mr. van D. and I performed our job well. The whole scene resembled one of those engravings from the Middle Ages entitled" A Quack at Work." In the meantime, however, the patient was getting restless, since she had to keep an eye on "her" soup and "her" food. One thing is certain: it'll be a while before Mrs. van D. makes another dental appointment!Yours, Anne
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摘要:-十四行诗之十九我仿佛看见了我那圣洁的亡妻,好象从坟墓回来的阿尔雪斯蒂,由约夫的伟大儿子送还她丈夫,从死亡中被抢救出来,苍白而无力。我的阿尔雪斯蒂已经洗净了产褥的污点,按照古法规净化,保持无暇的白璧;因此,我也好象重新得到一度的光明,毫无阻碍地、清楚地看见她在天堂里,全身雪白的衣裳,跟她的心地一样纯洁,她脸上罩着薄纱,但在我幻想的眼里,她身上清晰地放射出爱、善和娇媚,再也没有别的脸, [点击阅读]
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摘要:“在刑事专家看来,”福尔摩斯先生说,“自从莫里亚蒂教授死了以后,伦敦变成了一座十分乏味的城市。”“我不认为会有很多正派的市民同意你的看法,”我回答说。“对,对,我不应该自私,”他笑着说,一面把他的椅子从餐桌旁挪开,“当然这对社会有好处,除了可怜的专家无事可做以外,谁也没受损失。在那个家伙还活动的时候,你可以在每天的早报上看出大量可能发生的情况。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:有一句箴言说,真的绅士,不谈论别离了的女人和已然付出去的税金。此话其实是谎言,是我适才随口编造的,谨致歉意。倘若世上果真存在这么一句箴言,那么“不谈论健康方法”或许也将成为真的绅士的条件之一。真的绅士大约不会在大庭广众之下,喋喋不休地谈论自己的健康方法,我以为。一如众人所知,我并非真的绅士,本就无须一一介意这类琐事,如今却居然动笔来写这么一本书,总觉得有些难为情。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我决定亲自写《彗星来临》这个故事,充其量只是反映我自己的生活,以及与我关系密切的一两个人的生活。其主要目的不过是为了自娱。很久以前,当我还是一个贫苦的青年时,我就想写一本书。默默无闻地写点什么及梦想有一天成为一名作家常常是我从不幸中解放出来的一种方法。我怀着羡慕和交流情感的心情阅读于幸福之中,这样做仍可以使人得到休闲,获得机会,并且部分地实现那些本来没有希望实现的梦想。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:生命之初有神话。一如伟大的神曾经在印度人、希腊人和日耳曼人的心灵中进行创作并寻求表现那样,他如今又日复一日地在每个儿童的心灵中进行创作。那时候,我家乡的高山、湖泊、溪流都叫些什么名字,我还一无所知。但是,我看到了红日之下平湖似镜,碧绿的湖面交织着丝丝银光,环抱着湖泊的崇山峻岭层层迭迭,高远处的山缝间是白雪皑皑的凹口和细小的瀑布,山脚下是倾斜的、稀疏的草场, [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章每朵云里有一个朋友在充满恐惧的世界朋友无非如此连我母亲都说这很正常别提什么朋友想想正经事吧——盖鲁徼?如果我们沉默,别人会不舒服,埃德加说,如果我们说话,别人会觉得可笑。我们面对照片在地上坐得太久。我的双腿坐麻木了。我们用口中的词就像用草中的脚那样乱踩。用沉默也一样。埃德加默然。今天我无法想象一座坟墓。只能想象一根腰带,一扇窗,一个瘤子和一条绳子。我觉得,每一次死亡都是一只袋子。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:上帝造人因为他喜爱听故事。——爱尼·维赛尔我们满怀欣悦地将这本《心灵鸡汤珍藏本》奉献在读者面前。我们知道,本书中的300多个故事会使你们爱得博大深沉,活得充满激|情;会使你们更有信心地去追求梦想与憧憬。在面临挑战、遭受挫折和感到无望之时,这本书会给您以力量;在惶惑、痛苦和失落之际,这本书会给您以慰藉。毫无疑问,它会成为您的终生益友,持续不断地为您生活的方方面面提供深沉的理解和智慧。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:雷诺被绑架非洲!我向你致意,你这神秘的大地!让我骑在骏马上穿越你那一望无际的空旷草原;让我骑在矫健的骆驼上穿越你那布满了炙热的石头的沙漠;让我在你的棕榈树下漫步,观看你的海市蜃楼美景;让我在你生机盎然的绿洲上思念你的过去,感叹你的现在,梦想你的未来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“我倒以为……"我说。“我应当这样做,"福尔摩斯急躁地说。我自信是一个极有耐性的人;可是,我得承认,他这样嘲笑地打断我的话,的确使我有点不快。因此我严肃地说:“福尔摩斯,说真的,你有时真叫人有点难堪啊。”他全神贯注地沉思,没有即刻回答我的抗议。他一只手支着头,面前放着一口未尝的早餐,两眼凝视着刚从信封中抽出来的那张纸条,然后拿起信封,举到灯前,非常仔细地研究它的外观和封口。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章恐惧的亡灵复苏1阴谋初露刚刚步入八月份。炎热的太阳就将一切烤得烫人。出租车司机原田光政在这天午后回到家中。他打开大门,从信箱中取出一封信,边看边走进了厨房。走进厨房,原田光政坐在椅子上,准备喝点冷饮,然后再睡上一小时左右的午觉。他深深地感到自己已不是拼命干活的年龄了——近六十岁了。难道这是因为自己长期辛劳而自负了吗?人的自知之明,对于原田说来还是有的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:仅点燃着烛光的书房里,桌案上电话铃声骤然响起,刹那间,我知道我的生活即将面临一场可怕的转变。我不是算命先生,我也不会观看天象,在我眼里,我掌中的手纹完全无法揭露我的未来,我也不像吉普赛人能从湿得的茶叶纹路洞察命理。父亲病在垂危已有数目,昨夜我在他的病榻旁,替他拭去眉毛上的汗珠,听着他吃力的一呼一吸,我心里明白他可能支撑不了多久。我生怕就这样失去他,害怕自己将面临二十八岁生命中首次孤零零的生活。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:听完首席秘书官田上的报告,大月蹙起眉头。此刻他在官邸内的办公室,正忙着写完讲稿,内容和非洲政策有关。下周,他将在阿迪斯阿贝巴①公开发表演说。坐在黑檀木桌前的大月,猛然将椅子反转过来。魁梧的田上站在他面前,有点驼背。“堀越到底有甚么事?是核能发电又出了甚么问题吗?”堀越忠夫是科学技术政策大臣。大月想起前几天,他出席了国际核能机构的总会。“不,好像不是那种问题。与他一同前来的,是JAXA的人。 [点击阅读]